Checkin' out Greg's Office Reef Tank

Check out for information or if you want to buy corals for your reef tank. Check out Tidal Garden's sister site Advanced Reef Aquarium reef-related goodies!: Follow us on Facebook if you can't get enough reef-related shenanigans: Follow us on twitter ( @tidalgardens We tweet up-to-the-minute updates on new corals we upload to #TGlive Music: Tracks: "Dirt Rhodes" Artist: Kevin MacLeod ( License Terms: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Video: Camera information: Footage was shot with a Canon 5D mk II. Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L IS macro Canon EF MP-E 65mm f/2.8 macro Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0L IS Copyright Information: This video was shot and edited by Tidal Gardens. Tidal Gardens owns all intellectual property rights to this content. Editing Software License: Final Cut Pro License Agreement 1. C. - "Title and intellectual property rights in and to any content displayed by or accessed through the Apple Software belongs to the respective content owner." 2. B. -- "Sample Content. Title and intellectual property rights in and to any content displayed or accessed through the Apple Software belongs to the respective content owner...Except as otherwise provided, you may use the Apple and third party audio file content (including but not limited to, the built-in sound files, samples and impulse responses)(collectively the "Sample Content"), contained in or otherwise included with the Apple Software on a royalty-free basis, to create your own original soundtracks for your film, video, and audio projects.

Checkin' out Greg's Office Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Reef tank 11 years ago 59,382 views

Check out for information or if you want to buy corals for your reef tank. Check out Tidal Garden's sister site Advanced Reef Aquarium reef-related goodies!: Follow us on Facebook if you can't get enough reef-related shenanigans: Follow us on twitter ( @tidalgardens We tweet up-to-the-minute updates on new corals we upload to #TGlive Music: Tracks: "Dirt Rhodes" Artist: Kevin MacLeod ( License Terms: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Video: Camera information: Footage was shot with a Canon 5D mk II. Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L IS macro Canon EF MP-E 65mm f/2.8 macro Canon EF 24-105mm f/4.0L IS Copyright Information: This video was shot and edited by Tidal Gardens. Tidal Gardens owns all intellectual property rights to this content. Editing Software License: Final Cut Pro License Agreement 1. C. - "Title and intellectual property rights in and to any content displayed by or accessed through the Apple Software belongs to the respective content owner." 2. B. -- "Sample Content. Title and intellectual property rights in and to any content displayed or accessed through the Apple Software belongs to the respective content owner...Except as otherwise provided, you may use the Apple and third party audio file content (including but not limited to, the built-in sound files, samples and impulse responses)(collectively the "Sample Content"), contained in or otherwise included with the Apple Software on a royalty-free basis, to create your own original soundtracks for your film, video, and audio projects.

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Most popular comments
for Checkin' out Greg's Office Reef Tank

Vtec Banger
Vtec Banger - 7 years ago
My boss would allow it but I'm 100% focused on my own tank and do not want to maintain another. I watch my tank more than the tv.
Tristan Beligan
Tristan Beligan - 7 years ago
If my tank was at work. I'd never work
Michael Piper
Michael Piper - 8 years ago
I am a middle school teacher and I have set up an aqua lab in the classroom. At this point we have the startings of a mix reef tank, a clown tank, and we are also raising salmon fry from eggs to be released in our local creek. I love having the tanks at my work and being able to share my interests with my students but I also have a hard time leaving them for the weekends and for school breaks. I had to set up a reef tank at home so that I could take some of my more fragile creatures home when the school is closed. Four tanks is a lot of work, I can only imagine the amount of work it would take to maintain your operation.
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 8 years ago
say no to softies
Anthony Willroth
Anthony Willroth - 8 years ago
I work at a pet store, so yeah we have a tank. Its a 75 gallon mixed reef with ruby red mandarins, a helfrichi firefish and a banded pipefish.
Ryan John
Ryan John - 8 years ago
I woke for an aquatic shop and there are many large display systems
Gustavo A. Rios
Gustavo A. Rios - 8 years ago
I am a stock options trader, my tanks are all around me, so I tend to them and enjoy them all day long.
They keep me centered and in touch with nature while doing something as fake as the stock market.
Bradley B
Bradley B - 9 years ago
You should see this setup now. Some of the corals are huge! Very cool to see how it's progressed.
E Nak
E Nak - 9 years ago
I really like how you detailed more about the company at the end. Really interesting.

10. comment for Checkin' out Greg's Office Reef Tank

NickClimbsHills - 9 years ago
My workplace IS an aquarium.
TheHypercasual - 9 years ago
am I the only one who thinks this set up is a bit ridiculous? having the filtration 40 feet away... and the sump is god awful confusing. I'd hate to have service this aquarium
Nick Stevenson
Nick Stevenson - 10 years ago
Not to brag, but I live in the Florida Keys and yes, we do have aquariums. In fact we have more than one aquarium per classroom seeing that one of the classes has a total of 20  tanks, 16 of them are 60 gallon tanks, the others are 120. The tanks are run by the students at the high school and thus are primarily fish tanks for ease, but thee are some zoanthids, and other soft corals. Most of the tanks are powered by t5 lighting. Of course me being me, the tank in the room I teach in is a 12 gallon long tank, with a 55 gallon sump. I am primarily LPS coral but do have SPS and my zo-garden. It is under AI Hydro 52 LED and my students love my clowns and fire-fish. 
Jaye Agar
Jaye Agar - 10 years ago
we have a 160 gallon fish only tank in the lobby... we get sooooo many compliments on it. planning on upgrading the setup to accommodate corals.
ryan robinson
ryan robinson - 10 years ago
i have a small 54 gallon mixed reef sitting in our conference room. anytime we bring in new accounts they also enjoy the tank. hoping to one day put a huge cylindrical shark tank in the show room
DiepBlueC - 10 years ago
I'm going to agree with don here. great vids and very relaxing/informative
PickleRick - 10 years ago
I have a 300 litre planted community tank at work. Its sometimes a great thing to have at work and sometimes not. As most times I sit there watching the fish rather than doing work.
Casper Myers
Casper Myers - 10 years ago
You have the most, literally, the chill voice of all time. Your cadence and tone is very relaxing. Also your photography is excellent. Great vids
jkennedy1007 - 10 years ago
Wow!!! whoever disliked is a Reef nazi
Michael Elmore
Michael Elmore - 10 years ago
I work from home. My main tank is in my spare room / office. 

20. comment for Checkin' out Greg's Office Reef Tank

SkilfulLeader1 - 10 years ago
Fortunately enough I work from home however, as I am my own boss I have to front the cost of this amazing hobby which consists of a 3ft complete sps setup. Love the tank & thanks for sharing.
ThomasVisionReef - 10 years ago
very nice
j mills
j mills - 11 years ago
My workplace has an aquarium... But then again I work at an aquarium store..
15290calvo - 11 years ago
Yes. I work at an lfs
Robert Walters
Robert Walters - 11 years ago
this tank is cool/awesome!!! my company puts tanks in all there stores. my store have two tanks. one is a trout tank with a running waterfall. the second is a fresh water tank that has fish from the area water ways.
Eric J
Eric J - 11 years ago
Since I work at home, I get to enjoy my 36 gallon nano tank. It's in my living room, not my office, but I still get to enjoy it when I take breaks.
Black OnBlack
Black OnBlack - 11 years ago
HUEHUEHUEHUE i work at a fish store we have everything ;3
Vu Nguyen
Vu Nguyen - 11 years ago
Nice tank.  Love the tank.
Randall Watkins
Randall Watkins - 11 years ago
That is definitely a asm skimmer I believe.
I dont know exactly what model maybe g4xx idk but definitely a asm
burnone walks
burnone walks - 11 years ago
my office has a tank.
infact it has two.
lots of soft corals, LPS, and live stock

30. comment for Checkin' out Greg's Office Reef Tank

DaVido - 11 years ago
I've got a 25,000 gallon tank at my job, no typo. No coral unfortunately :-/ but it's got nurse sharks, stingrays, hammerheads, tangs, groupers, eels, puffer's & probably a bunch of other stuff I don't know the names to. It's one entire wall(from about 4ft mark & up to the ceiling) of the executive conference room.
A_ Vasquez_ lift_laugh_love_n_bbq
A_ Vasquez_ lift_laugh_love_n_bbq - 11 years ago
Awsome, one of the best tanks I've seen. It's organized, clean, and a double sided view. Also the filter room big, clean and organized. Amazing!!!
12GallonNano - 11 years ago
My company doesn't have a tank, but I keep a fairly ambitious nano next to my desk at work.  So far its been running for 2 years strong.
Tim The veggie
Tim The veggie - 11 years ago
I work at a fish store in San Antonio tx called "aquarium adventure" and we have 2 amazing show tanks one fresh and one a reef tank. 200 gallon freshwater planted tank w/200+ neon tetras and 8 angels and many plants, and in the reef tank well it's a 150 bow mixed reef with a bunch of fish and corals
dangappa - 11 years ago
I work nights in a grocery store. I wonder if I could convince the company's owner to do an in-wall. Nothing fancy. Just 20 or 30 thusand gallons or so. Hehehe... He does like to give back to us employees. . We all own the company. ..
Matt Allen
Matt Allen - 11 years ago
I'm a full time Dad and thus work from home. I've got to have a word with the boss because the work tank looks suspiciously like the one when I've got a day off and both need more coral!
Dale & Associates
Dale & Associates - 11 years ago
Interesting timing: I'm a psychotherapist. I've been treating a veteran with PTSD. He couldn't pay my fee and I knew that from the beginning, but what the heck. I'm in this to help people, not get rich. He found out that I was a reefer and he had an old, reef ready 220. He asked if I would like to have it for my office in lieu of partial payment of his bill. I accepted. The first thing I did when I got the tank was to leak-test it. I'm glad I did. It's rather old. Not badly scratched, but the seals are shot. It will have to be completely resealed. Has any one had luck resealing older tanks? I've been told that these projects are iffy at best. I love the idea of having a tank in my office, but i don't want it leaking on me.  
Reef Smart
Reef Smart - 11 years ago
Nice video cool tank. My work is building a new office and my boss told me he wants a 40 gallon tank. Hope I get to set it up.
Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson - 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing!!!
Kyle Neville
Kyle Neville - 11 years ago
where did the vid go? Stopped half way thru!
Ellery Wong
Ellery Wong - 11 years ago
I wish my work would have something like this but with all the cost downs and layoffs in the past I doubt they would ever do this.
Max Hydro
Max Hydro - 11 years ago
Why is there no canopy? Isn't it annoying to hve 4 Radions blasting light in your face?
CincinnatiReefer - 11 years ago
Thank you for sharing.
915Mang - 11 years ago
Nice! Greg just has a cool job!
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 11 years ago
Awesome tank and set up. I've got 10 tanks at my job. Luckily, I work from one. I've got a 150 and 90 gallon in my office, and other tanks around the house. Really helps me get through the work day.
magicstix0r - 11 years ago
My desk at work has a 29 gallon Biocube on it with mostly zoas (a few SPS/LPS though), green chromis, a cardinal, a wetmorella wrasse, cleaner shrimp, and seahorses.
Adam Tjelmeland
Adam Tjelmeland - 11 years ago
I was able to put a 150 gallon mixed reef in my office. I built the stand, plumbing, wiring Wasn't as good of idea as I though. I still pay for most of the stuff (50-60%). They don't want to install an RODI So I wanted to shut the tank down because I'm starting a 240 gallon at home and they don't to shut it down. So it changing to FOWLR and I'm steeling the dosing pumps.
Wooden Tool Man
Wooden Tool Man - 11 years ago
Awesome. Thanks for sharing!
bobbonecrusher - 11 years ago
my work place has a huge pond in which I helped build, not a reef or marine but prity cool.with bridges and waterfalls and stream.
MGS Aquatics
MGS Aquatics - 11 years ago
Dope setup

50. comment for Checkin' out Greg's Office Reef Tank

JDReef - 11 years ago
Being a road worker my chances of a reef at work are impossible lol

Nice video and sweet looking tank.. I know which side I'd be hiding in :)
hai vang
hai vang - 11 years ago
One at home and one at work? Sooner or later the other one gonna get neglected. That big over flow in the middle is not my style if it cant be hide from rock or corals.
BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
So much hate in  the comments lol. I Love the sump room and that powder blue tang is sooo sweet. Thanks for sharing  
Tino Perez
Tino Perez - 11 years ago
Rich fuck
Tino Perez
Tino Perez - 11 years ago
Rich fuck
Max Hydro
Max Hydro - 11 years ago
Finally someone admits vortech pumps are loud. I have one and it bothers me at times.
MoneyMarcMes - 11 years ago
Sick of seeing Reefs! Why can't you put this much effort and time in a FOWLR tank. Would be much more interesting seeing large fish than damn corals all the time! 
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 11 years ago
Nope, no aquarium at work. I do not see a public high school fronting the bill for a reef! :-)
Christopher Hardesty
Christopher Hardesty - 10 years ago
I work for a public high school and have a 20g reef tank in my office / server room...but the school definitely doesn't pay for it....I wish! haha
Matt Allen
Matt Allen - 11 years ago
+Wesley Forbes II
The kids would probably be staring at the tank instead of listening to you anyway... That's as close to a positive spin as I can think of ;)
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 11 years ago
Actually I am school counselor, so I have an office, but I don't see the school letting me put a nano in my office. I also do see how I would be able to maintain it especially on the weekends when I am not there.
Nerdist Aquarist
Nerdist Aquarist - 11 years ago
I hear you Wesley, I can think of 100 ways my boss will tell me go to hell if I even suggest the idea.

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