Giant Flatworm Hitchhiker in My Reef Tank (Polyclad Flatworm?)

I found a giant flatworm on my torch coral. I am not sure what it is, maybe a polyclad flatworm? Please help me identify this hitchiker and let me know if it is good or bad.

Giant Flatworm Hitchhiker in My Reef Tank (Polyclad Flatworm?) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Reef tank 8 years ago 24,539 views

I found a giant flatworm on my torch coral. I am not sure what it is, maybe a polyclad flatworm? Please help me identify this hitchiker and let me know if it is good or bad.

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Most popular comments
for Giant Flatworm Hitchhiker in My Reef Tank (Polyclad Flatworm?)

CanadianErin - 7 years ago
I stumbled onto this video, but if you don't know what it was yet, there were some suggested videos on the sidebar, this one I'm linking to might help a bit? Hope so! And I hope your coral recovered (that worm was probably huge because it ate so much! Ack!)
ReefSpy - 7 years ago
I dunno. The thing is gone now, and I haven't seen anything like it since!
Kenneth Reyes
Kenneth Reyes - 7 years ago
Get the colorful variety flatworm
Golden Deerling The Epic's 2nd Channel
Golden Deerling The Epic's 2nd Channel - 7 years ago
Some larger (wild) Polycladida are rather beautiful. But these guys? Slimy messes
Robert Kolsin
Robert Kolsin - 7 years ago
Why did you stick it in a tank with Frags he's just going to have to self to another Coral and you're going to have the same issue that you had with your other one and you main tank.
ReefSpy - 7 years ago
Robert Kolsin its dead. The dip killed it
Dani Wornath
Dani Wornath - 7 years ago
why dont just peel it of by hand or with a squezer ? all this bs for 1 worm ? ...
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 7 years ago
flat worm exit that.
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 7 years ago
It is the space alien from the movie "Life 2017"
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 7 years ago
Holy shit. That is a huge one.
carrie bolton
carrie bolton - 7 years ago
Every scientist ever, " 3:05-3:19"

10. comment for Giant Flatworm Hitchhiker in My Reef Tank (Polyclad Flatworm?)

CUBAN REEFER - 7 years ago
I heard that peroxide 35% is great to kill any pests on the Reef tanks did you know anything about it
ReefSpy - 7 years ago
CUBAN REEFER sorry, I've never tried that so I don't know.
ReefSpy - 7 years ago
Bubba Shinobi lol. Thankfully it was the only one!
Chef Adam
Chef Adam - 8 years ago
Did you name it?
Brad Grey
Brad Grey - 8 years ago
I had a few on my nano ended up killing most of my corals and it destroyed my torches I had eggs to. Tried dipping with detol coral rx and treated with flatworm exit. But nothing worked ended up tearing the tank down and now starting to rebuild with dead live rock and dipping corals weekly but bought another coral today and had the small red/ brown flatworms on it ( coral rs dip got most off) but didn't kill them so quarantining it so got 2 tanks and 3 30l tubs in my living room! And thinking is there light at the end of the tunnel!
Brad Grey
Brad Grey - 8 years ago
ReefSpy I will do thanks gonna leave it a few days to settle into the quarantine tank and dose with flatworm exit hope ur tank is running well?
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Brad Grey wow. Sorry to hear. Luckily I think this was the only one in my tank. I lost a couple heads from this torch but the rest have bounced back. Flatworm Exit works pretty good for killing those red flatworms, you could give that a shot
Mr.SnugglyDick - 8 years ago
ever considered a high powered laser pointer to get rid of that..I've seen aipista killed in hard to reech areas using that method so it alleviates taking out the rockwork
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Mr.SnugglyDick The thought never crossed my mind. I'll keep it in mind the next time I encounter something unusual. Thanks for watching!
J.H.G - 8 years ago
This is a species of polyclad flatworm.
AtReef - 8 years ago
Never add a rock to your thank that has not been fully cooked. This is a call for disaster
AtReef - 8 years ago
ReefSpy thank you so much, i am working on an update and it should be out soon. I was very busy with school this past month.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+AtReef Thanks man. I watched your vids plenty of times while I was planning this out and your setup really inspired me to keep it neat and tidy. How is everything going, we need updates! Lol
AtReef - 8 years ago
ReefSpy great video bro i love your sump setup for the 180
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+AtReef for sure. I normally use dry rock now. I think this must have slipped in on a frag and survived the dip. Either way its gone now and the torch seems much happier. I haven't seen anything else like it in the tank, but I keep looking.
Jason Pointer
Jason Pointer - 8 years ago
I ran into these a few years ago. Discovered them after trying to figure out what was decimating my snail and clam populations in the tank for months. Got video of one of them and found it hiding in an overflow.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Yep, that looks like the same thing! Thanks for sharing.
Molly Allen
Molly Allen - 8 years ago
Pretty cool! Sorry the little fella had to die - I love teaching about flatworms in my science classes. However, have no idea what this one is! However, hope your torch has recuperated! :D
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Molly Allen You are probably the first person that was excited to see the flatworm. lol. thanks for watching, the torch coral seems to be doing better now. The smaller heads died off but the large ones have recovered fully. I think this worm may have been feeding on the coral.
Dinesh Kumar
Dinesh Kumar - 8 years ago
Please move it to a quarantine location, since it can lay eggs and spawn more of them.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Dinesh Kumar its dead. It died soon after I posted this video.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Dinesh Kumar its dead. It died soon after I posted this video.

20. comment for Giant Flatworm Hitchhiker in My Reef Tank (Polyclad Flatworm?)

Chris Locke
Chris Locke - 8 years ago
EODJMC - 8 years ago
Not sharpshooting just asking a question. Why didn't you use tweezers or pliers to remove it instead of struggling with the baster?
EODJMC - 8 years ago
I normally do too but I also have a set of tweezers that are "tank use only" LOL
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
I dunno, I usually just blast it and things drop right off. this one didn't want to let go.
maximinoa - 8 years ago
How is the torch doing?
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
maximinoa about the same. Heads on top are nice and healthy, the one on bottom will probably die off, it doesn't have much skin on the outer skeleton, and that usually means its on the way out.
GrimTheReaperz - 8 years ago
Definitely a polycladida species...I found one in my tank after some LR addition.
It consumed 3 of my snails before i caught it.
If you don't have Inverts you are worried about you could probably keep it.
mine looked like this.

They come in all kinds of different colours. And from my research mainly invert diet but thats not written in stone or anything.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Thanks for the info. It is amazing how many strange things appear in our tanks even when we think we've done a good job keeping them out. This one died soon after I posted the video. I guess it had a bad reaction to the coral dip.
Tristan G
Tristan G - 8 years ago
i found the exact same flatworm on my toch the other day, I dip my corals too and have no idea were it came from, I found about 5 little ones like him crawling through my torch. got them off with tweasers
Zeraphs - 8 years ago
euphyllia-eating flatworm. Kill it.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+Zeraphs yep. I did.
DJ Moulton
DJ Moulton - 8 years ago
It could easily have come in as an egg of the frag. Dips don't work on eggs. That is why it is so important to quarantine all rock and corals for at least 6-8 weeks before adding to your display tank, just as you would with fish.
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 8 years ago
set up a little nano for it its a pretty rare little one
Reefing with Reefer
Reefing with Reefer - 8 years ago
Great vid. I think I may have some on mine
Reefing with Reefer
Reefing with Reefer - 8 years ago
ReefSpy thanks I'll have to do the same if it is in fact same thing. Very glad u shared your experience with us
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
For what it's worth, it seemed to die shortly after I posted this vid. I dipped it in Polyp Lab Reef Primer so I guess it did the trick.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
i would have definitely wore gloves. You may have hundreds of eggs in your tank. ..
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
haha, I hear ya man. It's a habit I need to get into.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
ReefSpy i have to remember to wear gloves, things that go bump in the rocks. . lol
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+Dee From Brooklyn Yikes! I hope not. From what I could gather these big worms are kind of rare to find in your tank, so hopefully don't breed easily.

30. comment for Giant Flatworm Hitchhiker in My Reef Tank (Polyclad Flatworm?)

Tristan Beligan
Tristan Beligan - 8 years ago
Btw. I think you ripped the flesh of the torch head when you pulled it out of the tank
ModernReptiles - 8 years ago
Had the same Typ of flatworms before. Had them come in on Marine Cultured and Wild colonies. They will kill your Euphyllias. Make sure to check all of your Euphyllias and check for Eggpatches
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
ModernReptiles Thanks for the info. This one is dead now, I checked and didn't find any more but I'll keep an eye out.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
Yuck! Yeah dips are not 100% effective, specially against eggs. Thanks for the video. Check out my nano reefs in my channel. Subscribed.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Thanks man, will do!
Cichlid City
Cichlid City - 8 years ago
Awesome video!
eric olsen
eric olsen - 8 years ago
maybe a "phrikoceros" flat worm from the Philippines. Hundreds of diff. flat worms just a guess. I would kill it.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+eric olsen Thanks, It's dead now.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
I still had snails, I really don't know if I had lost any since its hard to keep track of them. I'll keep an open for any more of these things. Thanks for watching!
Kevin ENH Vlogs
Kevin ENH Vlogs - 8 years ago
Thats interesting ... you seem to find some of the "coolest" things in the reef.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+Kevin Vlog It's amazing how there is always something new going on. The reef is an amazing place.
Cycnoches2012 - 8 years ago
Danger Will Robinson!!
Reefing with Reefer
Reefing with Reefer - 8 years ago
Cycnoches2012 lmao
b nelson
b nelson - 8 years ago
I had one of these before in a system I started from dry rock and the only corals that went in there before finding it came straight out of the bags from ORA. I did not notice it for about 6 months. Mine was blue and looked like a clams mantle. I left him alone. Never bothered anything. Spent most of its time under rockwork.
SweatyReef - 8 years ago
That is awesome, and huge.  The last two weekends I have picked up new coral and got flat worms off in the dip. must be flat worm season. :)
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 8 years ago
never saw it before but I'm glad you toke it out
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+Feroz Reef yeah, it's dead now. looks like the Revive dip did a number on it.
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
Wow spy I never seen this I'm going to go try and find out
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+Bay Area Reefs Thanks man, yeah some sort of giant flatworm. Whatever it was, it's dead now. It died soon after taking it out of the dip.
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
Simon Thornton
Simon Thornton - 8 years ago
This is the rare wormignitis flatiitis. It's on the endangered species list... I hope you didn't kill it.
JustinToSerious Ω
JustinToSerious Ω - 7 years ago
Simon Thornton are these the ones that eat crabs seen it in a video once
Fish Freak
Fish Freak - 7 years ago
Simon Thornton I hope he did
Jack is not in the box
Jack is not in the box - 7 years ago
Simon Thornton. It may be endangered, but no one wants to buy it LOL. just like measles
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+Simon Thornton I'll sell it to you!
Michael Pattan
Michael Pattan - 8 years ago
dispose of it not good!!!!!!
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+Michael Pattan yeah, its gone now. it died shortly after posting the video. I guess that dip works.
The Midwest Fishkeeper
The Midwest Fishkeeper - 8 years ago
Maybe you discovered a new species of flatworm!
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+Hooked On Fish lol, maybe
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Did u use any live rock in your system? How do you think it got introduced? Pretty nasty indeed
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS Last live rock I got was a couple tonga branches about 6 months ago. No idea how long it was hiding out in my tank, first time I saw it! Looks like the revive dip must have did it in, it died soon after i posted the video. At least I know it works for giant flatworms now. lol
NW Marine62
NW Marine62 - 8 years ago
that's a big boy. Good thing you got it out of there. now you can burn it. lol.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+NW Marine62 haha, for sure
Mo Osman
Mo Osman - 8 years ago
I had one in my reef tank. Never seen it for over a year until I found it in my glass one morning at 5 am.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+Mo Osman yeah, it's amazing to find new creatures like this. makes me wonder what else is hiding out in here.
Micah Whalen
Micah Whalen - 8 years ago
That thing was huge! Cant be good. Youre brave for putting it back in the tank. Anxious to see how it does. Crazy the mysteries in our tank.
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+Micah Whalen yeah. i wanted to study it more, but it died shortly after posting the video. i guess the dip killed it.
Fish School
Fish School - 8 years ago
That poor torch:(
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+Fish School yeah, should be nice and clean now

50. comment for Giant Flatworm Hitchhiker in My Reef Tank (Polyclad Flatworm?)

ReefSpy - 8 years ago
PsychedelicBabe it's amazing the sorts of things that turn up in a reef tank.
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
What is it ? I'm glad you got it
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
young tank No idea, always find all kinds of crazy things in a reef tank. lol
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 8 years ago
That was nasty looking...
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Scott M That's what I'm guessing but hard to be 100% sure.
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 8 years ago
Could it be a Polyclad Flatworm
Murphy's Reefing
Murphy's Reefing - 8 years ago
Comoplana flatworm?
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Murphy's Reefing your guess is as good as mine. lol
JJ reef
JJ reef - 8 years ago
them never seen that before , but whatever it is I don't think it's any good for reef tank
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
+JJ reef me neither, no idea
Nano_Joe - 8 years ago
Nasty looking.... hope you don't have anymore.
insect illuminati Get shrekt
insect illuminati Get shrekt - 7 years ago
Hey flatworms are cool
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Nano_Joe Still amazes me at the types of things that just show up seemingly out of nowhere.
PRFishGirl - 8 years ago
That thing is huge! Looked like it left a mark on the spot it was covering..hope u don't have anymore in your system... def think it's polyclad flatworm
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
PRFishGirl I took a closer look and it looks like it did clean the skeleton where is was attached of any algae. I wonder if this one is a harmless algae grazer?
Billy Pipes
Billy Pipes - 8 years ago
kill that s.o.b
ReefSpy - 8 years ago
Reefing with Billy Pipes Before I burn it with fire I'm gonna study it a little more first lol.

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