How to build a SELF CLEANING SUMP for your Reef Tank!!!

just sharing a few design tips for plumbing a sump that will never need to be siphoned...

How to build a SELF CLEANING SUMP for your Reef Tank!!! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9

Reef tank 7 years ago 15,179 views

just sharing a few design tips for plumbing a sump that will never need to be siphoned...

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Most popular comments
for How to build a SELF CLEANING SUMP for your Reef Tank!!!

CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
this worked out very well.. still could be better If i could modify my baffles.. thanks for watching everyone!
dudesreef - 7 years ago
No thank you for posting.
Denier Betancourt
Denier Betancourt - 7 years ago
Hey man great job like always, always coming up with unique stuff, i have been following you since you started the old jbj and once i saw you upgrade to your 120 and how good its looking i had to upgrade as well soo i was able to get my hands on a 125 for a good deal lol. Anyways i want to set up my plumbing somewhat like yours but i wonder if this would hurt the fuge or the pods having them going through the mechanical filtration
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
This setup is for people running cheato reactors or algae scrubbers... they can be bypassed and keep pods safe. Normal fuge may still work but u wouldn’t be able to run mechical 24/7 to avoid removing to many. Take advantage of the recirculating Line ether way for extra contact time with your filtration. Good luck wit your 125!!
Budget Aquatics Aquatics
Budget Aquatics Aquatics - 7 years ago
Awesome so essential it cycles the water through the sump cleaning up the detritus in the sump prior to running it through the display?
Alex Juarez
Alex Juarez - 7 years ago
great video, Thanks for the tip. I will be doing this to my sump.
Joshua McCline
Joshua McCline - 7 years ago
Hey cj mane I really enjoy the videos they are a huge help for me, but I need a video on plumbing I want to be able to to plumb for future equipment seeing how I’m hard plumbing can you help
Joshua McCline
Joshua McCline - 7 years ago
I wanted to increase the flow to keep the water strong then going through the pipes
Joshua McCline
Joshua McCline - 7 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS ok I thought the flow was to keep the tank self sufficient ok well I'll just research more I'm not really interested in corals just yet
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
flow is relative to the types of corals you plan on keeping and the aquascape u create... 30X-50X turnover rate inside the tank and 6-10X turnover rate thru your sump... My tank has alot more flow than most recommend thru the sump.. 15-20X turnover rate but I go against the grain because thats just how i like to do things haha.. just research types of corals and flow requirements..
Joshua McCline
Joshua McCline - 7 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS I saw I'm using it as a reference how do I calculate how much flow I will need from my power heads and return pumps to keep a balance
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
check out episode #4 i covered the plumbing in detail
muffemod - 7 years ago
Dude you're a genius! This is brilliant!
David Miller
David Miller - 7 years ago
Great vid-
Luis - 7 years ago
CJ... now that you added the pods to the tank and fuge, you still going to use the pumps on the fuge to clean it since pods are in the media rocks?
Eric A.
Eric A. - 7 years ago
Thanks for the tip! Great idea... I'm getting tired of yanking out my sump and power washing it... very labor intensive and messy! Thanks again

10. comment for How to build a SELF CLEANING SUMP for your Reef Tank!!!

ReeferGil - 7 years ago
great video. quick question do you find that the return pump becomes clogged with all the debris going through it?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
ReeferGil detritus is so small I've never noticed it... if I had a full fuge with macro algae I wouldn't be able to run it this way...
abreezeducttesting - 7 years ago
I had my Waveline 12000( 3100gph) dc pump stop working. I bought a pump just like yours ( good pump ) but its not as powerful as the waveline 12000. I have to buy a second pump now , maybe a ECOTECH VECTRA just to get the flow back. Brother my hole tank is suffering right now. I don't have enough flow for GFO reactor or Carbon reactors. I had to take them offline . its bad! saving money right now!
the reason I'm posting is because I hoping you have a back -up pump the same kind! I only had 1 pump running everything, and I had to buy a new one that day, so now I'm stuck....
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
damn i hate to hear that... im working on getting a second dct 12000 but the price jumped on them for some reason.. but for now i do have a 900 gph pump as a backup.. not as powerful but will be enough to run the scrubber and display at a slower speed.. i wont be running gfo/carbon 24/7 but I will be tying in a calcium reactor and that also doesn't need much flow .. fingers crossed this situation doesn't happen
abreezeducttesting - 7 years ago
The sump is setup nice Bro... well thought out!
Nick Connors
Nick Connors - 7 years ago
Great idea! Wish I had thought of it before I plumbed the sump. I think I'll have to add it though. BTW, adding a ball valve to your siphon line would prevent needing to retune it again with the gate valve if you got the room for both valves.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Nick Connors that's a great idea... I have elbows connecting directly to elbows so I'd have to redo the whole drain to make it work though
TheStudioblock - 7 years ago
I like the plumbing works
Tristan Lambert
Tristan Lambert - 7 years ago
I think this is a great plan to introduce into any sump set up.

I just dont think that I will be able to introduce a system like this if i have a roller mat...
Brandy Blake
Brandy Blake - 7 years ago
I've been digging thru manifold designs for some time now to fit my have a great set up. thanks for sharing
Reefgrrl - 7 years ago
This is awesome CJ! I'm fond of my hard-working chaeto algae though.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
Reefgrrl I'm lucky my Scrubber is self contained .. normal refugiums prob wouldn't want to do this lol
ZirrelStudios - 7 years ago
Plumbing-Tastic :)))
CrystalReefer - 7 years ago
Good idea makes things easier

20. comment for How to build a SELF CLEANING SUMP for your Reef Tank!!!

SPS Dominant
SPS Dominant - 7 years ago
That is freakin genius! Great Video!
マンダリンチャンネル - 7 years ago
Thank you all for coming to my live! I was surprised!
Trihope140.6 - 7 years ago
Cool. Thanks for sharing that.
PsychedelicBabe - 7 years ago
That was so cool CJ you did a great job here
DEL'S REEF - 7 years ago
great info video man who dosent like a clean sump that you don't have to move to clean
Bradley Roberts
Bradley Roberts - 7 years ago
Great idea! Do you keep a separate Refugium? I would like to try this, but don't want to strip all of the pods and other critters out of the fuge. Maybe a bypass with another valve?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
people with macro algae and pods may not wanna use this.. My sump wont have a actual fuge.. just equipment and algae scrubber.. which is bypassed when i do this.. pods should survive in the scrubber to repopulate again.. wont do this as often when tank is stocked..
Fishin Addicts
Fishin Addicts - 7 years ago
Hey CJ thats nice bro, Would love to see the blue print of that design to create my own. I was cleaning my sump and all the junk was going in the display tank.. I need this....
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
never made a blueprint I just pieced it together on the fly... i have a few videos details how i built this sump and plumbing. check back thru the SCA playlist...
Mason. - 7 years ago
Keep it 8 more than 92 with me, 100.
EDK ReefMeister
EDK ReefMeister - 7 years ago
sump mastah! I need to emulate this....
lou9294 - 7 years ago
awesome system man thanks for sharing

30. comment for How to build a SELF CLEANING SUMP for your Reef Tank!!!

fishlaw1 - 7 years ago
Awesome and informative video bruh. . . Thanks for sharing and happy fish keeping ! ! !
VallejoVibes - 7 years ago
Beautiful plumbing job! I'm going to use this method on my current build, thanks for the post!
COOPER'S CICHILDS - 7 years ago
thumbs up
At My WorkShop
At My WorkShop - 7 years ago
Great video CJ glad you put it out before I started plumbing my Sump. One question why do you have to put a shut off on the emergency drain? Wouldn't the display drain down the stop?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
valve on the emergency drain helps me dictate the water level in the sump while im running my self cleaning process.. otherwise draining the actual sump into the display would causing water level to rise in the over the emergency drain stand pipe and flow right back into the display has plenty of room to accommodate water from my sump. goal is to have water falling over each baffle for surface skimming in my sump.. if that makes sense.. great question!
Josh Houser
Josh Houser - 7 years ago
Never thought of this. That's awesome! Luckily I'm plumbing my new system this week.
Ryan Boisoneau
Ryan Boisoneau - 7 years ago
really cool idea! definitely will be considering this with my plumbing on the new build
Davis Mcmoney
Davis Mcmoney - 7 years ago
Good idea I'm going to incorporate this into my next tank for sure
nhall00195 - 7 years ago
Can't wait to see this tank in 12 months!
Tony Jibster
Tony Jibster - 7 years ago
I have the same setup, and I use it whenever I'mm fiddling with the sump to avoid a cloud of detritus from getting in to the display. I'm loving it . Thanks for sharing :-)
Tru Reef
Tru Reef - 7 years ago
dude I have never cleaned my sump once in 3 years. And I must looks good sounds great. in the words of Mike paletta make it easy you'll do it more make it hard and of course you know the rest
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 7 years ago
that's a brilliant idea cj
Ralph Pastine
Ralph Pastine - 7 years ago
genius idea
Fishin Addicts
Fishin Addicts - 7 years ago
Hey CJ that's a nice clean set up. Real clean great idea... Thanks for sharing..
Billy Pipes
Billy Pipes - 7 years ago
I'm a clean freak too lol. "mo detritus mo problems"
mnelson10000 - 7 years ago
Very clever, nice nice
laminar flow
laminar flow - 7 years ago
Really awesome tip! Thanks for this one. I will add it to my list of of stuff to implement!
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 7 years ago
I will be doing my plumbing soon on my build so I might give this a go ☺
FenderSchonJPX - 7 years ago
Damn. Nice work. thanks for sharing.
Coralcrayz - 7 years ago
Bro this is genius!
AcuaTV - 7 years ago
I actually installed my pipes in a similar way, except for me I use an outlet from the manifold with a hose instead of PVC and put it inside the Rollermat since that thing takes up so much space I couldn't put a direct PVC line there. If someone didn't pipe it like you, but still has the manifold, they can use a hose in one of the outlets and just make sure to direct it to the mechanical filtration or even use some sort of temporary filter sock in the hose outlet tied with a ziptie so it stays in place and just put it anywhere inside the sump and run it for a few minutes.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
yes that would work too... long as its going into some sort of mechanical filter.. it polished my sump in under 10 mins.. I def will be using this design in some shape or fashion from now on..

50. comment for How to build a SELF CLEANING SUMP for your Reef Tank!!!

Curtis Bridgen
Curtis Bridgen - 7 years ago
Nice job, will definitely be using that one. Thanks.
nanoaquamania - 7 years ago
nice idea..
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 7 years ago
bro. This is a game changer.
Infamous Aquatics
Infamous Aquatics - 7 years ago
100! I am going to have to do this on my next real build. I am going to go all out on a 75 or 120 gallon in a year. Waiting until I buy a house
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
my life has never been the same since lol!
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
Cool idea CJ. I just run my drain lines through a filter sock so its not really an issues (except for my chaeto/fuge) but awesome idea when not running a filter sock!
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
Yea i like it! less work is always a bonus. I may run a line from my reactor manifold into there and just crank the pump up once in a while :) Its a smaller Jebao pump but may work.. something to play with! thanks for sharing your new creative idea :D
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
if u ran a line into that first chamber it would keep those marine pure balls clean and force everything into the socks if u based the main display.. it works for people with socks too.. only people excluded would be macro algae people that could clog the return pump..
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 7 years ago
Awesome idea CJ. I've been trying to figure out a way to clean up my fudge section and even though I can't close it off and cycle it through. I can still keep the crap suspended to be caught in some filter floss! Once again, bring some CJ knowledge to my tank. Thanks bruh!
Sean's Aquaria
Sean's Aquaria - 7 years ago
Beautiful system, CJ! When I look at your plumbing I have a hard time figuring out a couple of things. Do you turn off the back flow back to the sump during normal operation? Or is that valve open always? Does the height and gravity play into the equation? Catch you on the Livestream soon!
JCS Reefing
JCS Reefing - 7 years ago
Might have to implement this into my manifold somehow! Nice VId!
pelphrey - 7 years ago
Great tips! I feel like this would be something I could accidentally do to my sump then realize... Hey this is a good idea! haha
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
started as a way to keep detritus from building in the first chamber.. then i realized I could manipulate valves to do this than bam! self cleaning sump and it works perfectly .. and fast as hell haha
11eneo - 7 years ago
nicely done!
FADETOBLACK - 7 years ago
Great work my man as usual . What a great way to clean out sump! Love your pluming work .gives it a professional look .Do you have a video.on how you did plumbing?
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
yessir check ep.4 on the sca playlist.. its linked to this video on the top right as well..
Don Lidtke
Don Lidtke - 7 years ago
Very cool! I had never thought to build in a recycle line. Thanks for sharing this great idea!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
no doubt! ill always have one on every tank moving forward.. worked perfectly!

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