Ganzel's Reef Tank - 130 g. - 70 g. sump - december 2008 - saltwater aquarium

Please thumbs up on stumble if you like this! Started in february 2008, 6 ft, 130g display, 70g sump, 3x MH 400W 20 000 K XM lights, 2x hydor koralia 4, ph meter, refractometer, cheato in sump+ 70 lbs live rock, fans, 1x 250 watt heater, 30g water reserve, 100 gpd RO/DI, KENT MARINE salt... Corals : tabletop Acropora sp, green montipora, orange montipora, salomon pink and orange superman monti digita, frogspawn, different anemones, kenya trees, sarcos, white pumping xenia, purple xenia, green star polyp, green hydnopora, coco worm, different riccordera, orange favia, green brain, orange brain, many kind of mushes, many kind of zoos, candy cane, devil hand, cauliflower coral, elegant coral, blue ridge, green pocillopora coral, and many more! Fishes : 12 chromis, 2 orange ocerallis, 2 onyx clowns, 1 yellow tang, 1 hyppo blue tang, 1 sailfin tang, 2 dragonnets (mandarin), 1 neon goby, many snails, conch, etc.

Ganzel's Reef Tank - 130 g. - 70 g. sump - december 2008 - saltwater aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Reef tank 16 years ago 126,698 views

Please thumbs up on stumble if you like this! Started in february 2008, 6 ft, 130g display, 70g sump, 3x MH 400W 20 000 K XM lights, 2x hydor koralia 4, ph meter, refractometer, cheato in sump+ 70 lbs live rock, fans, 1x 250 watt heater, 30g water reserve, 100 gpd RO/DI, KENT MARINE salt... Corals : tabletop Acropora sp, green montipora, orange montipora, salomon pink and orange superman monti digita, frogspawn, different anemones, kenya trees, sarcos, white pumping xenia, purple xenia, green star polyp, green hydnopora, coco worm, different riccordera, orange favia, green brain, orange brain, many kind of mushes, many kind of zoos, candy cane, devil hand, cauliflower coral, elegant coral, blue ridge, green pocillopora coral, and many more! Fishes : 12 chromis, 2 orange ocerallis, 2 onyx clowns, 1 yellow tang, 1 hyppo blue tang, 1 sailfin tang, 2 dragonnets (mandarin), 1 neon goby, many snails, conch, etc.

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Most popular comments
for Ganzel's Reef Tank - 130 g. - 70 g. sump - december 2008 - saltwater aquarium

Mansa Musa
Mansa Musa - 11 years ago
Blue/green chromis
tastemytaing - 12 years ago
the school of blue fish are beautiful. what kind are they?
sbazain - 12 years ago
beautiful tank, great set up some day I'll have one like that
RedneckReefJunkie - 12 years ago
nice tank! you sailfin looks like a min verson of the one i have in my videos
Nelson Cordero
Nelson Cordero - 12 years ago
Nice tank.Hey I added a video of my 90 gallon saltwater tank . Check out my channel
ibizalover2000 - 12 years ago
Hi Ganzel, your tank is such an inspiration! can you please tell us what food you use for your corals please? I am thinking of starting feeding mine zooplankton (like reef roids)
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 12 years ago
Beautiful cabinet and tank.
MKTSirHenry - 13 years ago
Looks amazing but I imagine maintenance is a bitch hah
Implacable17 - 13 years ago
are your rocks glued or just stacked? also, are you rocks touching the back glass?

10. comment for Ganzel's Reef Tank - 130 g. - 70 g. sump - december 2008 - saltwater aquarium

ganael - 13 years ago
@theprankster5000 he was until the other tangs got bigger, that calmed him down quite a bit.
ganael - 13 years ago
@whosthatafghan Ratatat : Cherry
Mr Cobs Corals
Mr Cobs Corals - 13 years ago
great tank
vampiremakis - 13 years ago
unbelievable aquarium...just perfect my friend...
Laarni Castro
Laarni Castro - 13 years ago
HMC Reef
HMC Reef - 13 years ago
I like how you a
whosthatafghan - 13 years ago
what is the background music called?
Dissodent - 13 years ago
@ganael An acrylic tank does scratch easily, but it doesn't distort your viewing area as much as glass will. You also don't run the risk of your tank leaking. It is also easier to drill bulkheads in for sump plumbing.
Steven Eckels
Steven Eckels - 14 years ago
@ganael starphire > acrylic imo. Just because of how easily acrylic scratches. It gets a spiderweb micro scratch look to the outside after a while.
ganael - 14 years ago
I did a lot of update since this video... my next one should be in a month max... I rearranged the corals today... thanks, Ganzel

20. comment for Ganzel's Reef Tank - 130 g. - 70 g. sump - december 2008 - saltwater aquarium

ganael - 14 years ago
@visine14 next tank will be starphire glass, please tell me what you think the advantages of an acrylic tank are?
ganael - 14 years ago
@shuwukong little attitude here and there, seen 2 cuts in 2 years, nothing serious, they get along fine...
shuwukong - 14 years ago
Does the sailfin go along well with the blue tang? ever fought? thanks
mixkain - 14 years ago
That stand is very nice
cmanclan101 - 14 years ago
3:21 what type of favia is that?
mohammad jafarawi
mohammad jafarawi - 14 years ago
this is the best fish tank i ever seen
grahamyodude - 14 years ago
@ganael your tank is so legit. how much did your entire set up cost, including sump, lights, tank, corals, fish, cabinet installation, etc.? :D i want to have something like this eventually maybe a little bit bigger than 130g but a price check on your setup will give me a general idea of how much i need to save :D :D
Wil Lyons
Wil Lyons - 14 years ago
I think I'm in love
boihaggos1 - 14 years ago
what do you feed your fish???
ganael - 14 years ago
@webdesigndeluxe nope, tested and safe. Had to cut the power 2 times already. the sump has 2/3 the surface of the main tank and more 4 inches free on top. The main tank has a 1 inch flood/drain on top. Do the math ;) Thanks Ganzel

30. comment for Ganzel's Reef Tank - 130 g. - 70 g. sump - december 2008 - saltwater aquarium

Alex Moore
Alex Moore - 14 years ago
Oh boy you got your sump super high meaning if there is ever a power failure, you're going to have one major flooding issue.
ganael - 14 years ago
@ncharrison: artist : RATATAT song : CHERRY Cheers, Ganzel
joseph ciorra
joseph ciorra - 14 years ago
i wish my tank looked so beautiful
DARREN CARTER - 14 years ago
A stunning home for you and your fish
ganael - 14 years ago
@Ryanb1551 It's not the distance that matters but the type of corals you put in your tank. Doing lik I did is a bad idea, if I 'd start over I'd go with only sps or only lps... Lighting, I have 3 x 400W going on 3 hours in morning and 4-5 in the afternoon. My T-5s open at 9h and close at 9h40 pm. I do the on an doff cycle to prevent excessive heat more than anything else. 3x400W is a bad idea in a colsed canopy :D
ganael - 14 years ago
@ncharrison I wouldn't put any fish in sump... goal of fish is to be beautiful or fun to watch, not pollute for nothing in the sump. A dotty back is trouble in long term I'd say. How big is your tank again?
Ryan Bissonnette
Ryan Bissonnette - 14 years ago
@ganael I'm scared my corals are going to sting each other... how can i prevent this from happening? How far apart do soft corals have to be placed in the aquarium? As well, a question about lighting.. how often do i keep it on for, what times throughout the day are best?
Ryan Bissonnette
Ryan Bissonnette - 14 years ago
@ganael I'm scared my corals are going to sting each other... how can i prevent this from happening? How far apart do soft corals have to be placed in the aquarium? As well, a question about lighting.. how often do i keep it on for, what times throughout the day are best?
cesar333 - 14 years ago
love your tank bro.
ganael - 14 years ago
@ncharrison 28g is too small for a mandarin unless the reefshop you buy it from hand feeds it on front of you. Leopard wrasse will jump off the top unless you have a tight canopy/eggcrates. Skunk clown will be really territorial, it will bully other fishes. If you put skunk, tomato, or any other "non normal nemo clown", don't get anything else in that tank, except maybe a nice cleaner shrimp and an anemone or course. Ganzel
ganael - 14 years ago
@lougotzzzz they were 20000K in that video, the latest one got 14000K, moving back to 20000K this fall....
ganael - 14 years ago
@ncharrison yup, just get them small and at the same time and an uneven numbair is always better in my opinion.
jgtheman84 - 14 years ago
i love the music.
Alx Fralx
Alx Fralx - 14 years ago
Nice tank and also ur house looks like ur rich
Anary tegulizard
Anary tegulizard - 14 years ago
you need to get aqua medic shorty 5000 litrer thats the best one for you
HEINZUNIMOG - 14 years ago
3 mh 400 produse a lot of heat . how do you cope with that in such a tight area ? have you thout about using t5 florecents lamps 6500k . yes the inital cost is high but the energy savings is buy far worth it . and you can turn them off and on as needed not having to whate 15 min for the mh400 to cool . sweet tank
ganael - 14 years ago
@TheOneAndOnlyProdigy I didn't add much new stuff, lost a bunch of stuff this winter, calcium overload, and monti eating nudibranch are killing all my montiporas, one by one. I tried, yellow wrasse, carpenter wrasse, vermiculated leopard wrasse, green wrasse, emerald crabs, killing them by hand one by one, nothing works. I will put another video when all my montis will be dead and replaced by new accros I guess...
ganael - 14 years ago
@TheOneAndOnlyProdigy I'm using a reeflo 200 skimmer. It's handeling the bioload pretty well, but for some reason I always feel the need to go for bigger, better with anything related to saltwater :D So I guess if you can afford it go for it, because looking at the specs of your skimmer, it lookes like it's made for 100 gallons... If it really is, you should at least double that amount. There is a huge difference between theorical skimming gallons and skimming our tanks, so many factors etc.
LaNette Urbin
LaNette Urbin - 14 years ago
Wow, simply amazing, I admire this!
luke christiansen
luke christiansen - 14 years ago
great work dude, one impressive setup...

50. comment for Ganzel's Reef Tank - 130 g. - 70 g. sump - december 2008 - saltwater aquarium

ganael - 14 years ago
I'm on the second floor of a 3 store building. It's a matter of spreading it right across your building's structural beams. I calculated it before we built it. Thanks Ganzel
luke christiansen
luke christiansen - 14 years ago
very nice man,,, well set up for sure... nice flow aswell are they timed wave makers??
Stefaan - 15 years ago
how much money you spend on all this?
UnderwaterTreasurez - 15 years ago
great selection of coral and fish
Matt Bonacci
Matt Bonacci - 15 years ago
love the madarin!
Adam K
Adam K - 15 years ago
Very nice I've enjoyed it a lot thank u))))
tkreefer - 15 years ago
Beautiful tank!
Matthew Fischel
Matthew Fischel - 15 years ago
I think i've been scuba diving there b4 0.o Very nice tank and setup. Music also = nice.
Mario Raffles
Mario Raffles - 15 years ago
Upsss... sin palabras muy hermoso felicidades.
oaeproductions - 15 years ago
wow!! thats crazy the whole house looks soo cool
stel1os72 - 15 years ago
nice setup
ganael - 15 years ago
You guys should post comments and questions on my newest HD one, it is way nicer!
ganael - 15 years ago
I use seachem advantage calcium, reef builder, strontium, magnesium and kalkwasser, all in powder. I dose them manually every couple of days except for the kalk that has it's own night dripping system to keep ph stable.
ganael - 15 years ago
Nope, holding by itself mostly, with a bit of epoxy here and there. Ganzel
ganael - 15 years ago
I'd say yes, I'd start with the firefish and clowns. I would then add the 3 tangs at the same time, at a very young age. I would wait at least one year for the mandarin goby as it almost only eats pods. Ganzel
ganael - 15 years ago
Vielen Dank
HAYDZ - 15 years ago
One of the best reef tanks i have ever seen.unbeleivable
Neo Sporin
Neo Sporin - 15 years ago
Excellent tank!! WOW!
ganael - 15 years ago
Thank you very much! If you liked this one, take a look at my latest video from july 2009
ganael - 15 years ago
It's called : Noah's Ark , from CocoRosie
ganael - 15 years ago
This is far from elevator music, bye. Now go troll somewhere else.
ganael - 15 years ago
Ratatat : Cherry
ganael - 15 years ago
No problems at first. Now, 1 and a half year later, some fight for territory, they even chase the blue hippo and sailfin around the tank. One out of the 11 I have seems to be the boss of the tank, as strange as it may sound. Ganzel
ganael - 15 years ago
The mandarins (I have 2) eat blood worms and brine shrimp, there is at least 250 pounds of live rock, The set up has been rolling for since february 2008. I hav had the Mandarins for over 6 months now and they are getting father and bigger by the day. YOU NEVER KNOW ;)
ganael - 15 years ago
thanks all, please come and watch my June 2009 update. Ganzel
Kur Norock
Kur Norock - 15 years ago
You never know. Common wisdom is that you need a 100g or larger tank with 100 or more pounds of live rock, that has been set up for more than a year with stable parameters, BEFORE you think about adding a mandarin. Some people just get impatient and figure 6 months is long enough. And yes, it is a beautiful tank... a little too blue for my taste, but great otherwise.
Ryan Duncan
Ryan Duncan - 15 years ago
Matt Dumouchel
Matt Dumouchel - 15 years ago
Come on now do you really think this guy doesnt already know everything he has to keep a mandarin alive. This tank is amazing.
Kur Norock
Kur Norock - 15 years ago
I hope you used well established rock and sand for this aquarium, or got some tank raised mandarins that eat offered food, otherwise your mandarins won't last very long. Very cool setup otherwise!
esh_b - 15 years ago
DJ Rufio
DJ Rufio - 15 years ago
Amazing tank. I could watch this tank for hours
bonkers240sx95 - 15 years ago
thats a beautiful tank. great job. if you ever get bored check mine out. " 100 gallon reef tank " made the video for my dad. awesome job.
CliperX - 15 years ago
very nice
Jerry Lu
Jerry Lu - 15 years ago
Nice Yellow tang " men :)
Lucas Jamison
Lucas Jamison - 15 years ago
Ryan Praill
Ryan Praill - 15 years ago
Stunning! Clearly you take alot of pride in this setup! I would too. I wish I had the money to afford something like this. Perhaps i'll keep tucking away my pennies
bulldog111111 - 15 years ago
Very beautiful tank. I've been having major problems w/my Elegance Coral all of a sudden. All other coarals are fine. It has been extremely invaginated for a while. I tried moving it to new locations. has this happened to yours?
Joels Vlogs
Joels Vlogs - 15 years ago
how do you clean that thing
Ryan Duncan
Ryan Duncan - 15 years ago
Awsome tank! How much light do you have running on it? check out my tank "Ryans reef video" I have a lot of the same fish as you.
JUNAID187 - 15 years ago
very nice tank !
ctenochaetus - 16 years ago
WOW! Good Job bro.
ganael - 16 years ago
song: Ratatat : Cherry Thanks for the comments!
Zach Baird
Zach Baird - 16 years ago
one of the best fish tanks i've seen. song?nice and relaxing
ganael - 16 years ago
you got any infos on that?
governator45 - 16 years ago
haha well when you get some time you can mesh mod it and put a new venturi on it.
ganael - 16 years ago
You're right, the big bertha of skimmers ;). Some people told me it wasn't the best but I'm totally satisfied with its work over the past year. Heavy duty yet compact model, works like a charm! Thanks for the comments.
governator45 - 16 years ago
Is that a via aqua sk-388 in there? Tank looks great, the chrmois school nicely.
ganael - 16 years ago
Thanks a lot mate! But your tank is 11 on 10 if mine is ten ;)
ganael - 16 years ago
2xhydor koralia 4 in main tank, one mag 9 as a sump to tank pump, one 1200 atlas powerhead connected to a UV 9W filter, a maxijet 900 to a rowa reactor.
ganael - 16 years ago
it s all good, the tank is 72x24 with one inch of water above the drain. I have 48x24 as a sump, with 3 inches still free. Do the math ;)

100. comment for Ganzel's Reef Tank - 130 g. - 70 g. sump - december 2008 - saltwater aquarium

ganael - 16 years ago
yes a 200 gallons in sump, you can see it on the right side of the bottom tank.
JohnGotti1 - 16 years ago
What kind of powerheads/flow you have in your tank. Very nice collection.
karl steele
karl steele - 16 years ago
amazing mate...
chiamalex - 16 years ago
neat and tidy... :) ...

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