How to Start a Reef Aquarium The Right Way

How to Start a Reef Aquarium The Right Way If you haven't seen my website in a while, take a look: **** **** AtReef on FaceBook: AtReef on twitter: Hello and thank you for stopping by. this has been a long process for me but at the end of the day it was worth waiting for it. please watch this video and enjoy. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Never ASK ALEXA These Questions or You Will Regret It" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

How to Start a Reef Aquarium The Right Way sentiment_very_dissatisfied 494

Reef tank 9 years ago 385,524 views

How to Start a Reef Aquarium The Right Way If you haven't seen my website in a while, take a look: **** **** AtReef on FaceBook: AtReef on twitter: Hello and thank you for stopping by. this has been a long process for me but at the end of the day it was worth waiting for it. please watch this video and enjoy. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Never ASK ALEXA These Questions or You Will Regret It" -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

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Most popular comments
for How to Start a Reef Aquarium The Right Way

GhostCrisp86 - 7 years ago
I love your set-up. Can I hire you to make me a set up like yours?
AtReef - 7 years ago
GhostCrisp86 thank you so much for the kind words, it would be my pleasure to help you with your setup. Send me an email with your wish list and i will contact you @
James Upton
James Upton - 7 years ago
fantastic setup!
Chris Groves
Chris Groves - 7 years ago
Amazing video! Subscribed
Sam Ford
Sam Ford - 7 years ago
Very informative video but WAAAAY more than I would ever
Looks great.
Jason Weir
Jason Weir - 7 years ago
Well, I have to say, as someone thinking about coming from FW to SW you just made me shit my pantaloons a bit. Thankfully the comments section was full of people saying it doesn't have to be this complicated or expensive. Don't get me wrong, it looks amazing, but man it looks intimidating. Roughly what was your total cost approx. if you don't mind me being so cheeky as to ask?
Turd Muffin
Turd Muffin - 7 years ago
you're making it more complex than necessary
Fonsin Barbosa
Fonsin Barbosa - 7 years ago
Price breakdown ? Of the equipment
Leesha Harding
Leesha Harding - 7 years ago
few questions....
1. i want to start up a small 30 gal reef im a beginner when it comes to corals. would i be able to sustain a decent "Beginner" reef with a canister filter and proteins skimmer previous tank was a 55 gal FOWLER would it be alright for me to use a filter for a tank that much bigger than a 30 gal?
i would think if anything it would be good right?
i guess im just curious if the flow would be too much for a 30 gal...
same deal with the protein skimmer....
some one help _
glitchbrother 2
glitchbrother 2 - 7 years ago
yeah the right way...and still you did a big mistake...stones first and then the sand...

10. comment for How to Start a Reef Aquarium The Right Way

Jan Lendl Peralta
Jan Lendl Peralta - 7 years ago
Brain overload!!!! So, how's your tank now? :)
Ricardo Durante
Ricardo Durante - 7 years ago
wonderful aquarium
Derin Oygak
Derin Oygak - 7 years ago
That system is so beautiful
weabomb - 7 years ago
not even a minute and ive already been spammed with a “like and subscribe” like 3 times
Squirrel - 7 years ago
My fish all prefer studio albums so I didn't use live rock...
JOGO - 7 years ago
That is a fantastic setup, I sure wish I new reef equipment lingo ! It's cool to see and hear what you did , but to someone who never set up a reef aquarium it's a bit overwhelming...For a beginner it is a lot of information to listen to , maybe if someone has a video on step by step along with an explanation as to why that item is needed and of course its role in the reef set up.., that would really help someone trying to start a reef aquarium..hope that makes sense..thanks I would love to build a set up like yours , and you obviously are experienced in the build , I appreciate you sharing your fantastic set up. Gracias amigo..
bar snack
bar snack - 7 years ago
Billy -
Billy - - 7 years ago
Nice build! Love it but with all that equipment in the stand you have to keep it well ventilated so things don’t overheat or go wrong
Jack Bopp
Jack Bopp - 7 years ago
Must be a doctor. lol
Amir Rama
Amir Rama - 7 years ago
Nice system mate I must say either you or your wife must be Iranian.
AtReef - 7 years ago
Amir Rama فدات بشم عزیز شما لطف داری داداش❤️❤️
Amir Rama
Amir Rama - 7 years ago
قربونت برم خونه یه ایرانی داد میزنه از سر درون
AtReef - 7 years ago
fadat besham Amir jan

20. comment for How to Start a Reef Aquarium The Right Way

Husny Jati Nugroho
Husny Jati Nugroho - 7 years ago
I think you make it looks complicated, or it is
Markie Mark
Markie Mark - 7 years ago
More money than sense
Although it is a piece of art, I wonder how much this may have cost you!
Awesome job!
Michael kaiser
Michael kaiser - 7 years ago
what da hell is this....boring zero valuable information... waste of time doing what ya did for such a small tank with nothing in it!
barraturbo one
barraturbo one - 7 years ago
Brag brag brag .....
J.H.G - 7 years ago
allot of hard work my friend.. but i feel like its overkill. You made the sump area to cluttered. you could have made it more simple and larger. Best of luck to you though.
irishhiphophead - 7 years ago
if only i could afford a tank this big
Salvador Gutierrez Baelemans
Salvador Gutierrez Baelemans - 7 years ago
Everything is great, its purrrfect
Murat Gümüş
Murat Gümüş - 7 years ago
can you do for me this sump sistem for 500 liter aquaryum stone decaretion same one wery nice syistem i like soo much please posibile nor not please i will paid ewrythink no problem please if you want my line i can send you plrsse
Murat Gümüş
Murat Gümüş - 7 years ago
AtReef please send me mail please
AtReef - 7 years ago
Murat Gümüş absolutely, you can email me at

30. comment for How to Start a Reef Aquarium The Right Way

Stef Stef
Stef Stef - 7 years ago
What are the negative effects of using table salt?
No5 - 7 years ago
Way unnessesary for a 50 gallon and FOWLR
Tom Mack
Tom Mack - 7 years ago
you must have a lot of money
Kyle Gardner
Kyle Gardner - 7 years ago
Auto feeder ?!?! Thats just too much man. This system is so over complicated but at the same time its cool if you have that kind of extra money to spend on a aquarium
Barry Hutchinson
Barry Hutchinson - 7 years ago
$5,000,000.00 worth of equipment sitting under the tank and after 13 weeks all i see is an almost empty aquarium with bare rock and 4 fish. What did i miss here? Jesus!
Laura Holmes
Laura Holmes - 7 years ago
A LOT of people are saying this is the "expensive way" and YES, it is a lot of money, but to be honest, REEFS AIN'T CHEAP and if you want a cheap hobby, look elsewhere, sorry.

I really wish I went with all this nice equipment the first time I set up my reef because I've probably spent just as much, if not MORE, on multiple replacements of the cheap china made crap and had a lot of fish deaths and traumatic mistakes that could've been avoided. THIS IS THE RIGHT WAY to set up a clean, pristine, easy to maintain reef IF you want to keep sensitive SPS corals and rarely have to do water changes and be able to maintain a healthy fish bioload.

He probably started his hobby the way most of us did, buying cheap crap that doesn't last more than a year before it breaks, overheats, smokes, or explodes, etc, killing precious (expensive) animals, and making us almost lose hope in the hobby. I've lost hundreds of dollars in fish, invertebrates and corals that could've been avoided if I watched this video 10 YEARS AGO and learned from everyone's mistakes that I'm also trying to warn you about now. Please listen! #fishlivesmatter

And, if you manage to set it all up pretty cheap, then go out and spend (literally) hundreds, or even thousands of dollars on the fish and corals you want, it looks amazing for a few weeks, but any ONE piece of equipment failing will KILL it all and you will have to spend twice as much to restart. This happened to me and MANY others, no joke. Faulty heaters staying on and boiling the tank to death, a return pump failing and billowing black smoke and polluting the water and your indoor air, house structure damaged by leaking water flooding the floors, faulty equipment electrocution, the list goes on. If you are at the beginning seriously take this into consideration and save your money until you can do it right and appreciate a perfect, worry-free tank. Otherwise you will hate yourself for not just spending the money, trust me, I know.

Sure, some things he could've cut back the cost slightly, like building the tank, sump and stand himself (see the King of DIY), and other minor things, but the pumps like the ecotech ones and a GOOD HEATER are important, unavoidable expenses. I would've even gone a step further and a backup battery to the whole thing for long power outages, on top of anything ecotech or apex has.

Honestly, reefkeeping is amazing, beautiful, and therapeutic, but it is NOT a CHEAP hobby. Great video, man. Your tank is so clean and will be amazing for years to come. :-)
David Sitompul
David Sitompul - 7 years ago
Marine aquarium aint cheap, but you dont need many things that he included in this video. Expensive lighting without any coral? Apex is essential?

Bigger aquarium, RODI filter, skimmer, water pump, lighting, heater, wavemaker, and live rocks are the only things you need. The first 3 items are where most of your money should go. The more important aspects of marine aquarium are the maintenance parts and research. No overfeeding, no overstocking, frequent water change+parameter reading. Make sure the corals and the fish are compatible with each other and with your aquarium condition (strong vs weak current/lighting)

Once you're done with the main tank, you can invest on a refugium and a quarantine tank.

Then.. maybe you can start adding stuffs that he mentioned in this video
AtReef - 7 years ago
Laura Holmes wow, thank you so much for your amazing comment. To be honest just like you mentioned this was not my first tank and i made all the mistakes that could have easily avoided if I had started the right way and saved $$$$ on coral, fish, and equipment. I think if you are planning to join and participate in this hobby you have to do your homework and find put what exactly you need. I personally wanted something with little maintenance and wanted to have the luxury of going either spa lps or even fish only and be ready. Also, I know that one day I will upgrade to a bigger tank and when that day comes i like to use my equipment rather than buy new ones because my older equipment are notfor larger system.
Tony Smith
Tony Smith - 7 years ago
first awesome video and thanks for making it...i was wanting to start my own and would love for you to help me set up a tank like yours....plz let me know what I need to do never had one so I don't know where to begin
Christopher Rice
Christopher Rice - 7 years ago
do you have a link for the stand
Liu Stan
Liu Stan - 7 years ago
what live rock did you use? Why my live rock need "explosion algae" about 2 weeks in the beginning? your live rock looks like high Ca and not natural,but nice
Jason Uden
Jason Uden - 7 years ago
that spray paint you used was just water sealant
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
hey thanks I just got new filter epic aqua 700 going good so far only flooded my lounge slightly check out my my videos to if you want to see similar aquarium stuff
Tae Grant
Tae Grant - 7 years ago
why you should u use bubbles in your aquarium?????
AtReef - 7 years ago
to oxygenate the water, not necessary but i think it helps
Tae Grant
Tae Grant - 7 years ago
you dont use a roller for paint stain. there is no detritus on the reef rock they pressure wash the rock and paint it.
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 7 years ago
I'm just making a new channel can someone give me some tips...
AtReef - 7 years ago
just make and post video
deviantpersona - 7 years ago
The problem I see with the coral gum 2 pasty epoxy is that you put the super glue down below and on top of it. This creates a layer in which the epoxy can't attach to very well compared to having the coarser surface of the rocks which increases adherence. Also, check to make sure that you mix in the proper portions for part a and b. I use excites all of the time for other hobbies (miniatures, sculpting, etc) and they all work the same, you can get a softer, weaker result by using different mix ratios.
Chandler Baker
Chandler Baker - 7 years ago
Am I the only one watching this going why are you doing that? This is so over kill!
AtReef - 7 years ago
i know it is overkill but the point of this system is to have the ability to upgrade at any time and being able to use the same equipment
Aref Zebian
Aref Zebian - 7 years ago
What breed of clownfish are those , black ice??
AtReef - 7 years ago
yes they are black ice
die-eggo camaney
die-eggo camaney - 7 years ago
" let's get started, blah, blah, blah, parasites, $$$$$$, $$$$$ , $$$$$.... sterilize everything, don't forget to dawn sterile gloved anytime you touch anything that will go in the tank. also use the most pristine, and pure water delivered from the most remote planet in our solar system.
Easy Peezy
Easy Peezy - 7 years ago
that's the most un-affordable way to set up anything ever.
Pedro Duque
Pedro Duque - 7 years ago
nice setup . the only i see is to much money for this 50 gallons tank. the other is you dont need to running the skimmer when you just start the tank.

50. comment for How to Start a Reef Aquarium The Right Way

ThunderWindz - 7 years ago
This must cost over 100$ total?!?!?!?!?
AtReef - 7 years ago
ThunderWindz tnx bro
ThunderWindz - 7 years ago
you've got humor :D
AtReef - 7 years ago
ThunderWindz actually it was 86.25$
Zeek Matos
Zeek Matos - 7 years ago
its crazy how people waste so much money on all that extra crap to run a tank i have a 150 gallon 100lb of caribe sea live rock no sump. i run 3 aqua clear 110 filters fish only system running 2 years you dont need all that extra crap lol
Paul Warren
Paul Warren - 7 years ago
what a stupid video for beginners way too much equipment for a tank that size thousands of dollars for a 50 gal
Tahitimarine1 - 7 years ago
Good job. Very interesting
Kevin Michael
Kevin Michael - 7 years ago
I have to say it does the job. Absolutely fantastic!
AtReef - 7 years ago
lol, thank you so muchhhhhh
AtReef - 7 years ago
+iTz BigKev
Martin Baptiste
Martin Baptiste - 7 years ago
nice.... i think ill wait till i win the lottery before i start my tank
Bunker Buster
Bunker Buster - 7 years ago
All that cash show us that tank today same set up Bet you cant
Bunker Buster
Bunker Buster - 7 years ago
My shit runs Flawless 25 years Strong all that leftover cash i spent on Body Armor and Rifles still have the same results
Bunker Buster
Bunker Buster - 7 years ago
Link that set up Bro most recent please i run my shit on hang on the backs with Tab water 25 years its what i do when i am away in combat .I like to see that same set up today
AtReef - 7 years ago
if you look at me new videos I have updates bro, tnx for the comment
Ken Coker
Ken Coker - 7 years ago
great vid m8, Are u able to post links to were you bought each product? I'm in Australia, I'm only half way through my build as I want to take my time and buy the right gear first time. So far I still need to buy chiller, heat extraction fans, test kit, doser and a few other bits and bobs for my 380 ltr reef tank.
Richard Don
Richard Don - 7 years ago
hey I just started this hobby and I'm using dry Rock I tried to remove as many dead thing's on it I could find but when I out my rock in the tank some more fell off and now my water is a brownish yellow its not that bad but noticeable my salinity is perfect and so is my temperature is this going to affect my cycle I'm also using mysis shrimp to help build bacteria ci just started using them today my tank been running for 3 days now also using live sand
Davis Mcmoney
Davis Mcmoney - 7 years ago
Cutting a board, don't try this at home, it's crazy lol
AtReef - 7 years ago
David LeBlanc lol
sinio x
sinio x - 7 years ago
Omg first rock not sand noob
AtReef - 7 years ago
+sinio x lol tnx
Ricardo cichlid
Ricardo cichlid - 7 years ago
im just glad this wasn't my first saltwater setup video I watched . I would of just said "f" this I'm sticking with my cichlids .
Evaline Cantarero
Evaline Cantarero - 7 years ago
WOW! I've always wanted a reef aquarium, but I never knew there were so many things involved. Can you make a video on how to start for beginners?
AtReef - 7 years ago
+Evaline Cantarero sure, having a reef tank can be very complex, however, it also can be done extremely cheap and on a budget. I will definitely make a video on how to start a reef tank on budget
Colossus One
Colossus One - 7 years ago
How to do it right...first do everything wrong...and show that you drive a lexus
Casey Gonzalez
Casey Gonzalez - 7 years ago
ur adding a clean up crew when they have nothing to clean up?
DA7545 - 7 years ago
To those thinking of starting a aquarium and those with some experience. Do not listen to this guy. This is overkill and wasting your money. Check out "The king of DIY" videos on youtube. This guy here is a perfectionist and this project is crazy. Way to complicated and expensive. O.K., so he might enjoy the building and use of all that equipment but it is overkill. It's his life he can do whatever he wants. But do not let him deter you from starting your own. And that fear of using a circular saw should also tell you something.
Mindboggle100 - 7 years ago
Just what do you tell your wife...when you spend this kind of money? Or is she the high maintenance type herself??
Bird and Reef Guy
Bird and Reef Guy - 7 years ago
Lol interesting
Tritan - 7 years ago
That aquarium is more expensive than my car. OMG there goes my dream.
nbgdevil - 8 years ago
Dont Wanna be that person but all that safety dont matter if your glas shatter if the mp10 swings lose.
Erik Bradley
Erik Bradley - 8 years ago
yea this isn't step by step.
Killer Entertainment
Killer Entertainment - 8 years ago
WOW nice tank man ..
AtReef - 8 years ago
+Killer Entertainment thank you so much
starkiller 86
starkiller 86 - 8 years ago
The expensive way,don't need much stuff to run a reef tank
Tat Suen
Tat Suen - 8 years ago
This video needs to be renamed to something like how to waste money on aquarium or the most expensive way to set up a simple clownfish tank
Big Pharma
Big Pharma - 8 years ago
can you do an update on your saltwater tank please? I want to do an exact replica of your tank set up lol (at least I'm going to try) but I wanted to see how your tank looks or if you've had any problems etc.. I'd appreciate it a lot! :) thanks in advance..
Big Pharma
Big Pharma - 8 years ago
I love how you did this video
AtReef - 8 years ago
+Mandie Kiser thank you so much , i am glad you enjoyed it
DigtBrain2 - 8 years ago
the amount of tech for this little tank is insane ... if you can (it might not be legal in your country) throw out every tech and just get live rock and/or sand ... if not then get some used stones from a older tank ... and safe all the insanely expensive snake-oil and toys


also your skimmer is set up poorly - it just throws out water ... you might not have enough "pollution" for it to work anyway but if it works it should throw out brown (really stinky) shit ... not yellowish water
GrizzlyAaron - 8 years ago
you dont have to spend thousands to start a tank. this is how you push people out of the hobby!
J B - 8 years ago
Holy shit you're using Kessil in your sump...
Roger Torres
Roger Torres - 8 years ago
Rich people be like...
John on
John on - 8 years ago
Overkill!!!! his setup is hilarious lol, This guy is obviously a complete amateur with no real world experience, Yet he names the video "How to Start a Reef Aquarium The Right Way"i bet the cleanup crew all died the first week
snowy matrix
snowy matrix - 8 years ago
This is way overkill but very cool your fish are very lucky to have you! ;-)
Kaspar - 8 years ago
OMG honestly tell us how much did you spent on this set up? and I mean equipment not aquarium, stand sump and fishes but all this stuff that's needed to make it work. I'm really curious. It's very nice looking BTW
Samuel Kogen
Samuel Kogen - 8 years ago
You could use that filtration setup to clean the freaking ocean (not that you would need or even want to).
Jhay Datu
Jhay Datu - 8 years ago
Sponsored by Home Depot
Ashish Patel
Ashish Patel - 8 years ago
As a long time hobbyist, These are the type of videos I would strongly recommend for new reefers. Everything you said and recommended was spot on. Thanks for sharing great information
Ashish Patel
Ashish Patel - 8 years ago
Also, for a new reefer who has no experience and can not afford to cost.. I'd strongly recommend FOWLR to build up your husbandry in keeping basic chemistry. Reef chemistry can be overwhelming. With fish a good skimmer, and biological filter (live rock/dry rock) and good RO unit is enough to start. new hobbyist will overstock regardless of what anyone recommends bc in their minds there 55 gallon is huge... Your fish will not live long term because you still have to learn about the needs of specific species. I'd focus on chromis, clowns, cardinals, and maybe 1 or 2 tangs max depending on size.
Ashish Patel
Ashish Patel - 8 years ago
You are 100% right.... I can see that now that I think about it. New reefers - everything you see on this video - Majority of the items are not essential to successful reef keeping - You need to budget where you can safe and where you cant'. Over the years I found myself collecting so much junk and end up spending more down the road and now I focus on essential items. places you can safe without sacrificing success

1. RO unit from watergeneral $100 5 stage (amazing investment)
2. Skimmer - - Reef octopus - outstanding, cost effective, and works at a fraction of the price. You do not need a deltec or bubble king they all work the same.
3. If you can't afford vortech - purchase 2 jebao controllable pumps. they work.
4. 1 sea swirl - this will give you random water flow all the time without the guess work. Its expensive but amazing.
5. Tank - buy wide tank so you can have less light. For example - my tank is 42"L X 26"W X 24"T - with 2 radions led fixtures.
6. You do not need a $350 return pump vectra pump - it own't bring you more success than a cheap pump!. Mag pumps are just as reliable and a lot cheaper. plus you can always use them for mixing saltwater later. I bought mine in 2002 and still using it for this reason.
7. Buy Dry rock that does not have to be cured and is cheaper, free of pest, and will turn into LR in no time. REEF saver rock is fine. seed it with clean rock from someone else tank.
8. You can build your own stand, diy sump,

Save up - take your time, and do it right. All you need is to learn how to keep water..
DC Reefer
DC Reefer - 8 years ago
Ashish Patel although I agree with the higher end equipment I have to disagree and say this is for "the new reefer". The new reefer wouldn't be able to have enough patience and the money to buy all these equipment and it could discourage any new reefer
LifeOfEhsan - 8 years ago
Ashish Patel thank you so much for your kind words,
Garbage Human
Garbage Human - 8 years ago
some people do not have thousands of dollars to spend on a useless aquarium, which gives nothing back. I would LOVE a reef aquarium, but I don't have 10 grand to have a custom made aquarium made and put in!
Tanga Ako
Tanga Ako - 8 years ago
Everything you've got sir is expensive
Jax - 8 years ago
How about us broke folks? haha
lukemn29 - 8 years ago
Nice aquascape
cory gullo
cory gullo - 8 years ago
looks absolutely fantastic
Super PokeBanger
Super PokeBanger - 8 years ago
So what happened to your $20K setup??? Does it grow Algae? I bet. lol
Wade 16
Wade 16 - 8 years ago
This aquarium or a nice car?
African Cichlids
African Cichlids - 8 years ago
brillant setup!!
agent 333
agent 333 - 8 years ago
might as well buy a Damn computer to run ur tank too
Garry Thomas
Garry Thomas - 8 years ago
You state first that you was not happy with glass cages tank quality ? so is it ok or not ?
Garry Thomas
Garry Thomas - 8 years ago
Could you explain why? whats wrong the glass color? silicone? Please answer this is detail, as i am thinking of getting a tank from them also
LifeOfEhsan - 8 years ago
Hello, if i could go back i would never buy from them, the quality is very bad
Ofir Daniel
Ofir Daniel - 8 years ago
Thanks. Great setup and video. I am planning mine now and missing out on many details still. Do you have a more detailed video which explains for example how to build a sump correctly?
Cartier Joog
Cartier Joog - 8 years ago
After seeing this video, I am not setting up a reef aquarium.
billybob0074 - 7 years ago
Cartier Joog dont let this scare you, hes made it look way to hard and way to expensive
利品睿 - 8 years ago
On the filter below, why don't u put algae collector to the middle section?
Ulises Minotto
Ulises Minotto - 8 years ago
Just for everybody top know, that is not starphire glass, it is standard clear glass.

100. comment for How to Start a Reef Aquarium The Right Way

mysterasuarez - 8 years ago
For someone who did his homework on filtration I can see you did absolutely none in setting the actual aquarium up. I wish I had the money to set up something close to that with the knowledge I have . SMH FML
premchand asgar
premchand asgar - 8 years ago
worst video to much talking
Don GNF - 8 years ago
Did not expect much after seeing the toys r us watch
AtReef - 8 years ago
creep - 8 years ago
I used to like saltwater then all the damn salt kept accumulating everywhere.
MAD DOGZ TV - 8 years ago
jamshid khorsand
jamshid khorsand - 8 years ago
Chris Barnard
Chris Barnard - 8 years ago
Way too much stuff. This may scare people from the hobbie.
SharpShooter707 - 7 years ago
it has scared me but some comments have brought back hope lol
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 8 years ago
all that stuff needs to be better organized but if you lie aquarium please sub to me
Kayvit Lopez
Kayvit Lopez - 8 years ago
Whats is a good size tank for a fish and coral tank?
Brad Mondel
Brad Mondel - 8 years ago
I recommend live rock when you first start up, this seeds the beneficial bacteria needed for your new tank. The cycle process will go quicker and you almost always get beautiful coralling algae for free. Most places like petco offer aquacultured live rock which means it has no parasites.
Martin Dollinger
Martin Dollinger - 8 years ago
roymolina22 - 8 years ago
if you've been thinking of starting a saltwater tank and now your intimidated, don't be. this is way over complicated for beginners. check out my video I set up a tank for only $75.
Damion S
Damion S - 8 years ago
nice video. You may want to drill a hole in the top of your first drain elbow in the overflow. And those kinks in your drain lines will become a problem. Lots of money in that tank, thanks for sharing.
Spance Man
Spance Man - 8 years ago
amazing wiring
Spance Man
Spance Man - 8 years ago
miracle mud should be in a container with the nitrate block elevwted over it,,be awesome ,,pimped out
Spance Man
Spance Man - 8 years ago
u spend so much on sumpmfor a 55 gallon display,,that kind of sump should be on a huge tank,,,kinda a waste,,but nice,,very expensive,lol
Spance Man
Spance Man - 8 years ago
u should have used black flex seal to paint back
Spance Man
Spance Man - 8 years ago
green trigger isnwhat i want too,,,fukin expensive,,,lol
Nevin82 - 8 years ago
Great job...tip, use a brush to put your stain on.
Moist and Squishy
Moist and Squishy - 8 years ago
Seems like so much things you need just to have some fish.. I have a regular fish bowl and some goldfish.. I feed them once a day and that's it.. I agitate the water by stirring it once a day.. seems fine to me...
Puppy Chan
Puppy Chan - 8 years ago
Shi-Jie Michael Zhao goldfish are cold water fish and don't need much attention. Marin fish like this require a hell of a lot more stuff but this guy also had more equipment for that size of a tank then he truly needed...usually I'd only see that much stuff on a 100+gallon saltwater aquarium.
dave davey
dave davey - 8 years ago
dude I Have a 50 gallon tank 10 fish corals a heater external filter one powerhead and 2 t5 bulbs and its thriving for 3 years, what the fuck is this shit, this is how people are put off by marine aquariums, overkill , Jesus how much is your electricity bill????
Kirby Thomas
Kirby Thomas - 7 years ago
This is what somebody who drives a Lexus does.....oh, and puts out warnings about using power tools at home....A fantastic tank nonetheless, but overkilled.
Al Castillo
Al Castillo - 7 years ago
CrAZy, like German cars, Over-engineered!
SuperPenishole - 8 years ago
dave davey I agree, really says a lot. One word is worth 1000 pictures.
dave davey
dave davey - 8 years ago
Kadiboo frettdem good input
Kadiboo frettdem
Kadiboo frettdem - 8 years ago
dave davey t uhh
Shawn Brenner
Shawn Brenner - 8 years ago
this video was absolutely fantastic
Meatatarian212 - 8 years ago
Just don't buy live rock directly from the ocean, jeez
Benito Lopez de Kevan
Benito Lopez de Kevan - 8 years ago
How much did it cost to set it up? Do you have any video of how does it look now? Love it! Thanks!! Ben
Matt Chan
Matt Chan - 8 years ago
This is far too complicated for a beginner.
I have a small reef tank. check it out.
Matt Chan
Matt Chan - 8 years ago
Benito Lopez de Kevan
sorry Im crap with the internet.
its on YouTube
type in Jewel Rio 125 Marine reef tank.
Benito Lopez de Kevan
Benito Lopez de Kevan - 8 years ago
Matt Chan where? Do you have any links?? Thanks
Liam Ackermann
Liam Ackermann - 8 years ago
When starting a new tank is it necessary to boost the ph? I understand reef tanks need a ph around 8.2 and given that RODI and distilled water is closer to 7, how do people combat this problem? Im starting my first system soon and this just came to my attention.
nissanfang35 - 8 years ago
Definitely needs to change title of vid. For a basic system i would do no les than a DIY sump, titanium heater, return pump, skimmer, chaeto algea and your own ro/di system.  ALSO Leaves product reviews- This is absolutely does the job and more x100 hahahaha
Djkibashiba - 8 years ago
All that money into equipment and can't even do plumbing without all those kinks in the line. LOL what an idiot.
And stop saying "I gotta say it's absolutely fantastic!!!" cuz it's not
Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 8 years ago
didn't your wife complained about all this pipes at her living room?
Eric DeFronzo
Eric DeFronzo - 8 years ago
Or staining wood in the house
Jack - 8 years ago
With such equipment, you should've gotten an aquarium twice the size.
tziodim - 8 years ago
thats not an aguarium its a nuclear factory. hahahahah,nice men !!!!
supercivician - 8 years ago
Spending a lot of money don't equal the RIGHT WAY to start an reef aquarium. I didn't want to say anything, but this is so wrong. The title and video are badly misleading. Wires and plumbing are terrible. Should have build a manifold with your return pump for your media reactors instead of using another pump to pump your manifold. Sorry dude.
Alex P
Alex P - 8 years ago
lol..waste of time for such basic fish and a pretty small tank, also concrete? lol...
Richard Munoz
Richard Munoz - 8 years ago
Nice dude good job
SeffoRG - 8 years ago
Absolutely fantastic !
Damien Bailey
Damien Bailey - 8 years ago
You said that the coral gum didn't work well. How did you hold the rock together?
Mario Cortez
Mario Cortez - 8 years ago
Lol if you spend hells money it's beautiful and easy.
Emma Bidwell
Emma Bidwell - 8 years ago
Hi that was very interesting, I would love a pet coral pair but I don't have the money at the moment but thank you for the info
Darius Whitlock
Darius Whitlock - 8 years ago
Big waste more than half is unnecessary
gary wright
gary wright - 8 years ago
all your flex pipe is done wrong its all creased and its the wrong flex pipe anyway u want the pvc white flex pipe that dos not crease
LifeOfEhsan - 8 years ago
gary wright could you please let me know what to change so i can fix it, thank you
Cesar Robledo
Cesar Robledo - 8 years ago
I really like the setup but I personally run a 120G reef with no sump, two aquaclear 110 hob filters, protein skimmer and a t5 fixture, runs great
sagrath1982 - 8 years ago
yeah thats all you need!
Conrad Gumbs
Conrad Gumbs - 8 years ago
What's crazy about cutting wood in your home?? I'm lost
John on
John on - 8 years ago
lol i was thinking the same thing
Mr Buzzinga
Mr Buzzinga - 8 years ago
Troll Doll
Troll Doll - 8 years ago
jesus christ this is crazy
LifeOfEhsan - 8 years ago
lol thank you so much
Christie Gurganus
Christie Gurganus - 8 years ago
Should have used a larger aquarium, no?
sinny - 8 years ago
how many times is he going to say absolutely fantastic lol
Ehsan Adib Shabahang
Ehsan Adib Shabahang - 8 years ago
IcarusCAE - 8 years ago
How much did it cost?
Posittron - 8 years ago
I am building a 180 gallon(7ft length) saltwater aquarium and I do not have space for a sump(the tank is gonna be under my 4K TV placed on the ground so no space for a Sump). Can I use two cannister filters (sunsun hw302) and a protein skimmer?
Marine Aquarium
Marine Aquarium - 8 years ago
Very nice of you to offer your email and advice.
Marine Aquarium
Marine Aquarium - 8 years ago
I recommend adding a sump to your system, it will significantly simply your equipment down the road. You can put the sump inside the system via back panel or one side, or build a smaller system, maybe a 125 or 150 and have a small external sump. Even if the sump is small, it gives you the opportunity to use filter socks, will simplify your water changes, easier ATO setup, a place for heaters, etc. Consider a low end controller to simplify your electrical setup (timers, cords, etc), since your space seems limited. Hope this helps give you a few ideas for your system. Good luck :)
AtReef - 8 years ago
Posittron that should be okay but if you want email me a picture of your place that you want to put the tank and i can give you my take on it.
Posittron - 8 years ago
Dude, u serious? I have a really thick wooden shelf in the between the TV and and the tank, the TV is wall mounted above the shelf
LifeOfEhsan - 8 years ago
Posittron you can but i do not recommend putting the tank under your TV because your tv will get damaged water evaporation
TT Smasher
TT Smasher - 8 years ago
It looks like 10k aquarium.
Jason A
Jason A - 8 years ago
if you put your filter in the tank and it was on the cloudyness would of gone in a couple hours
BYEBYE - 8 years ago
how to spend as much money as possible making a 50 gallon salt water tank with no coral and a couple fish. nice.
Meldium - 8 years ago
I think this guy should change the Video Name to "How to start a Reef the Expensive way!" Never in hell will the average Starter will ever spend this much money for the hobby in this Luxury status.
And that's a fact!
Daniel bilawchuk
Daniel bilawchuk - 8 years ago
How to set up a saltwater aquarium.
Step 1: Take out a $20000 Loan
Step 2: Order the most expensive equipment
Step 3: Set up and enjoy your 70 gal tank.
Pedro Duque
Pedro Duque - 7 years ago
In my personal opinion is too much money for the tank size. All this equipment looks like for a 700 gallons
AtReef - 7 years ago
+dhmi3388 lol
dhmi3388 - 7 years ago
1,500? Someone has no idea how much that equipment cost, the Neptune Apex Equipment alone probably cost 1,500.
Aldo the Apache
Aldo the Apache - 8 years ago
Lets be honest everyone was joking and Dani Wornath is an asshole. LOL
Dani Wornath
Dani Wornath - 8 years ago
Thats not a joke you can build one for 20 k as well , but why would you if you can do the same for much less ... thats the point here not your sarcasm .
Daniel bilawchuk
Daniel bilawchuk - 8 years ago
Obviously you have no idea what a joke is, or sarcasm.
Dani Wornath
Dani Wornath - 8 years ago
bullshit , read before you write such bs 20000 :D when you can do the smae for 1500 ...
Aldo the Apache
Aldo the Apache - 8 years ago
Step 4: Pay off loan for next 10+ years.
ConnorRichmanVideos - 8 years ago
Washes rocks in a tub that he showers in with soap and shampoo...
anomalous - 8 years ago
I doubt you'd ever have to change the water once a week with this setup.

Looks amazing.
Justin Quintanilla
Justin Quintanilla - 8 years ago
what an amazing set up
Garry Thomas
Garry Thomas - 8 years ago
@15.41 omg look at that twisted soft plumbing! why is it twisted like that? Thats a terrible job.
Garry Thomas
Garry Thomas - 8 years ago
Talking bollox about vinegar also lol.
sagrath1982 - 8 years ago
what about Lime juice?
Jacob Mendoza
Jacob Mendoza - 8 years ago
I do have to agree with him, in my experience. One of my circulation pumps started picking up this rattling sound after cleaning with vinegar over the course of a year. I started using citric acid and I haven't had this problem since
Garry Thomas
Garry Thomas - 8 years ago
Tank should never be placed on a flat surface without some polystyrene foam! I think for a beginner, you make it look far more complicated than what it really is! Nicely put together video tho.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
It will save more money and more easy that's why I got my Cad lights 68g versa series.
Гарик  Степанян
Гарик Степанян - 8 years ago
Toooooooo much equipment foraquarium with that size...
Jiren The savage
Jiren The savage - 8 years ago
looks complicated as fuck lol ill just stay with freshwater.
BISKIT Garcia - 8 years ago
Its been about 9 months since you posted that vid, how is the tank doing?
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 8 years ago
a mess of a video
simpleAI - 8 years ago
"and it just doesn't fit cough cough tanked cough cough"
Jacob Mendoza
Jacob Mendoza - 8 years ago
+AtReef this is a great, foolproof setup. But, this is probably way more than a beginner would need. I've been reefing for 2+ years now and I figured out that.... You don't need half of this stuff to be successful, even though it would be nice to have all of this equipment
PhoenixAsh - 8 years ago
I feel sick. There are better things for a show off. I'll just let my boyfriend fuck me in the ass tomorrow because now my brain is already fucked too much.
O.G AF - 8 years ago
David Hutchings
David Hutchings - 8 years ago
This is not a logical way to start your first marine reef tank, who in their right mind would blow thousands of dollars just to get started, maybe to have a few errors along the way and decide it's not for you. Like an Apex controller? seriously? that is definitely not the best choice for beginners, maybe after a year or two after trying out dosing routines for yourself to get a better understanding before investing so much. The is definitely way too expensive for a start up tank, a great video none the less, spare no expense method!
Eisenhornk - 8 years ago
Insane setup. ur wife must feel alone man! xD
TheBMH28 - 8 years ago
waaaay over the top for first timers, and ALL those chemicals in your system even before you start.
wcdeich4 - 8 years ago
The super glue & coral gum may have had a bad chemical reaction. I had the same problem, when I thought adding super glue to a 2-part epoxy would make it stronger - actually, it never dried :(
9385dee7 - 8 years ago
this is fucked
Dave S
Dave S - 8 years ago
How much did all this cost?
GoLeafs03 - 8 years ago
why not get a bigger tank when u going to buy all those expensive equipment...waste
Marine Aquarium
Marine Aquarium - 8 years ago
Wow, awesome project, A+ overall! Just a few comments only because I think this will intimidate a lot of people...
UV sterilizer not absolutely required
No need to cycle dry rock
Windex has ammonia, be careful there
No need to aerate the water in a new system
Ditch the clarifier
Auto feeder not required
To get started you can use hose barb elbows and hose vs. hard plumbing everything
This is a multi-thousand $ system just to warn people!! A lot of overkill based on personal preference. You could easily run a 125g+ system with this setup.
Thanks for sharing, I subscribed as this is the first vid I've seen. Congrats!
LifeOfEhsan - 8 years ago
Marine Aquarium thank you so much for you amazing information
J.H.G - 8 years ago
being wealthy must be nice! lol.
319PurpleHaze - 8 years ago
what is the dimension of the display tank (LxWxH) ?
Phil Maznyk
Phil Maznyk - 8 years ago
I meant to ask you are you using a prefilter on your UV sterilizer and what pump gph are you using to feed the UV unit?
Juan Delgado
Juan Delgado - 8 years ago
Clyde Macasero
Clyde Macasero - 8 years ago
Wow... What do you do for a living man?! Lol. I am envious of all the high priced equipment you have. Reefers have told me to do your first tank the right way, and i commend you for that. I certainly think your setup is helpful only to a certain few... (ie. Bachelors, Successful professionals etc.). I may sub, but your setup is quite intimidating, still a job well done.
Karen Hill
Karen Hill - 8 years ago
you're a dang gone genius.....thumbs ☝
PazzaludaVlog - 8 years ago
absolutely fantastic
David Galindo
David Galindo - 8 years ago
For a guy looking to start his first saltwater aquarium, you sir have crushed my hope. haha this blew my mind and I will probably forget everything like Dory.
SharpShooter707 - 7 years ago
dude same here i was thinking of getting a salt water aquariaum then i saw this video and was like holy fuck nevemind.
David Galindo lololol
Brett Hruska
Brett Hruska - 7 years ago
Dude don't lose hope lol. I have a saltwater tank running on just a regular old freshwater filter. I run 4 extra carbon filters in the canister and my water is crystal clear. Running a 40 watt led light I got on eBay for 30 bux. Been running it like this over a year and it works great with no issues. People over complicate it imo.
joshua thomas
joshua thomas - 7 years ago
get a fluval evo 5. 50w heater. crushed coral, dry rock, buy 10 gallons of saltwater. get the reef octopus media reactor. bio spira.80gph pump to use for powerhead and let cycle with media reactor running for 3 weeks you can put low to moderate light corals. you can also put a small clown in. but might want to upgrade when he gets above 2 inches. but this is a good first time setup to get you started and let you understand the process just a little u will have to do frequent water changes and might want to use RO water for top off make sure you monitor salinity because in a small tank it can go way off fairly fast i have a nano reef in my room and a 125 in my living room. my 5 gallon has never had any issues and the clown that is in there is having a hell of a time. he loves his anemone in there and loves to swim around and get cleaned by my neon cleaner goby which is also in there very active all day
Josh H
Josh H - 8 years ago
No, what he is doing is the proper way...

Running a proper nano tank, perhaps opposite to what you'd think, should
be left to experienced pros in the hobby; The larger the tank, the easier it is.

In a small nano, crashes happen overnight and are total crashes. A larger tank can "crash"
over a couple days.

Bottom line though, salt water reefing the proper way is not cheap
Marine Aquarium
Marine Aquarium - 8 years ago
RO/DI best for sure, can't better TDS of 0. But if you must use tap, it's possible to significantly improve the water quality.
LifeOfEhsan - 8 years ago
Marine Aquarium i dont know about that, i will never run any system with out RO/DI water
Marine Aquarium
Marine Aquarium - 8 years ago
You can pre-filter tap if RODI is not available. Not expensive, and will make a big difference, as tap in general has high TDS. Add a small bag of GFO to remove excessive phosphates may also help depending on the situation.
cyrusstinson - 8 years ago
regardless... you have to start somewhere. Everyone is going to have to upgrade in this hobby later on at some point. I would rather spend the money on the great stuff after I have made all the mistakes. After I TRULY know what I am doing. Once I have learned from mistakes. Who in their right mind would go all out from day one?! That is idiotic. What if I ended up hating the SW aquarium hobby? Then I am so glad I didn't spend all the money and "bite the bullet" from the beginning.
It isn't smart to spend a huge amount of money at the beginning. You need to take your time and get your feet wet and figure out if it is for you first. Now, if you have money to throw away.. go ahead. But I am so glad I took my time. To me, even if I have to upgrade equipment later on, I am so glad I started this way first and then figured my way around the hobby. Besides.... All the stuff I have now....I won't reuse one single piece of it when I upgrade later one. So I would be replacing every piece of equipment regardless if I had spent a ton of money or not.
Brian Hall
Brian Hall - 8 years ago
His method may be flawed and overly complicated but hes not going have no where near the amount of water changes you're going to need to be successful. HOB skimmers are junk. It sounds like you spent money on stuff you're going to need to replace with higher stuff similar to what AtReef is using in the future. Might as well bite the bullet and buy the right stuff first. I learned the hard way like what you're doing.
cyrusstinson - 8 years ago
This was way overly complicated.
I just bought a 60 Gal tank and stand from Petsmart. Did all hang on back stuff. HOB Protein skimmer, canister filter, heater, a couple powerheads(ordered off amazon).

Just get some live sand, some rock (dry or live, your preference). You can either get RODI water from your LFS, you can mix your own, or you are able to use tap, but just make sure you use a dechlorinator and conditioner to remove the harmful stuff. It really is not nearly as difficult as this seems. What he is doing is what a person does after they have a very good amount of time of previous experience.

You will find that once you start this hobby....eventually you will be doing what this guy is. building your own, doing an awesome sump and lighting set up. You shouldn't spend THIS much money on your first beginner tank.

You can even do a Nano all-in-one. I just bought my second tank. It is a fluval Evo 12. Love it. It is made for saltwater. comes with literally everything you need as far as lighting and filtration goes. all you will need is a heater, sand, rock, saltwater. I also recommend using DR. Tim's one and only nitrifying bacteria. 1/3 the bottle each day for three days to start the cycle. If you want more help, feel free to message me. I can give you some awesome recommendations and references that I have used to help me get started. I'm new to the hobby to.
The biggest thing to remember is that it is not hard. It IS a lot of information. but you just need to take it one step at a time and you will see it really isn't that difficult at all.
Bond Cal
Bond Cal - 8 years ago
Nice video. Subbed you and dropped like. I am an active channel. Sub me back and check out my channel. I accept the positive critics and comment to improve my video and my channel as well. Thx
Joe Alvarez
Joe Alvarez - 8 years ago
Wow at first I thought it was a PC Gaming rig with all the different lights and stuff. To think all of that for a few fish. Props for the tech downstairs. Looks more interesting than the display tank.
Prithvish Mallikarjun
Prithvish Mallikarjun - 8 years ago
wow that's my dream setup so clean!
James Rodriguez
James Rodriguez - 8 years ago
What was the total cost for everything?
James Rodriguez
James Rodriguez - 8 years ago
I have to say that as good as it is, your set up is incredibly overcomplicated and honestly about 70% of it is unnecessary and only for show.
Slappy White
Slappy White - 8 years ago
Primo Acrylics is a crook Makes shitty tanks that crack and no ZERO customer service
J.Jarvis - 8 years ago
well I was just lookin into tanks again.. and this.. this is above my head.. XD I don't have a chance.
roymolina22 - 8 years ago
TriGalaxy don't let this discourage you. most of this is unnecessary
Matt G
Matt G - 8 years ago
awesome setup man , great video
motojaguar - 8 years ago
The putty cures better once it is in the water.
Gewglesux - 8 years ago
Nice job. Your sump is bigger than my whole system! Good job anything worth doing is worth doing properly.

I see a lot of comments on how much this costs .things cost money- sometimes a lot of money. I'm sure that this could've cost less- then again maybe not.
Alejandro De Luna Omaña
Alejandro De Luna Omaña - 8 years ago
nice job !!! could you tell me where did you get the pvc fittings to reduce your 1/2" pipe to 3/8" tubing (after your valves) for your reactors? i really cant find it
Mr Rodgerz
Mr Rodgerz - 8 years ago
Drinking game:
Take a shot every time he says quality or fantastic
B3wareTheIdes - 8 years ago
How is cutting wood with a circular saw dangerous or crazy? Those tools were created with the purpose of doing things at home yourself.
SharpShooter707 - 7 years ago
this is probably one of those thing where he said it more for the viewers than himself. if he just went ahead and did it without the warning, i bet there would be alot of people commenting about how hes not using safe practice. and how its dangerous.
wes chaudhry
wes chaudhry - 8 years ago
B3wareTheIdes and
Sieraclubsux - 8 years ago
My only worry was him cutting into his counter top...
MrChittyChad - 8 years ago
I was thinking the same thing lol like I try it at home all the time!
J.Jarvis - 8 years ago
lol that's hilarious, such different life styles.
B3wareTheIdes - 8 years ago
+AtReef meh, looks safe enough. The wood was being held down and you had control of the saw.
AtReef - 8 years ago
Because i was not using proper tools and i was not practicing proper safety measurement and precautions when using it
Nam Truong
Nam Truong - 8 years ago
Thought it was meant to be rock before substrate?
Lowell E Chapman III
Lowell E Chapman III - 8 years ago
Great video, it helped me answer a few questions. Great setup btw, amazing!
Zac Elghoul
Zac Elghoul - 8 years ago
amazing tank
python man
python man - 8 years ago
or not whatever
zoeith6 - 8 years ago
They send those rocks partially seeded, shouldn't have used tap water to clean them. By "cleaning" them you killed all the bacteria and that die-off will spike your ammonia way higher than a normal cycle would have. I gotta be honest man, as someone who has been in the hobby form as long as I have this really seems like you just threw a bunch of money at your tank with mediocre knowledge of the hobby.
Djkibashiba - 8 years ago
exactly what i was thinking. Putting out misinformation like it's a fact
waveybeach - 8 years ago
reef aquarium hobby is a waste of money, kills millions of animals for no reason at all. most hobbiest fail, kiill the livestock, and even those that are successful end up killing hundreds of animals for no reason. what a disgusting hobby.
Vamp9190 - 8 years ago
Thousands of dollars for a few tiny fish? At first I thought the tank was empty.
HighRollahz808 - 8 years ago
Certain fish have a time frame before they can be added to any marine/salt water aquarium.
William - 8 years ago
he just had the first few fish in, there are more fish in the completed tank ;)
python man
python man - 8 years ago
Could you please tell me what specifically you was unhappy with about the tank you ordered? I am curious because I want a custom tank myself. Thank you. The setup looks great!!!
icecoldcola08 - 8 years ago
Stunning and advanced setup!! Wish i could afford to make something like this! It's simply amazing! Nice job.
CoderTube - 8 years ago
My god man this is so complex, why so much? marine tank is so basic
SharpShooter707 - 7 years ago
i have been looking the last couple days on youtube because i was thinking about getting a fish tank. I saw this video and was like ok nevermind. you sir have given me hope again. glad it can be done in a simpler way
Ahmad Khalis
Ahmad Khalis - 7 years ago
same here...;)
Daniel Barrios Romero
Daniel Barrios Romero - 7 years ago
Please help me with something basic :(... how is your setup?
Ray Price
Ray Price - 8 years ago
the friggin sump is bigger than the display...and it was funny how he said pestige instead of pristene
Christian Maradona
Christian Maradona - 8 years ago
Great tank..btw no kids at ur house,right?.haha lol
Gewglesux - 8 years ago
Kids get in the way.
Abhijeet Dutta
Abhijeet Dutta - 8 years ago
dude your awesome :) good job . i subscribed your channel. keep it up.
Teo Andy
Teo Andy - 8 years ago
wow that look super complicated to start a salt water tank.
juan martinez
juan martinez - 8 years ago
how much did you spent all together?
Bryant Rodriguez
Bryant Rodriguez - 8 years ago
awesome video!
Klemmetsmo Reefing
Klemmetsmo Reefing - 8 years ago
Great video. Thanks for taking the time to put all this together. Happy Reefing
ishwar awatramani
ishwar awatramani - 8 years ago
how much did u spend
Danny Hoogenboom
Danny Hoogenboom - 8 years ago
wow the most advanced set up I've ever seen really nice to see what a great system.
I.C.B.M - 8 years ago
Nice watch
Jerry Efthimiou
Jerry Efthimiou - 8 years ago
first off that's amazing and your some what of a genius, but what was the total cost 5k usd? all that plumbing and equip it should be a filled 500 gal tank not a 50 gal with 4 fish
Emad Akour
Emad Akour - 8 years ago
That's great. One of the best saltwater tank I have ever seen... Keep it up bro
David Beecroft
David Beecroft - 8 years ago
great job... i wish i had this kinda patience

where are you getting your livestock?
kai PAXpress
kai PAXpress - 8 years ago
Nice video though thanks.
kai PAXpress
kai PAXpress - 8 years ago
Your vinyl tubing was kinked. Think you have more money in this than I do in my house.
sawadikin - 8 years ago
these is masterpiece. very neat and beautiful
Mark Pietzsch
Mark Pietzsch - 8 years ago
Great job however your title should be more honest such as how to set up a tank the expensive way or perhaps you could have called it how to waste money, There are a huge variety of ways to setup a reef aquarium and all of them can work well if maintained, I am afraid your video will make people think they will have to mortgage the house to enjoy the reefing hobby. Good luck with the tank, I hope it goes very well for you
Eduardo Santiago
Eduardo Santiago - 8 years ago
Way to much money. Fuck that
SterlingOutdoors - 8 years ago
seems like a lot of work for a fairly small tank...kind of overkill
Floyd Cleaver
Floyd Cleaver - 8 years ago
look's a little hariy :D
Gerardo - 8 years ago
holy fuck so much money gone to waste, smh man don't do this people unless you shit out money
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Great video man
xDAVMANx - 8 years ago
Great Video
Ken Rosecrans
Ken Rosecrans - 8 years ago
black window tint....i do all my tanks with it
Ken Rosecrans
Ken Rosecrans - 8 years ago
what kind of return pump is that...?
sharkman121 - 8 years ago
M1 Vectra from ecotech
baniguy - 8 years ago
So much equipment.. For four fishes.. Im sticking to freshwater.
Andrew Brookes
Andrew Brookes - 7 years ago
Aenglaan ñ
Jose Lara
Jose Lara - 7 years ago
I would love to start a reef tank but this guy makes it look complicated any tips on how to start one . thanks
Aenglaan - 8 years ago
Not necessary to have all this stuff. I think AtReef just wants to provide the best possible care for his tank inhabitants. It's always a good idea to have at least ideal husbandry. Saltwater tanks just require more specific parameters than freshwater overall.
Aidan - 8 years ago
Really all you need is a protein skimmer and a power head and a light and a heater
Barrett Seal
Barrett Seal - 8 years ago
+baniguy hahahahahah touche bro
MasterFrog7 - 8 years ago
+baniguy i wrote a free book about reefkeeping lol, containing all the basics but in depth. Keep in mind that you should simply have equipment to measure all the parameters, and supplements to change these values. If you have that, saltwater, good live rock, good lighting, some macroalgae and enough food to keep organisms in tank happy and raise nitrate phosphate levels if need be, you should be well on your way to havimg a succesful reef tank
Dan Skis
Dan Skis - 8 years ago
+baniguy those are a struggle I delt with them myself.
baniguy - 8 years ago
+MasterFrog7 I wish i knew more about salt water tanks but i'm struggling as it is trying to grow baby tears in my planted aquarium...
MasterFrog7 - 8 years ago
+Dan Skis I am currently not running any equipment (though I do have it in the sump, I'm just not using anyway), just some macroalgae in the corner of the main tank, and have a bunch of healthy corals and 3 extremely healthy fish :) in a 50 gallon tank.
Dan Skis
Dan Skis - 8 years ago
+baniguy its not that necessary only if you want corals.
david beltran
david beltran - 8 years ago
Can you please email me the link or name of the place you ordered your fish and cleanup crew from? Thank you.

Ryan James Baliza
Ryan James Baliza - 8 years ago
WOW! That is an amazing set-up for a 50-er! Lots of dedication there. One question though: could you give a ballpark figure for the cost of doing all of these and the monthly upkeep?
Joel perez
Joel perez - 8 years ago
He didn't make the stand.
BAJA'S REEF - 8 years ago
how much have you spend in this set up? wonderlful vid congrats!
AtReef - 8 years ago
Alot of $$$ however i have been gathering the equipment for quite a time, and thank you for your support
Caruso Shanafelt
Caruso Shanafelt - 8 years ago
Thanks, I really liked your video
Caruso Shanafelt
Caruso Shanafelt - 8 years ago
What kind of lights do you use?
AtReef - 8 years ago
EcoTech Marine Radion XR30w G3 Pro LED Light Fixture
redburro88 - 8 years ago
you must be a doctor
AtReef - 8 years ago
+redburro88 lol thank you so much for your comment, I will take that as a compliment, although I am studying psychology but not yet a doctor
Dean Martin
Dean Martin - 8 years ago
Plastidip works nicely for the background
Rafael Soriano
Rafael Soriano - 8 years ago
More like how to set up an aquarium the expensive way
itskabouaa - 7 years ago
Rafael Soriano forreals
Diesel_ 808
Diesel_ 808 - 8 years ago
nice setup ! I really enjoyed it
AtReef - 8 years ago
Thank you do much
SerSpikes - 8 years ago
The sump / filtration under your tank is to cluttered. If something goes wrong, you're fucked.
Blade Runner
Blade Runner - 8 years ago
Wow. You put my biocube to shame! I'm interested to know how long you have been in the hobby.
AtReef - 8 years ago
+Blade Runner Thank you so much for your comment, I have been in this hobby for about 6 years now
Joe Kerr
Joe Kerr - 8 years ago
Your system is top notch. I want to tear down my system and rebuild mine after watching your video. Thank you for the time and effort making the video. You must have some grateful tank inhabitants!
AtReef - 8 years ago
+John Kerr thank you so much John, it took me some time to get started on this system but I think it worked out
Babak Morshedizadeh
Babak Morshedizadeh - 8 years ago
That paste for the rocks works fine for me. It is intended to be used in the salt water, and it takes a long time for it to harden. When it does, it is as solid as rock. You didn't have water. The rocks were dry when you tried it.
Babak Morshedizadeh
Babak Morshedizadeh - 8 years ago
+AtReef I used a different brand, and I did get extra skimming for a while. I've also just upgraded to a Hydor Performer skimmer 505 (rated for 125 heavy load to 550 light load); my total water volume is under 29 gal (my sump at maybe 12 gal and display tank + HOB refugium at maybe 17). It's a 20 gal long tank + a 20 gal tall sump (my own design). I'll be adding a ton more corals (LPS mostly and softies) and I am doing a long contact time in both my display and sump (water moves at 75 gal / hr between sump and tank, only enough to maintain same chemistry after 30 minutes of any change on either containers). So, overskimming should not be an issue. I shall see what happens :-)
AtReef - 8 years ago
+Babak Morshedizadeh that is a very good point, and thank you for the information I will give them one more try, just one question, how did your skimmer react to it
Fish Tile Exotics
Fish Tile Exotics - 9 years ago
what editing software do you use
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Fish Tile Exotics I use IMovie from Apple, and I have to say that it works fantastic
Troy Ellis
Troy Ellis - 9 years ago
what was the name for your stand and where can I get it? thanks and keep making videos
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Troy Ellis here is the video that I made for the stand
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Troy Ellis PrimoReef acrylics he dose a great job at making stand and aquarium, and thank you Tory for your great support
DontMatTerSz - 9 years ago
nicely done ...
AtReef - 9 years ago
+DontMatTerSz Thank you so much
mitian - 9 years ago
Nice video - so well explained, I am thinking if I ever move out of my nano tanks, I am thinking going with nothing bigger than 75- but this is one of my favorite set-ups- thanks for sharing ... I am a fan
AtReef - 9 years ago
+mitian thank you so much Mitian I am happy that you enjoyed my setup I am very happy to help as you all helped me in youtube and from you all, happy reefing
Brian Kreller
Brian Kreller - 9 years ago
Nice set-up. How much did it cost, $3000.00? I have a fluval fx6 canister under my tank with a power cord for my heater and power head. I have a 125g tank with live rock and fish. Its been up for 3 years. No ammonia, no nitrite, no phosphate, 0-.05 nitrate, calcium 420-440, kh 9-11, ph 8, temp 78. Water change of 20% every two weeks. Although this set-up is nice, you should mention that you dont need to spend all that money on unnecessary equipment to have a successful aquarium. Maybe get a protein skinner for corals but not for a FOLR aquarium.
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Brian Kreller thank you so much, I wish it was 3000$ but I have to say that is how much the tank and stand cost lol almost, I am very happy that you have an successful system, you are the prove that shows you do not need equipment to run a successful system and I am very happy for you. however the reason that I am setting up this system is to have all the gadget and do it like a lab lol I find the equipment fun and interesting. happy reefing and keep up the good work
Ben K.
Ben K. - 9 years ago
When you say the quality was not the best on your Glass Cages Aquarium, what where some of the problems?
Ben K.
Ben K. - 9 years ago
Thanks for the reply, I looked into the Primo Reef, any other custom manufacturer recommendations?
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Ben K. I would not buy from them, unfortunately my personal OP on them is very poor and the quality was very bad. I paid top money for my system and I was expecting it to be done in a very good and clean format however the seems on the tank was uneven and it was very bulky, the customer service was bad also and it was shipped to me very late. the company is mass producer and I think they could do much better if they put a bit time to it. I have to say that I am not dissatisfied with the tank but I think it could be done much cleaner as it cost me $$$. here is one other comment from Doug1 "I went through 2 pages of threads using glasscages as search term and onl found one reply that was sort of negative, end it was an "i heard quality is not so
good". I would also check the building quality as well. please check the seams very close, and leak test it before you put it in your house as I seen many disaster. If I could go back I would pay the extra money and had primo reef make my tank as well. wish you all the best and keep reefing
goxcpre - 9 years ago
Amazing set up! So you know, I did the same thing with the Tiger pods only to find out that they are a cold water species that will not reproduce in the reef tank. They are a fine source of live food but they will not establish breeding populations. A handfull of macro from a local reefer will be enough to get breeding populations of pods in the fuge.
AtReef - 9 years ago
+goxcpre that is really cool wish you all the best a keep reefing
goxcpre - 9 years ago
+AtReef it's all good. I did the same thing when I set up my tank only to tell a friend about it and have him laugh at me. I've got a local pod breeder now who supplies our reef club with tropical pods for pretty cheap. I'd go that route too if you can.
AtReef - 9 years ago
+goxcpre wow great information I did not know that they are cold water species, lol I mean it make sense that in the store they keep them in a cold. amazing input. thank you
Dinesh Raj Methuku
Dinesh Raj Methuku - 9 years ago
Great job mate
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Dinesh Raj Methuku happy to help
Dinesh Raj Methuku
Dinesh Raj Methuku - 9 years ago
+AtReef thanks mate
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Dinesh Raj Methuku i would suggest do some research and see what is your tank result will be in a year and what type of lighting you may need in future, personally i think this type of light (LED) are much easier to work with as they are expandable and do not require matinees, set it and forget it. but if you like to go all out you could get them and in future implement T5 to you system and run them both at the same time. doing so will give you a great advantage and will look amazing
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Dinesh Raj Methuku thank you Dinesh, i love my Radions. but i have to say that you need to know how to program them and get them setup, if you do not set them up right they could become a problem, however there are many forms online that can help you with them and could tell you the best setting for the type of tank that you have
mammutit - 9 years ago
after 5 minutes I started to say along with you every time you said absolutely.....fantastic :D all joking aside, this is a nice setup , grats
AtReef - 9 years ago
+mammutit lol I will try my best to control my absolutely.....fantastic, Mammutit I am happy that you like the video
andrew khairallah
andrew khairallah - 9 years ago
You are the first person I have seen with a t-slot stand, I liked it so much I think I'm going to order one for my 265 gallon. I went to Primo Reef Acrylics and requested a quote, used you as my reference too!
AtReef - 9 years ago
+andrew khairallah Thank you so much I think you would be really happy with your choice, I personally love my T-slot stand as I have more room and I could change the outside anytime with out spending a lot of money and moving the tank it self. and more importantly it is good looking
RD - 9 years ago
absolutely fantastic
GhoSTHunT3R - 7 years ago
RD i was going to say the same thing hahahaha....
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Richard Diab thank you so much Richard
IbeSyke - 9 years ago
AtReef - 9 years ago
+IbeSyke thank you
VLADFUTURE - 9 years ago
There is not right way to bulid a reef Aquarium. Taking advice from others reefer is ok but, every tank is different.
AtReef - 9 years ago
+VLADFUTURE you are absolutely right, every aquarium is different and needs to be maintained differently. But I think it is always good to take note from other people success, I personally could not have got here with out other people's information and help
Steve Diaz
Steve Diaz - 9 years ago
well whatever decision you make I personally think the tank looks great either way you did a super job and all that equipment man its like you read my mind that's exactly what I had on my wish list anyway keep us posted love your videos keep up the great videos can't wait for the next one
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Steve Diaz thank you so much for you wonderful comment, I am happy that we have the same taste on equipment, it took me a long time to get all of them but finally they are here
Steve Diaz
Steve Diaz - 9 years ago
nice setup i subbed your channel but if you don't mind me giving you my advice try to do a little cord management for a cleaner look if your gonna leave it open like that
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Steve Diaz first I want to say thank you for you sub and comment, next I have to say that I and my wife both agree with you and I am going to try to fix that as soon as possible, lastly I do not want to leave it open I am still looking for a company that can make door panel for t slut stand.
First Massage
First Massage - 9 years ago
kessil a360 as a... refugium light. now that's balling!
AtReef - 9 years ago
+First Massage thank you so much
915Mang - 9 years ago
What up Brother! How you been. I seen you went hard on equipment:) Glass cages , you should of had Primo make you one. To match your stand. Bro you went all out! Im liking all the FAILS,lol Im like the SUMP and EVERYTHING BRO!
AtReef - 9 years ago
Thank you so much for all your help bro wish u all the best
AtReef - 9 years ago
Thank you so much i love your videos as well and cant wait to see more
915Mang - 9 years ago
+AtReef Man, This is a sweet tank, Im going to make sure everyone knows about it in my next video man. You been missing in action, and I see why now! CONGRATS! Nice job on everything
AtReef - 9 years ago
Thank you so much bro I wanted this tank to be my ultimate aquarium, I am happy that you like it. Can't wait to see more of your videos bro
Jorge Torres
Jorge Torres - 9 years ago
nice setup you got there buddy. I'll sub. if you have a chance check out my 125g thanks
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Jorge Torres thank you so much i just sub to you love your setup and keep up the good work
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 9 years ago
really enjoyed watching your process.. you packed a ton of work into a 30 min video... Im curious about a couple things.. u have a ton of equipment under the tank.. when you wrap the stand will u do so in a way that it still allows u access for all sides? also are you going to add another light? the one u have doesn't have enough spread to cover your whole tank.. lots of shadows on the sides.... ether way still a great looking scape and tank.. looking forward to watching this progress.. I subbed. if you like you can watch my tanks progress as well.. not as elaborate but it gets the job done lol... be easy!
AtReef - 9 years ago
+CJ'S AQUARIUMS hello and tank you for liking my video,
i will add more light as i add more coral but as of know i think this will do, i am not just sure to add more led or add a t5, as the stand i am thinking to get a cabinet that has access from all side.
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 9 years ago
Nice setup.... Very nice
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Rad Perez thank you very much
NEMO20G - 9 years ago
Very nice set up!! I've liked and subscribed to your channel. Please visit my channel and subscribe.
NEMO20G - 9 years ago
AtReef - 9 years ago
+NEMO20G thank you so much for the sub i just sub back and cant wait to see more of your work,
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Grady Bamill thank you so much for you nice comment
Phil Maznyk
Phil Maznyk - 9 years ago
Absolutely beautiful setup. I really appreciate your attention to detail. Nice to see you picked a high quality stand from Primo. He lives about an hour from me and I had build my custom sump for my tank. You can view it here Not quite at your level but it works well for me. I've subscribed to your channel and look forward to seeing your build progress.
AtReef - 9 years ago
+Under The Tide thank you so much, i love your setup i wish i could of had my sump and aquarium build from him. i sub to you and will look forward to see all your videos. wish you all the best

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