Curing 200 Pounds Of Pukani Dry Rock | 300 Gallon Reef Tank

In this video i will be showing you how i cure 200 pounds of pukani dry rock for the new 300 gallon reef tank. I picked this rock up at I will be using two 55 gallon barrels, two utility pumps and heaters to cure this rock over the next ten weeks. ****BIG CORAL SALES EVERY WEEK**** To Buy Coral check out To support this channel become a patreon: Support The New 300 Gallon Build: FishOfHex is sponsored by Custom Aquariums Come Join & Ask Your Questions On Our Facebook Group: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: *****************Popular Playlist***************** Beginner Guide Playlist: Quarantine Tank: 125 Gallon Reef Playlist: Subscriber Q@A: Subscriber Request Videos: Zeovit Tank Build Playlist: How To Playlist: Neptune Apex Playlist: Tips & Tricks Playlist: Korallen-Zucht Coral System: Subscriber Contest: End Music:

Curing 200 Pounds Of Pukani Dry Rock | 300 Gallon Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Reef tank 7 years ago 7,501 views

In this video i will be showing you how i cure 200 pounds of pukani dry rock for the new 300 gallon reef tank. I picked this rock up at I will be using two 55 gallon barrels, two utility pumps and heaters to cure this rock over the next ten weeks. ****BIG CORAL SALES EVERY WEEK**** To Buy Coral check out To support this channel become a patreon: Support The New 300 Gallon Build: FishOfHex is sponsored by Custom Aquariums Come Join & Ask Your Questions On Our Facebook Group: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: *****************Popular Playlist***************** Beginner Guide Playlist: Quarantine Tank: 125 Gallon Reef Playlist: Subscriber Q@A: Subscriber Request Videos: Zeovit Tank Build Playlist: How To Playlist: Neptune Apex Playlist: Tips & Tricks Playlist: Korallen-Zucht Coral System: Subscriber Contest: End Music:

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Most popular comments
for Curing 200 Pounds Of Pukani Dry Rock | 300 Gallon Reef Tank

Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
CN you putba update video?
sharon taylor
sharon taylor - 7 years ago
thanks for this one.......I didn't know about curing rocks.....glad you are here for us beginners...I like your demeanor .....
illmanner415 - 7 years ago
Nice vid. You answered all my questions keep up the good work
James Williford
James Williford - 7 years ago
Really enjoying your videos. Just getting back into reef tank after 25 years tankless. I'm sure most people really appreciate what your doing, as I do.
Josh Slade
Josh Slade - 7 years ago
So I'm about to start this process. However, I'm curious how long can the rock be out of the curing tank before it is placed into the display tank? It will be my first time building an aquascape and might dremel some holes into the rock, saw the bottom for stability etc. I don't want the cured live rock to turn into dead rock. Hope this makes sense.
T Surro
T Surro - 7 years ago
Not sure if curing it will really help out, I soaked and power washed and still have issues, maybe vinegar bath will do it, good luck with ur way!
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Curing rock like this has worked for years with 0 issues.
365 - 7 years ago
Its great to see tanks mature up properly and correctly, there are so many people on FB and YT giving wrong info in relation to this. They "and well known you tubers" are literally stocking there tank within days of purchasing and wonder why 10 months down the line they have algae issues that never go away, they wonder why they become disheartened and throw in the towel.

You see it all over sites new hobbyists that have spent a fortune on high end gear trying to sell at near the same price they purchased it for, then weeks later for it to pop back up for peanuts.
365 - 7 years ago
FishOfHex listen its great seeing what you do your passion and inspiration shows, keep up the good work!
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
This is what i have been saying for a long time but people still feel the need to start shit with me every time i do lol
starkiller 86
starkiller 86 - 7 years ago
Love pukani rock I cured it in about 3 weeks,I used some ATM colony to kick start the rock
Jon a
Jon a - 7 years ago
What would be a good way to seed the beneficial bacteria if I don't have old tank water. I could get a rock from my local pet store but worry about hitch hikers. I also thought about off the self products that make claims about seeding but not sure how they work. Appreciate your thoughts.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
You dont need to use anything to seed the bacteria it will happen on its own. I would stay away from live rock from the lfs you can end up with some really bad stuff.

10. comment for Curing 200 Pounds Of Pukani Dry Rock | 300 Gallon Reef Tank

LRanee - 7 years ago
Hey im tired of waiting for my rodi unit to make water,so im trying tap my tds is 048ppm,ammonia 0,nitrite 0 and nitrate 0.My problem is i have reef crystals and i dont know the ca and mag levels of my tap water so will this make them too high?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Your tap wont have cal or mag, well at least it shouldnt. I would find a way to wait for the ro/di unit its just better overall and you bypass so many unknown issues with water.
Josh Slade
Josh Slade - 7 years ago
Great video. Two questions, is salt water necessary? Also, when your done with the cure, just throw them into the DT and start the cycle?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Yes you need salt, Curing is Cycling.
Blake Collins
Blake Collins - 7 years ago
Love your comments to the know-it-all crowd. Spoken like a true soldier. Keep the videos coming Travis. You are helping a lot of us learn the hobby man. Lead the way.
Daniel García
Daniel García - 7 years ago
Did you see the BRS using bleach? Not only it goes faster, but it gets whiter.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
That's not my thing, and it gets whiter to just be covered in coralline later.
Julie Costa
Julie Costa - 7 years ago
Hey Travis, what kind of return pump do you plan on using for the new 300? I tend to be budget conscience like yourself and I am currently thinking about going DC for my new 120 mixed reef build (used Mag drives most of my years in hobby). Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated. Your videos are very informative please keep them coming.
Julie Costa
Julie Costa - 7 years ago
Thank you.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Hey i plan on using the jebao dcs12000, the same pump i had on the 125g and the 200g frag system.
Koaleigh Aquaria
Koaleigh Aquaria - 7 years ago
Great video Travis and curing dry rock is a must, we were naive to how important this is when we got our dry rock ages ago and just washed it under a tap until it ran clear. After having the rock in the tank for a while I saw something starting to come out of the rock that looked like snot. Needless to say we had algae issues galore for a long time. Looking forward to more updates on your 300g build :)
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
We have all done that, I just hope this video and comments like yours can save a tank or two.
Coralcrayz - 7 years ago
Travis is a savage!
Alan Falkoff
Alan Falkoff - 7 years ago
What happens if you just rinse pukani rock and put it in a new tank and try to cycle it? Besides taking a bit longer. What about adding it to established tanks after rinsing and washing it but not curing it?
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
I totally disagree with that about if your can't wait to cycle your rock the long way than you won't do good in the hobby, I no alot of people who have used atm colony and dta timz an there tanks are still looking fantastic 2-3 years down the line
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
+reef guy 92 Feel free to disagree but you're missing the point of the statement.
PRFishGirl - 7 years ago
Great video Travis

20. comment for Curing 200 Pounds Of Pukani Dry Rock | 300 Gallon Reef Tank

Curtis Bridgen
Curtis Bridgen - 7 years ago
Nice video as usual, keep it up. Thanks.
Flavio Design Aquairums
Flavio Design Aquairums - 7 years ago
Can't wait to see the 300g build , it's going to be awesome.
Marco Marcos
Marco Marcos - 7 years ago
Love your channel all the way from South Africa
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Thanks man
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
interested in seeing if u have the same algae issues everyone else has had with pukani.. some people acid bath.. some cure outside the tank.. some just cure it in the tank (like i did) .... ive seen mixed accounts on algae issues in all cases.. Good luck with yours .. .. It all works itself out eventually but it def is a PITA ether way lol....
Mervin Jones
Mervin Jones - 7 years ago
I soaked my pukani for my 200 gallon tank in tap water and bleach for three weeks then I rinsed it in declorinator and put it in my tank with live sand and salt water.  My tank is four months old with 40 coral frags and 17 fish.  I have not one piece of green hair algae in my tank.  I had the diatom bloom but that lasted maybe two weeks and wasn't bad at all.  My phosphates have never been above .25 and my nitrates are always 0 - .025.  This  is my first salt water tank ever and I followed the BRS pukani cure video.
Julie Costa
Julie Costa - 7 years ago
I like your videos as well CJ.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
you're better off taking it out and curing it that way bc you could be looking at several months of scrubbing.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
good point... thats the crucial step that was missed... now will take triple the time to get rid of it all... gonna remove lights all together for awhile and continue water changes.. manual removal and run the scrubber to get rid of it... taking the harder road but will document it all..
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Thats to long to go without doing water changes, you might of cured it within the tank for that time but bc you didnt do any water changes all those nitrates and phosphates just soaked back into the rock and now its coming out.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
keep in mind.. i cured it in my tank for 6-7 weeks without light or fish.. and then started doing 50% weekly water changes after that... basically the same as what your doing in the barrel with the exception of not doing the water changes right away... missed a few key steps but still will be corrected in time.. regardless
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
I have never had any issues with pukani in past builds or any of my clients. You added pukani without curing it first and then added light. That is why you have algae issues now.. no other reason.
Adrian Wayne
Adrian Wayne - 7 years ago
Love your vid i'm in the UK
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Thank You
Steve - 7 years ago
Best tip in the whole vid Travis cure cure and cure some more instead of plopping the pukani in
its the dirtiest dry rock i have ever seen
Michal sojka
Michal sojka - 7 years ago
Can anyone help what name of corals at 9:35 of the video?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Hollywood stunner chalice I sell them on my site
Michal sojka
Michal sojka - 7 years ago
Upsss 8:25 .Sorry for the typo
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
no coral at that time its the end of the video
Kurt Scoville
Kurt Scoville - 7 years ago
Always great content and advice Travis.
Barbara Donaldson
Barbara Donaldson - 7 years ago
Great videoTravis. I wished your channel was around when I set up my 29 and 40 gallon tanks several years ago.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Im here now and its never to late :)
1mightymre - 7 years ago
Great video bro please please keep them coming. And two last 30 to 20 seconds great great great. Truth hurts sometimes. We sould all be here to help each other out not bring everyone down. All of us no matter who you are can learn something from someone else. Again great vid.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Thank you and i didnt know if i wanted to say something but it has become and issue

30. comment for Curing 200 Pounds Of Pukani Dry Rock | 300 Gallon Reef Tank

dan linek
dan linek - 7 years ago
Love your videos. Can't wait to see the rest of this series
Vincent Taylor
Vincent Taylor - 7 years ago
You are definitely one of my favorite reefing YouTubers. The quality and frequency of your videos is amazing!
laminar flow
laminar flow - 7 years ago
Great info, as always! Way to squash the trolls!
Alan Falkoff
Alan Falkoff - 7 years ago
Thanks for your quick response. I guess it wasn't a good idea to buy a little extra or different types of rock for future use. Very different than freshwater. Wash, rinse, use! LOL
Alan Falkoff
Alan Falkoff - 7 years ago
Is it a good idea to keep extra cured, cycled rock around for later use? Do all dry rocks have to be cured? Can they just be washed and added to a tank with biological solution and let cycle in a tank before starting to add livestock?
Or if using dry rock for a setup, you always have to buy it months in advance and prepare and cure it before ever using it?
I've got about 20 # sitting around. For future possible use. Suggestions on what I should do with it? Then how about storing it?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Unless you plan on selling the live rock i dont really see a need to keep any extra around. I personally feel all dry rock should be cured before adding it to a system, now reef saver rock tends to be very clean but i still cure for 4 weeks to build a bacteria film over the rock. If you plan on keeping live rock around you will need to run a pump or some kind of flow all the time.
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 7 years ago
that's true. it smells so bad not even carbon helps i had to pull my bucket outside just to cure.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Yea its really bad but i did find the plastic bags helped a lot
Dino Fernando
Dino Fernando - 7 years ago
I am starting a new system and live rock is cheap here in my country; would you recommend/suggest going with dry or live rock?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Im not a big fan of live rock for a couple reason. 1 they pull it out of the ocean, 2 you never know what kind of critters you might get. If you want to control everything that comes into the tank best to go with dry rock.
Ryan Matheson
Ryan Matheson - 7 years ago
You make me laugh dude. I hope I get to meet you one day if I ever make it over to the US haha.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
I can only hope this hobby allows me to do something like that some day.
Ryan Matheson
Ryan Matheson - 7 years ago
FishOfHex well I hope you make it to Australia one day dude! Maybe you can do a guest appearance at MACA in Cairns.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Yea maybe some day the channel will be big enough to take trips not only in the US but around the world. You never know.
jayme alcay
jayme alcay - 7 years ago
Wow!! That's one thing I can't stand is when people bully new-bs
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Yea its been getting bad so i felt something needs to be said, the only problem is those type of people probably dont watch all of my videos bc you know they already know everything lol.
Mr Fish
Mr Fish - 7 years ago
love it. I'll be doing this in my next build without a doubt. love the Piss statement too. how much do you guys pay for a kilo of pukani. thx!
Mr Fish
Mr Fish - 7 years ago
good to know thanks
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Non wholesale is about $3.70 a pound or close to that and its what 1lb = 0.45kilo? guess just need to do some math
Mr - 7 years ago
Well said bro and great videos like always.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Thank you
My Reef Life
My Reef Life - 7 years ago
Nice PVC setup in there! Never thought to test the curing water, great tip. It pays to have patients
My Reef Life
My Reef Life - 7 years ago
FishOfHex Good to know. Thank you!
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Yea its not something that needs to be done, but i always like to double check at the end to make sure nitrites are not show up bc that would mean you dont have enough bacteria to break down nitrites to nitrates and would be a good idea to wait a little longer.
TJ Newberry
TJ Newberry - 7 years ago
Awesome content as always. Love the last 30 seconds, too! Pretty sure the just made you my favorite reefer YouTuber!
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Thank man
Noslen Gonzalez
Noslen Gonzalez - 7 years ago
You are becoming one of my favorite YouTuber. Thank you for the video. Keep doing a great job. If you can do a full video of your salt water mixing stations a more detail one and how everything works. I'm trying to copy it but I haven't been able to get like a complete shot of it.
Noslen Gonzalez
Noslen Gonzalez - 7 years ago
FishOfHex perfect. I had not seen this one. How did you set up you ato to turn on the second it starts going down. I do have manual float valves. But once it closes it the ato will stay on and dump the water via the disposed water side.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
I had one let me link it. if its not enough info i can make another
AquaFever - 7 years ago
Do you think a skimmer would help lowering the frequency of water change?
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
I have used a skimmer before but unless you want to change the cup every day it wasnt really worth it. Big water changes have always been the way to go in my eyes.
Dave's Reefing Addiction
Dave's Reefing Addiction - 7 years ago
Good info. Lots of fuzzy tanks lately. I agree with the strong words at the end. It needed to be said
NanoScape - 7 years ago
I had one of those fuzzy tanks:) 9 months down the line and I am only just starting to enjoy my little reef tank. I don't think I fully understood the whole nitrate and phosphate deal when I started and although I thought I had cured my rock (5 weeks) I didn't get the importance of actually doing water changes and testing during the process. If there's a next time .. I will be following your method to a T:)
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Yea i have been seeing many fuzzy tanks lol, as for the end i tend to let things go bc it is the internet but people can be real dicks for no reason and id rather keep that away from the channel.
eric olsen
eric olsen - 7 years ago
Great video bro. I used the exact same method for my tank and had great results. I cured the rock first with fresh water for 10 days to save a few pennies. 6 weeks later I started the cycling process and had great results. I never had any crazy algae and was able to get some soft corals in right away. Anyone who tries to cure their rock in their tank is in for a world of frustration. Cant wait to see next videos. Thanks for the great content.
Jay McDonald
Jay McDonald - 7 years ago
awesome video mate, keep up the good work
Jesse Maksymetz
Jesse Maksymetz - 7 years ago
So when you cure your rock all that stuff. You still need to cycle your tank no. So what this does is just take the dead crap off the dead rock anyways right? I am just gunna start out and I want to do a 300 g so that I won't have to go out and upgrade 7 times just doing it all at once and be set
Jesse Maksymetz
Jesse Maksymetz - 7 years ago
FishOfHex thank you !
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
You wont need to cycle your tank if you cure rock bc part of the curing is building up the bacteria to process waste. Everything that is dead on the rock will rot and be processed by the bacteria during the curing time. Doing water changes will allow you to remove nitrates and phosphate like you would normally do during water changes in the aquarium but having the rock in a barrel like this will allow you to remove more nutrients faster and also keep light away from the rock. Light + Nutrients= algae.
Brett'sReef - 7 years ago
I'm starting a new build and bought pukani rock. In my opinion that was a mistake. That rock is just to nasty and time consuming. I then purchased Marco rock and could not of been happier. You can put Marco right in your tank and start your cycle.

50. comment for Curing 200 Pounds Of Pukani Dry Rock | 300 Gallon Reef Tank

Dennis Bliss
Dennis Bliss - 7 years ago
Sir ive been battling algae for seems like ever now. All my test read zero. If i did not cure my dry rock like you did in this video. Could this be the reason im battling and losing the battle?
Dennis Bliss
Dennis Bliss - 7 years ago
FishOfHex ok thank you so much i appreciate your time. I will continue to have the patience this hobby demands.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
if you see algae you have nutrients, the problem is your test will read zero bc the algae is sucking up the nutrients so its not going to show up on the test. if you put dry rock like pukani in without curing it. good chance that is your problem. in the end its not a losing battle but its a long one depending on the rock.
Alex's Reef
Alex's Reef - 7 years ago
Hey fish of hex, please take your time on this one, no need to rush on my question.

Hey brother I have been working my way back into the hobby, got some dry reef saver rock from brs. 20 pounds for my 22gallon aio nano. I am going to do a small curing/ start cycling. I know my cycling has to be done but do I really need to cure this reef saver, it's not really like the live rock that I used back in the days.

Thanks fish of hex!
Alex's Reef
Alex's Reef - 7 years ago
FishOfHex awesome man, also I am using a live sand, with microbacta 7, and the brightwell xport bio cubes to also help with that bacteria growth. I was hoping that hand over hand it would help that amount of time.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
This reef savor curing isnt as big of a deal but i would run the tank without lights for a few weeks allowing the bacteria to populate on the rock to cut down on any algae that might pop up.
CUBAN REEFER - 7 years ago
Hey Travis Thank you! For all your tips about power outages, they were right on the money, people worry about power and thy forgot about other things like temperature thing that you mention in your videos all the time over and over. Man Thank you! All my corals are good and all fish. Question for you , should I make a good water change now that everything is normal, waiting for your reply my friend and once again Thank you! People like you that post all this videos deserve an award for Love and Care
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
I would do a 10% water change and then do another in a week. Just go slow and the fact that the coral and fish are doing good means everything is going in the right direction.
Bob's Reef Tank
Bob's Reef Tank - 7 years ago
I'm about to cure some rock too, I like how you roll. Simple but effective. Nice video, keep them coming, I really enjoy your content and enjoy taking this journey with you.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Thanks man
Andrew Fierro
Andrew Fierro - 7 years ago
Hey when you do the water change on the pukani rock shake off all the dirt thats on the rock, you will be amazed how black the water is going to turn.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Yea i tend to take out what i can and brush it off. This stuff gets nasty i couldnt imagine just putting it in a tank.
johnathan dove
johnathan dove - 7 years ago
Getting ready for a 150 gallon reef, going from a 90 gallon. This channel has helped a ton. Keep up the good work and great videos. Thank you for your service and the sacrifices you have had to make.
Corey Whisman
Corey Whisman - 7 years ago
Been in this addiction for about 10 years, and constantly learning. If you don't mind me asking, what was your MOS?
Corey Whisman
Corey Whisman - 7 years ago
FishOfHex 31 K ,12 B. Thanks again.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
19k but ended up re-classing in a way to 11B during MOB and was a Mk19 gunner in Aghanistan.
FC'S Reefing
FC'S Reefing - 7 years ago
like your content. I didn't cure my rock when i rebooted my 75g. so far so good. i probably should have cured it but lots of water changes and running gfo has helped me.. Thanks for the vids
Lixi Lineas
Lixi Lineas - 7 years ago
But i really gonna use your technique for the futur
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
awesome just in time.
Jordan Rocchino
Jordan Rocchino - 7 years ago
Will we be seeing your mastery at the winter frag swap at That Pet Place again?
Jordan Rocchino
Jordan Rocchino - 7 years ago
Expect me!
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
I will be at the swap in october
Corey Whisman
Corey Whisman - 7 years ago
Love your vids, been watching a long time. My tank thankfully survived Irma, I live on the east coast of Florida. Thanks for the info you provide.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Thanks man glad the tank survived and its always good to hear that i helped
Lixi Lineas
Lixi Lineas - 7 years ago
Nice video .. but not to agreed with your theories of the rocks.. about the algae...
Cae Walker
Cae Walker - 7 years ago
Good set up
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
thank You
My Opinion
My Opinion - 7 years ago
Once again I wished I had watched your videos sooner..I was told I could cook my rocks in the tank..what a mistake...unless you like algae lol
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Yea man this stuff gets really bad if you just drop it in a tank.
Reef Eco
Reef Eco - 7 years ago
Nice work Travis - I like that you are taking your time (8-10 weeks) - going to make the rock a great start for the 300.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Yea that should be plenty of time, no need to rush
DrOfWelshMagic - 7 years ago
Yet another good informative upload. Great job Travis.
FishOfHex - 7 years ago
Thank You
cicco - 7 years ago
awesome thanks for video

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