Feng Shui Living Reef Tank | Tanked!

One of the most memorable tanks at ATM was the Feng Shui Living Reef tank. Tune in Saturdays @ 9pm | Watch more Tanked videos at http://animal.discovery.com/tv/tanked/#mkcpgn=ytapl1

Feng Shui Living Reef Tank | Tanked! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Reef tank 12 years ago 63,539 views

One of the most memorable tanks at ATM was the Feng Shui Living Reef tank. Tune in Saturdays @ 9pm | Watch more Tanked videos at http://animal.discovery.com/tv/tanked/#mkcpgn=ytapl1

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Most popular comments
for Feng Shui Living Reef Tank | Tanked!

Yang Wei
Yang Wei - 7 years ago
Fengshui is very important for business man in China, HA HA HA!
Richard Fuentes
Richard Fuentes - 7 years ago
I am by no means an expert or a novice when it comes to fish, I watch these guys on Tanked because theyre very entertaining. Sometimes when I read a comment about how they kill fish or they dont cycle the water. All of these tanks they feature on the show are already sold and possibly alredy built or half way built. In some episodes it looks like they just wallked in and sold a massive tank as the show was filming, but in some episodes you could see the p.v.c pipes they use for the filtration already buried in concrete! They were there a month ago or longer to start the install, and then asked the customers permission to be on the show. When you see them add water, in some episodes you can see the hazy water that Im sure takes hours to cycle and clear itself. As far as them killing fish they do have local maintenance people, maybe the maintenance person doesnt really know his job,maybe when the fish were in quarantine a sick one made it through,maybe the customer over fed the fish who could say for sure.
Chad Stambaugh
Chad Stambaugh - 7 years ago
I love how they gave incredibly difficult stuff to people who have no idea, including themselves. An archilles, seriously? that'll blow up with ich and be gone in a month. Linckia is doomed, a harem of clarks? wow.... And flame scallops? Not to mention all the NPS coral.
I bet the dude at the LFS was just laughing all the way to the bank.
I bet most of that tank is dead, or died within the first 2 months.
Living in False Eyes
Living in False Eyes - 8 years ago
Everyone is talking about cycling the water, I'm sure they cycled it plenty in between footage. My question: where the hell are the jets, anemone/coral/plants/etc. will die if the water isn't moving.
Living in False Eyes
Living in False Eyes - 8 years ago
I didn't see any jets in there so... there goes most of the live reef in a couple weeks.. Can't keep a live reef alive without cycling unfortunately >->
s_ r
s_ r - 8 years ago
they do cycle that tank they use cycled media and rum it for hours
Todor Angelov
Todor Angelov - 8 years ago
This is the best Tanked aquarium, because it is live reef!!!
郭子維 - 9 years ago
風水can bring you good luck
FOWLR4NOW - 10 years ago
Annddd... the starfish's fate was sealed. You never take a starfish out of the water, it's respiratory system gets clogged with air and it slowly suffocates. Nice!
Chad Stambaugh
Chad Stambaugh - 7 years ago
false myth. It's more about the starfish being exposed to drastic temp differences which screw them up. But yeah that star is 100% dead. No one knows what linckia stars eat, and a huge one going into a new reef, not a chance.
Afnan Amirruddin
voicezero - 8 years ago
yes many internet expert myths running around.
the florix
the florix - 11 years ago
never knew you could add fish that way.
Living in False Eyes
Living in False Eyes - 8 years ago
Where the hell are the jets is my question. all of the living shit that ain't a fish needs the water to be flowing or it'll die off.
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 10 years ago
+Anthony McNicholas most likely once set up and added cycling liquids they stop filming the program, then once matured carry on finishing the show  
Tristan Tsutsumida
Tristan Tsutsumida - 10 years ago
+Anthony McNicholas There is a product you can buy that you add and it cycles the saltwater tank in less than one hour. I have used it for years in my tanks.
Sky 1
Sky 1 - 10 years ago
Did anyone see them cycle the tank???

10. comment for Feng Shui Living Reef Tank | Tanked!

Rool Splash
Rool Splash - 11 years ago
wow  gj  taking starfish out of the walter kills em  how professional not knowing that o.0
Jeeyoon Jung
Jeeyoon Jung - 11 years ago
So amazing!
briankook - 11 years ago
Those guys build nice tanks, but I question certain things. Like using a net on the fish. Such a no no.
deank981 - 11 years ago
What episode is this?
CaptainChameleon - 12 years ago
Exactly/ If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
scott dip
scott dip - 12 years ago
if you take old filer media ansd established rock you can set a reef up in a mater of weeks adding coral excreta not days thats new rock and its not old media
core zhu
core zhu - 12 years ago
fengshui chinese mind make the owner much lucky or richer
Cross-Fitness Training
Cross-Fitness Training - 12 years ago
i like it
Hesham Subuh
Hesham Subuh - 12 years ago
that was to soon to put the fish in that tank needed atleast a month or two to cycle. i dont see how they do it and they do this for every tank that they build .
abreezeducttesting - 12 years ago
Great tank Wade and Bret...

20. comment for Feng Shui Living Reef Tank | Tanked!

MatthewZenn - 12 years ago
I at least hope the owners know how to take care of a reef tank.
Владимир Петров
Владимир Петров - 12 years ago
ww . fengshuibg . com
sounduser - 12 years ago
I bet that goniopora is dead now.
magneticwonder - 12 years ago
look who's talking and where exactly did you say anything about the video?
pacovl46 - 12 years ago
awesome tank!!!
GreenAzn - 12 years ago
This show awkward af..
Victoria P
Victoria P - 12 years ago
wow, beautiful
Viorel Florea
Viorel Florea - 12 years ago
Artur Gittos
Artur Gittos - 12 years ago
we have something in common :p
Sadet The Hyperactive Princess
Sadet The Hyperactive Princess - 12 years ago
thats cool and funny

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