Gregs 20 year old reef tank-HD

250 gallon reef lit with 560 1 watt LEDs. Algae turf scrubbing system. the tank was lit for years with 900 watts of MH and 80 watts of Actinic florescent. My refrigeration unit hardly ever comes on anymore. Half are 12000K white ones and the others are about 450nm blue. I like these LEDs enough that I am now importing them for other reef keepers in my community.

Gregs 20 year old reef tank-HD sentiment_very_dissatisfied 21

Reef tank 13 years ago 122,379 views

250 gallon reef lit with 560 1 watt LEDs. Algae turf scrubbing system. the tank was lit for years with 900 watts of MH and 80 watts of Actinic florescent. My refrigeration unit hardly ever comes on anymore. Half are 12000K white ones and the others are about 450nm blue. I like these LEDs enough that I am now importing them for other reef keepers in my community.

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Most popular comments
for Gregs 20 year old reef tank-HD

reynososergio94 - 7 years ago
Gorgeous tank
Vtec Banger
Vtec Banger - 7 years ago
cool tank. I have not seen one like it.
Sky&Sea 4K
Sky&Sea 4K - 8 years ago
Lovely tank :)
what filtration is there apart from the turf scrubber? And how big is it, what lighting does the scrubber use?
gary roseborough
gary roseborough - 8 years ago
I would love to give this video 10 thumbs up. VERY,
VERY IMPRESSIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
Prithvish Mak
Prithvish Mak - 8 years ago
you are jokin right now OMG awasome tank this is a full timme job isnt it.
Tafseer Carabuena
Tafseer Carabuena - 9 years ago
do feed your zoas
David King 1
David King 1 - 9 years ago
beautiful aquarium
jimbo gasoline
jimbo gasoline - 9 years ago
After watching your video i think i may sell me blue mushrooms. I started out with 3 about six months ago and now have around 12. I like them but i don't want them to take over like that. You must have over 1000 mushrooms if not more. My friend had an sps tank and threw in a few heads of xenia and now he has an all xenia tank lol. I like how your tank has 1 side blue and 1 side red shrooms. Thanks for sharing and happy reefing!!!

10. comment for Gregs 20 year old reef tank-HD

Vash V. Lam
Vash V. Lam - 9 years ago
I know having a reef tank is no where near natural... but there are something really beautiful and natural about that tank.
rarity - 9 years ago
thanks for sharing the video but would you please show us or tell us how deep is the sand bed.  Thanks in advance
GhostCrisp86 - 10 years ago
Wow nice!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 10 years ago
Very nice tank. Something about old tanks and mushrooms. I have a ton as well. Tank running 12 years now.
Joe Scrivens
Joe Scrivens - 10 years ago
beautiful aquarium
Taylor Anderson
Taylor Anderson - 10 years ago
What are you dosing to the tank?
jimbo gasoline
jimbo gasoline - 9 years ago
he doesn't even have to dose cause he's mainly got a soft coral tank. Whenever his sps and lps start to take off then he would be dosing. But it looks like he is a long way from that. Water changes every 2 to 4 weeks will cover the demand without a problem.
Oz C
Oz C - 10 years ago
amazing tank. thank you
CYCO274 - 10 years ago
real nice that tanks seals have held up a long time whats the manufacturer.
MediaTruth - 10 years ago
Beautiful tank!
Alexander Moore
Alexander Moore - 10 years ago
Wow that's amazing!

20. comment for Gregs 20 year old reef tank-HD

Larry Haynes
Larry Haynes - 10 years ago
Oswalds Reef
Oswalds Reef - 10 years ago
Those are the longest waving hand anthelia arms to be found on youtube.
Gene Alameda
Gene Alameda - 10 years ago
I check by every now and then hoping for another video of this tank
Leandra - 10 years ago
Really nice!
Miguel Floriano
Miguel Floriano - 10 years ago
Very nice tank is it acrylic ?
DONKIEKIZZLE - 11 years ago
kkcamp02 - 11 years ago
Beverly Pogue
Beverly Pogue - 11 years ago
I love it all. Wish I could manage a tank. But alas I cannot.
Willy d. aquatics
Willy d. aquatics - 11 years ago
Would love to see your equipment...turf scrubber. ..and filter room. Beautiful tank.
sai sai thain
sai sai thain - 11 years ago

30. comment for Gregs 20 year old reef tank-HD

Corey Miller
Corey Miller - 11 years ago
howd you have a ricordea just start growing on its own? you have no other rics in the tank?
TheVinceson - 11 years ago
I wanna dip my ballz in it
e schmidt
e schmidt - 11 years ago
Impressive for sure!!!!
stealth313 - 11 years ago
Awesome tank
DjPolarMusic - 11 years ago
The longer the tank runs the easier it is to maintain because after a year and a lot of the algae problems and needed growth time for corals and such are met, the tank nearly runs it self, the only thing you need to keep ontop of is water changes and adding your weekly chems :) Amazing setup love how long its lasted :D
Nottilus - 11 years ago
really something to be able to keep a stable environment for 20 years!
TheNewtman12003 - 11 years ago
Really a tank to be proud of ...
Salam Bahw
Salam Bahw - 11 years ago
i love ur tank my friend
Tim The veggie
Tim The veggie - 11 years ago
All those mushrooms = 2hr of frag time;)
S Johnson
S Johnson - 11 years ago
Prodiqee - 11 years ago
Those are montiporas not chalices, but your tank is bad ass so your able to get away with it.
chris hardt
chris hardt - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank. U can definitely see the culmination of so many years of work. Beautiful specimens.
Wha Happon
Wha Happon - 11 years ago
Who knew that "chalices" only grow a millimeter per year?
C4FishingTeam - 11 years ago
You had a reef tank for 20 years and you cant tell the difference between a chalice and a Montipora capricornis... yup.
Andrew Tompkins
Andrew Tompkins - 11 years ago
Well done mate , 20 years old is a sensational effort ! Cheers
smiles1969able - 11 years ago
Tyler Johnson
Tyler Johnson - 11 years ago
please shoot a video of your algae scrubber!!!
SIMUANGCO2468 - 11 years ago
would love to see another update on this tank!!
Jonnypunk00 - 11 years ago
I've only been running a reef for just over 3 years and I've only ever had it once..during the break in period..It's pretty easy if you don't over feed, and have the right clean up crew. Plus I see in the description that he is using an algae turf scrubber..those things will keep your DT pretty much spotless when set up correctly..
TMAXXPUNISHER - 11 years ago
I hear that Macaw in the background. :-)

50. comment for Gregs 20 year old reef tank-HD

Tinga - 12 years ago
damn how much does that cost too run?
Dan Warman
Dan Warman - 12 years ago
Great looking setup.
elmer akins
elmer akins - 12 years ago
bskdopeboy - 12 years ago
That's seriously impressive! :O
Daemiex - 12 years ago
whats ur secret to green hair algae, i know people that claim to be experts that cant rid it and uve been running for 20 years without it
sltywtrs - 12 years ago
absolutely beautiful tank! wow
Marty - 12 years ago
you can buy bigger and more mature coral at your local lfs. could be 20 years old but19 years of tank crashing? leather coral doing great? chalice visibly growing? you know why the mushroom is thriving?
MrDizzank - 12 years ago
That is a PROPER tank sir....
OmgLoLw2gLuvUidkROFL - 12 years ago
So true. I bought 6 iridescent sharks and 6 kissing gouramies that were tiny when I first bought them. Then I moved them into a 55 gal tank and they grew to a foot long. I ended up with 3 sharks & 3 gouramies. My last gourami was 13 years old when it died.
mrplankton - 12 years ago
Why is so hard to believe that this man's tank is 20 years old, just by him saying he using an algae scrubber for his filter is a dead give away it's an older reef tank. This type of filtration works great. My Korean angel lived over 15 years. I got him when he was about 3" and he was over 8" when he died.
rizendell - 12 years ago
how long was it on LED's for?
AntonyTrickrider - 12 years ago
Make a video of the turf scrubber and the sump please!
Dsanford12 - 12 years ago
spectacular ! please show the algae turf scrubber and the rest of the filtration stuff Thanks
zain t
zain t - 12 years ago
1:51 slime algae :(
Pr3lude9 - 12 years ago
Wow I never knew mushrooms grew on reefs, that's awesome. I want to start a mushroom reef tank.
yostar69 - 12 years ago
your mom is a magical rainbow tang
Daryl Castro
Daryl Castro - 12 years ago
Hey man congrats on this tank. Aside from the YouTube drama, I am wondering if all these corals are from the past 20 years. For that long I didn't see a lot of growth some frags in there. Just curious. Besides that good reefing!
yostar69 - 12 years ago
believe me u have not seen my tank because its not on here, u would think that this is ur tank... why u so quick to respond?? its not ur tank relax and jump off his dick.... again my my f ing opinion this tank is crap,,, go watch bruse willis looser,,, fyi u need approval to comment on my videos :p. funny how u took the time out to look at my 120G with 3 or 4 fish and call it over crowed, u r dumb and i don't have time to comment back to ur stupid ass, u r now blocked
yostar69 - 12 years ago
again u must have not seen my coral tank. what u saw was a fish only tank (if u know what that means) The fish I have can't be kept with corals (shows how much u know) go comment on some1 else's video, I can have my own opinion and that tank is crap. I give credit where credit is due. U my friend have alot to learn.
yostar69 - 12 years ago
I could show u 100 videos that I could b a hater, this is not 1 of them, looks like an unkept reef... u have to maintain it not jus grow it
Nguyen Phong
Nguyen Phong - 12 years ago
hmmmmm...Mushroom corals lolz
Ivan Cirlos
Ivan Cirlos - 12 years ago
Beautiful mushrooms
Nguyen Phong
Nguyen Phong - 12 years ago
yostar69 - 12 years ago
not much for 20 years.... 10years yes but 20 umm not impressed
15290calvo - 12 years ago
I hope I can get a tank like yours I'm only doing a nano but upgrading to a 30 nano but wow! Just beautiful you should sell some frags
GoldfishRsoDelicious - 12 years ago
man twenty years old tank, def can say you are a dedicated reef hobbyist.
CheeseBon - 12 years ago
wow! Amazing
SenorQuill - 12 years ago
Love the tank
ravi singh
ravi singh - 12 years ago
very nice setup and beautiful tank and corals do you have video for truf algae scrubber. just want to see what type of system.
FullmetalAngyl - 12 years ago
Okay, now who gave this a thumbs down!? 8( This Is Beautiful!!
lildrummaboy16 - 13 years ago
awesome good for you! :)
Nick Klein
Nick Klein - 13 years ago
Are you using the hydor smartwave with the heads?
dioncuda - 13 years ago
we need more :)
superstar0717 - 13 years ago
Such a beautiful tank.
Ben Bearup
Ben Bearup - 13 years ago
What a wonderful tank! Best tank I have ever seen on Youtube!
empresstroy - 13 years ago
would love to see footage of your turf scrub system downstairs. beautiful set up, and kudos for staying in it for 20 years!
1chomps - 13 years ago
thank is looking great congraulations
DecanoLA - 13 years ago
one word: WOW !!!! congrats!!!

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