How to choose corals for your reef tank

This video is about How to choose corals for your reef tank, what my thought process is and why i chose what I chose. It's important to have a clear understanding of the corals you buy, and why you want them in your tank. How to care for corals will be the next video. Please look me up on Instagram @ eQuatics Thank you, comment, sub, thumbs up or down!

How to choose corals for your reef tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Reef tank 9 years ago 13,233 views

This video is about How to choose corals for your reef tank, what my thought process is and why i chose what I chose. It's important to have a clear understanding of the corals you buy, and why you want them in your tank. How to care for corals will be the next video. Please look me up on Instagram @ eQuatics Thank you, comment, sub, thumbs up or down!

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Most popular comments
for How to choose corals for your reef tank

Richard Fuentes
Richard Fuentes - 7 years ago
Very informative, that was the easiest someone explained the nitrogen cycle. I will be starting a reef tank soon. Thanks for these videos..
flexstone2k11 - 7 years ago
Need more videos! Hope to see some soon. Keep it up!
Lachezar Hristov
Lachezar Hristov - 7 years ago
Great videos man , please where's the rest of them, we want a update. I am a beginner in saltwater, I am doing the cycle now and your videos helped me a lot, please do more. Thank you
Don Lively
Don Lively - 7 years ago
Why did you stop, man? These are outstanding videos. Wish you did more.
Team RED
Team RED - 7 years ago
Yeah, where are you?
marathonpace - 7 years ago
Excellent teacher
Veronica Kaufman
Veronica Kaufman - 8 years ago
that was a great one!!! cant wait for more!
Søren Malik
Søren Malik - 8 years ago
We need a new update on you tank man, you're the one who inspired me to start mine! Love your videos, so calm and informative
Bubba Shinobi
Bubba Shinobi - 8 years ago
Anemone video ??

10. comment for How to choose corals for your reef tank

eQuatics - 8 years ago
I really appreciatte the support and tank you for stopping by. I'm in between tanks right now and let me tell you it sucks!! haha. Hows your set up coming along?
Eddie Diederich
Eddie Diederich - 8 years ago
Need more videos! I've watched tons of YouTube videos on saltwater tanks, but you really presented, and explained it in a way that anyone can understand. If you continue to put out more videos, your channel will grow astronomically. Keep up the good work, and cant wait to see the new room you've been working on! So excited!
Bubba Shinobi
Bubba Shinobi - 8 years ago
Eddie Diederich , I agree, I just started the hobby a few months ago & I hope to see new videos soon .
Donald Trump
Donald Trump - 8 years ago
Hows the tank doing? Update
Daniel stan
Daniel stan - 7 years ago
eQuatics any videos soon ? you promised a video about flow in the tank will we still get it.
eQuatics - 8 years ago
Lino Attard thanks brother! They'll be back soon!!
OmGiTzToNyV - 8 years ago
Awesome video man. Subbed. I've been thinking about starting my own reef tank too and been looking for videos on "how to" and thus far your video is by far the most informative of them all. Keep up the work and videos, ill definitely watch!
eQuatics - 8 years ago
OmGiTzToNyV thanks for stopping by! Btw I like the Talon, or it is a MK1 eclipse? I'm also a car guy and will start similar videos on my car build!
Unlucky Eddy
Unlucky Eddy - 8 years ago
Hey man come back and make content
berny's reef
berny's reef - 8 years ago
what hapened to the channel?
JcSH2o - 7 years ago
eQuatics Should do vids of that process. Sounds awesome!
berny's reef
berny's reef - 8 years ago
Cool, looking forward to it.
eQuatics - 8 years ago
Channel is still here. However to make the story short, house is being redesigned/build to have a larger and more capable of having a FULL OUT reef section. Sump through the wall and etc. Stay tuned and Thanks for stopping by!!
MyReefJourney - 8 years ago
Watched all your vids and subbed, great education! I would love to have a good education on the sump with the basics!
Acid Rain Gaming
Acid Rain Gaming - 8 years ago
I find your videos very educational especially since i am busy preparing to start my first saltwater aquarium. Please upload more videos.
Acid Rain Gaming
Acid Rain Gaming - 8 years ago
Awesome i cant wait for that either.
eQuatics - 8 years ago
Thanks for stoping by. I'll definitely upload more. However for now I'm in the middle of a move and will be dedicating an entire room in the new place to the reef!! So excited I can't wait.

20. comment for How to choose corals for your reef tank

DrOfWelshMagic - 8 years ago
very good vid dude. Where ya gone? sub'd in the hope you return with updates etc.
Kenny Johnson
Kenny Johnson - 8 years ago
Subscribed I DID !!!! Awesome lecture reef professor ; . ) Man, you are easy to understand and very well spoken in a nice tone explaining very detailed technical info in a professional manner in which extremely increases our "reef keeping students" ability to store in our brains all your info at once to be remembered forever in this hobby/passion. Thanks and God Bless My Friend
shane richardson
shane richardson - 8 years ago
when u makin more vids ??
Kavin Benz
Kavin Benz - 8 years ago
I am a saltwater tank virgin, and I just started my tank 3 days ago. I have to say that your videos have been very descriptive and mostly helpful. This is exactly a type of videos I need. Thank you so much and keep them coming.
Nil us
Nil us - 9 years ago
Great and easy to understand information! Looking forward to next video.
Nil us
Nil us - 9 years ago
+eQuatics Nice, i think i will end up at 1200$ for the new equipment and all necessary stuff, but maybe that number will change slightly from watching your videos;)
And thanks btw for the tip, but I actually have a tank already, a shallow AIO 50g that i built like 6-7 months ago. Really nice tank. Totall dimensions are 43x26x12" water depth. Fish space are 34x26x12 and the rest is sump space So that i can fit a good sized skimmer back there.
eQuatics - 9 years ago
+Nil us It's an expensive hobby, however I'm under 1,000$ at this point and I'll prove that you can build a pretty nice reef tank with SPS's and all. The key is water changes, and a proper cycle. Definitely look at things like the JBJ 45, Nuvo 40, or some older Red Seam MAX 130D's. you can have some very nice setups with those. unless you want to go bigger. I tend to stick to Cubes because their shape, really made to well to have say 1 set of light you know. (I say that and I'm running 2 sets now haha)
Nil us
Nil us - 9 years ago
+eQuatics Yeah It can get scary complicated! I am 3 years in of planing and actually had tank, scape built, and all equipment ready. And then came that famous unexspected exspens that forced me to sell everything except the tank good enough. So now i am about to get new equpment and try this again, and so far you have explained cycling better then any forum thread or youtube video i have seen.
eQuatics - 9 years ago
Thank you my friend! I try to keep it simple, it can get complicated fast sometimes lol.
Heather Thomson
Heather Thomson - 9 years ago
I just started my first reef tank and I love your videos keep them coming
eQuatics - 9 years ago
+Heather “Heather's Fish Tanks” Thomson Thanks Heather! I just felt like since I was starting my 4th tank in 6 yrs, i might as well show the progression of it all. And who doesn't want to be a youtube sensation haha!
eQuatics - 9 years ago
Thanks bro. I miss newyorksteelo! The last post I saw was that he lost his mom to a battle against cancer and now had to take care of his younger brother. That was almost 3 yrs ago.

And ya, as for my Goni, I treat it like a torch, mysis and reef roids or some plankton like food.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
man you on it! remind me of New York Steelo lol... I just added a red gonipora yest nice to hear u have had one so long.. nice vid man..

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The "How to choose corals for your reef tank" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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