EVO 12 reef tank kit from Fluval Sea
Reef tank 8 years ago 35,780 views
The EVO 12 is a reef tank designed especially for saltwater aquariums. 13 gallon tank (tank volume is 12 gallon). Touch Sensitive 36 watt LED (14K). The protein skimmer is a separate addition ($60) but the entire kit retails for around $200US excluding the protein skimmer. We covered this tank back in 2014: https://reefbuilders.com/2014/08/30/fluval-sea-evo12-nano-tank/
PD: I own this aquarium.
10. comment for EVO 12 reef tank kit from Fluval Sea
Ya saw it, looking good. I've seen most of bulkreefsupply videos been studying saltwater tank info for around 2 months now. So much shit to it. I actually like the lower flow of the pump on the evo and just added a small powerhead on mine. That way I can stick in a whole tub of denitrate zeolite in the back. The lower flow apparently allows denitrifying bacteria to also then populate inside the zeolite. So I think that will go a long ways in keeping the tank more stable. I got a culture of tropical white worms and tisbe pods planning on getting the stock high enough then get a mandarin that is by big goal. Probably a clown and a cleaner shrimp too. But no clue what else. Oh ya doing the little baby brine shrimp feeder for the mandarin too. I know I'm kinda jumping off the deep end lol.
My tank is in a room with huge windows on two walls so there is a lot of indirect sunlight in the room. So I don't know maybe that will supplement the LED somewhat, and was thinking maybe I could also just do a LED strip and stick it to the roof of the lid to supplement with some other wavelengths easily. You know just find the right wavelengths and slam them all into breadboard something like this they are cheap http://www.jameco.com/z/JE19-100-Point-Solderless-Breadboard-Bus-Strip-2-Pack-_94457.html then like maybe paint some non toxic epoxy or polyurethane whatever the right stuff is over it to water proof it. Then glue or tape the strip on the hood. I don't think it would even cost much. The thing is the room I have it in I'm in a lot and I don't like the light hanging over a topless tank concept because it will be I'm sure really distracting for me and all the extra light not being contained under the hood type of deal.
lmao I know I went on a bit but I always find what other people are doing interesting so may as well give some detail. I might add a leopard wrasse or six line wrasse. I think I saw you had a leopard.
They give the lumens not the par on the site. So I would think discussing the lumens would be far more accurate than the watts. Watts is power not light. Ya lumens is the brightness we can see. Par is like the lumen spectrum for plants. Florescent and normal bulbs as far as I know give a broad spectrum of light wavelengths and LED are more like single spectrum. So then lumen for LED would be far more representative than lumen for florescent bulb for conversation sake. But the problem is the relation or conversion of lumen to par. No clue. Then there is the 14k and the fact they have the blue LEDs on there. Are they merging the two different LEDs to give the light temperature and so on. Like maybe the white LED's are 6500k and the blue are 25000k and when both on together it reads as 14k to that effect. Then there is the fact that new LEDs I'm sure are now starting to have way more lumen and par output per watt. It says online corals grow faster the lower the color temp to around 6700k or 6500 yet fluvals comercial new LED they have that I previously mentioned are 25 000k. So I'm really confused.
So what are you using?
I'm new so help me out what is the issue? The lumens should be higher? A lot higher, if so what should the lumens of a LED be at for this sized tank? It says it's 14 000k light temp and the other is 25 000k. But you only mentioned you had issues with the watts. Really appreciate a reply. Also from my studies it seems like there is a decent light requirement difference between sps and everything else. So I think most people would only want to go up to lps for a tank like this anyways so if you could keep that in mind when recommending the lumens if that is even the issue. Because from everywhere I look sps is high light requirement and lps and everything else seems to be moderate and lower for the most part.