A 2017 update of David Saxby's home reef aquarium
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Most popular comments

Ash - 7 years ago
This is by far the best reef tank on youtube...it truly is an inspiration for us trying to be reefers lol...Respect to you sir...
Raycar Acuarios
Raycar Acuarios - 7 years ago
Precioso expectacular
Brian Goldstein
Brian Goldstein - 7 years ago
probably the nicest reef tank I've ever seen... just wow
baileyslip - 7 years ago
you don,t know what the hell your talking about this tank sucks every thing about it sucks..... the only thing good about this video is this song. LOL
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Whilst everyone has their own point of view im a little confused as to your comments. i take it they are tongue in cheek as your not really expanding on your definition of 'suck' , or is its a case of 'haters gonna hate' lol.
ROY SHAW - 7 years ago
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
I think David's advise would be read as much as you can and try and befriend a local reef keeper with a really nice aquarium and take his or her lead. There are many hobbyists that can be found on the interwebs only too willing to give out advise but not all can walk the walk. A really good local retailer with a stunning in store display will also be invaluable to you to help you get set up with the right equipment and livestock first time without having to learn by too many of your own mistakes if your on a learning curve.
Mark Harp
Mark Harp - 7 years ago
This is where I want my ashes spread
Wendy Djainudin
Wendy Djainudin - 7 years ago
all the fish look fat and happy, the corals so vibrant and full of life.....just perfect
alexander joseph
alexander joseph - 7 years ago
I'm so jealous of you man
Peter marc
Peter marc - 7 years ago

10. comment for DAVID SAXBY REEF AQUARIUM 2017

Daniel Vázquez Guevara
Daniel Vázquez Guevara - 7 years ago
When you are millionaire everything is possible.
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Not the whole story however, a millionaire can also buy a Bugatti but unless he knows how to drive it .......
Rick Miranda
Rick Miranda - 7 years ago
Is there a video behind the scene how its is maintained! Truly beautiful!!
SpaghettiKillah - 7 years ago
Was it this tank that had a failed sealing and the whole tank drained/crashed??
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Hi, Nope not this tank, its still running.
Rafiq Hussain
Rafiq Hussain - 7 years ago
Denier Betancourt
Denier Betancourt - 7 years ago
I just wonder how much money it takes for such a magnificent tank like this. Alot of unique and expensive fish and corals. Definatley most beautiful tank in the world
James 577864
James 577864 - 7 years ago
My god, that had to be one of the most beautiful mixed reef tanks i have ever seen. Living art. Bravo!
Mania28 - 7 years ago
If this was a piece of art (which I think it is) it would be a masterpiece. It's breathtakingly beautiful to look at and it looks so tranquil. I could look at it endlessly and still see something new each time. Even if you're not a fish person you wouldn't be to not appreciate the time, dedication and love this man has for these wondrous fish, creatures and corals. It's simply stunning.
Joe Arnold
Joe Arnold - 7 years ago
What kind of fish is the yellow tang with the purple joker smile?
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Hi, This is a Tri-Color tang
Blitzform - 7 years ago
so pretty i cried.

20. comment for DAVID SAXBY REEF AQUARIUM 2017

Sven C
Sven C - 7 years ago
Imagine how good that would look in 4K
M D - 7 years ago
The marine animals are wild catches and are protected they do not belong behind glass
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Whilst i totally respect your point of view and its a fair point at that the arguments for and against are very convoluted and never as simple as they seem. Lets take the local fishing community sited in collection areas, i think we would probably agree that the majority of these people are not particularly well off and rely on the reef for income. Now lets take away that income by banning any collection for the hobby. Will these people then leave their only financial resource to its own devices, very doubtful. The truth is they will probably find another way to harness a living from it and turn from an industry that has started to invest in sustainability to something far more destructive such as dredging for building materials, over fishing for food fish etc etc. As the hobby moves on we all have to become more aware and push towards more sustainability and treat the reef's and areas off the reef as gardens that we actually plant and nurture and in that we actually help preserve the hobby and possibly certain areas of reef.
Dudley Brown
Dudley Brown - 7 years ago
Am I the only one who tires of these greenies?
M D - 7 years ago
I was a long time seawater aquarist but then come to the conclusion that it is not right, night-time breeding covers only a very small part, most are wild caught and the loss of import is very high which is ethically unreasonable.
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Hi , Whilst you have a point this is not always the case, many reef fishes and corals are available as captive bred or propagated . In fact one could set up a reef tank using man made alternatives to live rock, coral fragments grown out from other captive corals and many different species of captive bred fishes. The hobby is much much more sustainable these days compared to 5-10 years ago. Even those corals that are imported are often maricultured meaning they are grown out from small fragments on non reef parts of island shores rather than taken from the reef itself as larger colonies. Hobbyists are also choosing to utilise lower power technology such as LED based lighting to futher reduce environmental impact of running high power lighting required for coral growth , the future is quite bright for the marine hobby as a whole and hobbyists are much more environmentally aware these days.
Ikky plays
Ikky plays - 7 years ago
woaaah so beautiful seriously I wonder how thy keep it all clean the glass etc
Victor Gomez
Victor Gomez - 7 years ago
One of the best reef tanks on YouTube. I love all the fish and corals...keep it up.
Matthew Fraser
Matthew Fraser - 7 years ago
Amazing tank! What kind of fish are at 5:03? Purple coloring shows great in the lighting.
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Hi , Ghost or other wise known as threadfin cardinals , Zoramia leptacantha
Ben Paulík
Ben Paulík - 7 years ago
9:25 What kind of fish is that?
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Hi, Red spot cardinals , Apogon parvulus i believe
Dirty SPRITE - 7 years ago
I'm jealous of this reef
dangappa - 7 years ago
David told me at MACNA there is a video of his build with design specifics. Technical 3d drawings of the tank and filtration. He told me it would be uploaded to this channel soon. Any insights?
MerfolkMTG - 7 years ago
any update to this project?
dangappa - 7 years ago
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Hi, Still a work in progress im afraid due to time contraints within the D-D team. We have all the imagery its just finding time to piece it all together. Hopefully wont be long now.
reconquista98 - 7 years ago
no comment...too perfect to say smth...
Andres Paredes Redondo
Andres Paredes Redondo - 7 years ago
Very nice

30. comment for DAVID SAXBY REEF AQUARIUM 2017

Olivierdub - 7 years ago
Your zebrasoma are amazing
VP Reef
VP Reef - 7 years ago
Best home reef in the world, stunning!
Stacey And Kayla
Stacey And Kayla - 7 years ago
my tank looks like crap compared to this 1 beautiful tank
Murtaza Sajan
Murtaza Sajan - 7 years ago
Whats going on with the yellow tang at 2:20?
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Thats a Tri-colour tang , a rare colour morph.The tangs can be either a variant of Scopas or Yellow tang ( Z. scopas and Z. flavescens) and as the tangs age the markings and colours can change , even to the point that the individual fish can be mistaken for a totally different specimen due to the dramatic change in colour and patterns.
Homme Fatale
Homme Fatale - 7 years ago
How does he deal with that one fish that died and got stuck under a rock
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Also just to add that David has a few ways of catching fish within the system should he have to including bespoke fish traps.
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
If there was a fish that was visibly in distress or had died of natural causes David would find a way with large tongs or similar if it were in view and accessible, its a large system of course and a lost fish would be quickly taken care of by clean up crew as it would in the wild for the most part however before a recovery attempt would be possible.
Puia Hmar
Puia Hmar - 7 years ago
Homme Fatale lol..simple yet genuine question
Carlene Pool
Carlene Pool - 7 years ago
absolutely stunning! i look over at my ten gallon tank with black skirt tetra's and i sigh :)
Puia Hmar
Puia Hmar - 7 years ago
Carlene Pool lol
Casey Lee
Casey Lee - 7 years ago
Those old fishes are gorgeous ❤
Houston Bigfooter
Houston Bigfooter - 7 years ago
It's a work of art.thank you for sharing it with us.
Roger Brooks
Roger Brooks - 7 years ago
Just phenomenal! Wow.
Lisa DiMercurio
Lisa DiMercurio - 7 years ago
Absolutely stunning
Jakub Rogala
Jakub Rogala - 7 years ago
Daemiex - 7 years ago
xenia will be the death of this tank, the stuffs pure plague, f--kin stunning till i saw that filth :p dont know what made you wanna put that stuff in there
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
David has been keeping Xenia for years and has ways of controlling it so fear not, this species isnt the long type that tends to infest either so its growth is reasonably subdued.
Richard Kerr
Richard Kerr - 7 years ago
This tank and it's contents would cost maybe 200.000 pounds to set up in the UK. I think the maintenance would be crazy and the upkeep would cost too much for most humans.
Marcelo Aeroso
Marcelo Aeroso - 7 years ago
What's light is that? Hqi ?Wonderful aquarium!
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Hi, The lights are Aqua Illumination LED lights, 28 in total and a mix of Hydra 26 HD and Hydra 52 HD. David has been running LED exclusively over the aquarium as of Nov 2015, he uses D-D H2Ocean Pro reef salt to which he does 10% water changes monthly . The only elements he finds that he needs to dose on an ongoing basis are Iodine and Strontium as these tend to deplete due to coral uptake and biological process. All other elements including Magnesium are kept in check by the water change schedule and monitored via ICP testing. David runs a large Calcium reactor to take care of Calcium and Alk uptake of the corals.
Ben Paulík
Ben Paulík - 7 years ago
Amazing. How many fish do you have?
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Hi , To be honest David has lost count as there have been so many small shoaling fishes added to the aquarium, he would make a ballpark estimate of at least 200, possibly 400.
EnVision - 7 years ago
watching this my facial expression is literally =O. God bless this beautiful tank, i love square/cube reefs.
Reef Tank ITALY
Reef Tank ITALY - 7 years ago
best private reef tank ever
Nils Vestergren
Nils Vestergren - 7 years ago
breathe taking
Liam White
Liam White - 7 years ago
How big is the tank
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
the display aquarium is 3 x 2 x 1.5m/10 x 6.6 x 5’ (L-shaped) 1.2 m/4’ deep, the whole system is around 12'000 or so litres
Dani Wornath
Dani Wornath - 7 years ago
that powder blue is about to explode :D
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
He is rather porky , nice to see a fish in such good condition.

50. comment for DAVID SAXBY REEF AQUARIUM 2017

shoz ney
shoz ney - 7 years ago
I lost my 33yr old wife to cancer last year.. I meditate to help with my healing.. your beautiful tank helps me with that. Thankyou it leaves me inspired.
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Our condolences, we wish you all the best. Tony on behalf of D-D and David Saxby.
Life Blu
Life Blu - 7 years ago
Sebat caballero
Sebat caballero - 7 years ago
Kendra Taylor
Kendra Taylor - 7 years ago
made me cry
Kendra Taylor
Kendra Taylor - 7 years ago
wow,wonderful,best i have laid my eyes on,you are the man
Yudhistira Brahmantyo
Yudhistira Brahmantyo - 7 years ago
can't get enough of this... absolutely love it...
Mx Junky
Mx Junky - 7 years ago
Amazing what David has achieved over the years.  Just soo impressive and beautiful beyond words!!!!
Michael Balsley
Michael Balsley - 7 years ago
Excellent job on the video thank you for sharing your wonderful achievement it is simply gorgeous!!!!!
tonybodagh1979 - 7 years ago
all what i can say wow wow love it i hop i can have one like this beautiful reef tank
pjshooter6 - 7 years ago
what was that bright blue with blood red tail?
pjshooter6 - 7 years ago
TonyatDD I've been out of the hobby for 20 yrs, just setting up a new system now.
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Maybe Chrysiptera cyanea
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Believe it or not thats a blue damselfish family, im not sure which species it is however
pjshooter6 - 7 years ago
TonyatDD 130ish left side
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
What time stamp in the video?
龍建霖 - 7 years ago
Butterfly fish eat corals,don't they?
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Depends on the on the sub species /species, why do you ask?
andre - 7 years ago
Ooo so Nice
Matt Green
Matt Green - 7 years ago
This is amazing!
刘志刚 - 7 years ago
wilberthg2006 - 7 years ago
Thats a gorgeous reef aquarium,thanks for sharing...
Porpoise Hork
Porpoise Hork - 7 years ago
I'm utterly speechless. I could only hope that one day my reef tank will be 1/2 of the stunning beauty of his one.
Reefahholic - 7 years ago
Stuart, do you know where David is keeping his NO3 and PO4 on this tank? I'm very curious as to what his tank normally runs at.? What's his nutrient export method and filtration like on this tank?
Reefahholic - 7 years ago
TonyatDD - Nice. Thanks for the reply! Very amazing system!
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Dear Reefahholic David exports his nutrients in a number of ways, there are 3 large Deltec skimmers on the system , a large Deltec Nitrate reactor, fluidised reactors runnig Rowaphos, two large power roll water filters and of course regular water changes using D-D H2Ocean Pro Reef Salt. From memory hes Nitrate sits at between 2ppm and Phosphate around 0.018 mg/l
Reefahholic - 7 years ago
Speechless. Saxby must be having secret meetings with God. :-) Well done sir. That one tang is sick! Awesome coloration!
Raees Usman
Raees Usman - 7 years ago
What kind of wrasse is at 10:22?
Raees Usman
Raees Usman - 7 years ago
TonyatDD Thanks.
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Hi, Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis
Hayley f
Hayley f - 7 years ago
I'm in absolute awe of this tank, quite simply, breathtaking...beautiful!
420skidrow - 7 years ago
the end game for reefing! all those years how beautiful every moment!
Onzlo260 - 7 years ago
Absolutely amazing. Well done and thank you for sharing
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 7 years ago
beautiful beautiful beautiful !! LOVE IT! how many gallons? nice camera work as well.
Fit Riders
Fit Riders - 7 years ago
awesome !!
Song please ?
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
Holly molly This tank make feel like my tank is some crapy qt tank. Truly amazing.
Random Stuff
Random Stuff - 7 years ago
Christian Biggins It is. Thank you.
Christian Biggins
Christian Biggins - 7 years ago
Everybody has their own tank with their own opportunity to make it something great (and great isn't necessarily a crap load of SPS.) This tank is incredible, use it as inspiration.
Wissam Youssef
Wissam Youssef - 7 years ago
@2:31, is that a "Yellow 'Joker' Tang" ? :P
Wissam Youssef
Wissam Youssef - 7 years ago
it looks cool :)
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Hi, Its a tri-color tang
Arie Did That
Arie Did That - 7 years ago
This is the greatest tank I have ever seen. Amazing
Deise Beserra
Deise Beserra - 7 years ago
Lindo! Adorei, transmite uma paz....A natureza é perfeita!!
nicegums - 7 years ago
whats the species of tang at 4:01?
acorral - 7 years ago
Great reef tank and also great video production !!!
Michael Sabbath
Michael Sabbath - 7 years ago
this tank brings tears to my eyes I replay his tank videos over and over and over
shane lemeur
shane lemeur - 7 years ago
greatest tank ever period
Tony Black
Tony Black - 7 years ago
Thank you for giving me your time and advise.
habavonc - 7 years ago
So much money
Gb J
Gb J - 7 years ago
Holy cow this is absolutly amazing!!! mind blowing...
CUBAN REEFER - 7 years ago
Well now that I read about it I can tell this is by far the best tank I ever seen all around. OMG one full solid tank full of beauty
Mmc Pane
Mmc Pane - 7 years ago
Truly a masterpiece!
Андрей Неский
Андрей Неский - 7 years ago
Sonoran Reef
Sonoran Reef - 7 years ago
Awesome !
Ndesquise - 7 years ago
Amateur Reefer88
Amateur Reefer88 - 7 years ago
wow what an amazing tank has made my day seeing this
Will C
Will C - 7 years ago
This guy must have a large freezer full of fish food for this tank, but man just beautiful!
Oregonic 503
Oregonic 503 - 7 years ago
Best reef tank ive ever seen, wonder what it's worth.
mariano proietti
mariano proietti - 7 years ago
Amazing tank. I have had the pleasure of viewing it in person. David and I go back more than twenty years we were both on the programme 'for the love of fish' aired on channel 4 many wonks ago
Tony Black
Tony Black - 7 years ago
what's your secret to the flower pots?
i have the green one for 3 months now and its not thriving
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Goniopora are quiet sensitive to water chemistry swings and nutreint levels in my experience, however i do know that David feeds the tank well whilst keeping the chemistry and nutrient levels on a very tight rein.Diffused flow and the correct lighting will also help a great deal. I have found that Goni's actually do very well under the Aqua Illumination Hydra HD led's personally.
taja tates
taja tates - 7 years ago
What an orgasmic experience i just had man you tank is outstanding
FL SHarkvictim
FL SHarkvictim - 7 years ago
Truly amazing dedication comes with this tank!
hamid rasouli
hamid rasouli - 7 years ago
Awesome men's engineering...
Scuba Guy
Scuba Guy - 7 years ago
David Crockett
David Crockett - 7 years ago
the fish are begging to get out of this thing. just kidding, the best tank I've ever seen, simply beautiful

100. comment for DAVID SAXBY REEF AQUARIUM 2017

Greg's Aquariums
Greg's Aquariums - 7 years ago
This reef tank is the pinnacle of reef tanks. A truly wonderful achievement.
Ashish Patel
Ashish Patel - 7 years ago
This one is by far the best one thus far!!!
megatron - 7 years ago
WOW This blowed my mind
something to do about nothing
something to do about nothing - 7 years ago
what type of lighting do you have on there?
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
As per rednet 19 52 HD's and 9 26 HD's
rednet - 7 years ago
28x AI hydra HD
Krishna Karkera
Krishna Karkera - 7 years ago
Ravz Gupta
Ravz Gupta - 7 years ago
glimse of great barrier reef
Ravz Gupta
Ravz Gupta - 7 years ago
beautiful piece of art
CRAZY FREDDY'S REEFS - 7 years ago
WOW WOW WHAT A TANK absolutely beautiful color...WOW
Brothergas Brothergas
Brothergas Brothergas - 7 years ago
Fattest tangs on the planet!
Yang Gao
Yang Gao - 7 years ago
Is there a 4k version of this somewhere?
Danielle Pay
Danielle Pay - 7 years ago
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Not at the moment im afraid.
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing this amazing reef tank....
Jim - 7 years ago
twinturbo111 - 7 years ago
What's the name of this song ?
coralman77 - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing this amazing tank.
DOES MY NUT IN - 7 years ago
watching this gave me goosebumps absolutely amazing reef
MAD DOGZ TV - 7 years ago
wow,, just wow,, this is stunning..... big thumps up and sub from me ...
Enda Permana
Enda Permana - 7 years ago
Jason Cruz
Jason Cruz - 7 years ago
What are the dimensions on that beast !
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Hi , the actual aquarium is 3 x 2 x 1.5m/10 x 6.6 x 5’ (L-shaped) 1.2 m/4’ deep
Cesca's Reef
Cesca's Reef - 7 years ago
Stunning   :)
Daily Reefing
Daily Reefing - 7 years ago
Looks like a dive video from the Barrier Reef!! Absolutely stunning
linh giao
linh giao - 7 years ago
Thank you for sharing.
Nerds Logic
Nerds Logic - 7 years ago
what is your lighting program or schedule? can you send it to me?
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Milton English
Milton English - 7 years ago
That is a gorgeous tank. How big and how long has it been running
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
Also just to add that the Tank was rebuilt in 2013 with a new glass aquarium as the glass was starting to show its age..The new tank was also a slightly larger footprint. In 2015 the tank was stripped and a new live rock aquascape installed ,a new remote sump room was also aquired and refurbished, new sump tanks installed together with many new features and equipment . The rescape in 2015 was due to a copper reading that David couldnt account for that kept showing up on his ICP tests. His corals were also flagging so the decision was made to strip the tank and look for the cause.

The root cause was found to originate from a large bespoke chiller coil that David had asked a company build for him, the specification requested by David included the use of Titanium cooling coils. Once David cut the coil housing open he found that the company had actually used copper pipe that had been coated, the coating had breached liberating copper into the tank!! As the housing was sealed there was no way to know what was going on in there but David decided to leave no stone unturned and to cut it open even if it meant destroying it and its just as well he did.
TonyatDD - 7 years ago
3 x 2 x 1.5m/10 x 6.6 x 5’ (L-shaped) 1.2 m/4’ deep
bloodyymary - 7 years ago
amazing, great tank
DreamReefer UK
DreamReefer UK - 7 years ago
Wow wow wow! I'd love to see this in person along with yours Stuart. Your tanks are amazing.
R e e f f r e d
R e e f f r e d - 7 years ago
Great video thanks!!!!

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