Can you have a reef tank with little filtration?

Yes! This video is showing a successful reef tank with only powerheads for 3 years. The only filter we have is a small 30 gal hang on back filter which is used only to skim the surface of the water. Be careful of what you put in your tank and you can have a nearly filter less reef

Can you have a reef tank with little filtration? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Reef tank 9 years ago 13,518 views

Yes! This video is showing a successful reef tank with only powerheads for 3 years. The only filter we have is a small 30 gal hang on back filter which is used only to skim the surface of the water. Be careful of what you put in your tank and you can have a nearly filter less reef

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Most popular comments
for Can you have a reef tank with little filtration?

Tyler's Reef
Tyler's Reef - 7 years ago
I have a sump but no filtration except for a prefilter where the water goes down and a skimmer in the sump. It's doing pretty good, but I do have lots of particles in the water and it bothers me.
E M - 7 years ago
Would I be able to set a reef aquarium on my 75 gal using a fluvial 406 canister? I have it set up as fresh water now, but I'd like to update it to a reef.
rohan bhadoria
rohan bhadoria - 7 years ago
Even I have a 55 gallon 200 ltr tank ..can we run it successfully on a hang on protein skimmer n hang on the back filter?...tank dimensions 48×24×13 inches
My Opinion
My Opinion - 7 years ago
you mentioned a hang on back filter. Can a filter that was used in fresh water be used for saltwater, and is yes, what would it take to use it?
Beto - 7 years ago
Yes it´s possible but you can´t keep colorfull SPS in the tank due to no3 and po4. But is possible to keep some softs and some LPS. But of course is better to have a skimmer. It´s so easy to have a sump with skimmer that I can´t see any reason to not have one. I have more than 15 years in marine aquarium and just looking for this tank I know the water quality is not good.
Christian Hunter
Christian Hunter - 8 years ago
Nice! So do you think I could have a 40 gal. and have 2 medium sized external hang on filters and a hang on skimmer?
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
I've seen this aquarium a week ago and man this tank is horrible the hair algae is taller then the plants I feel bad for the blue tang in there he is a beautiful tang dark blue face but the front glass is covered with algae , I asked the owner about this video and he said you work there once in a while still but man if you could next time ask him if he will let you
Clean up this tank , it's sad
Bunker Bodegas Modulares
Bunker Bodegas Modulares - 7 years ago
Últimos capítulos de la telenovela Imperio en español
Bunker Bodegas Modulares
Bunker Bodegas Modulares - 7 years ago
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marius sulla
marius sulla - 8 years ago
Jaubert method ?
eric olsen
eric olsen - 8 years ago
Cool, power of mature live rock.

10. comment for Can you have a reef tank with little filtration?

black sea and others
black sea and others - 9 years ago
I totally agree with this. I try to run a nano saltwater tank with little equipment. I'll publish something about this soon...
marsdog - 9 years ago
I thought caulerpa was banned in california?
starwind aquariums
starwind aquariums - 9 years ago
nice tank yea if you use ro water your good if you use tap your in trouble
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 9 years ago
tank looks dope! always nice seeing something different. letting people know that there is more then one way.
Nathan Wray
Nathan Wray - 9 years ago
Very true, I had a 6x2x2 that I had running for about a year a didnt do one single water change, did have a basic 3x1.5x1.5 sump with a cheap skimmer and a wp40 for flow with cheap ebay led fixtures for lighting. Had awesome growth from my tourch corals ect and had a pretty decent size green bubbletip nem that was very happy. So yes very possible to keep larger tanks with out much effort, im now cycling a 60g cube so Ill see how i go with a 3rd the volume. Cheers
SIMUANGCO2468 - 9 years ago
cool vid man
915Mang - 9 years ago
Ive seen some really simple set ups that look really good. So good points about keeping it simple
rohan bhadoria
rohan bhadoria - 7 years ago
915Mang can we run a 55 gallon Saltwater with sum corals in it on basic hang on the back filter n skimmer...

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