Coral placement, Gluing coral in my saltwater aquarium/reef tank

Putting coral in the right spots is very important. Making sure there secure so they don't fall off. This is how I've done it with all my coral. Sometimes I'll remove the plugs, sometimes I don't. These coral will encrusted the plug and you won't be able to see it. Please comment with any suggestions or questions you might have. Thanks for all the kind comments you all have left so far. Complete list of equipment that I am currently using with links. The prices I have links to were the best pricing I could find on amazon at the time I was building this list. Some of the items I might have bought for slightly more or less when I purchased them. the wave maker seem to be a lot cheaper now. Reef Crystal salt: My return pump: My wave makers: My lights Ocean Revive: Auto Top off, JBJ ATO: Protein Skimmer with different Pump: Pump on my protein skimmer: Grounding probe: Thermometer: Magnetic seaweed clip: Flipper mag glass cleaner: Refractometer: Reef blizzard: LPS, SPS, Created with videoshow Pro

Coral placement, Gluing coral in my saltwater aquarium/reef tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Reef tank 8 years ago 4,982 views

Putting coral in the right spots is very important. Making sure there secure so they don't fall off. This is how I've done it with all my coral. Sometimes I'll remove the plugs, sometimes I don't. These coral will encrusted the plug and you won't be able to see it. Please comment with any suggestions or questions you might have. Thanks for all the kind comments you all have left so far. Complete list of equipment that I am currently using with links. The prices I have links to were the best pricing I could find on amazon at the time I was building this list. Some of the items I might have bought for slightly more or less when I purchased them. the wave maker seem to be a lot cheaper now. Reef Crystal salt: My return pump: My wave makers: My lights Ocean Revive: Auto Top off, JBJ ATO: Protein Skimmer with different Pump: Pump on my protein skimmer: Grounding probe: Thermometer: Magnetic seaweed clip: Flipper mag glass cleaner: Refractometer: Reef blizzard: LPS, SPS, Created with videoshow Pro

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Most popular comments
for Coral placement, Gluing coral in my saltwater aquarium/reef tank

LMDAVE29 - 7 years ago
Do you do anything to clean the section of rock you're gluing it to?
Jessica N
Jessica N - 7 years ago
what kind of glue was that exactly? (brand)
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 8 years ago
Looking good I have subscribed to your channel
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 8 years ago
+bighowards Reef Tank your welcome your tank looks greats and I hope mine does soon
bighowards Reef Tank
bighowards Reef Tank - 8 years ago
+Bob Escher thanks Bob
Always Something
Always Something - 8 years ago
nice frags! question, how did you get the copperband to eat? what does it eat now?
bighowards Reef Tank
bighowards Reef Tank - 8 years ago
Always Something +Always Something nice, thats great news. 65g will definitely make the yellow tang a lot more aggressive. Just because they're territorial
Always Something
Always Something - 8 years ago
bighowards Reef Tank It's a 65 probably another problem with my tank being so small. great news though last night I fed him some black worms again and he finally ate. this morning I tried black ones again and he seems to have gotten the taste for them
bighowards Reef Tank
bighowards Reef Tank - 8 years ago
Always Something oh man, how big is your tank?
Always Something
Always Something - 8 years ago
bighowards Reef Tank I made the mistake of not making sure he was eating good. LFS put some mysis in and I saw him eat 1 but I should have waited longer. I thought I was good when I was successful with the mirror trick to keep my yellow tang from killing him but now I am in another dilemma with the ccb not eating
bighowards Reef Tank
bighowards Reef Tank - 8 years ago
+Always Something when I boutique him I made sure he was eating. I asked for them to show me. His diet is 90% mysis shrimp. I mix my own food and if the fish are going crazy over the food he'll eat some of the other stuff floating around. My dragnet/scooter blenny is eating frozen mysis as well.
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
Great job they look so settled already
DrOfWelshMagic - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank dude, I keep finding new channels daily and thinking, "How did I not see this sooner"? This is one of those channels. Subbed!
bighowards Reef Tank
bighowards Reef Tank - 8 years ago
+DrOfWelshMagic thanks a lot, I don't know why I didn't start doing this sooner.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
Nice new frags. My mystic sunset monti is one of the most stunning corals in my 10G tank. It did change from a red background to an intense bluish look (I think it was because of stress. Maybe) under my Kessil light. The half moon tiny neon looking polyps look amazing once it settled.
bighowards Reef Tank
bighowards Reef Tank - 8 years ago
+Reefer Nanoman thanks, I like the mystic a lot.
Reefgrrl - 8 years ago
I always learn something from videos like this, and it's good to know how using more glue helps. I've had times where I'm taking the coral out two or three times to add more glue. And it never occurred to me about the fish trying to eat it, so that is really a good tip. Thanks for sharing this, I found it valuable.
bighowards Reef Tank
bighowards Reef Tank - 8 years ago
+Reefgrrl, just need to be careful to not use to much to get it on the coral. A little probably won't hurt but could kill it depending on the size of the coral.
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 8 years ago
very nice video and very sweet additions.
bighowards Reef Tank
bighowards Reef Tank - 8 years ago
+Scott M thank you, I know I said it a hundred times in the video but I'm very excited c about the new coral. Lol

10. comment for Coral placement, Gluing coral in my saltwater aquarium/reef tank

Reggie's H&P Cichlids
Reggie's H&P Cichlids - 8 years ago
Great video and info. One day I'll get a saltwater aquarium.
bighowards Reef Tank
bighowards Reef Tank - 8 years ago
+Reggie's H&P Cichlids a lot of people think it's more work so they get scared away. I had a 90g planted tank for 3 yrs. With all the nutrients, C02, and everything that goes into it. Saltwater might be easier for me anyway.

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