Biocube 29 Gallon Reef Tank
Reef tank 8 years ago 11,876 views
This is my 29 gallon biocube reef tank. I use the stock lighting and fans. My filtration is the innate media basket with chemipure, phosguard, and filter floss, stock return pump, and Aquatic Life nano protein skimmer. Corals: Torch, branching Hammer. Goniaporia, Metallic Folded Brain, Mushroom, blue and green Candy Canes, GSP, Favia, Green Monti, Galaxia, Kenya trees, Duncan, feather Duster worm, and Cabbage Leather. Fish and Inverts: Diamond Sand Sifting Goby, Maroon Clown, Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse, Banggai Cardinalfish, Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, and Peppermint Shrimp. Cleaners: 10 Hermits, Halloween Hermit, two Turbo Snails, and a few Margarita Snails.
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