Ich Treatment In Reef Tank

My Purple Tang was placed in a quarantine tank for approximately four weeks. Three days after being placed in the 75 gallon reef tank, my Purple Tang showed symptoms of Ich. There was no way I could get him out and back into QT for copper treatment. I decided to attack this problem using several remedies. I utilized Kordon Ich Attack, Marine Vitamin C, Kent Marine Garlic Extreme and raised the temperature of the water to 82 degrees. After day two of the treatment in the display tank, the Ich disappeared. After two months, the Ich has never showed back up. In this video, I go over how I treated the Ich and go over the stages of the Ich's life cycle.

Ich Treatment In Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Reef tank 11 years ago 46,272 views

My Purple Tang was placed in a quarantine tank for approximately four weeks. Three days after being placed in the 75 gallon reef tank, my Purple Tang showed symptoms of Ich. There was no way I could get him out and back into QT for copper treatment. I decided to attack this problem using several remedies. I utilized Kordon Ich Attack, Marine Vitamin C, Kent Marine Garlic Extreme and raised the temperature of the water to 82 degrees. After day two of the treatment in the display tank, the Ich disappeared. After two months, the Ich has never showed back up. In this video, I go over how I treated the Ich and go over the stages of the Ich's life cycle.

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Most popular comments
for Ich Treatment In Reef Tank

Nikki - 7 years ago
Hi, I know this is a response to an old video.  but I am facing a ruby reef rally and ick treatment for my reef tank.  Although I do have a QT. It is hard to reach my purple tank in the 300 gallon display with tons of coral and rock.  My question is, did the 82F damage your acropora during your treatment since it should only be in degrees of 78 ?
ReeferGil - 7 years ago
Not at all. As you already know, just increase it slowly over two or three days. Sorry to hear too, I love Purple Tangs!
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 8 years ago
thank you
del j
del j - 8 years ago
. Google avloclor tablets or the active ingredient chloroquine phosphate !
ReeferGil - 8 years ago
Thanks del!
Drizzy K
Drizzy K - 8 years ago
Someone please tell me how everyone is just increasing their tank temp I have a suction cup heater that doesn't have anything to adjust the temp it just gets the water to a set temp and shuts off
ReeferGil - 8 years ago
Some heaters come with pre set temps like the one you have. I have heater that allow me to set the temp I want.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
My dory just started to have ich, this kardon is ok with corals and vertebrates? Ty
Mike B
Mike B - 7 years ago
ive got a yellow tank and a royal gramma starting to show signs. i have started with kent garlic xtreme also. is that all you ended up doing? i just picked up a bottle of ich attack but would really rather not shut down my skimmer and media for an extended time.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago
ReeferGil thank you, it's gone now, I am giving Kent garlic xtreme, soaking the green algae and their pellets.
ReeferGil - 8 years ago
Yes, Kardon didn't bother my corals.
goodall1bay - 8 years ago
There is stuff called API Melafix. It does work, it's reef safe and it only works if it's used during the drop off cycle. It breaks the cycle.
It doesn't harm the corals but they will close and the anemones will probably move.
It works very effectively on tangs I found.

Every breakout I remove the effected fish if I can and treat with copper, then use Melafix in the main tank to stop it spreading. I believe it kills the free swimming spores, but not if its left too long and allowed to settle.
ReeferGil - 8 years ago
Awesome, thanks for sharing.
Lucy Sun
Lucy Sun - 8 years ago
Does this work for a regular main tank because I don't really have a hospital tank ?
ReeferGil - 8 years ago
Yes it does.
Jason Anthony
Jason Anthony - 8 years ago
so just to clarify. when u were doing this regimen the skimmer is not running? did u turn it off the whole time? for how long? thanks. I might try this as my newly acquired powder brown tang showed signs of ich.
ReeferGil - 8 years ago
Yup, shut off the skimmer during the entire process. Tangs are asses when it comes to ich.
Mike Newhook
Mike Newhook - 8 years ago
How long did you treat Ich Attack and how long did you keep the temp that high?

10. comment for Ich Treatment In Reef Tank

maggie ledezma
maggie ledezma - 8 years ago
where can I find the garlic?
maggie ledezma
maggie ledezma - 8 years ago
ReeferGil - 8 years ago
+maggie ledezma Hmmm, I am almost certain I purchased it from my local fish store. Try Dr Foster's online if you don't have a fish store nearby, hope this helps.
TiSilver330Ci - 8 years ago
Hey bud, glad it "worked" for you, but nothing you did got "rid" of ich. It's still in your tank, and if you understand ich like you say you do, from researching on the net, then you should know it's not gone away. More than likely its developed a slight, immunity. I know this vid is 3 years old. How are your fish now?
ReeferGil - 8 years ago
+TiSilver330Ci YES, I agree with you 100% I do believe I still have Ich in my system, but the fish are strong enough to fight it off. I feel that if I ever introduce a susceptible fish like a tang, it would get Ich. My fish are doing great, unfortunately my Starry Blenny recently died after three years. No idea why.
abreezeducttesting - 9 years ago
great info, my powder blue tang I just bought has ich now...
abreezeducttesting - 9 years ago
+ReeferGil good news today the tang only had one parasite that could see, and his eating a little. Yes, but I love tangs, my next thing is quarantine tank. How do you feel about a UV sterilizer or ozone for Disease Control
ReeferGil - 9 years ago
I saw your vid, tangs are so prone to it. Wish they weren't so sensative.
tomas dx
tomas dx - 9 years ago
Did you turn off the skimmer ?
ReeferGil - 9 years ago
Yes i did.
RCMods - 9 years ago
Thanks for the tips... I am in the process of treating my tank
ReeferGil - 9 years ago
+MAPAHaus5 Hope all goes well!
yjl678 - 9 years ago
It's more likely a natural development of adaptive immunity than eradication of ich by the medicine. It's not always bad because it actually works for the majority of fish. However, it doesn't work with some, including achilles tang and hippo blue tang.
ReeferGil - 9 years ago
+yjl678 Thanks vjl, whatever it was, I glad the Ich is gone! Thanks for the post!
Jose Francisco León Liu
Jose Francisco León Liu - 9 years ago
Nice. Did you turn your skimmer off?
ReeferGil - 9 years ago
+Jose Francisco León Liu I did, just to prevent meds from getting skimmed out. Thanks for watching!
mattfisher506 - 9 years ago
This guy is not crazy. I have used this treatment 4 different times. I only use the rid ich. Tangs are ich bombs no way around it. Due to there thin slime layer. Every time I get a new fish with in a day or two it get some spots. I don't even stress any more. I just do this and it usually works. My wife calls it a right of passage in our tank. Lol long story short if the fish are eating you should be ok. Rid ich has no real Medicine in it. It is full of garlic that makes your sick fish want to eat. I have had a couple fish die in my tank from ich and because all the other fish in there are so healthy they never get a single spot. Have had fish that you would of bet money would of died and now 6 months later are still healthy. I do a 40% water change every 5 days when doing this treatment.
ReeferGil - 9 years ago
+mattfisher506 Right of passage, that's great, LOL. Thanks for sharing your experience with Rid Ich, awesome to hear it works!
Fred Beer
Fred Beer - 9 years ago
Ich is still in your water the only way to get rid of is to leave the tank without fish for 6-8 weeks
ReeferGil - 9 years ago
I agree 100%. This treatment worked and zero ich since. BUT I would be very hesitant to put in a new fish like a Tang for fear of an outbreak again.
Fred Beer
Fred Beer - 9 years ago
Hey man my green Chromis I recently just added to my reef tank has 3 little tiny white specs. Could this be ich or does a fish with ich have to be covered with spots?
Lord Lobov
Lord Lobov - 8 years ago
was it ich

20. comment for Ich Treatment In Reef Tank

james stockbauer
james stockbauer - 9 years ago
Same problem with a puffer full of ich!!  sucks I have a 400 gallon tank worth upwards of $10K  Good advise man is does suck. Cheers, Stockbauer
ReeferGil - 9 years ago
+james stockbauer Sounds like a very nice system, hope it all works out for you!
madmanhiker - 9 years ago
I'm freaking out, I introduced a flame angel and blue hippo into my tank and one of them had ich. I don't have a QT, and I couldn't catch them due to the massive amount of rock in the tank! I will try this regiment based on your review. THANK YOU! I will post back with my results, I am hoping this works - copper is out of the question due to my corals and inverts!!  I had the same question, during this treatment, do I stop my skimmer and carbon/phosphate reactor? I hope you are able to respond quickly, I need to stop this ich in it's tracks! 
ReeferGil - 9 years ago
+madmanhiker I'm willing to beat the pot it was you tang that had ich. Yes, follow the instructions on the bottle and advice on this video. NO guarantees though. Ich can be very aggressive and take over quickly. Best wishes.
Jimfromyork - 10 years ago
Did you turn off your skimmer, and if you did how long for?
Dave Quintero
Dave Quintero - 10 years ago
Great video I have been doing the exact same thing so now i know it works. Oh and its regimen not regiment.
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
Thanks Dave.
gil - 10 years ago
(Medic) by Polyp Lab, get some..i've used it twice and it worked both times and that was even on my purple tang that was covered with ich. Completely reef safe and you can still use your skimmer. it's a bit pricey but it's well worth it.
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
+gil Thanks for the post! Hopefully I'll never need it again, but you post will definitely give options to anyone reading comments!
Buddy Sheroka
Buddy Sheroka - 10 years ago
i just made a vid on ick attack and garlic it worked well for me over the years glad to hear your fish is better happy reefing  
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
+Buddy Sheroka Thanks Sheroka!
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 10 years ago
Great video. After watching this, and being desperate, I setup my quarantine tank and it worked.  It's been 5 months and everyone is totally healthy.  I put my surviving fish in quarantine tank with nothing but pvc pipe.  no sand, no rock, nothing.  then dose quarantine tank with cupramine copper.  Thanks for your help!  Here's one of my vids on it.... http://youtu.be/XUA9xZjCTwQ
Christopher Costigan
Christopher Costigan - 10 years ago
I have a 100 gallon and I have cichlids in it right now. But planning on turning the tank into a reef tank. A couple months ago I had a ich problem an I put the medicine in it. And was wondering if I put corals in it now will it kill the coral? Now this was a couple months ago almost a year. Thanks.
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
+Christopher Costigan I wouldn't use any of the equipment, rocks or other stuff. Is your tank glass or acrylic? The only concern would be if copper seeped into any silicone. Otherwise, you can try using bleach/water mix for a day or so. Rinse thoroughly, then rinse again. When you think you've rinsed the bleach out, rinse it out again. But definitely do NOT use the rocks, substrate or equipment that was exposed to copper.
Christopher Costigan
Christopher Costigan - 10 years ago
+ReeferGil I hope I can put coral in it. Really want to. It's mostly my reason for switching to salt.
Christopher Costigan
Christopher Costigan - 10 years ago
+ReeferGil its been over a year since I put coppersafe in. And I had my rocks and stuff in it.
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
+Christopher Costigan Is it just the tank? No equipment, sand, rock etc?
Pedro Bare
Pedro Bare - 10 years ago
The tang is getting better, im dosing him garlic, vitamin c(from the pharmacy and metronidazole in the food and he is better ) i know it sounds crazy but im kind of experimenting
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
+Pedro Bare It's how we learn. Great to hear he's getting better!
Pedro Bare
Pedro Bare - 10 years ago
And i dont have qt , and its to hard also to catch a fish

30. comment for Ich Treatment In Reef Tank

Pedro Bare
Pedro Bare - 10 years ago
Very nice, i have a blue tang(hippo) and it have ich now, i have like almost 3 months with it and he was doing very well no sight of ich but this week i bought an sun coral and since them the tang got ich and i think the ich come in the water of the lfs,im feeding food soaked in garlic , the tang is very active but scratching on the rock , many white spots, what you recomend? Sorry for my english im from dominican republic
Chris Smith
Chris Smith - 10 years ago
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
+Pedro Bare No problem, your English is GREAT!  I understand you don't have a QT, but that would be my first recommendation, especially if you have other fish in your display tank. Garlic soaked food is good, increasing  water temp to about 82 and trying something reef safe like "Ruby Reef Kick Ich". I've never used it myself but I have spoken to the owners. If you go with Kick Ich, follow the instructions carefully. If you get a chance to get your hands on a QT anytime soon, I would highly recommend it as your options without one are limited for issues like these. Tangs are beautiful, but they're a pain in the butt because they get Ich so frequently. Fish can usually deal with minor cases of Ich if they are healthy and eating. But if you're seeing a lot of it, it is likely to spread to other fish. Good luck Pedro.
Pedro Bare
Pedro Bare - 10 years ago
what are this light fixtures?
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
+Pedro Bare They are the AquaIllumination Vega Color LED lights. Pretty happy with them so far. They have since come out with new generation lights, "Fifty Twos"
Lovebetta - 10 years ago
Wow... I will just do what you say, but I don't want to put any chemicals, I will try to extract fresh garlic and soak the seaweeds and change about 50% of my water tank and remove some top of my sand bed.. I have Blue Tang (dory) just I purchased he tree days ago and now I saw a very tiny ich just behind her head.. Hope it will work.. Thank you so much... I learned a lot...
Lovebetta - 10 years ago
Yes it did work. Thank you...
Rotter Tube Reef
Rotter Tube Reef - 10 years ago
Jackie it will work...you need to quarantine your fish in a separate tank for at least 5 weeks very minimum...leave that display tank empty!
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
Tangs are very prone to Ich, but very beautiful fish. I hope it all turns out for you. Thanks for the comment too!
irod72002 - 10 years ago
Did increasing your temp not hurt your SPS?
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
It didn't but you really don't want to get the tank too warm either. Just be vigilant on the temperature and try to keep it consistent so that it does not get too hot. Good luck, Ich is a b*&^^&_!
Craig Cranks
Craig Cranks - 10 years ago
I've had my hippo tang in QT for a month I put it in my DT and bam iCh there's no way to catch him so I will be trying your regiment ... Thanks gill
Ashley L
Ashley L - 9 years ago
Same thing happened to me, first was the hippo and then it took my Naso out too. Tangs are so beautiful, but man, staying on ich watch 24/7 is driving me nuts. I had a hippo in my tank for months without adding anything new and bam... He got ich. Idk if I'll get another hippo now. It's sad they are so prone to get it
MereReef - 10 years ago
Hello reefer gil, i have a yellow tang been in tank for 5 months ich free swimming around happy etc, i bought a pair of clownfish about a month ago and hey instantly had ich n died, i then went and bought another pair of clownfish and i noticed after a week they also had ich,, n died but the yellow tang hasnt got it its still ich free, right now i only have the yellow tang in my tang and thats it, not adding any other fish for 30 days. Will this still work with a yellow tang in there or will i have to take tang out and then run it 30 days without any fish so i kill of my ich

ReeferGil - 10 years ago
Hm, I'd be concerned that the Yellow Tang has Ich, just not visible. I might be in his gills. If you're confident he's not hosting the parasite, then your plan sounds okay. My suggestion would be to remove the Tang and place him in a quarantine tank for 30 days.
NozL Recordings UK
NozL Recordings UK - 10 years ago
Thanks for sharing mate!
NozL Recordings UK
NozL Recordings UK - 10 years ago
Thanks mate. Yeah, I was going to add that to the ever increasing budget list(!)

I'll watch that vid now.
NozL Recordings UK
NozL Recordings UK - 10 years ago
I haven't got the tank yet. Just doing some research so I'm ready IF it happens ;-) Does everyone get it at some point?
FishyDrizzy - 10 years ago
great video man, very informative! 
FishyDrizzy - 10 years ago
+ReeferGil yea no problem, keep up the good work!
Mailon Fuentes
Mailon Fuentes - 10 years ago
Thank you for making such a educational video I learned a lot about how to cure ick
ReeferGil - 10 years ago
Thank you for the post, I really appreciate the comment!
Alejandro Canela Segura
Alejandro Canela Segura - 11 years ago
Kent Marine Garlic Xtreme. Entice your new fish to start eating. Garlic also improves the immunity of your fresh or salt water fishes.  or you can use Fresh minced garlic too

good thing :)
-increase appetite in fish
-improve the fishes immune system
-may reduce the cause of ich
bad things :(
-increases the bio-load
-may increase "bad algae" growth (hair algae, red slime algae etc) if over dosed

steps to use =
-Melt frozen cube in a cup of aquarium water
-rinse then use a strainer to remove all excess microscopic foods
-while leaving 1% to 3% of water, add 1 or 2 drops with 1 cube of food
-soak the garlic in a cub for 15-20mins
-feed fishes limited amount for a period of time not allowing the food to settle at the bottom
ReeferGil - 11 years ago
Well put!
baseballhunter42 - 11 years ago
I had to get a yellow angel out of my aquarium and I have a denser live rock and coral layout. You just have to be patient.
Lovebetta - 10 years ago
+baseballhunter42 buy a fish trap at Dr.FortersSmith it's a little pricy but you can trap it in no time...
baseballhunter42 - 11 years ago
Frustration definitely wasn't avoided, took me so long and the fish was a pain, I completely understand why you wouldn't want to do that to quarantine the fish. However if I got my sick fish out I would be able to exchange it. So I spent half an hour with a net and a long pair of tweezers until I could catch the fish. Your tank looks like it could be deeper than mine so that would have been a pain for sure.
mike .m
mike .m - 11 years ago
my hippo sailfin and angel all have ick i been feeding with garlic and using a uv light not helping so my question is you would recommend the kordon ick attack?
ReeferGil - 11 years ago
Are they in quarantine or display tank? Best treatment is copper if they are in a QT. Otherwise, yes, throw whatever you can to fight off the Ich if they are in the display tank. If you have corals, you need to be sure the medication you are using is reef safe.
Hectorisking Hinojosa
Hectorisking Hinojosa - 11 years ago
Great video bro! Love that green torch!
Joe Torcasio
Joe Torcasio - 11 years ago
How long did you treat the tank for? Its nice to know for future reference, I like it when someone thinks outside the square, well done.
sea buzz
sea buzz - 11 years ago
any news on the tang ?
musicishare - 11 years ago
Great info!
Craig Cranks
Craig Cranks - 11 years ago
Hey gill any suggestions on brook ..??
Nvizn1 - 11 years ago
Looks good. =)
Nvizn1 - 11 years ago
What's the lighting on this tank?
drew houdeshell
drew houdeshell - 11 years ago
Man ich is a total B*tch! I just lost my royal gramma and kole tang to ich and i treated with metronidozal and did freshwater baths :( i dont know what to do now

50. comment for Ich Treatment In Reef Tank

TheReefGuy5 - 11 years ago
Hey Gil.. try aiming a powerhead at the anemone in the undesired spot.. since you can't take the rock out, that'll be your best option to get him to move. hope this helps!
Danny's Fish
Danny's Fish - 11 years ago
Is there a cleaner shrimp in the tank.
rs31avo - 11 years ago
The tank looks really nice
Lemuel Cruz
Lemuel Cruz - 11 years ago
Dude what Anemone is that which the Clowns are hanging around in? BTW great video very very helpful and useful I have never gotten ICH but in case I do I Know where to start.
Danny's Fish
Danny's Fish - 11 years ago
I guess QT only helps if the fish already has ich and maybe treat it before it goes into the tank.
Danny's Fish
Danny's Fish - 11 years ago
Get a cleaner shrimp, I havent had ich since I got one.
Danny's Fish
Danny's Fish - 11 years ago
LOL...QT doesnt always work, I have never QT any fish, but I did get ich once.
Josh Stepka
Josh Stepka - 11 years ago
Tank looks great, so many ways ich can be introduced, coral, inverts, rock, sand, pretty much have to qt everything or deal with it.
illmanner415 - 11 years ago
Thanks for the info Reefer.. how long do you soak your food with garlic extreme???
Hussam Saied
Hussam Saied - 11 years ago
Should I turn off my protein skimmer ?
TheReeferBoss - 11 years ago
I'm so trying this tom, I have an ich outbreak in my 250 and I'm freaking out. Do you run your skimmer while dosing? What about your water changes??
720Skyliner - 11 years ago
o i forgot to mention every couple of seconds i change the water from the pitcher with new freshwater from the tap by doing so i believe that when the parasites were washed off the fish they want into the water that was being changed
720Skyliner - 11 years ago
his problem has been gone now for 2 years and ahafe
720Skyliner - 11 years ago
i had real bad ich one time with my sailfin tang it took me 4 time's to get rid of it the last treatment almost killed him i took a pitcher along with a big bottle of copper safe put the fish in mixed with fresh water from the tap (do not do this) for about 15 min he fell to his side this show's me i have 3 secant's to take him out or my 45$ is dead. so i put the fish back he was laying on the floor i gently flipped him right side up then he swayed back and forth through the current
Ron Jeremy
Ron Jeremy - 11 years ago
Very nice video, I always use the 3 methods you mentioned plus more with quick cure and it always worked but when I tried that Kordon Ich attack that was in 2010, half of my fish died because it was not ich but velvet. Went back to using quick cure and it worked again. Maybe if it was ich then kordon ich attack would work. Thanks for sharing, I learned from your experience and will try that also if I get ich.
peteninja24 - 11 years ago
I have a quaratine tank and yes unfortunately I can still get in the like right now my tank has even though they were all quarantined so I have to dose them in my display now I've had marines for 10 years and though people disagree I use tri sulpha or poly lab medic it works every time
Ash - 11 years ago
Agreed 100% a QT is a must in this hobby....there are more benefits for sure...
Ash - 11 years ago
Continued from the previous comment.....As a reefer you just have to watch the fish and do your best...i mean even if u QT a fish it still does not gives you any guarantee that it wont catch any parasite in your display particulary because they are in captive...but QT does help in avoiding to carry forward the parasites from LFS to your DT...i wish there is a solution to this ich problem for all of us here...
Ash - 11 years ago
Hi Gill, I have the same issue of ich as you. I did have a QT system and when i bought my sailfin tang it was in the qt for a month or so before i introduced it to my DT. After a week in DT my sailfin showed spots of ich on his tail ONLY in the morning. during the day they were gone as when i came home i didnt see anything in the evening. i am currently dosing the ich attack twice, raised the temp. and am feeding with Garlic soaked food. she is doing great eating and all...
Yak-N-Bass - 11 years ago
sup gil what camera do u use for your vids?
brennen nisporic
brennen nisporic - 11 years ago
check out my latest vid man :) the 150 is coming along slowly :)
G Chao
G Chao - 11 years ago
when my fish had ich, i almost tried everything i can. i end up using Dr G's "Anti Parasitic Frozen Fish Food, Flat Pack" it really works well, just use it to feed the fish, if the fish doesn't eat it,mix it with what you feed everyday.
AquariumJunky - 11 years ago
Hey Gil, Man, can we get into a forum or something, trade emails etc. So we can chat real time? We're both westcoast....Wa state here.... talk to ya about tanks and mine and yours. Since you're coming out of cycling and building, I'm cycling now, got lots of questions that just don't come up in forums. I'm on FB btw AquariumJunky
Reefphreak - 11 years ago
Reefphreak - 11 years ago
Great video man! Love how your tank is looking. I've also researched ich and basically the reason why ich isn't such a big deal in the ocean is because the fish are healthy and they can fight it off. If we make sure our fish in our tanks are as healthy as can be, there's less of a chance of them being infected. That being said, since you had your tang in a quarantine for a month only to have it come down with ich after all, does this give you second thoughts about having a quarantine tank?
wheelsdeal - 11 years ago
I've seen the progress of your tank and you are doing a great job,i think you just had some bad luck with parasites.A smart move to build a quarantine tank with your display tank,most new hobbyist skip that part.
AquariumJunky - 11 years ago
Gil, Got a few questions for you... First, how are you liking the reefkeeper system? Which system do you have and what all is it running? How often do you run your protien skimmer 24/7? How is your auto fill working? Are you using it in conjuction with reefkeeper? Is that a deep sand bed? My tank is still cycling, for about a month now, how soon did you see coraline aglae?
Jroze37 - 11 years ago
Jroze37 - 11 years ago
very nice I'm going to have to try my baby hippo is getting signs of icy
TheReefBros - 11 years ago
little by little haha
Keith - 11 years ago
I did a freshwater dip. ph and temp some ro water. I put the effected fish in the fresh water and within 2-3 minutes the ich were falling right off. but no longer than 5 minutes. keep a close eye on the fish. if it looks like the fish is very stressed put it back and redip in a day or two. . only once I had to redip. worked on clowns and damsels and the fish are all good a year later.
TheReefBros - 11 years ago
Tank looks amazing! The torches are fantastic! -The Reef Bros
Tony Nguyen
Tony Nguyen - 11 years ago
Good info!
915Mang - 11 years ago
The ELOS is doing great man, Glad I finally got an ATO
epicnas12342 - 11 years ago
Ur tank is amazing man and great video very educational
Yak-N-Bass - 11 years ago
what kind of clam is that on ur sand bed?
Yak-N-Bass - 11 years ago
another awesome vid man tanks looks great keep em coming
Bottom Coast Reefs
Bottom Coast Reefs - 11 years ago
Yeah it is pretty hard to take a good look at their gills, the hippo and the neon goby were the ones who had the ich and after i started using GarlicXtreme the ich went away, at least from what i can see. Every now and then i see the hippo scratch on the rocks and the neon goby kinda surf the sandbed as if he is scratching himself too but this has happend only a handfull of times since it seemed they were cured of it.Hope its not ich in the gills but ill keep an eye out thanks for the heads up
sea buzz
sea buzz - 11 years ago
nice video budy !! i never had luck with tangs
915Mang - 11 years ago
I'm Glad the Purple Tang is doing well. Nice video Reefer Gil
sleepytyme1 - 11 years ago
i call dibs when you start selling it!! realy tho i hella want some :)
Curtis Thigpen
Curtis Thigpen - 11 years ago
Love the video as always very informational
Tom Williams
Tom Williams - 11 years ago
freakin awesome tank man
Julio Garcia
Julio Garcia - 11 years ago
very informative. wish i could set your tank as the background on my computer - great to watch. your clowns look like a fun pair, too.
bobbonecrusher - 11 years ago
tank looks awesome
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 11 years ago
Beastmode deff like the apporach...that ick shit is crazy be killing of fish
LeMasterReef - 11 years ago
Gil the tank is looking really great!! Awesome info as usual. When you going to do an update on all those awesome corals.
Aggy Vega
Aggy Vega - 11 years ago
Hey great vid. Tank is looking really nice! Good job
sleepytyme1 - 11 years ago
i want ur frogspawn! tank looks good! cheers
StudioReef - 11 years ago
very nice

100. comment for Ich Treatment In Reef Tank

reefmasterr - 11 years ago
Hey i had ich in my tank i was reading some where to do lights out for week and feed the crap out of the tang and i tryed it and it worked fast
Garrett Hamm
Garrett Hamm - 11 years ago
Nice job man! Really enjoyed the video! I always learn new things from your videos. Keep up the good work!
Bottom Coast Reefs
Bottom Coast Reefs - 11 years ago
@ReeferGil First off Awesome video, secondly thanks for the advise on ich treatment for my hippo that GarlicXtreme is a monster! ill be making a video going over my experience too. Question, does your tang still scratch every now and then? And how much marine c are u dosing?
brennen nisporic
brennen nisporic - 11 years ago
tank really looks like its growing in and looking very nice. i love the purple tang and plasn on getting one for the 150 gallon once its set up :)

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The "Ich Treatment In Reef Tank" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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