How To Aquascape A Reef Aquarium

Educational howto video on aquascaping a reef Aquarium properly. By NewYorkSteelo. Live rock hitchhikers link. Facebook:

How To Aquascape A Reef Aquarium sentiment_very_dissatisfied 169

Reef tank 14 years ago 272,977 views

Educational howto video on aquascaping a reef Aquarium properly. By NewYorkSteelo. Live rock hitchhikers link. Facebook:

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Most popular comments
for How To Aquascape A Reef Aquarium

#Rossy's Reeftank
#Rossy's Reeftank - 8 years ago
Fantastic video!!! NYS, you are the man. You have very good information. This is fantastic. You a genius. You smart.
Xaz371 - 8 years ago
Meanie stars
357lockdown - 9 years ago
Very informative video. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Zerotolerenc - 9 years ago
Great video. Very informative.
SINISTERVII - 9 years ago
Great explanation on the water movement, I'll have to find stronger pumps for my tank. Thank you
jemm55 - 9 years ago
Love your videos...loads of great info and it sounds like you really care.
I am just getting started and am dropping a big bundle to get into the hobby.
Gonna start with a 120 gallonDT and a 20 Gallon sump.
My biggest question is choosing rock as I am totally stressed over the hitchhikers..ugh.
My LFS has live rock that is cured..they are a great marine place with tons of stuff so I kind of trust them.

What do you think?
newyorksteelo - 9 years ago
+jemm55 The best rock you can get now and days is rock that is purchased online and that actually comes from the ocean. This is because by ordering online, you will bypass the dealer and order directly from the distributor. The price is always lower per pound online vs buying it locally, and the rock is less handled which means more life within it. Try looking into "liveaquaria" online and search for FIji Premium Live Rock.
Kathy Amrhein
Kathy Amrhein - 10 years ago
I really enjoyed this video..Im a beginner with this saltwater tank process. I have pond fish and also tropical tanks for many years of success with my babies. Thought its time for me to expand my horizon with my fish family..Wish me luck..Hugs :) 
Kathy Amrhein
Kathy Amrhein - 10 years ago
Thanks Dear!!! I have been doing my homework..You just made it alot easier than other videos I have watched..Im going with how you explained things at easy for this Gal to understand..HEHE :)
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
Sounds like your one step ahead of the game. I am sure you will fall in love with saltwater as I did when I made the jump same as you. Good luck and have fun ")
Roosevelt robinsonn
Roosevelt robinsonn - 10 years ago
Hello newyorksteelo just stated a 55gal tank 1/8/15 had a 35 gallon been running for about 5 plus years had lots of live rock by haveing those live rock for so long will be good to add them to my new tank or add new rock little at a time also sand bed is 3" and have a refugium with 3"live sand bed,live rock,refugium light ,coralline super skimmer two micron bags son toadd a reactor to control phosphate what would be a good supplement to add to keep tank health that all for now thanks for all of your video all everything help a lot from south Florida ROBINSON
Roosevelt robinsonn
Roosevelt robinsonn - 10 years ago
Ok thanks from sunny Fla
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
I would keep both beds at 4 inches in depth, not 3. Would also consider adding half new rock as the old one is still good but likely devoid of lots of life that you can get from fresh uncured ocean direct live rock. Have fun and good luck.
amado perez
amado perez - 10 years ago
what type of protein skimmer do you recommend for a person using a canister. I have a 55 gallon tank
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
I am assuming you don't have a sump below since you mentioned that what you have is a canister filter. In that case you may need to look into a hang on the back protein skimmer. There are quite a few out there that are decent. The AquaC Remora S model is one of the best.

10. comment for How To Aquascape A Reef Aquarium

Jack7296 - 10 years ago
Can you use a canister filter instead of a sump?
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
Sure you can. A canister filter would work great for a fish only saltwater system. But keep in mind, that a sump is always a better option as it will allow you to customize the filtration, hide equipment from the main display, and will add more water volume to the over all system. It usually comes down to convenience and available space. The choice is ultimately yours to make :)
Mark Known
Mark Known - 10 years ago
Such a great job you do really. Seriously, ok amazingly well! 
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
Thanks for the feedback.
ctenochaetus - 10 years ago
I like your aquascaping !!! In my aquarium I have 2 separate reefs which is better in my opinion for many reasons ...
Mr JackBurton
Mr JackBurton - 10 years ago
Hi Steelo, im a newbie reefer. Just got a 55gallon w/ a 4 bulb t5 fixture. Octo 1000 hob skimmer n a phos/carb reactor. Do you have a power head recomendantion? How much sand / rock will be good. Any good scaping tips for me. Thanks alot.
Mr JackBurton
Mr JackBurton - 10 years ago
+newyorksteelo thanks for the info.
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
Lots of options to choose from. If you want the very best, look into getting the Vortech MP10s. If budget is an issue, then look into possibly getting a pair of Koralia 4 controllable pumps with the wavemaker. Have fun and good luck on your new setup.
Michael Louis
Michael Louis - 10 years ago
Hi Steelo, I used to be an intermediate reefer till I had to give it up 8 years ago due to space in my new home. I was always in the school of tanks must be large. I decided to try a 40 gal innovative marine square tank.Now I realize the technology has changed and im a bit lost. How many vortech pumps , I think they're called mp10s should I grab? From what i read it appears 1 would do the job. I know how important water movement is and im concerned.I should be getting everything this week so watching your videos are helping introduce me back into reefing. Thank you. Fellow new yorker
Michael Louis
Michael Louis - 10 years ago
Thank you
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
1 MP10 would do the job as you stated, however, the push and pull of the water movement will occur mostly towards one side of the tank likely making your corals sway more to one side than the other. If you add two of them, you can really control the flow towards both sides and your corals would sway evenly in the tank. Have fun with the new build and good luck.
e90Bimmer - 10 years ago
Great informative video, thanks for taking the time to post this. Just getting into setting up my own reef tank and am learning a LOT from watching your videos. Side note: How much $$ do you have invested in this set up as we see it in the video? Just my little 14 gal biocube is a money pit...but I like it and its worth it :) Eventually will upgrade, but I think its a good starter reef set up. 
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
Indeed, but the good news is that once you have everything you need, you'll have a reef for life. The larger the system, the more the cost. I got a few grand in this setup as is from the time of the video.
miles2cool77 - 10 years ago
Another great informative video. Keep'em coming bro;-)
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
Appreciate the positive feedback. Thanks.
AnimalLover - 10 years ago
I learned SO much. What fish are good for saltwater beginners? I'm thinking of starting up a 70 gallon saltwater reef aquarium and I'm not sure what fish to add in. And when adding the plants do you have to be gentle when placing them? Like make sure they don't hit anything. 
MexicanGamer1208 - 10 years ago
Hey! How much live rock do you have on the display tank? I also want to do a 90 gal reef tank but here in Mexico live rock is extremely expensive! What is the minimum quantity (that you recomend) of live rock for a 90 gal tank?
Thanks! Keep up the good work!
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
There are about 50 pounds of live rock in the main display, and another 40 pounds in the sump down below giving me about 1 pound of live rock per gallon for this setup. A pound per gallon is all you need.
ESVNE13TWS - 10 years ago
How many pounds of rock is that I'm new to the hobby I'm just trying to learn
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
The amount you see in the main display is about 50 pounds total. There is also another 40 pounds below in the sump for a total of about 90 pounds used in the 90g setup.

20. comment for How To Aquascape A Reef Aquarium

Nicholas Smith
Nicholas Smith - 10 years ago
Hey steelo, love your videos man, post more of them plz. I have a question about water flow. what do you think about 3 times DT volume for sump circulation and 11 times DT volume for tank circulation? Setting up my first marine tank and would love to hear your opinion in this matter. Thank you for all your videos and for your time.
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
+Nicholas Smith Not necessarily. The skimmers intake does not have to match the flow of the drain. The important thing here is to understand that the skimmer is forever competing with the bacteria. We all know that nitrates and phosphates are bad for our reefs, and so we must deliver organics below to the sump as soon as possible so that the organics don't linger in the main display to be broken down by bacteria, and instead have a better chance to be removed by the skimmer before they turn into nitrates. There is a reason why when we test for ammonia and nitrite, the tests come back negative. Its because the bacteria that breaks down these organics lives in abundance in our tanks and works extremely fast to break down the organics, to the point that they are undetectable. Too slow of a flow to the sump will allow the organics we introduce into our systems to linger longer in the display tank hence making the bacteria work and produce more nitrates and phosphates. I think a minimum of 10 times turn over rate is a must for any reef. I think your on the right track with adding 10 and 10 to both the drain and movement in the tank.
Nicholas Smith
Nicholas Smith - 10 years ago
forgot to mention that in DT i plan on running two 600gph Hydor Korolia pumps on opposite sides of the tank with their wavemaker.
Nicholas Smith
Nicholas Smith - 10 years ago
+newyorksteelo So if i increase the water flow through the sump does that mean that i should get a skimmer with the same output as the overflows? also to begin with would a total water displacement of 20 times DT volume (ten in sump and ten in DT) be ok if i were to increase those values later on?
once again thank you for your precious time and advice.
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
3 times the tanks water volume through the sump is way too slow for the filtration. I recommend a minimum of 10 times the tanks water volume  (more is better in some cases but only if your overflow can handle it). In example - If you have a 100 gallon tank, a 1000 gallon per hour return pump would be ideal. I use more on my reef. I have a 90g tank and run a mag drive 18 which puts out 1,800 gph, but this is because I run dual overflows. The thing here is that the more the plumbing added, the less the actual advertised flow would be, and if you don't deliver the organics fast enough down below for the skimmer to remove, the bacteria in the system will compete with the skimmer and break down these very organics you are trying to remove almost immediately and the result will be higher nitrates, higher decomposition allowed to occur in the main display, and higher phosphate levels. As for the main display, this is a hole other ball game. I run 2 pumps that can put out 3,200 gph each, but I run these with a wavemaker. There really is no set rule for flow within the tank, especially for a reef. The more the better, but you definitely don't want linear flow or to blast the corals which is why we use wavemakers.
Drum4Life - 10 years ago
hey steelo how do you feel about 2 islands in a 40 breeder instead of the "wall" look.? ive always done walls but thinking about doing something different for my next reef. been watching bulk reef supply videos on aquascaping n rock choice and i kind of like the whole "dry rock" concept and pests llz. but more than likely ill get live rock from live aquaria. watching your videos just got me too sold on them and its hard for me to pass up the benefits.llz.
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
I love the island look especially on 5 to 6 foot long tanks. I say go for it and enjoy the new look.
Wanda Marcano
Wanda Marcano - 10 years ago
Thanks for your knowledge.  You speak my language and that is priceless.  Learned so much from this video..
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
Thank you for the much appreciated feedback.
Prepper Patriot
Prepper Patriot - 10 years ago
I am new to the hobby,in fact I have yet to get a tank,I am in fact still in the planning stages for my system so I am watching all the youtube videos and reading everything I can get my hands on. I came across your videos and have found them very informative and look forward to what's coming next.
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
Thanks for the much appreciated feed back and welcome to the hobby.
ardentabacist - 10 years ago
thanks, your vids are GREAT!
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
Your welcome.
blink1181 - 10 years ago
Very informative video! Question how many gallons is this tank?
How many pounds if rock would you recommend for a 90g tank?
Thank you!
newyorksteelo - 10 years ago
This is a 90g tank. A pound of live rock per gallon is all you need. Thanks for the feedback.
Laurie Coleman
Laurie Coleman - 11 years ago
great video, I have heard so many positive things about your videos and I can only agree, so educational and entertaining so please on behalf of all of us who rely on them as a source of inspiration KEEP THE CAMERA ROLLING.
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
wso199 - 11 years ago
Is it possible to have pods in ur tank if u wash ur sand with bleach and buy natural sea water then cycle it with shrimp? (sand and rocks have been sun dried and rinse with water)
Carlos Reis
Carlos Reis - 11 years ago
 hello newyorksteelo i hope you can anwser this for me im new to this i would like to know if i can cure dry live rock in my new saltwater tank while i am cycling it
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
+Carlos Reis Your welcome. Thanks for the feedback.
Carlos Reis
Carlos Reis - 11 years ago
wow thank you very much man that was a fast response love your channel 
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
Yes you can. When it comes to new tanks, the rock can be added immediately. This is a plus because the rock cures while the tank cycles. Its only when you have an already established tank with fish and inverts in it that adding dry or uncured live rock becomes an issue. With an already established tank, dry rock must be fully cured separately in a container before introduction to the main display. Have fun and good luck.
bu hajer
bu hajer - 11 years ago
I have 3.5 of LR. And cheto algea in the back.with saparet light
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
Sounds like a nice little sweet setup based on both your comments. Enjoy.

30. comment for How To Aquascape A Reef Aquarium

bu hajer
bu hajer - 11 years ago
6g tank with 5.3 cm of DSB and now the annonia is zero but i never came to see the nitrate, its allways
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
No Nitrates after the cycle? A sometimes common occurrence when using a DSB application. 
Frankie Rodriguez
Frankie Rodriguez - 11 years ago
Are bioballs bad to use in your sump in addition to live rock in your tank?
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
If you have enough live rock, you'll have plenty of surface area for beneficial bacteria to grow hence making the bio balls obsolete (not needed).
Elton Nguyen
Elton Nguyen - 11 years ago
Is there a chance that a goby or clam or something could dig around the base of the rock and possibly make the entire rock structure fall down? I'm going with a shallow sand bed and was wondering if that would be a possibility. I could just fix this by adding the rocks then the sand.
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
Yes. There have been reports of this happening. Not too common but a possibility nonetheless. Securing the rock with epoxy or glue would somewhat prevent this. It will come down to the size of your rocks and how heavy each one is. Not a big fan of gobys for this very reason.
DetectHistory - 11 years ago
Learning SO MUCH!!!
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
Glad to hear it.
nakabaka2 - 11 years ago
You kept mentioning brown lines. I couldn't see any besides the reflections in the tank.
nakabaka2 - 11 years ago
Nvm. I see now once you zoomed in, lol.
khalilamiri22 - 11 years ago
I have some micro bubbles in my tank, and I can’t get rid off them, will my fish and corals be ok.
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
They should be OK however, lots of micro bubbles can be irritating to corals. You need to find the reason and try to rectify it. One thing to keep in mind though is that there will likely be "some" micro bubbles here and there in most systems, but as long as its not in abundance it should be OK.
محمد عبدالله
محمد عبدالله - 11 years ago
can you please make a video for beginner and what should we buy for Reef Aquarium
and normal saltwater aquarium ( fish and life-rock ) without anemone   
i mean what is the most important equipments  
Blackbookproduct10ns - 11 years ago
how far down did you bury the rock? halfway down or all the way to the glass?
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
Most of the rocks were simply paced on top of the sand not buried. Only a select few pieces (the ones with a pointy bottom) were buried into the sand almost to the glass.
Karl Walker
Karl Walker - 11 years ago
just watched your video on placing live rock was very helpful, I'm setting up my first nano reef aquarium still doing my research just now, how much live rock should i put in a 50 Litre(10 gallon) tank? 
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
+Karl Walker It will come down to the size of your tank and how your filtration. The general rule of thumb for saltwater stocking is 1 inch of fish for every 5 gallons of saltwater. You must also keep in mind that the fish will grow in time.
Karl Walker
Karl Walker - 11 years ago
+newyorksteelo thank you any advise on how many fish i should put in I've read so many different things 
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
A pound per gallon is all you need.
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
Thanks for the much appreciated feedback.
Mike Kilbride
Mike Kilbride - 11 years ago
Like your videos bro.. just getting back into reefing.. it's so addicting.. and so rewarding.. keep the videos coming! Peace.
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
Achieving a good aquascape that will be pleasing to you and will allow for proper coral placement as well as adequate flow can take some time and patience. Do keep in mind that the rock can sometimes be split in two if need be to accommodate the aquascape and size of tank. Sounds like maybe your rocks are a bit too big? Also, you only really need a pound per gallon so if you have more than you need, you could bring some down to the sump if you have one. Have fun and good luck.
Janet Osgood
Janet Osgood - 11 years ago
I have a 55g reef tank that is only 13"D x 21"H x 48"L w/live sand & Fiji rock. My problem is it is too narrow to aquascape so I can have room for my corals. The rock is sort of flat with rounded edges and do not inter lock with each other. Right now it looks like a bridge going across the tank with pillars holding it up. I don't like it ! Can you please give me some ideas. I need room for my corals. HELP. Thank you.
newyorksteelo - 11 years ago
A 72g is a perfect size for a beginner. Have fun and good luck.
Mike James
Mike James - 11 years ago
Since watching your videos o been thinking about getting into saltwater I have 8 freshwater tanks I think my 72 gallon bow will be perfect
WHY70122 - 11 years ago
You mentioned it in the video at that it tool you 2 hours to position your live rocks, right? I've heard that LR can only stay fresh outside of water within one half an hours or two. This is so much confusing to me. Can I just have water in the tank before aquascaping or the other way around?
Jacob Vanderham
Jacob Vanderham - 11 years ago
Hey NYS, quick question. I'm 7 days into my new marine tanks first cycle with LR. I added a small amount of fish food to allow for some organic breakdown. Was that a mistake as I already had LR in the tank?
khalilamiri22 - 11 years ago
thank you very much
khalilamiri22 - 11 years ago
i just bought 60lbs of live rock from my local fish store to cycle my tank and no cycle accrued so I went back to them and they said, the rocks that I bought are pre cured and no and they are already cycled. they told me that you can go ahead and put the cleanup crew in the tank. do I need to re cycle the tank with a peace of shrimp, or should I listen to them and just add the cleanup crew in their. by the way the rocks are man made rocks.
matthew dames
matthew dames - 11 years ago
I must say its nice to come across videos like this. Thank you for taking time out of your day to help fellow hobbyists.

50. comment for How To Aquascape A Reef Aquarium

Storm Sheldon
Storm Sheldon - 11 years ago
Alright thanks!! Your videos have really helped me bring my tank back to life! Keep up the good work!! :D
Storm Sheldon
Storm Sheldon - 11 years ago
Okay thanks!!! Someone told me to keep it in a big tub with my aquarium water when I do a water change, put a powerhead in it, do a water change every week, and do that for three weeks. Is that what I need to do?
Storm Sheldon
Storm Sheldon - 11 years ago
What about dry rock?
Thomas O'Brien
Thomas O'Brien - 11 years ago
how much live rock do you reccommend for a 55 gallon tank, for your display tank only
josh goodman
josh goodman - 11 years ago
That's something I've always wondered too. Since nitrate is only produced from nitrite and nitrite is only produced from ammonia, it would seem that by logic, any given amount of ammonia input into the system would result in a given amount of nitrate as long as there is enough bio media, and more media shouldn't result in more nitrate since the ammonia input stays the same.
DJ SticKeM
DJ SticKeM - 11 years ago
When you say "Split the flow" do you mean Split the flow of the drain?
DJ SticKeM
DJ SticKeM - 11 years ago
What size pump do you recommend for my 90 gal tank? It's a drilled tank with only 2 holes. Trying to learn this Salt Life
miamigraffiti223 - 11 years ago
What do you have under the sand? And im starting up with a 55 gallon Long fish tank and i wanted a DSB just like in this video here about how much live sand would i need? I will be using Ocean Direct.
Michael Tadourian
Michael Tadourian - 11 years ago
Sorry should've explained better. Yeah looks like a flexible pipe with a wide nozzle "duck bill" lol. I've watched most of your videos and I cant seem to explain it. I think you have them in each top corner.
Michael Tadourian
Michael Tadourian - 11 years ago
At 2 mins 39 sec I can see your return with 2 way split. But whats that duck bill on the right?
bradley cottle
bradley cottle - 11 years ago
The lines caused by the magnetic ballasts hope this helped :D sorry didn't want look down to see if it was covered
Alex Perkins
Alex Perkins - 11 years ago
ive heard a pound of live rock per gallon but do you need that and a pound per gallon of live sand or will either suffice?
choi cupid
choi cupid - 11 years ago
Could you explain why too many live rocks will create more nitrates? which video should I refer to ?? thanks,,,
kkshowtime - 11 years ago
whats the dimension of the tank. I have ordered for a 3X2X2 tank.
Marty - 11 years ago
Thanks for the early video. I am up grading to a 90 gal this week. No live sand. crushed coral bed with Fiji live rock.(90 po) So you say fish first or corals first?
FmasterJG - 11 years ago
Thank you for the great video. I learned a few good tips here. Keep them coming!
Brendan Beishuizen
Brendan Beishuizen - 11 years ago
i currently have a 20 gallon FOWLR tank with 2 hermits and 2 snails. i did have a pair of green chromis and they both died unexpectedly for unknown reasons and all my levels were fine. i have waited for a while and made sure nothing is wrong with the tank.i wanted to ask you if you had any recomendations on new fish(ni fish in the tank currently) also, if you can recomend anything, how many or do they have to be the only in the tank. i was thinking about a pair of clowns.
Eli Griego
Eli Griego - 11 years ago
What kind of lighting are you using?
Ahmed Mustafa
Ahmed Mustafa - 11 years ago
you put the rock in before the live sand right?
fatboyslim214 - 11 years ago
hey NEW did u clean the inside glass r did it clean it self
coolslc - 11 years ago
very nice... I hope to one day set up a salt water aquarium, but for now I'm sticking to my African Cichlids, keep up the good work newyorksteelo
Travis Thompson
Travis Thompson - 11 years ago
Been loving your videos, thanks for your work. I had a question. I am downsizing from an established (5 yr) 75 gallon reef tank to a 29 gallon Biocube. I have plenty of rock, but I will be using new sand. What will be the cycle time if any if I use this established rock? Do i need to worry about killing attached corals and creatures?
hector munguia
hector munguia - 11 years ago
Is that ok if I set up everything in my tank and put my live rock in in about 2 or 3 weeks?
Holden White
Holden White - 11 years ago
thanks alot... I'm very appreciative!
Holden White
Holden White - 11 years ago
haha next question... how do I catch em? hahaha... but on a serious note, if my powerheads are kicking up a little sand is that bad or should I let it create that dip in the sand that it eventually probably will?
Holden White
Holden White - 11 years ago
My damsels that I added have been doing great since I've had my tank up and running... Once I start adding clowns and other fun fish, should I take these damsels out, since they are semi aggressive? Will pet shops buy them from me even or trade?
Matthew Stephen Tyler Albert
Matthew Stephen Tyler Albert - 12 years ago
Im looking at getting a 100 gallon or 90 gallon reef tank soon and would like to add many fish and corals. Do you think that 90 or 100 gallon is to big for a beginner?
oneofspades - 12 years ago
Is there a preferred way to do water flow?
Aniket Karvir
Aniket Karvir - 12 years ago
How come your water is moving so much ????
solomon - 12 years ago
Hi i have set up my 60 gallon tank 6 days ago and added 100 pounds CaribSea Ocean Direct Caribbean Live Sand Fine Oolite 50 pounds dry rock and 10 pounds live rock my problem is that when i added the rock the water was still cloudy and i couldn't aquascap so i waited 2 days and the water cleared up but when i try to start aquascaping the water gets cloudy and this is now almost a week and still cloudy. any advise will be greatly appropriated! Thanks
MrSammwell - 12 years ago
Hey man, great video. I have a 2.5g pico setup and I currently have a Aquaclear 50 HOB on it, with live sand and LR rubble in it. I know you said its rare to have too much flow, but I took off my koralia nano powerhead I had in the tank because I felt like it was too much flow. Do you think I should add it back in the tank? As for live stock, I have a frogspawn frag, pulsing xenia frag, zoanthids, and 2 mushrooms. I mainly took out the koralia nano because it kept blowing one mushroom around
Jessie Nicoletti
Jessie Nicoletti - 12 years ago
so i see you have the 2 powerheads on the sides are the flows hiting eachother to create that movement ?
dutches17 - 12 years ago
Hi I have a 55 gln saltwater tank I have rocks & crushed corals as a sand bed, the tanks been setup for over a yr I do have a pump & a 3 stage filter with bio-balls & filter bags ( I can't remember what they are called lol) that is the only filtrating system I have, also I have 48" 260w Pl Aquarium Light Reef Marine Fish Tank Hood Light. My concern is that before I put these lights & filtration system, I had freshwater filter & lights & my tank never was as dirty as it is now..why?? ty dimplez
J Dawg
J Dawg - 12 years ago
i got dead spots.... what size return pump u using on this tank?
juggernautt888 - 12 years ago
What exactly are "dead spots"? -Thanks, Great video
Sam D
Sam D - 12 years ago
I dont see an aquarium heater. if you do have one in there your very good at hiding things. btw if you have one where is it in your tank???. GREATE video keep it up.
Mike Grozier
Mike Grozier - 12 years ago
Like the videos, When you say "islands" what do you mean? I have a 6' tank so I have room to spread it out. Thanks, mike
John - 12 years ago
can i add a live rock came from my established tank to my new tank that still on cycling process?(about 5days already) thank you in advance! :)
Paul Long
Paul Long - 12 years ago
I have just set up my first Saltwater aquarium and purchased some live rock which changes daily but over the last three days the rock has become coated with different colour shades which goes from brown to scarlet to purple patches on the rock but then a white coating appeared on a couple of rocks It resembles a covering of snow . Can you tell me if this is dangerous please ?? Thanks
Semper Fi Mac
Semper Fi Mac - 12 years ago
I used a insulin Syringe (walmart Pharm) and a little white vinagar, stabbed it in and squirted the vinagar in it and worked like a charm, did many like this with no problems.
Eric Start
Eric Start - 12 years ago
Where did you buy your rock? How much was it?
BenDover9441 - 12 years ago
Hi. um I'm only 14 but I'm very interested in this hobby and i was wondering how and why your rocks have a purple color in your other videos?
Adam Caldwell
Adam Caldwell - 12 years ago
ok thanks for your time and help love the videos
Adam Caldwell
Adam Caldwell - 12 years ago
Thank you very much for the quick reply and thanks I finally got a straight answer people were telling me I need a sump and everything else for my 10gal so all if I have a deep sand bed and live rock with staying on top of cleaning the filter I should be fine
Adam Caldwell
Adam Caldwell - 12 years ago
Hi I am new to saltwater hobby im going to set up a 10 gal reef tank and im confused on filtration, could I get away with just a hob carbon filter? thanks for your help
Christopher Lee
Christopher Lee - 12 years ago
i'm getting a 45 gallon tank.. Is that a good starter tank?
XxTherussianhatxX - 12 years ago
I have a 55g tank, it measures 4ft long by 1ft wide by 20.5" high would this be a good sized tank to start out with? also would I be able to use sand from down at the beach (fresh water) and would it be okay to make live rock out of fired clay and seed it with actual live rock?
NickcFilo - 12 years ago
Great video, a lot of good information. it helped me out a ton! Thank you!
Alex P
Alex P - 12 years ago
Hi there, I wanted to know what type equipment you would suggest for my 16gal inovative marine system and my 38gal inovative marine system to obtain the best water conditions for my corals and fish?
dataj32 - 12 years ago
i really want to setup a little ten gallon in my bedroom next to my but I've heard saltwater tanks are hard to take care of when they are that little. any suggestions? thanks for all of the information in your videos!

100. comment for How To Aquascape A Reef Aquarium

julio villa
julio villa - 12 years ago
Hello Steelo love your videos.! what kind of live rock did you put in your main display? Where did you get it?
Debbie Hollifield
Debbie Hollifield - 12 years ago
I'm having a hard time, scaping my 55 corner to prevent dead spots. any suggestions?Great information, than you.
FOWLR4NOW - 12 years ago
Hey Steelo, whats the difference between the reekeeper lite and the elite? Thanks!
Hector Claveria
Hector Claveria - 12 years ago
Hey, sorry if this has been answered already but I couldn't find did you manage to cycle the tank so quickly? Besides the live sand, what else did you do to accelerate the process? RO/DI water with salt mixture (what salt?), was the rock already "live"? I have been mostly a FOWLR guy, but for 20 years and I am setting up a 55g Reef for the first time. Your experience is exceptional. Thanks.
FOWLR4NOW - 12 years ago
Hey steelo, sorry for all the questions today, but do you run a JBJ ATO? Would I just buy the controller and a small pump and be able to call it a day? Thanks again!
Tristan J
Tristan J - 12 years ago
thanks :) , i do know some stuff about the hobby it's just that part (the sump pumps) that i dont know much about. thanks :[)
Tristan J
Tristan J - 12 years ago
ok i need the two controllable pumps plus the wavemaker? also, how many mag drive/ maxi jet pumps to i need? how many gph? because i know they are kind of expensive. thanks
Tristan J
Tristan J - 12 years ago
sorry, what does linear flow mean? and i am planning on gettin the two magnum 2,220gph with the "Hydor koralia smartwave pump controler"
Tristan J
Tristan J - 12 years ago
wow thanks that's great! i'm thinking of getting the magnum 6 (2,220 gph) or should i get the magnum 7 (2,700 gph) ? thanks :)
Dylan Drews
Dylan Drews - 12 years ago
i am a beginner, but at 12:46 on the left rock, at the very top, is that an anemone or algae. i have it, are shrimp and crabs able to clean that?
Tristan J
Tristan J - 12 years ago
do you think it's possible to have hydor magnums for my 90 gallon untill i get SPS around 6 months later, when i will have enough for the mp40s?
blahh blahh
blahh blahh - 12 years ago
Dud, this is dope. I can tell how passionate you are about this hobby. I hope someday after college I can start on my own tank.BTW, How much money have you invested in your tank?
Drum4Life - 12 years ago
ok, but i bought the rocks from PetSmart. they said that theyre supposed to help keep the pH up so i figured they should do me some good. think i should take them out and replace them.?
Drum4Life - 12 years ago
ok thanks alot.!! i posted the pics lastnight, theres a front view and a side view. i feel like i should re-do it but i dont know.
Drum4Life - 12 years ago
hey nys. i have 2 questions. 1. how do you feel about the Aqueon 500 pumps in a 40 gal system.? i cant afford a vortec, 2. if i post a few pix on your facebook fan page or email the pix, do you mind sharing your 100% honest opinion on the aquascape.? i honestly dont like it all that much but im not sure if its good for the system. please.
Catherine Harris
Catherine Harris - 12 years ago
@newyorksteelo Thanks for the prompt reply, much appreciated. I do have less than 1 pound of LR per Gallon, need to leave room for the ponies :) So would it be better to replace the bio balls with LR rubble/small pieces of LR ? Or should I leave it be and see if my Nitrates start to drop first?
Catherine Harris
Catherine Harris - 12 years ago
Great video, very informative thank you. I'm setting up my first salt water tank which will ultimately be for sea horses. I have live rock aquascaping and it is cycling at the moment, 19 days in. I still have the brown algea and have bubbles in the crushed coral bed and on the brown stuff....pretty....Not :) My question : I have bio balls in my filter system that came with the this a no, no? Should I remove them?
Antonio Villagomez
Antonio Villagomez - 12 years ago
Hey NYS im new to this amazing hobby, I have a question you say "dead spots" what is that?
Warren Ford
Warren Ford - 12 years ago
Hi NYS, thanks for all the great videos... I've spent the better part of the last week watching as much as I can! I have many questions... but my first is; What ratio of Live rock to Dry rock do you recommend on a new build? Budget just does not allow to use all Live rock so I plan to seed the base rock. Thanks again for all the great advice... I've learned a ton!
Elong605 - 12 years ago
first off let me tell you I really like your videos there is alot of good information. You mentioned you had a 30 gallon nano and I am setting one up as well and was wondering about flow. I have 2 250gph powerheads within my system and was sondering if that was enough fo r that size of tank. Thanks
Geoff Scott
Geoff Scott - 12 years ago
I really appreciate you doing these videos. I'm looking at an almost empty biocube 29 gallon tank and I'm BRAND NEW to marine tanks. I'm now worried about the "cool" setup I did with my live rock especially cause I only have the 1 stock pump that came with my biocube. I may have created too many deadspots like you said. It was also dope that you have a total New York (Brooklyn?) accent haha. Thanks for all the solid advice
Vincheesel - 12 years ago
Hi newyorksteelo, thanks for your advice, its inspired me to start my tank... What is your recommendation of the location regarding the weir? If you had the choice would you move the weir from the middle?
rubin nunes
rubin nunes - 12 years ago
hay man i have a 25 to 30g how many gph should my powerhead be and do think a protain skimmer is necessary i am new to this i have 1 month.
Colton - 12 years ago
Hey, i'm looking to start a Saltwater reef aquarium for my 55 gallon aquarium. What would you prefer as a filtration system? a Sump or Wet dry? and would you reccomend Skimmers?
Look Hock Chuan
Look Hock Chuan - 12 years ago
Finally! I rearranged the rocks to the best I can. Hmm.. How do I send u the pictures of video for guidance ?
Look Hock Chuan
Look Hock Chuan - 12 years ago
U bet! I made exactly the mistake u mention in this video!!! Having rocks covering most of my sanded omg! I'm going to re arrange them. Hope u could give me some feedback by then
Look Hock Chuan
Look Hock Chuan - 12 years ago
Well done on a very informative video !
15290calvo - 12 years ago
what lighting do i need for a bta?
BobaF99 - 12 years ago
Wow, the mp40s are $400 a pop! Going to take me a while to do this setup.
15290calvo - 12 years ago
hey i nrrd help aquashaping my 55gall and light what kind do you think for aquashape n light?
Drum4Life - 12 years ago
ok thanks, and should my pump be swirling aorund sand particles.? or is that a good thing.?
Drum4Life - 12 years ago
outa curiousity, is it a crime to use dried out rock insted of live rock in a new setup.? if it is let me know so ill know to go buy some.
Drum4Life - 12 years ago
hey, i set up my 20 gal fish/rock system lastnight and im trying to follow your videos all the way through as much as possible. i added the live sand, a few rocks, and half ocen water and half mixed water, and i have a pretty strong power head creating a great deal of water movement. after an hr or two of setting up i tested for ammonia (.25). with that being said; what should i do next.? and should my pump be strong enough to pick up sand deposits and have them flying everywhere.? lol thanks.!!
sharkboy white
sharkboy white - 12 years ago
Excellent video!!!!! I am new to the hobby and am cycling my first tank...30 gallon Innovative Marine. I appreciate your knowledge and approach. I am definitely a fan and will be back for more.
Tristan J
Tristan J - 12 years ago
won't detritus settle under the rock in the sump?
Drum4Life - 12 years ago
is it possible for high levels of pH and Alkilinity to kill fish.? thanks.!!
drkingslend - 12 years ago
I dont get it, isnt more filtration better? If your keeping your ammonia and nitrite at 0 then less nitrate will be formed.??
MrTony1G - 12 years ago
what kind of light is that ? the brand?
Claudia Hausmann
Claudia Hausmann - 12 years ago
Are all of your rocks balancing on each other or is there some sort of glue made or used to keep them in place? I know there's some sort of glue that gets used when attaching corals to live rock? Do you need something like that?
Claudia Hausmann
Claudia Hausmann - 12 years ago
NYSteelo, I love your videos. Thinking I'm going to be asking you a bunch of questions in the next year or so. I got a 38G Innovative Marine tank with a 92W 14000k LED tablet. I am reading and watching as much as possible. Regarding your aquascaping, I noticed that some build an arch with their live rock. Is there a reason you didn't? I read that the fish might like swimming around and through it. Does your rock have areas that fish can swim through, but just can't be seen so much?
M GG. - 12 years ago
how do you make the wave flow like that?? i need to know D:
FOWLR4NOW - 12 years ago
Hey steelo, Im sure that you already have tons of video requests on your list, and theres a good chance this ones already there, but I think you should make a video detailing cleanup crews and their extreme benefits. You could also talk about some of the major differences between crab species and their temperaments and riskiness with being in a reef tank. I know you're busy but all of your subs sincerely appreciate the time you put into helping us out :)
wscttwolfe - 12 years ago
hey NYS - I did my aquascape without sand, planning to add later... what do you think about this? Here's a link to a time lapse of the aquascape process I went through
JoshA7fold - 12 years ago
Carbon? I did a 2 gallon water change and the fish was fine but its still pretty foggy. So what is carbon and where can i get it and instructions please. Thanks NYSteelo
JoshA7fold - 12 years ago
Oh and I'm limited on supplies. Where i live we don't have saltwater fish stores. I order everything from liveaquaria. Any help would be appreciated. And this is a continued text from another comment. All of this didn't fit. Please and thank you
JoshA7fold - 12 years ago
Hey NYSteelo great vid. I have a question though. I got a 12 gallon nano reef tank from my cuzin and this tank hand been operating for a while and my cuzin did great with it. Purple growing on his rocks, good growth. But it kind of crashed and burned cuz he would travel a lot. How do i get the clarity of the water like you? And how can i restore the tank back to what it used to be. My water now is kind of murky but it has a clown fish and 2 herm crabs.That was what he had left when i received it
Tristan J
Tristan J - 12 years ago
would jawfish be okay for a DSB ?
Keye Blackmon
Keye Blackmon - 12 years ago
Thanks for the info. When should I add my coral and fish to the new tank? The same day?
Keye Blackmon
Keye Blackmon - 12 years ago
I have a 20 long reef tank. I want to upgrade to a 40 breeder. When I break down the 20 do I use some of the water for the 40 or just use new water. My reason of asking is because of the tank having to cycle ( the 40) if I use new water. I was told that because of the live sand and rock the tank (40) will not go through a cycle. Need some help! Thanks
MrYoloman23 - 12 years ago
thanks 4 the help have you ever had a freshwater tank
Daniel Gimenez
Daniel Gimenez - 12 years ago
I have a very intresting question, soy say that its not goot to have too much of live rock... so its bad to have too much biological filtration? i've been in piscifactoryes (fish farms) and the biological filter was 30 x 15 x 8... this is extremly huge... Im confused i've allways think that the biological filter, the bigger the better. Thakts for yout oatience.
aquariumaster - 12 years ago
well thanks anyways but your other vids helped phenomenally with my other tank really appreciate it thanks
aquariumaster - 12 years ago
hello i would like to know if you know any info about tanking care of bamboo sharks if you do let me know
manueleagan34 - 12 years ago
Steelo...Ive found a worm that is freaking me out in my tank. its not a bristle worm...i posted a video of it called alien worm. should i get rid of it?!?!
J MOORE - 12 years ago
Whats up NY Steelo? I just have one question regarding aquascaping. is it a big deal to lean rocks or have rocks touching back glass or overflow boxes??
Finningan - 12 years ago
newyorksteelo, Quick question.... This isnt regarding this video, but how much air bubbles do you suggest to have in a tank. I have powerhead that have the option of micro bubbles and dont know if I use have it like your tank with no air bubbles or have fine micro bubbles circulating through the tank? Thanks
FOWLR4NOW - 12 years ago
hey steelo, I want to take out a large rock from my 24g which has high nitrates and switch it over to my 75 g which has 0 nitrates. Can liverock carry nitrates from tank to tank? thanks as always :)
Threlaeburgh - 12 years ago
How can i stick live rock together? I live in a very earthquake prone area (nearly every day, mag 4 or above)
dannyny - 12 years ago
do you place sand in first or rock in first?
Michael a
Michael a - 12 years ago
also im not doing a full reef im going to do mostly stinging corals with aggressive fish.although im not doing reef i want my tank to have as close to reef water as possible. i was wondering if i could use a lot of base rock as a base and then fill in live rock in places? over time the base rock would pretty much turn into live rock no?
Michael a
Michael a - 12 years ago
do you have any videos about how to apply the apoxy? if not it has to be done out of the water i believe? and my only problem there is my tank is all glass and the two squares at teh top do not allow me a ton of room to get into the tank. i was wondering if there was anything i could use do to the fact i already have my water in the tank and running.
Raj - 12 years ago
@newyorksteelo Could you help me prepare my tank? I have a 20 gallon and it is freshwater because coral is too expensive. Can I put cophipods and amphipods and moss and live sand and live rock in a freshwater aquarium? Can I put in crabs and crayfish? What other creatures can I add to it?
Rihannsu78 - 13 years ago
Love your aquascaping video, quick question before I make a mistake on my new tank, How soon before I can add the refugium after adding 4" of live sand and live rock? and how long before I should add little beneficial snails and crabs? should I add the snails and tiny crabs at same time as when I add the fish? Congrats on your Knicks beating my Magic btw :)
1Filmproducer - 13 years ago
thanks alot :) brilliant set up, and thanks for the sub :) subbed you a while back, quality videos!! Thanks
1Filmproducer - 13 years ago
thanks alot :), could you possibly tell me what light you use aswell please :)
1Filmproducer - 13 years ago
how many gallons is this, and what lgith?
Austin Castle
Austin Castle - 13 years ago
Thanks again,thats what I was thinking was creating two or three islands and arching in between the three I have a bio pellet rector and that helped alot but I keep running into cyano issues with it no matter how much or little I use. I also have a refugium and I think I am going to do like you show in this video and some of the remainder rock I will out down there as well because I am trying to go mostly sps so I have to get this under control. Thanks,and I will let you know what happens .
Austin Castle
Austin Castle - 13 years ago
I have been bouncing around Ideas on aquascaping because I have always had a battle with nitrates and decided it was probably due to excessive live rock laying on the sand bed so I got on here to get some ideas and ran across your video and seen I am subscribed to agree with you a hundred percent and I am going to tear this down and get rid of some of this rock and try to drill and pin to create more flow around and in the reef rock. If you have any ideas hit me up Thanks Man.
ian cabrera
ian cabrera - 13 years ago
Would you recommend suspending the live rock off the sand using pcv or acrylic or should I just place the live rock directly on the live sand.What would be the pros and cons. I am building my first tank with the help of your videos. Thanks
mrmoenator2 - 13 years ago
where did you get your tank? i really like the look of it!
dave barratt
dave barratt - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo Ok thanks for the rapid reply. will check out the video now! As my system has cycled and i already have fish inside. Will nothing dangerous happen biologically if i now add a load of live sand? will i have to wait to re-introduce my fish??
dave barratt
dave barratt - 13 years ago
Hey NYS! i currently have an inch or so of coral sand in my main display. Tank has cycled weeks ago and i have two PNG true percs. I want to create a deep sand bed as you have done in the main tank. would there be any problems in simply adding the live sand on top of the coral sand with fish/rock inside the tank or should i remove the fish?? any info would be great. Thanks!
Rihannsu78 - 13 years ago
Will be setting up a 93 Gallon Cube soon and breaking down my 55. Is it ok to use the existing live rock? and how soon during the cycle should I bring it in? it has a lot of life on/in it (bristleworms, beneficial snails) I am definitely going to not bring the live sand over as when I put it in my 55 I had zero knowledge and would prefer a new start. But do you think I should put some of the sand in my refugium and then top it with miracle mud like you did?
simon sutton
simon sutton - 13 years ago
Inverts* shrimp crabs star fish etc
simon sutton
simon sutton - 13 years ago
I've set up a new system am already added rock and invest, is it ok to add more rock
Benny Blanco from the Bronx
Benny Blanco from the Bronx - 13 years ago
How many rocks is that u have in that tank? It looks nice and simple I think I have to many rocks in mine trying to do too much.
Kameron Rockwell
Kameron Rockwell - 13 years ago
Do u want to have the rocks against the back wall of in the middle of the tank
Ethan GaZ
Ethan GaZ - 13 years ago
Does your skimmer put out a lot micro bubbles
semaarairsoft123 - 13 years ago
I was wondering what number should show up on your hydrometerand how do you know if your tank is fully cycled andhow much salt i put a gallon 1/2 cup?
nujerzdrve1 - 13 years ago
That I've created should I leave it alone in order to avoid anymore mess? What do you think. E
nujerzdrve1 - 13 years ago
Thanks. I kinda figured it may help out. However I don't know if after cycling I want to disturb the SB. Do you think it'd do any harm. Will the debris/detritus breakdown on its own naturally. Is it common to have this type scenario when setting up the tank? Also I'm not entirely sure I'm happy with the aquascaping th
nujerzdrve1 - 13 years ago
I just added about 80lbs of rock to my 93g cube. After playing around with some aquascaping ideas, some of the rock has broken of and left some debris scattered about the SB. I'm wondering if I should rush to remove some of the debris. I'm sure the broken rock pieces aren't an issue besides being unsightly but the debris resembles detritus buildup and I'm considering siphoning out before adding livestock.
almostkid911 - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo I am in the works of setting up a 28g nano and since seeing this video i am worried about the setup of my current aquascape, What can i do differently? Please consider watching my video so you can give me some pointers. I Have been getting so many different opinions. In all honesty this is stressing my out! I Thank you and Cheers!
timmie47 - 13 years ago
i wanne start with sea aqaurium and watching a lot of videos and tips, great videos thumbs up. but can you explain one more time the little aqarium in the filter system. is it just to create more organism to break down ammonia and nitrate, and come they also in your main tank ??? please help me, i wanne do it right, very interesting
mustangmike420 - 13 years ago
great infomational video thanx newyork!
svt283 - 13 years ago
Wow nice I'm on my iPhone ill take a look later on my computer thanks nice vids
svt283 - 13 years ago
So you don't do any water changes? About to start just getting tips
MrBAchompBAchomp - 13 years ago
Awsome video!
Hey We're Filming Here
Hey We're Filming Here - 13 years ago
Thanks Steelo
VeryBadReputation - 13 years ago
Hey Steelo, what size grain is that sand? Got any problems with those Vortech blowing the sand?
shardinio - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo Thanks man! This makes good sense to me now, keep up your awesome work and the thumbs will be flying up there! ;)
shardinio - 13 years ago
what would be the problem in having too much live rock in the system and why would this create more nitrates? am i right in thinking that 1 pound of live rock per gallon is a good ratio?
k4ndyk1ng - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo ok thanks! :)
k4ndyk1ng - 13 years ago
hi steelo! how good is the lighting fixture you got and could u do a video on it? thanks :)
zeus749 - 13 years ago
thanks alot i found it and its not harm full what a load of my head
Jared Smith
Jared Smith - 13 years ago
Hey the section you are talking about with water movement.. is that the same with soft corals as well? because when I have high flow on them it seems like they dont come out
lost2212x - 13 years ago
I have a 29 gallon FOWLR with about 15 pounds of live rock and then probably a 4 pound piece of cheap rock LFS gave me. the 4 pound piece has been covered with alot of purple Coralline algea, should I take this rock out and get more live rock or leave it?
Mike Bradley
Mike Bradley - 13 years ago
aquascaping can be such a pain and take 4ever and sometimes all 4 not...(I re-aquascaped a bit)
pazabam - 13 years ago
so my aquascape needs re done LOL??
Tigana Thomas
Tigana Thomas - 13 years ago
can you give me some advice on my setup. its basically new.
johnherrera305 - 13 years ago
What type of rock do you have in there?
4thGloryMonday - 13 years ago
Thanks for the advice newyork. Your the man
william howard
william howard - 13 years ago
If you get a chance take a look at my rock work and tank to tell me what you think. I woul really appreciate it. Thanks.
rami badreddine
rami badreddine - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo will do tanks
rami badreddine
rami badreddine - 13 years ago
the link of the site is down so i am worndering if small bristle worms will harm any fish or soft corals i just added some cured live rock form the store and i look and my tank with a flash light and night and there was 5 small ones and one other worm that is tan and i got a starfish and crb but i dont think those are harmfull but alot of plp onyt r saying the the worms with kill stuff so i just wanted to ask any expert :)
TannerWhite - 13 years ago
Ok thanks!!!!
TannerWhite - 13 years ago
Hey just some things I want to ask are the power heads magnetic and where did u get them?? Where did u get the sand? Also I will tell u when I get my 29 gallon started.... CONTINUED.....
TannerWhite - 13 years ago
Hey I was just wondering are those power heads magnets, where did u get the sand and where do u get ur clownfish if u have any?? I've seen most of ur vids and when I get my 29 gal started I will especially let u no hopefully I can do that everyday until I add my 2 clownfish and will try to do as many updates!! Thanks for everything u have said in ur vids!! Ur like a friend with all the info I need to no!!!!
gerald gustav
gerald gustav - 13 years ago
Hi, I was wondering if you can use a black light for a night light on a salt water tank. I don't want to do it than loose corals. I am planing to start a salt water tank soon but don't want to screw up on lighting. Please get back to me! Thanks!
gmoney1961 - 13 years ago
What brand of sugar fine reef sand did you use?
raulgocubs - 13 years ago
Yo broskie, I think I've watched most of ur videos, and I don't know if u talked about this, but huh, what happend to all the fish u had before u started up on this system?
Chris - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo ok thanks btw how to you keep your sand algae free because i have to return pumps blowing very close to the sand but algae kepps growing !
Chris - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo im going to add lots of corals but i dont think that light is strong enough, it was the light i had in my 75 gallon. but i have 7 return tubes with a mag flo 18 gph and a powerhead. is that still too weak of waterflow ? thankyou for your help
Chris - 13 years ago
just message me and let me know if i should move them around
Chris - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo can u check out my vids and tell me if my rocks are stacked nicely check out video 2 because i changed one of the ricks around. thanks
Chris - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo can u check out my vids and tell me if my rocks are stacked nicely check out video 2 because i changed one of the ricks around. thanks
Lunirra - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo Yup I made sure to ty and move the rock around and nothing is budging, so everything is solid! :) Thanks again.
Lunirra - 13 years ago
Wow! I am new to saltwater and thank god for this video! I never knew about dead spots until now and I had my rock formations all wrong!!! I immediately went removed all of my inhabitant out of the way and redid all of my rock formations! Only about 5 rocks, and only the tips of them, are touching the sandbed. Thanks so much newyorksteelo!!!
KD 9Tre
KD 9Tre - 13 years ago
Oh and i buy my live rock at the local fish store.. Aquatic critter. Anything i should look for on the rocks?
KD 9Tre
KD 9Tre - 13 years ago
Man nysteelo ! you need a video of you doing the exact step by step aquascape as you have in this vid. So i can watch and acknowledge your gawdness and creativity and maybe make a tower similar to it in my 55 lol. Im taking your advice and getting rid of 30 pounds of my base and throwing in about 5 more live and gonna reaquascape.
KD 9Tre
KD 9Tre - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo I was told to get up to 1 to 1.5 pounds per gallon so i bought a whole lot of base rock to add in with about 15 pounds of live rock.
KD 9Tre
KD 9Tre - 13 years ago
Aquascaping with a little over 70 pounds in my 55 gallon is impossible. i just tried it again and cant get it how i want it. Wish i could easily do it like this dude here.. Imma stress my fish out if i try it and take 2 hours again. Frustrating..
Mike Bradley
Mike Bradley - 13 years ago
I gotta re-aquascape my tank...I originally did it based on my likes. I think my 2 main caves/tunnels are not good b/c my trigga can easily guard both ends & he gets real territorial (mainly at night)...
neil daughters
neil daughters - 13 years ago
i am doing diy live rock for my tank can i glue the rocks together to mack them secure or just place them well?
ravi singh
ravi singh - 13 years ago
hi there once again great video just a question i am cycling my 120 gal soon to be reef tank and i bought marco rock what is the best way to start cycle and should i keep my protein skimmer off. some one gave me live 150 lbs live sand from his system and do i still need to seed my system with bacteria to start cycle thank you
Asongulol20 Woo
Asongulol20 Woo - 13 years ago
I love watching all your videos. I would love for you to check out my humble aquarium and give me some insight on how to make my aquascaping better. Thanks and keep making some awesome video.
geedunk13 - 13 years ago
Your videos haven't been coming into my sub box. Haven't seen one for three months, glad I checked here
Axel Campbell
Axel Campbell - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo wow, that idea never popped into my head and ive even got a separate 220L solid plastic container too haha, thank you so much for all the reply's.
Axel Campbell
Axel Campbell - 13 years ago
hi again, ive been posting comments a bit lately, a question ive got about aquascaping is i only have a mature tank for 2-3 years but a lot of my live rock is small rocks (lots of dead spots in other words) for me to be able to make no dead spots i will have to buy new life rock and redesign the aquascaping, will that involve a nitrate spike (re cycling) again? and what problems will that bring and if i monitor the nitrates can i simply perform some water changes to accommodate for this?
efcbluenose1 - 13 years ago
awesome advice yet again! i have a corner tank and aquascaping is something ive never been happy with :-( if u ever visit my channel steelo i would be over the moon with any input from the main man! - peace!
Trevor Campbell
Trevor Campbell - 13 years ago
@newyorksteelo ..Hi, no its been cycled for 3-4 months now, the ammonia just started this morning or during the night, it raised a small amount, im guessing from the toadstook shedding all this skin from being ripped thru the fishing line. should the toadstool's stem recover, or should i frag it up and discard the damaged stem
eleeschalow - 13 years ago
Only if they had a course at my university where I could set up a tank for class with this guy as the instructor.....
Trevor Campbell
Trevor Campbell - 13 years ago
@TrevorScout ... One more question lol sorry.. so i did the fishing line higher up so he couldnt rip thru it.. i also was testing my water today and with the tearing from his base the particles caused my ammonia to go up to 0.25 today, is he dying or is it from the small peices that tore off his base? should i do a water change?
Trevor Campbell
Trevor Campbell - 13 years ago
quick question for you. I purchased a leather toadstool a week ago and he came unattached off his frag mount, he is about 3-4". i tried the superglue didnt hold, tried the fishing line thru thet stem today and he is ripping thru that as well. his stem is small and looking ragged after allthis, what would you suggest
Jim - 13 years ago
My local fish store only sells just booring pieces of live rock. How can i get better looking rock?
Trevor Campbell
Trevor Campbell - 13 years ago
What kind of sand did you get to get all those stars in it?
djzombie11 - 13 years ago basically wen im placing live rock, i should leave the sand exposed as much as possible right?...thank you-
littleblufish - 13 years ago
is it just as effective to have circular water movement instead of linear? im a fresh water guy and have zero experience in this field. I wanted to gather as much info as possible so i can hopefully avoid wasting money.
Ludwin Ayala
Ludwin Ayala - 14 years ago
approx. how much would it cost to start a 30 gallon tank??
Joshua Jurgens
Joshua Jurgens - 14 years ago
nice tank so far any new updates soon
Ericec4126 - 14 years ago
what's up with the videos?
BigNastyreborn - 14 years ago
steelo i have a plan to set up a wierd system i wanted two display tanks a 20 gallon refugium tank with only cheato the red yellow and kelp letuce red mangroves and a 30 gallon coral tank those both connected to a 20 gallon hardware tank like cooler skimmer heater probes apex is this a good idea or not
TheDeltaFlight - 14 years ago
What is the best, but cheapest, protein skimmer I can get for a 29Gallon tank, Right now, I only have a fish only tank,m but I eventually want to do convert this to a reef tank. Thanks!
Tashina Aubel
Tashina Aubel - 14 years ago
Thx. When I get it I will and will be looking forward to next vid
Tashina Aubel
Tashina Aubel - 14 years ago
Steelo quick question your auto top off always goes in first stage in sump and good lookn out with sump cause got in contact with trigger systems and should have one soon
Steven Lyall
Steven Lyall - 14 years ago
Are you still using 'Nature's Ocean Natural White' fine sand for this re-newed setup?
jonathan peyton
jonathan peyton - 14 years ago
Dude your vids are great.Wish Id have found them earlier and not after 18 months of reefing! Keep it up!
Steve Burt
Steve Burt - 14 years ago
Thank you my brotha. Can't wait to see the new video and clean up crew. Hope it's sooner than later. Thx
Steve Burt
Steve Burt - 14 years ago
Are power heads supposed to stay on all the time.
2000null - 14 years ago
Love the channel tons of good info. I am subscribing.
Steve Burt
Steve Burt - 14 years ago
Hey Steezy Taking your last video in to consideration I need to re landscape. But a lot of my rock are big pieces there for having a lot of base. Can I break some into smaller pieces to create some smaller base pieces to build on without killing the rock and then rapidly returning it to the water? Thx Steezy my neezy.
killadaza - 14 years ago
hay there just wondering whats your thoughts on biopellets and or calcium reactor? cheers mate daz..
Javier Solorzano
Javier Solorzano - 14 years ago
I order some live rock to add to my system to see my sand bed. Dd u do any water changes to cure ur live rock
Javier Solorzano
Javier Solorzano - 14 years ago
3rd time I watch this video and man I keep getting more and more info every time I watch it. Thanks a bunch!
CI321 - 14 years ago
THANKS!!!! helped alot, just set up my 75 gal tank yesterday just thro the rocks on the sand didnt know u had to stack em,,,, lolz yep just stacked them & when i touch them they dont move so i think i did good, looking to get another 1400 gph pump tho
Steve Burt
Steve Burt - 14 years ago
No I was talking about a while ago when dude said he could buy same setup for s grand and you said I dont no what kind of crappy system you talking about. And your boy sad yeah I know my lights cost a grand by themselves. Ps I see you ain't say nothing bout people duplicating their comments. Lol!
Elucidx - 14 years ago
@newyorksteelo i do its just at the time i commented i hadnt finished watching it.and will do, ill let you know if i cant find it though =P might need the help lol
Sparticus - 14 years ago
Great video! keep up with more educational vids thanks.
Elucidx - 14 years ago
@newyorksteelo yeah i commented before watching the video had paused it and didnt realize it wasnt dont as i came back from doing something lol, so if im doing a 4" DSB in my 120g i should avoid a sand sifting starfish and other burrowers? because i was wanting to get a pair of diamond gobies + a pistol shrimp.
Javier Solorzano
Javier Solorzano - 14 years ago
Would u recommend a detritivore kit? To seed a dsb..
Steven Lyall
Steven Lyall - 14 years ago
I have Subbed and watched many of your videos. First of all awesome aquariums, watching your videos alone has increased my knowledge in marine... I respect what you say on advice and other information. One thing I just havn't understood is planting the corals, i've tried searching for it on Yt, no help. You mentioned earlier sea glue for corals or something and a later update? Do you just literally place the corals on the rock or sand? I really don't know a reply would be great, many thanks.
Elucidx - 14 years ago
Just curious as to why you go sand first instead of doing your aquascape first, i've always been told to add the sand after because burrowers could potentially collapse the rock work
MarkoDphoto - 14 years ago
with such strong pumps.... how do you keep them from blowing your sand and causing craters?
nick newman
nick newman - 14 years ago
Another good one. Peep my vids if you get a chance!
Rolando - 14 years ago
Awesome video!!! and great info on aquascape. I like how you put lots of details on all you videos. Thanks for making this videos for us, btw nice waves those mp40 are really nice. keep up the good work bro PEACE
Peter Simonelli
Peter Simonelli - 14 years ago
nice aquascaping nice videoo.....quality knowledge in general...gooodstuff
Ryan Jackson
Ryan Jackson - 14 years ago
@newyorksteelo its the tall narrow version of the 70g tank
Dirtbike Hooligan
Dirtbike Hooligan - 14 years ago
you should put a large toadstool on eather the right or left side of the tank :)
scott haviaras
scott haviaras - 14 years ago
Great website, thanks also not seeing these black lines you are talking about with your camera that you are talking about.
subboreal - 14 years ago
Great video! I have the same scraper that you do. I notice that when I store it blade down like you have it there it gets nicks in it over time and I have to replace the blade for fear of scratching the tank.
Dante Azarmi
Dante Azarmi - 14 years ago
@newyorksteelo Indeed it does, Planning to purchase two additional wave makers tomorrow as well =)
Dante Azarmi
Dante Azarmi - 14 years ago
Your videos are truly amazing and informative :) thank you very much. I rescaped my live rock after seeing your video.
Dustin's Fish Tanks
Dustin's Fish Tanks - 14 years ago
Yo man- if your watching my videos, don't feel bad about dropping knowledge on my reef. I've got 4 seos on the 75 and I am probably going to be adding a few more. I don't have a any sand hardly at all intentionally. Looks like I gotta beef up the water flow. You have a pulsing back and forth is that from those powerheads timing together? Makes sense... rebuilding the reef continues...
Steve Burt
Steve Burt - 14 years ago
Looking great! It's about fricking time. The suspense kills me. Of corse you've learned me some more though.
ReefNation - 14 years ago
Wow man, you fast :) when do you plan to transfer the rest? Also, is that all the rock for the main, no more? Looking great Steel!
Mike Bradley
Mike Bradley - 14 years ago
"and the such" -NYS lol
IMTHEMANWA3 - 14 years ago
What Size Is Your Chiller
killadaza - 14 years ago
@newyorksteelo thanx buddy i have just changed from metal halide to a 120 watt led panel ill fill you in if you on how it gos has been on the tank for 2 days now only..
killadaza - 14 years ago
hay buddy its looking great just wondering why metal halide and not leds? look forward to the next one.good water flow is very emportent i have powerheads behind the live aswell as the wave makers.cheers mate looking great..
bksdiesel76 - 14 years ago
Hey Steelo: Nice video. Good points covered with water movment, I followed your advice and picked up 2 MP10W ES.Yes they were expensive, however they are worth it. Nice advice on rock placement. Ill keep it in mind. Keep up the good work.
NYCMarineFish - 14 years ago
@newyorksteelo THANx
NYCMarineFish - 14 years ago
@newyorksteelo and plus he only cleans the top part he doent even reach the middel
king kut
king kut - 14 years ago
nice vidoe new
exe2112 - 14 years ago
@newyorksteelo No problem, thanks for the videos..
exe2112 - 14 years ago
add a UV filter to your lens... the brown/red lines usually happen when to much UV light enters the camera photo chip... great videos btw!
NYCMarineFish - 14 years ago
@newyorksteelo the bubbels in the sand and wat happens i got the diamond goby he turns the sand over and cleans it the bubble come up and the next day there back so thats good right
NYCMarineFish - 14 years ago
THANX for the vid i had the same dots in my tanik i just got some snails and they got eaten.and ai have those bubbles to but in your tank there small in my there bigger .
IMTHEMANWA3 - 14 years ago
@newyorksteelo Man Trust Me On This One Its Confusing For The First Week Cause Its So Different From Windows But By Week 2 You Will Look At Your Old Computer As Old Technology Kinda Like Wet/Dry Vs. Refugium Or Seaclone 100 vs. Your AquaC Ev-240
Noel Marian
Noel Marian - 14 years ago
in the description you accidentally typed feef instead of reef
IMTHEMANWA3 - 14 years ago
@newyorksteelo Look Into The New MacBook Pro Remember You Get What You Pay For!!!
eyesonyou2ube - 14 years ago
@newyorksteelo All good man nice to see a refreshing video from you. Love your tank Mine is going through its cycle now lol almost done I think but I am taking my time. The fiddler crabs I have in there are cleaning up the growth of the cycle I have no where to put them. right now so they are doing awesome in there. They are making me the money to get my new lighting. Neighbor came and bought 200 of them today for fishing. 50 bucks in my pockett
O Satti
O Satti - 14 years ago
nice vid bro got me thinking of starting ma set up over again the right way.
eyesonyou2ube - 14 years ago
bout time steelo I have been waiting!!
IMTHEMANWA3 - 14 years ago
Man I Was 1 Day From Sending You My Computer... Lol
TheNeOnToUcH - 14 years ago
no link below =/ nice video keep it up =D

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