How I Keep 8 Tangs in My Reef Tank

In this episode I talk about how I keep 8 tangs in my 210 reef tank.

How I Keep 8 Tangs in My Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 56

Reef tank 8 years ago 55,461 views

In this episode I talk about how I keep 8 tangs in my 210 reef tank.

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for How I Keep 8 Tangs in My Reef Tank

Robert Rubeck III
Robert Rubeck III - 7 years ago
I watched your video on your 210 with tangs. I was wondering if you could give advice on my school tank. I have a 150 gallon which I allow extra swimming room for tangs. I have a 1 inch blue tang which qted and 1 1/2 inch yellow which also was qted. I have a 2 inch yellow eye Kole and dijadini salfin tang in quarantine right now. How can I add a purple tang. I would like one but how when should I add the rest? That is not in the display tank. Blue and yellow are in there right now. How should I proceed? Thanks for your help!
TheInvisibleOne - 7 years ago
The best Tang is PuTang
Gene Strelkov
Gene Strelkov - 7 years ago
Hello, I was wondering if have any advice for me trying to fit 11 tangs in a 96X30X30, 350 gallon tank, most of the tangs I want are what to be know very aggressive. Achilles tang, powder blue/brown tangs, blonde Nash tang, clown tang, blue hippo, yellow tang, purple tang, scope tang, sailfin tang, whitecheeck tang.
The blue, purple, blonde Naso, yellow tangs I already have, and they get along OK with each other.
They are in my quarantine tank right now, I just finished keeping my main display tank fallow, ( ick problem) and ready to put the fish back in, but I was wondering if I'll but the rest of the fish that I like and put them all in at same time.
What do you think about it?
Charley Switzer
Charley Switzer - 7 years ago
You are my favorite YouTube Reefer to watch, hands down! I love researching everything online on my own...but I have learned a ton from you, so thank you! I recently upgraded to a 75 gallon, I have 2 Clowns, a Yellow Tang, and a Yellow Eye Kole Tang...I would really love to get a Purple Tang. If it were you, would you attempt that?
Charley Switzer
Charley Switzer - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers Thanks for your thoughts! Look forward to continueing to watch your video's and your tank.
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Charley Switzer thanks I really appreciate it. I had good luck with a yellow and a purple living together for about a year. Then one day the yellow tang became very aggressive towards the purple. Its a gamble that may or may not work. I would try equal sized fish, pulling the yellow for a couple of weeks and putting the yellow and purple in at the same time.
Larry Barry
Larry Barry - 7 years ago
i have a Zebrasoma xanthurum,,, Acanthurus leucosternon and a Paracanthurus hepatus they do ok
H - 7 years ago
Amazing tank! I’m starting my 120 and I would love to have some tangs! Can you help me with the QT processes? Thanks
Reef Roid
Reef Roid - 7 years ago
What are the dimensions of your tank please ?
Reef Roid
Reef Roid - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers tanks Scott
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
nicholas buttigieg
nicholas buttigieg - 7 years ago
What is your thickness of the 210g ? Tks
nicholas buttigieg
nicholas buttigieg - 7 years ago
Thanks its glass right?
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
its half inch thick 24" front to back.
Liam But
Liam But - 7 years ago
One could get lucky and have one yellow and purple tank living together peacefully

10. comment for How I Keep 8 Tangs in My Reef Tank

Cycle Guns
Cycle Guns - 7 years ago
You tank is insane I’m still in the research faze of saltwater fish keeping You are an Inspiration and I appreciate your videos Immensely thank you
ItsMalek - 7 years ago
I have 10 in my reef tank
Marlene Kahana
Marlene Kahana - 7 years ago
can i put a power blue an a regular blue tang together
thehitmanisup - 7 years ago
Always depends on how big your tank is
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Yes. There's always a risk they might fight but the odds are in your favor.
Lawrence - 7 years ago
The first rule of keeping multiple tangs, is you don’t talk about keeping multiple tangs
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
The second rule of keeping multiple tangs is you don't talk about keeping multiple tangs. LOL
George Kazas
George Kazas - 7 years ago
Hey Scott, quick question: I just purchased a tomini tang today, and waiting for a yellow eye Cole tang in the next few days. The tomini is already in my 30 gallons QT and the Cole is going in there as soon as it arrives. They ll b spending a month there and then going in to the DP where my yellow tang is expecting them. So, they will b introduced at the same time in the DT but they will have to spend a month together in th QT. Do u see any problems there? I think both of them are acanthurus, right?

Thank you in advance and most of all, thank you for all the inspiration and legit info you provide us with!
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
I think you going to be OK but there is always risk. Your plan seem sound to me.
Will C
Will C - 7 years ago
Hey for velvet/ich chloroquine Phosphate if treatment is needed asap, that way you don't have to wait for copper to get up to therapeutic levels over days, only problem is it does require a prescription. they do sell on ebay(seller Pro_Corals) wtihout a script which I have tried recently with fish that were infested with velvet and it did work since then I got a script for it!
Goldy Coaco
Goldy Coaco - 7 years ago
You tried sooo hard
Cycnoches2012 - 7 years ago
love this story of the Tangs!
Partrick S
Partrick S - 7 years ago
Where do you get the money from?
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
I make a small amount of money from my channel, but almost all the money for this tank came out of my own pocket.
Tony Frustaci
Tony Frustaci - 7 years ago
This video gave me so much motivation, I had a 29 gallon set up then purchased a 90 and while I was setting it up my 29 got marine velvet first time experiencing it and didn't act fast enough. So I slowed down I currently have a pink skunk clown pair 2 percula clowns and a lunar wrasse in my tank. I will be setting my 29 gallon up as a quarantine for when I purchase more fish tangs in particular. Just wondering what you opinion is on having a whitetail Bristle tooth tang, a tomini tang and a purple tang in my 90 gallon tank. I have plans on upgrading again but that wouldn't be for 2 years as I want to do as much as I can with my 90
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Tony Frustaci I'm glad it's working. I've always wanted a clown tang, but have been afraid it would be too aggressive.
Tony Frustaci
Tony Frustaci - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers just a quick update I ended up adding a clown tang, blue tang, and a 3-4" two spot bristle tooth tang all the fish are doing amazing. I am very happy with them and my tank is now at max Capacity with 3 tangs 2 clown fish and a lunar (moon) wrasse. I'm going to let these guys settle in grow a little then start adding coral
Tony Frustaci
Tony Frustaci - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers thanks for the reply I will have to make a choice then on which one I want. I will keep you updated with what I choose. Cheers
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
I feel your pain, I too had a ruff start in the hobby. It's always hard to know for sure how tangs will react to each other. The white tale and the tomini are the same genus witch will increase the likely hood of aggression. If it was my tank I would get the white tail the purple and something from a different genus, like a powder blue or powder brown.

20. comment for How I Keep 8 Tangs in My Reef Tank

Jenny Rei
Jenny Rei - 7 years ago
Poor Pinky! :(
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
It was a struggle with him, but he lives the good life now!
Isaac Boike
Isaac Boike - 7 years ago
What are the dimensions of a 210? If you dont mind me asking.... I am wanting to upgrade my 125 due to I took in some more tangs from some one who took down there set up and now I'm at 11 :/. Including 2 Foxfaces and 2 Dwarf angels and of course Clowns.
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
72X24X30. The 210 is a great size and would be awesome up grade for you!
_Anthony Is A Fish _
_Anthony Is A Fish _ - 7 years ago
Hey, I was wondering if you could help me out with what I could stock my tank with. It's a 125 with 145 lbs of live rock (mostly Fiji rock but some tonga). Right now I have 1 purple fire fish, 3 occelaris clowns (the 4th clown got ganged up on). Then I have one hoevans wrasse. I was thinking of getting a blue hippo, a desjardini, and a yellow eye kole tang. Thanks
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Your selection sound good. The 3 tangs are of different genus witch should give you a good chance of success, There's no gauntness they wont fight, but that should go pretty well. If possible put all three tangs in at the same time.
alwaystmoza - 7 years ago
great video and a beautiful set up.. thanks for all the new to salt water after working my way up from a 6 foot ciclic tank..i have a 275 gallon tank with a baby port Jackson, two lions, tomato clown, leopard, sail fin tang and emperor..the emperor is new and within a week he has white spots..been reading copper treatment is best..cant catch it so need to treat my whole tank? would greatly appreciate your advice..thanks
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
You have a really awesome tank! Ideally you would pull all your fish, put them in QT and leave the tank fallow for 6-8 weeks to kill the ich. This sounds difficult with your setup. I assume you have a fish only system, if so you can treat the whole tank with copper. Do lots of research, angels have a reputation of not tolerating copper very well. Also, I don't know how the shark will react with copper. I'm betting that a half dose of copper in your system will be best for your situation, but I can't give you a complete answer. Good luck.
Alex Zavaleta
Alex Zavaleta - 7 years ago
looks great
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Kristopher Bobak
Kristopher Bobak - 7 years ago
Hi Scott, I am looking at getting a second tank after my 50 gallon starter reef tank. U have always been amazed by different varieties of tangs and have not had the room in the tank. The 50 gallon has been up for about 2 years now and is thriving with about the max livestock that i can fit, along with my prized derasa clam. Because i really trust your advice due to your channel, I was wondering what size of a tank and/or what types of equipment that you would recommend to me. I was also wondering how tank transitions work as in transfering the livestock between tanks. Though none of my current fish are not aggressive, I am worried about how they will react to new and possibly much bigger fish. Thanks in advance and I love your channel. Keep up the good work!
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
I like a 6 foot tank for that space. Once everything is established it takes about 10 minutes a day and about an hour once a week for the full cleaning. The rest of it is as much or as little as you want it to be.  Plan on committing some time if you want something really nice.
Kristopher Bobak
Kristopher Bobak - 7 years ago
MileHighReefers Thank you for the quick response, and I was wondering if you could give a rough estimate of maintenance time in hours/week, because I really want to make sure i have the time to maintain the tank in tip top shape. By the way, the area I have for a tank is roughly 7 feet long, 2.5 feet wide, and any height. Thanks again for the quality advice.
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
Its really hard to recommend a tank size without an idea of the room. To keep tangs I recommend a 90g or 120g in the four foot lengths. 6 footers are defiantly better for tangs. If you go for the 6 foot tank I recommend the 180 or the 210. It doesn't take much more equipment to run a 210 as apposed to a 125. So why not get the big tank? The tank transfer should be the easy. Your going to use your old rock so you will have a fully cycled tank as soon as its in.  This process will stress the fish. Last time I did this I lost a chromis and a goby, they diapered. Best advice I can give is buy the biggest tank you can afford that fits the room you want it in. It's defiantly worth a little stress on the fish to give them a new home.
twinturbo111 - 7 years ago
i am setting up a new 250 gallon. i was thinking of putting 3 to 5 yellow tangs in there in the same time. Do you think it's possible?
twinturbo111 - 7 years ago
cool. only thing is that these little bastards are really expensive ($50 a pop)
MileHighReefers - 7 years ago
There are always risks but it can be done. I would go with 5 over 3. I think when dealing with tang aggression more is better. Sounds like you have a good plan. I wouldn't be to afraid to try it.
Josh Potatoe
Josh Potatoe - 8 years ago
similar to agressive cichlids its trial and error unless you overstock to the point in which they are too stressed to fight
Beto - 8 years ago
Beautiful tangs..I keep 7 in my 150G
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Very cool!
Ahmed Tupajic
Ahmed Tupajic - 8 years ago
I have a 125 gallon with a blue tang,so can you tell me how many should I have
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
One blue tang is plenty, more then that and you might have aggression issues. It is possible to other tangs of different genus. There or four would be a good max.

30. comment for How I Keep 8 Tangs in My Reef Tank

Jason Myers
Jason Myers - 8 years ago
i love saltwater tanks, great video. my fav. fish is a Moorish Idol, but iv had no luck in keeping them.
Warped - 7 years ago
Jason Myers
I saw your comment and had to reply since they are one of my favorites too! I've wanted one for many years but everything I've read said even the most experienced reefers have trouble with them. however my lfs have three in a display tank I'd put around 900 gallons and they've been kicking for about four years now. I've always wondered how they do it but I don't have any more room for the reccomended 125 gallon tank moorish idols need :(
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
They are some of my favs too. Unfortunately they don't tend to do well in captivity so I've avoided them.
Cody Vanderburggen
Cody Vanderburggen - 8 years ago
Do you think that a kole yellow eye and a mimic lemonpeel would do well together in my 150 gallon?
Cody Vanderburggen
Cody Vanderburggen - 8 years ago
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
There a different genus it, should be fine. To better your chances try and put them in at the same time.
bingosh27 - 8 years ago
sometimes breaking the rules do wonders. i had my collection of tangs. no luck on my side with Atlantic blue tang 3x, sohal tang 4x, chevron tang 2x, PBT 3x, achilles tang 3x and the new addition to my tank is my 4th achilles tang which is doing good 2 weeks already.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
That's a lot of really cool fish! I'm glad you've been successful.
bingosh27 - 8 years ago
its either they die on bullying then not eating or with ich/marine velvet.
Anthony Agosta
Anthony Agosta - 8 years ago
you are the tang master
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
berny's reef
berny's reef - 8 years ago
Would you consider the tank heavily stocked or could you still ad more fish?
berny's reef
berny's reef - 8 years ago
cool thanks for the reply
Nick Hendrix
Nick Hendrix - 8 years ago
why are you so angry with them?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Its pretty heavily stocked. I could add more small fish but I'm defiantly done with tangs.
Lukus Alexander
Lukus Alexander - 8 years ago
Tank looks great man
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Tom Ashton
Tom Ashton - 8 years ago
I have found that if you want multiple tangs you have to disperse the aggression, instead of adding one yellow tang ,add Three. They will school. If your existing tangs are really large and you already have multiple Tangs, add a really small tang.(too quick to catch) if there is tension between two tangs use a laser pointer to break up the tension. I have 4 Yellow Tangs X-large now, 1 x-large Achilles Tang, 1 X-large Powder Blue Tang, 1 Regal Tang small, and1 huge Moorish Idol. I have had these fish for 3 years and longer with very few problems. This is not to say there aren't occasional spats. However it is usually over food and it is short lived. Its like the bully on the playground, if your the new kid, your fair game. They will sense weakness. However, if you go to the playground with three of your big brothers the bully likely isn't going to mess with you. The sizing of new fish is important also. If your existing Yellow tang is medium sized, then you should put in several Yellow tangs that are much larger. Yellow Tangs in nature are a schooling fish. Acclimation boxes are a great tool to add Tangs if your worried about fights( Cricket box and magnet cleaner)
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
That's all really great advice! thanks for sharing.
Jessica Cammarata
Jessica Cammarata - 8 years ago
I'm new to your channel so it was really cool to have you go back and explain how you got your tank to the way it is today. Obviously Alot of heart and dedication! I love it!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching! It's been a long road but things are really getting to where I want them.
Tangman - 8 years ago
Lol 8 tangs in your tank I have 17 all but two are acanthurus, sporadic territory disputes the more tangs the less likely of aggression on one single tang.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
That is really cool!
Leon Vu
Leon Vu - 8 years ago
i have a 250g tank and also have 10 tangs in my tank.
ItsMalek - 7 years ago
Leon Vu me to
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
That is very cool.
Reefing with Reefer
Reefing with Reefer - 8 years ago
great vid even better info! I'm really starting to get into the tangs myself. I'm very glad you made this vid and i watched it now i know i shouldnt get a yellow tang seeings is how i have a scopas. thanks again plz keep up with the great vids!!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks! defiantly more  videos to come.
Martijn Sep
Martijn Sep - 8 years ago
hi scott,
I got another question for you i have a tank that is 2.9 feet (75g) do you think i can have another tang in it with my yellow eye kole tang?
great vid btw
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Martijn Sep a yellow tang would be great.
Martijn Sep
Martijn Sep - 8 years ago
MileHighReefers do you think a smal zebrasoma?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Two smaller tangs would probably do pretty well.
Martijn Sep
Martijn Sep - 8 years ago
@MileHighReefers or do you think I can't keep two tang in my tank?
Micah Whalen
Micah Whalen - 8 years ago
Really great video. Truly an inspiration.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks, its a labor of love.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
Achilles Tang are my favorite.. could one of those fit in your tank?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
a 210 is more than big enough, but with everything in my tank an Achilles probably isn't a good idea. I also love those fish, one day maybe.
NW Marine62
NW Marine62 - 8 years ago
Great video Scott. getting away with as many tangs you have took some planning and luck. it's great that they're all getting along together with minimal aggression. great job bro.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks Darren its was a pain to get here but well worth it.
Chilidoggs Reef Attempt
Chilidoggs Reef Attempt - 8 years ago
absolutely stunning my friend!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
kevin helfrich
kevin helfrich - 8 years ago
Gorgeous tank. I really like all your tangs. I only have an 80 gallon, so I am trying to decide if I want a tang at all. The eat a lot and grow quick. I have a Foxface that has gotten too big. When I get him out, I will be looking to replace him with something. I had a Pacific Sailfin when I first set up my tank and I loved him. I am thinking about a Yellow Eye Kole, but am not sure. Do you think my tank it too small for 2 tangs? If you had to pick only 1, what would it be?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
You should be fine with 2 small tangs in an 80 gallon. I think the yellow eye kole tang would be a great choice.
Patrick's Dive and Reef
Patrick's Dive and Reef - 8 years ago
Tank looks great Scott!!!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks Patrick.
jwgii2001 - 8 years ago
Great video Scott. I have three tangs in my tank, a yellow, a Pacific Blue, and a yellow eye Kole. All get along real well. In the overall scheme of things the Kole tang is pretty much a cow. It spends all day slurping algea off the rocks and glass. The yellow tang is more like a social butterfly at a party. It swims around the tank picking here and there but mostly feeds off an algea clip. The PBT is pretty much everywhere is a juvenile fish and is pretty much everywhere.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Those are some great tangs you have! I have all of those and mine behave just like yours. Thanks for sharing.
ANDREW GOMEZ - 8 years ago
OK sounds good

50. comment for How I Keep 8 Tangs in My Reef Tank

Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 8 years ago
Great video Scott and I love the results because the tank is stunning. How could I not like it you have my favorite tang of all, the Powder Blue. Looking forward to more updates.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks! powder blues are such gorgeous fish.
Sebastian Velez
Sebastian Velez - 8 years ago
nice video
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
LOCKDOWN RC - 8 years ago
Lookin good Scott. We currently have a Naso, Sailfin, and Hippo in our 500gal and I really wanna add a Sohal or Clown surgeon. The tangs in there are highly established and hang with our two Watanabe angels and the foxface. I dunno if adding something of that caliber could cause bickering or not...
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Your tank sound amazing! I love clowns and sohals, but stayed away because of there reputation for being really aggressive.  Aarons Aquarium has kept a sohal for a long time he would be a great rescore.
Kevin Dewey
Kevin Dewey - 8 years ago
Naso, Tomini, Yellow, and 2 Sailfins. 180gal/40gal sump. No stress. Only going on a little over 6 months though. Love your tank Scott, your fish, your coral, it's a work of art my friend. I want an Achilles Tang more than anything. I keep eyeballing a purple tang at the LFS, $180...i think my bioload is maxed lol. Take care.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks! you tank sounds really cool! I love the purple tangs. They cost about as much as an Achilles, but there so much easier. I hear where your coming from my tank is pretty much full too.
Dave Xiong
Dave Xiong - 8 years ago
I enjoy your videos Scott...I myself have taken your advice with your try and errors and have successfully added all the tangs I want in my reef tank just recently. I initially had just a yellow tang. I added a blue hippo and the yellow tang stressed it out and it didnt make it. Next time I added a yellow eyed kole. Then I QT another medium hippo I got. And then I got a purple tang and added the purple and blue hippo together once they were QT for 1-2 months. I added them at night just like you did and they got along except for the occasional fin slapping.. Thanks for your videos and uploads. Love it!
mightymike130 - 8 years ago
That's one hell of a battle! But it's all worth it in the end. I'm doing the same thing except with all Leopard wrasse and a few other types of wrasse. So far im at 2 leopards, 2 black leopards, 1 yellow coris, 1 cleaner wrasse and today i added 1 male ornate. Im hopeful that they won't kick his ass because he has about an inch on them. Anyways great job. Love the video's. You're tank is looking great as always.
Michael Reyes
Michael Reyes - 8 years ago
I'm actually did the same thing I have a red coris leopard wrasse female xmas wrasse black wrasse and male blue star wrasse
Jorge Torres
Jorge Torres - 8 years ago
Damm everything is looking really good
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks Jorge!
Mike Lemming
Mike Lemming - 8 years ago
Awesome video Scott!
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks Mike!
Matt Bourque
Matt Bourque - 8 years ago
Very good. I thought the tank had ich not too long ago. How'd you fix that so quick?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
so I've decided to live with ich.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Matt Bourque My case is far from ideal. ideally I would go fallow in my tank for 8 weeks and treat all the fish with copper QT. To do this I would have to tear the entire tank down and distribute all the coral and I stll would need a lot more QT space.
Matt Bourque
Matt Bourque - 8 years ago
I've been working through this and I do see what you mean. Don't misunderstand me. I am getting ready to populate my tank with Tangs and am working through that so all this is very important and pertinent to my present situation.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Matt Bourque it's less I control the ich and more the fish have developed an amunity.
Matt Bourque
Matt Bourque - 8 years ago
MileHighReefers how do you "control" ich?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Ich is still in the tank. Once in a while I see a spot or two on the fish, but its under control and not causing any problems. This is far from Ideal but Its how it has to be in less I want to tear the tank down.
Reefgrrl - 8 years ago
Great video - I really love the story behind the tank you have. It's an awesome example of hard work and dedication, very impressive.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks! it was a huge amount of work.
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Great video man. Love the look back with the old videos. Do you archive all you videos on your computer?
Klem Reefing
Klem Reefing - 8 years ago
Great advice - thanks man.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
I have most of my videos saved on a cloud drive. I'm bad about baking up stuff so I lost some when my PC crashed a few months ago.
John John
John John - 8 years ago
Scott, I've been following your channel for about a year and a half now and it's great to see how the tank has evolved. Everything has grown and filled up nicely. It really is a mature, well established tank now. It must be very rewarding to just sit back and enjoy.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks for watchin so long! the tank has really come along way. It's pretty much full now sow I'm just managing growth. I have to say this hobby has gotten a lot cheaper now that I'm not buying fish and coral all the time.
John Vergo
John Vergo - 8 years ago
Terrific video AND tank! What are the dimensions of the 210?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Its 72"x24"x30". I really like the size.
Kevin Dewey
Kevin Dewey - 8 years ago
John Vergo I'm not positive but I believe it's a 6ft wide, 30 inch deep and 30 inch tall... If not I know I'm close.
Dave's Red Sea Reef
Dave's Red Sea Reef - 8 years ago
really good video! keep the coming! the purple tang is my absolute favorite fish.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks! the purple tangs are great fish.
Jason Thomas
Jason Thomas - 8 years ago
bit of a rule breaker hey scott haha amazing tank.
I have 3 tangs together don't think I could push for another.
Do you follow the 1 gallon per inch of fish rule or do you have you own 'stock' rule?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
No I don't follow any stocking rules. I base my fish stocking on what the filtration can handle and how much space there is for the fish in the tank. I also try and plan for growth.
Kevin Dewey
Kevin Dewey - 8 years ago
Jason Thomas how big is your tank? That rule is invalid in so many ways, it's very vague. Your tank volume by far matters with tangs, your filtration etc... I have 5 tangs in a 180 along with a few other kinds of smaller fish and inverts, I could maybe add another tang, one that's not a large species, although I'm unsure of that, I want to avoid stress.
Land of the Gord
Land of the Gord - 8 years ago
Great story. I hope it works out in the long run because these are really cool fish you have.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks, I hope so too. I did the best I could to plan for the future, but anything can happen.
Joe Kerr
Joe Kerr - 8 years ago
Tank looks amazing, bro. Definitely my dream tank
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks it's doin really well.
ANDREW GOMEZ - 8 years ago
your welcome we should get together and go to boulder and check out the shops what do you think
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
That sounds like a good plan. Let me get my floors done and we'll do that.
Lee and Mandy Battersby
Lee and Mandy Battersby - 8 years ago
Its great to see the tank evolve
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks! it's tankan awhile, but I'm really happy with where I'm at.
Lee and Mandy Battersby
Lee and Mandy Battersby - 8 years ago
Kevin Dewey thats a good find .. i added a emerald crab about 4 months ago not seen it since i put it in
Kevin Dewey
Kevin Dewey - 8 years ago
Lee and Mandy Battersby I found an emerald crab glancing at my tank at night, saw him come out of a hole in one of my liverock, never knew he existed! Funny, I guarantee people don't know the half of what's in their tanks lol.
Lee and Mandy Battersby
Lee and Mandy Battersby - 8 years ago
Was watching my tank tonight and found a stomatella snail had to google it didn't know what it was i love how theres so many things what we don't know are there bet theres loads of hidden things in your tank with the size of it
mnelson10000 - 8 years ago
Good video, brother! When I bought my 180, it came with a scopas and I already had a yellow and I just knew there was going to be trouble haha... well, sure enough the scopas chased around the yellow, but I let it go on for 3 days and then it just abruptly stopped and they've been best friends ever since! It didn't go that well with my current foxface lo and the new magnificent, though... :( I had to move the magnificent to the 75
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
That's to bad about the foxfaces there such cool fish. I'm glad the fighting stopped between your tangs.
ANDREW GOMEZ - 8 years ago
great video like always keep them coming
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks man!
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
I want to get my first reef aquarium, I want to start with a 200 gallon aquarium because I want to keep tangs and I want to have the largest water volume I can. I have done a lot of research for more than a year and I intend to set this 200gallon in 1 year. Would it be a good idea to get 5-6 tangs all at once and set the 200 gallon it's self as a quarantine tank and then after the quarantine is done remove all the water and add the rockwork and the sand and everything else? I want to do this because I want to add all the tangs at once but I can't quarantine them all together because I can't afford to get another 200 gallon aquarium to have as a quarantine tank. What are your thoughts on this?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Franklin Michael I think it would work, but it sounds riskier than QTing and adding one fish at a time.
Franklin Michael
Franklin Michael - 8 years ago
+MileHighReefers If I had a small 30gallon cycled tank full of live rock and 5 5gallon buckets filled with cycled water and rock that would be 55gallons of cycled water. I could treat the 200gallon with copper and when I was done treating I could move a tang into each 5gallon bucket. Then clean the 200gallon aquarium thoroughly and add the 55gallons of cycled water, 55 of fresh saltwater and a bottle of bacteria to help the cycling of the rest of the water. And during the first 3 months of having the tanks I could do really large water changes to dilute whatever copper was left, and then add my live sand and seed with copepods and other crustaceans. Do you think that would work?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
This is where it gets tricky. It would be possible to use the 200g as a QT tank, but if you treat with copper there is always a risk you wont get it all out. If your doing a fish only system this isn't a problem, in a reef you put your inverts at risk. The other issue you might run into is water changes. If you don't have biological filtration established on the tank, your water changes could be huge. The hardest part might be transforming the tank from a QT to a reef. Normally when we setup our tanks we take 4 weeks to cycle the tank. you wont have this luxury with 5 tangs in the tank. You have a very interesting outside the box idea. In theory it works. In practice it may be difficult to make it work well. If you really think it over and come up with a good plan I'm confident you can make this work.
Ambrosius13 - 8 years ago
Thank you for the video. Great video! Can you describe what you feed them and how often do you feed them?
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
I feed pellets, nori, and LRS once a day. On days I don't work I will feed them extra nori in the morning.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Thanks! they're my favs.
maurice moore
maurice moore - 8 years ago
great video
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago

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