Fluval Evo 13 Gallon Assembly and First Impressions!! First Reef Tank!! KGTropicals
Reef tank 8 years ago 42,601 views
Hey Folks, As you may know I received the new Evo tank from Fluval about a week ago and I decided to record this video showing how to assemble the kit and show what comes with it. I also show the installation of the optional protein skimmer. Towards the end of this video I'll give you my first impressions of the kit but we all know how much of a Fluval fan boy I am, what do you think I'm gonna say?? Looking for the KGTropicals Premium Cichlid Pellets or many other aquarium supplies? Check out our website KGTropicals and I bet you’ll find them!!! https://www.kgtropicals.com Join the Tank Talk Facebook Group and join me on Tuesday nights from 9 PM-10:30 PM EST!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1674032529542132/?pnref=lhc Check out our affiliates and see how you can get some great deals!! Universal Rocks 15% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! https://www.universalrocks.com/ Live Fish Direct $10.00 off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! https://www.livefishdirect.com Aquarium Co-Op 10% off for entering Tank Talk at check out!! http://www.aquariumcoop.com Fluval Evo http://www.fluvalaquatics.com/us/saltwater/aquariums/series/evo/ Don't let its size fool you. Evo packs the same performance features as a tank several times its size, but is small enough to fit on any desk or counter top. A super bright 11000K LED provides optimal conditions for healthy coral growth color and conditioning, while powerful 3-stage filtration with oversized media delivers amazing water quality. Go ahead and grow your mini reef with confidence and creativity. Endless possibilities await. KEY FEATURES Stylish honeycomb design conceals back filtration area while looking ultra modern Powerful 3-stage filtration with oversized mechanical, chemical and biological media LED LIGHTING SYSTEM: 11000K high-output LED is appropriate for healthy coral growth Sleek, all aluminum waterproof casing Convenient touch start day & night illumination
10. comment for Fluval Evo 13 Gallon Assembly and First Impressions!! First Reef Tank!! KGTropicals
20. comment for Fluval Evo 13 Gallon Assembly and First Impressions!! First Reef Tank!! KGTropicals
30. comment for Fluval Evo 13 Gallon Assembly and First Impressions!! First Reef Tank!! KGTropicals
yes i have a salt tank family member so i won't be flying totally blind .
we could not find it locally so we praying a lot on shipper now ..
Ahh all the best and happy reefing :)
50. comment for Fluval Evo 13 Gallon Assembly and First Impressions!! First Reef Tank!! KGTropicals