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The "How to setup simple cheap reef tank!" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Some rock $5/lb
Some sand $34 for 15lb
salt and ro water which could cost $200 for a rodi machine and some coral pro salt.
A tank (Nuvo would be the best option cause it comes with a filter and some flow)
And power head
Its so simple if you do your reaserch
Ocellaris clownfish ("Nemo" fish) are also pretty hardy fish, and not quite as nasty as damselfish as far as territoriality and behavior towards their tankmates goes. No, they don't have to have an anemone, although they do seem happier w/one in my experience. Also these are some of the easiest if not the easiest marine fish to breed in captivity. Buying tank-bred fish doesn't has as bad an impact on natural ocean reefs.
Hope that helps w/fish selection to whoever was wondering
10. comment for How to setup simple cheap reef tank!
20. comment for How to setup simple cheap reef tank!
Here's what I use
Innovative marine fusion 10
Kessil a160 tuna blue
Hydor 50w heater
Hydor 240gph/900l powerhead
10lbs Carib sea live sand
10lbs real reef rock
Two 25l Jerry cans for Rodi and saltwater
Api test kit
Filtration - nuvo caddy 10/20, filter floss, seachem purigen and chemipure
Easy, I could make a video??
small water changes are key to stable water conditions and success.
Like he said adding all that shit they want to SELL you is unnecessary and can be detrimental... Quality salt has everything you need in it. I prefer internal filters because of salt creep, i just hide them with rocks. Great Video, Nice tank.!
Works every time.
30. comment for How to setup simple cheap reef tank!
50. comment for How to setup simple cheap reef tank!
I love your tank....I'm doing a 55 gallon soin
can I use regular gravel in a 75gal aquarium?
.. i loved the 5g but i found a 15g tall tank was a great size for a small cheap reef.. it was what i had before jumping to a 33g when a friend gave me a bunch of goodies when she had to shut hers down.. i had 2 small chromis, peppermint shrimp, some hermits , snails and some basic corals ..mushrooms, hammer .. was a perfect small size i found.. cheap to buy a new tank , same footprint as a 10g but extra height :)
You are very encouraging. Do you use RODI water? What lighting is that? Can u please suggest me some safe beginner corals?
Suck water out of the aquarium, mix saltwater in a bucket and reintroduce it to the aquarium.
100. comment for How to setup simple cheap reef tank!
Thanks so much for all the useful information!
You could even skip the hang-on-back filter. That just eliminates ammonia. But where would ammonia come from? There's no fish! Haha.
1. Nutrients
2. Calcium
3. Alkalinity
If you can keep those 3 things under control, you're good.
the aspiration should be to give your aquatic pets the closest you can get to theyr natural living conditions. the clean, tidy show tanks you propably imagine will be the hardest to maintain, and the least comfortable for your fish.
peace~ =)
btw yours looks great!
Read, read, read is the best advice anyone could give you bro.
so thanks a bunch man!
Care to update?
THIS was one of the videos that inspired me to keep a 10 gallon nano. If I would have listened to everyone else telling me to get a 75, etc I would have probably hated this hobby. Instead I have had a 10gal for 1 year now, my wife and I got bit by the bug and now have the 10 and a 50. Imagine that!
This tank is very wide and tall but very thin (fromt to back). Do you think that would be a problem? And I was tossing around the idea of buying a Satellite reef led light this week. I might do it unless you think the 12 cool white leds in the hood stand a chance at keeping easy corals alive.
People always say the tank is harder to maintain which is partially true however they're also a lot easier to maintain. The water parameters won't go wonky all of a sudden, you won't have to do water changes as often and you won't have the problem of overstocking as much as people new to the hobby tend to accidentally do.
But nothing's ever going wrong with them (and I'd even go on to say that IF one died, it's easily replicable (don't hate me))
So I'm seriously thinking about just converting that into a small Reef.
Nothing complicated, just a clownfish pair and a cleaner shrimp.
I'll have to think about it...
I have limited room as it is.
I definitely want Zoa's but I want good looking Zoa's.
The LFS is packed full of boring old brown Polyps..
This is a lil thread I started about which coral I should pick up.
Feel free to check it out.
So far I've got a single Perc and several Mushrooms.
Loving it so far.
. got a 29 gal QT tank.. On 50 api filter.. Used power copper and stabilizer as instructed to start tank.. Put 30% original water and rest sea water.. Got some damsels there for fun and now pu a coral beauty and yellow tang.. They doing great so far been on 3 days.. Eating well cause I had pit them in reef tank but got sick again took them out immediately.. So Jan 31 going to put the fish back I'm main tank.. Corals are triviving in main.. Got 4 t5 lights.. 8frags.. Snails shrimp and crabs... No fish need pick to die.. Just installed the wet dry.. Having trouble getting a pump to stop breaking on skimmer
David has tried to show here that it's still easy with only a 10gallon tank
1. Dry rock $1-$1.50/lb (dry rock will become live rock with time)
2. Live rock $1.50/lb (I bought few pieces just to get started)
3. 55 gallon (on sale at Petco, $1/gallon)
4. HOB filters, I have two. One Aquaclear 70 (awesome filter) for $15 and Tetra Whisper for $25 (new from Amazon)
5. I bought A LOT of fish for sale at a local fish store that has a anniversary sale. I bought about $200 worth of fish for only $110. One tip for fish if your on a budget, look around. I have seen fish prices vary significantly from one local fish store to another.
6. I bought salt new at Petco. This and the tank was one of my most expensive purchase.
7. Crushed coral mixed with sand, 2 5 gallon buckets for about $20.
8. Bought some LED reef lights from eBay but I am currently making my own LED lighting. You can buy used metal halides and T5HO used for great prices.
9. Free corals from a local reef forum. I will buy corals but I was offered these to start my tank.
I know there is a lot of people out there who will say you absoutely need a protein skimmer but the truth is you don't. Search on YouTube, Reef Central and other reef forums and you can see people with awesome tanks without skimmers. Skimmers are benefical but not absolutely necessary. If you have only HOB filters then you do need to keep your water clean by checking the filter and doing water changes, as mentioned in the video. So far I only have zoa's but I will get more soon.
One major tip when buying dry/live rock... Try to get light weight, porous pieces because they are better for filtration and also cost less when buying in $/lb.
Afterwards, the cost will be additional corals, salt-water, additives, and routine maintenance.
1. 10lbs live rock = 60$
2. At least 4 head of coral = 160$ (on the cheap end)
3. good light (which you failed to cover in this video) = at least 50-60$
4. protein skimmer = 80-100$
5. pump for the protein skimmer = 50-60$
6. sand = 10$
7. salt = 5-10$
So we are at about 450$ for your little 10 gallon reef tank starter. These prices are conservative too!
Lol. I get it.
love the great advice...
i used my 12 gallon the same way and it worked just fine and your right too many people over kill with the water changes too big, just a little every week/ so i agree with ya, i have to use skimmer on my big tank now but this is totally possible,and sponges are awesome for nitrate control too/ i think i use more now than ever in my 45 and have 20 nitrates never goes over and only add saltwater to tank.
I tried additives and nothin but troubles, so listen to this guy he is right/
May try corals again but not that fancy,
if im disabled and can do it, the average joe should have no troubles keep it simple...good point
Great Video, beautiful tank dude!
keep em coming
oh i like using a better salt also- i noticed when i used that cheap stuff "parameter problems" ,so i stick with oceanic or kent basically same company i think?plus its not that expensive/dr foster n smith /, great prices#
Now I.m going to try it in a 3ft tank - thanks man.
as a quiet new tank owner (about 2 years) I am happy every day to learn new stuff. I love your light :) Would you like to share the information which light you use?
Also spend the extra $30 and buy a refractometer instead of hydrometer. Hydrometer's are notorious for being inaccurate, and on a tank this small your going to want to make your weekly water change water has a salinity identical to what your tank is currently at.
Test your tap water for TDS before you start your reef aquarium. In most cases tap water should not be used. Invest in an RO/DI unit before you even start your reef tank. I made the switch to RO/DI about 3 months after I started my reef tank, and after a couple of months saw a big difference is my corals, wish I started with RO/DI from the beginning.
Also don't use a HOB mechanical filter, they require too much maintenance to be effective in a saltwater tank. Instead, for a tank this small, get a HOB protein skimmer. They're relatively the same size and will not create a nitrate factory and keep your water clean in ways a mechanical filter never could.
For beginners soft corals are usually easiest to keep. However these corals release toxins and in a way engage in chemical warfare with other soft corals. Using a high grade carbon will remove these toxins from the water and will prevent stress on your corals.
For example, a complete set of Salifert test kits and a refractometer will set you back well into the hundreds. Even in a soft coral aquarium the minimum you need to test for is Nitrates/Phosphates/Ammonia/SG.
Also, consider buying your own RO/DI unit, most local fish shops sell RO water but in my experience they do not change the filters and resin enough, I've tested a variety of LFS water and some of them have a TDS into the hundreds, this is not acceptable and will end up causing you big problems down the line. Accept no water with a TDS higher than 10. YEAH, SCIENCE BITCH