How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16
Reef tank 11 years ago 684,208 views
The Nuvo 16 Kit has been discontinued, please see the new 20 Fusion Kit here: Starting a reef tank can be so exciting and a little daunting if you don't know where to begin. At we make reefing fun and easy, so for those new to reefing we thought we would show you how to easily set up a 16 gallon saltwater aquarium and we created a kit with everything you need. Step 1: Setting up the Tank So we included a Nano 16 Gallon Nuvo Aquarium from Innovative Marine. The tank is a sleek design, easily sets up and comes with LED lights, overflow and filtration columns on the back. Place the aquarium on a sturdy table or countertop. Adding the rock is completely up to personal preference but try to stack the rock so that it is a few inches away from the top and sides of the tank. Pour in your sand and evenly spread it around the rock and bottom of the tank. Step 2: Mixing Saltwater You can use any container to mix your saltwater, at BRS we recommend a trash can or five gallon bucket. Initially, we started by pouring 15 gallons of water into the container. We've included Crystal Sea Marinemix in the kit. This is a high quality salt containing a de-chlorinator so that you don't need to worry about the chlorine in your tap water. Add the salt to the water and let dissolve. By using the refractometer you can easily see the salinity of your water - we are shooting for 35 parts per thousand or 1.026. Fifteen gallons of water should take around seven or so cups of salt. Step 3: Get Familiar with the Back of the Tank The area at the back of the tank in used to house pumps, filters and heaters. So at this point let's take the heater and mount it in the left or right chamber and place it fairly low so that it will always be submerged. Check all your tubing connections. Pour you saltwater and plug everything in. Be sure to use a GFI outlet or a powerstrip with a GFI built in and be safe by having a drip loop on your cords. Set your heater to 78 degrees. Step 4: Install your Lights The Nano 16 comes with two LED lights that easily attach. That's it. Step 5: Cycle your Tank Cycling your tank allows beneficial bacteria to multiply. We've included our Reef Saver rock in this kit, which is 100% free of nuisance algae and pest organisms, and greatly reduces the time it takes for your tank to cycle. Let the tank sit overnight and heat up. The next morning add the Bio-Spira, this will make your tank ready for your first fish. We recommend a hardy fish like a clownfish. Then give your tank a month stabilize with the lights off before adding anything new. Keeping the lights off will help reduce algae growth that are common with new tanks. As a general rule, it is wise to never more than double your fish load in a single month meaning next month add another fish and possibly two the month after. Step 6: Choose your Tank Inhabitants Choose fish that will help you be successful: clownfish, purple or red fire fish, shrimp and goby pairs, lawnmower or midas blennys or an orchid dotty back. Once the tank is stabilized around your fish population,you can add snails, crabs and shrimp. Nassarious and astria snails are popular as well as small hermits, emerald crabs, cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp and pistol shrimp. The LED lights that come with the aquarium are strong enough to keep some low light corals, as a beginner is also wise to select some that don't require much effort like soft or even some LPS corals. Zoanthids, mushrooms, ricordea, polyps, candy canes, duncan, torch and frog spawn. Step 7: Tank Maintenance It is wise to feed the fish only a small amount. Overfeeding can easily pollute the tank and cause algae growth. Due to evaporation, you will need to top off the tank with freshwater every couple of days. We recommend distilled or reverse osmosis water. Keeping the glass clean with a glass cleaner and performing a partial water change - say, 5 gallons every other week. Step 8: Enjoy Your New Saltwater Aquarium
Thanks in advance
10. comment for How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16
Should send audition tape to Simpsons producers as a potential new character "Reefer"
20. comment for How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16
but don't know how many gallons it is
30. comment for How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16
Check out these videos we did on flow in the tank. :-)
50. comment for How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16
thank you
It i who created a sun to light his tank, unfortunately the sun i made went super nova & became a blackhole, the tank is fine but the blackhole got my old YouTube written password.
100. comment for How to set up a Nano 16 Gallon Reef Tank #nuvo16
I recently got dry live rock and Caribbean Sea sand from you guys for my 40 gallon aquarium, I did follow your instruction to set it up but the water it's not clear as your. It's so cloudy and like sand storm, what should I do to in order to get the water clear up
Also, how many fish could a tank this side hold?
I have a fluval 65 litre edge tank with a marina 110 filter, what else would be needed to make into a salt water aquarium?
GFO reactors do make phosphate control much easier however, and carbon reactors will make your water crystal clear.
Another question what's the difference between bio spira and a bacteria called "seed"
"Then there’s the coral. Each live fish caught with cyanide destroys about a square yard of coral, according to
biologist Sam Mamauag of the International Marinelife Alliance, in the Philippines."
Yeah, I'll stick with captive-bred cichlids and not worry about the cost, time, and environmental destruction that comes with keeping most marine vertebrates.
it wouldnt gonna cost u much i think it will be less then 50$
anyway u still need filter
and ur fishes
and if u go to the sea u can get the rest ( water but i would recommend u to go deep and take some water ) because its clean but if u gonna take it from the beach its normally dirty
try to go deep to take from
u might need some stones
like that
u need their food
before all that just search about the fish before u buy it
cuz u can tell if u can take care of it or not
☺ i did everything above im totally happy i paid less then 100$ for everying including two clownfishes and also their food
I first got into reef tank's in college. I would definitely recommend checking with housing to see if there are any limitations or restrictions.
Good luck
spray paint boot
thank you so much for the advice :)
please help
thanks again
so does it matter which order they go in or is there a specific chamber for each media also is the carbon filter the same as active carbon used in tropical filter and also how often do they need to be changed or do I just clean them?
Kind regards,
Do i have to have a skimmer for a 17 gallon reef setup and does a hang on back filter work , if i plan to put two clowns and maybe a red firefish with some lps corals in it ? I would be thankful for a reply
i want to save that poor little fish ........ and i have decided to set it free into the nature ........ but the thing is like i don't have a sea near by , its like 180 km away in mumbai ....... but i do have is a river in my city ........ can i put that puffer in the river ...... will it be able to swim to the brackish water region ......... or should i go all the way to mumbai to put the fish in brackish water area ..... please sir help me out
i cant give back fish to the fish store because it will be eventually end up with some one other amateur person ........
please help me sir ....... thanks a lot
RODI units will strip all the minerals out of the water that determine the water's hardness and pH, so it is very possible that the pH is near neutral. Luckily, once you add salt to the water it puts the proper balance of minerals and ions in the water to give you parameters that are near natural seawater levels.
Just excited. :)
(2) SKKYE Lights Aquarium LEDs
6mm High Clarity Low Iron Glass
Mesh Screen Top with Clips
Dual Built-in Overflows
Rubber Leveling Mat
(2) - Removable 3 Stage Filter Baskets
(1) - 11W 110v/60Hz 211 GPH Return Pump
Flexible hose and return elbows with Dual Directional Flow Nozzles
PS: great video! really good explanations for beginners like me.
I have a cheapo tank, just doesn't have an overflow. I have a planted tank but trying to get into reef keeping.
I just wanted to thank you all for making these great educational videos. I'm new to saltwater Aquarius (I've had freshwater tanks my whole life) about 6 months ago I finally bit the bullet and got a spec v and made a nano reef that I love and is doing awesome and now I will be setting up a 30 gal saltwater tank... Anyway I just wanted to say thank you. your videos have made this transition to saltwater extremely easy keep up the great work guys
Is it vaporizing ??
I'm no pro so I won't tell you geniuses what to do though..
Is this a temporary shortage or more long term?
Thanks for a fantastic intro to saltwater fish-keeping, I cant wait to start!
thanks a lot BFS for the information!
I always left the aqua shops puzzled with tons of equipments stacking on the shelves and the salespersons I've approached seem trying to sell me everything they got in the shop! haha.
I owned a freshwater tank. Now it's time to upgrade to saltwater:)
Thank you in advance
All the dry components can be purchased as a kit for $499.99 right here:
Sounds like your off to a good start. Glad to help!
No Problem!
Thanks for the advice :D
Would there be a point in spending the money on something so tiny?
Just a solitary Clownfish...
Interestingly enough, a lot of clownfish prefer not to live in an anemone and decide to host in other corals, like frogspawn. A lot of times, even when there are plenty of anemone available to the clownfish, they still will choose not to live in it, which honestly can be one of the most frustrating things since the symbiotic relationship they can have with them is so interesting to us. People do all sorts of things like taping pictures of clownfish in anemones to try and give them the hint. :)
Budget everything before you start, and plan everything so you don't run into any unforeseen problems. Some items are worth spending a little extra on, but a lot of it is optional, but helpful nevertheless.
Also read into online blogs, they're a great spot for beneficial tips that the more experienced reefers share.
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