How Much Does a Reef Aquarium Cost

Today we find out how much The Wife has cost so far. You might want to hide this video from your partner. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss future updates. Buy Bio Home Media Here: Find the Genio Skimmer, Calcium Reactor & Kamoer dosing pump Here: Blue Hose: Jebao/ Jecod DCT 12000: Maxspect Gyre Xf-130 30W: Maxspect Gyre XF-150 50W: 138w UFO LED Grow Light: Hanna Instruments Alkalinity Checker: PH Controller: Simply Aquaria Duel Temperature Controller: My Aquarium Box: Email: Facebook page: Facebook group: Jordan Watkins J-Dubs Aquatics: At the current exchange rate you are looking at $7335.16 Thank you to RavenProDesign -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "420 Gallon Reef aka The Wife Week 3: Let's Relax" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

How Much Does a Reef Aquarium Cost sentiment_very_dissatisfied 19

Reef tank 8 years ago 26,744 views

Today we find out how much The Wife has cost so far. You might want to hide this video from your partner. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss future updates. Buy Bio Home Media Here: Find the Genio Skimmer, Calcium Reactor & Kamoer dosing pump Here: Blue Hose: Jebao/ Jecod DCT 12000: Maxspect Gyre Xf-130 30W: Maxspect Gyre XF-150 50W: 138w UFO LED Grow Light: Hanna Instruments Alkalinity Checker: PH Controller: Simply Aquaria Duel Temperature Controller: My Aquarium Box: Email: Facebook page: Facebook group: Jordan Watkins J-Dubs Aquatics: At the current exchange rate you are looking at $7335.16 Thank you to RavenProDesign -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "420 Gallon Reef aka The Wife Week 3: Let's Relax" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

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Most popular comments
for How Much Does a Reef Aquarium Cost

catherine peck
catherine peck - 7 years ago
So for a 55 gallon simple setup lights skimmer filter heater etc how much would that cost
catherine peck
catherine peck - 7 years ago
Have you got Samsung s6 edge I have
Imusic Artist direct
Imusic Artist direct - 7 years ago
How did you make the black canopy and lower cabinet area, i like it its flush... or what type of material is it? What it already finished? I cant seem to find it in your videos?
muffemod - 7 years ago
We dry trickle filter!!! :)
J J - 7 years ago
Ahh well done mate! Wishing you all the success! Defo doing the right thing, the world has enough truck drivers ;)
the green man
the green man - 7 years ago
it would be interesting to know your electric bills, and the cost of additives , feed etc every month.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 7 years ago
+Ben Astle £7500 ish now
vikinglord13 - 7 years ago
How much work on the tank did you do yourself?
catherine peck
catherine peck - 7 years ago
vikinglord13 he doesn't do water changes
Jase Kevens
Jase Kevens - 7 years ago
Question on that Ca rx Kamoer. I have the same unit for my reactor and was wondering how to mate them. I like that clean looking RO tubing you used. Can you tell me what fitting connected the Kamoer tubing to your RO tubing please ?

10. comment for How Much Does a Reef Aquarium Cost

JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 8 years ago
what all that in USA money
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+JJ Aquariums Ask google
bongwater4200 - 8 years ago
Dang a 7 foot tank for only 1000 bucks. That's one hell of a deal
Burger Craft
Burger Craft - 7 years ago
1000 Pound which is 1300 usd
Scott ta
Scott ta - 8 years ago
expensive hobby, but well worth it.
great video
mallo _man95
mallo _man95 - 8 years ago
holy moley that tank cost $9202 in AU money
JAG sixtyfive
JAG sixtyfive - 8 years ago
For 5.5 Grand, I reckon you've done a bloody good job!!!
JAG sixtyfive
JAG sixtyfive - 8 years ago
Some people will pay that for tank alone! So I reckon you've done an amazing job. FWIW I have been out of reef keeping for 4 years now, and just thinking about getting back into it again. Just doing my research etc at this stage, but want something that the kids can get involved in, within reason. So I thought about a shallow reef tank whereby they can easily see what's going on in the tank. Nothing too big, probably around 48Lx27Wx16H, so I'll be getting a few quotes from tank and cabinet manufacturers in the new year. Merry Christmas to you by the way and a prosperous new year I hope.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+JAG sixtyfive Thank you
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
Awesome video, not too many people make video explaining how much everything costs, just one question, how much was the sand? And are the sumps included in the 1220 pounds for the tanks?
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
+Aarons Aquarium Oh just 2 bags? I thought it would have been much more, thanks for the quick reply and your tank is looking awesome and I'm really enjoying the videos, thanks a lot.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Franklin Michael Sand was £25 a bag I uses 2 bags. The sumps I got for free so aren't included in the price.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+The crusty gamer lol
Jiren The savage
Jiren The savage - 8 years ago
i see why you call it the wife, it sucks you out your money just as much as an actual wife LOL
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Marcel Rodriguez lol that's it.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Marcel Rodriguez lol that's it.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Marcel Rodriguez lol that's it.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Marcel Rodriguez lol that's it.
simpleAI - 8 years ago
you should put a decal on the wife saying the wife
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+simpleAI Yeah I will be doing once the boards are on.
Moody Laff
Moody Laff - 8 years ago
where bouts you from bro? sound like a midlands guy
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Moody Laff Manchester pal

20. comment for How Much Does a Reef Aquarium Cost

Castellano702 - 8 years ago
hey bud i'm watching your channel from Las Vegas Nevada ..and i wanted to know what do you use to treat ich . the white dots on the fish ?..i normally add garlic and ginger to their food .
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Castellano702 Simply feed a variety of foods. If they don't seam interested in eating try adding garlic to help stimulate them.
Castellano702 - 8 years ago
i did just looking for the right pump to use on it .. thanks .. also you have any other tips on what to feed the fish to keep them healthy? i have alot of triggers and tangs .. i have some videos of my tank on my channel
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Castellano702 now that is a challenge. A highly effective UV Steriliser sounds like an option. That will start to kill the parasite in its free swimming stage. If your fish are healthy it will be very difficult for the parasite to feed on them causing a few to die. That combined with your UV could help reduce the numbers
Castellano702 - 8 years ago
+Aarons Aquarium tell me about it I have a 1,000 gallon tank. and it's impossible to catch my fish in order to quarantine them in coopermain.. I need to find a way to get rid of ich without using coopermain
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Castellano702 That just stimulates the Fish to eat but has no effect on the Parasite itself. Normally I'd use Polyp Lab Medic to kill the parasite in its free swimming stage. But due to the size of my tank that has proved to be very costly.
John Zimm
John Zimm - 8 years ago
OK, I can't take it any longer, I have to ask, but I don't want to ask, because of the answer I might get. What is your backup plan, I case of a power outage!?
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+John Zimm Panic! Haha only kidding. I'm going to be getting a UPS
Ben - 8 years ago
320 gallon not 420 just google aquarium calcType in the dimensions says 327 minus glass width So about 320 post facts please
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Ben 420 total water volume including the sumps
chris maldonado
chris maldonado - 8 years ago
How are you enjoying the ultra reef overflow? I really like the sleek and low profile design but do they do a good job in cycling the water from the main tank too the sump. I wish they sold something like that here in the states. I hate overflow boxes and how they clutter up a tank. Congrats on the tank look amazing so far.
Lee and Mandy Battersby
Lee and Mandy Battersby - 8 years ago
What do you think of plywood tanks for marine ive been looking in to building my own ( my husband is a joiner ) the size im looking at is 8ftx3ftx3ft works out at 538 gallons it will only have glass at the front as the tank will built in i have a 4x2x2 old tank which I could use as a sump
Lee and Mandy Battersby
Lee and Mandy Battersby - 8 years ago
+Aarons Aquarium ok thanks I've seen yours and it's fantastic but there's no way I can afford a glass one
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Lee and Mandy Battersby I've got no experience at all with plywood tanks so I can't help I'm afraid
Peter Davies
Peter Davies - 8 years ago
There is so much you didn't cost. Cost of the sumps themselves, salt, sand, Polyp Lab Medic, heater(s), do you have an auto top up etc etc. There will be tons of equipment you use with the tank as well. It is endless... I know!!! :-)
Peter Davies
Peter Davies - 8 years ago
Cool. I wasn't having a go, I just know from experience that it costs a lot more than you think as you always forget a pile of stuff you have spent money on!
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Peter Davies I know but the video was already long so I'll do a part two
Skullthrax - 8 years ago
Dude I'm glad someone likes Sohal tangs as much as I do.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Skullthrax They are one of if not the best Fish in our hobby in my opinion. I am biased though.
goxcpre - 8 years ago
All of this and no controller. Crazy dude!
goxcpre - 8 years ago
Well I love the build! Can't wait to see!
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+goxcpre That will come. It's not a necessity right now.
Bryan Delgadillo
Bryan Delgadillo - 8 years ago
Lmao #420
Jeetendra Prasad
Jeetendra Prasad - 8 years ago
mate, I wish my cost could be anywhere close to envious. a 470gal tank is costing me $5500CAD alone...and yes my wife just raised her eyebrows in her sleep.

30. comment for How Much Does a Reef Aquarium Cost

brian winterburn
brian winterburn - 8 years ago
Top video, is there a age limit on the comp foe the 16 gal tank.reason i ask is my son and daughter want to enter the comp.
brian winterburn
brian winterburn - 8 years ago
yeah that's not a problem ,thanks
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+brian winterburn No mate. There just will have to be an adult available to accept delivery.
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
lol, not bad. I guessed over $5k without stock before you started the build.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+j03yYunG Aquariums I missed a lot out as well. I'll have to do a mid week update to finish it off.
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 8 years ago
Yeah I'll just keep watching your reef tank on YouTube. With the HD resolution, it's like it's my own tank at home. Ha!!!
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+NYCity Cichlids Haha. A lot cheaper as well.
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Thanks for the breakdown and as always great vid brother.... I am sure more to come....
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Rad Perez Oh yes lots more to come.
D Godfrey
D Godfrey - 8 years ago
sorry about your white cheek tang mate
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 8 years ago
Great video! so sorry to hear about the white cheek tang. tank looks beautiful. what are you using to treat the whitespot in the tank?
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Rotter Tube Reef Polyp Lab Medic pal
Imran Khan
Imran Khan - 8 years ago
Sir one pound equals 89.6 in inr .then you have spent 5541.95 pounds it means in inr you have spent 4,96,558.72 .my god
7catstied2gether - 8 years ago
I set up a 120g+45g sump for <$1000 CAD (not including fish)
Ebay Guru
Ebay Guru - 8 years ago
great video great cost .. you forgot the sump and refugium.. and water and salt.. lol thats a lotta salt.. only minor but would make it nearer 6k. So.. a 6k harley D or a wicked marine tank.. ummmmmm... harley would be less hassle but more enjoyment from the tank me thinks.. once a biker always a biker.. look forward to the next video.. the water change ;o))
Adrian Wayne
Adrian Wayne - 8 years ago
Where did you get Sander Ozonizer Certizon C50 from
Adrian Wayne
Adrian Wayne - 8 years ago
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Adrian Wayne I got it from Aquarium Cabinet Solutions in Doncaster
Jason Brooker
Jason Brooker - 8 years ago
interested to now what youre monthly running costs are great vids by the way
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+PsychedelicBabe lol yeah it's probably best. Ignorance is bliss
gavin reynolds
gavin reynolds - 8 years ago
Did you mention the price of the two sumps and heater?
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+gavin reynolds I didn't. The sumps I got for free. I've got a few more things to mention in next week's video.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Great video! The number got a lot bigger when i converted it dollars 7336.99. A lot of people don't like to talk about money in this hobby it's taboo some how. I think its important for people to know how much a system like this cost.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+MileHighReefers Yes I thought the same. It may put a few people off but this is a large aquarium with all new equipment so it will have a high price tag.
Dannys Fishtanks
Dannys Fishtanks - 8 years ago
So basically your whole tank is about a down payment for a car here in the US lol can't wait to see what you do in the future!
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Dannys Fishtanks are you back making videos?
Dannys Fishtanks
Dannys Fishtanks - 8 years ago
+Aarons Aquarium been busy with school and work man. I've gotten ride of most of my tanks and just kept a shrimp and jbj 28 gallon saltwater tank
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Dannys Fishtanks Dude where you been. Nice to see a comment from you.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Damn near a house down payment! lol
Seaside Reefer
Seaside Reefer - 8 years ago
I personally thought it would have cost more. :)
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+bigmanscottd There's more to come next week pal. I missed a lot out lol
Mat's Pets
Mat's Pets - 8 years ago
Hi Aaron :) aren't you worried that all the good stuff from your refugium (rotifers etc) will be skimmed out by your skimmer when it enters the secund sump? The tank looks nice by the way!
Mat's Pets
Mat's Pets - 8 years ago
Okey now I see! Great filtration man!
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Mat's Pets no because the overflow pipe from the Refugium bypasses the skimmer section and goes straight into the centre.
Greg Garrett
Greg Garrett - 8 years ago
the refugium return is in the chamber after the skimmer ;)
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+NEMO20G lol
dm002a8686 - 8 years ago
I would get a chiller mate. Mine is on a lot in the summer.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+dm002a8686 Waste of money for me pal. Not once this summer has mine gone over 27c
dm002a8686 - 8 years ago
Great update. You forgot to price sand and heater.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+dm002a8686 Yes I left a lot out of this one. Just didn't have enough time. I'll update the cost next Sunday.

50. comment for How Much Does a Reef Aquarium Cost

MK Reefer
MK Reefer - 8 years ago
excellent thanks for sharing
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+ChrisTwo4 Hobbie, Music and Dance Channel Yeah I remember when my dad brought me home a Tshirt and it was something like $2000 JA
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+ChrisTwo4 Hobbie, Music and Dance Channel Things are a lot more expensive over here though so you would probably be able to do it cheaper.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+OneGuyAndHisFish Chilling lol. That's where he goes when Jef is being a D*#K. It's his safe zone.
Roddy Warren
Roddy Warren - 8 years ago
Wow you've got a bargain there, I stopped counting how much mine cost when it touched £7000 and mines only 450 Ltrs :-0
Roddy Warren
Roddy Warren - 8 years ago
+Aarons Aquarium it will be worth it in the end though ☺ Great videos by the way, entertaining and helpful im looking forward to more.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Roddy Warren I missed a lot out of this video so the price will go up some more
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
You only have 132 pounds for a 420 gallon tank like I asked before are you worried that's not enough for that size of a tank , I think you will be dealing with a few problems, maybe want to add more
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
+Aarons Aquarium nice that's good because it keeps your tank open , really nice set up bro
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Bay Area Reefs no because I have a large surface area in the sump thanks to the bio home media. Each block has a surface area of 2 Tennis courts
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
yep you made it official for me... that tank would cost me $7300 bucks at this point in the us... converting pounds to dollars made it way wayyyy worse... I may do one of these on my JBJ tank just for comparison... and finish with Ill never upgrade because of Aarons Aquariums LOL
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Aarons Aquarium one year later I upgraded to a tank that cost even more lmao
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS lol. That would be a cool comparison video you. Know. Your tank many people would kill for so I know they would love to know how much it costs to create it.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+fin time Lol
Neil Gooders
Neil Gooders - 8 years ago
Great vid Michael. When will you be putting the sides on your stand.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Neil Gooders It should be in the next week or two. I want to do a big unveiling of the finished tank but I still have a lot to show before then.
Phil  Mccoy
Phil Mccoy - 8 years ago
Tanks looking great mate and expected the price to be a lot higher.
Phil  Mccoy
Phil Mccoy - 8 years ago
+Aarons Aquarium happy days mate look forward to future updates. Can't wait to see how this tank turns out in a year or so. Will be stunning
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Phil Mccoy I will still go up as I've left a lot out. I'll update the cost next week.
dkdh - 8 years ago
Do you not have any CUCs? And the cost for them? So interesting to compare the cost between UK and here in Norway and helpful!
AcuaTV - 8 years ago
Good info, you forgot to take into account the man hours spent on designing the tank, filtration system and the extra support you added to your floor lol. Congratulations, your tank looks awesome! By the way, the tank was really cheap compared to what I can get it here in Seattle! I'm looking into upgrading ,one after my crash.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+AcuaTV I couldn't fit everything in on this one so I'll update the cost next week.
Aquatic Tanks By MJ
Aquatic Tanks By MJ - 8 years ago
are you going to add copepods?
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+tom john Yes. I'll be adding them to the Refugium section.
MK Reefer
MK Reefer - 8 years ago
another quality vid, this tank is cool. what soft ware do you use to edit your videos.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Andy Ball I used adobe Premier Pro pal
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 8 years ago
So, total cost in US dollars was over $7,300. You are my hero. Won't work in my apartment, though. Landlord might object to it crashing through the floor... BTW, when medicating for white spot, do you add the medicine to the sump or straight into the tank?
Big MacMik3
Big MacMik3 - 8 years ago
well when there is two options one is going to be better most likely
William Duong
William Duong - 8 years ago
dont see why you wouldn't or couldn't add it straight to the tank
Big MacMik3
Big MacMik3 - 8 years ago
I was wondering as well.
Corey Hecker
Corey Hecker - 8 years ago
Your tank is incredible, but I don't think my wife will go for it. I'll just enjoy yours.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Corey Hecker Haha
Joe's Reef
Joe's Reef - 8 years ago
Don't let the real wife watch this video or you'll be selling the tank to pay for the divorce attorney. Lol Awesome and well thought out system best of luck to you.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+JVS Reefs lol
Flick - 8 years ago
How much will this set up cost you a month ? Electricity, water, salt mix, etc?
Julia gatto
Julia gatto - 8 years ago
Fish keeping is a labor intensive hobby and some people don't realize that. However, when you work hard, it definitely pays off. The tank looks amazing!
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Julia gatto Thank you.
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 8 years ago
Thong Nguyen Trung
Thong Nguyen Trung - 8 years ago
nice setup, I don't see chiller?
Thong Nguyen Trung
Thong Nguyen Trung - 8 years ago
thank :)
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Thong Nguyen Trung I don't need one in this country. It never gets that warm.
Aquatasy - 8 years ago
It's so nice to see a man so committed to his "wife". You pamper her well. LOL!

In all seriousness, it is an amazing set up.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Aquatasy Thanks buddy.
Gianpaolo DiRisio
Gianpaolo DiRisio - 8 years ago
He forgot the sump it's self like the glass part
Ruben - 8 years ago
Wow thats $7303.90 in us Dollars. Your tank build looks really good.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+dudepros WOW!
dudesreef - 8 years ago
That's $9620 in Aud, Australia hates reef tanks clearly.
Ruben - 8 years ago
+John's Aquatics I just use another calculator for UK to us dollar and now I got $7298.59 I'm getting different number with different calculators. lol
Ruben - 8 years ago
+John's Aquatics I use Google the UK to US conversion and that's what it calculated.
John's Aquatics
John's Aquatics - 8 years ago
It's actually around $7335.05
scsmithx7 - 8 years ago
Who did you get the aquarium from and how much was just the aquarium
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+scsmithx7 The Aquarium was built by Fit Filtration and it was £1220 / $1614.84 us
scsmithx7 - 8 years ago
For your fans in the United States you should also break it down into dollars
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+scsmithx7 at the current exchange rate the cost would be $7335.16 us
John Zimm
John Zimm - 8 years ago
Can you do a video on what the Hana test kit does and how it works? Thanks for all the great info and entertainment.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+John Zimm Yes I'll look at making that video.
Ross Ellis
Ross Ellis - 8 years ago
Ambience $20.000
Wow! Well at least the outcome is rewarding!
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+dwsdarius lol.
Elliott Lindsey
Elliott Lindsey - 8 years ago
awesome video Aaron, but what about the water/salt?
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Elliott Lindsey (MetalGamer) I'll add them next week. Some things you just take for granted don't you and completely forget about.
Dos Maiz
Dos Maiz - 8 years ago
1200 pounds for a 400 gallon tank? that's an amazing deal.
One Deep
One Deep - 8 years ago
+Aarons Aquarium So how many gallons is the actual tank?
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Dos Maiz (Twocorns) The tank itself isn't 420 Gallon. That is the total water volume including the 2 sumps.
Malawi Cichlid Amateur
Malawi Cichlid Amateur - 8 years ago
I did do an entry into the you contest. Lol great video
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Malawi Cichlid Amateur The way the tanks are built are to a much higher standard than normal tanks. Fit Filtration are of the best tank builders in the country. As with anything, if you want quality, you have to pay a quality price.
Malawi Cichlid Amateur
Malawi Cichlid Amateur - 8 years ago
+Aarons Aquarium the tank price kind of shocks me and don't understand the £1200. I know it's just a glass aquarium but I'm looking at a 150x50x60 upgrade for my cichlids and this is gonna cost €190. What's with this tank that makes it cost £1200. I'm not right now but in the future going to have reef tank but not to the standard you have yours
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+john b lol
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+john b I forgot all about the water and sand. Somethings you just take for granted. I'll add them next week.
K-Town Aquatics
K-Town Aquatics - 8 years ago
Holy crap I am happy my wife was at work when I watched this video! There no way in hell I could talk her into that..... I have better luck talking her into multiple smaller tanks lol
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+K-Town Aquatics lol. Start working on the smaller tanks then I say haha.
that one guy
that one guy - 8 years ago
for all of the U.S viewers, its $4,156.46
Sean Fleming
Sean Fleming - 8 years ago
I think you mean $7,336.17.
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 8 years ago
T Surro
T Surro - 8 years ago
What about the sand and the salt mix for water??
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+OJ dude haha I've missed you. Has your boyfriend split up with you?
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+T Surro I'll add them next week. Some things you just take for granted and completely forget about.
Zpex - 8 years ago
God I want the side chick ;/
Rogue Aquariums
Rogue Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Aarons Aquarium That's true but at the end of the day, you can take a step back and be proud of your set up. it's only going to get better and better. you have great equipment Michael
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+NW Marine62 Yes I've found the prices here are a lot higher than the states. Working on My Aquarium Box I get upset everyday seeing what you guys pay.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+shawn craib lol
shawn craib
shawn craib - 8 years ago
It's usually just before I go to sleep I remember the price I tell my wife is only a third of what I spend . lol
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+shawn craib Lol its crazy how much it costs isn't it.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Ross Brown Yeah I was lucky getting it at this price.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Ross Brown I bought it from a friend.
Mohamed Gaber
Mohamed Gaber - 8 years ago
is the tank water cloudy of it's the lighting making look cloudy?
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
+Mohamed Gaber Yes once I've got all the details of the build out of the way I'll do a full video simply for showing the Fish and coral.
Mohamed Gaber
Mohamed Gaber - 8 years ago
+Aarons Aquarium thats what i assumed your system looked great to have any cloudiness
Maybe when you add nee corals we get a close up video showing details too
Keep it up
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 8 years ago
Its the blue light and the angle it makes it look cloudy. Its crystal to the eye.
Vinicius Spencer
Vinicius Spencer - 8 years ago
Parabéns.Lindo Aquário Marinho.Sistema Perfeito.

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