How to setup a 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank, Fluval aquaclear, pest snails, pineapple sponges, phosguard

One year and the tank gets a new filter upgrade. I also go over some little snails that are in the tank and pineapple sponges that are appearing in the rocks. I hope to get the green hair algae under control also. Fluval Aqua Clear filter: Fluval C2 Filter (newer models): CurrentUSA Orbit Marine LED: Finnex FugeRay Marine+ LED: Hydor Koralia 240 Nano pump: API Saltwater Master Test Kit: Red Sea Coral Pro Salt: Fluval Sea Epoxy Stick: Chemi-Pure Blue 5 Pack: Chemi-Pure Blue 5.5oz: AquaticLife RO+DI Filter:

How to setup a 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank, Fluval aquaclear, pest snails, pineapple sponges, phosguard sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Reef tank 10 years ago 49,355 views

One year and the tank gets a new filter upgrade. I also go over some little snails that are in the tank and pineapple sponges that are appearing in the rocks. I hope to get the green hair algae under control also. Fluval Aqua Clear filter: Fluval C2 Filter (newer models): CurrentUSA Orbit Marine LED: Finnex FugeRay Marine+ LED: Hydor Koralia 240 Nano pump: API Saltwater Master Test Kit: Red Sea Coral Pro Salt: Fluval Sea Epoxy Stick: Chemi-Pure Blue 5 Pack: Chemi-Pure Blue 5.5oz: AquaticLife RO+DI Filter:

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Most popular comments
for How to setup a 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank, Fluval aquaclear, pest snails, pineapple sponges, phosguard

smorc655 - 7 years ago
I'm a planted freshwater person who's thinking about doing a nano reef now since they aren't as intimidating as I thought they were. Regarding your light, how long do you keep it on for a photoperiod? Is there a widely accepted "typical" time one should shoot for with a basic nano reef?
smorc655 - 7 years ago
I will definitely be sticking to "beginner corals" to start, thank you!
An Original Geek
An Original Geek - 7 years ago
smorc655 short answer is about 6 to 8 hrs of light. Long answer it depends on the corals you plan to keep. Easy ones like the gsp will do fine with 6 hrs and cheap lights. If you get sps they need high quality lights. Research the lighting requirements for the corals you plan to try.
FireTanks - 7 years ago
Wow dude thats so cool. Im thinking about doing a reef tank with my 10g. Got any recommendations or tips?
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 7 years ago
Give it a try and learn for other here on youtube. you'll love it.
starwind aquariums
starwind aquariums - 7 years ago
i like your tank and the music is cool
suneblack - 7 years ago
I love it!

I am soooo new and been researching for almost 2 months now. I have a spare 20 gallon long tank and a new Fluval 110 filter. I would love to get my feet wet

I would like to start with Reef Crystals, dead rock, 20lbs live sand (may add 10 - 20 lbs dry sand, too!), and my Fluval 100. What should I add to the Fluval when I start out???
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 7 years ago
Just go for it. You will learn as you go. Normal carbon in the filter. You can always from something like chemipurblue, I've found that it works wonders. I run it in all my filters.
Tikimohn - 7 years ago
What did you attach your GSP's too to get them wavy like that. I mean the whole like stalks waves rather than just the polyps. It's a cool effect.
Justin - 7 years ago
Very nice tank , I've only had freshwater tanks before , but I thinking about taking my 10 gallon planted and converting it to a nano reef tank . I'm a little nervous about doing it since I've never had a saltwater tank before . I can use most of my equipment but maybe the light . Are you using live sand and rock ? Any advice you can give if greatly appreciated .
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 7 years ago
Jump right in. it's not as hard as some would make out. You can keep a saltwater tank with just a hand on back filter and a good light. I usually start my tanks with live sand and 'dead' rock. Meaning that the rock is dry to start out with. You can try live rock but it seems that you run the risk of putting stuff you dont want in the tank with the live rock.
Kyle Cartier
Kyle Cartier - 7 years ago
what light are you using? looks great
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 7 years ago
this was the currentUSA marine light on here.
Johnny Keo
Johnny Keo - 8 years ago
I have an innovative marine 8g nano tank, would you recommend the fluval 20? or do you think the stock one is ok? i believe it runs 94mpg... love your tank btw and keep it up!
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 7 years ago
either one would be fine. I like the fluval just because you can add different filter bags into the filter easy.
Nano Man
Nano Man - 8 years ago
how did the phosguard work for you ? nice looking tank bye the way

10. comment for How to setup a 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank, Fluval aquaclear, pest snails, pineapple sponges, phosguard

prit mak
prit mak - 8 years ago
i bought the fluval 20 and reefbrite 12" the purple colour is not as much as yours i just started my tank 2 days ago.
The aquarium guy said i need a bigger filter like a massive one and i dint buy it right than but should i also do i need a sump ?
SC Prepper
SC Prepper - 8 years ago
whats the flow on the fluval? also depends on if you also have a circ pump which you should since it serves as your main filtration. aim for a total flow rate of around 20-40 times your tank per hour. im assuming your going with a 10g, so a koralia 425 would work with the fluval 20, also you by no means need a sump. their expensive and can complicate things for people new to the hobby, as well as almost pointless on a tank that small other than to add water volume.
Dannyvm27 - 8 years ago
What light are you using?
Lgndsnvrdie02 - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank! I have what looks like the same setup with the orbit light and the aqua clear 50. What's the green flowing coral? I'm kinda new to all this, so....
Rafi Hartono
Rafi Hartono - 9 years ago
i mean answer
Rafi Hartono
Rafi Hartono - 9 years ago
why are the Live rock always clean ? what make that clean ? Are you clean it??

nasser me please
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 9 years ago
+Rafi Hartono crabs and snails keep the rocks clean.
RationalTurtle - 9 years ago
so what is in the filter
Andy's Reef
Andy's Reef - 9 years ago
1000 subscribers dude! Congrats
Shibe Inu
Shibe Inu - 9 years ago
How long did it take for all that coral to fill out like that?
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 9 years ago
+Shibe Inu If you mean the green star polyps, it took just under a year to get to this point in the video. It seems to grow pretty fast with the right lighting.
Luis Medina
Luis Medina - 9 years ago
looks super just ordered that fluval 20 filter my self can you check my videos on my new set first time doing a reef tank. thanks for your time
Luis Medina
Luis Medina - 9 years ago
+Fred Beer haha yeah lol
Fred Beer
Fred Beer - 9 years ago
Hey the guy who got his reef tank Cleaned out with Clorox
Luis Medina
Luis Medina - 9 years ago
+Todd Howard i meant i put a 20 gallon fluval filter on my 10 gallon tank
TheNuggetThatCould - 9 years ago
+Luis Medina 20 litre? you cant put any fish in that. or did you mean gallon
We're Here
We're Here - 9 years ago
sick setup, you sold me on investing in one for sure
We're Here
We're Here - 9 years ago
did it. tank is setup and have a chromis and some nice live rock right now
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 9 years ago
+Chris Placa Go for it. lots of fun and learning.

20. comment for How to setup a 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank, Fluval aquaclear, pest snails, pineapple sponges, phosguard

Patrick Javarone
Patrick Javarone - 9 years ago
Do you run RO water?
BigShow - 9 years ago
hey man what products feed your corals ?
Paul Chris
Paul Chris - 9 years ago
Just got a 10 gallon to use as a qt for my 75 after a mantis problem. Hopefully when I'm done with all the quarantining my mom will let me turn it into a reef.
Angelinabug - 9 years ago
hey how old is your tank?
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 9 years ago
+Angelinabug This tank is just over a year old. It'll get taken down once I have the new 20 gallon cycled and I'll be transferring most of the corals and fish to there.
Pet Paradise
Pet Paradise - 9 years ago
can you write dimensions plz?
reteng45 - 9 years ago
how easy is it to keep a 10g salt water tank ime a very expireenst fish keeper but havent ever had a saltwater tank
Gabriel M.
Gabriel M. - 9 years ago
What lights are you running ?
Cen CaL'sReef
Cen CaL'sReef - 9 years ago
+Gabriel M. No problem it's a pretty nice light for the price lol I should have saved money and went with it
Gabriel M.
Gabriel M. - 9 years ago
+Luke magnia Thanks :)
Cen CaL'sReef
Cen CaL'sReef - 9 years ago
Current marine orbit leds lol sorry for stealing the thunder
GhostCrisp86 - 9 years ago
Nice tank! Hope you got the hair algea under control now,sucks having it.
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 9 years ago
+crispers702 Not yet, but is manageable. Should have an update vid up soon.
Timothy Andersen
Timothy Andersen - 9 years ago
are you still doing rodi water only?
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 9 years ago
+Timothy Andersen Yes, just rodi.
TheRick2325 - 9 years ago
Sweet nano

30. comment for How to setup a 10 Gallon Nano Reef Tank, Fluval aquaclear, pest snails, pineapple sponges, phosguard

MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 10 years ago
By the way thanks for all the help
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 9 years ago
+MASS Aquariums Thanks. Cant wait to watch your tank grow!
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 10 years ago
Nice bro. I am now addicted to your updates. Aquaclear is the best. Been using them forever. What's the nice flowing green in the front.
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 9 years ago
Sweet. I can't wait to get balanced so I can start adding corals
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 9 years ago
Thanks again. I'm assuming your referring to the Green Star Polyps (GSP) and not the stupid green hair algae I'm trying to get rid of at the moment. lol There are basically two different 'types' of GSP. A branching and a flat one for lack of a better word. The flat is the green one I have on the rock under the hollywood stunner chalice coral. It grows by spreading over whatever rock its on. The branching one attaches itself to a rock or whatever and as it grows it curls up and starts to branch out into the water along with spreading out over the rock.
hansel4150 - 10 years ago
I heard those HOB filters produce a lot of nitrate in salt tanks. Maybe not if you clean it a lot. How often do you clean it out?
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 9 years ago
+hansel4150 Filter is just a filter. It doesnt produce anything. It's the crap thats in the filter that can decay and produce nitrates. Just like fish poop in the sand. It's a matter of cleaning it out and making sure you have a good bacteria colony in the system that can handle the amount of stuff thats getting into the water. The hob filter is great. Easy to access and easy to clean. With the older one I had I would change out the filter cartridge once a week when I'd do a water change. Same with this one but no expense cartridges to buy. I just take the sponge out of it and clean it up a bit in the old water.
iSim0641 - 10 years ago
Just had a marathon of your 10gallons from day 1. Pretty insane evolution from dry rock to purple super live rocks. Would you recommend starting from dry rock?
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 9 years ago
+iSim0641 I like the way the dry rock worked out for me but you could start with live rock also. I was fun to see the changes in the dry ock over the last year but I've seen other people with live rock and it's fun to just put that into a tank and instantly see starfish and other things coming out in the tank.
BadDriversOf Tennessee
BadDriversOf Tennessee - 10 years ago
Just started doing my 10 gallon tank a month ago after watching your videos.
Ricks Reef
Ricks Reef - 9 years ago
+BadDriversOf Georgia Sweet! Take your time, dont rush things and you will enjoy the process of watching your little 10 gallon ecosystem come to life.
NYCity Cichlids
NYCity Cichlids - 10 years ago
Looking good. GHA does feed on the phosphates so the phosguard will take care of that.

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