Hammer Heaven Reef Tank- Absolutely STUNNING!

CoralFish12g FB: https://www.facebook.com/coralfish12g CoralFish12g Instagram: http://instagram.com/coralfish12g In this CoralFish12g video I feature Philip Nguyen's Hammer Heaven reef tank. Hammer corals are awesome but this is just awesome. Maintenance is done weekly with a 2-3 gallon water change with Red Sea Coral Pro Salt with RODI water. And the Sandbed is vacuumed 2 times a week. No dosing it any sort since the Pro salt has high concentration levels of trace elements. Tank equipment is as follow: 8 gallon display tank 10 gallon sump Maxspect razor r420r 60w 16k lighting Jebao wp10 wave maker Mame glass overflow Tunze osmolator nano 3152 Coral Box D300 protein skimmer Ehiem compact 2000 return pump 4 stage RODI water filtration Tobu - Candyland | http://youtu.be/ZFrkGSmYJ6w | provided by CopyrightFreeNetwork

Hammer Heaven Reef Tank- Absolutely STUNNING! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 63

Reef tank 9 years ago 236,941 views

CoralFish12g FB: https://www.facebook.com/coralfish12g CoralFish12g Instagram: http://instagram.com/coralfish12g In this CoralFish12g video I feature Philip Nguyen's Hammer Heaven reef tank. Hammer corals are awesome but this is just awesome. Maintenance is done weekly with a 2-3 gallon water change with Red Sea Coral Pro Salt with RODI water. And the Sandbed is vacuumed 2 times a week. No dosing it any sort since the Pro salt has high concentration levels of trace elements. Tank equipment is as follow: 8 gallon display tank 10 gallon sump Maxspect razor r420r 60w 16k lighting Jebao wp10 wave maker Mame glass overflow Tunze osmolator nano 3152 Coral Box D300 protein skimmer Ehiem compact 2000 return pump 4 stage RODI water filtration Tobu - Candyland | http://youtu.be/ZFrkGSmYJ6w | provided by CopyrightFreeNetwork

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Most popular comments
for Hammer Heaven Reef Tank- Absolutely STUNNING!

Thomas1980 - 7 years ago
Ocean Nova
Ocean Nova - 7 years ago
How do you get the corals to attach to the stone??
Letnom Valie
Letnom Valie - 7 years ago
Cold plan like van essence argument tender essential.
Justin Claudio & Mewtwo
Justin Claudio & Mewtwo - 7 years ago
That tank is so small
Sam Osborne
Sam Osborne - 7 years ago
Hi is this the dennerle nano cube 30l busy any chance?
Animal Countdowns
Animal Countdowns - 7 years ago
Hey George, what's the tank size
Amena Sultana
Amena Sultana - 7 years ago
wow just wow
sbazain - 7 years ago
great looking tank beautiful question how do you get them to open up like that mine use to open up like that but now all of the sudden they just don't want to open up any advice
TITI lyon
TITI lyon - 7 years ago
imbecile heureux .
on met pas des poissons ds 1 bocal putain.!!!!!

10. comment for Hammer Heaven Reef Tank- Absolutely STUNNING!

reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
what's the sonde called
lukemn29 - 7 years ago
Hammer time
Jaime Rodriguez
Jaime Rodriguez - 7 years ago
where did you purchase your tank?
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
I was given this tank by a friend, buy 10 gallon tanks like this can be purchased from your LFS or Amazon!
zeus - 7 years ago
Does the water change go into the sump or main display?
Any way you could make a video explaining how to set up a sump, and waht it's used for? I currently use a Fluval Evo 5 gallon for my saltwater, there no sump on it lol
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
Hi, I normally did a 2-3 gallon water change weekly, from the sump. As i did not want to drain the water level from the main tank, and expose/stress the corals in the air for too long. I found the hammer's started sliming when i did expose them.

And for the overflow, I used a Mame Overflow unit, which self-syphons the water from the main tank, to the sump via a return pump.
Alon's Aquarists
Alon's Aquarists - 7 years ago
Ur filming is heaven and it defiantly has inspired many people besides me to start taking vids n pics of peoples tanks!
AusReef Guy
AusReef Guy - 7 years ago
would a hammer coral naturally encrust all that rock over time ? or would you need to add seperate frags too achieve the effect ?, great looking tank though !
Ranjith s
Ranjith s - 7 years ago
best ur man .
Fishing In The Hood
Fishing In The Hood - 8 years ago
MRVO2011 - 8 years ago
Thump up
Taylor Nguyen
Taylor Nguyen - 8 years ago
This tank has been/was/is/ my inspiration to keep up my love and drive for this hobby. :)
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
+Taylor Nguyen Thank you Sir!

20. comment for Hammer Heaven Reef Tank- Absolutely STUNNING!

NanoTank - 8 years ago
Great tank. Great use of space
Xavier Frisbey
Xavier Frisbey - 8 years ago
A pretty easy tank really. Just torch and bubble corals/anemones.
MarloTheNephilim - 8 years ago
the tank is way too small for keeping fish or even shrimp in it!
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
Then why do they make tanks this small! ;)
starwind aquariums
starwind aquariums - 8 years ago
nice hammers man
Gabensy - 8 years ago
Well done
Ali's Animals
Ali's Animals - 8 years ago
Do these hammers enjoy so much current?
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
They love it!!!
EN Reefs
EN Reefs - 8 years ago
each head is 40 dollars, your rich bro!
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 8 years ago
very nice
john schlaffer
john schlaffer - 8 years ago
I'm into salts but my 1 year 3 month grand daughter loves the music and dances around etc etc. so......you are now in my bookmarks.
Lee and Mandy Battersby
Lee and Mandy Battersby - 8 years ago
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
+ Lee and Mandy Battersby Thank you! :D

30. comment for Hammer Heaven Reef Tank- Absolutely STUNNING!

wcdeich4 - 8 years ago
Do you know of any coral that can live in low salinity, like 1.018sg so I could keep it with Opae Ula shrimp?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
I don't
Dmitry Danshin
Dmitry Danshin - 8 years ago
what is the music?
Dmitry Danshin
Dmitry Danshin - 8 years ago
Thank you! Its catchy! Good Choice!!!
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Tobu - Candyland
Ramon - 8 years ago
I need this in my Bedroom.
Kalvin One
Kalvin One - 8 years ago
can you show us step by step how you built it ? and the maintenance ? thanks.
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
+Kalvin One I'm sorry, but i didn't document the setup of this tank. But it was all connected together with a Mame Overflow, and the water returned back into the main tank via the sump from a Ehiem Compact 2000 pump. In addtion, due to the small size of the tank, i found doing a 2-3 gallon water change weekly more than sufficient in keeping the tank looking beautiful, along with blowing the detritrus off the rocks and syphoning the substrate weekly. If you wanted a self maintaining tank, you would need something quite large, with an automated method of changing the water and auto-dosing. But mose tanks still need a little bit of TLC (even if you are just cleaning filter socks, and cleaning the glass). But i'm not a millionaire :D
Kalvin One
Kalvin One - 8 years ago
SerPuggle my hobby is to reach the most perfect way to get everything working great without touching life too much. I like to find the most advanced technic to get them happy without me touching and disturbing them daily.
SerPuggle - 8 years ago
I could be wrong about this, but from my experience in the hobby, you have two choices. You can spend more money and get to be lazy, or you can be cheap and have to do more maintenance.
Kalvin One
Kalvin One - 8 years ago
SerPuggle yes I m looking for something easy and no maintenance for at least 1 month.
SerPuggle - 8 years ago
One water change a week is too much maintenance?
Kalvin One
Kalvin One - 8 years ago
thanks my god the maintenance looks very difficult almost every week you have to do lots of things... I give up... I only like such corals but not fish maybe I could have less maintenance ?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
I wish I could. It is not my tank, but you can always try reaching out to the owner Phillip (details in the description).
Anonymous 1
Anonymous 1 - 8 years ago
looks nice
kevin chow
kevin chow - 8 years ago
man, what would i need to build a similiar set up? Would this be super advanced for a noobie?
Foyez Ali
Foyez Ali - 8 years ago
this is very helpful... coz i am looking for ....
joe somone
joe somone - 8 years ago
Salt water tanks are only slightly harder to keep then fresh water so don't worry if your a noobie. You can have a small 10-30 gallon tank with no sump as long as you change 25-30% of the water out every 2-3 weeks. Hammer coral is one of the easy corals to keep and does not require pristine conditions or as high lighting as other corals like sps or lps.
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Total gallons so that could include the sump. For example a 30 gallon tank with a 10 gallon sump.
kevin chow
kevin chow - 8 years ago
Does that mean the thats the g for the display tank only or can that include the extra tanks ill have for the sumps and stuff?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
40-50 gallons would serve you well
kevin chow
kevin chow - 8 years ago
Ahhh ok. Thanks. Im just a limited on space thats all so im not sure how large of a tank i can afford to have. Any suggestions on tank size?
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
Look in the description for what equipment he is using. If you use all of those listed it will function similarly, although if you are new to the hobby, I do not suggest getting such a small nano reef. Tanks with small water volume are really hard to care for. The coral he has in this tank are not that hard to take care of, but much harder in such a small tank.
Samir BoomX
Samir BoomX - 8 years ago
this is one of the most stunning fish tank i ever seen in Youtube.... loved it
Darrix Lim
Darrix Lim - 8 years ago
Is that too much flow? A jebao wp10 is 530gph on the low?
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
I found the hammers responded to more flow in my tank, and extended their arms more (compared to less flow) :D
CoralFish12g - 8 years ago
They seem to like it.
Hadrosaur838 - 8 years ago
To an anemonefish it's Heaven
Hadrosaur838 - 8 years ago
Anemonefish is their original name.
Hadrosaur838 - 8 years ago
They're the same kind of fish.
Sydney Heim
Sydney Heim - 8 years ago
I think you mean a clownfish, and those aren't anemones
My Nano Reef
My Nano Reef - 9 years ago
Are those branching hammers or wall hammers
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
It was a mixture of both branching and wall Hammers ;)
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Dallas Fox I think branching
rachel desrosiers
rachel desrosiers - 9 years ago
What is the lighting ? Incredible !
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+rachel desrosiers Maxspect razor r420r 60w 16k lighting
Sky Kubby
Sky Kubby - 9 years ago
I so wish I could do this but can't get hammers- or anything even comparable for my off grid 120g Aquarium in Hawaii. Sticked with lots of local life tho! For the life of me I cannot get my KH/ALK down- it's like double the levels but everything's happy- just no coralline algae growth! Any ideas? No-one seems to know what to do! Mahalo!
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Sky Kubby Mahalo! I would do some water changes to see if you can re-balance those levels out a little! Might need to get your magnesium levels up so calcium and alk can get absorbed!
Rob McCarthy
Rob McCarthy - 9 years ago
I'm impressed with how wide open your LPS are with such strong flow. Whenever I've had LPS in such high flow they tend to close up. Any tips?
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
+Rob Macathy I deflected the flow off the side of the tank, and used that to direct the flow around the tank. I found the Hammers repsponded to this flow much better than low, where they would be floppy.
Hatsune Tokisaki
Hatsune Tokisaki - 8 years ago
I have an elegance that doesnt like high flow but in my pico it loves laminar flow, like flow from a wavemaker hitting on the glass which creates random currents. Direct flow will be too much for most LPS but this kind of flow makes them really frilly :)

This vid is nice makes me want to get a hammer coral again :D
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Rob McCarthy Try to point the flow indirect of the corals.
Zach Chauvin
Zach Chauvin - 9 years ago
How high do you have your flow? I have just setup a 25g and have a mp10 for flow but have it turned off because it seems to be too much, I am new to hobby so it may be fine. Thanks!!
Zach Chauvin
Zach Chauvin - 9 years ago
Ok, thank you so much. I have mine set on second notch in pulse mode hoping this is good.
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Zach Chauvin Yes, I used a Mp10 in my other 30 gallon aquarium and always kept it relatively low. It is way more powerful than your sized tank needs. I never went past like 5 light notches, unless I was cleaning the tank.
Mike Bircher
Mike Bircher - 9 years ago
I've always loved LPS corals--in particular torch corals. SPS just don't do it for me. You pulled this off nicely. Good song choice, as well.
Minjun Choi
Minjun Choi - 9 years ago
Very nice indeed.But what size aquarium is that?It would be too small for a marine tank if that's a five gallon.Still very nice looking,awesome how you created that with limited space
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
Hammers and clowns don't need a lot of space, and this tank was a simple tank. 2-3 Gallon water changes kept parameters stable with an ATO. Tank size depends on a lot of factors, but anything is possible! :D
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Minjun Choi 8 gallons with a 10 gallon sump.
Aws Joy
Aws Joy - 9 years ago
wow awesome beautiful great super tank:)
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Aws Joy Thanks Aws
Joe La Roche
Joe La Roche - 9 years ago
Beautiful little tank but let's see the behind the scenes video of what needs to go along side it
Abdullah Al-Azmi
Abdullah Al-Azmi - 9 years ago
You got comments from marine depot and nycity cichlids! Aquarium cred: GODLY!
N Adel
N Adel - 9 years ago
What type of sump did you get? I am tempted to convert one of my ADA tanks into a reef tank and was just curious
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
It was just a simple 10 gallon tank, with no baffles. Mainly used to house the return pump and heater lol
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Neil Adelantar I think a custom or random sized 10 gallon tank. Sumps usually are not too fancy at that size.

50. comment for Hammer Heaven Reef Tank- Absolutely STUNNING!

marsdog - 9 years ago
Hammer time!!
notdescribed - 9 years ago
I am thinking about getting into the saltwater hobby and man does this tank look awesome! Would you recommend hammer corals for a beginner such as myself? I have been watching a lot of your videos lately and my brain hurts from all of the info. Haha.

I thought hammer corals are aggressive when they're close to each other but my knowledge is not as great as yours. :)
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+notdescribed Cool! Thanks, and yes it is a lot of info. They are not for beginners exactly. After a few months if you dose they will be fine in your tank. They will not sting eachother if they are the same type of hammer. I would say they are intermediate corals.
Eldridge Henry, II
Eldridge Henry, II - 9 years ago
sweet tank
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Eldridge Henry, II Hahah this is too funny.
Eldridge Henry, II
Eldridge Henry, II - 9 years ago
Lol nice try
DigniTy - 9 years ago
Not really, i think that water is salty...

Worst joke evah
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
another of many poor choices for music.
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Dennis Younger Do you mind replying with a couple links to some music you would prefer?
mitian - 9 years ago
So beautiful!
gina ochoa
gina ochoa - 9 years ago
Does anyone know what tank this is? Absolutely gorgeous. I wouldn't mind having one of these in my bedroom. Perfect size.
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+gina ochoa The tank is a Ehiem aquastyle 9 I think.
Slim Dave
Slim Dave - 9 years ago
Hey wait please answer me does this really say a 8 gallon display has a 10 gallon sump 0_0
Philip Nguyen
Philip Nguyen - 7 years ago
+Slim Dave That is correct!
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+David Scanlan Haha yes David. That explains why it looks so nice too.
JacobsAquarium - 9 years ago
Hey Man! Found you from Ricks channel! Great videos! Wanted to ask if you'd like to be a guest on my live show next week? Would be fun to discuss the hobby with you and respond to chat room questions. You can chime in through skype video! Let me know :)
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+JacobsAquarium Hi! Thanks so much. Yes, Rick has an awesome channel as well. Yes, I would love to do that with you. Please email me at gcmavrakis@gmail.com and we can talk about it more!
Willy d. aquatics
Willy d. aquatics - 9 years ago
Great job on the hammer tank!

CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Jackie Tomkins Yee!
Jackie Tomkins
Jackie Tomkins - 9 years ago
Love it!
mark mcdowell
mark mcdowell - 9 years ago
Beautiful ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
happy93384 - 9 years ago
The little tank is using jebao wp 10 make those cool wave I just got the wp 40
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+happy93384 Yeah they are great pieces of equipment!
Filthy Is Babe
Filthy Is Babe - 9 years ago
Beautiful, Just Picked Up A Tamatoe Clown :D
Filthy Is Babe
Filthy Is Babe - 9 years ago
Saddly Died... :( so im getting a fireball angel
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+SlipKnotBoy The Metalhead Potato Tomato Tamatoe, love those clowns
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies Thanks! Love your stuff too!
Sandy - 9 years ago
great tank with beautiful hammer
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Sandeep Shetty It is actually crazy how creative the tank is too... Philip is a boss!
420skidrow - 9 years ago
anemone move too much,i think thats why phillip got the hammers! looks great
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+420skidrow Either way it came out great! Thanks
Sky's Fishroom
Sky's Fishroom - 9 years ago
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Scolopendra Subspinpes I know how you feel... :)
Nelson Ocasio
Nelson Ocasio - 9 years ago
All I can say is wow, it looks perfect
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Nelson Ocasio It IS perfect :) I wish it was mine
Huachao Tang
Huachao Tang - 9 years ago
I love the Background Music!!! Relaxing, can you tell me what it is?
Huachao Tang
Huachao Tang - 9 years ago
+CoralFish12g I found that! Thank you so much. This melody really fit your hammer corals...haha 
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Huachao Tang Candyland but it is by the Copyright free network. Just look that up on YouTube
AquaEcoCubes - 9 years ago
Thats an awesome nano! I love euphyllias!!
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 9 years ago
Nice video. He has an awesome little tank. Very jealous
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+MASS Aquariums Thanks, yeah those clowns are in heaven!
Agr414 - 9 years ago
From the equipment list you would think the flow would be excessive for an 8 gallon but the tank looks perfect.
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Agr414 I don't know how he does it... it's magical for sure!
Justin Daniels
Justin Daniels - 9 years ago
what overflow is that on the back
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+Justin Daniels MAME, by saltwater conversion +Neill Saltwater Conversion 
awaros86 - 9 years ago
Great seing clownfish host lps and the lps looks healthy wich isnt allweys the case had a percula clown that killed a froggspawn euphyllia for me, the corall just had 3 heads I think and not any special colour, soo not a big loss. Allso gonna be fun to see in the coments how manny people will think it is anemones ;) eweryonne that have seen my tanks and dont know much about saltvatter thinks euphyllia coralls are anemones :)
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+awaros86 Yeah! Usually corals like lps don't do so well in situations where clowns mistake them for anemones. Looks like this tank is just an exception or something lol
915Mang - 9 years ago
Great Video Man!
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 9 years ago
+915Mang The tank is not his.
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+915Mang Thank you
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 9 years ago
CarnivoreTV - 9 years ago
Can I just have that tank
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+CarnivoreTV I already asked ;)
oTWINKLEoTOESo - 9 years ago
it's so clean! :0 and the clown is hosting the shit outta that forest of anemones! 
TropicalSunriseTans - 9 years ago
+oTWINKLEoTOESo If you come to my home, I am the host, you are the guest. I am hosting you. You are hosted by me. You aren't hosting me just as the clowns aren't hosting the nems. They are 'guests' of the nem! So, either you can say the clowns are hosted BY the nems, or the nems are hosting the clowns - but saying the clowns are hosting the nems is just wrong.

Either way, nice tank :-)
oTWINKLEoTOESo - 9 years ago
what about when they are "hosted by" other things. i have seen them get hosted by open-brain coral, maxima clams, even just a piece of live rock.  whats goin on with that? just curious
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+TropicalSunriseTans This is true, a very common misconception
TropicalSunriseTans - 9 years ago
+oTWINKLEoTOESo No! Clowns don't 'host' anemones (or Hammers), they are hosted BY the nems.
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+awaros86 Thanks for adding this info!
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+oTWINKLEoTOESo Hammer Corals but yes!
awaros86 - 9 years ago
+oTWINKLEoTOESo You're welcome :) it can be hard telling stuff apart in saltwater sometimes, it helps with time and experiance (and boks with good pictures too learn from) but there are soo manny diffrent things so it is impossible too know it all nomather for how long you been in to the hobby
oTWINKLEoTOESo - 9 years ago
oh awesome, did not know. thanks for that
awaros86 - 9 years ago
There are no anemones, just a sort of lps called hammer coral ore by its sientific name Euphyllia ancora wich can be a great anemone substitute if you don't want to have an anemone walking all over the tank stinging coralls on its way. But some lps don't like to bedisturbed so will retract and in time die one head at a time, and some don't mind. Not all clowns host annything ewen anemones in tanks, bought a nice percula clown couple just beccause they didnt host and the last owner wanted some clowns to host a bta.
Found Paradise
Found Paradise - 9 years ago
I would to (;
Porter Templin
Porter Templin - 9 years ago
This one really hits home I love these hammer corals so much great vid.
CoralFish12g - 9 years ago
+BioCoralLover 12 Thanks, glad you like it
Hectorisking Hinojosa
Hectorisking Hinojosa - 9 years ago

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