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HOW TO: DIY REEF TANK SUMP sentiment_very_dissatisfied 35

Reef tank 11 years ago 103,821 views

coral corals aquarium tank diy how to reef reefs acro acropora millipora monti montipora skimmer ASM bubble magus swc cone g3 g4 g series ehiem eheim fluval fx5 large wood stand reeflo dart hammer lps zoa zoas zoanthids care tips tricks torch plate toadstool anemone RBTA rose bubble clown fish tang tangs surgeon live rock sand aragonite caribsea seachem fuel excel prime rodi filter jebao jabeo wp40 25 60 10 reefbreeder jbj ato auto top off cutting maxi jet MJ socks filters fragging frags plugs super glue epoxy salts buckets air loc line bulkheads diamond drill bit circular saw barrel aquaclear bulk supply clean change water blue led leds fixture builds overflow glass acrylic

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Most popular comments

max plank
max plank - 7 years ago
So you siliconed acrylic onto glass.. There's no way this thing lasted..
Garnett Miller
Garnett Miller - 8 years ago
It would've been nice if you would've shown how to build the entire thing.
Nushaak - 9 years ago
Hey bro. Really like your work :)
Wanted some advice badly. I'm building a 48*20*21 (h) tank with 8mm glass. Will I be needing any bracing? If so I was thinking euro bracing the top.....but would I also need bottom bracing?
And lastly is this thickness of glass adequate enough for my build?
Your help would be of great help :)
Edward Fielder
Edward Fielder - 9 years ago
On another note, at least he had the nards to show his mistake ... much respect!
Edward Fielder
Edward Fielder - 9 years ago
well I just finished mine butI used all glass cause I had it and I added a refugium. Great job sir! Not to bust your balls but I did not crack my glass lol, sorry I couldn't resist, all in good fun.
iwantosavemoney - 9 years ago
Well that sucks that you cracked the but it looks very well done sir I am going to build my own sump it looks great
Jack' s ClueLess Reef Adventure
Jack' s ClueLess Reef Adventure - 9 years ago
I stopped watching when he cracked the tank....
Thomas Dyrkacz
Thomas Dyrkacz - 9 years ago
Thanks for the video. I was trying to decide if i should build or buy. Your video convinced me to buy.
Vekcor Pest Solutions
Vekcor Pest Solutions - 9 years ago
+Thomas Dyrkacz no build one yourself it's easy, this guy is just a idiot.
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 9 years ago
Haha.. That's rude.
Ahmed Tahir
Ahmed Tahir - 10 years ago
Question... how did you build the filter sock tray? 
Edward Fielder
Edward Fielder - 9 years ago
+Andrew Hales they should be lol, watch the flow progression.
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 9 years ago
I'm sure the filter shock area didn't work out for him. All the socks are under water?!
Ahmed Tahir
Ahmed Tahir - 10 years ago
and if what diameter holes did you carve to ensure the filter sock fits perfectly?

thank you for your help.

10. comment for HOW TO: DIY REEF TANK SUMP

gavin m
gavin m - 11 years ago
hey how are you liking the jebao? dc return pump
GENISIS1TWENTYONE - 11 years ago
So that middle chamber will just house the PS?
Ambrosius13 - 11 years ago
I like to know how you patched up the tank.
James Conrey Aquatics
James Conrey Aquatics - 11 years ago
I remember that night, hehe, good job Mr patch it, came out great
ArcAngel9008 - 11 years ago
awesome job! great diy projects!
ReeferGil - 11 years ago
Took care of the crack. Nice design. 5 more subs man. Congrats!

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