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The "How I Dealt with Ich Without Medication in My Reef Tank." video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for How I Dealt with Ich Without Medication in My Reef Tank.
Like you I have worked so hard to keep Ich out of my DT with quarantine etc. Well, unfortunately somewhere somehow Ich came in and like you it's next to impossible to break down my entire Reef to pull out every fish and run fallow. So I did my very best to keep everything stress free, variety diet, and over all water quality in the best conditions I could. My stock is Purple Tang, Yellow Eye Kole, 6-line wrasse, coral beauty, cleaner wrasse, and one clown fish. Of course the tangs got hammered. My purple tang for a few days looked like he wasn't going to make it, but he kept eating and kept swimming, and was always trying to get the cleaner wrasse to clean him. Well his case of visible ich has seemed to subside and his behavior has begun to be more normal. Unfortunately I lost my yellow eye kole. So right now I am doing what I've been doing, feeding well, water quality and stress reduction. My question is at what point did you feel comfortable enough being "visibly ich free" that you introduced new fish?
Thank you for responding. That is my fear as well. So far the Purple Tang has really cleared up and I attribute this to the cleaner wrasse, I know what people say that they don't help. That maybe true for the parasite itself, but with the wounds and tissue that the ich cysts leave behind the cleaner wrasse really seems to help with that and the tang seems to really enjoy "being cleaned". So far no more deaths, and the other fish have shown no signs of ich besides the few spots left on the purple tang. Hopefully with a variety nutritious diet, little stress and pristine water the parasite will burn out. I also have a UV, not that I am positive it contributed any but what can it hurt right?
20. comment for How I Dealt with Ich Without Medication in My Reef Tank.
Also I swear I had a noticeable absence of parasites after installing the biggest UV steriliser I could afford and changing the tubes regular.y. It appears to reduce the risk of a new cycle.
I've had so much success with them and it has been a proven effective way to keep it at bay and break the parasite cycle .
Would say that if the bulbs are old and the uv steriliser is too small it don't work as well.
30. comment for How I Dealt with Ich Without Medication in My Reef Tank.
Sorry for the long comment, I love the reef talk, I'm a huge follower, I love your tank my friend, it is amazing.
I would like to hopefully discuss in much more detail about ich, if you can provide any additional information, or just chat in general, you and Steve won't bash me for adding 2 zebrasoma tangs in my 180gal unlike everyone else I've talked to. Please respond and please keep the videos coming!
Hope to speak with you soon, hope the wife recovers as well, take care friend.
KevN50. comment for How I Dealt with Ich Without Medication in My Reef Tank.
Also I swear I had a noticeable absence of parasites after installing the biggest UV steriliser I could afford and changing the tubes regular.y. It appears to reduce the risk of a new cycle.
but I would love to know what recipe you feed your fish and how frequent you do.. thanks buddy. great video!
Edit: I didn't use any of those additives just ran the tank fallow.