How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update

just sharing my experience beating hair algae after battling for 4 months.. sharing my thoughts on what turned the tide in this war on the green stuff... Like,comment or just enjoy the vid be easy! Parameter swing video: Cyano & Hair algae Video: Tank Parameters: Nitrate: 10ppm Calcium: 520+ Mag: 1440+ Alk:9-10 Salinty: 1.026 PH: 7.9-8.0 Temp:78.8 Phosphate: .025ppm Equipment: Stock JBJ Duel return pumps Ecotech MP10ES Ocean Revive T247 LED light JBJ Auto Top Off w/Aqualifter Pump Innovative marine nano Reactor w/phosguard Tunze9004 Skimmer Stock list: 1 Flame Angel 1 Multibar Angel 1 Christmas Wrasse 1 Yellow Corris Wrasse 2 Fancy Clownfish 1 Blue damsel 1 Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis 1 Lawnmower Blenny 1 Blue Gudgeon Dartfish

How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Reef tank 9 years ago 19,625 views

just sharing my experience beating hair algae after battling for 4 months.. sharing my thoughts on what turned the tide in this war on the green stuff... Like,comment or just enjoy the vid be easy! Parameter swing video: Cyano & Hair algae Video: Tank Parameters: Nitrate: 10ppm Calcium: 520+ Mag: 1440+ Alk:9-10 Salinty: 1.026 PH: 7.9-8.0 Temp:78.8 Phosphate: .025ppm Equipment: Stock JBJ Duel return pumps Ecotech MP10ES Ocean Revive T247 LED light JBJ Auto Top Off w/Aqualifter Pump Innovative marine nano Reactor w/phosguard Tunze9004 Skimmer Stock list: 1 Flame Angel 1 Multibar Angel 1 Christmas Wrasse 1 Yellow Corris Wrasse 2 Fancy Clownfish 1 Blue damsel 1 Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis 1 Lawnmower Blenny 1 Blue Gudgeon Dartfish

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Most popular comments
for How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update

Brett Gallagher
Brett Gallagher - 7 years ago
Sweet tank CJ...
Lunar Mike
Lunar Mike - 7 years ago
Roll up some filter floss and squeeze it with the magnets to clean corners. Might take a few tries to find the best size to use but it works. Filter floss cleans algae that the magnet won't.
chase odom
chase odom - 7 years ago
Ha I am trying to keep my GSP where it is so I purposely put low flow
Hayden Owens
Hayden Owens - 7 years ago
bro! ur tank looks choice man! gnna try to get rid of my alge azwell. nice tank dude!
Brian Cudahy
Brian Cudahy - 7 years ago
Love your tank and videos very helpful and very different approaches with detail Info. Keep it up
Ken - 7 years ago
Thanks for sharing your results. Your tank is beautiful and healthy looking-good job.
Eli Alaniz
Eli Alaniz - 7 years ago
Nice Bro very nice
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 7 years ago
hey cj I was advised to raise magnesium to eliminate hair algae
Patrick Kirby
Patrick Kirby - 8 years ago
Hey luv ur vids. I binge watched all ur vids yesterday. Because of u I purchased a JBJ 45 yesterday also. Thx a lot for all ur educational vids. Wish u would post every wk.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
thanks! good luck on your new JBJ

10. comment for How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update

megatron - 8 years ago
Hi CJ, are you still using phosguard? I'm thinking about switching to phosguard. GFO is just too messy for me. Does phosguard work and does it have any negative effects on the coral? thanks
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
during the time I used it it performed well... Didnt effect my corals.. I have since removed it in favor of an algae scrubber.. more of a natural method. Check out later vids for details on the scrubber...
submillz - 8 years ago
thanks CJ, once again. I'm going to try a different approach and elevate my levels. water changes are doing zip
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Was mainly the mag levels being elevated that helped.. But it wasn't the sole factor. I also limited nutrients and did a ton of manual algae removal.. Can't be lazy to beat it. It will eventually burn itself out if u stay on top of those things
Dylan Thomas
Dylan Thomas - 8 years ago
Very Beautiful Tank!!
Francisco Gozon
Francisco Gozon - 8 years ago
Very nice tank!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Appreciate it!
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 8 years ago
awesome video man. great video quality. i got a crazy breakout in my JBJ45. I want to throw the tank in the garbage! I'll have to scrub all the rocks and i'll try dropping GFO in a bag in one of the baskets.
Jay C
Jay C - 8 years ago
Hey Cj I am starting a 40 gallon Nuvo fusion soon just wondering what kind of sand you used?
Jay C
Jay C - 8 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS thanks ! Yeah I don't wanna do the sugar sand
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Reef grade pink Fiji sand... Roughly 20lbs or so.. It's not the sugar fine sand that blows around easily
Big Cee
Big Cee - 8 years ago
Try Continuum Aquatics Bacter Clean-M. i treated my tank 2 years ago and haven't had any algae since then.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Haven't seen it come back since this video... I'll keep it in mind. Appreciate it
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 8 years ago
Amazing water flow !!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Reefing with Reefer
Reefing with Reefer - 8 years ago
Very nice vid. I'm having some of those problems and have an all in one tank also. I'll be trying some of the things you mentioned. Thanks again very helpful like always!:)
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Appreciate it! Hope it helps you out.. Good luck wit your tank
DontMatTerSz - 8 years ago
who's the ass tht didn't like this was great..
jbean530 - 7 years ago
Maybe they are the algae growers. Some people love their algae.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
the trolls are always lurking... they are the real MVP

20. comment for How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update

Tomislav Kresic
Tomislav Kresic - 8 years ago
Hey man, I love your tank. I bought a JBJ 45 and tried to aquascape my tank to look like yours! Your a huge inspiration, but I have questions about your reactor. I am currently in the cycling process and I was wondering when you added you reactor to the tank and what media did you use in it? Which size minimax is that reactor? keep the videos coming! tank looks amazing.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Thanks man...I purchased the smallest size.. I meant to grab the midsized one as it will fit too. But honestly ether one will work with the Recommended amount of media. I use phosguard. Added it to the tank after it finished cycling...
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 9 years ago
Gotcha. I have two Mp10qwd's which I love
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 9 years ago
Why not a second MP 10?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Can't justify the cost for two of them.. This mp10es was on clearance due to it being discontinued.. $150 brand new. The QD are a lot more... Also keeping outlets in mind and electricity cost... If I made any changes it would be upgrading to gyre 130
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 9 years ago
Thanks got the tank now the install coming
Bob Escher
Bob Escher - 9 years ago
What percentage of water do you change CJ? Or gallons at one time? Thanks
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
5 gal bucket is the normal change... Tank hold roughly 33 gallons after displacement
reef junkies
reef junkies - 9 years ago
lol dose he eat your snail no way
reef junkies
reef junkies - 9 years ago
hey how is your yellow wrasse with other smaller peaceful fish is he agresive or dose he eat any of your corals in your tank ?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Wrasse does fine... Leaves all corals and fish alone. Snails on the other hand are a diff story
canogaJE - 9 years ago
Great video! Also the tank looks great.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it !
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Mario Hernandez appreciate it!
maine932 - 9 years ago
CJ, do you have a problem with your GSP overgrowing? Nice video, by the way, and a nice tank...
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Will be months before we will find out... I have it growing on the rock at the top of my scape. It's separate from everything so I can remove it all later if needed. I don't think it will be outta control I will have corals lined around the bottom to compete with it for space...

30. comment for How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update

Boom Flop
Boom Flop - 9 years ago
Great looking tank!
100% on the turkey baster, I clean my rock work every week with mine and have zero nusiense algaes in my tank now,before it was a eye sore.
It's not the silver bullet but it does help, I run GFO with a very large amount of macro algae in my sump, along with 20% NSW changes weekly, and change out 150 micro filter socks every two days, to keep it under control and so far so good.
Also RODI is a must for top off water.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Boom Flop appreciate it! like you said you cant attack it one way... have to have all hands on deck.. maintenance , media, cleanup crew and water changes ... thanks for watching
Ruth NZ
Ruth NZ - 9 years ago
Love ya videos.. wanting to get my own aquarium and also one for the kids at the after school care program I work at. Wondered if some of those are real plants in there? - Ruth
Ruth NZ
Ruth NZ - 9 years ago
Thanks CJ, will take note of that and may have more q's coming! 
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it... Yes every coral in my tank is real... If you are just starting you may want to try fresh water fish as it is a lot cheaper to get going... Easier too for that matter
Rico's Reeftank
Rico's Reeftank - 9 years ago
looks great CJ, keep up the good work!but it's about time to get that big boy
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Rico's Reef good luck man that's exactly what I'm gonna avoid! Lol
Rico's Reeftank
Rico's Reeftank - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS I understand that but I'll probably tearing down mind when we decide to move I'm planning on going 500 Main display or 800 so that should be pretty fun my concern is more of the moving the corals myself just because it's all SPS and fluctuations are going to happen on that move.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Rico's Reef appreciate it... can go big until I know Im never gonna move again... nothing worse than moving a tank
NEMO20G - 9 years ago
I need to tackle my bubble algae only got a little so im gonna turn powerheads off siphon and remove :)
NEMO20G - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS your water can be perfect and bubble algae can still hitchhike on corals bought as its just spores but you have to remove by hand really
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+NEMO20G I had bubble algae too.. very small amount.. didnt see it last as long as the hair algae did..
tetoccb - 9 years ago
Just got the Flipper... Totally kewl!... I like the dual function (pad/blade)... I have a Coralife Biocube and, using the flipper blade sideways cleans both the bow-front glass and the curved corners...
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Thanks for confirming the curved glass. It's the pain in my neck at the moment
texmsmrfc - 9 years ago
First video I have seen of yours. Def subscribing and I will look forward to more from you. Very well done my man! Very well done
Lester Edwards
Lester Edwards - 9 years ago
Great tank. Watching all your videos in preparation to start my first reef tank. I bought a use 75 gallon reef tank. Should I scrape off all the old dried coraline algae attached to the overflow and back wall? Or would it be beneficial to leave it, since I'm going to use dry rock?
David Do
David Do - 9 years ago
Patience goes a long way also
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
I agree and I have plenty of it... No way to survive in this hobby without it
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+DATDUDE PETTY Ive seen alot of dope tanks.. I appreciate it man
Patrick Hunter
Patrick Hunter - 9 years ago
I have never had a saltwater tank before and I want to get the jbj 45, but do not know what else I need to get started
Nanoreef007 - 9 years ago
What salt do u used bro?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+thehotkid123 instant oceans Reef Crystals.. have never used anything else life of this tank..
Allan Mcclure
Allan Mcclure - 9 years ago
Thank You for Sharing. I always get excited when I see the notification that you have posted another video. I'd love to see you talk about what and how often you feed your corals and also what you do or don't dose currently and lighting schedules. Clearly you have some very happy corals and a great looking tank.
SOLDIER - 9 years ago
Best reef aquarium I've ever seen...Nice tank C.J..... You noe cj the back part of ur aquarium u can cut the black film..and make a refugium. ..if u But nice tank...bro
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it.. Yea I know just trying to avoid more hassle right now. May do it in the future... Time will tell
Ralph Pastine
Ralph Pastine - 9 years ago
beautiful mixed nano
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it
Ralph Pastine
Ralph Pastine - 9 years ago
elevated mag levels definitely kills off hair algae especially if you use Kent tech m
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Def a highly debated subject... All I can do is show what happened when I've kept mag around 1440-1500 for over a month ... Killed the hair algae but spawned its evil big brother lol
BRADS REEF - 9 years ago
nice man! tank is looking great! dude I'm in love with your multibar ... that fish is on my wish list for the future... as long as it's eating ;) looking forward to the next vid man.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Yea it's a weird fish... Almost as if he waits for lights to dim before he becomes active.must be a behavior for all deep water Angels. Learning more everyday watching it... Thanks man
Julian Joan
Julian Joan - 9 years ago
I love your tank man... your videos are great too never stop youtube
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it
Eldridge Henry, II
Eldridge Henry, II - 9 years ago
get a chalice for that spot
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Eldridge Henry, II yea I started with Marcos rock dry Rock. If I could do it again I would use real reef rock because it's already purple. I feel like that is something I'm missing
Eldridge Henry, II
Eldridge Henry, II - 9 years ago
Oh wow I see it now. I can't wait to start my tank I will hit you up with my progress. Did you use dry rock when you started?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
I have a drag of Hollywood stunner chalice already there it's small of u look closely. It may grow into what in looking for. Thanks for suggestion man
shayna cope
shayna cope - 9 years ago
love the tank makes my day when new video comes out
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Well glad to share! Thank you
Vivid Aquariums
Vivid Aquariums - 9 years ago
Nice channel. Beautiful tank!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it! Thanks for taking the time watch my channel... Looking forward to updates on that 800 gallon beauty

50. comment for How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update

Blue Ray
Blue Ray - 9 years ago
Another great video CJ. I got the Tunze Care Magnet Nano for my JBJ and it works really well in the rounded corners. I just noticed that the plastic blades dull after a while and need to be replaced.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Good to know! Sounds like this mag float going bye bye soon lol
Jred1100 - 9 years ago
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 9 years ago
Great job CJ and love the way the tank looks. A way I battled hair and turf algae in my last tank was to buy 2 or 3 Black Sailfin Mollies and acclimate them to saltwater. Once in the tank they quickly started eating the algae. Best part was once they finished with the algae they readily accepted flake. You can check this out by watching the Mike Palletta frag tank videos on American Reef's channel.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it.. In familiar with mollies I used them to cycle this tank in the beginning ... May use them again if this turf algae tries to take over
anton korablyow
anton korablyow - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing expirience, I was looking for fosphate remover. Wanna make DYI antyfos reactor. What flow U think, wil be OK for 120gal tank (plus 500gal/ sump)???
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Never used a reactor for that size tank... My guess would be as good as yours lol... Guess any decent turnover would work. Higher flow the better with phosguard. Less flow for GFO
786TAPOUT - 9 years ago
Ps my flipper been with me for nearly 3years now and never rusted I like it that much that I have 2.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Good info
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it... I'll see how it goes and remove it manually
mitian - 9 years ago
Another nice video thanks for the Friday video...
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
No pro
Carlos Adams
Carlos Adams - 9 years ago
Your tank looks great. Keep up the good work.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it
BayAreaAquatics - 9 years ago
New fish? yellow guy with the stripes looks like a basslet?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
It's a Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis never seen in wrote it's pretty cool. But grows to be ugly... Had 3 of them but others were murdered ...
BayAreaAquatics - 9 years ago
New fish? yellow guy with the stripes looks like a basslet?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Good eye ! It's a Blackmouth Bicolor Chromis... Cool fish as juveniles but grow to be ugly. I found this out after buying it of course! Lol. Had 3 now down to one... Give u one guess who the murder was
cyberaquarist - 9 years ago
Awesome video CJ! You are one of the only other people I've seen that is using Phosguard correctly. It's not supposed to tumble. You can crank up the flow in the reactor that way and allow more water to flow through it. Don't buy another expensive algae scraper. Get the Two Little Fishies nano mag. It's about $8 and gets those curves wonderfully. Great stuff!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+cyberaquarist thanks just seeing the link
cyberaquarist - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS I enjoy combining like minds to come to an educated conclusion. I'm definitely not the master. Just a guy who has had plenty of chances to fail and learn. If you want to see a real master, check out ReefThuz here on YouTube. He owns Aquarium Outfitters about 45 miles from me, and he has a degree in marine biology. He is extremely knowledgable and willing to answer any questions that you have. Go check out his video 24 gallon Biocube if you haven't already.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+cyberaquarist the master has spoken! Def taking everything u say into consideration. My mag levels have been 1440-1500 for since my levels have been higher.. Always changes color in the last few drops of my salfert mag test kit. So maybe this was the perfect storm of silicates, phosphates being depleted from my tank maturing. Combining with my new attention to removing all detritus within the tank and continued use of phosguard and addition of polyfilter pads... Had killed all the hair algae off. This new stuff showing up I will have to confirm with a closer look.. I'm gonna enjoy the victory even if it is just for a few weeks... Lol. Appreciate it man I'll reach out to u for sure here soon to really dig into your depth of knowledge.
cyberaquarist - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS I should clarify one thing. When i speak of "elevated" levels of Mg, I'm referring to levels above natural saw water levels, specifically in the 1500-1600 range that many suggest are the levels to get rid of algae. However, if Mg levels are below NSW ranges (1340-1380), then yes, elevating Mg to this range or even as high as 1450 range will reduce algae. I should have been more specific earlier. My Mg has always been between 1380 to 1440 in the 38, and I have never experienced an algae outbreak. The new tank is at 1500, and I plan on bringing this back within the range of NSW. I didn't want to leave this info out.
cyberaquarist - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS There are too many "quick fixes" in the hobby. If people would focus on the basics and maintain stable and consistent parameters, then they wouldn't get caught up in searching the blogs for quick fixes rather than preventing the problem in the first place. You can PM me if you'd like my contact info. It would be nice to converse out of the spot light.
cyberaquarist - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS continuation... If this specific Mg supplement is the only one that will kill it, then it stands to reason that it is not the element Mg. Mg is an element, so it is the same in every Mg supplement on the market. This would suggest that there is something in the dilution liquid that is killing the algae. As with a lot of other topics in the hobby, all it takes is one person to state that raising their Mg killed off an "algae", and others will spread that info without the specifics. I believe that you have brought your algae at bay with your maintenance practices and lawnmower Benny. Also, your tank is cresting a very critical stage in its life. Nuisance algae can thrive in the early stages of a tank as PO4, silicates, and other nutrients are fading away. Your tank is maturing to the point where everything is balancing out. I know that there will be some who will argue this, but keep it simple. Natural sea water parameters are the ideal. Continued...
cyberaquarist - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS I'm learning a ton from you as well CJ. I hope my last two videos show that. Yes, the TLF nano mag works. The inside scraper is flexible to a degree and will bend in the corners. It won't completely conform to the curve so the technique that I use is to clean it from each leading edge into the curve. That allows the edge of the cleaning pad to get right into the middle of the curve. Stubborn spots will take some effort, but it will get the job done.
As far as elevating Mg to get rid of algae, this is another topic in the hobby that has become misconstrued from its original source. Simply raising Mg levels hasn't been proven to reduce nuisance algae. There is a specific product, Kent Marine techM, that people have used to raise Mg levels in order to kill bryopsis. (Bryopsis is probably the type of algae that you show in that spot you have in question. Look at the filaments to see if they have offshoots. If so its bryopsis) continued...
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it man I learned a ton from you! The the rest by screwing up lol. So the nano mag can get the corners? Good deal because that's the #1 issue I have.. I'll have to try it... U have any thoughts on if the mag level actually finished off my algae issue? Make a vid on it man I need to pick your brain on this topic...

Be easy!
915Mang - 9 years ago
Whats sup CJ! Hmmm, Gyreee :) I got my income tax too,lol
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Lol! Well if I sold my mp-10 the gyre would be pennies on the dollar ... Have a feeling it's gonna happen I have perfect place for it and my scape , coral placement would be perfect too. Maybe my leather will get a break from the mp10 beating on it
Arrick L
Arrick L - 9 years ago
Nice vid as usual. I tried the high magnesium thing and I thought it did help with my algae issue I had a while back. It's weird you don't get coraline algae like crazy but at least your getting some. You usually see it on plastic first. When it does take off don't keep the mag float in your tank cuz it will grow on it and you can scratch your tank. Trust me I learned that the hard way.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Solid advice... I'll keep mag float out when it starts getting real. I can't explain the science but have no doubts hat elevated mag has been the game changer for me. Algae literally disappeared within weeks of it being high... Time will tell if it's a permanent thing but as always I'll keep u all updated
ChaosGeneral1 - 9 years ago
If you got the cash I would get a gyer I like mine the best out off all the power heads I have use in the past 5 years
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Only thing holding me back is lack of random flow without having a controller but itching to try it so might pull the trigger
ChaosGeneral1 - 9 years ago
I have the tunze and the flipper I like the flipper and love the tunze I would not buy another flipper just more tunze care magnet for sure tunze for me now
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate the opinion I'll consider it !
Steve Diaz
Steve Diaz - 9 years ago
great looking tank can't wait to see what you do to it next
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Thanks man
Pablo's Reef
Pablo's Reef - 9 years ago
Brother I have been battling GHA also and I have noticed that higher Mg makes it easier for me to pull it off the rock I keep mine at 1400-1450. Thanks for the paper towel and tooth brush Idea.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Thanks for confirming my thoughts... It's really like the algae just lots its grip all at once.. Can't be coincidence that for sure. Good luck on ur tank man
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it... Just like to put things in videos so I can remember what happened later. I use Instant oceans reef crystals
joshua day
joshua day - 9 years ago
Nice vid man , I think a orange ricordea would look nice on that rock . Keep up the good work :-)
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it... I haven't had much luck with Ricordias but I'd love to try some more thanks
MileHighReefers - 9 years ago
Looking good CJ! I'm glad to see your over the algae issues.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Thanks man... Hope to never go back after seeing how clean everything is
Demarik Ballard
Demarik Ballard - 9 years ago
i hope my tank will look this good
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Time and effort man that's all it takes
Dave Davis
Dave Davis - 9 years ago
Dude, so glad I found your channel. Your tank is awesome and you employ a lot of common sense in its' upkeep. I'm going to map out some time and go back and watch them all from the get-go. It's good to hear you're employing elevated levels and it seems to be working for you, I've been working on getting my Ca, dKH, and Mg to the same levels you have. A note on the pH. Check out adding CO2 absorbing media to your skimmer intake. You can go upscale with the BRS one or you can do a DIY for next to nothing, just an empty liter soda bottle and some airline tubing plus the cost of the Absorber. This sight has an affordable 3lb bag in case you want to check it out: I've also heard adding a teaspoon of water in the bottom of the bottle helps. Hope this is something you can use.., if not then it's food for thought. The homes we live in today are way too sealed up and don't allow for good gas exchange, so we wind up with a build-up of CO2 in our homes and it drives the pH down in our tanks.
Thanks Again.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it man... Sometimes people see me comment and click in curiosity.. Glad u like the tank man. I've considered bumping my ph up. But the way I see it I want to keep things as simple as possible. Not chasing a high ph. It stays between 7.8-8.0 on its own... Hate to introduce more methods that will be a life support aid that could fail. If skimmer fails then my ph will drop for exemple... I've heard of running airline out and the soda ash u mentioned. I may look into it but kalk to helping for now... But as always I'll share my results. That's all this channel is about lol. Be easy!
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 9 years ago
I wasnt gonna say anything, but I think you're advancing beyond your kalk and auto top off system. Eventually you'll move into dosing your kalk, dosing 2 part or calcium reactor to keep levels locked in. There's tons more, but that'll no doubt be your first step towards more advanced stuff. I say dosing the kalk would be a simple 1st step.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
I agree... One day I'll be forced to. But I'm enjoying this new found success... Long as regiment keeps my numbers the same in gonna stick wit it. I'm researching the next steps tho for sure... It's like the matrix screen starting to turn into people lol. Appreciate the feed back
JesBoogieNYC - 9 years ago
What are you going to do about your Lawnmower Blenny? He might not have enough food now.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
He's still eating what he can find. Rocks and back wall of my tank are still small sources of foof
John Jp
John Jp - 9 years ago
Oh its phosguard!!! Thought wrong!!! Anyways always enjoy watchin ur tank brotha!!!! Thats what this hobby is all about helpin one another keep the vidz comin!!!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
All good man appreciate it
John Jp
John Jp - 9 years ago
Cj becareful with the bio pellet reactor cause from what i know it has to tumble or it dont work!!!! If u leave it with no motion u can get sulfur dioxide build up and believe me u dont want that!!!! Read up on it trust me ur better off makin them tumble with less inside!!!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
I'm only running phosguard... Not bio pellets ... Trying to avoid them tumbling because the dust they throw is bad news of it gets in my tank. I rinse it well before use to limit the risk... Thanks for heads up tho man
Slim Dave
Slim Dave - 9 years ago
Beautiful as ever man!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it
Antony Marshall
Antony Marshall - 9 years ago
as usual looking amazing, I put a small piece of kitchen towel on the inside magnet to get rid of algae films, much quicker than without .
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Antony Marshall good idea.. appreciate it
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 9 years ago
i'm considering a lawnmower blenny to get all my hair algea then trade him back to the lfs
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Anthony Parente could do that.. mine has turned into a savage.. he goes after anything now .. and who woulda thought they just ate grass? lol.. ill show u all in the next update..
NEF - 9 years ago
Sweet man. That's what I'm about to start. It's getting to be skittle warmer. Time to take my tank out of idle and get the levels up.

Check out the Two Little Fish tiny mag scrubbers.

I have to put out another vid. I finally beat the Dinoflagellates.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+NEF yea Ive heard those things are a pain to get past... good deal man.. always nice to get things back on track...
NW Marine62
NW Marine62 - 9 years ago
your tank is looking awesome CJ. nice that you could eradicate that hair algae. now, all you need is to do is to check those emerald crabs. lol...
NW Marine62
NW Marine62 - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS and you did a good job showing it bro
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+NW Marine62 no worries I caught him.. have diff clips of footage imma show u all in my next vid.. wanted this vid t focus on algae...
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 9 years ago
Great video bro. Looks amazing. I had some hair algae in my 10 before I started my new regiment. I have yet to see it in my 40. Fingers crossed. It's running really well now.
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS lol. I'm working on it. When we buy a bigger house this summer I'm gonna get a 180 display reef for the living room. 4 kids now, getting squeezed out of our house now. Haha
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Good deal.. I think it started because I let the tank go back in November... Crazy how that can set u back months... Time for u to go bigger. I can't do it so might as well me u
SirenSea_Reviews_Aquariums - 9 years ago
I got to get one of those. I for some reason can't find my scraper
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 9 years ago
Thanks for the info. The flipper has a metal blade which will rust in the reef, just fyi.
Andy's Reef
Andy's Reef - 9 years ago
I've had a flipper for exactly 1 year, same blade no rust at all.............awesome bit of kit
Raymond Rose
Raymond Rose - 9 years ago
there stainless so shouldn't rust, I've just purchased one for mine but I leave out of tank and rinse in tap water after use :)
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 9 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+j03yYunG Aquariums thanks for the info... im looking for real experience with them on curved glass... thats all i care about at this point.. hell anything to keep my hands from having to go in lol...
Josh's Aquatics & Railroad Videos
Josh's Aquatics & Railroad Videos - 9 years ago
Awesome video, man. Glad to hear that the algae is mostly under control. And I'm liking the new yellow Damsel. Pretty sure  they get big and mean, though.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Josh's Aquatics & Railroad Videos i couldnt resist... actually got 3 of them.. $3 bucks each not even knowing what they were.. come to find out they grow into ugly brown 5'' beast like freshwater bumble bee cichlids... of course the blue damsel killed 2 so this may be short lived lol...

thanks man
Michael Dunmore
Michael Dunmore - 9 years ago
It's hard to go back to freshwater once you get a taste of SALT in your mouth...........
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Michael Dunmore hard to go back isnt really accurate... I would say impossible... its like tasting chocolate the first time as a kid.. you hooked for life.. unless your allergic lol
Houston's own Bayou City Reefer
Houston's own Bayou City Reefer - 9 years ago
thanks for the update CJ! you got me wanting a larger AIO set up. looking at the new Red Sea Max E 40 gallon. as far as the turf algae , beside taking the rock out and doing a hydrogen peroxide dip and hitting it with a tooth brush, I've had success with Turbo Snails.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Yea they have a lot of good things bout them up to a certain size I'm gonna cover that in a fire video
Deep Blue
Deep Blue - 9 years ago
Love the vid! Tank is looking awesome. So many wrongs can be corrected with patience and hard work. Best of luck!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Couldn't agree more thanks
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 9 years ago
Great video CJ! Tank looks amazing!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Thanks man... Hope ur algae probs are done as well!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it
Doug Stecklein
Doug Stecklein - 9 years ago
I like that I get to look at your beautiful aquarium while also learning something:)
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Doug Stecklein glad to share... not teaching just sharing my experiences as they happen..
Honkey - 9 years ago
Nice tank man! Be careful those gsp will take over your tank.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Honkey thats the plan for the top of my mountain... its a separate rock.. :)

thanks for watching
Ruben - 9 years ago
Everything looks nice like always CJ. love that reef Tank.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Ruben appreciate it
Fish Behind Glass
Fish Behind Glass - 9 years ago
Do we really learn anything if we get it right the first time? I don't think so. You are still very knowledgeable- thanks in part to mistakes.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Fish Behind Glass learn somethin new every day man.. trying not to flood you all with lessons learned vids! lol
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 9 years ago
I get that hair algae at the change of seasons.. my blenny went crazy eating all. I think the raised MG help it come off.. Great video as usual
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Dee From Brooklyn was a clam from the grocery store not a maxima clam or anything we keep. Just trying to give fish something diff to eat that's all lol
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS wow. . no more clam. ? Pyramid snails took out my clam. I need a wrasse that will take them out and leave my Shrimp alone
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Dee From Brooklyn yea the MG level really made the diff.. I didn't really hit on that enough in this vid.. I hate sounding like i know it all.. but that ish fixed my algae problems in 1 month flat!... now my blenny is starving and turning into a cannibal .. i have some footage i was gonna add to this vid but decided to keep it one topic.. gonna show it the next time

added a live clam to my tank .. opened the shell and everything went bananas including the "algae" blenny .. that sucker got a taste of meat and has went crazy lol...

appreciate it man
Nerdist Aquarist
Nerdist Aquarist - 9 years ago
Looking good, one of my favorite tanks on YouTube.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Nerdist Aquarist appreciate it
TheFishTank Doc.
TheFishTank Doc. - 9 years ago
Great vid. Glad to see it's gone. Mine took 6 months. Just be careful with the phosguard. It is aluminium oxide, not good for a reef tank if you use to much. I use a granulated ferric oxide based remover in my reactor. Your phosphate levels should be blow 0.03. I use a saliter test kit. Any sign of blue and the phosphates are to high. Tank is looking better than ever!!!.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 9 years ago
BINGO! haha, i wanted to get into that but I was keeping it short and simple. I can go on and on about this stuff like you lol. But I totally agree with you that blowing all that detritus off played a HUGE part as well. One of the secretes to sps is keeping the detritus off the tops of them. LPS are no different, and in my opinion Ive found them to be worse at collecting detritus because of their longer "pollips/tenticles." Especially the Green Star Pollip stuff which collects it like a magnet! There's a balance there between keeping stuff relatively clean and keeping your hands out of the tank to promote stability.... loved the Matrix comment - classic movie - I can relate as Ive had that "ah-ha" moment as well!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Klemmetsmo Reefing I'll keep that in mind wit alternating. I will say I have been rinsing the media and putting thin layer of carbon on top to catch anything I didn't clean well. I Also try to eliminate tumbling and things breaking down.. It's debatable what exactly fixed it. I'll just say been using phosguard whole life of my tank.. Really the change started when I started blasting rocks and elevated my level.. May also have been my tank finally exhausting any silicates from my invited rocks and sand... I love a good debate! Thanks for feedback
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 9 years ago
if he was using Kent Tech-M thats a distinct possibility. Most likely it was the Aluminium Oxide that solved the issue though.
Dave Davis
Dave Davis - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS I've heard high Mag levels discourage algae.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 9 years ago
+TheFishTank Doc.
Aluminium has its place as it sucks PO extremely fast (sometimes too fast)... But, yes, not a long term thing because the aluminium can build up. GFO will suck up the aluminium so generally I alternate the two when there is an issue in the tank...
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+TheFishTank Doc. appreciate it... I really believe the high levels (especially mag) are what finished my algae issues off.. cant explain the science part of it.. but as I said cause and effect.. Im thrilled wit the results regardless..

thanks man
Charles Cox
Charles Cox - 9 years ago
I have had 0 nitrate 0 phosphate for the life of my nanocube 24 and still have hair algea but my critters are grazing at it so it comes and goes I also have to manually remove it if it gets to thick. I use the tunze nano magnet and it gets the curved glass perfectly highly recommended.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Info I needed to hear on the tunze! Thanks man I'll have to get the bigger sizes one. But if it can hit curved glass I'm all for it! All m algae literally disappeared in a few weeks... My algae eaters ain't happy but I can live wit the trade off... Thanks
pelphrey - 9 years ago
Lets see that gyre 130! It's crazy just how many pieces of coral are in this tank! Ocean Revive is doing some wonders. Got my tripod in yesterday, making a video on it right now. Stay tuned you make a few appearances in the video!
TheDaddy2003 - 9 years ago
Hey CJ what do u use to edit your videos ??
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Brian Hardnett I have a series on filming with just a phone like me... Working on ep.3 now... Will lay it all out for those that wanna know.. Prob be 5 parts
Brian - 9 years ago
+TheDaddy2003 Great question I have been wanting to know this for a while. The quality is awesome.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
iMovie from my phone

100. comment for How To Defeat Hair Alage - Reef Tank Update

Dan Callus
Dan Callus - 9 years ago
One more thing i wanted to ask..... How do you run your leds? Ive got an ilumenair 900 but i run with about 70% white and around 30% blue in the day time with a little bit on the reds orange and green. When i see youtubers videos they are always way more blue like night mode, do you mostly run yours with more blue than white for the majority of your 24 hour cycle?
Dan Callus
Dan Callus - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS il give it a go, i never seem to get my corals to fully extend like yours they usually get to about half way and stay there, thanks
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Def would be perfect in my tank. Need something to hit the front and back at the same time. Mp 10 has too narrow of a stream...
SGT Torres
SGT Torres - 9 years ago
I feel like I've watched this video before lol glad you knocked out the hair algae issue you were having. And is looking great like always!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Yes buddy it's DONE! now I can place corals in peace
aquaticfanatic - 9 years ago
Tank looks awesome! I have been battling a little hair algae problem in my JBJ 30 gallon reef as well, so I know your pain!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+aquaticfanatic it's bulk ref supply kit. I cut it to size ...
aquaticfanatic - 9 years ago
Oh hell yeah! Where did you get the mesh top? 
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Feels good to have it gone! Trust me lol
StudioReef - 9 years ago
Hey CJ. Thanks for the Video man Perfect timing. Have a great weekend
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Same to u man
CityReefer - 9 years ago
Nice update, the tank looks great. I'm looking forward to the next update on the new additions.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Thanks.. I'll get it out soon still trading and placing corals.
TheAmericanCanadian - 9 years ago
Tank looks amazing, hope I can get mine looking like yours one day.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it. U will takes time and work
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it. Yea MULTIBAR is a cool customer just hangs infer his tree and in the cave most of the time. Still think he may be having some problems so keeping an eye on the guy... Thanks for watching
Parallax - 9 years ago
Lookin good man, you've been working on hard on this!
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 9 years ago
Man Tank is looking awesome
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate ot
Blenny Boy
Blenny Boy - 9 years ago
First third time in a row
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Blenny Boy somehow u know... good work man!
IFG - 9 years ago
Early bird get's the worm. You already know how i roll.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+The Inquisitive Fish Guy 71 ahah.. I work all night.. usually when i drop a vid..I edit on on the clock

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