How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16

The Nuvo 16 Kit has been discontinued, please see the new 20 Fusion Kit here: Starting a reef tank can be so exciting and a little daunting if you don't know where to begin. At we make reefing fun and easy, so for those new to reefing we thought we would show you how to easily set up a 16 gallon saltwater aquarium and we created a kit with everything you need. Step 1: Setting up the Tank So we included a Nano 16 Gallon Nuvo Aquarium from Innovative Marine. The tank is a sleek design, easily sets up and comes with LED lights, overflow and filtration columns on the back. Place the aquarium on a sturdy table or countertop. Adding the rock is completely up to personal preference but try to stack the rock so that it is a few inches away from the top and sides of the tank. Pour in your sand and evenly spread it around the rock and bottom of the tank. Step 2: Mixing Saltwater You can use any container to mix your saltwater, at BRS we recommend a trash can or five gallon bucket. Initially, we started by pouring 15 gallons of water into the container. We've included Crystal Sea Marinemix in the kit. This is a high quality salt containing a de-chlorinator so that you don't need to worry about the chlorine in your tap water. Add the salt to the water and let dissolve. By using the refractometer you can easily see the salinity of your water - we are shooting for 35 parts per thousand or 1.026. Fifteen gallons of water should take around seven or so cups of salt. Step 3: Get Familiar with the Back of the Tank The area at the back of the tank in used to house pumps, filters and heaters. So at this point let's take the heater and mount it in the left or right chamber and place it fairly low so that it will always be submerged. Check all your tubing connections. Pour you saltwater and plug everything in. Be sure to use a GFI outlet or a powerstrip with a GFI built in and be safe by having a drip loop on your cords. Set your heater to 78 degrees. Step 4: Install your Lights The Nano 16 comes with two LED lights that easily attach. That's it. Step 5: Cycle your Tank Cycling your tank allows beneficial bacteria to multiply. We've included our Reef Saver rock in this kit, which is 100% free of nuisance algae and pest organisms, and greatly reduces the time it takes for your tank to cycle. Let the tank sit overnight and heat up. The next morning add the Bio-Spira, this will make your tank ready for your first fish. We recommend a hardy fish like a clownfish. Then give your tank a month stabilize with the lights off before adding anything new. Keeping the lights off will help reduce algae growth that are common with new tanks. As a general rule, it is wise to never more than double your fish load in a single month meaning next month add another fish and possibly two the month after. Step 6: Choose your Tank Inhabitants Choose fish that will help you be successful: clownfish, purple or red fire fish, shrimp and goby pairs, lawnmower or midas blennys or an orchid dotty back. Once the tank is stabilized around your fish population,you can add snails, crabs and shrimp. Nassarious and astria snails are popular as well as small hermits, emerald crabs, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp and pistol shrimp. The LED lights that come with the aquarium are strong enough to keep some low light corals, as a beginner is also wise to select some that don't require much effort like soft or even some LPS corals. Zoanthids, mushrooms, ricordea, polyps, candy canes, duncan, torch and frog spawn. Step 7: Tank Maintenance It is wise to feed the fish only a small amount. Overfeeding can easily pollute the tank and cause algae growth. Due to evaporation, you will need to top off the tank with freshwater every couple of days. We recommend distilled or reverse osmosis water. Keeping the glass clean with a glass cleaner and performing a partial water change - say, 5 gallons every other week. Step 8: Enjoy Your New Saltwater Aquarium

How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 150

Reef tank 11 years ago 684,208 views

The Nuvo 16 Kit has been discontinued, please see the new 20 Fusion Kit here: Starting a reef tank can be so exciting and a little daunting if you don't know where to begin. At we make reefing fun and easy, so for those new to reefing we thought we would show you how to easily set up a 16 gallon saltwater aquarium and we created a kit with everything you need. Step 1: Setting up the Tank So we included a Nano 16 Gallon Nuvo Aquarium from Innovative Marine. The tank is a sleek design, easily sets up and comes with LED lights, overflow and filtration columns on the back. Place the aquarium on a sturdy table or countertop. Adding the rock is completely up to personal preference but try to stack the rock so that it is a few inches away from the top and sides of the tank. Pour in your sand and evenly spread it around the rock and bottom of the tank. Step 2: Mixing Saltwater You can use any container to mix your saltwater, at BRS we recommend a trash can or five gallon bucket. Initially, we started by pouring 15 gallons of water into the container. We've included Crystal Sea Marinemix in the kit. This is a high quality salt containing a de-chlorinator so that you don't need to worry about the chlorine in your tap water. Add the salt to the water and let dissolve. By using the refractometer you can easily see the salinity of your water - we are shooting for 35 parts per thousand or 1.026. Fifteen gallons of water should take around seven or so cups of salt. Step 3: Get Familiar with the Back of the Tank The area at the back of the tank in used to house pumps, filters and heaters. So at this point let's take the heater and mount it in the left or right chamber and place it fairly low so that it will always be submerged. Check all your tubing connections. Pour you saltwater and plug everything in. Be sure to use a GFI outlet or a powerstrip with a GFI built in and be safe by having a drip loop on your cords. Set your heater to 78 degrees. Step 4: Install your Lights The Nano 16 comes with two LED lights that easily attach. That's it. Step 5: Cycle your Tank Cycling your tank allows beneficial bacteria to multiply. We've included our Reef Saver rock in this kit, which is 100% free of nuisance algae and pest organisms, and greatly reduces the time it takes for your tank to cycle. Let the tank sit overnight and heat up. The next morning add the Bio-Spira, this will make your tank ready for your first fish. We recommend a hardy fish like a clownfish. Then give your tank a month stabilize with the lights off before adding anything new. Keeping the lights off will help reduce algae growth that are common with new tanks. As a general rule, it is wise to never more than double your fish load in a single month meaning next month add another fish and possibly two the month after. Step 6: Choose your Tank Inhabitants Choose fish that will help you be successful: clownfish, purple or red fire fish, shrimp and goby pairs, lawnmower or midas blennys or an orchid dotty back. Once the tank is stabilized around your fish population,you can add snails, crabs and shrimp. Nassarious and astria snails are popular as well as small hermits, emerald crabs, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp and pistol shrimp. The LED lights that come with the aquarium are strong enough to keep some low light corals, as a beginner is also wise to select some that don't require much effort like soft or even some LPS corals. Zoanthids, mushrooms, ricordea, polyps, candy canes, duncan, torch and frog spawn. Step 7: Tank Maintenance It is wise to feed the fish only a small amount. Overfeeding can easily pollute the tank and cause algae growth. Due to evaporation, you will need to top off the tank with freshwater every couple of days. We recommend distilled or reverse osmosis water. Keeping the glass clean with a glass cleaner and performing a partial water change - say, 5 gallons every other week. Step 8: Enjoy Your New Saltwater Aquarium

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Most popular comments
for How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16

Eric Gruntfuttock
Eric Gruntfuttock - 7 years ago
When i see such small tanks...i just see an underwater prison cell...
Thomas1980 - 7 years ago
great video!
Rogue Stomper
Rogue Stomper - 7 years ago
what is the light for the tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
These tanks have an optional Innovative Marine Skkye LED in various configurations. :-)
Peyton Morrison
Peyton Morrison - 7 years ago
Should there be a current?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Depending on the types of corals you choose or inhabitants, you may not need additional flow beyond the flow that is created from the return pump. :-)
Kiko Rabacal
Kiko Rabacal - 7 years ago
Thanks for all the information you guys share! I have heard different theories about what goes in first, if the fish, the corals or the cleaning crew. It seems here you advise for doing fish/crew/corals, is that correct?
Thanks in advance
Kiko Rabacal
Kiko Rabacal - 7 years ago
Thanks for your answer! Happy new year for the whole BRS team. Cheers
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
There's a few approaches that many reefers take to introducing livestock to a new tank. This method has worked well for many reefers here at BRS while others may vary it slightly. :-)
Kafasız Adam
Kafasız Adam - 7 years ago
What is the ligthning system preferences? Brand? Model?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
We're big fans of the AquaIllumination (AI) Primes! :-)
Noah Secrist
Noah Secrist - 7 years ago
Your posture is impeccable.
Justin Gayheart
Justin Gayheart - 7 years ago
how much bio spira should go into a tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Bio-Spira is dosed according to your tank size. The 100 mL size is good for up to 30 gallon tanks and the 250 mL size is good for 75 gallon tanks. :-)
JTS 21
JTS 21 - 7 years ago
If I were to setup a simple tank with little corals and anemones with 2 clownfish and a 10-15 gallon tank also a light it would probably cost me $200 it’s quite expensive for me already

10. comment for How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16

Emilio Beas
Emilio Beas - 7 years ago
YOU ARE AWSOME MAN THANK YOU I HAVE A 20G tank And my fish are living in the high life!
Leonie who?
Leonie who? - 7 years ago
Thank you so much!! This was so helpfull, the only video on the internet about setting up a tank that I actually understand. I have a question though, does my tank need to be standing in sunlight or is it ok If its in the corner of my room where there is actually not much light..?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
In most cases, direct sunlight on a saltwater tank may lead to algae growth issues. It's typically recommended to keep direct sunlight away from the tank if possible. :-)
Emilio Beas
Emilio Beas - 7 years ago
What about the Fish cycle?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Some bacteria supplements like BioSpira, can shorten the tank cycle by jump starting the beneficial bacterial colony that will convert ammonia into a less harmful Nitrite and Nitrate. :-)
Emilio Beas
Emilio Beas - 7 years ago
What do I search up if I want to get the rocks that you have
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
RAW TOPSHOT - 7 years ago
Why have I got the Simpsons theme tune playing over and over in my head whilst watching this?
RAW TOPSHOT - 7 years ago
Dude is super cool and laid back!
Should send audition tape to Simpsons producers as a potential new character "Reefer"
Gerardo Diaz
Gerardo Diaz - 7 years ago
Wait do the plants grow alone.
mark su
mark su - 7 years ago
we need to sesh haha
Steff Pastrano
Steff Pastrano - 7 years ago
Just go to the sea/beach and dive, get some corals, sand and clean sea water. I just build my reef tank for $10 haha..
Jasmine Morales
Jasmine Morales - 7 years ago
Based on reviews i heard these tanks crack. Anyone experience that before?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
We've had a few of them here in BRS offices for several years and have never experienced this ourselves. :-)
Ethan Twiggs
Ethan Twiggs - 7 years ago
That’s tubular

20. comment for How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16

carlo holder
carlo holder - 7 years ago
how big is this tank I'm getting 63cm tank I'm a beginner in salt water
but don't know how many gallons it is
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
That is the Nuvo 20 from Innovative Marine, which is right about 20 gallons total water volume. :-)
Island Mike
Island Mike - 7 years ago
Subbed.I live in the Caribbean and have had only freshwater tanks.Cichlids to be precise .Now I'm inspired to maybe do a saltwater tank..
Platypus - 7 years ago
Do I need a separate heater or powerhead for water changes? Or do I use the ones in the tank, if so for how long can the tank last without them?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Many reefers will find that it's just easier to get another heater and powerhead for salt mixing, so you don't have to hassle with removing them from your display tank. If you wanted to forego the additional powerhead, you could simply mix by hand with a spoon or so. :-)
Blumac5 - 7 years ago
Your voice, is truly awesome, I died through the whole video
Netto's Channel
Netto's Channel - 7 years ago
wow Man, nice job, fantastic!!!
Rel Josh Tutor
Rel Josh Tutor - 7 years ago
His voice gives us a good jazz vid by the way bro, it helps alot
Unit Of Hunanity
Unit Of Hunanity - 7 years ago
If you add live rock, would that make the tank cycle faster?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Essentially it can, because live rock should already have an established de-nitrifying bacterial colony on its surfaces. :-)
bharath cm
bharath cm - 7 years ago
Young Blacksmoke
Young Blacksmoke - 7 years ago
I was wondering, if I start a new tank and don't want to wait for it to cycle, can I use water from my other tank and start adding fish and corals?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
You could use "old" water, however most of the beneficial bacteria needed to support fish will be located on the surfaces of the rocks, sand and tank itself. You probably won't get too much directly from the water column. :-)
Young Blacksmoke
Young Blacksmoke - 7 years ago
How long do you have to wait til u can start adding corals after u start up a new reef tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Many reefers suggest waiting about 1-2 months after the tank has cycled to start adding coral. This can help with stabilization of the water column and beneficial bacteria within the new tank and can lessen stress on the corals. :-)

30. comment for How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16

Daniel Barrios Romero
Daniel Barrios Romero - 7 years ago
Do they still sell the Nuvo 16? I have not been able to find it anywhere :(
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Yeah, it was discontinued quite a while ago but replaced with the Nuvo 20. :-)
pliskanova - 7 years ago
So as far as i understand SW reef tanks with live rock and live sand does not require filtration? So why even use the pump? Only ti circulate water?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Correct, you do need flow in the tank in order to create an oxygen exchange. Unlike goldfish or Betta fish, most fish cannot survive without some flow of water to exchange the CO2 and Ammonia gasses with fresh oxygenated air from outside the tank. If the tank were stagnant, the fish and corals would die very quickly.

Check out these videos we did on flow in the tank. :-)
Alvaro Ramirez
Alvaro Ramirez - 7 years ago
What kind of sand do you use in the tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Most of our tanks here at BRS use the Arag-Alive Special Grade sand. :-)
Evo Guy
Evo Guy - 7 years ago
When u top off with say distilled water from the store , water has to be heated to tank temp and dechlorinated?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
We highly recommend using RODI water, but if you were using distilled you may want to test it for things like chlorine. If you have a very small system and had to top off quite a bit of water, you may want to match the temp. However in most cases, the amount of water you are topping off with is very small. :-)
Mmgty - 7 years ago
Bulk reefer supply
richard mitchell
richard mitchell - 7 years ago
0:27 LOL less then 500 bucks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Oh no! This video is pretty old and it looks like the prices have changed over the past 3yrs. We definitely need to update this one! :-)
Heather Proud
Heather Proud - 7 years ago
I can see that the water is moving,what sort of pump/wave maker are you using?
Heather Proud
Heather Proud - 7 years ago
Thanks so much.I'm really glad I found your channel.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hey there! The water movement is from the "return" pump that is in one of the rear filtration chambers. It comes with this model of tank and you don't necessarily need additional power heads. However you could add some for more flow, if you desired! :-)
Harry - 7 years ago
Im about to start a saltwater tank and have done tons of reaserch and thought i knew everything i needed to know, however one thing i was concerned about was about topping up, im not gunna make a huge effort with mixing salt just to top up. So i was worried that i would have to wait till every water change to top up, however this guy said that u top up with fresh water as the salt never leaves the tank!! It just clicked !! It seems so obvious idk why i didnt think of that haha so thank you sooo much you have put my mind at ease lol
Harry - 7 years ago
Thanks aha
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
So glad we could help and WELCOME TO THE HOBBY! :-)
Fraaz Ali
Fraaz Ali - 7 years ago
Cowabunga duuuude
Alan Thompson
Alan Thompson - 7 years ago
Sound like Donald trump
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
GaMeOvErRules - 7 years ago
I would love to get a big 80~100g tank for my first tank but the price and the amount of information and different things I need I find very overwhelming, is a nano tank a good place to start?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
There are many reefers who get their feet wet with a smaller nano tank! Many of us here at BRS got our start the same way. That said, it can be a bit more difficult to manage the water quality in a smaller tank, because there's less dilution than a larger system. I think the best tank to get a good balance between easy to care for and smaller tank is something in the 40gal range! :-)
Greg Marks
Greg Marks - 7 years ago
Chum Lee
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Metalman - 7 years ago
Can you put a infant yellow tang in this tank? (the Nuvo 16 tank)

BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hmmm.... I would say that most tangs are a bit too large for smaller tanks like that. Here's a video we did that may help. :-)
christian angeles
christian angeles - 7 years ago
so.. if i need to top of my tank.. i use distilled water?.. do i add dechlorinator?..
darkrain 123
darkrain 123 - 7 years ago
I'm confused when do u put fish in
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
If you are using a product like BioSpira you can add fish within a few days. The biggest thing to check for is Ammonia, as even small concentrations of Ammonia can kill a fish. What I typically do; start the tank. Add Biospira. Wait about a week. Test ammonia and if it is low or not there, add a fish! :-)
Shekina Shalom
Shekina Shalom - 7 years ago
Can i use just RO water? i have a RO filter for drinking water i measured the TDS is about 4 to 8.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
+Shekina Shalom You could and there have been reefers with success using only RO water. However, that remaining TDS in your water source could be made up of any dissolved solid and some of which can really create issues in your tank down the road. Running your water through DI resin will ensure that all remaining TDS is removed so you don't have to worry about contaminants getting into your tank. Allowing some of these contaminants can lead to outbreaks of nuisance algae or possibly stunt coral growth. :-)
GREG T SICKAFOOSE - 7 years ago
where can i get the whole kit??? I looked on the website and it is not there.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
We do have them on the site, but they are currently out of stock. Be sure to login and sign up to get notified when they hit the shelves again!
abhishek majumder
abhishek majumder - 7 years ago
sir I have 14 gallon tank can I make a reef tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Absolutely! Many reefers have tanks that size or less! :-)
Rusty Alegre
Rusty Alegre - 7 years ago
thanks for the info esp on water change but i am concern with the addition of distilled water. I would like to know what is the proper way to add the distilled water? is it ok to directly add it to the aquarium or have it pass through the little sump or something?
Rusty Alegre
Rusty Alegre - 7 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom thanks bulkreef
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hey there! If you are talking about topping off the tank from after evaporation, you can simply add freshwater to anywhere in the tank! :-)
Zack Vigue
Zack Vigue - 7 years ago
He says there’s no filter but there is a built in over flow

50. comment for How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16

Chris mcinall
Chris mcinall - 7 years ago
Shit man you sound like Donald trump lol
Chris mcinall
Chris mcinall - 7 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom not in a bad way , just think you sound a bit like him lol you also sound like a bit of a stoner, I could watch your vids all day
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Zach Hunter
Zach Hunter - 7 years ago
Did he just use tap water when he started the tank up???
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Nope, that was RODI water mixed with salt in a large trash can.
H Glover
H Glover - 7 years ago
Hello I am setting up my 75 gallon duo connection tank basically 2 tanks connected by 2 5 inch in diameter cylinders. I am trying my first reef tank. I was going to set up a sump tank with a simplicity dc150 protein skimmer. but i really like your set up. my question is what could you recommend as for filtration? can i go basic set up like the one in this video for my size tank? and how long do I have to wait before i add my live coral. thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hey there! This video shows an All-in-One tank, which has sort-of a sump built into the back. The great thing about these AIO tanks is that they are typically smaller volume than a larger (50+gal) tank and don't require too much maintenance other than water changes. :-) I think a skimmer on your tank is a great choice and you really don't need much more than that for filtration. :-)
joshua thomas
joshua thomas - 7 years ago
i know ill get flamed for this by someone but i set up a 5 gallon reef tank for my first tank fluval evo 5. i did all these steps after watching this video before i put everything together except i wait a week and a half before adding a fish. i used live rock from my uncles tank. bio spira and live sand. have 5 pounds of rock. a 50w heater, and a 100gph powerhead. i have a almound sized clown in there but i know well before he gets to big for the tank ill be getting a biocube 16. and better equipment, no excess food will be floating. i put the food( brine shrimp and reef omnivorous pellets in a water dropper and he eats straight from the dropper one by one. he gets usually 3 brine shrimp and a really small pellet. hes extremely active and looks like hes having a decent time in there loves to swim in and out of the caves in the rock . have not had any issues no nitrate or ammonia. i acually bought my salt water from my LPS and got reverse osmosis water from my uncle in gallon jugs. he gave me his old reef light and i installed it. will try a coral or 2 in the next few months. im religious about water changes and water testing. so im certain he will do great in this tank until he gets bigger and i will upgrade. i actually got this clown at the pet store for free. hes almost all white in color.they called it a frostbite clown. we was beat up really really bad by 2 other bigger clowns at the store and they had no where else to put him. so i took him home and put him in my tank early. i love saltwater way better than fresh water tanks.i always will ask what fish are good options for me and never will impulse buy any coral or fish that dont belong in my tank. love the hobby already. thank you BRS Tv for guiding me into the hobby. even though i didnt get a bigger tank which i know would have been better. this clown will stay alone in here with some hermit crabs and maybe a shrimp after the tank has been established for a while.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Haha! What an awesome story and thanks so much for sharing with us Joshua! It's stories like yours that really drives us to keep doing these informational videos, because all we really want to do is make this hobby easy and FUN! :-) Keep us updated with your tank's progression! :-)
Maria Berkenkamp
Maria Berkenkamp - 7 years ago
i have a brackish tank. how should i convert it to salt water. i have night gobys and i keep them in a 1.12 saltine
thank you
Russ Collymore
Russ Collymore - 7 years ago
not a stoner . I've heard him and there scientific methods they are smart and willing to fail. They explain the science for everyone.
Russ Collymore
Russ Collymore - 7 years ago
Maria Berkenkamp I'm glad for you! Thank you sister. I try to explain why every view is necessary. We are not evolving as fast because we nurture some not all. There are many aspects of the human persona. The autistic and other differences and difficulties. They'ree absolutely geniuses in waiting. lol I'm gonna start reverse trolling. I'm gonna start sending loving messages to people just to encourage. never wrote in public before.
Maria Berkenkamp
Maria Berkenkamp - 7 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom thank you
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hey Maria! Personally, I would slowly increase the salinity over several weeks. Maybe raise the salinity by 0.001 each week, until you hit your desired salinity. :-)
Saikat Kuri
Saikat Kuri - 7 years ago
hi,how you maintain water temperature?I am from India ,here too hot some time 39 degree.what should be water temperature? please suggest me.
Saikat Kuri
Saikat Kuri - 7 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom thanks bro.what are the electronic equipment s I need to set up a reef tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hey there! Thanks for watching! Most reefers use a product called a "Chiller" to keep their tanks cool in high temperature. :-)
Angelica Marie
Angelica Marie - 7 years ago
Does this kit come with a heater and circulation pump. ?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Yes and yes! Here's a link to the starter kit on our site! :-)
Be an
Be an - 7 years ago
Can you do one of these on a 20 gallon freshwater tank? Also this video was really informative and helpful (if i wanted to start a saltwater tank)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Thanks! Unfortunately, freshwater is outside of our scope here at BRS, but there is definitely room for someone to start a similar freshwater series! ;-)
WoLfGlam - 7 years ago
I set up my tank three weeks ago and added the beneficial Bactria and I've been waiting for the tank to cycle for almost three weeks and I did water changes as well and everything is fine but I just wanna know I'm I ready to have my first fish in I'm mostly going for clown fish
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Nice! :-)
TheDoberman2007 - 7 years ago
Do you sell this in a full kit everything you mentioned in the video, minus the fish and coral.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Evan Eversole
Evan Eversole - 7 years ago
can you keep multiple clownfish together in a smaller tank if so how
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
I see most reefers keep a maximum of two for most tanks smaller than 50gal. It's definitely worth browsing the reef hobbyist forums like and to see what others are doing! :-)
inbedf - 7 years ago
so you used water directly from TAP and added Ocean sea salt? right? no ODI etc filter water. I want to know if I make fresh water from TAP to Bucket and add salt in bucket and fill out tank. is that ok?
inbedf - 7 years ago
shall I use my 10Gallon Fresh water now empty for nano tank and I will be make it after learning as quarantine tank. so, doent matter if tank & filter I have is fresh water used?
inbedf - 7 years ago
GReat nice all your videos, so looks like saltwater is costly for hobby, because everything is extremely expensive. freshwater not.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 7 years ago
Hey there! We always use RODI water for any saltwater tank we setup, as there are too many unknowns for what makes up tap water and those unknowns could cause major problems down the road. Here is a great video we did about choosing water sources for your tank!
Bluetrainer91 FireBlast
Bluetrainer91 FireBlast - 8 years ago
Finally a clear information video after months of confusing false information from other people.
It i who created a sun to light his tank, unfortunately the sun i made went super nova & became a blackhole, the tank is fine but the blackhole got my old YouTube written password.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
squawk7777 - 8 years ago
The last step in setting up a small tank is wishing had just gotten the larger one!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Christian R
Christian R - 8 years ago
I added the bio-spira and clownfish like recommended. I have the 10 gallon nuvo. My tank is about two weeks old with no nitrates but I do have a little bit of ammonia from the uneaten fish food on the sand I'm assuming. My question is when can I do a water change? The tank is still cycling so would a water change ruin or prolong the process?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Hey there! Once your ammonia levels are at or near zero, you can do a water change without too much concern to interrupting the cycle. I usually don't recommend doing water changes before ammonia is down, because you could be removing an important food source to the growing beneficial bacterial colony. :-)
rico de guzman
rico de guzman - 8 years ago
how do you clean the stuff that accumulates on the bottom sand? do you use a gravel filter?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
During a water change, you can vacuum the sand bed. That's what a majority of reefers do to clean the sand.
sammy smith
sammy smith - 8 years ago
i dont have a clue about salt water tanks. I get the set up of this video, but my question is after I set it up can I put an octopus and a lion fish in it? and a couplbe clowns some crabs and stuff? noob question sry
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
I would highly recommend browsing the reef hobbyist forums and take in as much about the hobby as possible, before getting started. There are forum threads out there on every topic you can imagine! Check out a couple of our favorites here at BRS. :-)
DigtBrain2 - 8 years ago
ouch ... showing a single clown fish in such a small tank without even the symbiotic anemona ... please don't - nemo needs a really big anemone and tank!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Since then, they've added a new RBTAnemone! Happy and healthy fish is what we strive for here!
Bob Y
Bob Y - 8 years ago
Are you using water from the tap in the house or special water.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
We use water from the tap, but that is always filtered by one of our RODI units, available here!
LadyJadite - 8 years ago
It doesn't hurt the fish to have the lights off for a month?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Most reefers don't add fish until after the tank cycles, so the initial 4-6 weeks there is no concern for the lights being off. :-)
H - 8 years ago
if u are planning on getting a goby do u put rocks above the sand
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Thanks for the question! Any time I set up a tank with the intent on adding some sand dwelling creatures, I always make sure my rock is nestled down into the sand and touching the bottom. You wouldn't want a Goby and Pistol Shrimp pair to dig under your rock and cause it to tumble down!
Clorox bleach squad
Clorox bleach squad - 8 years ago
People leave your tank for 6 months so it's perfect
Clorox bleach squad
Clorox bleach squad - 8 years ago
Wait what so I have to wait one day I thought it took like 3 months
pedram rayan
pedram rayan - 8 years ago
this gentleman is so nice and speaks and teaches so confidently that I'm now 100% sure I can start my own 20 gallon office tank and instead of some goldfish, get my much desired clown fish. thank you
shiva kumar
shiva kumar - 8 years ago
before changing water, what is the minimum time to pre mix saltwater
shiva kumar
shiva kumar - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom and how many fish can i leave in this type of tank.iam wishing to leave 5 fishes like pair of clown 1 damsel 1 cardinal and one gobi.can i do it?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Hi! Most salts only need to be mixed until there are no granules left in the bottom of your mixing reservoir. Personally, I like to mix for at least an hour, just to make sure it's thorough. :-)
Fernando Lachino
Fernando Lachino - 8 years ago
I used to have one of these
badboymarshall - 8 years ago
how else can you prevent algae if you see it starting
badboymarshall - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom thanks my main man
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
We knew you would ask, which is why we did a video on that very topic! :-P
badboymarshall - 8 years ago
less then 500 ouch
Sydney Heim
Sydney Heim - 8 years ago
my nuvo fusion has apitasia growing in the back chambers, and I had to return my peppermint shrimp because they were attacking my rbta. any suggestions?
KishBrah - 8 years ago
A few questions I'm coming from a freshwater tank, so there's no filters? What to do about any waste? What if you can't get r/o water? How many fish can you fit in the tank?
sdq sdq
sdq sdq - 8 years ago
this tank is a 2 feet tank , and its called a nano ?
Mukund Jha
Mukund Jha - 8 years ago
how many fishes can we add in this aquarium?????
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 8 years ago
can this tank grow pulsing xenia coral
Vlad B
Vlad B - 8 years ago
hey where can u find just this lighting ,or how is it called ,thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
That's the Innovative Marine Skyye Light.
JRizzo Platizzo
JRizzo Platizzo - 8 years ago
his voice is mixture of Wayne's world and Chris farley
MR Oz - 7 years ago
Jeff Spicoli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Hey Bud! Lets party!
JRizzo Platizzo
JRizzo Platizzo - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom lol its cool tho, it's your own style and persona
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Lol, I can see that!
Rhyan Sanderson
Rhyan Sanderson - 8 years ago
after 6 months of running can you put an anemone in this tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
With proper lighting yes, but the included lights may not be the best.
Chew Weidong
Chew Weidong - 8 years ago
This video is very helpful since I'm thinking to start my own tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Cool! What are you thinking of setting up?
kyle eric
kyle eric - 8 years ago
thith firth epithode hahahahaha lmao
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Fred5612 - 8 years ago
I really liked the 16 gallon tank :(
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
The curved corners are pretty slick. You can probably still find one used if you look hard enough :)
Landonian Odominous
Landonian Odominous - 8 years ago
No protein Skimmer?? Isint there Built in filter cartridges on the sides? if so what do you put in them?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Nope, luckily on smaller tanks like these weekly water changes are cheaper and in a lot of cases more effective.
Landonian Odominous
Landonian Odominous - 8 years ago
no protein skimmer?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
The new tanks include filter socks instead of the cartridges for those chambers :)
Laika Sobers
Laika Sobers - 8 years ago
Does the 16 Gal size in these Nuvo range tanks include the filteration sytem in the back, and not the swimmming space for the fish?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
That includes the entire volume of the aquarium. :)
Yeshwanth yarremsetty
Yeshwanth yarremsetty - 8 years ago
hii, should i turn on light and skimmer during cycling
Yeshwanth yarremsetty
Yeshwanth yarremsetty - 8 years ago
Thanks very much i think i should trun on skimmer ,my tank is just 13 hours old i didn't turn on skimmer till know because waiting for your advise
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
You will want to leave the lights off - they will only grow algae during the cycle, and a lot of it at that. I would probably turn your skimmer on, it will help skim out the junk that breaks down on the rocks during the cycle.
youngbuck34 - 8 years ago
Wait, water change once a week??
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Yup, but it;s a pretty small change and doesn't take long at all.
bruce wayne
bruce wayne - 8 years ago
hello , i start a 10 gallon saltwater nano almost 1 week and i use a seachem stability to cycle the tank, so i plan to have a simple coral but there are the issue about a need of light for coral, my question is, did the coral need a lighting all the day? and how long they should stay on the lighting because i only turn on the light at night dan turn them off on daylight when go to work to prevent a algae growth and electric bill issue, did 8 hour is enough for them? and i wonder if the coral can thrive in the nano tank without powerhead, because our lfs only give a me hang out filter, along with protein skimmer and LED lighting for my 10 gallon nano tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
I actually prefer to run my skimmer after the first couple days of a cycle. It helps to pull some really nasty stuff out of the water.
bruce wayne
bruce wayne - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom thank you for your information, also running a skimmer during cycling will affected a cycling process ?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
As long as there is some water movement they should be just fine in the interim. On nano tanks, sometimes you don't even need a powerhead. As far as lighting goes, we recommend 8 to 10 hours, and you can always set it up on a timer to automate it :)
Gleen -
Gleen - - 8 years ago
I have a fresh water 10 gallons tank that will be filled with guppies, any tips?
Mya8D - 8 years ago
Gleen Jr. keep males separated from females because they breed like bunnies! Also 3-5 fish would be ideal. :)
Alan Ramos
Alan Ramos - 8 years ago
Wayne's world
Cut It Up Freshh
Cut It Up Freshh - 8 years ago
Im a freshwater guy and know nothing about reef/coral/salt tank, but this video makes me want to get a salt aquarium, I can watch this over and over.
Eli Cuelho
Eli Cuelho - 7 years ago
Cut It Up Freshh I
Halim Bey
Halim Bey - 7 years ago
Cut It Up Freshh glad I'm not the only one about my 5th time watching this video
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Awesome, thanks! :D
Cut It Up Freshh
Cut It Up Freshh - 8 years ago
Good news, I broke down my 20g planted tank not too long after watching this video and started a fish only saltwater tank. I went ahead and did more research and watch most of the BRS160 videos. Now I have the tank running and I just added 1 ocellaris clown at the moment. FYI...Week 13 of BRS160 really helped me alot. Thanks for the videos.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Cool! I'd recommend you checkout the latest version of the kit here:
roymolina22 - 8 years ago
Mine only cost me 75 bucks ! Watch my video on ny channel !
roymolina22 - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom standard 10gal tank, aqua clear filter, marineland powerhead and a 50w heater. used about 12lbs of dry rock.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
What type of setup are you running?
shiva kumar
shiva kumar - 8 years ago
aswome tank,does this tank has any protien skimmer?please answer
shiva kumar
shiva kumar - 8 years ago
thank u
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Nope, there's not a skimmer included with this setup. Luckily the tank is easy enough to maintain with simple water changes. :)
Ahmad Naser
Ahmad Naser - 8 years ago
When will you guys start shipping internationally? There are a lot of products that I want but cant get from your store :(
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Hopefully in the future, but no plans at the moment. :)

100. comment for How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16

Christie Gurganus
Christie Gurganus - 8 years ago
I would love that in my office
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
It does make a perfect office reef!
Posittron - 8 years ago
I am building a 180 gallon(7ft length) saltwater aquarium and I do not have space for a sump(the tank is gonna be under my 4K TV placed on the ground so no space for a Sump). Can I use two cannister filters (sunsun hw302) and a protein skimmer?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Check out this video, we plumbed our sump in the room behind our tank!
Posittron - 8 years ago
Yes I can in a different room but can you guide me on how I could do that?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Do you have any way to run a remote sump to a different room or basement?
neonic - 8 years ago
no plants? What about the phosphate?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Generally you can keep phosphate under control with weekly water changes in a tank this small.
Martin M
Martin M - 8 years ago
what I was looking for, thanks !
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
No problem!
NPSH - 8 years ago
amazing video mate great share
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
NewReefAddict !
NewReefAddict ! - 8 years ago
i already have a 55g, but really want one of these tanks. the nuvo 20g. to keep 2 clowns and corals only.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Awesome, it is almost perfect for that!
Spidercholo Org
Spidercholo Org - 8 years ago
Spidercholo Org
Spidercholo Org - 8 years ago
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 8 years ago
can thos lights really grow corals
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
We had good luck with soft corals and some LPS with them.
disabled memes
disabled memes - 8 years ago
dont you cycle the tank for a month?
disabled memes
disabled memes - 8 years ago
oh im getting the red sea max c250 as my tank already ordered equipment :]
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Cool, what are you getting?
disabled memes
disabled memes - 8 years ago
thx that was really great advice since im getting a new tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
When you follow the directions on the bottle, the tank can handle fish immediately. It's essentially an instant biological filter.
disabled memes
disabled memes - 8 years ago
so if you have a 90 gal reef tank and you use bio spira and live sand how long did you have to wait to cycle?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
That is one way to do it, but there are a few others. We used live sand and a bacterial culture in a bottle that allows you to pretty much instantly cycle the tank.
Super Mario Shorts
Super Mario Shorts - 8 years ago
Can you keep a yellow tang in that fish tank?
Super Mario Shorts
Super Mario Shorts - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
I would recommend about 75 gallons minimum for an adult.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Nope, unfortunately a yellow tang couldn't be kept happy and healthy in a tank this size.
Joseph Krause
Joseph Krause - 8 years ago
as a starting coral, are pulsing xyenza's good?
Joseph Krause
Joseph Krause - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom what will that do. sorry, im new to saltwater. just started up my 12 gallon nano a few days ago
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Yup! However they can take over a tank, so I'd recommend mounting them on their own little rock island.
Lord May
Lord May - 8 years ago
Reminds me of Wayne's world
Chris The Hobby Guy
Chris The Hobby Guy - 8 years ago
I love nano tanks.....easy to clean and do water changes....your friend CHRIS THE HOBBY GUY
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Kiss Ace
Kiss Ace - 8 years ago
Hey bulkreef
I recently got dry live rock and Caribbean Sea sand from you guys for my 40 gallon aquarium, I did follow your instruction to set it up but the water it's not clear as your. It's so cloudy and like sand storm, what should I do to in order to get the water clear up
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
It will take a little while to clear up, usually within one to two days.
Raees Usman
Raees Usman - 8 years ago
Do you need a protein skimmer for a tank this size with fish and corals?
Also, how many fish could a tank this side hold?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Honestly in a tank this size a weekly water change schedule usually performs better than a nano skimmer, but with that being said there isn't any harm in using one if you have the budget and space. I personally wouldn't add more than 3-4 adult 2-3" fish to this tank, but it will vary from system to system,
rei nagai
rei nagai - 8 years ago
i want to hear him say "yeah dude"
Green Pillowcase
Green Pillowcase - 8 years ago
Everything was great and I'm probably going to get one. My only question is do you siphon the sand in water changes? And also how much sand do you add for the 20-30% water change? Thanks
Chuck Freeburg
Chuck Freeburg - 8 years ago
Wait, so for a new tank when do I turn the lights on, and for how long ?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Chuck Freeburg
Chuck Freeburg - 8 years ago
Thanks for the reply. I just had it running 8hrs/day. I think the cycle is basically done nitrate@20 pH@7.8-8.0 ammonia@0(day 12). Put in a clownfish in. He didn't eat the first day but the second day (#13) he was eating.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
I'd recommend turning them on once your cycle is complete...otherwise you'll be dealing with excess algae. A typical photoperiod for a reef can be anywhere from 8-10 hours :P
Abz Hama
Abz Hama - 8 years ago
Hey bulkreefsupplycom loved the vid!
I have a fluval 65 litre edge tank with a marina 110 filter, what else would be needed to make into a salt water aquarium?
Irwin Suguitan
Irwin Suguitan - 8 years ago
Hey BulkReefSupply, I was curious if you could make/ or have a video on starting a fluval evo 5 gallon saltwater tank?? Was curious what I could possibly do with it and what I can keep coral wise.
Irwin Suguitan
Irwin Suguitan - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom..No problem. Can't wait to see it
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
A nano tank video would be pretty fun! Possibly in the future, thanks for the idea!
Yasser Al-Ali
Yasser Al-Ali - 8 years ago
Do i need a reactor for corals?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Nope, you can absolutely have a successful reef tank regardless of running any type of reactor like GFO, carbon, biopellets, etc.

GFO reactors do make phosphate control much easier however, and carbon reactors will make your water crystal clear.
Yasser Al-Ali
Yasser Al-Ali - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom i'm talking in general. Do i need a reactor in order to add corals?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Which type of reactor are you considering?
Adalberto Ferreira
Adalberto Ferreira - 8 years ago
muito bom
Dr Nigs
Dr Nigs - 8 years ago
Stoner maannnn
Michael O'krepky
Michael O'krepky - 8 years ago
Does it come w/ live rock?
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 8 years ago
Great vid, can you maybe do a how to setup 10 gallon reef tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Neill Jansen van Vuuren Honestly it will be pretty similar to this video :) Tank size will be the biggest difference.
Jon Fassbender
Jon Fassbender - 8 years ago
doesn't the water have to be RO/DI'd to be pristine enough for reefs to live in?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Jonathan Maultsby As a best practice I would absolutely recommend using RO/DI. It will give you the best possible starting point for a successful reef. That being said, some folks can use tap water, and might be a good method to get your feet wet in the hobby before investing in an RO/DI. We include a bottle of dechlorinator with the latest kit for just this reason. :)
Mike O
Mike O - 8 years ago
Dude is deff a stoner! Nice job dude, #reefer
Tiger Mir
Tiger Mir - 8 years ago
Dumb fuck...that is not how you do water change.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Tiger Mir Do you have some tips you can share? I'd be curious to hear your method.
Joe Meza
Joe Meza - 8 years ago
so with Crystal Sea® Marinemix i can use my tap water to mx and not have issues down the road??
Joe Meza
Joe Meza - 8 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Joe Meza Personally I would avoid distilled because the distillation process involves a lot of copper equipment and the critters we keep in our tanks are pretty sensitive to copper. Some grocery stores sell RO water however, and that would be a good alternative.
Joe Meza
Joe Meza - 8 years ago
Gotcha.. i was just asking incase of emergency.  How about super market Distilled water? 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Joe Meza It's still a best practice to use RO/DI to get you the best possible starting point, but tap water can be used.
Pyro  Guy
Pyro Guy - 9 years ago
hi is it ok if i use basic tap water and mix the salt or does it have to be rodi water i heard some people dont use the rodi unit
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Pyro Guy No problem! I'd definitely recommend it!
Pyro  Guy
Pyro Guy - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom thank you so much ive been doing so much research if ro water is optional and i might get myself a system for better quality thank you :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Pyro Guy You can definitely use tap water, however using RO/DI often provides the best long term results because you can strip the water down to a very pure state, and add only the things you want in the water back in with a high quality salt mix.
lil Trajan
lil Trajan - 9 years ago
Can you put a refugium in a biocube on first day of the tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Thriller1982 Yup!
WHOABUBBAvideos - 9 years ago
This guy's voice is amazing hahaha
Dr Nigs
Dr Nigs - 8 years ago
Sounds like Wayne's world
WHOABUBBAvideos - 9 years ago
This guy's voice is amazing hahaha
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
Anita Nunley
Anita Nunley - 9 years ago
thank you for the quick response. is it smarter for me to try a 20 tall than a 4 gallon since I'm a beginner? I have three fresh water and have no problems. thank you for all your information.:)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Anita Nunley No problem!
Anita Nunley
Anita Nunley - 9 years ago
Ok. I will try the larger one. Thank you
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Anita Nunley No problem! Generally the larger the tank, the easier it is to maintain water chemistry. There is more room for error due to the dilution factor. :)
Anita Nunley
Anita Nunley - 9 years ago
hi. I'm a newbie at this reefing thing. I would love to find the tank in this site. where can I get this beautiful tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Anita Nunley No problem! I haven't heard of that brand, however BioSpira is essentially a blend of nitrifying bacteria that kick starts your tank's cycle.
Anita Nunley
Anita Nunley - 9 years ago
Thank you. I will go look. I love the dry rock from you guys. I have already ordered 14 lbs and will be ordering more soon.

Another question what's the difference between bio spira and a bacteria called "seed"
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Anita Nunley Hey there Anita! This tank was actually discontinued and replaced with the 20 gallon Fusion. Check it out here:
reg SLC
reg SLC - 9 years ago
From National Geographic magazine:

"Then there’s the coral. Each live fish caught with cyanide destroys about a square yard of coral, according to
biologist Sam Mamauag of the International Marinelife Alliance, in the Philippines."

Yeah, I'll stick with captive-bred cichlids and not worry about the cost, time, and environmental destruction that comes with keeping most marine vertebrates.
enigmatic - 9 years ago
HaloToday - 9 years ago
Is there a reason why you just don't siphon the water out instead of scooping it out? I would think siphoning the water would be much easier to do.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+HaloToday You certainly could siphon! In a tank this size however with it being on the desk it was just a little easier to scoop it as opposed to breaking out the siphon tube. :)
Jsam Dominin Europa
Jsam Dominin Europa - 9 years ago
And Also Where can you Find Corals And Anemones
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jsam Dominin Europa A local fish store should be able to order them for you. :)
Jsam Dominin Europa
Jsam Dominin Europa - 9 years ago
Mr BulkreefSupplycom Can you make a video about an aquarium with ocean water it's a mess
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jsam Dominin Europa I would love to, but it's really difficult for us to do since the nearest ocean is thousands of miles away. What questions do you have specifically on it?
Evo Guy
Evo Guy - 9 years ago
I couldn't find this nuvo 16 .but I did see the nuvo fusion 20. and I really like it. I was thinking of maybe tank only and getting my own lights. does the mesh top come with tank only. also what's the price on that 20 fusion? thanks
Santiago Cantu
Santiago Cantu - 9 years ago
perhaps a dumb question, but. where can i purchase this kit?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Santiago Cantu Innovative Marine actually discontinued the 16, and came out with a Nuvo 20 which is pretty similar (better dimensions). You can find kits here:
Beach2012 - 9 years ago
One of the best and easy to understand videos I have found! Thank you! I am looking forward to starting my new hobby! (:
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Beach2012 Awesome! Let us know if you have any questions.
TOM REEFMAN202 - 9 years ago
I did know u cud add fish that nitrogen cycle?
David Ha
David Ha - 9 years ago
As much as I love saltwater fishes, I don't have the time and money for it. =\
عبدالعزيز السيف
عبدالعزيز السيف - 8 years ago
well u can build aquarium by urself
it wouldnt gonna cost u much i think it will be less then 50$
anyway u still need filter
and ur fishes
and if u go to the sea u can get the rest ( water but i would recommend u to go deep and take some water ) because its clean but if u gonna take it from the beach its normally dirty
try to go deep to take from

u might need some stones

like that
u need their food

before all that just search about the fish before u buy it

cuz u can tell if u can take care of it or not

☺ i did everything above im totally happy i paid less then 100$ for everying including two clownfishes and also their food
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+RYAN Have you checked your overflow? I had a pink skunk clownfish "disappear" and found him swimming around happily back there :P I've also had fish disappear and then reappear a few days/week later.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+David Ha Yeah, it can be a commitment. That said, you can get things pretty automated nowadays.
Fastt Life
Fastt Life - 9 years ago
This guy is one of the most helpful, clear and excellent speakers I have ever seen. I have really enjoyed and learned so much from many of your videos. Ryan, I am getting ready to start a 10 gallon tank similar to this myself. I will be choosing dry fiji rock but am not sure if 10 pounds is enough or if I could get away with 15- (or if it would be alittle too much for a 10 gallon)..also am wondering if curing/ cycling the rock from scratch for 1-2 months with the lights off, or adding some bacteria to start is best. My goal is to have alot of biological filtration from the live rock, 2-3 fish max (like a pair of clowns and maybe one more fish), a little clean up crew, and a few easy soft corals in time. What would be your advice?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jordan Luch (Fastt Life) Awesome, be sure to share updates! :)
Fastt Life
Fastt Life - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom The dry Fiji rock came today from you guys..beautiful big pieces! I will go with a clown then once the cycling gets going. I read that it should be fine to add another clown in the future as long as it's smaller so the other will be dominant.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jordan Luch (Fastt Life) Which rock did you end up going with? Personally I would probably start with a clownfish. They are pretty hardy and with the biospira will do well.
Fastt Life
Fastt Life - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Thanks for the response Ryan! I have the rock on the way from you guys. I did find a good deal on live sand. Would you suggest adding some fish food every day along with the biospira until the tank is cycled? And would you recommend a first fish once it's ready that will be able to tolerate a pair of clowns being added a few months later? Thank you for the great advice.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jordan Luch (Fastt Life) Thanks Jordan! Sounds like you've got a really solid plan. Personally I would recommend going with around 1 pound of rock per gallon. That being said, purchasing 15 pounds will give you more options to work with to create the ideal aquascape. Cycling the old fashioned way is a best practice, but I prefer to do a mix of both nowadays. Using a bacterial supplement during the cycle can only help in my opinion :)
Grant Sharp
Grant Sharp - 9 years ago
I really wish you guys could possibly do a video about the proper way to move a reef tank. Also, anyone have any thoughts about the feasibility of having a reef tank at college?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Grant Sharp Checkout this vid where Ryan moves his tank from home to work:

I first got into reef tank's in college. I would definitely recommend checking with housing to see if there are any limitations or restrictions.
Cheesus - 9 years ago
Hey I'm just now getting into saltwater fish and to save cash I searched craigslist and found a 20 gallon established reef tank with 2 clowns, a goby, snails, crab, shrimp, Duncan and waving hand coral, a Kenya tree, various polyps, live rock, 2 koralia power heads 600 watt, a sunpod 150w metal halide and a few others. The tank looks really good and healthy and it's $150, should I jump on that?? It's just a regular 20 gallon; no rimless acrylic tank or anything fancy like that but it seems like a really good deal
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Cheesus That seems like a pretty good deal as long as everything is in good shape and the live stock is happy and healthy. My one beef with buying established systems is that it takes more work to make them your own.
Neurocadence - 9 years ago
I am hard of hearing. Your video is the most easy to hear, clearly articulated video I have found in hours of searching. I have subscribed. Thank you for really considering the audio portion of your presentation!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+neurocadence Thanks! I'm happy to hear that :D
SM Adventures
SM Adventures - 9 years ago
When are you supposed to get the 20 gallon tank in again? its says on your website that you guys are sold out? Thanks!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Sarfaraz Mian No problem! That's a really great tank, but the smaller the water volume the easier it is to make mistakes/harder to maintain the tank. A little more water volume gives you a little more wiggle room.
SM Adventures
SM Adventures - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Thanks for the reply! I just started looking into this hobby and have no idea about anything and have no experience, Im also on a budget and don't want to be spending too much, is this a good choice? "10 NUVO Fusion Aquarium with SKKYE LED Light"
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Sarfaraz Mian We should be getting them back in this week sometime :)
Allyson Marie
Allyson Marie - 9 years ago
That setup is like $600 damn, I think I'll stick to freshwater fish
Angus Samson
Angus Samson - 7 years ago
Allyson Marie yeah, I would never buy a kit. I would buy everything separately, and that way you get everything you want, and nothing you don’t, it’s also cheaper.
LadyJadite - 8 years ago
You might save money building a tank off Craigslist and populating it with frags from local aquarists.
Mothy Mcpolska
Mothy Mcpolska - 9 years ago
+Allyson Marie there are cheeper places to find starters. These guys charge a little much from what I've seen.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Allyson Marie It's a little pricey, but you save a bit of money up front and get's you everything you need to get up and running pretty much right off the bat.
Mauro K.S
Mauro K.S - 9 years ago
send one to Brasil 9011040
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Mauro K.S Unfortunately we can currently only ship to the US and Canada. Hopefully we'll be able to ship internationally in the future.
Alex Mignault
Alex Mignault - 9 years ago
I'm thinking of getting one of these types of tanks (a reef tank) but I'm not sure where to get my rocks where to get the reefs and all of that stuff!! I live in Canada ns Halifax and there is no reef place to get the reefs ! Could you order them online ??? Great vid really like it
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Alex Mignault Honestly I don't really know any companies in Canada that ship livestock. In the US there are quite a few, however due to customs most, if not all livestock isn't able to be shipped outside of the US. I'd do a quick search since I'm sure there is something :)
For_The_Forsaken - 9 years ago
EXCELLENT video, very informative thank you!
For_The_Forsaken - 9 years ago
sure did dude cheers for that, keep it up fella I will be starting up a small reef soon and will be watching your stuff! 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+For_The_Forsaken Thanks! Glad you liked it.
Mel's World
Mel's World - 9 years ago
I have been trying to find this set up I cannot seem to find anywhere this 16 gallon?
Loki's Antics
Loki's Antics - 9 years ago
+Melissa DeMuth The 16's had cracking issues on the beveled portion of the glass, and as Ryan (or whomever is on the BRS account) noted below, it has been replaced by the Nuvo fusion 20g. They're great little tanks, and if you're looking to get into that type of setup, there are a lot of helpful people on

Good luck
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Melissa DeMuth The Nuvo 16 was discontinued a year or so ago unfortunately. The good news is that it's replacement the Nuvo Fusion 20, is just as awesome. Check the kit out here:
Jeanne - 9 years ago
Do you have any of these starter kits available?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jeanne S Yup! The 16 gallon was unfortunately discontinued, but we have a brand new kit with the new Fusion 20 Gallon:
Jose Carrilho
Jose Carrilho - 9 years ago
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.I've started in this hobby early this year with freshwater, but one day I'd like to try a nano reef.I know that a bigger aquarium would be easier to maintain in terms of stability, but don't have the space or money for that. :-)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jose Carrilho Fair enough. If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to ask :)
Brandon Benson
Brandon Benson - 9 years ago
so I'm thinking about purchasing this tank bit I just wanted to clarify that it didn't come with a filter right? if so, what do you recommend using to compliment this tank.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Brandon Benson Yup, no filter included. However, in a saltwater tank the live rock and sand provide all the biological filtration you could possibly need, and water changes will remove all the other nasties. I would check out our updated kit here ~ the 16 gallon is no longer available:
gviola90 - 9 years ago
The lights on the tank, are they sold separately also?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+gviola90 They are included with the kit :)
Mr Hyde
Mr Hyde - 9 years ago
great video
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Quinton quinton Thank you!
Reef Therapy
Reef Therapy - 9 years ago
would adding a block of marine pure to a system like this actually benefit the system? if you had rock and sand already and a few damsel fish would there be a point where the beneficial bacteria would stop multiplying based on small bioload thus making a block of marine pure complete overkill and a waste of money/time?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+BJ Nunn It certainly wouldn't hurt with proper cleaning, but I don't think it would be necessary in a tank this size with the amount of rock and sand that comes with the kit.
John Cando
John Cando - 9 years ago
how did that plant like thing get there?
John Cando
John Cando - 9 years ago
how did that plant like thing get there?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+John Cando Do you possibly mean the corals?
Ricardo Trujillo
Ricardo Trujillo - 9 years ago
How much is this exact setup?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Ricardo Trujillo This setup was discontinued, but the new version with the Fusion 20 tank instead of the Nuvo 16 is $599.99
FrankR.626 - 9 years ago
pretty straightforward video. I liked it.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+FrankRod626 Awesome, glad to hear Frank! Check out our latest update on this video if you have time here:
Luis Reef Tank
Luis Reef Tank - 9 years ago
yes i wanted to order mine for Christmas for my wife but i wasent sure if i could add a skimmer thanks for awesome videos!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Luis Salazar Awesome! No problem. :)
Luis Reef Tank
Luis Reef Tank - 9 years ago
could i add a skimmer
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Luis Salazar Absolutely! It's not necessary on a smaller setup since weekly water changes do just as good of a job, but it certainly wouldn't hurt.
Cody Lefler
Cody Lefler - 9 years ago
Is it safe to put a whole 250 ml bottle of bio spira in a ten gallon?
Cody Lefler
Cody Lefler - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom sweet, thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Cody Lefler I would probably recommend purchasing the 100ml bottle, but if you already have the 250ml, then I would just dose a smaller amount. You could even dose the whole bottle over a couple days.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+ Methun J - You can use tap water, but in most cases RO/DI will be ideal and will give you the best possible starting point towards success with your tank.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Dark Mask You certainly can, but there are some precautions you should take to have the best results. You'll want to collect the water a few hundred meters off shore ideally. This will limit any pollutants making their way into your tank. You will also want to make sure that if you store the water, you heat it and circulate it and use it relatively quickly. If you don't the plankton in the water could die and spoil the water.
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Oh, ok. Thanks for the help
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
+Neill Jansen van Vuuren Personally I would avoid distilled water. The distillation process could involve a lot of copper containers and vessels, and I like to keep copper as far away from my reef as possible. That said, grocery stores often times will also sell RO water.
Neill Jansen van Vuuren
Neill Jansen van Vuuren - 8 years ago
How about distilled water? Does that work as well?
Methun Jeyachandran
Methun Jeyachandran - 9 years ago
hey! so you don't need to use R/O water and just use normal tap water to mix the salt
GoLeafs03 - 8 years ago
don't use tap water! it contains chemicals. just buy RO water at a local fish store! its cheap!!
13randon 13axter
13randon 13axter - 9 years ago
Just beautiful. I have been dreaming of something like this all my life. One day I'll do It.
James X
James X - 9 years ago
So after you have mixed your water and salt and put it in the tank will you only have to wait a day before adding a fish?
dick turpin
dick turpin - 9 years ago
right I just watched your updated video. which i found down the comments. so I you do have to mix new saltwater. thanks again for the great vid
dick turpin
dick turpin - 9 years ago
Cheers fella.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+dick turpin No problem, any time!
dick turpin
dick turpin - 9 years ago
Cheers my man! I'm sure I'll be be back with some more dipshit comments lol.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+dick turpin No problem! Let us know if we can help with anything else!
dick turpin
dick turpin - 9 years ago
you say that the salt never evaporates from the tank but the water does. so do you not need to mix new saltwater up when doing a water change. Wouldn't adding more saltwater increase the whole salt level in the tank. sorry if this sounds a stupid question I'm totally new to this and planning on setting a nano reef up. im trying to gather as much info as possible to be successful. great vid by the way. Thanks.
dick turpin
dick turpin - 9 years ago
.....We will see haha. Thanks man
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+dick turpin Awesome! Sounds like you are setup for success.
dick turpin
dick turpin - 9 years ago
Cheers mate
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+dick turpin A ton of reefers use it without any issues. I like to use RO or RODI whenever possible, but distilled works in a pinch. The distillation process uses a lot of copper vessels, and I like to keep copper as far away from my tanks as possible. In most cases though you'll be fine.
dick turpin
dick turpin - 9 years ago
I'd like to add obviously salt mixed into the distilled water. Thanks
dick turpin
dick turpin - 9 years ago
Yeah mate your not wrong there! the more I'm researching the more head fucked I'm becoming haha
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+dick turpin Haha, it can be tough to get a handle on at first, but keep researching and you'll be just fine.
dick turpin
dick turpin - 9 years ago
Right ok. Of course yes. Jeezuz! What's wrong with me!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+dick turpin Thanks! The water itself will evaporate over time, but the salt will remain. During a water change you are pulling out both salt and water so you will need to replace it with freshly mixed saltwater.
MidWesti - 9 years ago
very well spoken.. will for sure watch this video several times through since there is a lot of very useful information. thank you. the tank setup looks perfect for what i want
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+MidWeSTi Awesome! Glad we could help.
OneTrue Halo
OneTrue Halo - 9 years ago
"New reefers", immature giggling.
dancoco808 - 9 years ago
Helpful vid, and delivered with such dudeness!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+dancoco808 Haha, thanks!
Lesley Caron
Lesley Caron - 9 years ago
What a great video! Thanks for sharing.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Lesley Caron Thanks Lesley! Glad you enjoyed it!
J Renèe ツ
J Renèe ツ - 9 years ago
I love this guy
Encryption Mail
Encryption Mail - 7 years ago
spray paint boot
jonathan kritikos
jonathan kritikos - 7 years ago
lol if i was ryan i really wouldnt know how to respond to that one
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+J Renèe ツ  haha, I try to respond to as many comments as I can. :)
J Renèe ツ
J Renèe ツ - 9 years ago
Didn't think you would reply lol
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+J Renèe ツ  Haha, thanks? :P
Franku Doge
Franku Doge - 9 years ago
Do you ship to the U.K. I would like to buy some of this stuff.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Franku Doge Sounds good! You should be able to purchase a few of the items from this kit, like that tank, from a local source. :)
Franku Doge
Franku Doge - 9 years ago
Thanks anyway I will look around for other tanks. 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Franku Doge We don't currently, but may in the future. :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Nintendo “SenselessSpy444” Bros - Did you use any bacterial supplements similar to Bio Spira in the tank?  (PS it looks like your privacy setting won't allow me to reply directly to you)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
It depends on their adult size, but 3 to 4 fish that max out at 2-3 inches would do well. There is just so many variables it is hard to say with certainty.
luis arias
luis arias - 8 years ago
how many fish can be held in that tank?
Wirty - 9 years ago
i clicked the link and its not this exact tank where can i find this one?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+TheGouramiGuy This tank was unfortunately discontinued and replaced with the new model, the Fusion 20.
Wirty - 9 years ago
i may buy this tank but dont i need a protein skimmer or a filter seems quite weird?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+TheGouramiGuy Nope! Luckily on smaller tanks like this water changes are usually more effective at removing dissolved organics than a properly sized protein skimmer. In the majority of reef tank setups, the live rock and sand acts as the biological filter. This tank also has a couple media baskets in the sump that hold sponges for mechanical filtration.
Tkd_Sergio - 9 years ago
Hello I just started my fist 55 gallon saltwater tank with just sand I made my water fish safe even though I didn't use bio-spira can I still add one clown fish the next day? Please answer.
Alice Chaffin
Alice Chaffin - 9 years ago
can u move the reef after you have placed it
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Alice Chaffin No problem Alice!
Alice Chaffin
Alice Chaffin - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Thk U So Much
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Alice Chaffin Oh, I see! As long as you have a shallow sand bed (1-2 inches deep) then moving rock around is very easy. With deeper sand it is more difficult because you can disturb anaerobic zones in your sand bed and end up with hydrogen sulfide in your water and that can be toxic to your fish.
Alice Chaffin
Alice Chaffin - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom  Neither I Am Talking About A Different Rock Inside The Aquarium
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Alice Chaffin How far are you planning on moving it? To a different spot on the counter, or a different house?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
Check out the updated version of this video
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
Nicolas Lopez
Nicolas Lopez - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom is that dead rock you put in
Snakeprophet - 9 years ago
Can you use any tank like the petco tanks for salt water or do they have to have that little back compartment?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Baconquerer It definetely could be. I was thinking more along the lines of skimmers and such. Check out this video when we install some hang on the back equipment onto a tank:
Snakeprophet - 9 years ago
hang on the back as in those pvc type of over flows i see people build?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Baconquerer Definitely! Depending on the tank it can be drilled for an overflow, or simply ran with "hang on the back" equipment that mounts on the back of the tank.
Megan You
Megan You - 9 years ago
I was wonder if this product is back in stock
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Megan You This specific product isn't back in stock since it was discontinued, but we did create a replacement for it that you can find here:
Joel Flores
Joel Flores - 9 years ago
How many watts are in those lights?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Joel Flores Each light is 8 Watts. :)
Alan Gomez
Alan Gomez - 9 years ago
can you please be more specific im really new to this and i want a beautiful tank like yours. Do i need to clean the sand, if so how?. What brand rocks, sand should i use?. And What do i feed my nano fish?.
Nasir Freeman
Nasir Freeman - 8 years ago
Live sand is good you can feed your fish different stuff Myes frozen shrimp are super small and are good for fish idk what type of rocks though
Nasir Freeman
Nasir Freeman - 8 years ago
No need to clean the sand
Lukas Hradil
Lukas Hradil - 9 years ago
Hello BulkReefSupplyCom 16 gallon is fine for 2 clowns? Or its low?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Lukas Hradil In my opinion yes, it is fine.
Muneeb Rahman
Muneeb Rahman - 9 years ago
very informative and accurate video
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Muneeb Rahman Glad we could help!
DrinkSumJuiice - 9 years ago
Just purchased some BRS Reef Saver Dry Rock, any precautions or steps I should take before putting into my tank? I.e: washing, etc
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+DrinkSumJuiice No problem! Exactly! We recommend doing as large a change as possible at that point to get the nasty water out.
DrinkSumJuiice - 9 years ago
Once I let the tank cure and cycle, should I do a water change before adding any fish or corals? and thanks for the very prompt response!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+DrinkSumJuiice If the tank is new with no animals in it yet, then you should be able to add the rock to the tank and let the rock cure and the tank cycle happen simultaneously. If the tank is already setup though, then you will want to cure the rock in a container separate from the aquarium.
Nilu Patel
Nilu Patel - 9 years ago
You should do the innovative marine 20 gallon
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
Bunty Burger
Bunty Burger - 9 years ago
Hey Ryan, quick thought. Couldn't you scrape some coraline off of an existing tank and place the debris in the new tank to encourage coraline growth as well?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+golpins Absolutely! I know a few people that have gone to a friend's house or an LFS and borrowed some coralline to do just that (with permission of course!).
Robert Ellis
Robert Ellis - 9 years ago
Nice Nano! Like the setup, and layout!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Robert Ellis Thanks!
Matthew Boules
Matthew Boules - 9 years ago
Hi Just wondering if this Tank with all the gear in the video is available already budled together?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Matthew Boules Unfortunately we can only ship to the US and Canada currently, but in the future we may begin to ship internationally. :)
Matthew Boules
Matthew Boules - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Oh ok no problem. Would this be available to Australia?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Matthew Boules We did offer it as a kit at one point, however the tank was discontinued. We are in the process of creating a new kit however with a different tank.
Angelinabug - 9 years ago
How much is the tank and everything else featured in this video in total?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Angelinabug We originally sold this kit for $499.99. We unfortunately had to discontinue it, but we may have a new one in the future ;)
Jacob Marchenkowsky
Jacob Marchenkowsky - 9 years ago
I'm going to be buying my first piece of coral soon. what should i start with?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jacob Marchenkowsky Some sort of soft coral like discosoma mushrooms, zoanthids, or leathers would be a good choice.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+ Cesar Pedraza - It's not particularly necessary with a soft coral tank of this size, but adding some appropriate powerheads/wavemakers can only help!
Bendytendy The Conservative
Bendytendy The Conservative - 7 years ago
Scott Taylor about 28c
Scott Taylor
Scott Taylor - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom how much degrees is 78 degrees fareinheight
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
78 Fahrenheit :)
Scott Taylor
Scott Taylor - 8 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom whouldnt 78 degrees be too hot where i live its usually 29 degrees
BulkReefSupplyCom - 8 years ago
Generally glass lids limit gas exchange and can trap heat, so we prefer to build DIY screen tops like these:
VG Assistant
VG Assistant - 8 years ago
Please could you answer this question why nano aquarium's have no lid?
jlittletonfamily - 9 years ago
Is this starter kit still available for purchase and are there any plans for future update videos
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+jlittletonfamily We are in the process of developing a new kit that will be released in the coming months :) We are also planning an update video soon!
Cesar Pedraza
Cesar Pedraza - 9 years ago
What about wave maker??
Stanley Lee
Stanley Lee - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom I have once a saltwater aquarium. Its about a year ago. I don't know much about how to mantain it. When its about 2 months, i bought an anemone, but it died and poisoned the entire aquarium. Since then i don't want to make a saltwater aquarium again. But now i want to make it again with this procedure. In my country there is no crystal sea or any salt for saltwater aquarium but we buy the sea water instead. And it is a little bit hard to find a heater. I just wanted to know more about the water changing part
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Stanley Lee Ok, I see! The majority of waste in the tank will get converted from ammonia over to nitrate. The easiest way to remove this nitrate is by doing a water change. So if you have a 20 gallon tank, you might remove 5 or 10 gallons of tank water and replace it with freshly mixed saltwater. This reduces the nitrate concentration and results in a happier aquarium.
Stanley Lee
Stanley Lee - 9 years ago
I'm a little bit confuse about the water changing part. Would u tell me more?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Stanley Lee Sure! What part do you have questions about specifically?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jack Kennedy - Unfortunately we can only ship the US and Canada currently, but we may ship internationally in the future.
Jack Kennedy
Jack Kennedy - 9 years ago
do you ship to australia
Jack Kennedy
Jack Kennedy - 9 years ago
Do you ship to australia
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
And my idea is only 5 gallons.   Look up the word nano.
lil Trajan
lil Trajan - 9 years ago
How much would all of that cost all together??? Because I like that kit
lil Trajan
lil Trajan - 9 years ago
I want to buy this kit now
lil Trajan
lil Trajan - 9 years ago
Yesss!!! Thank you
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Crompton It most likely will. :)
lil Trajan
lil Trajan - 9 years ago
Can you try to sell it with dry rock
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Jonathan Crompton The kit was $499.99, but unfortunately we don't sell it any longer since the 16 gallon Innovative Marine tank was discontinued. We are in the process of developing a new kit using the 20 gallon Fusion however.
lil Trajan
lil Trajan - 9 years ago
And we're can I buy this kit
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 9 years ago
don't think you can   call  this a nano.  no way
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Dennis Younger Everyone's definition will be a little different, but I like to think anything under 25 is "nano". :P
dbuizert - 9 years ago
Follow up?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+dbuizert The tank has changed hands a few times here :P We are in the process of developing a new starter tank kit since the 16 gallon was discontinued.
Sunnyalex28 - 9 years ago
Are the lights of the aqueon evolve 8 any good to grow corals because I have two lights that came with the tank and I am planing to use them to grow corals but just wanted to know if they were ok to grow corals?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Sunnyalex28 No problem!
Sunnyalex28 - 9 years ago
Awww really ok
thank you so much for the advice :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+Sunnyalex28 I actually had one of those here in the office for a while, but unfortunately the light wasn't strong enough for any corals. I had to immediately upgrade to a light with more intensity.
JIMBO Carguy
JIMBO Carguy - 10 years ago
Great Video !  Thanks For Making!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+JIMBO Carguy Thanks for watching!
Vanessa K.
Vanessa K. - 10 years ago
Oh my god I love this guy! Great tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Vanessa K. Thanks!  
Edwin .C
Edwin .C - 10 years ago
Kind a .....useful
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Edwin .C Thanks!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Jordan Crisologo - The best practice is to do it like you listed, however using our Reef Saver rock (since it is cleaner than most rock) and BioSpira allows you to kickstart things if need be  :)
Jordan Crisologo
Jordan Crisologo - 10 years ago
I saw that you didn't cycle the tank, and you just used the bio-spira. Is that right? Or should I let my tank cycle THEN add fish? I also thought you'd add the clean up crew first, then fish. Please help!(:
Harris Kramer
Harris Kramer - 10 years ago
So should this be a good first tank? I want to get into reeding and some of my parents friends have some frags they can give me... This will be my first tank and I want to get a full set up so that I don't have to deal with getting all the different parts by myself ( if I buy the package from you guys it comes with anything I need, right?). Also would I need a sump and a skimmer and that stuff too?

Harris Kramer
Harris Kramer - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom do you think it would be about $599?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Harris Kramer To be honest I'm not too sure, but the 16 gallon starter kit was priced at $499.99.
Harris Kramer
Harris Kramer - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom how much do you think this would cost?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Harris Kramer I'm hoping so too!  Hopefully it will just be a short while longer.  :)
Harris Kramer
Harris Kramer - 10 years ago
+bulkreefsupplycom I was hoping there would be a 20 gallon starter kit like this one... I can't wait until you get one set up (it would be awesome if it would be soon!).
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Harris Kramer  This would be a good starter setup.  The only downside is this tank in particular has been discontinued.  The replacement is a 20 gallon version.  We haven't made a kit for it quite yet, but we are planning on it.  Luckily in a tank this size a skimmer is not necessary since water changes are more economical, and the sump is built right into the back of the tank.  
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 10 years ago
HaHahahah.   It was all done digitally.   I never been near a lemur.
ATW6 WONDERS - 10 years ago
Very nice
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
Rodrick Arthur
Rodrick Arthur - 10 years ago
Thx u, very didactic!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Rodrick Arthur Indubitably!  :P
944kiddo - 10 years ago
This was a great video man!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+944kiddo Thanks!
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 10 years ago
this is my favourite marine aquarium vid on you tube 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+patrick jullian Ok, I gotcha. You could potentially setup a refugium in one of the back chambers, but if you don't have plans for the mud otherwise I might consider returning it. :)
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom no my tank is only 15 gallon similar to the one in the video the filtration is done through the back of the tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+patrick jullian Usually Miracle Mud is used as a substrate for a refugium. Are you planning on running a refugium in your system?
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom thanks guys for your help so far but now I am stuck with another question so recently i was told by a pet shop guy that I needed a product called miracle mud so I brought it was about $50 but now i don't know what its for and how to use it my tank it's about 15 gallon and it a tank similar to the one in the vid the filtration is on the through the back so i am not sure what to do with this miracle mud thing ?
please help
thanks again
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+patrick jullian RO systems are always a great investment. The sediment filter which is the spongy filter you are referring to captures particulate matter out of the water to help prevent clogging the carbon filter or membrane. The Sediment filter should be the first thing the water passes through. The carbon filter, or carbon block is solid filter of carbon that is used to remove chlorine, toxins, and other compounds from the water to extend the life of your RO membrane. The carbon filter should be after your sediment filter. Lastly, the RO membrane is what does 99% of your filtration. With a high quality membrane and ideal conditions you could move up to 99% of impurities from water. The sediment filter should be replaced every 1 to 3 months, the carbon blocks around every 6 months, and the membrane every 2-5 years. This all depends on how much water you plan on filtering. For a reef tank you also may want to consider adding a DI resin filter after the RO membrane. This will offer some of the purest water available from your RO.
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom thanks your work had inspired to now go on to the world of reefing I already own a few cold water and tropical tank and now I am cracking my head trying to get around all that is needed for a marine tank,however I found myself stuck in the part of the RO system so I brought a 3 stage RO system, but I am unsure of what i should put inside the three chambers i think one of them is a sponge looking thing which i believe is called  Micron PP micro filters also another one is active carbon and I think the other one is a membrane thing.
so does it matter which order they go in or is there a specific chamber for each media also is the carbon filter the same as active carbon used in tropical filter and also how often do they need to be changed or do I just clean them?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 9 years ago
+patrick jullian Thanks! That is our Reef Saver Rock:
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 9 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom i really love your channel but what rocks did you use here ?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+patrick jullian Awesome!  Glad you enjoyed it.  
uzi oozwala
uzi oozwala - 10 years ago
You look like a big reefer lol
Nom Deplume
Nom Deplume - 10 years ago
Dude gives a strong BILLY MAYS! vibe.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Nom Deplume Channeling my inner Mays.  :)
MadOnMadonna - 10 years ago
Hey everyone! Could you leave out the live rock and put in some artificial reef (like they do in tanked or fishtanks kings) or will this ruin the natural filtration? Hope you can help!
Kind regards,
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+MadOnMadonna You certainly could, but I wouldn't recommend doing so for a reef.  Removing live rock will negate a lot of the natural bacterial filtration, and it would need to be replaced with a similar media in your sump.  An artificial coral insert also would not provide a good substrate for growing corals.  :)
P1ke - 10 years ago
Dear BulkReefSupplyCom ,
Do i have to have a skimmer for a 17 gallon reef setup and does a hang on back  filter work , if i plan to put two clowns and maybe a red firefish with some lps corals in it ? I would be thankful for a reply
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+P1ke Thanks!
P1ke - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Thank you very very much ! You guys are awesome , keep up the great work !
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+P1ke Normally on nano tanks skimmers aren't necessary since doing weekly water changes is often cheaper.  With that being said it certainly wouldn't hurt to have one.  A HOB filter would likely be just fine, but often times if you are using live or dry rock you can use the rock itself as filtration!
Serene Habhab
Serene Habhab - 10 years ago
What type of filtration do I need to keep in mind with? Or I just keep it with it's filters that came with it.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Serene Habhab To start out with, simply keeping the filters that are included are often enough.  Over time you can look into installing reactors to run various medias to remove certain harmful compounds like phosphate and toxins.  
Timothy Andersen
Timothy Andersen - 10 years ago
so its okay to use tap water?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Timothy Andersen While it's certainly not ideal, tap water can be used.  You just may want to test the water and dechlorinate it before use.  :)
ketan rangari
ketan rangari - 10 years ago
sir i like your video a lot ...... its amazing ......... and i need your help sir ...... my friend is have no idea about fish keeping ...... brought a new tetraodon fluviatilis ( green puffer fish ), brackish water specie ......... he approached  me after 1 weeks saying that is not eating a thing  ......... its probably like the tank is not properly cycled and the fish is way too much stressed out ........ i feel like pity for the fish ..........

i want to save that poor little fish ........ and i have decided to set it free into the nature ........ but the thing is like i don't have a sea near by , its like 180 km away in mumbai ....... but i do have is a river in my city ........ can i put that puffer in the river ...... will it be able to swim to the brackish water region ......... or should i go all the way to mumbai to put the fish in brackish water area ..... please sir help me out

i cant give back fish to the fish store because it will be eventually end up with some one other amateur person ........    

please help me sir ....... thanks a lot 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+ketan rangari Thanks!  We appreciate it.  I think you are right with the fish being stressed out.  I would check the salinity, ammonia, and nitrite levels of the water to get a better understand of what may be causing the issue.  :)
Dennis Younger
Dennis Younger - 10 years ago
long hair died out 20 years ago dude.
cgiardi - 10 years ago
Says the guy rocking a lemur on his head...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Dennis Younger Retro!  No worries though since I'm no longer rockin' that style.  Check out some of our newer videos! :)
Everything Malawi
Everything Malawi - 10 years ago
When you do water changes you ad salt but not when it evaporates?? Please explain, also im thinking abt doing a salt water tank no corals or anything just fish, you think a 29g. Tank with a aquaclear 110 circulation pump and heater will be good for a fish only tank and how long does a bucket of salt last for a 29g
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+These Cichlids In most cases fish stores are going to be the only ones with an RODI system.  Grocery stores often have RO systems, but that will lack the DI portion which you'd want for a reef tank :)
Everything Malawi
Everything Malawi - 10 years ago
+These Cichlids for not of
Everything Malawi
Everything Malawi - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom and ur refering to the machines around ur city of the water not the local fish stores???
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+These Cichlids It depends on how well the owner is maintaining the RODI system.  If the filters are rarely changed then you'll likely end up with TDS in the water.  Chances are they are maintaining it though, and you'll likely see low TDS if I had to guess.  

RODI units will strip all the minerals out of the water that determine the water's hardness and pH, so it is very possible that the pH is near neutral.  Luckily, once you add salt to the water it puts the proper balance of minerals and ions in the water to give you parameters that are near natural seawater levels.  
Everything Malawi
Everything Malawi - 10 years ago
+These Cichlids and if so does salt mix really act as a buffer to boost ph because i tested my drinking waters ph it abt 6.8 using a freshwater kit. Not sure if it will show higher or lower with a saltwater kit,
Everything Malawi
Everything Malawi - 10 years ago
+These Cichlids i mean is it really ro/di water so that makes it tds free???
Everything Malawi
Everything Malawi - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom ok i can buy this ro/di water at these little water places for 20cents a gallon is it really the same water. Thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+These Cichlids No problem!
Everything Malawi
Everything Malawi - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom ok thanks much appreciated
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+These Cichlids When water evaporates it leaves behind anything that is dissolved in it, including salts and minerals.  When you do a water change you are actually pulling the water, salt, and minerals out of the tank so they need to be replaced.  That would be a pretty good starter setup.  A 160 mixed gallon/5 gallon bucket will allow you to do around 11 50% water changes on that tank.  :)
Jose Sanchez
Jose Sanchez - 10 years ago
So is a refractometer just a fancier tool then a swing hydrometer? Or is it just plainly more accurate?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+juan sanchez It's a bit of both to be honest: both accurate and fancier :)  The problem with a swing hydrometer is that it is a little difficult to keep everything entirely clean and over time the arm will get crusted up with salt and not read accurately.  Since there are no moving parts on the refractometer it is a little more reliable and in my experience easier to read.  
Caitlyn Gallagher
Caitlyn Gallagher - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom thanks for the info
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
No problem +Caitlyn Gallagher !
Caitlyn Gallagher
Caitlyn Gallagher - 10 years ago
@BulkReefSupplyCom for a saltwater reef tank with just soft corals and some lps do I really need a refugium if I have a lot of live rock?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Caitlyn Gallagher I certainly wouldn't say it's necessary to run one, but it wouldn't hurt to do so.  Growing algae in a refugium can be a rather effective method of removing nitrate, phosphate, and ammonia from the tank.  :)
Kenny Trac
Kenny Trac - 10 years ago
Can you make a video of the nuvo fusion 10 to replace the discontinue of the nuvo 16. Also is the water flow from the nuvo fusion 10 stock pump sufficient for lps and soft corals to thrive in. Id like to know.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Kenny Trac I think we are planning on it eventually :)  The water flow should be enough, but I would recommend supplementing the flow with a small powerhead.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+ jesse sinnema - With a juvenile fish a 180 gallon tank will do just fine, but an adult will need at least a 220-300 gallon tank.  They can grow to be pretty large!
Filthy Is Babe
Filthy Is Babe - 10 years ago
Yes. And Thank You
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 10 years ago
+SlipKnotBoy The Metalhead happy b day is it ur actual pic on your profile.
Filthy Is Babe
Filthy Is Babe - 10 years ago
Thanks Set It Up Today Looking Awesome! :D
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+SlipKnotBoy The Metalhead No problem.
Filthy Is Babe
Filthy Is Babe - 10 years ago
Thanks Man! :DD
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+SlipKnotBoy The Metalhead Yup!  That should be just fine.  
Filthy Is Babe
Filthy Is Babe - 10 years ago
Yeah I Will Probly Use It As A Grow Out Tank Is That Ok?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+SlipKnotBoy The Metalhead Well, happy early birthday!  Generally I'd avoid a clownfish in a smaller tank like that, however if they are a smaller fish then it should be fine.  Just keep in mind clowns can get to be 3 to 4 inches long, so you may need to transfer the fish to a larger setup as he grows.  
Filthy Is Babe
Filthy Is Babe - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom  Hey Just A Quick Question You May Remember Me chainsaw reptiles This Is My Other Account :P Is 5gallons good for One Clown Fish??? Its My Birthday In 5days On The 6th Of March And Im Getting The 5gal FLuval Spec :) 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+jesse sinnema No problem!
jesse sinnema
jesse sinnema - 10 years ago
Ok thnx
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Nick Weeks  
Just excited.  :)   
jesse sinnema
jesse sinnema - 10 years ago
How many gallons do you need to bo ayble to have a emporator angel fish ? Im kinda lookin to get one
khan1010 - 10 years ago
Is the sand the original size or the smaller version?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+bmxkid1010 We used the Original Grade for this setup.  
Nick Weeks
Nick Weeks - 10 years ago
This guy is LOUD lol
PlakatBetta - 10 years ago
i didnt rinse my reef saver dry rocks and my aquarium is cloudy, what should i do?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+PlakatBetta It should disappear after 24-48 hours.  I personally wouldn't be too concerned.  :)
GreatOneProduction - 10 years ago
Great video and very helpful. Do you sale any kits like that in the video for the 20 gallon tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+GreatOneProduction Thanks!  We don't have anything quite yet, but we may or may not be working on a new kit ;)
randy galati
randy galati - 10 years ago
Just purchased a 16 Gallon Nuvo cause of this video it was REALLY HARD TO FIND cause its discontinued but I like the modern look and frameless glass of the 16 over the new 20 Gallon. Great vid but why is it nessesary to start with one fish? +BulkReefSupplyCom 
FreshwaterPro Abrar
FreshwaterPro Abrar - 8 years ago
You start slowly so you don't get an ammonia, nitrate, or nitrite spike that can kill all the fish and corals
Danil ANikiforov
Danil ANikiforov - 10 years ago
Does the heater and pump come with the tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Danil ANikiforov No problem!
Danil ANikiforov
Danil ANikiforov - 10 years ago
ok cool thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Danil ANikiforov Generally the copepods naturally appear since they hitchhike in on corals that you add to the tank.  They can also be purchased however if you decide to go that route.  AlgaGen has always been one of my favorite copepod "farmers", but there are more out there.  A refugium would be a good start to a healthy copepod population.  
Danil ANikiforov
Danil ANikiforov - 10 years ago
Ok thanks also I was thinking of having a Mandarin Dragonet later on, how can I get the copepods that they eat? I heard people talk about refugiams and you need one to have a lot of copepods. 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Danil ANikiforov Generally on a tank this size, water changes are more efficient and cheaper than most of the nano skimmers out there.  It certainly wouldn't hurt to add one, but it's not necessary.
Danil ANikiforov
Danil ANikiforov - 10 years ago
I'll probably order it later on but I saw you didn't use a sump/protein skimmer nor a filter I believe... is it necessary to use one? Or does it just make your life easier with tank maintenance using a filter/sump/protein skimmer?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Danil ANikiforov Yup!  The 20 also comes with a pump.  The kit that we offer on the site comes with:

(2) SKKYE Lights Aquarium LEDs
6mm High Clarity Low Iron Glass
Mesh Screen Top with Clips
Dual Built-in Overflows
Rubber Leveling Mat
(2) - Removable 3 Stage Filter Baskets
(1) - 11W 110v/60Hz 211 GPH Return Pump
Flexible hose and return elbows with Dual Directional Flow Nozzles
Danil ANikiforov
Danil ANikiforov - 10 years ago
does the 20 include the pump also? Actually better question what exactly does the 20 starter kit include?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Danil ANikiforov   The 16 has been discontinued, however it did include a return pump.  Heaters are sold separately.  :)
Danil ANikiforov
Danil ANikiforov - 10 years ago
I wanted to get the 16g tank that you're using in this video but didn't seem to find it.. I only saw the 20g and 10g tanks. 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Danil ANikiforov The 16 Nuvo was unfortunately discontinued and replaced by the 10 and 20 Fusion.  The new tanks are awesome though!
snake3billion - 10 years ago
Hi I'm looking to get into the hobby and I've been contemplating on getting the marine fusion 10 or 20. Which tank do you believe would be better suited for a starter tank? Also are the lights that come with the tank enough to grow corals?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+snake3billion I would probably recommend the 20 as you have a little more room for aquascaping and placing corals. The LED lights that come with the aquarium are strong enough to keep some low light corals, as a beginner is also wise to select some that don't require much effort like soft or even some LPS corals. Zoanthids, mushrooms, ricordea , polyps, candy canes, duncans, torch and frog spawn. 
KandyKainePowdah - 10 years ago
Thanks for this bro
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+kaine teuira :)
michael Oliver
michael Oliver - 10 years ago
Does the nuvo 20 gallon kit that you sell come with all of the items that this video shows this16 gallon kit coming with?
michael Oliver
michael Oliver - 10 years ago
Great Thanks!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+michael Oliver We haven't made a new tank kit quite yet, but I expect we will put something together within the month.
catherine gero
catherine gero - 10 years ago
hey bulkreefsupply was wondering if I purchase this fluva 25w reef light I bought is enough light for my reef. I only have so far green star polyps and leather mushrroms. looking to get a gbta also. mostly sticking to sps. I have the original stock on my 16g innovative marine. wich Is 2 light heads with I think 6 or 8 watts I don't remember. but should I use all 3 or just use the new 25w reef fluval led light I bought
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+catherine gero Ok, cool!  I would be a little hesitant to use that light for SPS, but for soft corals and some LPS it probably would work well.  For SPS I would recommend looking into some more intense solutions like a Kessil A160WE.
catherine gero
catherine gero - 10 years ago
And the stock lighting is 16w total from innovative marine. 16g. Same setup u have in your video. But they have been running for 4 yes now. Thought maybe losing some of its power
catherine gero
catherine gero - 10 years ago
Thanks for responding!!! Its a fluval full spectrum led. 25000k. 25w
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+catherine gero It's tough to know for sure if that light will be bright enough without knowing which specific model it is, however the majority of SPS corals like very intense light.  I would hazard to bet that that light would be plenty for soft corals and some LPS, but I would likely be a little hesitant to light an SPS tank with it.  Again though, without knowing the model of the light, it's hard to say either way. :)
TheCrossCrew - 10 years ago
Ok so are started a 57 gallon tank a few days ago and we started the pump and everything which is a wd-75 eshopps and then we had a leak in one of the tubes. We took out a little over half of the water and filled it back up. We just got the pump running again today and the pump almost seems like it is pumping water into the take to hard. After a few minutes of the sump running again the water started to get very cloudy, even though it was already ready cloudy it got worse. So I just wanted to ask if the pump may be pumping to hard? Also how long would it take for the water to clear up because in some tanks ive seen the water has cleared up very quickly?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+BasketballCross13 No problem!  You can always give our support team a call at 763-432-9691 if you have any questions. 
TheCrossCrew - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Alright! Thanks for the help! is there any way to keep in contact if I have any more questions other than youtube?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+BasketballCross13 The cloudiness will go away on it;s own eventually.  The sand will always be moving around to some degree, but if there is a "sandstorm" in your tank then you might want to use the valve.  Most reef dwellers are subject to some pretty violent currents on the reef.  They should be able to withstand the 500 GPH on your 57 gallon just fine :)
TheCrossCrew - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Thank you. If the pump is kinda moving the sand around would that mean I need the ball valve and that the water will be a little cloudy all the time. Also  if the pump is pumping to fast would that effect the fish at all?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+BasketballCross13 It's no problem!  That pump should be fine, but you could use a ball valve to reduce the flow on the return line if you want to reduce it. 
TheCrossCrew - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Thanks! my pump is a 500 GPH maximum. The actual pump is a Supreme Classic Model 5 if that helps at all. Haha. Sorry for bothering about the questions but I am very new to the whole saltwater thing. I have 4 freshwater tanks with a variety fish and wanted to try something new, but I am sorta struggling. 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+BasketballCross13 What size pump do you have on the tank?  We normally recommend 5-10 times your display volume for gallons per hour.  So you would be looking for 285 - 570 gallons per hour total.  You can always install a ball valve on the return line to help dial back the flow as well.  The cloudiness is likely from dust in your new sand getting stirred up, it should go away after a week or so.  :)
TheCrossCrew - 10 years ago
the tank also has a built in overflow
Eric Payne
Eric Payne - 10 years ago
I thought this was going to be a series?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Eric Payne We are still planning on it.  The Nuvo 16 was recently discontinued so there may be a little delay.  :)
Andy d
Andy d - 10 years ago
Hi do you need a protein skimmer in that 15 gallon tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Andy d Usually water changes on nano/smaller tanks are enough to keep nutrients under control :)
Buddy Sheroka
Buddy Sheroka - 10 years ago
Those little nuvos are cool
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Buddy Sheroka They are pretty nifty :)  The 20 Fusion that is coming out in the coming months to replace the 16 Nuvo is going to be just as cool, if not cooler. 
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
Hey Man Great Video As Always Brotha! :D Iv Been Keeping Fish For Over 10years And Im Gunna Bite The Bullet And Make A 2.5gallon Marine Tank. Can You Do A Series On How To Set Up On That Size And Is There Any Species Of Fish I Can keep In That? I Was Just Thinking Hermitcrabs Crabs Maybe A Starfish (etc) 
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Thanks Ma Brotha! Do You Have Skype? 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles Haha, I'll see what I can do ;)
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom   Could I Have A Shoutout .-. 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles Sure thing!
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Thanks Man! Can I Ask You Another Cheeky Question :/? 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles Yup!  They should be fine together.  
Chainsaw Reptiles
Chainsaw Reptiles - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom  So Many People Have Told Me Species Of Pipe Fish And Gobys But I Have To Say Gobys Now! Can I Keep The Hermies And Sexyshrimp And Emerald Crabs With Them? 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Chainsaw Reptiles Thanks!  Sounds like a cool little setup :)  It should be somewhat similar to this 16 gallon, but just scaled down.  My favorite fish for nano and pico reefs are gobies.  My two favorites are the Whitecap Goby (Lotilia graciliosa), and the Flaming Prawn Goby (Discordipinna griessingeri).  Something a little more budget friendly would be a Neon Goby (Elacatinus oceanops) a Yellow Clown Goby (Gobiodon okinawae), or even a Panda Goby (Paragobius lacunicolus).
thomas almassy wade
thomas almassy wade - 10 years ago
thomas almassy wade
thomas almassy wade - 10 years ago
do you ship to the uk
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+thomas almassy wade Unfortunately we currently only ship to the US and Canada, but we may begin to ship internationally in the future. :)
wsa721 - 10 years ago
Ive had a freshwater tank for a couple years now, went away to college and couldn't bring it with me, long story short i lost my fish. I am now left with an empty tank. i really want to convert it to a salt water tank. Its a 20gal, i have heater, hang on back filter, and lighting unit. My only questions are what kind of lights are normally used in a tank like this(for small corals) and is the hang on back carbon filter safe to use in salt water? 

PS: great video! really good explanations for beginners like me.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+wsa721 most people use rock as the filter and there are a lot of lighting options. T5 florescent might be the cheapest and easiest for someone new. 
Stephen Sal
Stephen Sal - 10 years ago
Why would you show a tang in this tank? A lot of people will assume it means tangs can live in this tank.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Stephen Salyer I agree but the tang is in a tank that is much much larger than this little 16 :)
Caio Stanchak
Caio Stanchak - 10 years ago
I want to build a reed so bad! But I think I will start with a bigger one.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Caio Stanchak Bigger is better!
Jeff - 10 years ago
I really want this. But it's out of stock...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+MarioAndBaoser The 16 has been discontinued by the manufacture and replaced with a 20 gallon fusion
HigherPlanes - 10 years ago
fancy tank. Wish I could afford one
HigherPlanes - 10 years ago
I have a cheapo tank, just doesn't have an overflow. I have a planted tank but trying to get into reef keeping.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+HigherPlanes Start with a cheep petco tank :)
Jeff Puha
Jeff Puha - 10 years ago
Hi. Excellent video. Would you guys consider doing a series of 35-45g rectangular tank videos that covers set-up, aquascaping, cycling, and livestock? I'm new to the hobby and I'm looking to start a reef tank within that size range. I don't particularly like the cubes and want to go with a relatively shallow tank. There aren't too many videos available about what I want. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
Jeff Puha
Jeff Puha - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom OK. Thanks. I'll check them out.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Jeff Puha There are a bunch of playlists here on those topics
john doe
john doe - 10 years ago
How do you feed only a little bit of food to each fish? There is a messed up pecking order in my tank where one fish over eats and the rest starves from being bullied during feeding time.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+john doe Try and feed different areas of the tank at the same time ? Maybe different types of food ? 
xzinx - 10 years ago
this kid doesnt need protein
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+xzinx Thats a pretty common comment on this demo. You can have one but most of the small ones are close to garbage and water changes on a tank this size is a super easy replacement. 
Colin Campbell
Colin Campbell - 10 years ago
When u showed the clownfish for an example of good fish to have, what gallon tank are they in 8 gallon or 4 gallon.
Colin Campbell
Colin Campbell - 10 years ago
No problem, I just want to make sure it was right☺
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Colin Campbell That is an eight gallon. Thanks!
Colin Campbell
Colin Campbell - 10 years ago
+Bulk Reef Supply are you sure, the tank looks small I am talking about the one that has the elegence coral and the frogspawn, I just really like the aquascape and tank in general, in need one for my room and and I thought that would be perfect. Btw, thank you for the educational videos and keep up the hard work☺
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Colin Campbell it's a 16 gallon
martin leibow
martin leibow - 10 years ago
Am I right when I see two thermometers and heaters in this package? What is the reason? Thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Martinicu nunyabusiness One for the tank and one for the fresh saltwater for water changes. 
abdulah dawood
abdulah dawood - 10 years ago
Is it really fine to use de-chlorinated, not ro/di, water in a nano setup, without filtration, and it will be just fine? Reply please...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+abdulah dawood not ideal but it can be done if you have a decent water supply. 
Bryan MR
Bryan MR - 10 years ago
Why with freshwater ? ?
Jeff Bourdeau
Jeff Bourdeau - 10 years ago
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to thank you all for making these great educational videos. I'm new to saltwater Aquarius (I've had freshwater tanks my whole life) about 6 months ago I finally bit the bullet and got a spec v and made a nano reef that I love and is doing awesome and now I will be setting up a 30 gal saltwater tank... Anyway I just wanted to say thank you. your videos have made this transition to saltwater extremely easy keep up the great work guys
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+jeff bourdeau Thanks a lot. Feedback like this makes our day!
Gazi Sahil
Gazi Sahil - 10 years ago
I don't see any leaks in my tank but still water level drops in two days in my sump..
Is it vaporizing ??
Gazi Sahil
Gazi Sahil - 10 years ago
Thanks but maintain gets micro bubbles before I know it..My tank is new.. All I have a skunk shrimp in it
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Gazi Rayhan it is totally normal for the water to evaporate. Can be faster than you might think. 
Andreas Chryseliou
Andreas Chryseliou - 10 years ago
Surely a small skimmer, such as Hydor's SlimSkim, would work fine on a tank like this?

I'm no pro so I won't tell you geniuses what to do though..
Andreas Chryseliou
Andreas Chryseliou - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom I was under the impression that 'maintaining' a Skimmer meant just emptying out the cup?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Andreas Chryseliou They would, on a tank this size I find doing water changes easier than maintaining equipment but that's an individual choice. 
Jekx - 10 years ago
What ever happened to this series/ tank
Kampf0r - 10 years ago
Great video! I'm thinking about making a freshwater system with this tank though. Will this tank support a freshwater system out of the box, or do I need to do a lot of modifications on it?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Bucky Squier 

Furfeatherandclaw - 10 years ago
Great quick handy how to, and a nice little bundle! Love the dechlorinating salt. No skimmer tho? or purigen etc in the back? How long do you think the lifespan of this tank realistically is? There's a very similar aquarium by aqua one, the aquanano 60. 100ltr. It's not rated as marine for some reason , but it's the same kinda tank and fits a mini skim. You guys familiar with it? Keep up the awesome vids
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Furfeatherandclaw Finding a quality skimmer for a tank this size can be hard :(
Bucky Squier
Bucky Squier - 10 years ago
i cant afford a rodi system can i just use dechlorinated tap  water until i can afford an rodi system
FreshwaterPro Abrar
FreshwaterPro Abrar - 8 years ago
Only if you are keeping fish no corals for now
André Kaae
André Kaae - 10 years ago
I just love BRS, very nice videos you guys make! Sadly I live in europe, so can't be a customer -.- The new nuvo 16 does that crack aswell or was it just the first ones?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+André Kaae thanks, they did have a bad batch but those are long since out of circulation. 
mike mike
mike mike - 10 years ago
Would you be able to add an anemone to this tank? 
Jekx - 10 years ago
Do however upgrade your lighting and get an appropriately sized anemone that won't kill fish regularity or over take the tank, for instance bubble tips which clownfish may readily use as refuge
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Michael Lammers no reason you couldn't.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 10 years ago
I think that I just got a customer for you guys! My buddy at work saw some of my tank pictures and wants to get into the hobby, so I suggested your nuvo 16g startup kit!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+jose Calderon Nice, thank you!
Name - 10 years ago
Did anyone else feel like they were watching Waynes World... like in a good way?  
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+littleripper312 Almost went as Wayne for a party last year. Party on!
Tomas Higginson
Tomas Higginson - 10 years ago
Hey! I went to purchase the kit but it is labelled 'out of stock'.
Is this a temporary shortage or more long term?  
Thanks for a fantastic intro to saltwater fish-keeping, I cant wait to start!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Tomas Higginson should be back soon if not already 
Ollie Springerz
Ollie Springerz - 10 years ago
I would get this now if it was in a kit together
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 10 years ago
Too bad that you guys don't carry the new IM nuvo fusion 10g tanks, since I'm about to buy one!
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 10 years ago
They are very affordable and look well built!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+jose Calderon working on it... 
John Beadling
John Beadling - 10 years ago
This guy owns at least one surfboard 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Fishboy Mickoy touché!
Matt O'Brien
Matt O'Brien - 10 years ago
Unless u wakesurf
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+John Beadling Surfboards in Minnesota are of little use :(
Tavo Rosas
Tavo Rosas - 10 years ago
Can i do this to my 5 gallon tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Tavo Rosas sure, small tanks can be hard to maintain though. 
ShowMeDaCarFax 56
ShowMeDaCarFax 56 - 10 years ago
So... are you sure i wont need a filter? or could i get one just be feel safe lol or a skimmer? what should i do for a filter?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Knife Love'Ah the rock is your filter : )  Skimmer would be nice!
Darastrixx - 10 years ago
Good video! Really considering setting up one. Just a question though: You mentioned that you didn't use a filter, however did you still need some form of pump?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Darastrixx there is a pump in the kit : )
wetwilly420 - 10 years ago
could i do this same type of setup on my 36 gallon tank? as in running it with no skimmer and no sump?: it is currently a freshwater tank but looking to switch to saltwater. i have a fluval 206 canister filter. would i be able to use that filter or just not use it and get a power head?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+wetwilly420 you got it!
wetwilly420 - 10 years ago
thanks a lot BFS for the information!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+wetwilly420 Sump lis just to increase water volume and hide equipment so absolutely. Skimmer is just part of a nutrient export system and can be replaced with good feeding habits, wise fish selections and a good water change schedule. 
fishmaster - 10 years ago
how much does the reef tank cost?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+fishmaster we sell this kit for $499 : )
Adam Tonkin
Adam Tonkin - 10 years ago
This video has finally convinced me to plunge into the Saltwater world! i've been debating it for a year and your simple ways and methods have helped a lot! Excellent video I look forward to watching the rest of your videos!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Adam Tonkin Thanks, this is the best type of complement we can receive! It is really fun to help show people how fun this hobby can be and it doesn't have to be hard. 
lovealwaysxO1 - 10 years ago
Is it safe to use water purchased from a grocery store? The nearest local fish store is 30mins away, so getting fresh ro/di water from there is very inconvenient for me...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+lovealwaysxO1 It is likely safe but it is going to get expensive over time and a pain in the butt. Most people just end up getting a RO/DI system and make water at home.  
Christian Alvarado
Christian Alvarado - 10 years ago
how to control Ammonia,Nitrite,Nitrate and Ph levels?
Christian Alvarado
Christian Alvarado - 10 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Christian Alvarado typical cycle and water changes : )
terminater Olson
terminater Olson - 10 years ago
can you do the same process with a three gallon picotope tank
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+terminater Olson I will see what we can do : )
Christian Alvarado
Christian Alvarado - 10 years ago
how to control this level?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Christian Alvarado Can you explain the question a but further ?
Christian Alvarado
Christian Alvarado - 10 years ago
what happens if the Ammonia, Nitrite, Nirtrate and Ph levels are not level right after adding your first hardy fish in the tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Christian Alvarado Ammonia will kill most fish!
Umair Javaid
Umair Javaid - 10 years ago
How did you attach the corals to the rock?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Umair Javaid Sorry we didn't shoot any footage of that . I like the tubes over the bottles
Umair Javaid
Umair Javaid - 10 years ago
can you please send me video of how you added corals in the 16 gallon nano tank.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Umair Javaid Normally I use large tubes of gel super glue and apply liberally. 
blooduhz - 10 years ago
Wow this is the most easiest video to understand in how to set up saltwater tank for beginners! you guys do a good job. thanks :D

I always left the aqua shops puzzled with tons of equipments stacking on the shelves and the salespersons I've approached seem trying to sell me everything they got in the shop! haha.
I owned a freshwater tank. Now it's time to upgrade to saltwater:)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+blooduhz Best complement of the year , thanks!
GeekFish - 10 years ago
The package is out av stock? When do you recieve new ones?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+MrQuatros I will have to check into it. I am not sure which component is out of stock. 
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 10 years ago
where did you those yank cant find it anywhere 
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 10 years ago
what corals did u use
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+patrick jullian In a small tank like this we normally use , zoanthids, mushrooms, rice, frogspawn, torches and duncans : )
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 10 years ago
how did you attach  the coral 
Dans marine Project
Dans marine Project - 10 years ago
I'm setting up a marine tank. Come have a look and follow my progress.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Dans marine Project Looks like it is coming across great.  Thanks for sharing!
Ben Baskin
Ben Baskin - 10 years ago
When will the tank be in stock?
Ben Baskin
Ben Baskin - 10 years ago
How many fish can this tank hold? I thought it was 1 fish to 10 gallons of saltwater, also does distilled water need to have chemicals added to it to make it suitable to fish and corals?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Ben Baskin The 1-10 is a bit outdated. It is going to depend a lot on the selection of fish and types of habitat you provide.  For the most part distilled water should be ok. 
patrick jullian
patrick jullian - 10 years ago
cant wait until my birthday to get 29th tank LOL only joking 
Ben Baskin
Ben Baskin - 10 years ago
Suggestion: Make a printable list of all the stuff in the tank, type of coral, fish, filter media, ect.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Ben Baskin That's a great idea. We do have a package though 
Alex's Reef
Alex's Reef - 10 years ago
I'd like to see the next Ep of this. was kinda nice seeing how I could start up right off the bat but like to know what kind of up grades could be added or if they are even needed.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+alex giffin You are in luck, that is actually on the short list of video's for the next couple of months :)
Ken Mak
Ken Mak - 10 years ago
Hi, I have the nuvo 16, ghost skimmer and IM media reactor as well, I was wondering does your set up produces unwanted micro bubbles to the display?
Thank you in advance
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Ken Mak Fortunately it does not.  Most likely you just need to get the skimmer adjusted in.  Also make sure the water level in the middle return pump chamber is high enough that it doesn't occasionally suck in a bit of air as well!
Koebel_7 - 10 years ago
More updates on this tank please!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Mr.Buckeye They are coming :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Pieter Naessens The Innovative Marine does come with the LED's you see in the video.  They are not super powerful, but sufficient for a basic tank, so no worries there :-)
pieter naessens
pieter naessens - 10 years ago
can you please make a video of a 38 or a 40 gallon tank, i would love to see what's included. because i tend to buy one of the two
pieter naessens
pieter naessens - 10 years ago
because i see there is no light included with that tank but if i look at the cost of one the lights its like almost the same as the tank(or even more) wich i can't afford. so i would have to choose a 16 gallon tank. but it seems so small.
MrAshK9 - 10 years ago
How deep is the sand bed in this tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+MrAshK9 It moves around a bit in the current and has some high points and low points.  It is about an inch to an inch and a half on average though.
mexicanamerican21 - 10 years ago
so the next day, you add the bio spira, and that same day you can add fish?(with live rock and sand ofcoarse)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Hugo Delgado With the Bio Spira you can add them much faster. Everyone here was also very skeptical but we have all been using it on new tanks for years now without a single failure so it is hard to deny the success at this point. 
Hugo Delgado
Hugo Delgado - 10 years ago
No, you have to wait for the tank to cycle about a month
yourboybeezie - 10 years ago
When is or what is the next episode for the nano 16
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+yourboybeezie I hope in the next month : )
akaDiluted - 10 years ago
Check out my new Android App "New Fish Tank Facts"
rhythmofhearts - 10 years ago
Ben Aguilar
Ben Aguilar - 10 years ago
Great video, on point & really helpful. Helped me set up my jbj 12G :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Ben Aguilar Glad we could help. Let us know if you have any questions!
Moe Kayed
Moe Kayed - 10 years ago
On my 28 gallon I blew off the live rock with a turkey baster with out doing a water change.  I posted a video on my page of what I did.  You think this is OK for maintenance every now and then?  
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Moe Kayed Thats great!
Moe Kayed
Moe Kayed - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Everything looks good.  Clean up crew pops up and gets busy.  Live rock is clean as a whistle now.  Thanks.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Moe Kayed I don't think it is going to hurt anything. Some filter feeders, corals , filter socks or skimmer might even capture some of what you blew off the rock.  Sometimes I do something similar with a mj1200. Do you see any change with the livestock after doing that ?
FRCruser - 10 years ago
Other than water changes do you normally add anything else for filtration and do you replace or clean the included sponges every so often? I've never had a tank this small so just curious if the rock and sand will be enough. 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+FRCruser Nice thing about these tanks is you don't really need to add anything for filtration.  You do want to give the sponges a clean and in the future it would be beneficial to run some carbon/gfo, but the main filtration will be provided by bacteria on the rock and sand.  No need for a hang on back filter or anything like that.
yimbats - 10 years ago
I would love to start a reef tank, I just don't understand what you would do when you go on holiday / business trips for extended periods?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+yimbats Largely speaking the tank would be fine for say a weekend, but just like any pet if your going to be gone for a while you would want someone to stop by and check on things, feed your fish, etc.  Just need a "tank sitter" instead of a "dog sitter" :-)
David G
David G - 10 years ago
Just curious, why is it that essentially all reef tanks have live rock stacked up high like this setup? Is it beneficial, or does it just look really nice?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Da G Mostly just an aesthetic thing.  Especially in a narrow tank up is really the only direction you can go.  The main thing is to get a decent amount of surface area, the more surface area you have the more space you have for corals :-)
Ashton Patel
Ashton Patel - 10 years ago
How many corals could fit in this tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Ashton Patel It really depends on the type of coral you put in.  Many corals grow mostly upwards and can be in close proximity, while others grow out across the rocks and need space to expand or prevent from stinging there neighbors.  This particular setup is well suited to soft corals like mushrooms though and you could have dozens of them.  Most zoanthids would be another good choice and you could have a variety of those just keep in mind they spread out across the rock. 
Ashton Patel
Ashton Patel - 10 years ago
Does this come with a filter?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Ashton Patel Hi Ashton, The system itself does come with a set of filters in the box with the aquarium.  Other then that most of the actual filtration is done by naturally forming bacteria in the rocks and sand.
David Moreno
David Moreno - 10 years ago
When will this be back in stock
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+David Moreno  Should have more this week :)
tim jones
tim jones - 10 years ago
how much this entire setup cost?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+tim jones  Hey Tim,
All the dry components can be purchased as a kit for $499.99 right here:
Geno Hernandez
Geno Hernandez - 10 years ago
Do you have to dose the tank once you add corals or will the water changes be good enough for the corals?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Geno Hernandez  It really depends on the type and quantity of corals.  Soft corals like mushrooms, etc have very low calcium and alkalinity needs so regular water changes will more then suffice.  If one were to upgrade and start adding stony corals, those will consume calcium and alkalinity.  The faster that is being consumed, the faster it needs to be replenished.  Water changes are a way to do that, but sooner or later the consumption is fast enough that water changes become infeasible and it just makes more sense to dose something like two part rather then change half the water every day.
Kenneth Hawkins
Kenneth Hawkins - 10 years ago
Will this kit be restocked soon?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Kenneth Hawkins Shouldn't be too long.  Were just waiting on a few more heaters to come in, then you will be set to go!
Nil us
Nil us - 10 years ago
This is as serious as it gets! Never seen so helpfull Big-store people as you guys. Not only that you upload tons of videos that many of us can learn alot from, but you also reply to as many questions as possible. Awesome work!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Nil us Thanks for the kind words, were happy to!
Constantino kokkinidis
Constantino kokkinidis - 10 years ago
Where is this kit available to purchase from!?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+TheCgk1  They can be found right here:
InfectionYT - 10 years ago
What's a list of coral that's good for beginners?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
A short list would be most varieties of mushroom corals, zoanthids and paly's.  Many of the soft corals (including the above) fit into the easy to maintain category so I would start by looking at those.
Reefer Rob
Reefer Rob - 10 years ago
How long should you keep the lights on with a tank like this?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
 With some easy to maintain corals 8-10 hours a day is pretty typical.  If its only fish then you can be really flexible.
sosa rodriguez
sosa rodriguez - 10 years ago
how strong are those lights
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
Not too bright but strong enough for some easy to keep corals like most mushrooms, etc.
Nickolas Anastos
Nickolas Anastos - 10 years ago
 I've had a freshwater tank for years and now I'm looking to start a nano reef. This video is very helpful, thanks.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Nickolas Anastos
Sounds like your off to a good start.  Glad to help!
Nickolas Anastos
Nickolas Anastos - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Oh, awesome. And yeah, of course I'm going to get small fish. Just 2 ocellaris and a green clown goby. If that's good. I know it all depends on the size of the fish and their requirements. Thanks again.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Nickolas Anastos Hey Nickolas,  a rule of thumb like that might be a little overly simplified but for this size tank you are likely looking at 2-3 small fish.  Best to err on the side of few fish as it will be an easier tank to care for.  More kits should be available this week.
Nickolas Anastos
Nickolas Anastos - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom I have two more questions. First of all, I'm thinking getting one fish per five gallons and I don't know if that's too much, just fine, or if I could maybe even add one more. Secondly, when are you expecting to have this kit back in stock? I've been waiting for a while and I'm just wondering.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
Another one making the switch!  Glad we could help!
Irving Figueroa
Irving Figueroa - 10 years ago
For a tank that is 29 gallons (marine; Livestock: Coral Beauty, clownfish, and sixline wrasse), is the amount of water changes weekly or every two weeks and how much do I have to change?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Irving Figueroa
No Problem!
Irving Figueroa
Irving Figueroa - 10 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
With a small tank the more and larger water changes the better.  I would do 5 or 10 gallons weekly.
Kenneth Dawkins
Kenneth Dawkins - 10 years ago
Will the bundle be sold agian? Or is it gone forever?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Kenneth Dawkins It sure will!  They were just popular and we can out of a couple of bits, but as soon as they are here they will be back in stock.
Mark Nutt
Mark Nutt - 11 years ago
I have to admit, with a spare 10G tank just sitting empty, I'm temped to start up a tiny reef...
Mark Nutt
Mark Nutt - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Hmm.. Might give it a go..

Thanks for the advice :D
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Mark Nutt Totally depends on your preference. We have four 8 gallon tanks set up around the office here, and even a 4 gallon. It's definitely a challenge to maintain a smaller tank, which is probably what draws people to it. True, you couldn't keep much in the way of fish but what about a goby and shrimp? Or maybe a coral only tank with a focus on a specific kind? Could be fun ;)
Mark Nutt
Mark Nutt - 10 years ago
Yeah but 10G?

Would there be a point in spending the money on something so tiny?

Just a solitary Clownfish...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Mark Nutt I mean if it's just lying around... may as well, right? ;)
Chaz I
Chaz I - 11 years ago
Never mind about the spin kits I found out already,,, 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
Oh good! Already responded to your previous comment so you're doubly covered haha :)
Chaz I
Chaz I - 11 years ago
I want to order this16g reef startup kit,, but I would like to have the rotating outlets instead of the stationary ones. How would I go about doing this??????
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Charles Ireland That would just be a simple add on :)
Carson Gulley
Carson Gulley - 11 years ago
great video
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Carson Gulley glad you liked it, thanks for the comment :)
Yin Kean Chin
Yin Kean Chin - 11 years ago
Do we need to use ro water?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Yin Kean Chin We definitely recommend using RO or RO/DI water, that way you know you aren't starting off the tank with any harmful elements in the water that could cause the growth of pest algae, etc. This video goes more in depth into the water you use in your tank, check it out: Water, Rock & Sand - EP 4: Saltwater Aquarium Basics
jack burnminer
jack burnminer - 11 years ago
Hi can you tell what else I need besides the kit. Nice video btw
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+jack burnminer all you need is the kit, actually. It sold out, but will be back in stock in a few weeks :)
Gud Meme
Gud Meme - 11 years ago
During the first month, should I change the.water as you suggest?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Rocky McCleary You can do it just for the sake of getting into the habit :)
Gud Meme
Gud Meme - 11 years ago
The kit is out of stock still. When be in stock again?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Rocky McCleary Sorry about that, it should be back up in a few weeks!
Theresa Carthon
Theresa Carthon - 11 years ago
Hi there , do you have a circulation pump on the aquarium?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Theresa Carthon Yup, it is built into the aquarium itself, if you look closely you will see the two outputs on the back of the tank. :)
Jan Kristof Schliep
Jan Kristof Schliep - 11 years ago
A clown fish needs an anemone - that's why they are called "anemonefish". Please don't have a anemonefish without the anemone!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Jan Kristof Schliep It's certainly fascinating how clownfish are one of the few critters capable of living with anemones (and frequently do in the wild), often times it isn't required. Did you know clownfish are actually a sub-family of damselfish?

Interestingly enough, a lot of clownfish prefer not to live in an anemone and decide to host in other corals, like frogspawn. A lot of times, even when there are plenty of anemone available to the clownfish, they still will choose not to live in it, which honestly can be one of the most frustrating things since the symbiotic relationship they can have with them is so interesting to us. People do all sorts of things like taping pictures of clownfish in anemones to try and give them the hint.  :)
slubiology65 - 11 years ago
Hey guys love the tank. Do yall plan on adding the spin streams or the minimax reactors for the carbon and gfo or how would yall go about doing it. Also any info if u should dose this tank? Thnx and keep the vids coming!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+slubiology65 Those are upcoming videos :)  Including some potential upgrades to lighting, etc., as well.  If you only have soft corals (which is about what the lights are good for) then you likely won't have to do much dosing, water changes should be sufficient, as they don't consume much. 
Thaddius Leiber
Thaddius Leiber - 11 years ago
Been thinking about getting into saltwater, too - but been waiting for enough money as I know it can cost $1000s+, but an entire setup for $500?  WOW!  I might have to get into it a bit sooner with a nano from you guys!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Thaddius Leiber very cool! That's exactly what we were hoping for, to make the hobby more accessible to those just getting into it. Thanks for your comment :)
Ovi Wan Kenobi
Ovi Wan Kenobi - 11 years ago
I favourited this. I have decent experience with freshwater but never knew how to really get into saltwater tanks.
baseballhunter42 - 11 years ago
Just keep a closer eye on your parameters for the first few months and you'll be fine. After the initial start up everything runs very similar to a freshwater tank. 
Budget everything before you start, and plan everything so you don't run into any unforeseen problems. Some items are worth spending a little extra on, but a lot of it is optional, but helpful nevertheless.  
Also read into online blogs, they're a great spot for beneficial tips that the more experienced reefers share. 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+ciph3ro Awesome, we really wanted to make this one easy for people looking to get into saltwater. Glad you enjoyed it :)
Samuel Haffey
Samuel Haffey - 11 years ago
Nice video, sounds really professional
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Samuel Haffey why thank you, our video guy will be happy to hear that :)
shawnriv9 - 11 years ago
What size tank was showed at 5:20? I see there was an anthias and yellow tang. I am guessing it wasn't the 16G.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+shawnriv9 That's the 70g Reef Savvy :) Also seen here: BRS Reef Savvy Tank Upgrade: EP 11 -- How to Start a Saltwater Aquarium
shawnriv9 - 11 years ago
I think I'm sold. But where is video #2 on this nuvo?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+shawnriv9 It's coming, although I don't have an exact date. If you have any specific questions though, let me know! :)
B Rad
B Rad - 11 years ago
What is that at 4:35
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+B Rad lawnmower blenny :)
Andrew Gaul
Andrew Gaul - 11 years ago
I'm interested in the kit but it's out of stock, any timeframe on that?
shawnriv9 - 11 years ago
I'm tempting to purchase one of the 16G nuvis. Is a protein skimmer needed? If not, would it hurt to add one? To be honest, I'm not completely sold that dry rock is enough filtration.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+shawnriv9 With the size of the 16G it's so easy to do regular water changes, we don't suggest a skimmer - it's generally not worth the added cost. It wouldn't hurt to add one if you prefer to.
Big Reefer
Big Reefer - 11 years ago
I did some research and it seems some ppl had problems with the 24 gallon. Seams breaking and cracks near the bent glass. Is this common? Any feedback would help. Thanks!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Big Reefer I wouldn't say that is common, if that were to happen to a tank purchased from us we would certainly make it right. 
MrSilverPants68 - 11 years ago
sorry for the noob question but what exactly do you have fitted in the media compartments at the back of the tank? is it exactly the same as a tropical tank setup?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+MrSilverPants68 We would suggest utilizing that area for carbon and GFO media to help keep the water clean :)
Big Reefer
Big Reefer - 11 years ago
What would you recommend for a beginner like myself, the 16 or 24?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Big Reefer If you have the room for it, I'd say go for the 24 :) 
Hectorisking Hinojosa
Hectorisking Hinojosa - 11 years ago
Nice vid the nuvo tanks are nice!Nice kit!
Sean Ellis
Sean Ellis - 11 years ago
Great video! Thanks for putting this out there for us new to the hobbie.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Sean Ellis Absolutely, that's exactly why we made it :) Glad you enjoyed it!
Jason Mojica
Jason Mojica - 11 years ago
do u think I should start with RODI water instead of tap to start my tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Jason Mojica I would absolutely recommend RO/DI water
Lucas C
Lucas C - 11 years ago
BRS, please upload in 1080p. :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Lucas Cronin  Passed your message on to Dave who produces the videos :)
Robs Koi Pond
Robs Koi Pond - 11 years ago
Nice setup. I haven't changed the water in my tank in over a year lol. my tanks doing great. However I add water weekly to top up and dose calcium, magnesium, and bacteria etc.
Robs Koi Pond
Robs Koi Pond - 11 years ago
My salt is at .24 and rarely changes at all.  But I do add a few gallons of water a week for evaporation. 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+rghill100 Wow! Curious what your salinity level is at? While it's not a problem for people doing regular water changes, when you add ca + mag, you're basically dosing salt so overtime the composition of your water could change fairly significantly.
TonyC4S - 11 years ago
Great Video and Setup! Could you guys list out the Corals you mentioned for beginners.  Thanks!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+TonyC4S Zoanthids, mushrooms, recordia , polyps, candy canes, duncans, torch and frog spawn.  :)
ArcAngel9008 - 11 years ago
Love the aquascape :] another great video!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+ArcAngel9008 Thanks! It's always fun to check out aquascapes outside of your own tank isn't it? :)
martinmartinstfc - 11 years ago
Are you going to be doing a review on the new red sea tanks. Also i know getting old now but a review on the red sea max 130 would be cool
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+martinmartinstfc it's a little too soon to say... also the current red sea models have actually been discontinued.
Boxboymike - 11 years ago
Really cool video!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Boxboymike thanks for watching :) subscribe if you'd like to get notified when we upload new vids!
Chad Barnett
Chad Barnett - 11 years ago
micrecase - 11 years ago
hey so do you need a filter? or just a water pump?....
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Seouljer13 awesome!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+micrecase Here you go :)
Seouljer13 - 11 years ago
+micrecase There is a link in the about section of this video.  Im gonna be getting it as soon as uncle sam sends me my money haha.
micrecase - 11 years ago
so were can i find a starter kit like this? if you dont mind..thanks btw
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+micrecase In this tank (as well as just about any reef tank) the filtration is provided by the rock and the sand.  It has plenty of surface area for the filtering bacteria to populate so you won't see things like the biowheel hang on filters in a reef tank like you might a freshwater tank
Julie Perreault
Julie Perreault - 11 years ago
Hi! I would like to know if there is room for a skimmer? And I have my Fluval edge saltwater for 2 year and I would like to change for this one. Do you think if a buy this I could just put my sand rock coral fish 
Julie Perreault
Julie Perreault - 11 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom If I transfer everything it would be ok? no cycling? Im still at my fish aquarium and never change or move the tank, what the step I don't want to lose my fish and coral if I order this!! Thank you very much and I really love my 5 stage drinking ro/Di that I order from you 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Julie Perreault There is room for a skimmer, however we don't generally recommend one because it's not really worth the expense seeing how easy it is to perform weekly water changes on such a small tank. You could re-use your sand and rock and just transfer over the coral and fish. 
Michael Ferrara
Michael Ferrara - 11 years ago
Was that dry live rock you used? How long did you let that tank cycle before adding the clown?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Michael Ferrara We used our reef saver rock which is 100% free of nuisance algae and pest organisms, in addition to Bio-Spira so the 'cycle' time is minimal. 
3mate1 - 11 years ago
Awesome video
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+3mate1 glad you liked it!
Steven Nuhn
Steven Nuhn - 11 years ago
How long did you wait to add the first clown? Keep the great work
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Steven Nuhn We let it sit over night to heat up and then added bio-spira in the morning. It's important to note, we used our Reef Saver rock (included in the kit) in this set-up which is 100% free of nuisance algae and pest organisms. Using dry live rock, such as our Pukani or Fiji rock, would require a longer cycle where you will see the ammonia spike and drop (at which point you would know it is safe to add livestock).
ZeroArrival - 11 years ago
Dariush Molavi
Dariush Molavi - 11 years ago
Fish in cycling? Ugh, I wouldn't want to swim in a pool of my own poop before the filtration was established...
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Dariush Molavi This kit comes with our Reef Saver rock which is 100% free of nuisance algae and pest organisms, and with the addition of Bio-Spira the time needed 'cycle' is quite minimal. 

Learn More:
Jekx - 11 years ago
That one clown looks kinda lopsided lol
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Jekx ha, really? They look good in person :)
J.M TROPICALS - 11 years ago
Hi the tank is looking very nice and all the fish are look very nice i have subscribed to u so please subscribe back (Y) also check all my videos out.
רועי מתן
רועי מתן - 11 years ago
Are you using tap water fot this nano?

thestones62 - 11 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom you just answered my question lol
thestones62 - 11 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom you just answered my question lol
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+רועי מתן We used water produced from one of our RO/DI units. 
Nathan Birkett
Nathan Birkett - 11 years ago
Awesome video, love the BRS series
Ric Ruminski
Ric Ruminski - 11 years ago
Hey Ryan, It was this video that convinced me to order the Nano 16 starter kit and some other supplies.  Placed my order a few hours ago.  I'm looking forward to this exciting new hobby.
Ric Ruminski
Ric Ruminski - 11 years ago
I defiantly plan to document the entire process . UPS tracking has it being delivered sometime Thursday the 20th.  Can't wait.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Ric Ruminski and welcome to the hobby :) 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Ric Ruminski Very excited to see how your tank comes along. Do you plan on documenting your progress at all (videos, pics?). 
915Mang - 11 years ago
Nice video, I was wondering about the lights that come witht he IM Tanks. But you said they are strong enough to take care of LPS. Im thinking about one of these kits
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+915Mang Yeah, and if you want to upgrade down the road, that's always an option. We have a mix here at the office, some 16's with the IM lights which offer a really nice low profile look, and some that are upgraded do various other LEDs. 
cowboysBrent - 11 years ago
Are you guys have a lay away?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+cowboysBrent I'm not entirely sure what you mean by lay away? If you mean a way to hold the product and pay for it incrementally - our site has PayPal which offers 'BillMeLater'.
ReeferGil - 11 years ago
Very nicely done, not sure I'd add a fish the second day of adding water though. A piece of raw shrimp inside a filter bag would also do the trick for the first month. I'm guessing there are nano HOB skimmers that would fit in the Nuvo's overflow? Really liking the rimless look for sure!
fUjiMaNia - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Thanks :-)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+leefuji Great Question!  White is a really bad choice. Not only gets dirty fast and requires constant cleaning. It is also bright and grows algae fast.... 
fUjiMaNia - 10 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom great video, I'm a newbie here and I have a question. when do I chose the white vs. black tanks? Is the the color just an aesthetic thing or is there more to it? thanks
BulkReefSupplyCom - 10 years ago
+Dabn All day Always good to hear positive results :) 
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+ReeferGil We certainly wouldn't recommend adding livestock until the tank has fully cycled and the ammonia comes back down to 0. In this tank we are using reef saver rock which is 100% free of nuisance algae and pest organisms. Also, the addition of BioSpira speeds up the cycling process,  While you can find skimmers to fit in a tank this size they aren't entirely necessary and are often not worth the added expense because it's pretty easy to do weekly 25% water changes.
Chris Wieben
Chris Wieben - 11 years ago
Awesome video guys. Keep up the amazing work BRS!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Chris Wieben Thank you! That's definitely our goal ;)
GENISIS1TWENTYONE - 11 years ago
Very nice simple nano
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+GENISIS1TWENTYONE yeah, this is a really nice sized tank. The dimensions make it very easy to work with.
Etmanning - 11 years ago
Love this sieries already lol setting up a 29 gallon reef within a month (will have a sump so not really the same) and I suspect these videos will help me with my first venture into SW. Thanks for the videos and keep it up :)
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Etmanning awesome, welcome to the hobby! be sure to subscribe to the channel so you get our future videos and let us know which ones you find the most helpful :) 
gaby zune
gaby zune - 11 years ago
I should have watched this before setting up my first tank. When are you going to demonstrate the setup for 120 gal tank?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+gaby zune Yup, +Dariush Molavi is right, you can find older videos of ours where we set up a 40g breeder. You could also follow along the build of our 120 Lobby tank: BRS Vertex 120 Gallon Lobby Tank - EP 1: Clownfish Harem Tank #clownharemtank
Dariush Molavi
Dariush Molavi - 11 years ago
They have older videos on setting up larger tanks. There's one for curing the rock, cycling, hardware, etc...I don't know if they've grouped them into a playlist or not, but they did make them.
Mark Gardner
Mark Gardner - 11 years ago
My bad. I gotcha. I was thinking it was the tank with the Kessil lights.
Mark Gardner
Mark Gardner - 11 years ago
Is that a new light on the aquarium at the beginning of the video?
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Mark Gardner They are the Innovative Marine lights that come with the tank package :)
Gene Alameda
Gene Alameda - 11 years ago
Great video! Nice to see BRS showing a simple side to the reef keeping hobby.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Gene Alameda Thanks! It's something we've been wanting to do, glad to hear you liked it.
PianoUniverse - 11 years ago
What I love about BRS is that although they are a business, they always talk straight about reef keeping.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+PianoUniverse Certainly what we aim to do, thanks for noticing :)
Blake Kretovics
Blake Kretovics - 11 years ago
How much would it cost to setup system you setup?
Blake Kretovics
Blake Kretovics - 11 years ago
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Blake Kretovics $499.99
Seouljer13 - 11 years ago
Are you gonna do a package with the 24 gallon nuvo nano? Would love something like that!!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
It's a potential +Seouljer13 
rbp917 - 11 years ago
What would you feed the corals?
ZeroArrival - 11 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom Reef Chili is awesome!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+rbp917 Reef Chili ;)
sounduser - 11 years ago
Once a day, you mean bugger.
sounduser - 11 years ago
+BulkReefSupplyCom  Food, Tell people to feed their fish once a day or less is bad advice. If you want a super clan tank keep less fish. Don't starve the ones you have.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+sounduser you mean for top off?
David Chacon
David Chacon - 11 years ago
Great video... Can't wait to see this little tank evolve. I own a Nuvo 16 and love it, compared to my larger system I just love it's simplicity.
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+David Chacon Yeah, it's a really nice size! We have a few 16 gallons in the office here, we post pics of their progress on Facebook and Instagram if you're interested :)
Muhammad Rashid
Muhammad Rashid - 11 years ago
This is a perfect vid for my new office tank!
BulkReefSupplyCom - 11 years ago
+Muhammad Rashid awesome, glad to hear it! :)

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