How To Start A Reef Tank Marineland 37 gallon Cube: Reef Build

Full build of my 37 gallon reef tank.. including plumbing, custom sump and details on using the herbie method and power outage test... This was a fun tank be sure to watch the full playlist.. I have since started a new reef.. if you are interested in watching that series check out my channel or hit this link for that build video.. JBJ 45 All in one reef:

How To Start A Reef Tank Marineland 37 gallon Cube: Reef Build sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Reef tank 11 years ago 49,302 views

Full build of my 37 gallon reef tank.. including plumbing, custom sump and details on using the herbie method and power outage test... This was a fun tank be sure to watch the full playlist.. I have since started a new reef.. if you are interested in watching that series check out my channel or hit this link for that build video.. JBJ 45 All in one reef:

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Most popular comments
for How To Start A Reef Tank Marineland 37 gallon Cube: Reef Build

Nano Dad
Nano Dad - 7 years ago
Nice man, do you prefer a sump / refuge set up vs. an all in one?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
40g and under I’d do All in one .. every thing bigger I’d use a sump
Robert Brennan
Robert Brennan - 7 years ago
Looking really good
altops - 7 years ago
Wot lite did u go wit?
Erik Bradley
Erik Bradley - 7 years ago
thats awesome
Apex Reefing
Apex Reefing - 7 years ago
I've got two of them and they are getting drilled tomorrow
kingofsol - 8 years ago
Time to watch the marine land series again. :). Cj you sound so young I these videos. Lol. Anyways I'm enjoying all your vids. Keep up the awesome work.!
Tim Sargent
Tim Sargent - 8 years ago
dang this is sweet! i can't wait to build me a setup similar to this. well done my friend
igotthatdank - 8 years ago
good video
Teebo Aquatics
Teebo Aquatics - 8 years ago
Great editing, great build, very enjoyable video to watch :)
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
appreciate it

10. comment for How To Start A Reef Tank Marineland 37 gallon Cube: Reef Build

chris frazier
chris frazier - 8 years ago
Nice video...
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
William Green
William Green - 8 years ago
Dude you are good at what u do I been watching all ur vids cj good shit
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
appreciate it
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
you are one cool kat
Jason Walters
Jason Walters - 8 years ago
all some r u still running that sump I need on I have 30 gallon long by innovative marine when from 48 gallon cube when it busted the back glass to this but it would help iv been back in the hobby for about 5 years now started in the early 90 in ideas would be great can send pictures of custom stand and tank and live stock I saved wrk a lot out town
Jason Walters
Jason Walters - 8 years ago
ok I will thanks
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
I no longer have this tank.. I sold it all and started a new build.. check out my recent vids for details
David Trash
David Trash - 8 years ago
CJ, this may be a stupid question...but I always see those Koller brand, or similar, type "dosing pumps" with the two small lines running around people's sump area. Is that an anti-siphon method to keep back-pressure on the line, or just for dosing? Also, have you come across any info regarding the specifications for drilling the glass on the back of the tank...height, distance apart, size, etc.? If your 37 gal cube column is the same Marineland tank as mine, then yours is 1/4" glass too. Is this correct? Thanks brother
TOM REEFMAN202 - 8 years ago
another nice video... what program you use to make this.... nice set up... did u buy that overflow?
TOM REEFMAN202 - 8 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS only 4... damn lol... quick learner. it took me 5 jus to keep my fish alive..I jus actually started coral in dec. but been doin salt for 10 years
TOM REEFMAN202 - 8 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS my bad lol let me check out ur new videos... this is amazing tho.. how long u been in the hobby?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
I forget how old this video is sometimes... Used iMovie and my iPhone just like I still do now. Overflow was custom made from black acrylic at my local lfs
Jay C
Jay C - 8 years ago
Wondering what kind of stand was that one ?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Was the factory stand that came with it from Marineland
Victor Fong
Victor Fong - 8 years ago
How much was this whole set up?
Victor Fong
Victor Fong - 8 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS a nano would be a good idea if i really do dive into this. Thanks man and keep up the great content. I'll check in soon!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
+Victor Fong I would wait unless you start with a nano you could keep at school with you to get your feet wet.. maybe couple shrimps and a few corals.. No fish would make it easy to keep in check.. depends on what your looking for.. takes alot of time and effort.

you caught me answering comments on my recent video.. perfect timing LOL
Victor Fong
Victor Fong - 8 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS Wow thanks for the immediate response. I've been watching your 45 gallon tank build for the last week. And it's just crazy addicting to watch. I really want to start a tank but I just feel that I don't have the funds or the time to start one as a college student who's away from home a lot. I just do not know whether or not it's something I should start now, or wait till I'm more financially independent.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Don't remember the exact amount... Guessing between $400-600 bucks including lights and equipment I added after this video
Surt - 8 years ago
Can you tell me how high your sump walls are? I'm setting up a 35 Gallon Cube.
I love your idea. What size return pump are you using?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
It's a standard 5.5 gal tank that I added baffles to. Not sure the dimensions anymore it's been along time since I've had this tank. Used a sicce 1.5 return pump
Scott Hill
Scott Hill - 8 years ago
Great job CJ!

20. comment for How To Start A Reef Tank Marineland 37 gallon Cube: Reef Build

Cannabis Activist
Cannabis Activist - 8 years ago
Lola Valbert
Lola Valbert - 8 years ago
This is stunning!! WOW!!! I have had
fresh water, but no salt. Amazing!!!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
+Lola Valbert thank you
John’s Reef
John’s Reef - 8 years ago
CJ. Did you drill this tank. The 2.1 gallon auto top off reservoir that came with the Red Sea 250 is pretty small. Saw a vid where someone used it as a small refrugium. Thinking of drilling a 34mm hole in it. The bit looks cheap, but looks like the brace is needs to hold the drill. Thanks again.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
I had it drilled at Aquatica also had the overflow box custom made. Everything else was done by me ... Not sure if that will work for u I never drilled anything personally...
SirenSea_Reviews_Aquariums - 8 years ago
very creative
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Doesn't seem so long ago... Thanks!
Yato gami
Yato gami - 9 years ago
what are the dimensions please. :D
Yato gami
Yato gami - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS no problem thank you so much for replying :D
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+prince samoor 20x18x20 I believe but may wanna look it up online to be sure..
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 9 years ago
just subscribed, really enjoying the videos.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Thanks man
John’s Reef
John’s Reef - 9 years ago
Hey CJ. Its taken A little longer than I wanted to get my tank. Between research and completing unfinished house projects. It will be worth the wait. Have the RODI water station built and have been catching sales on equipment so its not all time wasted. That being said. Since you have had a tank with a sump and the JBJ All in one... Which do you prefer and if "you" were to get a new tank which would it be. Ps liking the 37 vids.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
I talked briefly about this on the pod cast with rotter tube and mile high reefers. If I was to go bigger than my 45 JBJ then I would have a sump for sure. Multiple reasons. Gonna do a vid on it to explain too much to type lol
AndyMahnFL411 - 9 years ago
Nicely done - from the overall build to the explanations/narration and video production.
AndyMahnFL411 - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS - I shall!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Thanks. Check out the new tank videos too
Garry Thomas
Garry Thomas - 9 years ago
Garry Thomas
Garry Thomas - 9 years ago
Very nice
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Thanks.. This was my first build and reef. Have started a new one since this
vegas reefer
vegas reefer - 9 years ago
love your videos great info
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Sanders thanks

30. comment for How To Start A Reef Tank Marineland 37 gallon Cube: Reef Build

vegas reefer
vegas reefer - 9 years ago
new to the hobby can you share your sump build
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Sanders I no longer have this tank... the sump preview in this vid is all i have left that would show you.. I started a new tank.. check out latest vids
Anthony Lamastro
Anthony Lamastro - 9 years ago
what lighting did you use on this build.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
165 watt Chinese full spectrum leds
Alex G.
Alex G. - 9 years ago
Insane. Got any actual plans or blueprint for this day?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
This was first video of series... Watch them all and you will see how the tank turned out. I'm currently starting a new tank after this one
ARK Gawd
ARK Gawd - 9 years ago
Nice build, they have anti siphons....
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
+Jose Gomez anti siphons? what do you mean...
Buddy Sheroka
Buddy Sheroka - 9 years ago
great job bro happy reefing
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
Appreciate it check out the next build
Camp a holic
Camp a holic - 10 years ago
Hey CJ I have a question how often do you feed your reef your soft corals
Mark Rohde
Mark Rohde - 10 years ago
Great video - do you have any videos of your tank with coral and fish?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 10 years ago
This is the first vid on the playlist- 20 vids total covering this reef. Check them all out for the progress I documented
schizobipolarjoe - 10 years ago
looking good, I got the same marine land newport stand. if you ever wanted to build another one, or for any one looking at this video the bottom just has staples to keep the bottom plywood in place. so I was able to tank the bottom plywood off, and put it over a eshopp rs 75 sump.  CJ tank is off to a good start. it's certainly giving me help and thoughts. happy reefing. Joe. 
schizobipolarjoe - 10 years ago
your welcome.  yea that's the only thing I'm worried about to is having to drain the tank once it's set up. 
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 10 years ago
Sounds like a hell of an idea ... My only concern is not being able to remove the sump without moving the whole tank. I had a similar situation on my first reef build and decided I'd rather have somethin I can completely remove without having to drain or move the tank. Thanks for checking out my build
Jeffery Norwood
Jeffery Norwood - 10 years ago
If you don't mind me asking, where did you get your fish tank?
schizobipolarjoe - 10 years ago
it's a newport stand I have the same one. but my tank is a little smaller, mines the 25-30g? 20x18x20 model. I picked mine up at petsmart.  they got them on sale for 199.99 . 
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 10 years ago
Fish store it's a normal marineland tank
Jeffery Norwood
Jeffery Norwood - 10 years ago
If you don't mind me asking, where did you get your fish tank?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 10 years ago
Local fish store. It's a normal marineland aquarium.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 10 years ago
Great start pal.
J Dawg
J Dawg - 10 years ago
don u get any type of noise with the main drain slanted like that?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 10 years ago
No noise. It stays submerged with full syphon. Only part sticking out of water is the mesh guard
Stephen Tozzi
Stephen Tozzi - 10 years ago
Very impressive!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 10 years ago
Appreciate it. Be sure check out latest vid I posted. Tank has come along way. Be easy!
espagues a
espagues a - 10 years ago
HEYOLE JEAH. Watchu know bout dat Reef Floetry tho.  
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 10 years ago
Thanks for watching
Sean Williams
Sean Williams - 10 years ago
Great Stuff CJ, youre making me want to start a reef tank! Must resist! haha I actually have a Barracuda RO/DI unit in the mail, so i have the biggest piece of equipment that i would need on its way, if i do decide to start one. 
schizobipolarjoe - 10 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS that's how I am. I found a used 100 gpd unit, but haven't hooked it up. no need for it right now, as I can just take two 5g jugs to the LFS. one for salt, and one for top off.  
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 10 years ago
Appreciate it man. If you decide to go salt you will never go back lol. I still don't have a r/o unit. Just 6 gal container I fill at my LFS weekly. Gives me a excuse to go buy corals lol. One day I'll get one. I'm sure u will do great. I follow ur planted tank vids. If you applied same effort to reef u will be fine. Be easy!
915Mang - 10 years ago
Nice job man, very helpful for someone starting off
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 10 years ago
Thanks man. Feel free to use or improve any ideas in the vid. Thanks for watching
MUD BLOOD BEER - 10 years ago
Very nice job man.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 10 years ago
Appreciate it man. Def lot more updates on this tank check em out
Phil Grady
Phil Grady - 10 years ago
Thanks CJ I am researching a reef tank and the information in this video helped me a lot in terms of setting up the sump. The last salt water tank I had I used an undergravel filter and kept it near a window, I will not say how many years ago that was but I was successful keeping fish however keeping corals I understand is more involved.  I may need to pm you for some of the details but I will definitely use your design.  Thanks again. 
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 10 years ago
Glad it was able to help u. Def feel free to improve on this design to fit ur own needs. Whenever ur ready just shoot me a message. Thanks for watching have a good one
REEFER JAMES - 11 years ago
Hello CJ,
Nice tank G. I was wondering if you had any filter sock at the end of your return line to the sump other than just the hose going into the sump. This will cut down on micro bubble and salt creep working it's way up & over the sump walls. Some prefer not to use them. Nice bleed hole on the return line neck. I noticed the little stream of water shooting horizontally. But upon restarting it may splash a bit, I drilled my little hole upwards on a downward angle to prevent this. It's the quick 1/8" bleed hole you have to break the siphon quicker upon a power outage. Let it roll.    James
REEFER JAMES - 11 years ago
I see how you would want the quick break in the siphon & the hole above, but it looks like the hole was drilled horizontally. I have mine drilled in an angle so upon powering up, the water stream would shoot downwards and not splash anything. Just a trick I've learned along the way. But everything looks cool. Keep up the good work man. J.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
Appreciate the feedback man. I don't run filter sock if I need any mechanical filtration u use my built in filter tray. No worried about micro bubbles or salt creep the full syphon purges all air and is submerged and causes no splash. Also I purposely have very slow flow thru this sump to accommodate such a small sump. As far as the syphon break hole I planned on having it right above the water line I just poked it a little too high. I actually have a 2nd syphob break hole below the waters surface. The one you see above is a backup.less likely a snail will travel a nice above water level and potentially block my syphone break. Hope that cleared up any confusion on my setup. Of not fire away I'll be happy to answer anything else. Thanks for watching
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 11 years ago
smh you have me jamming bro! all of you videos are song i grew up listening to, or listen to now lol. thanks for the past 30 minutes or so of entertainment, if you have time check out my channel and let me know what you think. fyi I've done the reef thing before and you are definitely on the right track. keep it up.
Bailey Snow
Bailey Snow - 8 years ago
What song is this? Is it Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe?

50. comment for How To Start A Reef Tank Marineland 37 gallon Cube: Reef Build

ian mcalpin
ian mcalpin - 11 years ago
loving the new build bro ever well thought out and it looks like you toke your time with this. great to see everything coming together really well now can wait to see some fish and coral in this bad boy and thriving... appreciate you sharing your build with us
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
No problem glad you all enjoyed it. Should have another update real soon
Bigmunoz11 - 11 years ago
bro i loved this vid man
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
Still work in progress glad u like it. Thanks for checkin it out
Reefz Tk
Reefz Tk - 11 years ago
looking great. amazing what you can fit with such a small sump. keep it up
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
Thanks man. So far so good
I3IllyI3adAss - 11 years ago
Awesome.. loving the vids.. my sis will be hitting you up soon.. she wants to start a african cichlid tank.. and I recommended you to help her out with getting it started, dos n donts... hope you dont mind..
I3IllyI3adAss - 11 years ago
Yea buddy she seems real serious about it so we shall see...
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
Appreciate it man. Glad y'all liked the new tank. No problem have her shoot me questions anytime. I'm not a expert but can share my own experiences maybe help her out
Jwhiser1302 - 11 years ago
Looks soooo dope bro!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
Appreciate that man so far so good no leaks !
kneal87 - 11 years ago
Looks awesome great job on it. Get an aquaclear sponge and cut a slit (in the middle) and slide it over that baffle for mechanical that should help ya
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
That's another good idea. I was thinking using a sponge and wedging it in tight. For now I just stuffed more flow and it seems to actually work better the more clogged it gets. Sponge will be on the way soon lol. Thanks for feedback man
Aggzz91 - 11 years ago
dudeeee another awesome video, really enjoying the progress
Aggzz91 - 11 years ago
no rush man ;) just find an excuse to make another video guarentee i watch !
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
Appreciate it man next update hopefully I'll have some fish lol
rangun82 - 11 years ago
Niceeeee…… . (I think it would be good idea if you make a video of how make the sump) :-):-):-):-):-)
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
Thanks man. Wish I would have recorded making this sump. If you check my older vid the project tank vol.2 I showed building my first sump. I used a similar method in this one. Hope that helps. Thanks for watching
African Madness
African Madness - 11 years ago
Tank looks sweet! Love the black color.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
Yessir nothin to look at but what's in the tank
BayAreaAquatics - 11 years ago
Great job man! you scared me when you cut off the power lol. you should do a clog test on your main siphon to see how the emergency handles the flow 
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
Hahaha believe me I did my homework. Good ole L x w x h / 231 equation helped me give just the right about if space. The emergency handles with no problem bathe pump I'm using has low flow at the tank height 180gph. 1 inch drain can handle 600 easy. I have room to spare in every scenero including is some of my teeth get blocked on overflow. Hope I showed u it's possible lol. Believe me u had same concerns as you at first hahahah. Thanks for watching man
TM Aquariums
TM Aquariums - 11 years ago
Awesome!  Love the DiY sump builders sharing their ideas.  I pieced together my Discus wet-dry sump system. It's always rewarding taking a concept and making it become reality and working.  Did you make the overflow as well?  Well done Brah!  Thanks for sharing. 
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
I designed the overflow to my needs but had someone machine it for me. I could not find a sump that would fit under my stand. Wanted to use 10gal but was half inch to long (frustrating) so took challenge of nano sump. Believe me took a lot of calculating and thought. Just wanted to put a vid out for ppl with these cube tanks. All videos and forums I've read don't have a sump design like mine hopefully ppl can use this idea. Thanks for sharing my vid with everyone. Appreciate it!!!
africancichlidfamily - 11 years ago
Holy shiiiiiiiit looks so awesome
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
Hahaha thanks glad u liked it
cyberaquarist - 11 years ago
Great video! I know how much work goes into a tank build, and to film it as you go makes it much more time consuming. I know you've been busy this past week. Thanks for documenting the build. If you place a piece of reticulated foam over the top of the filter floss, the water will flow across the entire surface of it as you want. You may never be able to get enough flow to have it flow evenly over the filter floss.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
I kno u understand the time it takes. I'll take ur idea into consideration may even redo the media basket. I just wanted to put video out on these cube tanks. I could not find anyone with a dyi sump that wasn't a plain Tupperware container. Had to show it's possible to use a nano sized tank. Hope this vid helps some ppl. Just wish I had more time to go into more detail on calculations lol. Maybe you can continue this for me the good ole L x W x H / 231 equation was my best tool in calculating capacity I needed. Thanks for watching as always man
Slim Tim
Slim Tim - 11 years ago
Good tour of the rebuild.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 11 years ago
Appreciate it Tim

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