How To Start A Reef Tank Marineland 37 gallon Cube: Reef Build
Reef tank 11 years ago 49,302 views
Full build of my 37 gallon reef tank.. including plumbing, custom sump and details on using the herbie method and power outage test... This was a fun tank be sure to watch the full playlist.. I have since started a new reef.. if you are interested in watching that series check out my channel or hit this link for that build video.. JBJ 45 All in one reef:
10. comment for How To Start A Reef Tank Marineland 37 gallon Cube: Reef Build
you caught me answering comments on my recent video.. perfect timing LOL
I love your idea. What size return pump are you using?
20. comment for How To Start A Reef Tank Marineland 37 gallon Cube: Reef Build
fresh water, but no salt. Amazing!!!
30. comment for How To Start A Reef Tank Marineland 37 gallon Cube: Reef Build
Nice tank G. I was wondering if you had any filter sock at the end of your return line to the sump other than just the hose going into the sump. This will cut down on micro bubble and salt creep working it's way up & over the sump walls. Some prefer not to use them. Nice bleed hole on the return line neck. I noticed the little stream of water shooting horizontally. But upon restarting it may splash a bit, I drilled my little hole upwards on a downward angle to prevent this. It's the quick 1/8" bleed hole you have to break the siphon quicker upon a power outage. Let it roll. James
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