Calcium Spike / Alkalinty CRASH - in Reef Tank

After refilling my alkalinity jug, I inadvertently caused a loop in the supply line and thus cut off all alkalinty to the reef tank. This of course crashed my alkalinity but also spiked my calcium! In this video I take you through the steps I used to remedy the problem. Here is the Randy article:

Calcium Spike / Alkalinty CRASH - in Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Reef tank 8 years ago 6,035 views

After refilling my alkalinity jug, I inadvertently caused a loop in the supply line and thus cut off all alkalinty to the reef tank. This of course crashed my alkalinity but also spiked my calcium! In this video I take you through the steps I used to remedy the problem. Here is the Randy article:

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Most popular comments
for Calcium Spike / Alkalinty CRASH - in Reef Tank

TOM REEFMAN202 - 7 years ago
would the same process be the same if alk got very high? would you take alk off line and keep calcium on?
TOM REEFMAN202 - 7 years ago
This jus happened to me this pass weekend... smh
Alfredo Brito
Alfredo Brito - 7 years ago
Hello nice video, sorry about the tank crash friend, but you can't throw the towel after so much, you can always start different, Good luck anyway.
Hey I saw that bucket of alkalinity product, could you please let me know what brand is it? Also the same with the Calcium? I want to start using these things buying by the bucket in my 90 gallon and how do you prepare the solutions.
Thank you so much for the help and tips.
Hĕmáŋt Kŭmåŗ
Hĕmáŋt Kŭmåŗ - 7 years ago
great video ..............any advice my magnesium levels are high to 1500 n above
what could be the cause of it
Rookie Reefer
Rookie Reefer - 7 years ago
Good video, sucks it happened but these things do in reefing
Fonseca Corals
Fonseca Corals - 7 years ago
Great video!!!
Annie Duncan
Annie Duncan - 7 years ago
Talk to us. Don't just ignore the fact that this vid is wrong. It is clear from the last part of the video your tank is losing 10ppm calcium per day. So the rise of 90ppm calcium is clearly an overdose.
Annie Duncan
Annie Duncan - 7 years ago
Just a thought. Look at it like this. If you did not dose any calcium when your carbonate stared to drop, then you would have lost 10ppm calcium. Your calcium would have gone down from 420 to 410 ppm. Would you have dosed 100 ppm calcium to get your calcium levels back up to 420. No you would have dosed 10ppm calcium. Some how 100pm was dosed. We all make mistakes. Me included.
Annie Duncan
Annie Duncan - 7 years ago
A discussion has been started about this video on reef central. Please come and comment.
Annie Duncan
Annie Duncan - 7 years ago
Thank you. Randy has written many articles. Which one did you read?.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 7 years ago
I know it's exciting, and I too share your concern, but Please give me a chance to respond over there. I have to sign up n everything.
Annie Duncan
Annie Duncan - 7 years ago
A reply on reef central by a leading reef chemist and, reef central moderator said you are Wrong. No where in Randy's  articles does it say this. Think about it. If your test kits are right, then your tank was overdosed  by 90ppm calcium. Where did it come from the reef fairy!!. Most likely faulty test kit, or faulty dosing pumps.I have dosed alkalinity with out calcium before and have never had a problem. My concern is new reefers getting wrong, and confusing information.  I saw a post by Randy on reef central, about dosing bionics 2 part separately. He said there was no problem.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 7 years ago
Annie Duncan
Thank you. It looks like I will have to go enlighten some ppl when I have time. I'll have to dig up the article from Randy...

10. comment for Calcium Spike / Alkalinty CRASH - in Reef Tank

Annie Duncan
Annie Duncan - 8 years ago
Am I the only one who is totally confused here. Why does the calcium shoot up if you stop dosing alk.  Did your corals suddenly stop growing.  That's a lot of calcium to overdose. My head is going round and round. Where does Randy say your calcium will go up.  Sorry to be so negative.
Annie Duncan
Annie Duncan - 7 years ago
Look at it the other way round. If 90 ppm was the correct dose to keep  calcium levels stable, then you should have lost 13 dkh (not possible I know, but in theory you should have lost 13 dkh ), to make calcium carbonate. You only lost 1.4 dkh.
Annie Duncan
Annie Duncan - 7 years ago
This only lead to an imbalance because your doing pumps overdosed calcium. Your alk went down to 8.1. Your dosing pumps should have dosed 10ppm calcium, to form calcium carbonate with the 1.4 dkh that was used/lossed.  For every 10ppm calcium, you need 1.4 dkh to make calcium carbonate.If your calcium was 420ppm, then it should have remained stable, if you were dosing the correct anount. 8.1dkh, and 420ppm are in the safe zone and so still balanced. Your dosing pumps are faulty, you made a mistake with the apex, or your test kit is faulty.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 7 years ago
This is a 2 part situation meaning that two things(Ca&Alk) are on automatic timers(apex). When one stopped dosing(alk) the calcium kept dosing on schedule thus leading to the imbalance...
orlandobryant - 8 years ago
What happened to your powder blue and Achilles tang!??
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 7 years ago
Power Blue and Achilles died in quarantine. Im very upset about it and didnt even want to address it. I had those fish forever!
Matthew Johnson
Matthew Johnson - 8 years ago
Looks like the coloration of your corals are lacking
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
You dont like the pastel look of Zeovit? LOL
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
@7:00 Can I be your little China Doll????? :9
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
You make the greatest videos. Please continue to keep bringing us your Klem content.
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
+Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Thanks - I will! Happy Reefing.
hall2jc - 8 years ago
do you not have the Achilles Tang anymore?
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
The reason, in my opinion, is that it is almost impossible to keep ick
out of your tank and when that happens - they are the first to go
because of their thin slime coat. UV helps a lot, as does quarantining
EVERYTHING, but its very hard to keep that fish. Im sure I will try
again but right now is not the time for me.
hall2jc - 8 years ago
Klemmetsmo Reefing I am really sorry to hear that. The Achilles Tang is my dream tang, but im to scared to buy one. I was curious to see if it worked for you as I have a similar sized tank.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Unfortunately it died.... I havent decided if Ill get another. Powder Blue and Achilles seem to have a very thin slim coat, more so than the already thin slime coats of other Tangs...
eric olsen
eric olsen - 8 years ago
great video. So you simply slowly added alk and stopped adding cal. until the cal went down and the alk rose. I guess i was under the impression that you were not suppose to dose unequal amounts of 2 part. I does totally make sense I just thought it was always suppose to be equal. Love you work.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
You are supposed to dose equal. The reason is because of the inverse relationship between the two. That means if you increase one - it reduces the other. So if you are not dosing equal, then you are creating an endless struggle for stability in your tank. However, in this situation, there was already an imbalance so I used this inverse relationship to my advantage and brought the CA level down slowly. Wall-Law :) Make sense?
gmac reef
gmac reef - 8 years ago
Nice video and explanation, I have the same containers for my dosing solutions. I put a length of 3/4" PVC down in the opening, extending towards the far bottom corner. Then the tubing from the pump goes in the pipe. This way the tubing stays straight and always at the bottom.
Sabellafella - 8 years ago
tank looking great man keep up the good work
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Thanks :) Happy Reefing
Jeremy B
Jeremy B - 8 years ago
I just gave you a shout out in my recent video, hope you enjoy.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Thanks man - nice tank ya got!

20. comment for Calcium Spike / Alkalinty CRASH - in Reef Tank

Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 8 years ago
good old weekly water changes = nature for me. never any dosing. water changes take care of it. of course if people don't like doing changes, that's an issue. the only "dosing" i do is add calcium crystals (1/4 cup) every 2 weeks to a water change. my coralline algae goes through it like crazy. cool vid man.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Kalkwasser in the top off was some good days for me - kinda miss the simplicity of it sometimes... Happy Reefing steve!
David Jett
David Jett - 8 years ago
What Size is your tank?
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
150 with a 60 gallon sump system.
Jeremy B
Jeremy B - 8 years ago check out this link...I cut them to size and zip tied my tubing around the rods to prevent what your speaking of....however I use gallon size space savor jugs and am able to clearly move the rod up and down....
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Excellent idea and usa plastics is a great site! Thanks again man!
Reefgrrl - 8 years ago
It's always something... I enjoyed this video, shots of the pump pumping, the tubes dripping etc, it was entertaining!
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Haha, yeah its kinda old hat stuff but ya gotta somehow put it out there beside just sayin my levels are up and Im gonna fix it.... LOL
TheErtsj - 8 years ago
WC is an easy fix
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
jahhoeva - 8 years ago
Another great video! Love your attention to detail and well thought out explanations to your methods. Thanks.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Thanks man! I try to put good info out for everyone even if its old hat to me. Happy Reefing!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
any reason you haven't switched to a calcium reactor? seems it would be the more stable solution to avoid these types of situations plus the trace elements would be a extra bonus... Nice vid man just proves how testing is crucial for success
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Haha, I think you picked up on my growing distaste for two part dosing.! And although a calcium reactor isnt without its frustrations as well, I agree with you in that it seems like more of a long term/stable piece of equipment. My problem is that the one Id like, Super Reef Octopus CR3000D, is 550.00! Then there is the digital CO2 valve thats 300.00, plus the co2 tank, ph probe, and hoses.... I think Im looking at a grand to make the switch. Its a hard number to justify right? uhhhhhhh. But that is where im going as a long term reefer guy. Is there ever a point when the tank just runs and we dont have to sock money into it? LOL Happy Reefing man!
DeAndre Ellison
DeAndre Ellison - 8 years ago
Good info .. thanks
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Thanks! Happy Reefing
Freddy Buitenhuis
Freddy Buitenhuis - 8 years ago
Thanks for sharing the link, hope everything is in line now.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
This morning I tested again and everything is right in line :) And that little guide will be good advice for ya Im sure - it has been for me. Happy Reefing
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Here is a tip I use for the tubes going in the jugs: buy 1/4" acrylic tube from BRS and cut a 10" piece or so to add to end of tube going into jug. This will eliminate the hose curling and keep it on bottom of container.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Now there is something I had not thought of! Great tip - thanks so much! Happy Reefing - I subbed ya
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
The tubing I got in there is the stiff type but you guys have some awesome ideas! Thanks! (great channel btw - I watch)
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
ReefSpy i got rigid tubing from my local shop. . 2 bucks. . I just went though a similar mess of parameter swing . good video
jahhoeva - 8 years ago
I will shoot BRS an email and see if this is something they have encountered in the past.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
jahhoeva I think those connectors work better for positive pressure (water pushed in) and not as good for negative pressure (water sucked through). I'm guessing the seal has potential to allow air in under negative pressure. At least that was my theory.
jahhoeva - 8 years ago
I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip!
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
jahhoeva cool. Glad to see I wasn't alone. Same thing with me. Keep an eye on it. One of my lines stopped pulling fluid and my params got out of whack till I noticed what was happening. I got rid of that murloc and just put rod straight to tube and never had issue again.
jahhoeva - 8 years ago
When priming my dosing pump to fill the lines, one of them would not prime (manually running pump to fill the lines). I played with the rod and fitting for a bit and got it to prime. So far so good. I monitor the lines from the jug to the doser for air, but both tubes have remained full of fluid with no air gaps.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
jahhoeva did you ever have a problem with those murlocs not keeping a seal? Mine worked great at first but after a few months they stopped allowing suction through the lines and i was just pulling air. Replaced and same thing eventually happened again.
jahhoeva - 8 years ago
I built the jugs BRS showed with the bulkhead in the cap and rod into the jug. Works awesome.

30. comment for Calcium Spike / Alkalinty CRASH - in Reef Tank

9StickNate - 8 years ago
Thanks for great video. I'm starting a tank again and I'm being very cautious about dosing. I'll check that article out.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
How exciting! Thanks for watching - happy reefing

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