Dormero Rotes Ross June 2013 Hotel Reef Aquarium
Reef tank 11 years ago 639,957 views
A bit of splendor assembled from the world´s oceans can be observed around and within the reef of this 660 gallon tank. In addition to the two Moray Eels and several species of fish and marine invertebrates, a large collection of live corals await your curiosity.There are no plants in this aquarium. Enjoy the view ! Eine Auswahl der Schönheiten der Weltmeere können in und um das Riff dieses 2500 Liter-Beckens beobachtet und bewundert werden. Neben den zwei Muränen und verschiedenen Fischarten und maritimen wirbellosen Lebewesen wartet eine große Auswahl an lebenden Korallen darauf, von Ihnen bestaunt zu werden. Es gibt keine Pflanzen in diesem Aquarium. Genießen Sie den Anblick !
10. comment for Dormero Rotes Ross June 2013 Hotel Reef Aquarium
thought that you would like to know my aquarium is still doing fine.
20. comment for Dormero Rotes Ross June 2013 Hotel Reef Aquarium
it seem it's been a good job with this aquarium!
30. comment for Dormero Rotes Ross June 2013 Hotel Reef Aquarium
50. comment for Dormero Rotes Ross June 2013 Hotel Reef Aquarium
Thinking It has a beautifuler
coral reef and fish in Pacific Ocean
much appreciated.
100. comment for Dormero Rotes Ross June 2013 Hotel Reef Aquarium
Jealous very jealous >:''(
have the best chance of surviving once you get them from shop to tank?
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
$17 000 - $19 000?