Hammer Heaven Reef Tank- Absolutely STUNNING!
Reef tank 9 years ago 236,941 views
CoralFish12g FB: https://www.facebook.com/coralfish12g CoralFish12g Instagram: http://instagram.com/coralfish12g In this CoralFish12g video I feature Philip Nguyen's Hammer Heaven reef tank. Hammer corals are awesome but this is just awesome. Maintenance is done weekly with a 2-3 gallon water change with Red Sea Coral Pro Salt with RODI water. And the Sandbed is vacuumed 2 times a week. No dosing it any sort since the Pro salt has high concentration levels of trace elements. Tank equipment is as follow: 8 gallon display tank 10 gallon sump Maxspect razor r420r 60w 16k lighting Jebao wp10 wave maker Mame glass overflow Tunze osmolator nano 3152 Coral Box D300 protein skimmer Ehiem compact 2000 return pump 4 stage RODI water filtration Tobu - Candyland | http://youtu.be/ZFrkGSmYJ6w | provided by CopyrightFreeNetwork
on met pas des poissons ds 1 bocal putain.!!!!!
10. comment for Hammer Heaven Reef Tank- Absolutely STUNNING!
Any way you could make a video explaining how to set up a sump, and waht it's used for? I currently use a Fluval Evo 5 gallon for my saltwater, there no sump on it lol
And for the overflow, I used a Mame Overflow unit, which self-syphons the water from the main tank, to the sump via a return pump.
20. comment for Hammer Heaven Reef Tank- Absolutely STUNNING!
30. comment for Hammer Heaven Reef Tank- Absolutely STUNNING!
This vid is nice makes me want to get a hammer coral again :D
50. comment for Hammer Heaven Reef Tank- Absolutely STUNNING!
I thought hammer corals are aggressive when they're close to each other but my knowledge is not as great as yours. :)
Worst joke evah
Either way, nice tank :-)