How To: Start and Cycle an Aquarium Saltwater Reef Tank Correctly and Freshwater

How to Cycle a fish tank correctly is what we'll be talking about in this video this is my 55 gallon reef tank, that is currently cycling with some fish but my live rock and live sand was seeded properly before hand. This is the end of my cycle, so i'm showing you guys out there how to cycle a fish tank salt water tank reef tank even freshwater fish tank. The main thing you need is patience. you need to take your time and plan everything out. have a game plan before hand. know what you are getting into. you need to go out and buy some test kits. ammonia nitrite and nitrate along with phosphate would be a great help, you could get your local fish store to test the aquarium water but it would be a hassle going back and forth to the fish store,when you could just buy your own and same time and possibly money with the gas you'll be burning ha ha. owning a salt water tank or even a fish only freshwater tank can be rewarding if you take your time and take baby steps through it. just make sure you cycle your tank before putting anything in it. If you guys have any questions or request or anything be sure to let me know in the comments or hit me up with a message if you have suggestions too let me know. comment rate and subscribe guys.

How To: Start and Cycle an Aquarium Saltwater Reef Tank Correctly and Freshwater sentiment_very_dissatisfied 123

Reef tank 12 years ago 211,593 views

How to Cycle a fish tank correctly is what we'll be talking about in this video this is my 55 gallon reef tank, that is currently cycling with some fish but my live rock and live sand was seeded properly before hand. This is the end of my cycle, so i'm showing you guys out there how to cycle a fish tank salt water tank reef tank even freshwater fish tank. The main thing you need is patience. you need to take your time and plan everything out. have a game plan before hand. know what you are getting into. you need to go out and buy some test kits. ammonia nitrite and nitrate along with phosphate would be a great help, you could get your local fish store to test the aquarium water but it would be a hassle going back and forth to the fish store,when you could just buy your own and same time and possibly money with the gas you'll be burning ha ha. owning a salt water tank or even a fish only freshwater tank can be rewarding if you take your time and take baby steps through it. just make sure you cycle your tank before putting anything in it. If you guys have any questions or request or anything be sure to let me know in the comments or hit me up with a message if you have suggestions too let me know. comment rate and subscribe guys.

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Most popular comments
for How To: Start and Cycle an Aquarium Saltwater Reef Tank Correctly and Freshwater

MAD DOGZ TV - 8 years ago
wow you make it sound like your going to the moon its just a saltwater tank mate now i see why people think having a salt water tank is hard lmfao
PazzaludaVlog - 8 years ago
i use water from the sea
GoLeafs03 - 8 years ago
at first ur voice was annoying but as it went you gave very good info so respect haha
CaffeinatedCactus - 9 years ago
how much live rock do you keep in your tank?
Zakri Rahman
Zakri Rahman - 9 years ago
i just fell in love with marine tanks and i think your channel is the best. in fact, your channel is the only channel that i sucbscibed to. Im just a newbie in this hobby. i still dont buy any tank. just learning as much as possible before buying my first tanks. So, thank you sir.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Zakri Rahman thanks man i appreciate that a lot, i am making a new series this year called my first aquarium, check the first episode out on my channel, it might help you
Carb Acoustic
Carb Acoustic - 9 years ago
So no live rock if you want live Corlal <-- a total noob but I am not even going to look at a tank purchase until I have everything pre planned.
The Reef Rookie
The Reef Rookie - 9 years ago
Hey Wayne, I've been watching your videos, and enjoy them. I just subscribed to your channel. I have some videos if you want to check them out. I plan on adding some product reviews and tank updates as my tank gets more established.
ketan rangari
ketan rangari - 10 years ago
sir i like your video a lot ...... its amazing ......... and i need your help sir ...... my friend is have no idea about fish keeping ...... brought a new tetraodon fluviatilis ( green puffer fish ), brackish water specie ......... he approached  me after 1 weeks saying that is not eating a thing  ......... its probably like the tank is not properly cycled and the fish is way too much stressed out ........ i feel like pity for the fish ..........

i want to save that poor little fish ........ and i have decided to set it free into the nature ........ but the thing is like i don't have a sea near by , its like 180 km away in mumbai ....... but i do have is a river in my city ........ can i put that puffer in the river ...... will it be able to swim to the brackish water region ......... or should i go all the way to mumbai to put the fish in brackish water area ..... please sir help me out

i cant give back fish to the fish store because it will be eventually end up with some one other amateur person ........    

please help me sir ....... thanks a lot 
Sam Wallis
Sam Wallis - 10 years ago
like video, ji had a few problems with high nitrite level  The nitrite -> nitrate bit in cycling a tank is aerobic (uses 02)  2 oxygens is nitrite (NO2) and 3 nitrate (NO3), i placed an airstone under the filter and there was a lot less nitrite in the tank to anyone with high nitrite :)

10. comment for How To: Start and Cycle an Aquarium Saltwater Reef Tank Correctly and Freshwater

Andrew N Taveras
Andrew N Taveras - 10 years ago
why did i cycle it and acclimate it and the fish was on the sand and then it died
Oranda Gold
Oranda Gold - 10 years ago
Help on Freshwater tank cycling!!!  I'm on the third day of ammonia cycling.  I'm using pure ammonia ( no soap, no surfactants).  The temp in the tank is 80 F.  I've also added seachem stability to improve the cycling speed.  However, there is no change at this point, ammonia 2, nitrite 0 and nitrate 0.  Can experts comment on this situation and let me know when should I expect the ammonia to drop?!  Your support is much appreciated.
Buddy Sheroka
Buddy Sheroka - 10 years ago
Cycling your tank and knowing how that process works is very important this is a great video I have some really good videos on the same topic I hope everybody gets education you need out of these videos and also remember to do your own research that's very important keep up the good vids happy reefing
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 10 years ago
can you write tank dimensions? Thanks good luck :)
starwind aquariums
starwind aquariums - 10 years ago
Geez im working with a 20 gallon lol but how many fish plus snails and crabs should be inside
Marc Harris
Marc Harris - 10 years ago
My tank has cycled for 2 weeks ammonia is low nitrite .6 nitrate 20 are these safe levels to add fish or some shrimp or snails?
786free1 - 10 years ago
Nice video, thanks.
Can I cycle an empty tank with just fish food? Would I also need to keep the filter on even if there's no livestock?
ab1397100 - 10 years ago
if my api meaurments are good and the water is clear can i add fish or noy yet
Darryl Sawyer
Darryl Sawyer - 10 years ago
Biggest clown is always female.
PacketMonger - 10 years ago
You are an idiot.

20. comment for How To: Start and Cycle an Aquarium Saltwater Reef Tank Correctly and Freshwater

Eli Lawrence
Eli Lawrence - 11 years ago
can you make a list of the equipment you used in your tank
bigvdrop - 11 years ago
Is there a freshwater creature that eats ich to some degree like that shrimp you have?
laura sutton
laura sutton - 11 years ago
I have a uv in my freshwater love it. I want a salt for a lion fish. Do u have any advice with them. Yes I am aware they r poisonous & will eat most fish.
FishTankArmy - 11 years ago
Screw my last comment lol. I'm converting my planted 15 gallon to a full blown reef tomorrow. Won't be adding fish until after Christmas even if my system is cycled...
Cichlidman14 - 11 years ago
Hey Wayne, do you need a refugium? I have a empty 29 that I'm thinking about turning into a reef tank. Has lights and a HOB Emperor 200 on it. Does that sound good?
Micah Morton
Micah Morton - 11 years ago
.....Some nudibranchs get sucked into power heads.....
FishTankArmy - 11 years ago
I'm starting a 10 gallon FOWLR tank after Christmas. Is it fine to use tap water that's been through a carbon filter for around 24 hours and has been de-chlorinated? I will get an RO unit when I finally decide to turn it in to a reef. And would it be enough space for an Ocellaris Clownfish and maybe a Goby of some sort?
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
if you have media from a already existing tank like a buddy's or one of your other tanks place the media/rock/sand in there
Lee Slaymaker
Lee Slaymaker - 11 years ago
i have just started a very small 8 liter desk top nano and have added the live rock there is lots of growth on it but is there anything i could do to help it out?
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
not really the live rock and sand is over 5 years old in the video

30. comment for How To: Start and Cycle an Aquarium Saltwater Reef Tank Correctly and Freshwater

pim1234 - 11 years ago
You are in the start up phase and already have fish in it ? Strange ...
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
thanks that would be bad ass
REEMIKS - 11 years ago
Beautiful tank I want my 43 gallon soon to be cichlid to look like this
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
oh boy, no offense but with that question (there is no dumb question) but i would do a lot lot lot of research before jumping into it, but you would need to start over you should use rodi water,
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
please send me a personal message so i remember that one
Bailey Armstrong
Bailey Armstrong - 11 years ago
can you please do a video on what fish go together wit what anemones and what lights to go with them
Bailey Armstrong
Bailey Armstrong - 11 years ago
hey man, can you please do a video on what fish go together with what anatomy's and the best lighting for them thank you keep going with the videos.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
wow that is very cool I envy that lol
joe3gi - 11 years ago
Just started my 55 Gal 2 wweks ago and i'm digging the Aquascapping u got going on there. I might have to do some more snorkeling and find some nice rocks/coral...I live on the beautiful island of Okinawa, Japan....I don't think there is much polution here at all...everything is still old school and natural in all aspects!!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
idk man every tank is different the only thing you can do is test your water,either buy a salt water test kits or get the lfs to test it for you you need to have your ammonia nitrite and nitrates closest to zero as possible
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 11 years ago
dude i gotta my new tank 6 gallon 8 days i got live sand and live rock and these two were already in another tank with fishes in fish shop... so can you plz tell me how long ill it take to cycle? thank you so much
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
thats cool i live beside a few beaches too not the ocean though, you gotta make sure you know what kind of sand it is if it has will screw yourself over haha i learned the hard way, the water near you is probably polluted a bit, i mean......try it if you want but i wouldn't do it
TheImpundulu - 11 years ago
I live by the beach, if i were to go take all my water from the sea and maybe a couple pounds of sand would I still need to cycle? I'm not gonna rush it, dont worry.
Eden - 11 years ago
Nice :D I'll be sure to check them out!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
why thank you i've got a video or two coming up soon
Eden - 11 years ago
Wow. I love your tank!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
bahahahha oh dear god thats funny you need to make that into a meme or something lmao
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
well the best way is to get rodi water and mix it with a pump for 24 hours have it mixing in like a 32 or 55 etc gallon trash can heat it to the proper temp put it in the tank
foxngn - 11 years ago
what is the proper way to prepare the water in the tank ? I heard it was to be mix about 30% of water with salt, stir it & pour into the tank, do it portion by portion until the end, after that only cycle start? Sorry, new on this saltwater.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
because i preach this all the time, you need to know the temperament and the personality of your fish, every fish IS different. i introduced clowns that are smaller then my maroon that way they are not a threat, i call this the gorilla method, and i will make a video on it

50. comment for How To: Start and Cycle an Aquarium Saltwater Reef Tank Correctly and Freshwater

Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
it will start automatically you just have to add some time of organic material
Howard Gates
Howard Gates - 11 years ago
how do you start or trigger the cycle
Josh Lombardo
Josh Lombardo - 11 years ago
You did a very nice job explaining the nitrogen cycle. Better then some of the more well known channels on youtube
michael adkins
michael adkins - 11 years ago
Thank you so much! lol
Patrick's Aquatics
Patrick's Aquatics - 11 years ago
i just got my 55 gallon set up today. excited to get it goin. still debating what kind of fish to get later on
Long Fellow
Long Fellow - 11 years ago
Starting up a new tank, watch my videos and follow the progress! !
Reese Gambetta
Reese Gambetta - 11 years ago
I need lots of help I want to start a saltwater tank please help.
ManofSteele25 - 11 years ago
Very in the planning stages of my first slatwater...thanx
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
its good enough
Click Clacks Reef
Click Clacks Reef - 11 years ago
I just bought 20 lbs of live rubble rock is that good enough for my 20 gallon tank I plan on buying dry rock to I have live sand
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 11 years ago
sure haha i started adding corals to this tank
AquaPorn - 11 years ago
I like your channel, and am lurking here often. Just started cycling my marine build. Any chance you could take a peak? Just to let me know if I'm on the right track....Thanks for any advice. AquaPorn
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
saltwaterr joe
saltwaterr joe - 12 years ago
nice job on the video
sergio montes
sergio montes - 12 years ago
Hey thanks for the video's, quick question should i have my sump running while im going through the cycle or should i start the sump after the cycle finishes....?
brooksysdead - 12 years ago
My first comment didn't post sorry. I was asking if I could cycle my 90 gallon with a freshly dead fish
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
what is
brooksysdead - 12 years ago
Its freshwater by the way
brooksysdead - 12 years ago
Great info. I have a questtion that may or may not be stupid but when cycling my 90 gallon could I put a dead fish in ( freshly dead) to help build bacteria and if so how long to leave it in there?
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
thanks as time has gone on i'm begging to think the same thing
John Bacon
John Bacon - 12 years ago
looks good the way it is
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
yes :)
MUD BLOOD BEER - 12 years ago
now i just add dry rock sand and new water with some dr tims and add whatever all in the same day and keep up with it. dont recommend that to people but good video.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
will do as always let me know how yours works out
devilfire160 - 12 years ago
Okay thanks. i will try that then when i get the new tank. keep us updated with yours!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
that is absolutely true i do know corals as well so that is no problem there i do tend to leave pace between the corals for growing and at night the stingers do reach out thanks for tuning in
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
thanks a lot manny hope your holidays were nice
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
i'd go ahead and put them all in at once thats what i did to this tank
devilfire160 - 12 years ago
it's a saltwater tank that i had running for about 2 months now? and it has been fully cycled since like the first week. So after i move the rock and the sand i should wait till i throw in all the fish? or should i introduce them one at a time? i have 4 fish.
Jack Murray
Jack Murray - 12 years ago
Looks good
Jack Murray
Jack Murray - 12 years ago
terry taylor
terry taylor - 12 years ago
Dont forget u have to do reach on corals too some corals can put off chemicals or sting nearby corals if they are too close so people you dont want a $ 60 or so coral damaged by example a torch coral even button zoas can sting so spacing is reccomended cause some corals are fast growers and some are not as fast
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
well is this a saltwater tank? if so you can just move all your sand and rock over to that tank with your filter if this is a fresh water tank just move your filter and gravel and if its a dirt tank you gotta start from scratch, but i still would let the new tank cycle a little then introduce your old live rock or sand or whatever with your old filter as well
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
true but i wanted to cover all that was needed and then an update
devilfire160 - 12 years ago
Hey man keep up the good work. i actually have a question that i have never done. How should i go about switching my fish from one tank to a new tank? i want to upgrade in size but i'm a little afraid on how the cycling will work or should i say how would i go about step by step on what should i do? Any help will be greatly appreciated! thanks
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
well when you put in the fish they will put off more ammonia in the end so if you have the corals first then that means the bacteria would have to adjust to the fish so i'd put the fish then coral in
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 12 years ago
thanks gil
NaturallyLovely - 12 years ago
so excited for the new 55 gallon....question wayne im starting a new tank its a 30 gallon and i was wondering if im gonna do a reef aquarium do you put corals before fish or fish before corals im using fiji dry rock???

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