How To: Start and Cycle an Aquarium Saltwater Reef Tank Correctly and Freshwater
Reef tank 12 years ago 211,593 views
How to Cycle a fish tank correctly is what we'll be talking about in this video this is my 55 gallon reef tank, that is currently cycling with some fish but my live rock and live sand was seeded properly before hand. This is the end of my cycle, so i'm showing you guys out there how to cycle a fish tank salt water tank reef tank even freshwater fish tank. The main thing you need is patience. you need to take your time and plan everything out. have a game plan before hand. know what you are getting into. you need to go out and buy some test kits. ammonia nitrite and nitrate along with phosphate would be a great help, you could get your local fish store to test the aquarium water but it would be a hassle going back and forth to the fish store,when you could just buy your own and same time and possibly money with the gas you'll be burning ha ha. owning a salt water tank or even a fish only freshwater tank can be rewarding if you take your time and take baby steps through it. just make sure you cycle your tank before putting anything in it. If you guys have any questions or request or anything be sure to let me know in the comments or hit me up with a message if you have suggestions too let me know. comment rate and subscribe guys.
i want to save that poor little fish ........ and i have decided to set it free into the nature ........ but the thing is like i don't have a sea near by , its like 180 km away in mumbai ....... but i do have is a river in my city ........ can i put that puffer in the river ...... will it be able to swim to the brackish water region ......... or should i go all the way to mumbai to put the fish in brackish water area ..... please sir help me out
i cant give back fish to the fish store because it will be eventually end up with some one other amateur person ........
please help me sir ....... thanks a lot
10. comment for How To: Start and Cycle an Aquarium Saltwater Reef Tank Correctly and Freshwater
Can I cycle an empty tank with just fish food? Would I also need to keep the filter on even if there's no livestock?
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