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The "Introduction, and how a reef tank works. How to build a reef tank part 1." video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.
It was doc who said copper won't kill your bacteria, which is only true, providing you don't overdose it. If you fully understood what you are talking about you would have said this in you video.
I have to admit this is not my field of science. I studied geography and geological sciences, and then oceanography.
1: It will kill any invertebrates like bristle worms, slugs and snails, and therefore may cause an ammonia spike.
2; The copper will get adsorbed by the rock, making it difficult to maintain the correct dosage.
It has nothing to do with the nitrogen cycle. A Q.T tank still has a filter containing nitrogen cycle bacteria.
As a reef scientist I have watched Buddy's ich video And found it most confusing.
In the video Buddy states that copper will kill all your beneficial bacteria (nitrogen cycle bacteria).
At the level of copper required to kill the ich parasite, copper will not kill any beneficial bacteria, (although some fish like puffer fish might be affected by the copper)
It would kill bacteria if you over dosed it, but then it would also kill your fish.
So just saying copper will kill your beneficial bacteria is very miss leading. I could say that iodine, alkalinity, magnesium, even common salt (sodium chloride), and ich attack will kill your beneficial bacteria, so should we not add any thing to are tanks. You would of cause have to overdose all the these things, to kill any bacteria. Saying copper kills bacteria is no different to saying iodine kill bacteria. Yes it is very easy to overdose copper, far easier than overdosing magnesium say, but is much easier to dose copper in a Q.T tank, than sitting back and watching your fish die from ich.
Doing anything from the start, like garlic, U.V, or keeping fish well fed, will not do any good if they already have ich. If they don't have ich then you don't need to do anything.
The only method of treating ich, that any scientist who knows there stuff would recommend, is a Q.T tank, and copper or hyposalinity, so the whole video is pointless. Sorry to have to tell you this, but it is not my opinion, just a fact!!!!.
Could you give me simple YES or NO. Does copper kill the beneficial nitrogen cycle bacteria as you have stated in your ich video.
If the answer is NO, then this is different to what you have said. If the answer is yes, then this cant be correct , because copper can be used in a Q.T tank with out an ammonia spike.
You said that copper kills the beneficial bacteria. If this is true, how can you use copper in a Q.T tank, with out killing the good bacteria.
As for the 80%. You said that I Said it was 100%, which I have never said, so unless you show me where I've said 100% you have lost!!!.
Take for example the fact that you said copper kills the nitrogen cycle bacteria. You need the nitrogen cycle bacteria all marine tanks,reef tanks, fish only with live rock, and quarantine tanks. A Q.T tank has a simple filter on the back, with a filter sponge in it, to provide some where for the nitrogen cycle bacteria to live.
Many reefers have used copper in Q.T.tanks, to treat ich or marine velvet. If the copper killed the good bacteria, the a Q.T tank, that many marine biologists recommend, the copper would not work with out ammonia shooting up. 'Mr salt water tanks' Quarantine guide recommends copper in a Q.T tank. It is written With Dr Tim a marine biologist. Are you going to tell him copper won't work, because it will cause an ammonia spike, because I'm not!!!!.
Where do you get the figure 80% from?.
the series, that cover the things you have pointed out and more.
10. comment for Introduction, and how a reef tank works. How to build a reef tank part 1.