How to Introduce Zoanthids to a reef tank

I purchased a couple of zoanthids , some mushroom polyps and some star polyps. Join me in opening the box and placing them in my reef tank. These were purchased on Ebay and shipped next day air. Only in Idaho

How to Introduce Zoanthids to a reef tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 86

Reef tank 13 years ago 90,820 views

I purchased a couple of zoanthids , some mushroom polyps and some star polyps. Join me in opening the box and placing them in my reef tank. These were purchased on Ebay and shipped next day air. Only in Idaho

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Most popular comments
for How to Introduce Zoanthids to a reef tank

reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
You said u acclimated the zoas but I did the see no acclimation apart from floating them u didn't drip them or dip them, us u should always start zoas of on the sand bed so they dnt bleach out and for starters get a refractomitor not Instant ocean hydrometer there not accurate at all
krshlln300 - 7 years ago
Considering you have practically no decent equipment and are housing fish in WAYYYY too small an aquarium for what they need.... you should be banned from owning any exotic animals.... you need to go back to FW...
Jroget30 - 8 years ago
is the place you order from still open?
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 8 years ago
Get a $20 refractometer dude. Many on ebay.
Andrew - 9 years ago
omg!!!! u should be baned on u tube!!!
i can't wach it, its booring
Marc Dhoore
Marc Dhoore - 9 years ago
+Andrew baned on utube would be a total honor!
Mr E Alba
Mr E Alba - 9 years ago
How are they doing now?
Marc Dhoore
Marc Dhoore - 9 years ago
+Mr E Alba I had a full tank loss about 4 years ago: all inverts. The verts all survived. I believe I contaminated my tank when spraying for insects. It was a shame. It looks good now with a lot of different critters.
teknik sogutma
teknik sogutma - 9 years ago
i sory for foxface.. your thank very small for this fish !
xxlasap - 9 years ago
thank you so must i was just looking at my tank before i look at this video in some of them look like they was dying i didn't no what was going on the night before i did a water change so i didn't no why this was going on so i just give up :( then i look at your video in you said something about look at the salt level so i said i need to look at my level too and that what it was my level was at about 1.012 so now im adding more salt and they are batter a lot batter so thank you
veni_vidi_vici - 9 years ago
Awesome video bud! Word of advice. Invest in a refractometer. You can find one on amazon for less than $30.

10. comment for How to Introduce Zoanthids to a reef tank

Road-Rider of the San Andreas
Road-Rider of the San Andreas - 9 years ago
I never "thumbs down" YouTube videos, but I have to do that with this one.
Gunnar Jones
Gunnar Jones - 9 years ago
Futere reference keep the cam on tank and of your face.
MaChuzle Gaming
MaChuzle Gaming - 9 years ago
sorry to say the hydrometer is the worst one out there . That's what my fish store said
tri morey
tri morey - 9 years ago
You should use gloves when handling zoas. They are toxic to humans. Even your tank water now should be treated with caution. Always wear gloves. Friend of mine got paralysis from them and he wasn't even fragging.
tri morey
tri morey - 9 years ago
eBay will cost you almost triple the worth of these.
Darryl Sawyer
Darryl Sawyer - 9 years ago
+Only in Idaho I have to recommend you use a coral dip on any new corals, its a pretty good way to make sure don't go adding any unwanted critters into your system.
Mr Nice
Mr Nice - 10 years ago
Sorry but I don't think u av a clue. End of. Ur reefin sucks
Marc Dhoore
Marc Dhoore - 8 years ago
It's 'almost' funny to read this. You are an angry person who should spend more time enjoying the hobby rather than ranting about things. Please don't post here any more. Your comments are not welcome.
Lawrence - 8 years ago
Dear richishere82, if you would care to use your eyes (and brains), you will realize I was commenting on veni's comment. Ironically, I was defending you, which I now see was a mistake (There's just no way to help Neanderthals).

Nonetheless, I hope you learn a lesson, if not in humility, then at least spelling and grammar.

"Sorry, but I don't think you have a clue. End of story. Your reefing sucks."
Mr Nice
Mr Nice - 8 years ago
I spelt it like that to save my little fingers, u fucking natzie grammar prick.
Mr Nice
Mr Nice - 8 years ago
Lawrence go and fuck ur mama
Lawrence - 8 years ago
Learn proper spelling before you "coment"on grammar.
veni_vidi_vici - 9 years ago
Keep your negative coments to yourself. Also, learn proper grammar.
dirt1182 - 9 years ago
+patrick jullian he isn't "new" he claims to have been in the hobby for 20 years… he says it right here in the video. 20 years experience and he has a fox face in a tank this small? thats crazy!
Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 10 years ago
Thanks richi!  Love the feedback.  Looks like you still have a lot to learn.  Patrick is right on the Money:  No filters, No Problems, No Hate in my tank.
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 10 years ago
HATER,he is new probably or he is just started adding same corals in the tank,who said he ain't going to add more later like i do  a little at a time,plus he fishes are so healthy i think he knows what he is doing and also i think his tank is pretty nice hater. 
baseballhunter42 - 11 years ago
Haha one of the many reasons to hate a hydrometer. Refractometer all the way. 
Mister Tudball
Mister Tudball - 9 years ago
+baseballhunter42 Great advice!
Mat Dyer
Mat Dyer - 11 years ago
Mate, that foxface needs a much bigger tank, at least 130g i'd recommend!
Billy Jeffs
Billy Jeffs - 8 years ago
Everyone runs open top til they lose an expensive fish. Then the netting comes out.
Spork3245 - 10 years ago
+Robandoban jomohony It has to do with stress levels. Marine fish require adequate space to keep them from stressing out and refusing food among other things.
Robandoban - 10 years ago
A fish will swim just as much in a big tank as they tank as they would in a small one.
Marc Dhoore
Marc Dhoore - 11 years ago
+Spork3245 Update: 'Herb' my one spot jumped out and turned into a crispy critter.  He was about 4yrs old.
Spork3245 - 11 years ago
It's a one-spot fox face, they are several inches smaller in adult size than the Foxface lo which requires a minimum tank size of 125 gallons (6 feet long), however he does still need a bigger tank, 75 gallon or more.
Christopher DePaepe
Christopher DePaepe - 11 years ago
I love it! "Oh no! We have no salinity in our fish tank!"

20. comment for How to Introduce Zoanthids to a reef tank

Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 11 years ago
Old? Ha! Thanks for watching. I'm only trying to be helpful.
Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson - 11 years ago
I know this video is old but some of your comments are better than the video.... Not saying the video was bad, our sarcasm to stupid people is similar lol that my man is the reason why I subscribed lol take care
Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 11 years ago
Foxface Rabbitfish (Siganus vulpinus). Yes 37 gallon bowfront. about 28-30 gallons net.
J rod
J rod - 11 years ago
What is the yellow fish called??? 30 gallon tank??
Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 11 years ago
37 gallons total, but it's is about 28 net gallons of water after rock and substrate.
NicoleIsStoked - 11 years ago
how many gallons is your tank?
Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 11 years ago
All insects are bugs, but not all bugs are insects: all corals are invertebrates, not all invertebrates are corals. Thanks for watching.
cannonball666 - 11 years ago
It's not a refractometer. It's a hydrometer.
cannonball666 - 11 years ago
20 years in the business and you use a swing arm hydrometer? LOL
bskdopeboy - 11 years ago
Awesome... did he find you?

30. comment for How to Introduce Zoanthids to a reef tank

Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 11 years ago
I woke up one night after a dream of a dad fish searching the ocean looking for his lost son.
Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 11 years ago
I have found that a healthy tank grows healthy Zoas. They need clean low nitrate water, a non acidic ph and a reasonable amount of light. I would first test for nitrates and then test for PH. Make sure you have a source of crushed coral or other ready source of CaCO3 in your tank. Test your make up water for CA and PH if this is too low you will need to find a way to add CA and get you PH up. I use Boise Tap water as it has high CA and good PH. If you use RO you might need to add CA.
Michelle Vasiloff
Michelle Vasiloff - 11 years ago
Okay, so I have had my Zoas in my tank for about a year now. They are always open and beautiful looking but there has not been a single new polyp to come up in that time. Any ideas on how to get them to grow? The people at the LFS say that they grow fast but the only thing that has grown is my Duncan. My father thinks that is because our tank is too clean. Is that the problem?
Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 12 years ago
Thanks! My wife said she thought I looked more like Keanu Reeves..... Or Jim Carey in 'the cable guy'. I am moving the tank across town this week. I should get a pretty good vid of us breaking it down, moving it and setting it back up. Thanks for watching!
philfount10 - 12 years ago
U kinda look like Robert Downy Jr.... cool corals too.
Craig Crouse
Craig Crouse - 12 years ago
I have a little fix to your refractometer arm getting stuck! Everytime you use your refrac take it to the sink and rinse it in warm water and then leave enough water in the refract to fully submerge the arm and alittle bit more water to leave for evaporation. Then simply when you use your refract just empty out the water and your good to go. Also, when you use the refract to get a reading dont forget to rinse out the refractometer atleast once with your tank water.
Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 12 years ago
I am blair witch. Thanks!
Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 12 years ago
Thanks! Glad I could help.
Daemiex - 12 years ago
y is this filmed like blair witch
iCONICAACINOCi - 12 years ago
I see what you mean.
akhilennium - 12 years ago
LOL i didnt say u look bad......what i mean to say is, you should have shown your tank more in the video....and the refractometer im talking about is a complete digital chemicals using it and it gives you accurate reading...
Corvux IX
Corvux IX - 12 years ago
oh what a shame. seemed like a nice company from I got from your review. do you recommend any other good companies online? I'm starting a nano reef and need live rock and eventually some livestock. it's hard to tell which ones are reputable without any experience
Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 12 years ago
I saw that. I was looking for them to by some more critters. The packaging was over the top!
Corvux IX
Corvux IX - 12 years ago
Looks like Reefaholics are out of business!?
Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 12 years ago
Thanks. I often laugh at myself when I watch....
Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 12 years ago
Hi akhilennium! Thanks for the questions and feedback. The tank is a 37 gallon bowfront with about 32 Net gallons of water. I do not use a sump/refugium or a skimmer. I run the tank o'natural with just two large seio p1000 powerheads, 40 # live rock and 25 lbs crushed coral. My fox face has not poisoned me yet! (I do not use gloves.He jumped out once and my wife scooped Herb up with a spatula and a dish towel.) I use a standard cheapo hydrometer I don't use chemicals and I like my face.
akhilennium - 12 years ago
Questions and advices... how big is the tank?? do you have sump/refugium? what skimmer you use??? you have a foxface in the tank...make sure you use gloves before you put your hands in the tank... use a digital refractometer for accurate SG and salinity dip your new corals using coralrx or something better to kill the unwanted parasites... Seen your face a lot in the video than your
Daniel Martinez
Daniel Martinez - 12 years ago
Funny guy
Polska675 - 12 years ago
u remind me of tony stark, great vid btw
ratpoizon - 12 years ago
Your corals might melt. For instance, when my salinity was duper off at one point, a frogspawn colony melted in my tank.

50. comment for How to Introduce Zoanthids to a reef tank

Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 12 years ago
What kind of meltdown are you referring to? Mental or other?
ratpoizon - 12 years ago
Eyeballing a tank's sg level is strong until you get an overnight meltdown which would suuuuck.
tapar11 - 12 years ago
Water evaporates from your tank, but the salt does not. That is why your salt content creeps up if you keep topping off with salt water. The trick is to top off your tank with fresh water to make up for the evaporated water. Then when you do water changes you are not changing the salinity over time. There are lots of great videos about that topic on youtube seach on "auto top off" for some great solutions.
bskdopeboy - 12 years ago
I think he was being sarcastic, yea... Oh wait! It was me!... yea, he was being sarcastic.
bskdopeboy - 12 years ago
Take a bit of salt water out and top it up with RO... but 1.026 is fine, really.
Dylan Sherry
Dylan Sherry - 12 years ago
How do you keep your salinity at 1.025? Cause mine was 1.023 when I started my tank but it's at 1.026 now.. How do I stop this?
Chris Milton
Chris Milton - 12 years ago
How much coffee have you consumed before this video... you all over the place
Conway Corals
Conway Corals - 12 years ago
The tank sure does look awesome!! :)
Only in Idaho
Only in Idaho - 12 years ago
Thanks for the great comment! Funny though, I rarely actually use a device to measure SG. I have been doing this for so long, I just eyeball my '5 gal' bucket off the bath tub and add '2.5 cups' of Instant Ocean (eyeball) and add to the tank. When I do test it it is always pretty close. You can really tell by the zoos. If they look great the SG is great! If I ever 'get serious' and try something touchy I will consider it. Oh, its been 8 months now and the Zoos are looking awesome!
Conway Corals
Conway Corals - 12 years ago
Noticed you were using a hydrometer. I had used one for about 6 months and it always read 1.025 but my tank was looking a bit drab. Tested everything else, no problems, and then I ordered a refractometer and discovered that it was reading .007 SG off. Refractometers are about $40 most of the time, and are priceless IMO. Just a suggestion :) Tank looks good!
bskdopeboy - 12 years ago
Where'd you get the name 'Nemo' from?
Rinelight - 12 years ago
Great video! Btw I have a doradon...
InfoDoradon - 13 years ago
You can save some time by using Doradon acclimation system, which equalize the temperature as well as the chemical condition inside the bag with respect to your aquarium. For more sensitive corals, I definitely would dilute the bag content prior to releasing.

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