Costs of a Saltwater Reef Tank | Aquarium Care

Watch more How to Take Care of an Aquarium videos: When setting up a reef tank they are not cheap. You can get a turnkey small nano setup for several hundred dollars that has most of the equipment you would need. It has the protein skimmer, a good light, stands, everything you need to set it up. You're going to need some supplies: some salt, chemicals, test kit, substrate. So when all is said and done, be prepared to spend four to five hundred dollars on even a small ten to twenty-gallon reef aquarium. And then if you factor in the livestock, depending on your taste, that number could easily double. It's not for the feint of heart. It's not for somebody with a very, very limited budget. However, it's what you make of it. So if you just want a saltwater aquarium with a couple of fish and a couple of corals in it and you get a small twenty-gallon turnkey aquarium, it is possible to set the whole thing up, and have it decorated and filled with livestock for less than seven or eight hundred dollars. But most people when they dive in they go really, really deep and they're at the fish store twice a week, once a week, and they're buying a lot of livestock. They're oftentimes buying too much. Reef tank pricing goes up, and it goes up quick. To get a 75-gallon tank fully stocked with a chiller, lights, all the proper equipment you'd easily be spending $5,000 on a good new setup. And you don't want to skimp. You really don't want to skimp on the chiller. You don't want to skimp on the protein skimmer. If you have a reef tank you're going to need good lighting. You're going to need a strong pump, something that's reliable. So there's really no parts of the system that you can skimp on. However, if you know the types of animal that you want to keep it's possible to not have to buy equipment that you don't necessarily need for those animals. If you just want to keep soft corals and not keep hard corals then you don't need a crazy protein skimmer. You're not going to need a calcium reactor. You can get by with manually adding the trace elements and the minerals that you need because the soft corals don't require as much as the hard stony corals. So it's good to know the types of animals that you want to keep before investing in your filter system and your supplemental pieces of equipment. So to put a price tag on a reef setup or on a fish tank in general is kind of hard but for a freshwater tank a typical ten to twenty-gallon tank, three to four hundred dollars for a good setup. Yes, you can get a ten-gallon starter kit for $14.99 but all you're getting is a starter kit. You're only going to be able to keep a couple of fish and you're going to be doing lots of water changes and lots of upkeep. You're better off saving your money, waiting until you can afford to do it right. Get a thirty-gallon tank. It'll be a more stable environment, less resistant to change, the fish will do better. Get a good fluorescent light or an LED light. Get a good protein skimmer or, on a freshwater tank, just a hang-on filter. But with all the nuts and bolts and the supplies and test kits, you're going to be spending three to four hundred on that setup before no time.

Costs of a Saltwater Reef Tank | Aquarium Care sentiment_very_dissatisfied 53

Reef tank 11 years ago 73,549 views

Watch more How to Take Care of an Aquarium videos: When setting up a reef tank they are not cheap. You can get a turnkey small nano setup for several hundred dollars that has most of the equipment you would need. It has the protein skimmer, a good light, stands, everything you need to set it up. You're going to need some supplies: some salt, chemicals, test kit, substrate. So when all is said and done, be prepared to spend four to five hundred dollars on even a small ten to twenty-gallon reef aquarium. And then if you factor in the livestock, depending on your taste, that number could easily double. It's not for the feint of heart. It's not for somebody with a very, very limited budget. However, it's what you make of it. So if you just want a saltwater aquarium with a couple of fish and a couple of corals in it and you get a small twenty-gallon turnkey aquarium, it is possible to set the whole thing up, and have it decorated and filled with livestock for less than seven or eight hundred dollars. But most people when they dive in they go really, really deep and they're at the fish store twice a week, once a week, and they're buying a lot of livestock. They're oftentimes buying too much. Reef tank pricing goes up, and it goes up quick. To get a 75-gallon tank fully stocked with a chiller, lights, all the proper equipment you'd easily be spending $5,000 on a good new setup. And you don't want to skimp. You really don't want to skimp on the chiller. You don't want to skimp on the protein skimmer. If you have a reef tank you're going to need good lighting. You're going to need a strong pump, something that's reliable. So there's really no parts of the system that you can skimp on. However, if you know the types of animal that you want to keep it's possible to not have to buy equipment that you don't necessarily need for those animals. If you just want to keep soft corals and not keep hard corals then you don't need a crazy protein skimmer. You're not going to need a calcium reactor. You can get by with manually adding the trace elements and the minerals that you need because the soft corals don't require as much as the hard stony corals. So it's good to know the types of animals that you want to keep before investing in your filter system and your supplemental pieces of equipment. So to put a price tag on a reef setup or on a fish tank in general is kind of hard but for a freshwater tank a typical ten to twenty-gallon tank, three to four hundred dollars for a good setup. Yes, you can get a ten-gallon starter kit for $14.99 but all you're getting is a starter kit. You're only going to be able to keep a couple of fish and you're going to be doing lots of water changes and lots of upkeep. You're better off saving your money, waiting until you can afford to do it right. Get a thirty-gallon tank. It'll be a more stable environment, less resistant to change, the fish will do better. Get a good fluorescent light or an LED light. Get a good protein skimmer or, on a freshwater tank, just a hang-on filter. But with all the nuts and bolts and the supplies and test kits, you're going to be spending three to four hundred on that setup before no time.

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Most popular comments
for Costs of a Saltwater Reef Tank | Aquarium Care

Ren P
Ren P - 7 years ago
This guy's a pessimist.
Sam LaBarbara
Sam LaBarbara - 7 years ago
Do what I did...go into it blind then spend the money and not keep track of what you've spent. If you actually calculate how much your spending it's going to make you sick. I've actually managed to do mine on the cheap and I have softies, lps, and sps growing great
Dani Wornath
Dani Wornath - 8 years ago
it is cheeper , just buy some stuff used for half the price or even less , and do not overstock your tank , go slowly on it and so you do not need to spend that much at once .
Bryan Thomas
Bryan Thomas - 8 years ago
Wow what a killjoy
David Gutierrez
David Gutierrez - 7 years ago
Bryan Thomas í didnt know he lunes mcr
Goldenshark 14
Goldenshark 14 - 8 years ago
smaller aquariums are actually much harder to keep due to the concentrations of things like ammonia
Sam LaBarbara
Sam LaBarbara - 7 years ago
Goldenshark 14 they are but it's not impossible. Do a lot of research and make sure you test and do water changes very frequently especially the first year or so
L B-S - 8 years ago
Should I buy a 200 L or 300L aquarium
Jeramiah Green
Jeramiah Green - 8 years ago
h barge I would recommend a 300l
Nachiketa Pandya
Nachiketa Pandya - 8 years ago
i am going back to my guitar lessons
Insanekerojack123 !!
Insanekerojack123 !! - 7 years ago
Nachiketa Pandya try fresh water it’s cheaper and there are some a,axing fish
Shana Chantelle
Shana Chantelle - 9 years ago
can you use seawater in a marine tank?
Sam LaBarbara
Sam LaBarbara - 7 years ago
Cancer Cell that's actually not true at all. There are people running success marine and mixed coral reefs with water taken directly out of the ocean. I personally would never do it and I would strongly recommend against it
is_that_evan - 8 years ago
Hopefully you didn't,and no
lazaro rosales
lazaro rosales - 9 years ago
i agree this turns people away I have a 125 fully stocked sps tank with no chiller all I have a a protein skimmer an refugium with return pump an 2 mp40s an 2 leds from Apollo reef total cast less then 2k wen it gets expensive is wen you beging to buy equipment that you don't need so don't get scared away from from this hobby its really awesome to have a peace of the ocean in your home without  going broke don't let this guy scare you

10. comment for Costs of a Saltwater Reef Tank | Aquarium Care

keelan cotter
keelan cotter - 9 years ago
I'm changing a fresh water tank that has Gold Fish in it now to putting sand in it and salt water with some coral/decorations etc. do you think it would be OK to put clown fish in this converted tank? please respond as soon as possible :)
FishAbode - 9 years ago
Perfect setup but make sure you don't have predator fish also. How many gallons is your tank
WHY70122 - 9 years ago
This discourages new hobbists.
spacecats - 8 years ago
+WHY70122 ye ikr
nuclearthreat545 - 9 years ago
?? what do you want? tell the industry to make it cheaper then
Christ Dan
Christ Dan - 10 years ago
this guys right on...i had 25k in a 150 gallon tank
Hamad   Suba
Hamad Suba - 10 years ago
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant - 10 years ago
What would be the biggest expense?
Sam LaBarbara
Sam LaBarbara - 7 years ago
SantaMonicaHelp Assistant livestock and lighting are probably the biggest costs. Coral is not cheap.
Angela Brettschneider
Angela Brettschneider - 10 years ago
I got a 50gal tank for 200$
ThatFishGuy - 10 years ago
I got a 55 gallon with stand and lid for $20
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
Great job on your saltwater tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
Great job there
jeff young
jeff young - 10 years ago
Ill just steal the live stock from the ocean
Adham Elattal
Adham Elattal - 7 years ago
jeff young is it really "stealing" to get the fish from he ocean ?
Mario Alan
Mario Alan - 11 years ago
My dad and I just got into the hobby of an aquarium and it is not cheap. I have a 30 gallon, I have spent around 700 to 900 dollars already. My dad bought a 110 tank and in less that 3 months he buys another 185 gallon tank from a friend. He has spent around 5000 dollars. We both started with freshwater and switched to salt water. We are really enjoying it.
Justin Lacobon
Justin Lacobon - 11 years ago
I'm new to saltwater tanks and would like people to tell me what they think about my tank and what they would do if they were me! You can comment and subscribe I will be doing unboxing of a current orbit led light in about 5 days so comment subscribe and tell me what y'all think

20. comment for Costs of a Saltwater Reef Tank | Aquarium Care

M.F. Recon
M.F. Recon - 11 years ago
I live in Belgium and I've got a 60 gallon tank second hand... My filter setup and tank alone cost me about 1.000 dollar, then I needed to fill it with water and corals and stuff, all alive, so yeah... It's alrdy about 30 dollars for 1 pound of live rock here... I've got about 80 pounds of live rock... And a nice fish is easily 50 dollar... That's the prices in Europe...
Ron K
Ron K - 11 years ago
Okay there his store is probably very expensive, I'm new in the hobby,check out my tank I didn't spend that much, noteven close to that.
CivicVeloz - 11 years ago
How much did you pay just for the 355 gallon tank?
Nick Bakken
Nick Bakken - 11 years ago
His prices are pretty accurate for brand new equipment. Either you guys are talking about used prices or you are getting the cheapest equipment possible. No need to be dicks about it lol
IbeSyke - 11 years ago
its expensive yes it is! but damm $500 for a 10 20 gal ... u robbing people blind ... its not that bad
Jeff Coleman
Jeff Coleman - 11 years ago
Your dick is less then 1 inch long? Why would you admit to having a microdick? There's a little thing called, "Too much information", telling the world about your <1 inch penis is one of the
deleted deleted
deleted deleted - 11 years ago
how many times did he say (a good setup) ?
Brookland. - 11 years ago
Nope all of you retards thumbs down my comments so now my comments gare one and all of yall stupid replies didn't get sent. To my inboxs ~_~ now with that said I'm going to sleep now Bye :)
Brookland. - 11 years ago
Say all you irrelevant ass people that I did not know go suck on one okay? Okay all of you guys :)
Phil Burnell
Phil Burnell - 11 years ago
Says the bitch that just got obliterated LMFAO!!!

30. comment for Costs of a Saltwater Reef Tank | Aquarium Care

Adrian Jimenez
Adrian Jimenez - 11 years ago
MrOyajimmy - 11 years ago
Guess what nigger? We don't give a flying fuck. Go hang yourself please.
FuckJoeArpaio - 11 years ago
No one gives a fuck you're first you stupid filthy nigger slum dog bitch. Fuck off.
SSFIITHDRemix - 11 years ago
fuck off nigger
Phil Burnell
Phil Burnell - 11 years ago
Brookland. - 11 years ago
No thanks I have a boy friend and wouldn't do it if I was single and you should ask your mom she dose it everyday right? Right :)
Brookland. - 11 years ago
Oh not a single fuck was given but yet you replied to my comment so yeah there definitely was a fuck given ^_^ now fuck off t-_-t :)
Brookland. - 11 years ago
First comment!!!!

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