Building The Ultimate Reef Tank!!

Yesterdays Vlog - Twitter - Smile More Merch - Instagram - @RomanAtwood I love you all! Roman soldiers baby!

Building The Ultimate Reef Tank!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 345

Reef tank 10 years ago 782,502 views

Yesterdays Vlog - Twitter - Smile More Merch - Instagram - @RomanAtwood I love you all! Roman soldiers baby!

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Most popular comments
for Building The Ultimate Reef Tank!!

Lord Nikon
Lord Nikon - 7 years ago
Too much private crap
Jacob Mitwali
Jacob Mitwali - 7 years ago
the vlogs r so much different Logan Paul has set a new level of expectation
Makayla Crenshaw
Makayla Crenshaw - 7 years ago
thats horrible that you bought live rock from the ocean
Alex Bowers
Alex Bowers - 7 years ago
G vlogs
G vlogs - 7 years ago
There drive way was gravel what?!
Into The Country
Into The Country - 7 years ago
Noah Had so much to say during the beginning of the vlog
My Crazy Life HD
My Crazy Life HD - 7 years ago
At 0:26 Kane put two fingers up and where I live it's considered swearing (Cursing)
g0ldhunter17 - 7 years ago
watching in 2017 :))) love you Roman
MAHA FAN #1 - 7 years ago
Who thinks Kane is super cute

10. comment for Building The Ultimate Reef Tank!!

Dr.Madfate - 7 years ago
Who is watching this in 2017. I miss Zeus T^T.
Sam M.
Sam M. - 7 years ago
Russellkirky - 7 years ago
He forgot substrait and to cycle the tank
Pokaleak - 7 years ago
Watching this in 2017, When i grow up i want a fish tank just like that!
DayNNightOG 4
DayNNightOG 4 - 7 years ago
Love going back & watching these old vlogs again
hustlecoral vlogs
hustlecoral vlogs - 7 years ago
Roman!!! Hook me up with some goodies for my 200 gallon build !!!! #RIPZeus Dont know what im gunna do without my 10 year old big boy !! My tanks are going to help ALOT lol
Freeyourmind - 7 years ago
That kid doesn't give a.
DADDY - 8 years ago
OMFG not 1000000 million views
Juan Voight
Juan Voight - 8 years ago
So because she cares for Kane's Health all of sudden she hate Noah? What the heck is wrong with its true people see what they wanna see
Monsters Fish Keepers Poland
Monsters Fish Keepers Poland - 8 years ago
Subscribe to your profile.
subscribe to my. Watch our monstrous fish…  

20. comment for Building The Ultimate Reef Tank!!

Rob's Reef Room
Rob's Reef Room - 8 years ago
best reef ever !! looks amazing current day!!! to bad you never show updates ;)
Vin Roxas
Vin Roxas - 8 years ago
try planted tank :)
eyad Qash
eyad Qash - 8 years ago
Who is from 2017 like
DADDY - 8 years ago
eyad Qash ME ME ME
Ryan Pyles
Ryan Pyles - 8 years ago
December 2016
Rob's Reef Room
Rob's Reef Room - 8 years ago
Hey Roman i was wondering why you havent done a reef tank video in a while, i was wondering if we could see its progress!
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam - 8 years ago
Have you making a tank by tanked? Greetz from the Netherlands.
Ajplayer1212 articwolf
Ajplayer1212 articwolf - 8 years ago
Do you still have the crab
Bby G
Bby G - 8 years ago
Watch life after college he has an amazing fish reef tank
Andy & Jas
Andy & Jas - 8 years ago
Twolfsma - 8 years ago
Hey Roman

30. comment for Building The Ultimate Reef Tank!!

Jiren The savage
Jiren The savage - 8 years ago
will he even know how to take care of it?
Tommy Laudani
Tommy Laudani - 8 years ago
Marcel Rodriguez bro watch his new vlogs the reef is insane
Jiren The savage
Jiren The savage - 8 years ago
+Colley HD yea but with reefs its much more than that, hopefully everything goes well for him. Its the reason why i went fowlr instead of reef.
Aquatica Tropic
Aquatica Tropic - 8 years ago
Marcel Rodriguez the guy who set it up for him probably explained the nitrite cycle and all that, leaving it a month before adding fish etc.
Night Slayer
Night Slayer - 8 years ago
Hell of a nice tank
CL4P-TP Steward Bot
CL4P-TP Steward Bot - 8 years ago
let me just say the walls are soo different
Jeramiah Green
Jeramiah Green - 8 years ago
I knew this is a old stinking video but how much did it cost to make this tank?
Tom Davies
Tom Davies - 8 years ago
That's how I feed my eal
Elodie You-Ten
Elodie You-Ten - 8 years ago
Who's watching in 2016
915Mang - 8 years ago
That was an awesome build.
Jorge Gaspar
Jorge Gaspar - 8 years ago
cool tank bro
Haylie Doan
Haylie Doan - 8 years ago
I love how they just built an awesome new fish tank in the Smile More store!!
hesam shafiei
hesam shafiei - 8 years ago
who's watching this before the smile more store tank?
Molly Johnson
Molly Johnson - 8 years ago
Julie A
Julie A - 8 years ago
Eimantas Greicius
Eimantas Greicius - 8 years ago
and look at what you have now happy for you roman
Mikey Scanlon
Mikey Scanlon - 8 years ago
Mikey Scanlon
Mikey Scanlon - 8 years ago
Luis Vicente
Luis Vicente - 8 years ago
Luis Vicente
Luis Vicente - 8 years ago
called tank
Luis Vicente
Luis Vicente - 8 years ago
i am watching them build it on tv
Jorden Maestre
Jorden Maestre - 8 years ago
He's changed so much
jack ketelsen
jack ketelsen - 8 years ago
Who is watching in 2016 who else is a Roman soldier
Callie Clinton
Callie Clinton - 8 years ago
you got a dog there is 2 dogs now!
Its Borzoi
Its Borzoi - 8 years ago
Does he do bookbags

50. comment for Building The Ultimate Reef Tank!!

Luis Rangel512
Luis Rangel512 - 8 years ago
Awwww man. I'd love a salt water tank. I can't can afford it. But it looks awsome. I have a cold water 55gallon tank and even that's cool.
Tommy kite
Tommy kite - 8 years ago
+Jarrod Beaty I happen to co-own a aquarium store of you need advice hit me up
EliteGamerXx - 8 years ago
what's your budget? I have a 20 gallon reef and I might could give you advice on how to set one up within your budget
Braxton Whisenant
Braxton Whisenant - 8 years ago
come on
Braxton Whisenant
Braxton Whisenant - 8 years ago
when does your episode of tanked
Ayush Saini
Ayush Saini - 8 years ago
July 1st... he says it in his newest vlog
ladyfiaragc - 8 years ago
Was watching the newer episodes and came back to watch this one in light of you being on tanked, and I just can't believe how much the boys (and Zeus) have grown!
Sam  Bloomfield
Sam Bloomfield - 8 years ago
what are the dimensions of your tank Roman thanks can't Wat to see your new thank hope it's a real Reef : )
Theblackcreeper 6
Theblackcreeper 6 - 8 years ago
Ah Flashbacks in 2016
Tony :P
Tony :P - 8 years ago
Seeing Kane just totaly amazed me ☺
Andre Garcia
Andre Garcia - 8 years ago
Who is watching this in June 2016
Justin Wheels
Justin Wheels - 8 years ago
Andre Garcia I am in November
RECKLESS ED TV - 8 years ago
Not me
Kareli Morales
Kareli Morales - 8 years ago
ninien susilawati
ninien susilawati - 8 years ago
Trinite HQ
Trinite HQ - 8 years ago
Erika Aragon
Erika Aragon - 8 years ago
Jøsh Dun and Tyler Jøseph
Jøsh Dun and Tyler Jøseph - 8 years ago
Blood champion Malasta
Blood champion Malasta - 8 years ago
Davon Young
Davon Young - 8 years ago
Tanked is my favorite show in history
Aisha Santillan
Aisha Santillan - 8 years ago
Rain Mccallister
Rain Mccallister - 8 years ago
Who is watching in 2016
Erika Aragon
Erika Aragon - 8 years ago
M. Gund
M. Gund - 8 years ago
at 0:25 kanes peace sign is adorable
Braxton Whisenant
Braxton Whisenant - 8 years ago
NightWing the Umbreon
NightWing the Umbreon - 8 years ago
Did he get tanked?
RECKLESS ED TV - 8 years ago
Not on this video but on his recent video yeag
SuperT - 8 years ago
StevenGamet - 8 years ago
Just recently, yes
OMG Oscar1
OMG Oscar1 - 8 years ago
Spot the difference
Tim Goffin
Tim Goffin - 8 years ago
he is such a dick.
Kelley G
Kelley G - 8 years ago
you're such a fatty. how does your boyfriend even like you
Sandra B.
Sandra B. - 8 years ago
OMG those kids are adorable and nice tank
Jesse Martinez
Jesse Martinez - 8 years ago
hi what kind of flashlight are you using blue led
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101 - 8 years ago
Jk nice reef
Mexican cartel !
Mexican cartel ! - 8 years ago
Coral is not a plant it is a colony of animals
Patricia Reyes
Patricia Reyes - 8 years ago
I won tons of sccoer games
Trevor Andrewski
Trevor Andrewski - 8 years ago
Trevor Andrewski
Trevor Andrewski - 8 years ago
looks awesome, I started a freshwater inspired by yourd
jason Valdez
jason Valdez - 9 years ago
You my man admire! Great Dad, so much passion and happiness, One of the most unique tanks I've seen. Keep striving Bro!
Kyle Keogh
Kyle Keogh - 9 years ago
That's a really cut doggy
Kyle Keogh
Kyle Keogh - 9 years ago
ZBank - 9 years ago
Wow I've been watching him for almost a year and I missed this now I see how it was made and wow there house changed
Mallory Lanyi
Mallory Lanyi - 9 years ago
at 0:24 kane is so cute when e does the peace sign
Jay Moro
Jay Moro - 9 years ago
I would love to have a reef tank :/
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101 - 8 years ago
+Inversebat Gaming fuck off Minecraft autist
Inversebat - 8 years ago
+RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101 stop bragging lol
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101 - 8 years ago
I have a 15 gallon reef and an 80 gallon both cost thousands to setup. Again I'm rich so most people wouldn't be able to get them.
Bitter_Lemon - 9 years ago
Me too :(
RadReefs - 9 years ago
Nice 300 gallon!
Problem Hacker
Problem Hacker - 9 years ago
I love you so much better than a princess
Sirena Dance
Sirena Dance - 9 years ago
I agree with u I love them and his famley
Johann Garcia
Johann Garcia - 9 years ago
PrankThatGamer93 - 9 years ago
How much did it cost
Greggis Zoe
Greggis Zoe - 9 years ago
This video reminds me of paranormal activity lol :-)
Ahmed Enakuaa
Ahmed Enakuaa - 9 years ago
roman send me mails please i live in dubai
shea w
shea w - 9 years ago
no sand?
shea w
shea w - 9 years ago
that was a snowflake clown
noah shaw
noah shaw - 9 years ago
wow watching this is 2016 everything changed
Antonio A.
Antonio A. - 8 years ago
Testificte Man
Testificte Man - 8 years ago
me too
Kareli Morales
Kareli Morales - 8 years ago
Inaya Syeda
Inaya Syeda - 8 years ago
Bob Mit
Bob Mit - 8 years ago
Me that's so tru
Erika Aragon
Erika Aragon - 8 years ago
Kolden Gosney
Kolden Gosney - 9 years ago
Roman, i think you meant to say Dory. Nemo is not blue
bradley whyman
bradley whyman - 9 years ago
watching this in 2016
rhoni montgomery
rhoni montgomery - 9 years ago
Julian Hylton
Julian Hylton - 9 years ago
what happens to your dog?
Julian Hylton
Julian Hylton - 9 years ago
Abhijeet Dutta
Abhijeet Dutta - 9 years ago
buddy :) ur tank looks great :) good job :)
Aquarium Boy123
Aquarium Boy123 - 9 years ago
Do u like fish? Look on my channel if u do! I just started and will be doing tons of fish videos! Now go check it out.
Samuel Nieves
Samuel Nieves - 9 years ago
Wondering if you were ever on ReefCentral before YouTube?
Samuel Nieves
Samuel Nieves - 9 years ago
Very cool. I've been watching your pranks and never knew you were a reefer. I've had reef tanks for years but never an in-wall. One day for sure.
Mason Rupp
Mason Rupp - 9 years ago
crazy how much his house changes in a year...
Tony Montana
Tony Montana - 9 years ago
out of the 3 vlogging channels.. atwood. fousey, and mystic.... this ch annel is the best.
Kelly G.
Kelly G. - 9 years ago
my name is Kelly grant I like to smile more channel and I like to meet you you and your kids and Britney I am 38 years old I live in Edmonton Alberta Canada
Adam Becker
Adam Becker - 9 years ago
can we see the updated on the reef tank
Nick Nelson
Nick Nelson - 9 years ago
@RomanAtwoodVlogs did you use RO water? just getting into reef tanks :D
Vincent Lee Latham
Vincent Lee Latham - 9 years ago
+Nick Nelson Yes. There's an RO/DI unit fixed to the wall that appears around the 5:03 mark
DiamondBackDan - 9 years ago
What a cool reef tank
Aquarium Boy123
Aquarium Boy123 - 9 years ago
Do u like fish? Look on my channel if u do! I just started and will be doing tons of fish videos! Now go check it out.
Kuhlio99 - 9 years ago
8:03 is that a gold or silver tooth
Jeffrey Raya
Jeffrey Raya - 9 years ago
Romanatwood your so cool

100. comment for Building The Ultimate Reef Tank!!

CRaZy KiD - 9 years ago
He is so cute
Ultimate Gamer
Ultimate Gamer - 9 years ago
please go on
Ultimate Gamer
Ultimate Gamer - 9 years ago
 like my profile pic
Aquapparel - 9 years ago
That will look really cool once it's all set up.
mustafa dryosh
mustafa dryosh - 9 years ago
Yaneli Romer
Yaneli Romer - 9 years ago
Did you put the crab inside
RayMondoART - 9 years ago
hey dude, your opening song is "lost in las vegas" isn't it? ;)
I love it hehehehe!
OH GOD the "greenhouse" is awesome! I don't have that in my country haha
Princesa Minchaca
Princesa Minchaca - 9 years ago
Princesa Minchaca
Princesa Minchaca - 9 years ago
I like this video a lot roman cua tommotow ♥
Tyler Kelly
Tyler Kelly - 9 years ago
How many gallons is the tank?
Mark Lowe
Mark Lowe - 9 years ago
Very cool, nice people
Ethan Wade Willox
Ethan Wade Willox - 9 years ago
do you like cheese cake
GunsOfSteel67 - 9 years ago
Omg i miss seeing zeus around the house
Jesse Liu
Jesse Liu - 9 years ago
That was one year ago for me
BeyondBrave RBLX
BeyondBrave RBLX - 9 years ago
Exactly 1 year ago today.
Brook K
Brook K - 9 years ago
My dream house :D (hopefully that doesn't sound creepy)

Well without the smiley face it WOULD be creepy.....

"My dream house." xD Or it's just me....
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101 - 8 years ago
leigh williamson
leigh williamson - 10 years ago
jkennedy1007 - 10 years ago
exactly how I would do it if I was a rich guy lolz
Hold up! I am ;]
Beverly Demosthene
Beverly Demosthene - 10 years ago
I have a fish' s too

bluehaze lp
bluehaze lp - 10 years ago
Do your kids wach pbs kids
nicky verhoeven
nicky verhoeven - 10 years ago
1:59 that car outside dayumm
Axel Meyer
Axel Meyer - 10 years ago
I want one too!
Smile more☺
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101 - 8 years ago
Got £3000 and a lot of patience, room and a big heart? Go for it
Deceased - 10 years ago
I love you roman!
Tim Van Auken
Tim Van Auken - 10 years ago
I live 2 minutes from reef systems in New Albany. Very cool place. We were there yesterday.
Kristian Von Wolfenstein
Kristian Von Wolfenstein - 10 years ago
Haha little kid swearing at his dad at 0:25!
barronredneck - 10 years ago
Love the KFC lampshade.
Isaac Wyrick
Isaac Wyrick - 10 years ago
Hey Roman, Im a new subscriber :) I was wondering where you bought your live rock at to build the reef like that at? I am starting my first saltwater tank and I love the look of your reef
Dan Patriot
Dan Patriot - 10 years ago
i like your tank dude!!!! wish some update about your tank! one question, u using seaater to fill your tank???
Eileen Pina
Eileen Pina - 10 years ago
You should of put sand, but it looks cool ☻
Robert Rainey
Robert Rainey - 10 years ago
Great tank, beautiful family :) & entertaining video. Thanks for sharing, one of my favorite parts is the dog trying to get his ball without getting hit by rock shrapnel lol. Stay happy!
ThomasVisionReef - 10 years ago
Nice! Any updates? I'm currently in the process of a new video doc of my reef build as well.
altosax18 - 10 years ago
In his recent 'Soo Embarrassing' video he shows his updated tank. He has quite a few tangs including a black tang. I'm also enjoying the progress updates on your new tank build.
L Boogie
L Boogie - 10 years ago
nice crib and tank setup.
collin wood
collin wood - 10 years ago
Their house is so massive
iBedtime - 10 years ago
Awesome Reef!
PunkSkaful - 10 years ago
Jonathan Stone
Jonathan Stone - 10 years ago
Where in Ohio is that fish place? I live in Cincinnati.
LiveCoralReef - 10 years ago
great video. love the aquascaping!
chester 786
chester 786 - 10 years ago
Great vid!!!!!
Antony487 - 10 years ago
cool video, good watch, great family, awesome dad, pretty wife,  the aquarium is heavy weight, stay cool guys happy reefing.
Brandelis - 10 years ago
Man made clownfish don't count as a different 'breed' It's disgusting what people do with them.
Preston Kern
Preston Kern - 10 years ago
It seems always cloudy!
Michael Elmore
Michael Elmore - 10 years ago
What;s cool is, I've seen quite a few of your other videos and enjoyed them all. Then I came across this video and went, he looks familiar. Then I realized you were the same guy who does the prank videos and as an absolute saltwater tank / reef tank junkie I must say this tank looks absolutely amazing.
Dale Cooper
Dale Cooper - 10 years ago
that fish store looks great!
Junior Cervantes
Junior Cervantes - 10 years ago
The tank is pretty cool
vane2765 - 10 years ago
The tank is awesome
Jamie Porter
Jamie Porter - 10 years ago
That's looks so cool Roman
SuccMyEgg - 10 years ago
I really want to get my hands on one of those gold clams >_<
Daemiex - 10 years ago
yup starring contest, wait was i suppose to be starring at her eyes
Niki Dempsey
Niki Dempsey - 10 years ago
That house is huuuuuge
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
That Reef aquarium is AMAZING!!!
Joe Kap
Joe Kap - 10 years ago
less family time and more reef info bud,,,
mmWillie Mcdowell
mmWillie Mcdowell - 10 years ago
The miz?? He's from Ohio which is where I'm from and he looks like he could atleast be his brother
Bill Baxstar
Bill Baxstar - 10 years ago
What litre is the tank dude? Awesome tank tho
Kelli Henderson
Kelli Henderson - 10 years ago
Kelli Henderson
Kelli Henderson - 10 years ago
Lol I don't brush my theeth
Sean Toledo
Sean Toledo - 10 years ago
Nice tank u have there. Can't wait to see u put more fish and corals . I also have a reef tank
neker rivera
neker rivera - 10 years ago
keep us updated, and keep loving your family the way you do two thumbs up.
neker rivera
neker rivera - 10 years ago
you are lucky dude, beautiful house, beautiful family and an amazing tank, keep it up and enjoy life.
Alexander Rodriguez
Alexander Rodriguez - 10 years ago
No sand... lame
Block Trader
Block Trader - 10 years ago
where did you get the acylic rods?
Mikhail Dc
Mikhail Dc - 10 years ago
Dang you guys are rich...
Elton Nguyen
Elton Nguyen - 10 years ago
How come I live in columbus, always in downtown, and into reef tanks and been into reef systems and everything but never seen you in person wtf this is bs
EpicSloth - 10 years ago
Well that was a waste. I thought they were building an actual tank
Nick Gilmartin
Nick Gilmartin - 10 years ago
Miami_Guy - 10 years ago
Hey roman i'm a huge fan and it's extremely cool to see that you're into reef keeping too. Killer tank set up, my favorite part is definitely the aquascape ,those guys did an amazing job.
Muhammad T
Muhammad T - 10 years ago
Roman, How much did all of this cost?
coram - 10 years ago
Seriously kane is the fucking happiest kid ever. Lol.
Lukas Penn
Lukas Penn - 10 years ago
this vid is 14:10 min long my birthday is 14:th of october (14,10) AWSOME!
Caitlin O Leary
Caitlin O Leary - 10 years ago
Ryan Langstone
Ryan Langstone - 10 years ago
Kaine, is watching curious George
Raul Delacruz
Raul Delacruz - 10 years ago
Dude my dad's birthday in April 5 it was a blast
Nazaret Guijosa
Nazaret Guijosa - 10 years ago
Did anyone think its ironic Brittney doesn't brush her teeth but was a dentist assistant. o_o  Lol
Syrio Forel
Syrio Forel - 10 years ago
Roman: "it's completely natural rocks from the sea"

Next scene: guy sawing away into a rock
Jack Smith
Jack Smith - 10 years ago
what a coincidence, who else saw Curious George on TV cleaning a fish tank too :D 1:30 
Rajan Sangha
Rajan Sangha - 10 years ago
To many rocks
shawdy1969 - 10 years ago
Looks amazing tank, want some tropical shit here too, just scaled down a shit load
shawdy1969 - 10 years ago
YouTube pays well
Ffion Bracken
Ffion Bracken - 10 years ago
Lol your kids are cute and funny!
Matt O'Neil
Matt O'Neil - 10 years ago
roman ct has bad weather also, its just like urs, though its ussaly a little bit colder here
Matt O'Neil
Matt O'Neil - 10 years ago
Kevin…. Its called salt water
Kevin - 10 years ago
Why did they deliver water to him? Couldn't he just've taken water from his own pipes?
Boyce Snow
Boyce Snow - 10 years ago
I can see the name just not the comment.
Kevin - 10 years ago
+Boyce Snow If you can't see them, how do you know that they're there?
Kevin - 10 years ago
Boyce Snow
Boyce Snow - 10 years ago
This has been bugging lately I can't see Kevin or Austin's comment can anyone else? It happens often
Guy Who Reviews Stuff
Guy Who Reviews Stuff - 10 years ago
Regular water has whats called TDS or (Total Dissolved Solids),You don't want that in a reef tank because it promotes algae growth. Especially in a new tank you can get a Cynobateria outbreak which is the purplish red stuff that covers everything and smells horrible. So they used either actual salt water that has been filtered or they mixed there own and with fresh water run through an RODI system to remove all the impurities and TDS from the water. 
ABD - 10 years ago
+Kevin L Its better for the fish and tap water has different chemivals in it and plus the fish hes getting need salt water to survive
Kevin - 10 years ago
why is that better?
ABD - 10 years ago
they put actual sea water in the tank
oscar mendez
oscar mendez - 10 years ago
oscar mendez
oscar mendez - 10 years ago
You look like the mis From wwe
mark mccoon
mark mccoon - 10 years ago
i never knew u were into tanks as much as me!!
ZyMe Trexx
ZyMe Trexx - 10 years ago
2:41 if thats his car than he is a rich ass mother fucker
Cody Smith
Cody Smith - 10 years ago
350z's are not that expensive .
Stephanie Rose
Stephanie Rose - 10 years ago
Chris Keller
Chris Keller - 10 years ago
What was the final cost of the tank including installation?
Mohammed Lee
Mohammed Lee - 10 years ago
Fuck I want Romans car its sick!!
Minitank23 - 10 years ago
Just head up towards Cleveland, sucks even worse!
KYLE PAZi - 10 years ago
xTHEKING559x - 10 years ago
That was not smart at 2:12, he could've held the longer piece and cut the small part off that he needed.
Harvey the sheep
Harvey the sheep - 10 years ago
Good luck Noah!!!
Axiom - 10 years ago
Dat Nissan.
J-Money2332 - 10 years ago
roman i know u wanted a fish tank but u could have put like reptiles in it 
Levi Stanley
Levi Stanley - 10 years ago
Bro stop with the shot about Ohio weather, Maryland is just as bad if not worse. It's the same with every state in the northeast
Ka Tse
Ka Tse - 10 years ago
Feel happy to see this family
Justin Peters
Justin Peters - 10 years ago
What about growin that good kush in the green house ;)
Allex Ho
Allex Ho - 10 years ago
hey roman i'm just wondering for the tank if your going to do it for sps or lps and soft coral?
j - 10 years ago
I hope he does a mixed tank:D
IIdoodooII - 10 years ago
Fuck this all your video not available only on wifi fuck it ok i was a big fan of u but now i hate your video o1o
Spenser Rameo
Spenser Rameo - 10 years ago
Settle down, if you were actually a "big fan" then you wouldn't freak out and disown him because YOUR wifi is crap
omgRezzy - 10 years ago
Ohio weather is nothing compared to Missouri weather our weather is ass...
BDE - 10 years ago
She don't care about Noah's soccer game she fav's cane.
Spenser Rameo
Spenser Rameo - 10 years ago
Even if she did, that's understandable because Kane's her own child and a mother always has a special bond with her own child, but that doesn't mean that she can't love other ones, especially when she knows how much Noah means to Roman, so just if she likes Kane more that doesn't mean she doesn't care about and love Noah too, I mean he does live with her most of the time.
Jerry Ma
Jerry Ma - 10 years ago
Roman Whats Your Job Besides Youtubing?
Spenser Rameo
Spenser Rameo - 10 years ago
It's just YouTubing actually
Brogram Films
Brogram Films - 10 years ago
his last job he had was working at his parents rope factory,they made him quit to peruse his youtube career :)
alithia hill
alithia hill - 10 years ago
thank you for helping me realy dose hellp
brandon deegan
brandon deegan - 10 years ago
Noah looks like he could be related to Macaulay Culkin(home alone) 
MsLonnie25 - 10 years ago
4:30 is so cute.. when Kane looks at him and says blue.. his face is so cute
Haidar Alley
Haidar Alley - 10 years ago
Itskatt21 - 10 years ago
The sheer ignorance of so many of you is ridiculous and frightening. Kane says "yeah" a lot because he is young and if you have never been around children of his age, you know that as they learn they usually have a word or two they always use. Second, coming after Brit in regards to her "connection" with Noah. Her worrying about going due to Kane is LEGITIMATE. He is very small and cold rainy weather is a concern in regards to his health! This is logical and important concern AS A PARENT! Lastly, all of you coming at him due to his house and material things. Get over it. He started a YouTube channel, worked hard at it, and made it into what it is now. Constant filming and editing is indeed a good amount of work on top of parenting. Just because it is not a typical career that would garner such an income, does not mean it is any less important or worth of such bullshit, frankly. Grow up and reflect on your own lives instead of bashing other peoples.
Spenser Rameo
Spenser Rameo - 10 years ago
I haven't seen a lot of people complain about the yeah thing and personally I love it when Kane says yeah, I find it pretty cute and funny, but I can't stand these people constantly saying stuff about Britney's relationship with Noah, just because she's not his blood mother doesn't mean she loves him any less, and even if she did, it's none of these people's business anyway so they just need to back off.
Amirul Shafiq
Amirul Shafiq - 10 years ago
(SM)Smile More
Warren Guan
Warren Guan - 10 years ago
Roman always say its his shortest vlog.
PardenBoyz - 10 years ago
Yeah ohio weather <<<
Brittany B
Brittany B - 10 years ago
Does anyone know what room is on the other side of the fish tank? Is it Roman's office?
Angel Vlogs
Angel Vlogs - 10 years ago
I here like kik song lol
neilsen delos  santos
neilsen delos santos - 10 years ago
00:26 Kane is like peace
devin williamson
devin williamson - 10 years ago
1:25 curios George
Carlos Martinez
Carlos Martinez - 10 years ago
grow up @mark john
STEPHEN JONES - 10 years ago
STEPHEN JONES - 10 years ago
lee cates
lee cates - 10 years ago
You like capital letters don't you
monay818 - 10 years ago
i wonder if Roman's Ex wife watches his vlogs to see what his love life is like with Brit
Spenser Rameo
Spenser Rameo - 10 years ago
That'd be weird as crap
Ryan Moore
Ryan Moore - 10 years ago
This was uploaded on my bday
XxAzKiNgxX _
XxAzKiNgxX _ - 10 years ago
Noah never talks
Scot Socker
Scot Socker - 10 years ago
Ohio is nasty and I remember my first soccer game it was great
atxpeaceman - 10 years ago
at 12:20 i feel like its about to be a porn...
Britney Martinez
Britney Martinez - 10 years ago
1:25 saw that they were watching Curious George!
Taylor Livingston
Taylor Livingston - 10 years ago
I know what you mean I live in Columbus and the weather sucks
TheTrueJeff - 10 years ago
Where you watching curious George ?
kayGee - 10 years ago
i use to have a huge salt water aquarium but it is way too difficult to manage. after like 5 or 6 years we got rid of it. cleaning it is hard, feeding everything was kinda hard, the eneminies would eat the fish.. we would have hoses running through our ouse for the water  sometimes, it just didn't work cuz of our busy schedules. but hopefully it works out for u :p aha.
James Cooper
James Cooper - 10 years ago
Dam during that staring contest when you looked back at the camera, you looked like the one and only Vic Dibitetto!! If any of you don't know him... YouTube him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morris Falker
Morris Falker - 10 years ago
The coral reef is dead and all that behind the wall is to much. You've been ripped off.
TheAfgboss - 10 years ago
Love the aquarium
Lisa Neufeld
Lisa Neufeld - 10 years ago
So I guess you could say the wall will be stoned:) ha haha ha
Landon Amador
Landon Amador - 10 years ago
Why didn't they rock the wall before installing the tank?
Gabriel Romano
Gabriel Romano - 10 years ago
curious george 1.26
Devaughn Hotsauce
Devaughn Hotsauce - 10 years ago
youtube money!
Spenser Rameo
Spenser Rameo - 10 years ago
Jordan what the heck are you so mad about, he just said, "YouTube money" you don't even know if he meant it in a derogatory way
Tribute - 10 years ago
Brandon O
Brandon O - 10 years ago
Hell yeah!!!!
Leev - 10 years ago
Let Kane swim in there haha
jay mangubat
jay mangubat - 10 years ago
Watch out for brisstle worms they eat your fish
Lena Nguyen
Lena Nguyen - 10 years ago
You must get a lot of money from YouTube to spend 1,000 dollars per day! Lol
liljoe23la - 10 years ago
I'd say at least 20k
Mattia Contristano
Mattia Contristano - 10 years ago
What position Does noah play?
Katy Harris
Katy Harris - 10 years ago
Put a cup of water in your mouth and hold it and do funny things who ever spits it out first loses
Acos Designs l Retina GFX
Acos Designs l Retina GFX - 10 years ago
Your family's buitieful god bless them
REOM ONE - 10 years ago
That's a nice car, Nissan 370z?!
Le Enderman
Le Enderman - 10 years ago
Tree fiddy zed
Ruben Morales
Ruben Morales - 10 years ago
Jason Vaz
Jason Vaz - 10 years ago
Elementary Bass
Elementary Bass - 10 years ago
You can see the resemblance between Noah and Roman.
kkawesome1234 - 10 years ago
Damn he must have spent a shit ton of money on this tank.....
kkawesome1234 - 10 years ago
5k? It's way more than that....think about all the costs other than the actual tank itself. You've got expensive ass fish that cost at least 100 a piece, and all those pipes and tanks located in the basement. Also think about all the filters and stone they laid around the tank
St8Solja - 10 years ago
Seriously that looks like atleast 5k
TopSpinz - 10 years ago
Roman my dad has a 350z too
Kylie LingLing
Kylie LingLing - 10 years ago
Noah is 9 ?
j - 10 years ago
Thats an emerald crab.. very beneficial to any aquarium
Muhammad Atif
Muhammad Atif - 10 years ago
It's football
twelge15 - 10 years ago
Please warn us about the drill/saw noise, Roman. Use subtitles on the vlog. A lot of vloggers like CTFxC, & others have been doing that lately.
Mike Deosaran
Mike Deosaran - 10 years ago
Wait never mind
Mike Deosaran
Mike Deosaran - 10 years ago
It's gonna be like a month for the salt to settle in XD lots of waiting
Maddy L
Maddy L - 10 years ago
why isn't your son wearing a seatbelt?
TVCH LORD - 10 years ago
12:32 bad acting 
tyler ghisletta
tyler ghisletta - 10 years ago
U missed a vlog
_RiskJr_ - 10 years ago
try to live in Michigan 
Revilo_Hansen - 10 years ago
lol the tv 1:23
Sarah Pabericio
Sarah Pabericio - 10 years ago
Whats the name of noah's mom? or Does roman ever featured her in a vlog? Noah looks like a mini-roman. They loook soo the same! :) Like father like son.
Ali G
Ali G - 10 years ago
Roman let Noah do a minecraft gameplay Youtube Channel :/
HeyImLarry - 10 years ago
People younger than Noah do it, its over done now and pointless.
SirlimpsalotJr - 10 years ago
You should put a sunken pirate ship in the tank
Adeeb Kaqish
Adeeb Kaqish - 10 years ago
roman I think you have missed the vlog
Stampy Cat
Stampy Cat - 10 years ago
Smile More roman Britney Kane Noah . I love you guys I am buying something

Today I want to say one more thing Smile More
Happy TheMan
Happy TheMan - 10 years ago
1:26 did u notice curious qeorge
Dominic Gray
Dominic Gray - 10 years ago
do you have a play station 3
3 LegandaryGamerz
3 LegandaryGamerz - 10 years ago
Record Noah!
a_bo0dii - 10 years ago
ChrispKreme1 - 10 years ago
what color is brits actual hair? is it blonde or brunette 
Keith Fox
Keith Fox - 10 years ago
"Typical Ohio day... kind of looks like the end of the world" Yes, Roman I can back you up, living in Ohio all my life and it's 5 out of 7 days on average are like this. Pretty wicked dark grayish blue clouds often, it can be depressing for those not living above the clouds.
BTW nice reef tank. I'm no expert, but I thought live rock had to be imported in a water container for the live bacterias to stay living, am I wrong? Also helps to condition the water before adding expensive fish that are hard to acclimate, try using  a small school of Danios to get the water conditioned, or broken in.

Also, I know a very smart guy, does the tanks for Jack Hanna's aquarium in the Columbus Zoo, owns a small business. Check him out sometime @ Geo's Reef.
bradley simmons
bradley simmons - 10 years ago
Football game not soccer
derek lun
derek lun - 10 years ago
ohio weather…. 90 and sunny one day , -14 and snowing the next
Billie Armstrong
Billie Armstrong - 10 years ago
It's better than Utah
Keanu Breen
Keanu Breen - 10 years ago
Roman give us a tattoo tour!
AStrangeFatMan - 10 years ago
I know how it is I'm from Michigan lol
Carpe Diem 2k
Carpe Diem 2k - 10 years ago
wildhogz000 - 10 years ago
why is there no gravel in the bottom of the tank?
Brianna Castillo
Brianna Castillo - 7 years ago
wildhogz000 3 years late but they put sand in it
Mariah Murray
Mariah Murray - 7 years ago
wildhogz000 I
Fred Beer
Fred Beer - 9 years ago
Saltwater tanks should never use gravel only sand, crushed coral, or bare bottom
CyberFreaked - 9 years ago
+wildhogz000 You can better start without gravel, the stoned can't go on top of the gravel because a lot fish dig in to the sand under the rocks. Also in the start-up you get a lot algea's and dirty sand so you can better put it in later
Fish Ed
Fish Ed - 9 years ago
Many people run barebottom for reefs because it is easier to maintain and cleaner to a certain extend, also most of the benefits of substrate is already in the refugium and sump. I personally don't do BB as it is not easy to make it look good.
Ayden Killingstad
Ayden Killingstad - 9 years ago
Because it's saltwater
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 10 years ago
+Justin Ciser Lots of people run BB, I'm not a fan of it either.
Justin - 10 years ago
+Shane Holtzclaw Ive owned many reef tanks.. And have many friends in the trade aswell.. And most if not all use some type of substrate aka sand only one of my friends has barebottom and its OK but I'm not a fan of the look.
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 10 years ago
First off, this is a reef tank. Usually gravel isn't used, and they can be run without gravel or sand. Also, if the rocks sit on the gravel/sand, they can shift and fall.
knightarnaud - 10 years ago
Elton Nguyen
Elton Nguyen - 10 years ago
It's because within a year or 2 the sand will be full of waste and bacteria and disturbing the sand lots can cause the entire tank to crash
ALikeTheLastName - 10 years ago
Tru it dose ; )
j - 10 years ago
True it does look amazing :)
ALikeTheLastName - 10 years ago
I know is to late but it doesn't matter at least the aquarium looks nice
j - 10 years ago
Like I said. .. the proper way to add a sandbed /gravel to a brand new aquarium is step 1 make you aquascape (rock work) the add a few inches lf water depending on your plan on you samdbed thickness step two add sand and place all over the bottom and around rock work. Step 3 let samd settle in the few inches of water then poor rest of water on rock work this will prevent direct flow hitting sand and messing everything up.
ALikeTheLastName - 10 years ago
But if roman but the sand first he gotta put rocks so when he pour the water the sand won't go all over the tank or idk
j - 10 years ago
You are supposed to put a little amount of water then add sand then fill up the rest with water.. and its done the right way lol
Brogram Films
Brogram Films - 10 years ago
+wildhogz000 andd what
wildhogz000 - 10 years ago
Brogram Films
Brogram Films - 10 years ago
lol guys chill he has had many fish tanks before his vlogs remember?
wildhogz000 - 10 years ago
i know what your saying but in his latest video they fill up the tank with no gravel.. makes no sence to me
wildhogz000 - 10 years ago
+JCiser ummm. but how are you supose to put gravel in and make it neat and push it around rocks when the tank is filled with water?? unless someone went scuba diving lol
j - 10 years ago
No the rocks never are supposed to lay on the sand bed.... the rocks are supposed to go first then the sand is then placed, by putting the rocks then sand it helps prevent burrowing animals from making rocks tumble over by burrowing underneath them
ALikeTheLastName - 10 years ago
Ya good point
wildhogz000 - 10 years ago
+Allison Alamanjo
no, the water gets a bit cloudy from it thats all, but the filters clear it up after a day.
ALikeTheLastName - 10 years ago
But if u put the gravel in first and u put the water in wouldn't it all be messed up and like all over the fish tank
Jamie Hill
Jamie Hill - 10 years ago
Good point
wildhogz000 - 10 years ago
+Jamie Hill
but the gravel is always the first thing that goes into a tank, because the rocks sit on it. if they tried to put gravel in now it would go everywhere and make a mess
Jamie Hill
Jamie Hill - 10 years ago
It's not finished
Rein Herbyy
Rein Herbyy - 10 years ago
Kane always says ' Yeaaaaah' its so cute
ryan tan
ryan tan - 10 years ago
Can tomorrow vlog be like around 20 min or better 24 hr
Demetric Flemings
Demetric Flemings - 10 years ago
Oh.. Dope ass fish tank too!
Demetric Flemings
Demetric Flemings - 10 years ago
I love your guy's place! Tht kitchen is serious, along with everything else, so much counter space for prepping lol .He doesn't have to be rich to have all tht, it's called hard work. 
Jesper Lampert
Jesper Lampert - 10 years ago
Cool to see that Noah plays football! He is a good boy. Good luck Noah!
Mr Anderson
Mr Anderson - 10 years ago
It's much worse over here so stop complaining about your weather
faris mohammed
faris mohammed - 10 years ago
0:25 Don't swear Kane!!! :)
Empoleon Fan
Empoleon Fan - 10 years ago
T0XiC RaBBiTz - 10 years ago
All that for a fish tank Omg
Sadia Hi
Sadia Hi - 10 years ago
Where's the new vlog?!?!?
Mario Agurto
Mario Agurto - 10 years ago
Mario Agurto
Mario Agurto - 10 years ago
Matthew Ramos
Matthew Ramos - 10 years ago
Curious George in background in 1:35
Mario Agurto
Mario Agurto - 10 years ago
Elliee YT
Elliee YT - 10 years ago
Who is Noah related too???
Combedclips - 10 years ago
He's roman's son but from his last girlfriend
Dani Rodrigues
Dani Rodrigues - 10 years ago
You are rich as fuck.Youtube must be paying well.
iAmReckless - 10 years ago
Why do people think roman is rich?
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101 - 8 years ago
Because they're poor as fuck and anything normal they consider as rich haha.
Lucascds33 - 10 years ago
Maybe they are jealous ?
QuadroMan1 - 10 years ago
+TheSilentButton How do you know what you're saying is a factual "estimate".
TheSilentButton - 10 years ago
+BradsReefTank1 Are you blind? I wrote "ESTIMATED income between 200 thousand and 1.5 Million". Roman has 2 channels and those ESTIMATES are based on the amount of views on both his channels' videos + he makes money from other things, like the Smile More merchandise
QuadroMan1 - 10 years ago
+BradsReefTank1 They're all too young to understand the concept of money
Le Enderman
Le Enderman - 10 years ago
Youtube pays a lot of money if you're popular on their site. Also depends if you have a partnership as well. 
QuadroMan1 - 10 years ago
+THE MANN You're an idiot.  Socialblade estimates the total income, even then it's way off.  YouTube takes a big chunk of that money for themselves.  Plus it doesn't account for all the people who use adblock.

I don't like to call people idiots, but idiots spout things they haven't researched as if it's fact.
THE MANN - 10 years ago
The smile more store is only a fraction of his wealth, YouTube pays loads for monetising
Jackkiller3000 gameplays and toutorials
Jackkiller3000 gameplays and toutorials - 10 years ago
He is but it's not because of tubule it's because of the smile moreeeeeee store XD
THE MANN - 10 years ago
And vitaly has an income of 2million , how do you think he brought a ferrari
TheSilentButton - 10 years ago
Because he is? He has an estimated income between 200 thousand and 1.5 million dollars
THE MANN - 10 years ago
Look up YouTube monetising and you will see why, it pays loads
charlie duncon
charlie duncon - 10 years ago
your weathers bad! come to England
cpfc4life1505 - 10 years ago
what fish will you be putting in there?
ScratchCard Mania
ScratchCard Mania - 10 years ago
I miss having fish
king heaven
king heaven - 10 years ago
Can we get a tour or ur house??
Brooke Roberts
Brooke Roberts - 10 years ago
haha great video! Also i have just uploaded 3 new videos. Maybe consider checking them out :D
juvenal kapinga
juvenal kapinga - 10 years ago
if i was u dude for the staring contest i will just stare at her boobs!!
no  offense man 
Original Gaming
Original Gaming - 10 years ago
Building The Ultimate Reef Tank!!
Leon Dragonheart
Leon Dragonheart - 10 years ago
Tell your fans about your movie Roman!
Hamzah H
Hamzah H - 10 years ago
wat did Roman do to the Baby Crab
Josh Stephenson
Josh Stephenson - 10 years ago
Stop posting negative comments about his kids, he's giving us an insight into his life around the pranks, and you get dick heads posting bad stuff about his kids, grow up.
Nostes Celerinos
Nostes Celerinos - 10 years ago
we want full video of noah's game!!
Christian Joseph
Christian Joseph - 10 years ago
What position Noah plays?
KHANG Le - 10 years ago
Memo Orozco
Memo Orozco - 10 years ago
My coach told me before games be a captain even if you aren't the leader (which ending the season I was) take charge, keep everyone's confidence up, and play with your heart.. Unless your playing for fun then make friends or whatever lol
No9Rugby - 10 years ago
can someone tell me the model of romans' blue nissan please :)
Liam Archer
Liam Archer - 10 years ago
0.26 Kane swears
Snipe Kevy
Snipe Kevy - 10 years ago
I hope he scores
Hussai n nujum
Hussai n nujum - 10 years ago
Kane is so sweet
Hussai n nujum
Hussai n nujum - 10 years ago
What kinda rocks r these?
SlickShifterz - 10 years ago
You wanna banana? YEAH!!!!!!!! Lol :D
Froilan Pascual
Froilan Pascual - 10 years ago
You're a good dad Roman.
anthony kuchel
anthony kuchel - 10 years ago
good luck to noah for his soccer game! :)
Josh Hanlon
Josh Hanlon - 10 years ago
Noah is reading a Pokemon book in the car
SPIKE REVIEWS - 10 years ago
Kane (i hope i spelled that right) is so cute lol hes adorable
mini tini
mini tini - 10 years ago
Is that all he says is yea?
mini tini
mini tini - 10 years ago
Funnest xD
tigger4664 - 10 years ago
So what happened to the crab?
marko jyysström
marko jyysström - 10 years ago
hahah :DD
Khalid Al-Omary
Khalid Al-Omary - 10 years ago
can ur son say anything else than yeah
Khalid Al-Omary
Khalid Al-Omary - 10 years ago
+jennaabel1986 I really wasn't talking to u so go ahead c ur way out of here
Jean Chiarelli
Jean Chiarelli - 10 years ago
What's your favorite soccer team? 
Khalid Al-Omary
Khalid Al-Omary - 10 years ago
1:34 lol Zues 
M1n0R - 10 years ago
That fish tank is amazing, soo cool!
MadmanMeathead - 10 years ago
Hey roman will you do a long vlog tomorrow man, around 20 minuets i just love watching these haha
TheVassgto - 10 years ago
Can't wait to see the finish tank but not sure about the brick wall you said but bet it be great. Great vlog guys x
Austin Smith
Austin Smith - 10 years ago
Me to I have a soccer game to
Johan Wegelius
Johan Wegelius - 10 years ago
Film soccer game PLEAS
Jamie's Mom
Jamie's Mom - 10 years ago
Noah LOVES it but too busy eating to say. Love the tank!
Rodrigo Andres
Rodrigo Andres - 10 years ago
Get the roman fish
Hugo MB
Hugo MB - 10 years ago
do you not have sand at the bottom?
Kal - 10 years ago
Google "Tryphophobia"
poppe191 - 10 years ago
And in the back he grows a bunch of weed!
Sander Sørensen
Sander Sørensen - 10 years ago
TORDHDGAMERS S - 10 years ago
Roman i think you should do SMILE MORE cases for phones (iphone samsung)
Mario Resendez
Mario Resendez - 10 years ago
Ya soccer is the best
erik bravo
erik bravo - 10 years ago
The god of vlogs
Darkmoon abdul
Darkmoon abdul - 10 years ago
Roman u should do a give away like maybe give something to one of your fans like an iphone as we launched your career thumbs up if u agree fans.
niggot - 10 years ago
Poor guy lol
Daniel Estrada
Daniel Estrada - 10 years ago
Good luck Noah, my soccer games starts tomorrow vs Russia
imperfecTV - 10 years ago
Roman, your straight face is too funny!
Hawkins Productions
Hawkins Productions - 10 years ago
That's one bigass tank man.. envy you Roman.
_ Ady _
_ Ady _ - 10 years ago
How much did the the tank cost?
StoneyX213 - 10 years ago
bootayyshakin - 10 years ago
No sand in your fish tank roman?
cylisse - 10 years ago
You man you really like fish lol
gangar32 - 10 years ago
Roman I want you to do a Q and A with your fans. That would be awesome
humberto tapia
humberto tapia - 10 years ago
Can you guys go and subscribe to me am burly getting started it will me a lot
jason button
jason button - 10 years ago
The weather in Ohio is very similar to the UK
nicolaixx1 - 10 years ago
Do you guys know how old Roman is?
Brody Mctavish
Brody Mctavish - 10 years ago
Athemitos - 10 years ago
+cylisse he is 30
JLB Trey2
JLB Trey2 - 10 years ago
He was born in 1983, not sure about the date though.
cylisse - 10 years ago
I don't know but I think he is somewhere between 28 and 32 :P
Leonel Vences
Leonel Vences - 10 years ago
Put up the footage from the Go Pro
NewYorknow - 10 years ago
Roman, so you can get this expensive tanks yet you would not spend $800 for a frame for pictures of your fans? Is this correct?
CptStankFanger - 10 years ago
Really? Go cry somewhere else.
Lemon Grahm
Lemon Grahm - 10 years ago
Almost 500k subscribers congrats
Salman Karout
Salman Karout - 10 years ago
Can u please post the video from the go pro in the tank
Quintin Gellar
Quintin Gellar - 10 years ago
I was so waiting for the time lapse at the end of the video .. :(
Noah Camaj
Noah Camaj - 10 years ago
Hey, this is america. And in america, we call the real man sport, football. And we call soccer soccer. get over it
paul - 10 years ago
Football is one of the most popular sports if not the most popular sport. So that's why it's not soccer. The rest of the world calls it football in there own language for example. Germany-Fussball Spain-Fotbal and my own language Romania-Fotbal but without accents on the O and A. So, hey, this is the rest of the world and we call it football and we call the game that is never played any where else American football. Get over it...
demova - 10 years ago
this makes me don't want my own tank, its so much damn work, but needless to say the aquarium is pretty awesome!
tyoonful - 10 years ago
Damn how are you so rich????
Falqonone - 10 years ago
Just kidding, but if he saves his money he probably is. His vlogs are making him a lot as well now too. 
HeyImLarry - 10 years ago
+FalqonOne I doubt it, he probably has 500k or somethin. Jokes, but social blade does not make everything accurate at all. It doesn't account Ad block users also.
Falqonone - 10 years ago
hes a millionair
DjMiBsweden - 10 years ago
youtube =)
DjMiBsweden - 10 years ago
is it a remote to the gopro in the tank ?
oaxaca911 - 10 years ago
Why do all aquariums always have blue lights? I'm gonna have the first one with green or red lights
sniperz09 - 10 years ago
the tank and everything must have cost alot 
Isaac Ramos
Isaac Ramos - 10 years ago
My sister had her first soccer game today she lose but she was the only one who scored on her team and she's only 6
EmpozRDeeW - 10 years ago
Does anyone know how much a tank and everything he's put in it cost ? $ jw
VikingsFanforLifeMN - 10 years ago
I'm from Minnesota. The weather isn't any better here.
Jose Giancarlo
Jose Giancarlo - 10 years ago
Good luck noah!!! Attack and defend!!!!!
bectrbo - 10 years ago
good luck noah!!
SunSet Tarantula
SunSet Tarantula - 10 years ago
Damn. I've had a lot of aquariums and such in the past both fresh and salt and know it can be an expensive hobby. This must've cost a a lot!
Nick - 10 years ago
I feel you man, Chicago is just as bad.
Emad Khouri
Emad Khouri - 10 years ago
Plz record his soccer game
Quintin Gellar
Quintin Gellar - 10 years ago
Yesss :D
gabeagarcia99 - 10 years ago
I love how Roman thinks only Ohio has shitty weather. He should watch the news more often.
Scott Chen
Scott Chen - 10 years ago
Where the sand
Rooster Trucking
Rooster Trucking - 10 years ago
Nice tank man!! What Company Built It For ya?
Allyson Labrador
Allyson Labrador - 10 years ago
Visualize. - 10 years ago
I had my first game I lost
SeRv_FR33D0M - 10 years ago
Roman do smile more Snapbacks
Cloris Chua
Cloris Chua - 8 years ago
Dmytro Kachmar
Dmytro Kachmar - 8 years ago
+RomanAtwoodVlogs wassup bro
Patricia Reyes
Patricia Reyes - 8 years ago
+76255 Ryan yea
Aquarium Boy123
Aquarium Boy123 - 9 years ago
Do u like fish? Look on my channel if u do! I just started and will be doing tons of fish videos! Now go check it out.
76255 Ryan
76255 Ryan - 9 years ago
Roman used to reply to comments?!
knightarnaud - 10 years ago
+RomanAtwoodVlogs Love it when you sometimes comment  ;)
RomanAtwoodVlogs - 10 years ago
They are on the way my friend :)
KHANG Le - 10 years ago
Hi I totally agree that'd be dope or pretty neat idea or something neat we as the USA doesn't have yet smile more videos on how to get parents who are doutches like my father to be like roman atwood
rodwarrior1694 - 10 years ago
I've got a question. If I vlog in public, do I have to blur out peoples faces if I don't have their permission? When should I blur faces?
Sharad Pinta
Sharad Pinta - 10 years ago
Does romans gopro video also come in his vlogs....if its yes cal somebody please tell me which gopro he uses?
Quintin Gellar
Quintin Gellar - 10 years ago
Pretty sure he has the black + model. Not sure, he usually has the best camera gear
JacobThecaveman H
JacobThecaveman H - 10 years ago
deuce bigalow !
Azhar Miad
Azhar Miad - 10 years ago
How did Kane get blond hair his parents have black hair
Azhar Miad
Azhar Miad - 10 years ago
Britt never had blond hair
Falqonone - 10 years ago
Brittney maybe dyes her hair? who nows
Andy Briones
Andy Briones - 10 years ago
Brit f*** another guy I guess
JacobThecaveman H
JacobThecaveman H - 10 years ago
nobody wants to hear that saw!
Elijah Gosselin
Elijah Gosselin - 10 years ago
Are you going to put sand or gravel in the tank?
Jedie_nvz - 10 years ago
Noah's not Britney's kid, it was Roman's ex'. So Roman only has Noah I think for only 3 days.
GamingWithAstev - 10 years ago
U should get nemo and dori,u just have to
TheProphet - 10 years ago
Noah was eating. Lol seriously people? he was showing some respect and good manner by not talking with his mouth full.
MadmanMeathead - 10 years ago
I agree with you there man
TheProphet - 10 years ago
Like the car! 350z or 370Z?
GamesandComedyTails - 10 years ago
I think it's the 350z, that's the car I want when I grow up, it's looks amazing!
EdBoSs - 10 years ago
i bet that when they were staring at each other u try to stare at your laptop or phone etc..
Firedude3542 - 10 years ago
What exactly does Noah/Brittany do as a job other than YouTube? I'm asking this because damn, dat house.
WeirdozChannel - 10 years ago
Kane is so cute
Mik H.
Mik H. - 10 years ago
Are you gonna put pebbles in the bottom of the tank?
Ironjawswife - 10 years ago
Noah is so polite not talking to Dad because he had food in his mouth. Thanks Noah.
Ysve Valverde Martinez
Ysve Valverde Martinez - 10 years ago
so he has 2 kids? sorry i barely subscribed is he merried allready?
J_Kingsley19 - 10 years ago
Curious George XD Ohio boys for life
EnzoPlaysThis - 10 years ago
pause at 5:40
EnzoPlaysThis - 10 years ago
a face
EnzoPlaysThis - 10 years ago
pause at 5:37
Simon Askren
Simon Askren - 10 years ago
Ya soccer
Christopher Martinez
Christopher Martinez - 10 years ago
U have green eyes
TheBrokenWing8 - 10 years ago
Sweet Vlog Roman!  I keep African Cichlids, one day I will venture into salt water!  Anyway congrats on the sweet setup.
cruisinggcoupe - 10 years ago
Put the time lapse in your next vlog
kbobby bango
kbobby bango - 10 years ago
You should put sand or little rocks at the bottom
Crackstarzz30 - 10 years ago
Noah forgot to wear his seatbelt .... :|
Coke Cola
Coke Cola - 10 years ago
Tumbs up if like the video before watching it because know that is going to be great
daniel santos
daniel santos - 10 years ago
What's your car?
daniel santos
daniel santos - 10 years ago
Ohh thanks
Quintin Gellar
Quintin Gellar - 10 years ago
Nissan 350z
Dale_savoie - 10 years ago
Can't just not smile when you're a roman soldier ;)
sam launh
sam launh - 10 years ago
Kane at 18-20 I mean
sam launh
sam launh - 10 years ago
Kane at 2.18-2.20
Ryan  Thompson
Ryan Thompson - 10 years ago
Kane is cute
Haleigh Wolff
Haleigh Wolff - 10 years ago
Im sure noah did good today I hope he wins like me today your awesome noah:)
Steve Wilson
Steve Wilson - 10 years ago
Do u have a ps3?
Mitch FTB
Mitch FTB - 10 years ago
Roman your soo fucking cool!
Jesus Perez
Jesus Perez - 10 years ago
Curios George!!!
PureHeavenlySultan - 10 years ago
nobusxs - 10 years ago
I just commented that then realized it was right below me
nobusxs - 10 years ago
Where is Noah during the week
Harry Sharma
Harry Sharma - 10 years ago
The tank is cool!!
jacobo moran
jacobo moran - 10 years ago
Good luck noah
Chris K
Chris K - 10 years ago
Haha LMAO "do u wanna a banana?" "YAAAAAAA"
Chase - 10 years ago
Dount know why I said home
Chase - 10 years ago
I am a kid
Chase - 10 years ago
I am home
Chris K
Chris K - 10 years ago
Ha 1:23 curious George
jacobo moran
jacobo moran - 10 years ago
Do your kids like Pokemon
Afunny Moose
Afunny Moose - 10 years ago
Roman i love and play soccer tell Noah whats his favorite team mine is BARCELONA
rusty dusty
rusty dusty - 10 years ago
TinestManager6 - 10 years ago
all this for reef tank, just buy a bucket and put a water and a fish !!!
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101
RedMoon Exotics / MantisDude101 - 8 years ago
Haha poor loser. It requires much more complex rules. You need a sump, protein skimmer, live rock, heater, filter and a bucket is too small.
Paul Chris
Paul Chris - 9 years ago
The fish can also be aquaculture or captive bred. They don't all have to be from the ocean.
Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 10 years ago
Idiot! It's far more complex than that. There is a population of bacterium that support the fish and corals within the tank, and that can take weeks to develop.
Thomas Simpson
Thomas Simpson - 10 years ago
But it's a REEF tank, you must have salt water. Not normal water. And the fish must also be from the ocean.
PureHeavenlySultan - 10 years ago
Stop Telling others VAT to do.
ugonz - 10 years ago
watch my videos !!!
ugonz - 10 years ago
can some one subscribe to my channel :) i will subscribe back 
Christian Alfaro
Christian Alfaro - 10 years ago
Record Noah game
Masaladas - 10 years ago
first staring contest ive evr watched on youtube. kudos
BikerDarren24 - 10 years ago
Another great vlog Roman :)

Scottish Roman soldier representing :)

Smile more :)
kevin - 10 years ago
tell your gf to make a channel
Kwikmarsh - 10 years ago
Kwikmarsh - 10 years ago
+rusty dusty i'm just kiddin bro chill out 
rusty dusty
rusty dusty - 10 years ago
Hey leave Noah alone so what if he wants to read, reading is good and he does love his dad don't you hear him say love you goodnight dang back off his family. They are a awesome FAIMLY
Stazzy Harnitz
Stazzy Harnitz - 10 years ago
Can you film Noah's soccer game?please!
Rabarn - 10 years ago
should start a new channel dedicated to saltwater aquariums... Roman's World of the Sea
TroxerGames - 10 years ago
How much did it cost
paigl256 - 10 years ago
I just bought two red smile more shirts for me and my gf. I would love to send you guys a pic of us wearing the smile more shirts.
stephanie gonzalez
stephanie gonzalez - 10 years ago
Is that his kids and if it is then why r they blonde when his girlfriend has blck hair and he has brown hair and how old is he he looks young to be a dad lol so many questions
StoneyX213 - 10 years ago
I used to be blonde when I was little, now I'm a brunette
thebrettbender01 - 10 years ago
Noah is not Britney's kid he's from a diffrent relationship and roman was blonde he dyed his hair
rusty dusty
rusty dusty - 10 years ago
One word genes and like the other guy said pay more attention in biology
TravelWithMe - 10 years ago
Pay attention in biology and you'll know why their hair is blonde
O Canada
O Canada - 10 years ago
Honestly I'm not a fan of the rocks
anthony aiello
anthony aiello - 10 years ago
The dentist office I go to on Long Island has a tank from tanked the place is called vitigiliano orthodontics office I think that is how it is said and a place near me called plessers
XvMeatball97 - 10 years ago
When we had our tank we layered the bed of the tank with tiny stones and had a wall of rocks at the back of the tank looked pretty cool. I'm liking the look of yours though :)
Jeanne Chamberlain
Jeanne Chamberlain - 10 years ago
00:18 Kane!!!
FaceItGamer - 10 years ago
Yo stfu SamBaLam he's little so keep your fucking opinion to yor damn self.
don huber
don huber - 10 years ago
You guys are lucky i live in Canada i wish i was were you guys are
Cassie D'alvia
Cassie D'alvia - 10 years ago
Good luck noah!
ugonz - 10 years ago
subscribe to me plz :)
evothefool - 10 years ago
thats a sick ass sump lol
Mpeej - 10 years ago
Also Brittney only cares about Caine, she never speaks to Noah when he's home and her excuse for not going was 'I don't think we can take Caine' she's hot...but a fucking bitch
Zeke - 10 years ago
Caine like in Cocaine? Its Kane >:0
Quintin Gellar
Quintin Gellar - 10 years ago
I thought I was the only one that noticed it ..
TravelWithMe - 10 years ago
Kane* dick
Abdullah Miraki
Abdullah Miraki - 10 years ago
"This is all real rock"lol
Blaketh Demetro
Blaketh Demetro - 10 years ago
RSFL first one to guess what that means wins
Sergio Ponce
Sergio Ponce - 10 years ago
Go to chucky cheese
Louie Torres
Louie Torres - 10 years ago
This is for everyone who keeps regarding to Noah and Brittney's relationship.
Brittney does have compassion and adoration for Noah, if she loves roman, she must love him. You have to remember Roman and Brittney are just DATING not actually married. She's not his real mother, and she understands that Noah's parents are divorced. Brittney doesn't have a better relationship because if she did, she would be replacing his mother. He can't go to his real mother and say "Brittney is way better than you" because than his mother would take full custody from roman, which roman doesn't want. That would suck if you love your kid and he comes in saying that. She also has to take care of Kane, who is a baby who needs supervision at all times.

Mpeej - 10 years ago
Caine is 2/3 idk and he can hardly say anything else but 'yeah' ....
Dolvet - 10 years ago
everyone should watch the ad's on his channels, lets make roman rich. he deserves it
Gus - 10 years ago
I'm pretty sure roman is doing fine, he just purchased a aquarium which would of cost hundreds of dollars. 
IsaleJohnson - 10 years ago
my favorite couple ever
tasmania105 - 10 years ago
Noah got a haircut!!!
ugonz - 10 years ago
He likes Kane more than noah .... He really does tho
Jacob Martin
Jacob Martin - 10 years ago
Bloody Americans with football
Falqonone - 10 years ago
+tomsDproduction Football
TravelWithMe - 10 years ago
songer121 - 10 years ago
Crazy he makes that kinda coin by doing prank videos... Good job man.
SoNiiC ViPr
SoNiiC ViPr - 10 years ago
U guys think that ur weathers bad? I still have at least a foot of snow and the snow banks are at least 4 ft tall in some places :p
Barrett Lalli
Barrett Lalli - 10 years ago
Can u record the soccer game please
Darren Jones
Darren Jones - 10 years ago
Thumbs up if u were watching curious George in the background when Roman was talking about his tank
nueveforever - 10 years ago
watching this made me miss my 30 gallon reef tank
plane man
plane man - 10 years ago
Where's the time laps of the tank
TheAkSitka - 10 years ago
Sweet Tank.
light dessert
light dessert - 10 years ago
my guess is that he spent 3000 on the tank and instillation 
kevin perez
kevin perez - 10 years ago
my brother said sucks right when u said ohio is like
RTNK189 - 10 years ago
So is Indianas weather YOUR STATE IS NEXT DOOR TO MINE ITSits basically the same
Benny Boy
Benny Boy - 10 years ago
Careful of those emerald crabs they carry gardia lambila virus. Nasty little carriers if you Ingest their eggs!!!
Dylan Harrison
Dylan Harrison - 10 years ago
What tattoos do you have on your arm?
Logan Yap
Logan Yap - 10 years ago
what car do you have?
_ - 10 years ago
Rome reminds me of Ryan Gosling.
Pablo Quevedo
Pablo Quevedo - 10 years ago
Did Noah win the soccer game? And why does Noah not talk anymore scinsce like three ep off
hottxoxoxo - 10 years ago
Good luck Noah!!!!!
MotoSexual - 10 years ago
Kane is the coolest little guy in the world!
Hannah Louise
Hannah Louise - 10 years ago
omg pissing my self laughing at the starring contest!!! sooo funny :)
Chris Glasson
Chris Glasson - 10 years ago
Noah likes pokemon??
SamBaLam - 10 years ago
dude if kane says "yeah" one more fuckin more time...i swear..not sure what i'll do..but good god i'm tired of hearin this lil nigga say "YEAH YEAH YEAH YAHHHHHH" to EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! SAY A DIFFERENT FUCKING WORD YA LIL SQUIRT 
LuvCali28 - 10 years ago
+86stax He's seen the movie "Yes, Man". Learning to never refuse an experience. 
86stax - 10 years ago
+86stax it comes from roman @wood
86stax - 10 years ago
+86stax but nvm i spoke to soon in this VLOG....i felt like smacking him...a few times in each vlog is fine
86stax - 10 years ago
thats what i love about him! he so cute...yeah to everything
AZ95Yotes - 10 years ago
someones a little salty. the kid is like 2, give it a rest.
LuvCali28 - 10 years ago
I think you're ready for kids.
Flamez - 10 years ago
Looooooooooooooolllllll ahahahahaha
Sadia Hi
Sadia Hi - 10 years ago
What the hell is wrong with u he's as little kid. If u thing he's aunoing don't even watch!!!
Andres Soria
Andres Soria - 10 years ago
What the heck is wrong with you he's a little kid he barely know how to talk
Dale_savoie - 10 years ago
Shut your fucking mouth dude he's a little kid
Gay insults
Gay insults - 10 years ago
haider abbasi
haider abbasi - 10 years ago
+soepic y'all just chill....lmfao!!!!
Evan97 - 10 years ago
have some respect you ignorant nigger. I wish i could hang you myself.
Evan97 - 10 years ago
have some respect you ignorant nigger. I wish i could hang you myself.
FaceItGamer - 10 years ago
STFU dickhead he's little you douchkanoo
EJAY199221 - 10 years ago
Frenzy Afro
Frenzy Afro - 10 years ago
You can fuck yourself.
ina beats
ina beats - 10 years ago
Wow Britney aint going to Noahs first soccer game? what a twat, with all that money you should be able to afford nice warm clothes for Kane. No excuses stupid hoe! Nice Vlog though.
ina beats
ina beats - 10 years ago
Ngau, I know you love em
TravelWithMe - 10 years ago
Knight Breaker
Knight Breaker - 10 years ago
Sell some fish, then print a smile more on the Fish.
wisdumb - 10 years ago
I only watch these clogs bEcause the way Kane says YEAHH
MikeyFizz - 10 years ago
MikeyFizz - 10 years ago
until then i will smile less
Francoberry - 10 years ago
such a strange house, looks like it has furniture for a house half the size
Olivia Durbin
Olivia Durbin - 10 years ago
They recently moved so back off
Jay Son
Jay Son - 10 years ago
they just recently moved in..
Rustydonut - 10 years ago
I have an aquarium too they are a pain to clean
J C - 10 years ago
How old is Kane??
fat albert love
fat albert love - 10 years ago
Christina Khoury
Christina Khoury - 10 years ago
good luck noah !!! 
Rejoy Smith
Rejoy Smith - 10 years ago
Thanks for da day
eddie dominguez
eddie dominguez - 10 years ago
Your vlogs are my daily energy! Thanks man.
SourLemon YT
SourLemon YT - 10 years ago
What kind of car is Romans
CamJayNZ - 10 years ago
Nissan 350z
michael helsel
michael helsel - 10 years ago
how much did the tank cost?
StevenRouvalis - 10 years ago
Roman what position does noah play in soccer. please reply 
justin90882 - 10 years ago
Dude i want to fuck brit hard mann
Big Fan
Big Fan - 10 years ago
Imagine romans vlogs were just PreRecorded vlogs of a family who was once alive years ago, and the times roman doesn't vlog they are missing videos they didnt find D:
pakiixoxo - 10 years ago
IPOOPEDINABUSH - 10 years ago
That's craey
Xaaan17 - 10 years ago
that starring contest was the funniest thing
Ken Zou
Ken Zou - 10 years ago
Where is the crab is he in the tank
Co-op Bosses
Co-op Bosses - 10 years ago
Who is Noahs parent?
Jamie Ly
Jamie Ly - 10 years ago
Roman's son but not Britt it's her step-son
Co-op Bosses
Co-op Bosses - 10 years ago
Whos kid is Noah?
Co-op Bosses
Co-op Bosses - 10 years ago
Whos kid is the one who roman says heyyy buddyyyy too?
Andrew Rector
Andrew Rector - 10 years ago
You think Ohio is bad tye Minnesota
Hanan - 10 years ago
1) You guys are overreacting about the whole Noah soccer game and Brittney not going. Yes, Noah isn't her real child, doesn't mean she hates him or something. She worries about Kane because he's her kid! 90% of you are like teenagers or kids, that's why you don't understand the worry about having kids. She doesn't hate Noah, she does care about him. She feeds him, you don't see him starving!
2) Brittney does cook, Roman just doesn't vlog 24/7, he has a personal life too! And he doesn't have to show what Brittney makes all the time!! Brittney is a mother and knows how to take care of a family, they have a house, kids, dog, everything just about all families have.
3) Noah is growing up, he's gonna become a teen soon, he's more reserved than other kids, so what? He's shy so?
4) Finally, Roman I'm a fan, I do think both your kids are so adorable! You and Brittney are a cute couple! I'm not hating on any of you, I think you guys are literally the most adorable family I would ever see! :)
haider abbasi
haider abbasi - 10 years ago
Marry me!!!
Clutcher - 10 years ago
I live in ohio and I hate it!!!!
Beast Boy
Beast Boy - 10 years ago
I know how you feel bro, I also live in Ohio and I have REALLY bad allergies and it sucks
Larry Smith
Larry Smith - 10 years ago
Man I can't tell u how nice the reef is going to be!!!!

I've had my 220 reef setup for almost 5yrs now!

Keep us updated on the build it's always awesome to find another REEFER!!!!!!!!
Holtii14 - 10 years ago
are you screwed if you dont have a basement? thats a lot of shit just for a fish tank
Holtii14 - 10 years ago
+StoneyX213 thats probably just a fish tank and not a reef aquarium lol
StoneyX213 - 10 years ago
no my classroom has a fishtank just as big and nice and we don't need shit underground
Liefssmarije - 10 years ago
the tank looks sick already! cant wait how its eventually gonna turn out when its done. Also i hope Noah's soccer game goes wel! Good luck and enjoy. I have to admit i raised my eyebrows for a minute when britt said she isnt gonna go and support because of the weather mainly... Seems a bit odd. But well their lives :) Thanks Roman for always uploading these amazing vlogs.
WatersTainted - 10 years ago
I live in never take your kid out if it's muddy. There's muddy and then there's Ohio mud. No, no, no. It's fun when you're ten but a nightmare for the parents who have wash the grass stains, mud on your shoes, pants, and shirts and then getting mud on your face and by your ears. It's hell. I don't blame Brittney. 
elvis selimovic
elvis selimovic - 10 years ago
she said she wants to go but because of the crappy ohio whether she doesn't know if she can bring kane since he's been sick. She said it in the video
Henry Lund
Henry Lund - 10 years ago
I wish britany would vlog
ChannyLuvx - 10 years ago
Awesome reef tank, so amazing
Kel Loves orange soda
Kel Loves orange soda - 10 years ago
The fish tank is cool and everything, but not for a living room lol. Thats more for like a nice finished basement party area.
burben2010 - 10 years ago
I am so jealous Iv always wanted a tank like yours and I'd like to meet a girl that when I look at her I can't help it and all I can do is smile roman you are blessed I look up to you
Destoir - 10 years ago
You should start a channel just for your aquarium stuff, RomanAtwoodAquariums!
Dillon Evers
Dillon Evers - 10 years ago
Wow that's an awesome tank
Steven p
Steven p - 10 years ago
Pizza rolls!

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