How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update
Reef tank 9 years ago 19,625 views
just sharing my experience beating hair algae after battling for 4 months.. sharing my thoughts on what turned the tide in this war on the green stuff... Like,comment or just enjoy the vid be easy! Parameter swing video: Cyano & Hair algae Video: Tank Parameters: Nitrate: 10ppm Calcium: 520+ Mag: 1440+ Alk:9-10 Salinty: 1.026 PH: 7.9-8.0 Temp:78.8 Phosphate: .025ppm Equipment: Stock JBJ Duel return pumps Ecotech MP10ES Ocean Revive T247 LED light JBJ Auto Top Off w/Aqualifter Pump Innovative marine nano Reactor w/phosguard Tunze9004 Skimmer Stock list: 1 Flame Angel 1 Multibar Angel 1 Christmas Wrasse 1 Yellow Corris Wrasse 2 Fancy Clownfish 1 Blue damsel 1 Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis 1 Lawnmower Blenny 1 Blue Gudgeon Dartfish
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20. comment for How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update
30. comment for How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update
100% on the turkey baster, I clean my rock work every week with mine and have zero nusiense algaes in my tank now,before it was a eye sore.
It's not the silver bullet but it does help, I run GFO with a very large amount of macro algae in my sump, along with 20% NSW changes weekly, and change out 150 micro filter socks every two days, to keep it under control and so far so good.
Also RODI is a must for top off water.
50. comment for How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update
As far as elevating Mg to get rid of algae, this is another topic in the hobby that has become misconstrued from its original source. Simply raising Mg levels hasn't been proven to reduce nuisance algae. There is a specific product, Kent Marine techM, that people have used to raise Mg levels in order to kill bryopsis. (Bryopsis is probably the type of algae that you show in that spot you have in question. Look at the filaments to see if they have offshoots. If so its bryopsis) continued...
Be easy!
Thanks Again.
Check out the Two Little Fish tiny mag scrubbers.
I have to put out another vid. I finally beat the Dinoflagellates.
thanks man
thanks for watching
added a live clam to my tank .. opened the shell and everything went bananas including the "algae" blenny .. that sucker got a taste of meat and has went crazy lol...
appreciate it man
BINGO! haha, i wanted to get into that but I was keeping it short and simple. I can go on and on about this stuff like you lol. But I totally agree with you that blowing all that detritus off played a HUGE part as well. One of the secretes to sps is keeping the detritus off the tops of them. LPS are no different, and in my opinion Ive found them to be worse at collecting detritus because of their longer "pollips/tenticles." Especially the Green Star Pollip stuff which collects it like a magnet! There's a balance there between keeping stuff relatively clean and keeping your hands out of the tank to promote stability.... loved the Matrix comment - classic movie - I can relate as Ive had that "ah-ha" moment as well!
Aluminium has its place as it sucks PO extremely fast (sometimes too fast)... But, yes, not a long term thing because the aluminium can build up. GFO will suck up the aluminium so generally I alternate the two when there is an issue in the tank...
thanks man
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