Introduction to my 500 Gallon Reef Tank

The tank is 3 years old and want to give a total description of my tank. Instagram:

Introduction to my 500 Gallon Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 11

Reef tank 8 years ago 24,631 views

The tank is 3 years old and want to give a total description of my tank. Instagram:

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Most popular comments
for Introduction to my 500 Gallon Reef Tank

Lito - 7 years ago
Holy makerel, i couldnt even buy one kessel lol...nice tank man
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 7 years ago
Lito Thanks man. Yea they were fun when they worked. I am happy with my temporary new lighting.
Jeremy stanton
Jeremy stanton - 7 years ago
What type of heater do you use? And where?
Jeremy stanton
Jeremy stanton - 7 years ago
Wayne Scott can you Gmail me. I just got my first tank (300 gallons) and I do have a couple more questions if you don’t mind? I’m at ... thanks for your help!!
Jeremy stanton
Jeremy stanton - 7 years ago
Thanks.. I’m doing freshwater but want it nice I appreciate the info..
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 7 years ago
Jeremy stanton I use two 400 Watt heaters which are underrated for my tank. They’re in the sump.
Cisco Fan
Cisco Fan - 7 years ago
Nice tank!!!!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 7 years ago
Cisco Fan Thank you.
Graham Spears
Graham Spears - 7 years ago
looks wicked Mate go hard cheers from Australia
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 7 years ago
It was an honor working with you men too.
Graham Spears
Graham Spears - 7 years ago
love you americans training with some of you guys our best mates
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 7 years ago
Graham Spears Thank you very much.
Sam B
Sam B - 7 years ago
tang popo will say the tank is to small. lol
Fit Racing
Fit Racing - 7 years ago
Amazing..dimensions of the tank???
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 7 years ago
Fit Racing Thank you. The tank dimension are 96" long, 48" wide, and 24" high.
Matthew Kane
Matthew Kane - 7 years ago
Awesome tank. Love it.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 7 years ago
Matthew Kane Thank you Matthew.
238sol - 7 years ago
thanks for stopping bye Wayne Scott i appreciate it keep up the great videos
238sol - 7 years ago
thanks for getting back to me can you please come and check out my five systems I'm running I'm trying to be like you you inspired me to this Hobby
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 7 years ago
238sol I did?

10. comment for Introduction to my 500 Gallon Reef Tank

238sol - 7 years ago
thanks man you are the real deal you inspire me so much
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 7 years ago
238sol No problem. Thanks but I'm just a normal guy who loves the hobby.
238sol - 7 years ago
hey I just sub u I enjoy watching your videos can you please throw some love over my channel thank you. 238 Sol Channel
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 7 years ago
238sol Sure can.
Steven Raudenbush
Steven Raudenbush - 7 years ago
sigh... one day I'll be this cool.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 7 years ago
Steve, I'm not that cool at all. I'm just a normal guy.
woganaga - 7 years ago
maxpowerdog - 7 years ago
Very nice. Seems like everything bad happens when we're gone.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 7 years ago
maxpowerdog Ain't that the truth.
REEFER JAMES - 8 years ago
Getting to see a system of this quality is a very humbling experience. Well done.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
REEFER JAMES Thank you very much.
Man Cave Reef
Man Cave Reef - 8 years ago
Very nice set up
ProstegmaA - 8 years ago
i like your slippers xD nice tank man congrats
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
ProstegmaA I was using instant ocean but I'm switching to Fritz RPM salt. I change 40 gallons of water every two weeks and only feed my fish on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On the off days I feed my corals. I hope that helps. If you have anymore questions just ask away.
ProstegmaA - 8 years ago
Me podrias decir que sal usas ? cada cuantas semanas haces cambios de agua y si aditas ? Gracias
maurice moore
maurice moore - 8 years ago
awesome looking tank
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
maurice moore Thank you.
BairCichlids - 8 years ago
very cool tank and setup the lights just kill my eyes
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
BairCichlids I'm not home when they do. I catch it in the evenings.
BairCichlids - 8 years ago
Lol thanks. Do they bother your eyes
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
BairCichlids Thank your. Sorry about the blindness. I'll turn them down next video.

20. comment for Introduction to my 500 Gallon Reef Tank

Kurt Scoville
Kurt Scoville - 8 years ago
Beautiful aquarium
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Kurt Scoville Thank you very much Kurt.
Omar Lynn
Omar Lynn - 8 years ago
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Omar Lynn Thank you.
Wesley Forbes II
Wesley Forbes II - 8 years ago
Really nice man! I'm subbing!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Wesley Forbes II Thank you.
The Reef Tank Family
The Reef Tank Family - 8 years ago
Love the setup!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
The Reef Tank Family Thank you.
Michael L
Michael L - 8 years ago
Nice! What a setup... Wow
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Thank you. Im glad you enjoyed it.
scottso241 - 8 years ago
great tank matter of fact my dream tank but for now i have a 55 gallon tank . with it being so big is it hard to do a water change ? am not sure my tank is only all troplical fish but yes i have the same problem also i lost some from time to time what a headack but anyways nice video
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
I use a pump to take out and replace new saltwater. In always clean the tank the day before so all in all maybe 35-45 minutes without interruptions.
scottso241 - 8 years ago
but like i said i only have a tropical tank not salt water . am in the philippines now tanks here are very cheap and for my budget am really glad and happy about that
scottso241 - 8 years ago
oh man thats a really big job how long does that take ? for me it take me about an hour .
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
scottso241 I actually have a 55 gallon container to do my water changes with. I do them every two weeks faithfully.
Mark Quadrozzi
Mark Quadrozzi - 8 years ago
Wayne that is a fantastic aquarium. don't have any saltwater fish but love them. Could you do a video that shows all the fish in their habitat close up? Thanks for sharing.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
You are so right.
Mark Quadrozzi
Mark Quadrozzi - 8 years ago
Got it, talking to my wife rite now about maybe setting up our empty 46 bow for some nano reef species... Still think the reef setups are to the best effect in the real huge tanks.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Mark Quadrozzi Thank you. I could do a video like that but once I begin to make it they stop being in character.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
Great tank. who built the sump?
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Dee From Brooklyn A local acrylic dealer built the sump.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
You can install a button recess in your door like they do on cabinets
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
No sir I never did. Didn't know what kind of lights to use for that. I was looking at the ones where once you open the door the lights automatically come on.
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
Nice. . Have you put lights underneath? I use the led strips around the bottom of my stand. . That's one heck of a skimmer
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Dee From Brooklyn Thank you. My dump was built by a local acrylic manufacturer.
William Kegge
William Kegge - 8 years ago
Beautiful setup! Subbed! Check my tank videos out when you get a chance!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
William Kegge Thank you for the compliment.
tippin turtle
tippin turtle - 8 years ago
Wayne... Like the fact your showing off the inner workings of your tank; something I feel doesn't get enough attention and often overlooked by reefers in the hobby. I saw a previous video of yours and it appears you could really dress up your system with some better cable management practices in place. Happy reefing and thanks for sharing.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
tippin turtle Thank you very much for the comment and compliment. And you are right, my cable management is really really bad. I try to cover all the aspects in reefing and not just the good. Plus I try to show why I did what I did compared to other hobbyists. It's like the saying, "There's more than one way to skin a cat." If you haven't already you should see my story on BRStv on how I got into the hobby.

30. comment for Introduction to my 500 Gallon Reef Tank

pondereef - 8 years ago
Hey love the tank. I meet you at MACNA and attended your talk. Great luck to you and the Tank. Thank you for what you do
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
pondereef Hey how are you doing? I wish I could've said thank you to everyone who attended my talk. Tank is doing great. How's your tank doing? I'm honored that you for taking the time out to come see me speak. That was my first public speaking event.
Ellery Wong
Ellery Wong - 8 years ago
Awesome setup Dude!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Thank you very much.
BecWells - 8 years ago
What an amazing the granite shelf so you can take a drink over and sit and watch your tank...lovely!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
BecWells Thank you. I had to put a bar there. It wouldn't feel right without one.
WestCoast Reefer
WestCoast Reefer - 8 years ago
Man I love your tank bro...amazing!!!!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Rob's Reef Thank you sir. Yours is amazing as well.
vegas reefer
vegas reefer - 8 years ago
nice tank new reefer here help me out
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Jonathan Sanders Thank you and welcome to the hobby. what size tank do you have?
Drive My Exotic
Drive My Exotic - 8 years ago
Wayne, this looks awesome. I didn't even notice the plane until you pointed it out... very cool addition!! Is it ceramic? Also loved the fish room tour video. Very cool system overall!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
McPuff's Laboratory Thank you. The plane I got from a trade show. There were new stuff coming out for saltwater and my choice was either a ship, submarine, or plane. I chose the latter.
Denis Sanchez
Denis Sanchez - 8 years ago
Wayne!!! Wow! Beautiful tank my man!!!!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Denis Sanchez Thank you sir.
Steven Tolley
Steven Tolley - 8 years ago
Looks awesome fella, lovely size and interesting dimensions with the short height and larger depth front to back. Keep up the good work and all the best with the hobby ! :-)
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Steven Tolley subbed to your channel. had already watched a few of your videos.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Steven Tolley Thank you for the comments. I greatly appreciate them.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
Wow huge monster marine tank. Very nice. Check out my nano reefs in my channel. Subscribed.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
+Marc Libert Actually there was a mix up in the order and I got the NEs instead. Buy since I'm going predominantly acropora in my system let's me keep acros lower in my tank.
Marc Libert
Marc Libert - 8 years ago
Wayne Scott very cool system, what made you decide to go with the 360Ns and not the 360WEs?
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
+Wayne Scott Yeah, it takes more than just good lighting for good growth and coloration, but I'm glad you sorted things out!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Love them. I almost gave up on them because I wasn't seeing any growth. But once I got my parameters stable then I started to see it.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 8 years ago
+Wayne Scott Thanks! I see that you're pretty satisfied with Kessil? I know I am.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Reefer Nanoman Subbed.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Reefer Nanoman Thank you very much. Glad you enjoyed.
StudioReef - 8 years ago
Subbed :)
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
StudioReef Thank you.
915Mang - 8 years ago
I like that Mili-Plane. Pretty cool, Your whole system is Nice. Thanks for the videos
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
915Mang Thanks bro. I'm trying to make better videos.
Jeffery Adams
Jeffery Adams - 8 years ago
I just watched your inspirational speech on the BRS channel. Thank you for your service and sacrifice! I am also a army veteran from past two decades in iraq and I can definently see how the reefing community can help with a soldier as yourself. Keep your head up soldier. Your tank is gorgeous!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Jeffery Adams No thank you for taking the time to hear my story. Reefing is natures medicine. Great hearing from a fellow soldier. Thank you again.
CJ'S AQUARIUMS - 8 years ago
how have I never seen this? Tank looks Fantastic! I subbed.. check me out if you get the chance. keep doing what you do!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
CJ'S AQUARIUMS I don't know sir. I haven't seen all your videos but the ones I've had seen I've enjoyed very much. Truly and honor to have you as a subscriber. You should check out my talk I did at MACNA. BRStv has it on their site.
Deniz Akvaryumu Can Aksoy
Deniz Akvaryumu Can Aksoy - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank Wayne.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Can Aksoy Thank you very much.
Dark Helmet
Dark Helmet - 8 years ago
Hey its the guy from that talk.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Baffi Blu Yes , that would be me.
Kevin ENH Vlogs
Kevin ENH Vlogs - 8 years ago
Now thats a tank. Nice work. Looks great. SPS dominant too ... You are really doing it. Keep up the good work. One day ill have something like this or i hope so. A man can dream right ???
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Kevin Vlog Thank you for the compliment. And yes, a man can dream.
Cycnoches2012 - 8 years ago
loved your MACNA talk and love your tank!!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Cycnoches2012 Thank you very much.
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Very nice, looks great Wayne. I was thinking of getting the same lights so if you had to do it again would you?
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
The AP700 are the shyt now. Let me know what you decide.
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Wayne Scott
Sir, Thanks for your honesty... I will take a look. Thanks again...
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Rad Perez Thank you sir. Honestly if I had to do it again I would've done the Orphek or the Aqua Illuminations. I was hosting a reef club meeting and I couldn't get those in time. I pretty much was impatient and went with the Kessils. They're doing great on my tank and i get the growth. Again impatient because not fast enough growth.
DC Reefer
DC Reefer - 8 years ago
Welcome to YouTube. I think I remember your speech at Macna
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Land O' Lake's FL. Prolly ship once store is established.
DC Reefer
DC Reefer - 8 years ago
Congrats on the store where are you located? I would like to support if you ship
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Imma try to make it there but I'm opening a store.
DC Reefer
DC Reefer - 8 years ago
Wayne Scott I saw it on the BRS channel. I couldn't make it to Macna this year but I plan on going for New Orleans 2017
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Did you see it in San Diego or on the brs channel? Subbed to your channel.
DC Reefer
DC Reefer - 8 years ago
Wayne Scott I thought so I truly enjoyed your speech. I'm subscribed to your channel please check out my channel and subscribe it's great to have another reefer on YouTube. Your tank looks amazing
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
DC Reefer Thank you. Yes I did do a speech at MACNA this year.
Vijay Sivasankaren
Vijay Sivasankaren - 8 years ago
Beautiful tank Wayne... love the scape!!!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Vijay Sivasankaren Thank you Vijay.

50. comment for Introduction to my 500 Gallon Reef Tank

saintpinoy1984 - 8 years ago
Great looking reef bro! I like the mustang p51 plane! Just subb your channel if you have a chance check out my channel if you can give some tips.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Thank you. Subbed to your channel. I'm no expert but I will help in any way possible if I can.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Snowboarding HD Thank you very much.
Daniel Fernandes
Daniel Fernandes - 8 years ago
Nice tank I just sub to ur channel
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Daniel Fernandes Thank you for the compliment and thank you for subbing.
someone6reefs - 8 years ago
sweet tank ✌
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
someone6reefs Thank you.
FeedThatReefAddiction - 8 years ago
Looking great Wayne! Give me a shout and I'll bring my camera over. I got a GoPro waiting to get wet LOL
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
FeedThatReefAddiction I'll look into it then.
FeedThatReefAddiction - 8 years ago
Wayne Scott yea was thinking that - your tank is huge & has depth. Looks like there's easy diy options to make a pole
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
FeedThatReefAddiction Sure thing. Do we need to build something to hold the GoPro?
Jeffery Adams
Jeffery Adams - 8 years ago
Wow beautiful reef tank. Great work!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Jeffery Adams Thank you Jeffrey. I appreciate that.
jason g
jason g - 8 years ago
Thanks for the update. I always look forward to your videos.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
jason g Thanks Jason. Go Bucs.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
PsychedelicBabe Thank you PB. Again thank you for the shout out.
slief - 8 years ago
Very nice Wayne!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
slief Just trying to be like you Scott.
Coralust Reef Solutions
Coralust Reef Solutions - 8 years ago
Really awesome video Wayne. I love your tank and the plane is a great touch. I subbed you and look forward to your next video.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Coralust Reef Solutions Thank you for subbing. I'm glad you enjoy my video and my tank.
Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 8 years ago
what a gorgeous tank Wayne and I can't wait for the fish room video.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Thank you for taking the time out to watch my channel.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
Scott M Thank you Scott. probably coming in the following days.
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
Hi Wayne.. this is's enormous!!!
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
Thanks so much Wayne.. Keepin' it real!
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl Thank you Deb. I.just saw your trailer to your page. I have the same idea as you meaning showing the good and bad in this hobby. Great channel.
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 8 years ago
clown fish are aggressive toward each other. Great lights, and that 175 gallon sump bigger than my main display tank. Glad life is good to you.
Wayne Scott
Wayne Scott - 8 years ago
2016 has been good to me. I know that but living together for almost 2 ears i never expected it to happen. I guess it was just a matter of time.

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