Fluval Evo 13 Gallon Assembly and First Impressions!! First Reef Tank!! KGTropicals

Hey Folks, As you may know I received the new Evo tank from Fluval about a week ago and I decided to record this video showing how to assemble the kit and show what comes with it. I also show the installation of the optional protein skimmer. Towards the end of this video I'll give you my first impressions of the kit but we all know how much of a Fluval fan boy I am, what do you think I'm gonna say?? Looking for the KGTropicals Premium Cichlid Pellets or many other aquarium supplies? Check out our website KGTropicals and I bet you’ll find them!!! https://www.kgtropicals.com Join the Tank Talk Facebook Group and join me on Tuesday nights from 9 PM-10:30 PM EST!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1674032529542132/?pnref=lhc Check out our affiliates and see how you can get some great deals!! Universal Rocks 15% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! https://www.universalrocks.com/ Live Fish Direct $10.00 off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! https://www.livefishdirect.com Aquarium Co-Op 10% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! http://www.aquariumcoop.com Fluval Evo http://www.fluvalaquatics.com/us/saltwater/aquariums/series/evo/ Don't let its size fool you. Evo packs the same performance features as a tank several times its size, but is small enough to fit on any desk or counter top. A super bright 11000K LED provides optimal conditions for healthy coral growth color and conditioning, while powerful 3-stage filtration with oversized media delivers amazing water quality. Go ahead and grow your mini reef with confidence and creativity. Endless possibilities await. KEY FEATURES Stylish honeycomb design conceals back filtration area while looking ultra modern Powerful 3-stage filtration with oversized mechanical, chemical and biological media LED LIGHTING SYSTEM: 11000K high-output LED is appropriate for healthy coral growth Sleek, all aluminum waterproof casing Convenient touch start day & night illumination

Fluval Evo 13 Gallon Assembly and First Impressions!! First Reef Tank!! KGTropicals sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Reef tank 8 years ago 42,601 views

Hey Folks, As you may know I received the new Evo tank from Fluval about a week ago and I decided to record this video showing how to assemble the kit and show what comes with it. I also show the installation of the optional protein skimmer. Towards the end of this video I'll give you my first impressions of the kit but we all know how much of a Fluval fan boy I am, what do you think I'm gonna say?? Looking for the KGTropicals Premium Cichlid Pellets or many other aquarium supplies? Check out our website KGTropicals and I bet you’ll find them!!! https://www.kgtropicals.com Join the Tank Talk Facebook Group and join me on Tuesday nights from 9 PM-10:30 PM EST!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1674032529542132/?pnref=lhc Check out our affiliates and see how you can get some great deals!! Universal Rocks 15% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! https://www.universalrocks.com/ Live Fish Direct $10.00 off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! https://www.livefishdirect.com Aquarium Co-Op 10% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! http://www.aquariumcoop.com Fluval Evo http://www.fluvalaquatics.com/us/saltwater/aquariums/series/evo/ Don't let its size fool you. Evo packs the same performance features as a tank several times its size, but is small enough to fit on any desk or counter top. A super bright 11000K LED provides optimal conditions for healthy coral growth color and conditioning, while powerful 3-stage filtration with oversized media delivers amazing water quality. Go ahead and grow your mini reef with confidence and creativity. Endless possibilities await. KEY FEATURES Stylish honeycomb design conceals back filtration area while looking ultra modern Powerful 3-stage filtration with oversized mechanical, chemical and biological media LED LIGHTING SYSTEM: 11000K high-output LED is appropriate for healthy coral growth Sleek, all aluminum waterproof casing Convenient touch start day & night illumination

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Most popular comments
for Fluval Evo 13 Gallon Assembly and First Impressions!! First Reef Tank!! KGTropicals

Christian Pepe
Christian Pepe - 6 years ago
Where did you buy it from that you got the free stuff too? Can't seem to buy it on the website
FATBOY REEFER - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video! Please take a look at my channel and subscribe if you have time. I'm trying to grow my channel. Keep the videos coming!
Shawn Jenkins
Shawn Jenkins - 7 years ago
I love your channel!! I have the same Aquarium!! However, it has a Flaw. The water flows horizontally through the media. Not vertically from top to bottom and into chamber 3. So not all the water reaches all the media before reaching chamber 3. Checkout the Reef Mechanic Channel on YouTube I learn a lot from you and him. Keep Up the Great Videos!! Go KGTropicals!!
Theo Colvin
Theo Colvin - 7 years ago
thanks so much for a great video. very informational and helps me make my decision on which tank to get.
George Arias
George Arias - 7 years ago
The aquascape is amazing!! It look from a beautiful and well stablished aquarium.
JGO - 7 years ago
Fluvel makes the same kit with the skimmer and the heater it's 100. Dollars more
MermaidPrincess - 7 years ago
can i use this as a Quarantine tank?
Uhohhotdog Gaming
Uhohhotdog Gaming - 7 years ago
The heater they recommend for it doesn't fit like the box shows. It's too long
Ben Tristan
Ben Tristan - 7 years ago
Uhohhotdog Gaming yup. Had the same issue
SlimJimmy916 - 7 years ago
is the filter and the skimmer quiet??

10. comment for Fluval Evo 13 Gallon Assembly and First Impressions!! First Reef Tank!! KGTropicals

LiL GooZ 21
LiL GooZ 21 - 7 years ago
Can this be used as fresh water tank?
Russell Garcia
Russell Garcia - 7 years ago
I've had to upgrade the pump and light on my evo.
MermaidPrincess - 7 years ago
Russell The Fish Guy ok cool thanks
Russell Garcia
Russell Garcia - 7 years ago
MermaidPrincess I don't see why not.
MermaidPrincess - 7 years ago
Russell The Fish Guy hi can this be used as a quarantined tank?
Boca Motor
Boca Motor - 7 years ago
Is it quiet ?
Lashawna Brady
Lashawna Brady - 7 years ago
can't see...too dark
Pulp Entertainment
Pulp Entertainment - 7 years ago
i have the same tank and the air pump makes so much noise. Do you know why it may do that and how to fix it.
pecktec - 7 years ago
Karagen wants one of these.
Melain Kinney
Melain Kinney - 7 years ago
well i had one flop with the evo but fluval had our back the led light would not shut off or switch light mode . Fluval sent us a free replacement and power adapter . after receive the new light we were able to determine it was the light itself . the protein skimmer must not over fill the tank or the skimmer tend to fill up very very rapidly . were new to reef tanks we are having success now at the 3 month point. we cant wait to order corals from tidal gardens since were in ohio we want buy locally
aveRAGE bR0
aveRAGE bR0 - 7 years ago
naggy..go straight to the point pls..dislike
George Arias
George Arias - 7 years ago
More than 20 minutes of vid. Who got that time for watching the full review. Only aquaholics.
Gwindor calafalas
Gwindor calafalas - 7 years ago
designed specifically
bwatt51 - 8 years ago
Which way do you turn the air and water to increase and decrease the amount of air and water level. Instructions do 't say. Please HELP!!!

20. comment for Fluval Evo 13 Gallon Assembly and First Impressions!! First Reef Tank!! KGTropicals

Seth Essington
Seth Essington - 8 years ago
On my Spec V, I scrapped the "built in sump" and hooked up my own sump to the system.
Joshua Wang
Joshua Wang - 8 years ago
is there any way to automate the light cycle to where it turns just the blue lights on at dawn an dusk between the normal lighting period and the off periods? i.e. 8-9am blue lights; 9am-5pm full lights; 5-6pm blues; 6pm-8am off?
Uhohhotdog Gaming
Uhohhotdog Gaming - 7 years ago
Joshua Wang nope
Charles Centrelli
Charles Centrelli - 8 years ago
Is the feeding slot on top always open? Is there a cover that can be put on it?
Sameer Kassam
Sameer Kassam - 8 years ago
I have a question about the EVO 13.5.  Did you find the stock pump provides enough water movement?  Many of the videos I see on the web have added extra circulation pumps.  Any thoughts?
Chris R.
Chris R. - 8 years ago
Is the all blue light a night time light
TorontoBalconyGardener Michael
TorontoBalconyGardener Michael - 7 years ago
Not for the whole night turn it off when you go to bed so the tank gets a night cycle.
Dubsy Dabster
Dubsy Dabster - 8 years ago
Chris R. yes
Wrasser85 - 8 years ago
I'm willing to bet they didn't add a heater because a faulty one will crash an entire tank. Can't say I blame em'!
Anastassiya Miloyanina
Anastassiya Miloyanina - 8 years ago
is it going to be enough light for corals ?
TorontoBalconyGardener Michael
TorontoBalconyGardener Michael - 7 years ago
Yes but soft corals and maybe some hardy lps, but no sps.
jemetta cooper
jemetta cooper - 8 years ago
great then you will be my go to guy, would love to be a support to your channel. Thanks John, really looking forward to working with you.
Domenic Robertazzi
Domenic Robertazzi - 8 years ago
turning skimmer all the way up as recommended is that clockwise or counter clockwise. they don't say
Chris The Hobby Guy
Chris The Hobby Guy - 8 years ago
Great video..your friend "CHRIS THE HOBBY GUY''

30. comment for Fluval Evo 13 Gallon Assembly and First Impressions!! First Reef Tank!! KGTropicals

Jason Hart
Jason Hart - 8 years ago
what heater did you use?
Hashtag Media
Hashtag Media - 8 years ago
Can you let me know the internal dimensions of the display tank please? I'm trying to plan my rock work before i get one. Thanks - Keep up the great videos
Melain Kinney
Melain Kinney - 8 years ago
You roped me in i plunked down the money on this 13.5 going cold turkey .
yes i have a salt tank family member so i won't be flying totally blind .
we could not find it locally so we praying a lot on shipper now ..
Sameer Kassam
Sameer Kassam - 8 years ago
I just purchased the EVO 13.5 for $149.99 at Pisces Pets in Calgary.  Best deal I could find.
Cheryl Lupton
Cheryl Lupton - 8 years ago
Krakens aquarium
Mike Lamanne
Mike Lamanne - 8 years ago
Hi, Fellow Canadian here, where did you purchase this tank for $215 Canadian?
Cheryl Lupton
Cheryl Lupton - 8 years ago
I'm doing to opposite ahha I have a 100 gallon and want to annemo only tank so they don't sting my corals!
Ahh all the best and happy reefing :)
Melain Kinney
Melain Kinney - 8 years ago
Doctor Foster it was free shipping for me its a nice little 12 gallon tank we placed a court jester goby and Pink Spotted Goby and a shrimp mate we have kept it very simple because it is after all just a 12 gallon tank .But now i have a itch to get a full 30 gallon tank set next to it my stand is big enough i can run both tanks side by side
Cheryl Lupton
Cheryl Lupton - 8 years ago
Melain Kinney I only paid 15$ for shipping? so total 215.00$ CAD
viper4hdz - 8 years ago
I recently received my tank after a month of waiting and as soon as I was getting ready to put it all together I noticed that my led light is defective. It didn't come with the medal pin connector that goes connected to the power supply:( I tried connecting another power supply that has the pin then the led lights turn on, but started to flicker... hopefully they have good customer service team...
Jack Lantern
Jack Lantern - 8 years ago
Thanks for this. Am gonna start a Nano shrimp tank with a goby or 2 and this will work perfectly
Nanoman - 8 years ago
Doing nano reef tanks now eh? Awesome! I've been doing nano reefs since 2006.
Todd - 8 years ago
Considering this is supposed to be geared toward nano reef fans I sorta see a potential issue with their choice of stock filter media. Maybe, mnaybe there's a use for the carbon but I thought on small nano's that your supposed to not use that big ol'e sponge insert which kinda seems like it would be a huge nitrate generator and what's up with those bio-rings? Wouldn't it just be better to maybe fill the 2nd chamber with some live rock rubble and maybe a high end sack of quality carbon, maybe a phosphate remover of some kind also? Nice looking tank, another winning move from Fluval but I always understood everybody who used all-in-one's ditched the stock media. Maybe I'm wrong and that big sponge would be ok but I hear a lot of people ditch those if going the reef route.
Anthony Willroth
Anthony Willroth - 7 years ago
I've always left the big sponge in my pico tanks. Just ends up loaded with beneficial inverts. never had a nitrate issue because the water change schedule you need on a small tank pretty much nips that in the bud.
Ben Lautermilch
Ben Lautermilch - 8 years ago
Could you possibly use this system for freshwater?
Cheryl Lupton
Cheryl Lupton - 8 years ago
Ben Lautermilch for sure YESS it would be over kill for any freshwater tank
J Renèe ツ
J Renèe ツ - 8 years ago
If you really wanted to you probably could. I don't own this aquarium, but it's really made specifically for a reef setup. It has lighting that is pretty specific to reef aquariums with coral; the filter creates a very, very, high amount of flow, far too much for freshwater fish...this may be adjustable but it would still be pretty high and could be high enough to blow your fish around and really stress them out. So judging by that, and the price of the aquarium I would recommend against using it for freshwater. Fluval does however make a similar style for freshwater, its called the spec, I would look into that. But I also got a cheap petsmart aquarium that has a built in, intergrated filtration system, with touch sensor LED and glass canopy its 5.5 gallons, I only paid under 35 dollars when it was on sale, but I must say I'm really happy with it so far I've had it probably a year now without any real complaints.
Rhett Herring
Rhett Herring - 8 years ago
Where can I find the protein skimmer for online order? Thanks for the video!
Nick Duggan
Nick Duggan - 8 years ago
Hey John, I haven't read through all the comments but for optimum performance of a protein skimmer you want it towards the huge concentration of bubbles are barely making it up body of the skimmer and only brown bubbles are making it to the collection cup. Also your salt should contain enough calcium and trace elements that you shouldn't need any other supplements until you get that tank packed with corals.
liquid-nature - 8 years ago
Looks like an awesome all in 1 system!
pattack7 - 8 years ago
Wow!! This is actually a great looking little tank!!! Now I want one!!! The light looks to have the on off button from the planted 2.0 light they make
Bobby Strausbaugh
Bobby Strausbaugh - 8 years ago
I just picked one of these up. so far I love it! It looks very sleek and clean. Definitely a quality product
Colin Pearce
Colin Pearce - 8 years ago
really getting to like your videos !!!!
4thGloryMonday - 8 years ago
think i just figured out what i want for christmas. cant wait to tell the wife, i can hear her now, another one. haha good luck. cant wait to c this tank cycled
KGTropicals - 8 years ago
Ha ha! I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!!
FinleyGaming - 8 years ago
I got this tank a few months ago as my first reef after having over 20 freshwater tanks and I'm still in love with this kit a few months later and it's now home to my two clowns and fire shrimp. I'm looking at coral and anemones but not sure what coral/anemones I could get with the lights the tank comes with
KGTropicals - 8 years ago
You might wanna watch my live show this coming Thursday night, I'll have a very special guest on and that's exactly what we're gonna be talking about "first corals".
Paul Chippington
Paul Chippington - 8 years ago
Hi John, cant wait for next installment First fish
konsent21 - 8 years ago
Best friend John
Victor Baker
Victor Baker - 8 years ago
Nice little tank. To small for me. Am not into nano tanks but it's still a nice tank.
Sharbuckles Reef
Sharbuckles Reef - 8 years ago
What are you planning for your first coral?
KGTropicals - 8 years ago
I'm hoping to figure that out on this weeks Tank Talk Live when I have a special guest on:-) 8 PM EST Thursday.

50. comment for Fluval Evo 13 Gallon Assembly and First Impressions!! First Reef Tank!! KGTropicals

Sharbuckles Reef
Sharbuckles Reef - 8 years ago
Welcome to Reefing!
Dimitri Kolijn
Dimitri Kolijn - 8 years ago
John, where did you get your Fluval Evo 13 at, I can't seem to find one local or online. I'd like this tank to be my first trip in to the salt world.
KGTropicals - 8 years ago
I got mine direct from Fluval but there are a few websites that have them for sale, you just gotta dig around. Just Google Fluval EVO, you'll find em:-)
eric j
eric j - 8 years ago
if it's a reef with rock, you won't need the bio rings I would swap that out for chemipure elite, once you have rock in your biological with live in the rock making it live rock, it will give you better filtration in your sump, anyway good luck thanks for sharing friend and happy reefing.
C Bahl
C Bahl - 8 years ago
great vid! give that skimmer time wont really work much until their is a bio load or food introduced.
Cagri Ergen
Cagri Ergen - 8 years ago
Hey John, I am a big fan. Are you going to Chicago Aquatic experience next month? If you are, I would love to meet you there.
KGTropicals - 8 years ago
Unfortunately no, not this year:-(
William Feltner
William Feltner - 8 years ago
Looking good John. As far as the protein skimmer i always turn the air all the way up and adjust the water flow so that it doesn't flood the collection cup. You want through bubbles in the neck of the cup to be as low in the chamber as possible and over time larger bubbles will form and spill out as the skim u are looking for. It does take a few days to break in though, usually once the skimmer stops spewing micro bubbles into the tank it is broken in.
Domenic Robertazzi
Domenic Robertazzi - 8 years ago
is turning it up clock wise or counter clock wise, they don't say
KGTropicals - 8 years ago
Thanks WF!!
Gav May
Gav May - 8 years ago
Saving up for a 300 litre tank will be using your vids to get into Africa's, having a clue about them.
Gav May
Gav May - 8 years ago
i will indeed, i have 3 planted aquariums at the moment but always wanted cichlids ever since i seen my teachers frontosa tank when i was younger.
KGTropicals - 8 years ago
Awesome!! You should definitely post videos of your tank once it's set up:-)
Anthony Vaccaro
Anthony Vaccaro - 8 years ago
Get a firefish
richard negron
richard negron - 8 years ago
Devin Delaughter
Devin Delaughter - 8 years ago
I could give you the first dislike but I'm not hahahaha usually there's always 1 dislike
Devin Delaughter
Devin Delaughter - 8 years ago
Sorry John didn't know you responded haha you like a celebrity or something gone fan girl hahahah
KGTropicals - 8 years ago
Yeah I guess whoever is my immediate disliker was busy when I put this up ha ha

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