How to Lower Nitrates in a Reef Tank

This is a video I put together to give people ideas on different ways to lower the nitrates in their reef tanks. Hope you enjoy! Please be sure to subscribe to my videos and visit my website at

How to Lower Nitrates in a Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 43

Reef tank 13 years ago 40,024 views

This is a video I put together to give people ideas on different ways to lower the nitrates in their reef tanks. Hope you enjoy! Please be sure to subscribe to my videos and visit my website at

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Most popular comments
for How to Lower Nitrates in a Reef Tank

Larry Barry
Larry Barry - 8 years ago
nice tank looks like mine i got a 150 bow front bare bottom
finpafine - 8 years ago
Great tips! I have been cleaning my rocks, and the nitrates when way up
luis valdez
luis valdez - 8 years ago
could a 50% water change affect the fish or corals, dont want to shock them?
Reef_Hobbies - 8 years ago
does adding another filter help keep nitrates low?
Robert Salinas
Robert Salinas - 9 years ago
Green Chromis & Anthias (if you happen to get any in the future) Are filter feeders. Feeding from the constant available zooplankton and phytoplankton available in the ocean reef currents.. I would recommend growing Baby Brine Shrimp, heavy feeding, with Algae Turf Scrubber filtration / Protein Skimmer. The Baby Brine Shrimp will not decompose & fowl your water
Enrique Lopez
Enrique Lopez - 9 years ago
I have 3 week whit my tank and my nitrated is high is that normal or do I clean of my sock ?
T's Rc's
T's Rc's - 9 years ago
Are you talking about detritus lol not det tree us
Daveyboy - 10 years ago
CHEMICAL WARFARE NICE...slayer Do you still have your tank??I have had mine for 14 years ..keep reefing ..
Daveyboy - 10 years ago
Come on man,,DONT  siphon your sand bed theres alot of bugs and good bacteria in there.. ,,,looks like you sucked your sanded so much you have none left...haha Nice tank man keep it up..

10. comment for How to Lower Nitrates in a Reef Tank

Cody Pearson
Cody Pearson - 10 years ago
What media are you using
canvoodoo - 10 years ago
What is det tree us
Danny's Fish
Danny's Fish - 10 years ago
How is your background applied?
John Jp
John Jp - 10 years ago
Nice tank!!!
Dasilva LaSanta
Dasilva LaSanta - 10 years ago
if it had a sand bed.  thumbs down!
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 11 years ago
nitrate is more dangerous then ammonia and nitrite in saltwater tank? you said that i must "wash sponge very often"  in sponge are growing good bacteria, which doing this ammonia>nitrite>nitrate. if i wash sponge very often this good bacteria will die so this nitrification system will broke that means ammonia and nitrite will raise. i'm starting reef tank and i'm new so can you answer to this?  Thanks nice vid btw :)     
ana lynch
ana lynch - 11 years ago
Thank you for this video. It really helps.
84latinray - 11 years ago
84latinray - 11 years ago
Never siphon your sand if you do it wont be love sand no more lol do more research before you make a YouTube video
Joe Kerr
Joe Kerr - 8 years ago
+brsund06 I threw a diamond goby in the tank and he turns the sand better than I ever could.
brsund06 - 10 years ago
You actually need to clean your sand.  Not deep siphon but clean it, surface layer, shit collects there just like a sump.  Do your research.  Sand bed will become less effective and eventually a source for nitrates from accumulated waste resting on top defeating the purpose of having it to begin with.  This process happens even faster if you lack flow in your aquarium. 
84latinray - 11 years ago
Hahaha dude does not know what he is talking about
TheFishTank Doc.
TheFishTank Doc. - 11 years ago
If you had done your resurch, you would know that long term refugiums are bad for your tank.

20. comment for How to Lower Nitrates in a Reef Tank

TheFishTank Doc.
TheFishTank Doc. - 11 years ago
Yes refugiums are!!!.
TheFishTank Doc.
TheFishTank Doc. - 11 years ago
You are 100% right about not using a refugium. Most people now know that long term it will be bad for your tank. Mr saltwater tank's 8 ft 300g, has no refugium.
bewmorg - 12 years ago
Guess where you 'run macro algae' ? You 'run' it in a.. REFUGIUM. Refugium is a 'refuge' for chaeto or other macro to sit in, can be part of your sump that already has your skimmer in it. In general there shouldn't be much phos or nitrate if you are bb and running high flow. I'm thinking about going bb as the sand is becoming a nitrate trap in my tank.
Jacob Elliott
Jacob Elliott - 12 years ago
i have definitely heard from some very high authorities in reefkeeping that a refug. is just a pain in the A, and many high end aquarists dont worry about doing them because they are not worth the trouble. not to say that they dont help some
Randol Taveras
Randol Taveras - 12 years ago
I personally would NOT reccomend siphoning sand. If you siphon your sand bed your are killing all those Anaerobic bacteria and critters and they will just rot in your sand, possibly causing Hydrogen Sulphide, and by killing those Anaerobic bacteria you are killing the one thing that actually reduces nitrates
ROBBIE WILLIAMS - 12 years ago
what a load of shite
iczerone2000 - 12 years ago
Do you even know what you are talking about? I think you need to do alot more research about sand beds and refugiums before saying "You don't want to add a refugium. It is one of the most commonly misunderstood concepts in reef keeping" All I can say is that, your the one that misunderstands the concepts in reef keeping! By the way, just for your info! I haven't changed the water in my tank for over six months now, and my nitrates and phosphates are still at zero! DO SOME MORE RESEARCH!!
MouseOnThePiano - 12 years ago
Your tank would look so much prettier with a sand bed
elF3RCH0 - 12 years ago
I like your tank, but it would look better with a sand bed. Its not so hard, dont be afraid of giving your tank one
2019freddie - 12 years ago
fuges are definately not a waste of time! your tank is not cool with no sand.

30. comment for How to Lower Nitrates in a Reef Tank

JimmY McLovin
JimmY McLovin - 12 years ago
Ok bare bottom tanks bur fish and corals , the light bounces from the bottom of the glass its like putting ants in a cup in the sun , Sand beds remove nitrate's also once the tanks has cycled i wouldnt lisen to anyone until u have read alot AND ALOT AND ALOT NPX bio ruducing balls in a two little fishies Phosban Reactor will do alot and no water changes for months even some guys years ! Your live rock will remove bio logical matter as well , a 4 inch sand bed will do it even better
Tommy Schnezler
Tommy Schnezler - 12 years ago
how big is ur tank?
MarkoDphoto - 12 years ago
its pronounced Dee-trit-us
Keppler Isaac
Keppler Isaac - 13 years ago
Like the info! Good Video!

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