Dosing 2 Part, 3 Part, or Balling Method in Your Reef Tank? We like to help explain the differences between the different methods of adding calcium and alkalinity in the USA and Europe. The other thing we like to help people with is the understanding of why we in an ULNS like Zeovvit use the Hans Balling Method with Tropic Marin Balling salts. Enjoy the video.

Dosing 2 Part, 3 Part, or Balling Method in Your Reef Tank? sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Reef tank 9 years ago 9,493 views We like to help explain the differences between the different methods of adding calcium and alkalinity in the USA and Europe. The other thing we like to help people with is the understanding of why we in an ULNS like Zeovvit use the Hans Balling Method with Tropic Marin Balling salts. Enjoy the video.

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Most popular comments
for Dosing 2 Part, 3 Part, or Balling Method in Your Reef Tank?

muffemod - 7 years ago
You can just have your skimmer skim wet, combined with an ATO and you defeat the salt creep of two part and three part. This may not be a long term solution, and water changes may need to come down the road.
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 9 years ago
I started using the Balling method from TM. My start date is Sept 2015 till present. My Magnesium levels are through the roof! The directions are: Add equal parts of Part A, B and C. However, this does not work. I need to add 2 parts Part A, 1 part part B, and none of part C- as my Mg levels are through the roof. I even use TM pro reef salt. No worries though, titration and diligence will get me through this. FYI, titrate to be sure the manufacturer of the product comes through. And yes I mix everything well, including the salt. I still will use it it , but in different dosages for sure.
Joao Carlos Destro
Joao Carlos Destro - 8 years ago
I will ask for this here, I think it's because the NACL free Salt has Magnesium... so if you have high levels of magnesium you sould not add NACL free salt. Is that True REEFDVMS? In this case you should use just trace elements and amino acids? right?
emilpett - 9 years ago
hello, i`m also using the zeo method, but i got no light in the sump, so my Ph is dropping during night. Will you recomend dosing KH at night to keep the Ph up or dose KH all day?
ReefDVMs - 9 years ago
+emilpett decreasing pH doesnt really scare us enough to always dose to correct, ocean pH changes too. Adding a air stone at night all night might help and sump like might too, but once you get into KH dosing it gets complex if you choose to try it
DUTCH DESIGN NL - 9 years ago
amazing channel! first time i see somebody explain of the balling method! i just building up my new tank and whil also later gonna run this method!! 1 buddy off my is running this method allong time! with great succes!
and NO water changes anymore!! iam coming from the Netherlands,and this method is overhere,is be doing a great succes! keap up the good videos! best regards The Dutch Man
Herbert Gonzalez
Herbert Gonzalez - 9 years ago
can you explain how to do the 3 part and boiling.
stvygr - 9 years ago
great video, very informative.
American Aquarium
American Aquarium - 9 years ago
Excellent Video! Very informative!
ReefDVMs - 9 years ago
+American Aquarium Thanks, very much appreciated..Ryan
915Mang - 9 years ago
Great video as always, thanks for the information
leightonlawson71 - 9 years ago
Thank you for your hard work in putting this together, it has absolutely shed some light on things A++
ReefDVMs - 9 years ago
+leightonlawson71 thanks

10. comment for Dosing 2 Part, 3 Part, or Balling Method in Your Reef Tank?

Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 9 years ago
wow super nice testing the water the only way to find out if you need to use one of these for your reef tank? should i expect to have to do this down the road with a reef tank say 2 or 3 yr later? what kind of metal racking stand was that? it looks nice and beefy not like the other shelving units....
ReefDVMs - 9 years ago
+Rico Suave I would recommend that water test be done at least monthly be you and if needed qtr by like triton to make sure the water tests are correct, and if able watch your corals, as things change good or bad its normally water issues=)

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