HD 170G Reef Tank! 5 Months.

This is my First HD Video on youtube. The Powder Blue was put in with a Powder Brown. He was being torn apart, so i took out the Powder Brown. 5 months old reef tank on a Light rail. Most of my corals are 1-3 months old. Taken on my Iphone. New Powder Blue Tang. He's kind of skinny, but he eats a lot. The yellow Tang is nice and round. I love the leopard wrasse. The Mimic is changing color.

HD 170G Reef Tank! 5 Months. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Reef tank 14 years ago 97,020 views

This is my First HD Video on youtube. The Powder Blue was put in with a Powder Brown. He was being torn apart, so i took out the Powder Brown. 5 months old reef tank on a Light rail. Most of my corals are 1-3 months old. Taken on my Iphone. New Powder Blue Tang. He's kind of skinny, but he eats a lot. The yellow Tang is nice and round. I love the leopard wrasse. The Mimic is changing color.

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Most popular comments
for HD 170G Reef Tank! 5 Months.

Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 12 years ago
rose anemone
Connor - 12 years ago
hey, what kind of anemone is that?
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 12 years ago
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 12 years ago
I see them school together often.
0fw9kta - 12 years ago
Are those chromis? I have six, do they school well as they grow? Right now they're kinda scattered around my tank lol
NapFloridian - 12 years ago
very nice tank... I wish I had something like that. Must be awesome to watch it for hours
mbrang00 - 12 years ago
I put my leopard wrasse in 3 weeks ago, swam around for 10 mins...havnt seen him since...who knows if he is still alive
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 12 years ago
I have an ich problem, but i got a cleaner wrasse to eat all the ichs.
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 12 years ago
I had no problems with the blue tang. He's doing well. Recently, all my corals have died after swapping out the old sump for new. So sad....

10. comment for HD 170G Reef Tank! 5 Months.

ROBBIE WILLIAMS - 12 years ago
what u dosing the tank with mate ?
nubuck12s - 12 years ago
that's look real nike
USMCGolf28 - 12 years ago
Very Nice
19red80 - 12 years ago
That looks like Tucani. It's another island near Figi. Cool stuff. Very light, very pourous.
Dom L.
Dom L. - 13 years ago
great setup
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
@thom7667 Nope, they're not tonga. They are a special kind of LR. I got it off a fellow reefer. They have very nice branches and shapes.
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
@thom7667 Thanks!
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
@S2minute Yes. then i remove the tape and voala. Sunbeam. I was going to paint the beam white, but never had the chance.
S2minute - 13 years ago
@huskysglare1 soo, you just used masking tape to make the rays???
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
@S2minute No, i painted the back. I use paint tapes to make the beam like spacings.

20. comment for HD 170G Reef Tank! 5 Months.

S2minute - 13 years ago
hey, is that a 3D back ground? What is it exactly and where did you get it :)
ROBBIE WILLIAMS - 13 years ago
no need at the min, nitrates are barely detectable , only thinkg that isnt stable is my KH but im keeping it at 8 just about, that will stabalize as the tank matures and i eventually get a calcium reactor
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
@12HENSON12 Don't forget a deep sand bed and a refugium. They help a ton. My tank crashed after replacing the old sup for the new sump and took out the refugium. I've since added a refugium. 2 months later, the tank shows signs of improvements. GL with your tank.
ROBBIE WILLIAMS - 13 years ago
i added 50kg of fiji cured live rock to my 400l tank and added 3 chromis and 3 soft corals the day after. im now 11 weeks in, had no spike what so ever and added four more fish, heaps loads of lps and a few sps, and my water params are supurb.
GroggyNoggin - 13 years ago
@huskysglare1 Is your skimmer pulling out lots of nastiness? More than normal? Did you have bio balls in the sump? If so, and you cleaned them, or let them get anaerobic for a little bit, the good bacteria would have died and basically turned to poison for the tank.
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
I am using 400w Radium. My tank have gone to hell. I don't know what's wrong, but everything is starting to die. Everything started after i change my sump. I just don't know what's going on.
True Gamer
True Gamer - 13 years ago
what lighting you are using?
MrMarcosdb - 13 years ago
@FCUKCHEATERS I think on tanked they use Instant Ocean's Bio Spira. Its a bottle of bacteria you add it right when you add the fish and it starts to work on their waste so there isn't much of an ammonia spike.
AcidGlow - 13 years ago
Nice tank
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
@rocketbass88 Great to hear. Unfortunately for me, my tank have crashed recently because i replace my sump and took out the refugium. 90% of my sps died. LPS and My fishes are all alive, but my shrimps are all dead.

30. comment for HD 170G Reef Tank! 5 Months.

rocketbass88 - 13 years ago
@FCUKCHEATERS I waited a month and added a Chromis, he ended up doing just fine, but I waited at least 6 weeks before putting any other fish in there. Everything has done great over the last few years.
SerenityGamesToo - 13 years ago
Five months? You're doing great. The tank looks wonderful.
shadow10462 - 13 years ago
@FCUKCHEATERS lol that was actually pretty funny. Tank is the worst show ever trust me.Thats why its on spike.lol Good luck on tank bro.
Jared Smith
Jared Smith - 13 years ago
@FCUKCHEATERS I bought established rock and sand in my tank and added sea urchin and snails the next day and 3 days later added fish and they were perfectly fine.. but that just might be because I have 90 lbs of live rock in a 56 gallon tank with a rena xp3 filter and protein skimmer haha.. im sure a couple weeks go test your water and get cheap damsels at first
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
@FCUKCHEATERS The longer you wait the better. you should give it 2-3 days at lease.
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
@FCUKCHEATERS I would add 1-3 Chromies to cycle the tank for about 2 months. Don't rush to add fish to your tank. It's hard not adding fish right away, but be patient.
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
@NyaaTV oh Clist is Craigslist. Check Clist in your area.
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
@NyaaTV I got them from Clist mostly.
NaturesJewels - 13 years ago
Nice leopard wrasse!!
ReefCollege - 13 years ago
awesome reef
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
One thing i highly recommend when entering this hobby is getting a really really good skimmer from the off-set. SWC and Super Reef Octopus make good skimmers. A good skimmer is the life blood of your system. it's the heart of your aquarium. get yourself a good skimmer, it'll make life a lot easier. Good luck with your set up.
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 13 years ago
@djzombie11 Powder Blue Tangs are extremely susceptible to ich. I have a cleaner shrimp and a cleaner wrasse to help with cleaning ich on my PBT. However, a cleaner wrasse is extremely hard to keep alive and the chance of getting a PBT to take to the cleaner shrimp is low. If you're setting up a new tank, i HIGHLY recommend you to QT everything if you don't want to have ICH in your system. My tank is 175 with 55g sump.
djzombie11 - 13 years ago
nice tank bro im diggin the background too...unfortuantly for me my powders always die due to a bad ich problem...i plan to add one too my 55 gallon which i invite you to check out. hopefully he wont die on me...how big ur tank btw..thanks....
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 14 years ago
QT everything from the beginning. I didn't QT my tank. I have ich. The best way is to QT everything before you put it in. QT takes 6-8 Weeks. If you can't find a way to QT, get cleaner shrimp or fire shrimp or cleaner fish. However, cleaner fish are hard to keep alive.
18TSTAR - 14 years ago
Hello mate beautiful tank and what's the best way to get rid of ich? Thanks
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 14 years ago
@ryjack26 Powder Blue are not that bad. It is CRUCIAL that you see them eat before you buy them. They are vunerable to ich. have a big tank and plenty of swimming room. I love the Blue Powder the most. They are extremely fun to watch. Yellow tangs are very easy. One of the hardiest.
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 14 years ago
@ryjack26 the blue tang is hard to keep initially and in a small tank. Luckily, mine is big and less stressful to the blue. The yellow tang is one of the easiest fish to keep. When you get the P Blue, MAKE SURE HE'S EATING! You have to make sure of this to ensure a decent chance of survival. The Powder blue tends to get ich due to stress very easily. Mine had an ich outbreak when introduced, but he's healthy and no ich now.
Ryan Jackson
Ryan Jackson - 14 years ago
Is the powder blue hard to keep, how about compared to a yellow tang?
Kent Nguyen
Kent Nguyen - 14 years ago
@lampsgirl13 thank you.
RidingTheNightingale - 14 years ago
great video! you have a beautiful tank :)

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