How to dose Phosphate Rx in your reef tank

I've been using Phosphate Rx for a decade, and it's my preferred product to keep PO4 levels under control. No GFO for me. I've mentioned it many times, but decided "I guess I need to do a video about this product after all." I do realize I could have explained the process in about sixty seconds because it's that simple, but I wanted this to be a fun video. Hope you liked the flashback. I want to thank A.J. for helping film this one. :) Purchase Phosphate Rx here: Purchase 4" 10 micron filter socks here: Facebook: My websites: Music by: Amazing Cinematic Trailer Music / No Copyright Free Music

How to dose Phosphate Rx in your reef tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Reef tank 7 years ago 17,252 views

I've been using Phosphate Rx for a decade, and it's my preferred product to keep PO4 levels under control. No GFO for me. I've mentioned it many times, but decided "I guess I need to do a video about this product after all." I do realize I could have explained the process in about sixty seconds because it's that simple, but I wanted this to be a fun video. Hope you liked the flashback. I want to thank A.J. for helping film this one. :) Purchase Phosphate Rx here: Purchase 4" 10 micron filter socks here: Facebook: My websites: Music by: Amazing Cinematic Trailer Music / No Copyright Free Music

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Most popular comments
for How to dose Phosphate Rx in your reef tank

Cold freeze
Cold freeze - 7 years ago
Good video but that speech part is overdoing it.
Onlyonestinger videos
Onlyonestinger videos - 7 years ago
Marc, Realstinger here in alabama , question I just got finished 2 days ago dosing red Cyano Rx , I just did a 25% water change on my 310 gal system an hour ago, washed my SWC skimmer body n Cup. When can I dose Phosphate RX ?? the skimmer is back running and i raised it a little, its ok and not overflowing with foam. but My DT still has some micro bubbles in it and lil cloudy after the WC. So should I wait until tomorrow night to dose as i know my Phosphates are still high.
Onlyonestinger videos
Onlyonestinger videos - 7 years ago
thank you Marc, Im thinking I will need to change out my 160 gallon sand bed, been there for 14 years and I bet thats were my Algae bloom is coming from.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I’d give it a couple of days for everything to settle down before dosing Phosphate Rx.
Aliasger Alimohammed
Aliasger Alimohammed - 7 years ago
Hi, for my 5000 gallon tank. How many drops should i start with?
Aliasger Alimohammed
Aliasger Alimohammed - 7 years ago
As you said in your video 6 drops for 10 gallons. i was thinking i need 3000 drops for 5000 Gallons so instead of 3000 drops i would do 1000 drops on first day.
Aliasger Alimohammed
Aliasger Alimohammed - 7 years ago
melevsreef - 7 years ago
What is the current PO4 level?
John Beltran
John Beltran - 7 years ago
Hi are ELO's testors easy to use to. Do you use them and do you sell them. Thanks
melevsreef - 7 years ago
John Beltran The test kits are easy to read. You can find them for sale on my website in the Dry Goods section, including videos how I use them.
paul quinn
paul quinn - 7 years ago
Can you dose with nopox this isn’t bringing my phosphate down only nitrate is stabilized at 2 ppm
melevsreef - 7 years ago
If it doesn't bring down PO4, either the kit is measuring wrongly, or you aren't using enough of the product. What size tank? How much did you dose? How many times? Is it 2 ppm or .2 ppm or .02ppm?

No3PoX is a different product, which I know helps with nitrate and should help with phosphate as well.
Matthew Ray
Matthew Ray - 7 years ago
Does this product require the use of a protein skimmer? Can it be used on a system without a skimmer
Matthew Ray
Matthew Ray - 7 years ago
melevsreef thank you I will be ordering both product from you this week . I enjoy your channel and have been following you for years. Thanks for all the support you give to us reefers
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It sounds like you are running a system with a sump. You'll want a 10 micron sock to trap the flocculant, and I sell those on my site as well. Links are in the video description for both items.
Matthew Ray
Matthew Ray - 7 years ago
melevsreef 40g breeder with 29g refugium. But I'm upgrading to a 90g with a 55g refugium in January. So that will be my new reef tank. I'm turning my 40g into a lagoon/macro algae seahorse tank . My new reef will be the 90g with 55g fuge
melevsreef - 7 years ago
If you can run a filter sock instead, you won't need a protein skimmer. What size tank do you have?
vala___ - 7 years ago
Lmfao like the vid in the beginning
Twilight Gardens presentations
Twilight Gardens presentations - 7 years ago
i like this guy
Yoshukai Tony
Yoshukai Tony - 7 years ago
Hi Marc I have a question I test foe phosphorus in my tank and it was 28 so I put 25 drop of phosphate RX wait 24 hours I test again and it was 14 so my question is how long I have to wait to dose again phosphate RX????

10. comment for How to dose Phosphate Rx in your reef tank

Ghia Power
Ghia Power - 7 years ago
great product i have dose it directly into skimmer , just remove top of skimmer and no socks and didn't se anything in display
knock it down from 0,25 to 0,04 in 24 h with no issues , sps,lps etc in tank
alientech86 - 7 years ago
i have green hair algae and bubble algae. How often should i dose phosphate RX ?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
We are only able to measure one type of Phosphate. There is Organic and Inorganic phosphate in saltwater. We usually aim for a target of .03ppm for our tanks, not absolute 0. And there are tanks that measure 0 PO4 yet have algae. You need a clean up crew as well. Read more here:
alientech86 - 7 years ago
so as long as PO4 = 0 then algae will never come back right ?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+alientech86 You only dose based on Phosphate test kit results. When you remove PO4 from the system, algae weakens and can even die. But you may need to get your hands wet and remove done manually once it's weakened.
RuHmVu - 7 years ago
I would need this, my po4 is around 2.16ppm and i did not notice it. Like the guy in video said, shame to me:(.
Keith Becker
Keith Becker - 7 years ago
I have two quick questions before I try this out. And god knows I need it! I just ordered a hanna checker.

1. Has anyone else tried this with seahorses? I'm not too worried but since not a lot of people keep seahorses, I'm wondering if there is any anecdotal evidence on this.
2. Should my keep my phosguard in my reactor running while/after I dose?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
1) I don't know. You could contact Blue Life USA via email or phone call and ask them.
2) Should be fine. I don't remove anything when I dose with Phosphate Rx. You may need to rinse off the mesh bag after dosing, if it seems coated afterwards.
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 7 years ago
so true!
TheHelicapt - 7 years ago
Mel, I heard I should check phosphorus as well as that's the more critical number to check. Sometimes phosphates doesn't show but phosphorus does ?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I've always tested for Phosphate. Salifert, ELOS, Hanna Checker... that's the one I can measure and make corrections from.
TheHelicapt - 7 years ago
I do and tested. Phosphate shows 0 and phosphorus shows .085.
Not sure what the exact science is.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Do you have a Phosphorus kit? If so, test both and let me know what the results are.
#Rossy's Reeftank
#Rossy's Reeftank - 7 years ago
IS this Lanthanum chloride?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Yes, the link is in this video's description.
#Rossy's Reeftank
#Rossy's Reeftank - 7 years ago
can i buy it from you
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Yes, mixed up in a safe proportions. I stated this in the video a couple of times.
Antonio Mendoza Fernandes
Antonio Mendoza Fernandes - 7 years ago
If I have a 110-gallon tank, and my stuff is at 0.09ppm, how should I use this product? How many drops? How long have you added it?
I have, NPX biopellets, and ATS with five weeks operating, my reposition of water is the osmosis system

thanks :)
Antonio Mendoza Fernandes
Antonio Mendoza Fernandes - 7 years ago
melevsreef ok but after that my phosphates are in zero how time I have wait for a new dosis? How long does the treatment last
Josh Vollberg
Josh Vollberg - 7 years ago
Does this Phosphate Rx remove silicates aswell? Phosguard doesn't seem to help much. These diatoms are killing me!
melevsreef - 7 years ago
The tap water probably is the initial problem. Do you have an active clean up crew to keep the sandbed stirred? My article about what to get is here:

If your tank has silicates, you'll want something that removes them. I've not used Phosguard personally, but it lasts a long time. I don't know if one week would have any notable effect.

You may have something else on the sand, not diatoms. Are you posting on reef2reef yet? I'm on there as melev.
Josh Vollberg
Josh Vollberg - 7 years ago
My 60 gallon reef has been setup for about 7 months filled with tap water, and has constant diatom problems on the sand. I do not think the dry rock have diatoms as well, but I can send a link to some pictures later if you would like to see. I did close to a 50% water change 2 weeks ago with RODI , and left some Phosguard in my sump for a week. I have also been dosing Dr. Tims "Waste Away" since then weekly. I tested my phosphates a few days ago and they are close to zero, so I believe this combination has worked surprisingly, but probably hasn't lowered my silicates much because the diatoms are still present. Because I did close to a 50% water change with RODI, how long do you think it will take to starve out the diatoms? Should I put phosguard back in for another week and continue Dr. Tims?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It's a flocculant to remove phosphate from the water. Diatoms are normal, especially in a new tank. Tell me more about your setup.
Pam Konen
Pam Konen - 7 years ago
Wht is the best way to treat a 29 gallon tank? phosphate is,at .025. I have brown & green algea on glass every day. I don't have a sump or skimmer...? just a HOB.

20. comment for How to dose Phosphate Rx in your reef tank

Mandrake Fernflower
Mandrake Fernflower - 7 years ago
the nurdrage impression is on point
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Good luck with your first saltwater reef. :)
Mandrake Fernflower
Mandrake Fernflower - 7 years ago
he is a chemistry youtuber who a uses similar voice modulator as you did with the 2004 phosphate guy. he is a really talented youtuber... I'm also gonna be starting my first SW tank in the upcoming months!!!!!!
melevsreef - 7 years ago
MRVO2011 - 7 years ago
Im not sure but after I used phoshase rx my tank has alot of red slime algae. What do you think?
MRVO2011 - 7 years ago
+melevsreef thanks I will try to turn off my light for 3 days and see.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Water changes always help. But they aren't the cure to cyano. Here's my full write up:
MRVO2011 - 7 years ago
If I do 50% water change will it help or get worse?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I've never seen that happen and I've dosed it a lot. It's unrelated. You may need to treat for cyano bacteria. How much is a lot?
Anett Mindermann
Anett Mindermann - 7 years ago
OMG that guy is SOO me! I did it all and had my tank for over 12 years and am ready to throw it out! Been dealing with green, brown algae, hair name it! I messaged you on Instagram and you recommended to look at this video...well, it might just be MY solution to all my problems. Ordering it now on amazon along with a phosphate kid. I also realized that I haven't changed out my RO DI filters for over 2 years. That's on today's list to do and my next video to watch how you do it. Thanks for all the great info you put out there for us!
Anett Mindermann
Anett Mindermann - 7 years ago
I just wanted to let you know that this works like magic. The tank is not perfect yet but 100% better and the anemones are coming alive again! Thanks so much for this awesome tip!
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Let me know if I can help any further. Use Contact Us on as that is best. I don't message much on instagram. :)
Reefahholic - 7 years ago
Great video Marc!
MRVO2011 - 7 years ago
Beside blomming of alges due to high in phosphate but will it cause coral to shrink n die as well?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Some corals may suffer from elevated PO4 levels, just like they don't tolerate higher nitrate levels. Growth may slow, and the coral may even be overtaken by boring algae.
MRVO2011 - 7 years ago
+melevsreef so high in phosphate only cause the tank to have more algae but will not affect coral health?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
MRVO2011 I've been using it for 10 years. In my experience, no.
TheSEA04 - 7 years ago
Thanks for the very informative video!
pauls reef
pauls reef - 7 years ago
Do you use this for all your tank? Idk if you said this in your video but do you use anything else for phosphate removal?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Yes, this is the only thing I use for phosphate removal.
Rene Macias
Rene Macias - 7 years ago
Hey Marc! Will this help with hair Algea?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Yes, I talk about it in this video:
James Morrison
James Morrison - 7 years ago
Bet a strong skimmer, carbon dosing (vodka or pellets), and phosphate Rx would manage nutrients quite well.
A L B - 7 years ago
This product works great. It worked for me. Thanks for the great video.

30. comment for How to dose Phosphate Rx in your reef tank

The Beanie boo Pals
The Beanie boo Pals - 7 years ago
ATM have a lanthanum product as well never used it cause it said it would also effect calcium levels....does phosphate RX effect calcium???
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I've never noticed any change. What you could do is test alkalinity, calcium and phosphate, and write down your numbers. Dose the tank and the next day test all three again and see what you get. I'll try to remember to do the same.

And quit killing those LPS; they are my favorite coral. :)
alan duroseau
alan duroseau - 7 years ago
can i use this to help clear up green water ( allege in water column)??
alan duroseau
alan duroseau - 7 years ago
+melevsreef thank you
melevsreef - 7 years ago
UV is one method for that, and running fresh GAC in a reactor for a few days would also help immensely with green-tinged water.
Zach Murray
Zach Murray - 7 years ago
Can I keep my carbon in my HOB filter while using Phosphate RX? (I use Chemi-Pure Blue, filter floss, Poly Filter, and an AquaMaxx HOB skimmer)
Zach Murray
Zach Murray - 7 years ago
Great! Thank you for letting us know about this little (if it works as well as you say, then maybe not so little!!) secret!! Your videos are very informative.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Yes, you don't have to turn anything off when you treat with Phosphate Rx.
abinder3 - 7 years ago
I've watched the video a couple of times. Do you need to use a 10micron filter sock or will a 100micron filter sock along with a skimmer work okay?
Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
(Very informative video.)

abinder3 - 7 years ago
okay. Since I have flexible hose running from the tank down to the tank, I should be able to disconnect it from the sump and have all of the water drain down through the 4" 10m filter sock

The rectangular filter sock has an inner dimension of 3.75" and outter dimension of 4.5" at the narrowest portion of the rectangular filter sock. Do you that the 4" 10m filter sock would sit on top of the rectangular filter sock okay?

Thanks again for your advice and replies.

melevsreef - 7 years ago
Putting the 4" sock inside the rectangular one should be simple. And have the tank drain into the 4" sock. If/when it overflows, it would overflow into the rectangular one. And for what it's worth, I ran Phosphate Rx in my tank for years and didn't use a sock at all. No reason to overthink this.
abinder3 - 7 years ago
Maybe, I don't know if the water would go under and around the circular sock and just go into the rectangular sock.
(A little bit going in would be better than none though.)
abinder3 - 7 years ago
Will measure one tonight.
I live in El Segundo, CA (near the beach of the Los Angeles area; south side of LAX airport.)
Thanks again !
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I did that once. I spent about 6 hours one day dosing a little bit every 30 minutes, using a timer to remind myself to dose the next amount... it worked, but I never did that method again. It was kind of a pain but I was dosing a 280g reef.
abinder3 - 7 years ago
One other thought; what if the Phosphate Rx was added directly into the skimmer? Would that take out most of the large particles?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Please measure one of your current socks and post the dimensions. Length, Width, and Height in inches. Where are you located?
abinder3 - 7 years ago
My sump is the Eshopps ADV-200.
(I see you have the 4" 10m on your site. I probably would need a smaller one.)
abinder3 - 7 years ago
My sump is the Eshopps ADV-200.
(I see you have the 4" 10m on your site. I probably would need a smaller one.)
abinder3 - 7 years ago
Don't know if a 10m sock would fit inside of it. would have to be very, very small. Where did you get the 10m sock from?
(Thanks again for your replies!!)
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Oh, that's a good point. What about placing a 10m sock inside the rectangular one for that single dose? It only has to work for a couple of hours or overnight. Plus when it overflows, sock #2 would still help somewhat I'd imagine.
abinder3 - 7 years ago
I use an AquaMaxx ConeS Q-2 skimmer.
(Thanks for your reply.)
I have an Eshopps sump and unfortunately it takes rectangular filter socks. I had 100 micron mesh filter sock custom made for it (unfortunately, the only way I could get them custom made was if I ordered 30 of them.)
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+abinder3 A 10m sock will be more effective but feel free to try the 100m. What skimmer do you use?
HNiCDuke - 7 years ago
do u dose base on seeing algae growing or testing and seeing you had higher than usual phosphates?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+HNiCDuke When algae film gathers quicker on the glass, that's a pretty good clue for me. I'll confirm with a phosphate test, and if they measure .5 or higher, I'll dose.
Darrin Hawkey
Darrin Hawkey - 7 years ago
use it with bio pellets?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+Darrin Hawkey Yes, you can. I do.
Victor Fox
Victor Fox - 7 years ago
On my local reef forum I've heard of at least three horror stories of people using too much lanthanum chloride. Doesn't seem affect anything except kill zebrasoma tangs. Looks like phosphat rx is mixed at a much safer concentration than what others get at pool supplies store. Great video.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+Victor Fox That's my point, too.
Blackbookproduct10ns - 7 years ago
How often do you usually have to clean your glass AFTER you dose phosphate rx?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+Blackbookproduct10ns I'd say once every five days.
Adrian Fang
Adrian Fang - 7 years ago
I've been contemplating getting Phosphate Rx vs. installing dual GFO and Carbon reactors to tackle my algae problem. I saw another reefer who uses Phosphate Rx only and no GFO and carbon, and his tank was immaculate. Do you recommend that I use Phosphate Rx with only a carbon reactor (to handle the nitrate)? Or go aggressive and use GFO + Carbon + Phosphate Rx (when needed if GFO is not as effective)?
Adrian Fang
Adrian Fang - 7 years ago
Thanks for the advice! I will use Phosphate RX (for phosphates) and look for a biopellet reactor (for nitrates).
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+Adrian Fang I haven't used GFO since 2005... and a reactor filled with GAC (1/2 cup per 50g) will absorb stuff that discolors the water, but it won't drop nitrate. Biopellets will help with nitrate. I have a video about biopellets you might want to watch.
Nemanja Mijatovic
Nemanja Mijatovic - 7 years ago
great vid!
Prieto Reef
Prieto Reef - 7 years ago
Tim's Tank
Tim's Tank - 7 years ago
Great video Marc
Betta Gene
Betta Gene - 7 years ago
i also run charcoal do i remove it sorry if im asking to many questions
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+Betta Gene No, leave the carbon running. I answered most of your questions in the video. You might want to rewatch it again.
Betta Gene
Betta Gene - 7 years ago
ok i just purchased it i have a 75 gallon with tons of mushrooms n zoanthids n rose bubble tips n some other soft corals now this rx is not going to do some damage on these corals is it n how many drops should i use on this tank thanks again n thank u for the quick response
melevsreef - 7 years ago
3 years isn't new. You've been caring for the tank for about 1000 days in a row. :) I asked you want the actual water volume is in the tank, how much liquid is in there? A 75g aquarium doesn't actually hold 75g. The more rock and sand you have in there, the less room for water there is. And if you have a sump under the aquarium, that water needs to be counted as well. You need to know how much water you have to know the proper dosage.

I have a video about Green Hair Algae that mentions Phosphate Rx specifically: You may want to watch that one as well.

But you have to get a phosphate test kit: Once you know the PO4 level in your tank, you'll know how much Phosphate Rx to use.
Betta Gene
Betta Gene - 7 years ago
lets just say i have a lot of algae bloom n i have a UV on this tank n also have a lot of brown algae n hair algae phosphate level dont know have not checked it what do u mean water volume u mean how much fish i have in the tank im kind of semi new on this tank has being running for 3 years has 7 fish in it
melevsreef - 7 years ago
It won't damage any of those items. What is your current phosphate level? What is your actual water volume?
Betta Gene
Betta Gene - 7 years ago
hi there love the video i think im going to buy this product now question im running dr tims bio pellets do i need to stop using this pellets in order to use this phosphate rx
Betta Gene
Betta Gene - 7 years ago
n how often should i use it on my 75 gallon
melevsreef - 7 years ago
You will continue to run your biopellets, because those remove nitrate. Phosphate Rx will drop the PO4 level of your system when dosed.
rob brown
rob brown - 7 years ago
watch the reflection in the door window at 8:25 , a horrible little alien face pops out, lol
sharkman121 - 7 years ago
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Daily Reefing
Daily Reefing - 7 years ago
Excellent video Marc! So is this product just their brand of pure lanthanum chloride? I've been using SeaKlear LaCl3 for a few rounds on my 600 gallon system, but from my reading online, I've been terrified to let any of the precipitate out of the filter sock or everything would die..but if this product is just another brand of the same LaCl3 chemical, then obviously my fear is unfounded as your reef is proof of it's safety. Thanks for the help!
Daily Reefing
Daily Reefing - 7 years ago
melevsreef interesting, I'll check it out.. Thanks!
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Yes, it's simply mixed up at the proper ratio for safe use. That's the main reason I use it, since I have a large reef myself.
Gotterdammung - 7 years ago
OMG that cracked me up, great vid! :'D
Ken Hickey
Ken Hickey - 7 years ago
Seen your one of your Video's talking about this before tried it love it! Thanks for sharing sir.
RaffM522 - 7 years ago
Any effect on algae in your refugeum?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+RaffM522 Nothing detrimental. I always have feather caulerpa growing, and it has to be culled from time to time. It may grow slower right after dosing but I've never noticed any change.

50. comment for How to dose Phosphate Rx in your reef tank

Andy's Reef
Andy's Reef - 7 years ago
Nice video, can you tell me what is the UK alternative? Will this eventually become available in the uk? Thanks
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Let me find out if that's an option. I know I can mail it USPS Priority Mail Internationally, but if you have it locally that would be easier for you.
sbazain - 7 years ago
it works great for me I learned about it from your video on hair algae been using it since I feed a lot too it keeps it .25
Medic7000 - 7 years ago
So how does this compare to Red Sea NO3:PO4-X?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
You have to dose NoPox daily, right? This stuff is used as needed. Once a month? Once a quarter.... when phosphates have risen in the tank and you want to lower them again. Also, it has no effect on nitrate.
Reef & Livebearer Aquatics
Reef & Livebearer Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi Melev, great video. I loved the skit in the beginning. I've found your videos are informative, void of information that hasn't been tested or are myths. It's so awesome that you are presenting us with real, factual information. Anyway, I have a small All-In-One system that doesn't run a skimmer and can't run a sock. How wouldI capture the precipitates? Also what test kit do you use for phosphate? Thanks.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
You ONLY need it when you dose, which is one night only. And if you do this once a month, it's no big deal.
Reef & Livebearer Aquatics
Reef & Livebearer Aquatics - 7 years ago
I'm trying to think of other ways to build what you said just with less drilling and bulkheads and tubing which I don't have lying around like I'd expect sump users to. After all I have an AIO. Maybe drill a small hole in the side of the bucket to zip tie the sock and tubing below the rim of the bucket, and have a hole in the bottom of the bucket that goes into the back compartment of my tank. With the bucket just sitting on my tank. :/
melevsreef - 7 years ago
A canister filter would be quicker, but a DIY project has merit. Something to build, to challenge yourself, and to showcase to others.

You could use something smaller than a bucket if you liked.
Reef & Livebearer Aquatics
Reef & Livebearer Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes! Thank you :) Wonder if this is more work than just running a reactor lol :)
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I remembered meeting you; I'm just terrible with names. Thanks for that. If you cut the sock near the rim, it will tear off in time. The bucket lid has a rim, so if the sock fills to the brim it will fill the upper section of the lid. Having a couple of holes in the lid, water will flow into those holes and drain into the bucket. And it would be noisy enough to catch your attention so you can resolve it. Does that make sense?
Reef & Livebearer Aquatics
Reef & Livebearer Aquatics - 7 years ago
Yes it Matt, I met you at MACNA :) Thanks for the tip about the bucket! I'm a little confused on the last paragraph though. Wouldn't it be better to cut a hole in the top of the sock that way if it clogged water can escape at the top of the sock or just mount the sock hanging from the lid so if it overflows it'll just go over the top of the sock? Thanks for the quick response :)
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Hi (I forgot your first name.. was it Matt?), you can use Salifert or Elos for Phosphate testing. Both are pretty good kits. A canister filter hooked up temporarily overnight would be your next best option for an AIO tank. Or maybe DIY a nifty solution using a bucket, bucket lid, 10m filter sock, some tubing, a bulkhead and a powerhead...

The bucket will have to be higher than the tank. Cut a hole in the lid for the sock to fit in. Drill a hole near the bottom of the bucket for the bulkhead. Put a powerhead in the tank, running tubing from the powerhead into the sock. Secure that hose so it doesn't flop out with a ziptie. Run tubing from the bulkhead back to the tank. When you turn on the powerhead, tank water will flow up and out of the tank into the filter sock, and the water will flow out the pores of the sock into the bucket. The bulkhead near the bottom will drain that water back into the tank.

You may want to drill a few large holes (3/4" or so) in the lid in case the sock clogs up completely so the water goes into the bucket and not all over the place. :)
Ben Riley
Ben Riley - 7 years ago
Is a skimmer needed for this product?
Ben Riley
Ben Riley - 7 years ago
melevsreef lol just the snippet when the bottle was on the dirt. I ask because I know the product NoPox needs a skimmer or air bubbler for good aeration
SPS Dominant
SPS Dominant - 7 years ago
I've used Lanthanum Chloride in the past in my old 300 gallon reef with a BRS dosing pump. 1 Ml per minute. I would dose for 10 seconds every 10 minutes for 3 hours. Did this for years until a ran out of the product. Just haven't bought any more. It was from a pool store. I actually miss this stuff. It works great without any side affects.
SPS Dominant
SPS Dominant - 7 years ago
I'm thinking about getting a bottle from Melevsreef for a just in case moment.
Terri Landt
Terri Landt - 7 years ago
I also use the method you refer to in my large tank. I use Phosphate RX in my smaller frag system. If you want ease of use, go with Phosphate RX by Blue Life!
Iván Santos Castaldo
Iván Santos Castaldo - 7 years ago
Mark, great video as always! I'd like to see an update on the frag tank. Maybe you can include it in the hannah checkers video, which is a great topic and I really want to hear your opinion on them. Thanks!
T Surro
T Surro - 7 years ago
Great stuff use this allot!!
915Mang - 7 years ago
Good stuff, I already have a bottle.
Mick Hicks
Mick Hicks - 7 years ago
To buy this in the UK would cost me £70 that's really taking the Mickey.
Mick Hicks
Mick Hicks - 7 years ago
Hey thanks a lot it's for my father in law.let me get back to your utube channel .
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I just used Google to convert pounds to dollars. I sell it for $28, which is $23 pounds. Plus whatever USPS priority mail would be to get it to you, if you wanted me to ship it from the U.S. to you. Fedex is too expensive. Might be worth putting a couple of bottles in that shipment. The small box holds up to four packs, if you wanted to go that route.
Mick Hicks
Mick Hicks - 7 years ago
£53 for the phosphate rx and £ 19.99 for postage.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+Mick Hicks What does that price include?
twinturbo111 - 7 years ago
Can I set this up with auto doser , dropping in the tank suuuuuper slowly ?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Years ago, I tried a different method. I dripped 10 drops into the body of my skimmer every 30 minutes. I did this on a Saturday, and used a timer to remind me to do the next dose, and this went on for about 6 hours I think. My tank didn't get cloudy at all, but all the running back and forth was annoying enough that I never did it again that way.

I don't know why you'd need to dose this at all. It's a single session, takes about a minute to drip it in and then you're done. Plus do you want this type of product tethered to your tank knowing the doser could potentially go nuts and add it all?
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 7 years ago
Great video with a huge amount of information. Also, looking forward to the video on the Hanna Checkers.
Pam Konen
Pam Konen - 7 years ago
I don't use a skimmer...just a HOB....can I still use these drops if I change out my poly filter pad the next day?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Nope. I have starfish that have been in my systems since 2003. They've all been through this treatment many times.
Pam Konen
Pam Konen - 7 years ago
Ok. Will it harm my sifting starfish?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
I would think so. Be sure to use Poly Filter (TM), not just the generic poly filter floss stuff.
My Reef Life
My Reef Life - 7 years ago
Looks like a great product. Thanks for sharing!
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 7 years ago
Better to use a product that removes the phos. OUT of the water and leaves NOTHING behind. This product NOT for me.
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 7 years ago
Not that much 'work'.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Dennis Younger I talked about that as well. Most everyone sets up a GFO reactor. It's simply more work.
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 7 years ago
gfo simple lasts a long time. Used by many reefers.
twinturbo111 - 7 years ago
Dennis Younger like what ?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+Dennis Younger What do you use now?
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 7 years ago
i have to order some from your site. . I'm using Brightwells and i want to compare the 2 products
Christian Swogger
Christian Swogger - 7 years ago
Will running carbon affect it?
Christian Swogger
Christian Swogger - 7 years ago
melevsreef cool and do I have t run. A canister filter on my nano cube
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+Christian Swogger GAC is fine. I run carbon in a reactor as well.
Reefchick - 7 years ago
Interesting Marc think I'll try it. Love the video and how informative you are!
Steve Cunningham
Steve Cunningham - 7 years ago
Hey Marc, great video, thank you. I have a question. I've been using this product for about a year now, And I love it. I noticed in your video you dosed it in the sump.. is that a better way, or proper way to do it? I've always dosed directly into the tank. Just want to make sure I'm doing it properly, thanks again.
Steve Cunningham
Steve Cunningham - 7 years ago
It works very well. I'm a heavy feeder and also run GFO and I still need to doses every couple to few weeks. Love your channel btw.. you've taught me a lot.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+Steve Cunningham I prefer to dose products in the sump usually. It can dilute somewhat before it enters the display. But it really doesn't matter. How well does it work for you?
Jamie Wilson
Jamie Wilson - 7 years ago
Would filter floss be sufficient to remove the flocculants?
Jamie Wilson
Jamie Wilson - 7 years ago
I have an IM Nuvo Fusion Lagoon 25. I might still have the filter socks that came with it, but I'm not sure; I can't remember whether I threw those out or not. Are there filter pads with small enough pores that I can use instead of the filter floss in my inTank media baskets?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+Jamie Wilson I think floss may be too porous for this. Can you rig a filter sock temporarily? What size tank do you have?
TexasReeferUSA - 7 years ago
how does it work if I have been carbon dosing??
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+TexasReeferUSA By carbon dosing, you mean vodka, sugar, vinegar or biopellets? If so, yes it still works. I run biopellets... have been for the past 5 years. And before that I dosed vodka daily in my 280g reef. Throughout the past 10 years of reefing, I've dosed Phosphate Rx as needed.
TexasReeferUSA - 7 years ago
lol, great vid. Time for "tough love" intervention for the reef tank.
eric olsen
eric olsen - 7 years ago
Can you use this product with Phosgurad running?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+eric olsen I don't think you'd need both. And I don't know the answer to that one.
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+Bubba Shinobi Perhaps you could buy a 10 micron sock and cut it into the shape of the filter pad ( or a few pads if they are small) to trap the flocculant. You want to export this, which is why I mentioned a canister filter at the end of the video for AIO tank owners.
Cesca's Reef
Cesca's Reef - 7 years ago
Nice video and great information  :)
Chris Jenkins
Chris Jenkins - 7 years ago
I hope you have 50 bottles on hand lol ;-P

I use it on my AIO biocube 14s and have no issues. I just use a fresh piece of "Poly-Filter" and discard after 24 hours.

Great video! :-)
Alex Lachino
Alex Lachino - 7 years ago
Stupid question... did you put all the drops at one time? Or spread out over night?
Chris Jenkins
Chris Jenkins - 7 years ago
Alex Lachino it is done all at once.
Darth GrumpBert
Darth GrumpBert - 7 years ago
0:50 "This Guy" has a problem! Haha! XD
Christopher Hayes
Christopher Hayes - 7 years ago
great video. thanks! !
chris kitedude
chris kitedude - 7 years ago
surely lathanium chloride based?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
Jump to 8:20 again.
Sky&Sea 4K
Sky&Sea 4K - 7 years ago
In case you wanted to mix some yourself xD

Assuming 1ml is 20 drops, 180 dosed drops is 9ml.
(assuming it's LaCl3)
9ml LaCl3 (aq) reduced 1845kg (450gallons) of seawater from 1ppm to 0.25ppm
Therefore, 0.75ppm were removed: 1.38g of PO4 were precipitated, meaning 0.0146moles.

La reacts with PO4 in a ratio of 1:1. 9ml of phosphate Rx most probably contained 0.0146moles of La (aq).
The concentration of the LaCl3 is therefore 1.62molar. LaCl3 saturates at 25 degrees at 3.96M, so knock yourself out xD At higher concentration, there's more room for error though

(sorry for any mistakes, it's been 4 years since high school chemistry xD)
Tristan G
Tristan G - 7 years ago
hahah 10 years ago: and yet, I have phosphates.... Gold!
StudioReef - 7 years ago
Thanks for the tip!
Great video :)
Brandon Meade
Brandon Meade - 7 years ago
ha ha yr mad love the black and white bit . very funny
Bradford Mummford
Bradford Mummford - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video Marc!
I purchased phosphate RX after your recommendation for it when you dosed it to a smaller frag tank to clear up gha. I used it on a jbj 30gal aio tank with no problems at all. Take Marc's advice, THIS STUFF JUST WORKS!
Jay-D - 7 years ago
my fish were happy. they were fat. they loved nori lmao!
nodrules2 - 7 years ago
Do you know why the American reef channel disabled their comments and like dislike? also great vids keep up the good work.
Damon Gaskin
Damon Gaskin - 7 years ago
melevsreef it is about 220 gallons.. And it hovers around 0.05 without gfo(running a scrubber and cheato tub). I actually have small micron socks, and bought them specifically for the lc.. But it just seems to not work for me.. Even with the socks, the tank will cloud. I am wondering if maybe I got a bad batch, but then, it does the same with the pool stuff.. So any help would be great, simply suggestions as I try hard to do all I can.. I was running pellets, but took them off recently..
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+Damon Gaskin What is your total actual water volume, taking into account displacement by rock and sand? Current phosphate level?
melevsreef - 7 years ago
+hakan ozdemir Yes. Send me an email with your shipping address and I'll get a shipping quote. Click Contact Us on my website.
Damon Gaskin
Damon Gaskin - 7 years ago
Question, and I think for me at least why I don't use it more(I have an almost full bottle along with some pool store stuff).. I just don't get the drop that is advertised or stated.. And I use a fine micron sock to collect the flocculent.. Any suggestions..
Matt Weber
Matt Weber - 7 years ago
yea he doesnt care for the opinion wars in his comment section so simply disabled it all. Troll control.
hakan ozdemir
hakan ozdemir - 7 years ago
hi Marc this stuff is really hard to find in the uk. would you send me some. let me know the price and I can make the payment. many thanks
melevsreef - 7 years ago
No, I didn't know that. Was there a lot of arguing?

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