Is Walmart RO Water good enogh for reef tank? TDS meter test result!
Reef tank 8 years ago 13,385 views
Different Walmart location may yield different result, this is from their Germantown, MD location. I used the HM TDS Meter (Amazon: to test for disolved organic. I already feel like an Appropriate Reefer just by rattling off all those big words...
Check it out!
I rather trust whatever type of commercial RO filter they use than a standard cheap 4 stage RO/DI filter. you need at least a 6 stage filter to make it work
trust me, I'm a mechanical engineer and I did my research with some of the Plumbing Engineers at work. plus I don't have to worry about wasting water :)
10. comment for Is Walmart RO Water good enogh for reef tank? TDS meter test result!
20. comment for Is Walmart RO Water good enogh for reef tank? TDS meter test result!
30. comment for Is Walmart RO Water good enogh for reef tank? TDS meter test result!
Personally i would look into more efficient methods of removing Nitrate and Phosphate from your tank instead of looking at removing them from your top off/change water.
My blind guess is that you are using frozen foods, which can cause bursts of nutrients. Looks like you went with RO, so you'll never look back now. Enjoyed the video!
Yeah I am convinced, there is a reef club group buy with BRS this weekend, I will be picking up a 4 stage system from them and try to find an appropriate space to hook the unit up. I assume you have no more issue with keeping fish after the switch in water source? I am pretty surprised the barbs weren't doing well even with the high TDS water, I remember those fish being pretty bullet proof!
50. comment for Is Walmart RO Water good enogh for reef tank? TDS meter test result!
The PH is the problem not whether it has anything dissolved in it or not... It is also the fact it is sometimes done in copper equipment which can put copper in the water which is terrible for lots of marine animals....
I beat cyno tho by sucking it off my sand with a turkey bayster and removing it from the tank. cleaning out my sump during a small water change and removing and cleaning sponges etc that filter and catch water with h202. I also have a refiguim tho so once i did that it began sucking up the phosephates im sure. Been a month without a water change and cyano has still not returned.
Do you visit King of Corals often? We can meet up there the next time they run a sales - It also takes me about an hour to get to KoC so I don't go too often. Would you by any chance closer to Roozen or BRK? Thanks for the answer to TDS btw! ;-)
the other thing to check with your local water company is if they are using Chloramine to treat water supply. you may have to buy upgrade kit to treat chloramine which I had to do. just call your water company and they'll let you know.
look into AquaFx units and they sell the upgrade kit as well.