JBJ Nano-Cube Reef Tank 12 Gallon - Video #1

Aquarium started on April 3, 2009. Tank description: 12 Gallons JBJ Nano Cube DX, 17 pounds of live rocks, 12 pounds of live sand,red sea reef salt, hydrometer, digital thermometer, aqueon heater, act

JBJ Nano-Cube Reef Tank 12 Gallon - Video #1 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 3

Reef tank 15 years ago 84,866 views

Aquarium started on April 3, 2009. Tank description: 12 Gallons JBJ Nano Cube DX, 17 pounds of live rocks, 12 pounds of live sand,red sea reef salt, hydrometer, digital thermometer, aqueon heater, act

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Most popular comments
for JBJ Nano-Cube Reef Tank 12 Gallon - Video #1

Dave R
Dave R - 9 years ago
what do you use for media? i see your skimmer is first tray sponge is in second i have the same tank with all led lights love it
SeanJones25SJ - 10 years ago
Nice looking tank.  Which protein skimmer do you have on it and do you like it?
rskay61 - 11 years ago
You have green hair algae.
JJ Collins
JJ Collins - 12 years ago
best tank i ever saw awesone
MrBuBBy222 - 12 years ago
Do you clean your tank once a week?
MrBuBBy222 - 12 years ago
I love your tank
MrBuBBy222 - 12 years ago
Did everything come with the tank ( not talking about fish/ coral etc.)
ferrari4sale - 12 years ago
how many hour do you run your light, it's stock?
idkwhyimdoingthis997 - 12 years ago
If you can I would suggest starting as large as you can afford to. This sounds strange but if the tank is larger then you will have more time to react if water quality changes. Also it is more cost effective to start large because if you start small inevitably you will want to go larger. Nanos are great, i'm not bashing them. If you go to your local fish store they can hook you up with everything you need. besides nano cubes and the such generally have poor build quality, start with a 30 breeder

10. comment for JBJ Nano-Cube Reef Tank 12 Gallon - Video #1

Win Kongmuang
Win Kongmuang - 12 years ago
what kind of protein skimmer are you using?
cbranin45 - 12 years ago
I had 60 gallon reef tank. If you are thinking of getting one, don't do it. Only mother nature can obtain a reef tank. When the coral is dieing, you give it meds, which kill the fish, and the medicines for the fish, kill the coral. and you get an assload of problems in your tank, that everything starts to die, that's what happens to me and I felt so bad. I cried. So I suggest only to get a marine tank only!!!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 13 years ago
Nice assortment. What's your dosing schedule?
ChampNike - 13 years ago
Wow! What a nice tank! How is your star fish doing? I have a 14G Biocube and want to add one!
AndHaunted - 13 years ago
How are those in terms of ambient noise and heat? By noise I mean the sound of the machinery.
southern cali reefer
southern cali reefer - 13 years ago
whats the on off switch in the canopy?
Mike Reyes
Mike Reyes - 13 years ago
Beautiful tank!!!
Brian Neathery
Brian Neathery - 13 years ago
This is only after a month? I talked with a guy at the local fish store today and he said it would be a long time before you can even put corals in let alone let it grow out like that. How did you get it so pretty is such a short amount of time?
BBQ Sandwich
BBQ Sandwich - 13 years ago
Did you "add in" water sounds or is this thing loud as hell??? Sounds like a bath tub splashing around. I would tolerate that for 3 seconds.
DRU623 - 13 years ago
Your fish look very happy

20. comment for JBJ Nano-Cube Reef Tank 12 Gallon - Video #1

Steve Bayad
Steve Bayad - 13 years ago
really nice i thinking of geting one like yours
TimeSplittersChimp - 13 years ago
Hey guys, I am just looking for some advice. I have always kept Reptiles and I am very good at it, But I have always really wanted a Marine tank. They just amaze me and I can watch for hours but they have put me off in the past mainly because they seem very hard to keep and maintain. Is there any tanks you can buy that come basically with ALL equipment built in, so in theory everything is already set up, and made allot easer for you, I would like this size of small nano tank to start me off.
lex rios
lex rios - 13 years ago
what kind of lighting do you have?5000k 13w? canyou please let me know
lex rios
lex rios - 13 years ago
out of all the nano setups on youtube this one is really the best!!
BAJA'S REEF - 13 years ago
Very Nice Min reef! I really like it! Good job.
1989jimbob - 13 years ago
serious tank! would you consider getting a second clown fish? a pair might really add to the tank?
gaelic8 - 13 years ago
how much roughly would a set up like that cost?? thanks
steverino75 - 14 years ago
Hi, Whats the name of the coral that the clown is hosting with please? Cheers
dylan48gh21 - 14 years ago
cool tank
itzlou123 - 14 years ago
is it easy to look after the marine fish or is it easy because your is amazing

30. comment for JBJ Nano-Cube Reef Tank 12 Gallon - Video #1

Corey Brown
Corey Brown - 14 years ago
Hey this is a very nice tank! Love all the inhabitants that you have. Can you tell me what kind of anemone that is at the bottom of your aquarium right by the red mushrooms the looks like green grass?
jaime ballesteros
jaime ballesteros - 14 years ago
hey paolo how u doing? well i just wanted to say thanks for the help when i started my 12 g nano cube and now i was able to post a video of it so if u can check it out and let me know wat u think. thanks
Austin Carnes
Austin Carnes - 14 years ago
Do you have problems with your anemone moving around your tank and stinging your other corals? I'm actually about to downgrade from my 30 gallon to a 12 gallon nanocube (not really a downgrade, just going down in size) and I was hoping to put one in for my true perc clowns. beautiful tank by the way!
Sandy Petropoulos
Sandy Petropoulos - 14 years ago
What kind of skimmer is that ? Your tank looks great !
z - 14 years ago
@paolo333333 hi may i know what kinds of elements?
MindStage - 14 years ago
A pleasure to look at, gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the video!
thekingzliar - 14 years ago
@paolo333333 Is it loud or noisy? or is it like bedroom quiet? i am planning to get one in my bedroom but i will not buy one if it gives noise but i will definitely have one if it is quiet!
thekingzliar - 14 years ago
@paolo333333 Is it loud or noisy? or is it like bedroom quiet? i am planning to get one in my bedroom but i will not buy one if it gives noise but i will definitely have one if it is quiet!
thekingzliar - 14 years ago
Nice set up! is it out of glass or plastic?
jaime ballesteros
jaime ballesteros - 14 years ago
how often do u change the air stone in the bio cube skimmer?
scimmiardo - 14 years ago
Ciao Paolo, bella vasca. Come hai fatto a far posizionare l'anemone senza che finisse in pompe o bruciasse tutto?
jaime ballesteros
jaime ballesteros - 14 years ago
did u ever have a problem keeping the leather healthy? cuz im gona buy a leather frag with green polyps in a week or so. does it need more flow or is it a hardy coral
Michael akins
Michael akins - 14 years ago
with your protein skimmer how do you adjust yours. Im playing hell with mine, but then again im a noob
ARies AJ
ARies AJ - 14 years ago
I like your tank. its nice and colorful.
tarzaniac9 - 14 years ago
Hey man just wondering approximately how much this entire setup cost you?
euqrilius - 14 years ago
hey will you help me get my nano reef started? I'm not sure anything but I want to start with a nano reef and learn everything before I get a bigger setup. Actually I want to build my own custom tank one day ^^
jaime ballesteros
jaime ballesteros - 14 years ago
hey how many lbs sand did u use in ur tank?
jaime ballesteros
jaime ballesteros - 14 years ago
by bottle bacteria which r u talking about? i have the seachem stability bottle u told me to get . is that it or another?
jaime ballesteros
jaime ballesteros - 14 years ago
when u start the cycle u have the same things as u have in ur back chambers video? the 1st chamber- skimmer,2nd chamber- sponge and bio rings, 3rd chamber maxijet 900 pump heater carbon and orginal bio rings? i just bought all those things but ive been reading online and there saying ur nitrates will go up because of the rings? is this true? cuz i want to have everthing like urs cuz ur tank looks great. let me know thanks.
demonhordelock7 - 14 years ago
i have that skimmer on the same nano cube jbj 12 gallon and it works very bad its very sensible with the water evaporation it stop working it works well only at some exact water level i'm having many problems with it i actually wanna make a bigger aquarium its give me only problems i don't know what else to do i will just make a bigger one with a reef octopus skimmer help anyone please ? opinions are very welcome.

50. comment for JBJ Nano-Cube Reef Tank 12 Gallon - Video #1

Anthony Wilkinson
Anthony Wilkinson - 14 years ago
@paolo333333 WD40. take the lid off and spray the inside of the fan nano cubes are dust collectors and often freeze up. So try that out if not just buy a new one I think they are 20 dollars or so
Joe Nocella
Joe Nocella - 14 years ago
@paolo333333 Thanks Paolo. I started my tank this week. I bought an Oceanic 14. So far it is doing OK with live sand and live rock. I will be buying some coral. Have you purchased any coral on-line? I'm thinking about it. The local shops here in NY are very expensive.
Fisharecool11 - 14 years ago
Hahaha I'm getting this tank, and my first name is Paolo (I use my second name) hahaha
mopikozz - 14 years ago
Hi Paolo, are u using the stock lights? or did u do any upgrades to it? I have the 12DX too, i was wondering if the stock lights are sufficient for roughly the type of corals that you are stocking.
Joe Nocella
Joe Nocella - 14 years ago
Beautiful tank! I'm thinking of starting one up. What would be the ballpark cost to set it up similar to yours? minus the fish and tank coast. I'm curious as to how much the live rocks, sand, etc... are. Thanks
Jesco Brenner
Jesco Brenner - 14 years ago
What chemicals do you dose? It looks amazing!
Paul Branigan
Paul Branigan - 14 years ago
Thanks a lot paolo I'll keep alook out for your vids:)
Paul Branigan
Paul Branigan - 14 years ago
Okay,nope not yet .. I only got a filter gravel heater a light and 2 plants but hopefully I'll get there soon :-P
Paul Branigan
Paul Branigan - 14 years ago
Okay cool, nope I've literally got filter light heater gravel and 2 small plants, not very good yet but I'll get there soon hopefully :-)
Paul Branigan
Paul Branigan - 14 years ago
And does the water feel kinda lukewarm?
Paul Branigan
Paul Branigan - 14 years ago
Great thanks that helps a lot, what about the sharks? You think they'd get too big? By the way my tank is at 27 and the water feels pretty cold? Not freezing just not too warm? Is that right
Paul Branigan
Paul Branigan - 14 years ago
Yeah tropical dude, got my heater filter everything I need , it's the same as your tank ( in size ) , I wanted a bala shark or a red tail shark but maybe it's too small, thanks a lot
Paul Branigan
Paul Branigan - 14 years ago
Hello paolo, just got 12 gallon freshwater tank today :P any tips I'd really appreciate it :-) 5 stars
Slawomir Tecza
Slawomir Tecza - 14 years ago
thanks, it's expensive hobby but amaizing... i never had salt aqwarium before. i'am planing to buy it. but i need to study about everything before.... it's a lot of materials that i need to know. your Aqwarium look great!
Slawomir Tecza
Slawomir Tecza - 14 years ago
how much you paid for everything?
slytrix1 - 14 years ago
sweet ass video man! looks amazing!! are those LED moonlights??
shadymf11364 - 14 years ago
very nice tank
SHITtina666 - 15 years ago
is the star fish safe to keep in there ?
Stephen Colangelo
Stephen Colangelo - 15 years ago
i heard from my LFS that you don't need a skimmer for such a small tank, is this true? also, my 2 fans on my nano cube are dead. any idea where i can buy new ones?
Stephen Colangelo
Stephen Colangelo - 15 years ago
wow, what a gorgeous tank, i wish i could setup mine like that!
demonhordelock7 - 15 years ago
hi, i have a nano 12 gallon jbj and i would like to add it a skimmer what do you advice me for it, which one are you using on this clip ?
mrperryguitar - 15 years ago
are you using a filter or just live rocks to filter?
MRcraZZy560 - 15 years ago
nice tank
aquariumlover1 - 15 years ago
Really? I have more in mine. But I suppose your fish are a bit larger. And you have more corals. But who needs more fish when your tank looks like that! It's beautiful.
vivalajerry - 15 years ago
did your skimmer just slide in or did you need to modify the compartment
aquariumlover1 - 15 years ago
Fantastic tank! I love the structure! Have you ever considered getting your clownfish a mate?
Lewis Jacobs
Lewis Jacobs - 15 years ago
@paolo333333 great tank! ive just got an interpet river reef 94 ltr, its pretty much the same setup as yours with the media in the back, any tips on the midia i should use? like sponge, bio balls / noodles, rowa phos carbon, and any prefrence on what chamber to but the skimmer in?
derp herp
derp herp - 15 years ago
how do you know when your cycle is done? is the water supposed to get all green?
Nick Granitzski
Nick Granitzski - 15 years ago
I am thinking about starting a nano reef and I have a couple of questions. Are you using stock ligthting and has it been working good? Also how many times a week or weeks should you be testing the tank and what for? Anyways nice vid and beautiful tank!!!
TheBuck590 - 15 years ago
I really like your tank! and it has it inspired me to carry on with mine after a lot of negative comments that it would not work as a Marie set up. I started my tank in April it is a 12 gallon nano and I have live rock, two clown fish, one fire shrimp, one zebra hermit crab and one blue hermit crab they have all been very happy since may. Anyway I have joined this site so I could ask you how your bubble tip is doing in your tank, I am thinking about getting one but have been told it wont live.
Patricia Gross
Patricia Gross - 15 years ago
I bought a green torch frag yesterday. The water is now stabilized. How long does it take to open?
koaihet31 - 15 years ago
i really like your tank. i would like to know how long did it take your clownfish to adopt that bubble tip anemone? is that an ocellaris clownfish?
Cameron Moore
Cameron Moore - 15 years ago
Oh cool.
Cameron Moore
Cameron Moore - 15 years ago
Holy jesus. Yeah I think they look so awesome. Maybe when I get out of being a student I might invest, really seems to liven up a room. The growth rate (looking at your other videos) is crazy though, how can you contain it? Can you cut things back like plants or...?
Cameron Moore
Cameron Moore - 15 years ago
How much did this cost you? I heard it's insanely expensive. I looked into it a couple years back but was put off by the like every other day maintenance, difficulty with getting the water right and the cost.
panmod - 15 years ago
beautiful setup. what lighting do you use? i know it's probably 48W, but is it straight 10,000K, or are you using a 50/50 mix with actinic blue?
guillotinecommander - 15 years ago
That sure is a pretty tank. That clown fish likes to hide dont he? I was wondering how hard it is to set one of these up? I was thinking about getting my wife one for Christmas.
jontan11 - 15 years ago
Great tank. I have the JBJ 24 Gallon, and am having a real difficult time getting the wires/tubes through the opening of the hood. Any suggestions? Attempting to fit the heater, powerhead, and skimmer cord and air line is impossible. Did you mod your tank? Thanks.
William Levantovsky
William Levantovsky - 15 years ago
Perfect! thanks so much and i hope to show you a video of my tank once its stocked and i come back from vacation :)
William Levantovsky
William Levantovsky - 15 years ago
thanks so much! and i see that you moved the pad to the second chamber and squeezed that rest into the third? does that work? because i bought that protein skimmer after seeing your tank and i was wondering if you had any suggestions? thanks!
William Levantovsky
William Levantovsky - 15 years ago
i have the same tank as you and i was wondering what kind of protein skimmer that is because your setup looks perfect! thanks so much! greatly appreciated.
Jeff Mcmurtry
Jeff Mcmurtry - 15 years ago
wow man thats a very nice set up can you give me any pointers sence it looks like you know what your doing thanks alot. i just started my nano cube. just click on my name it will take you to my page, ty agin
hen750rr - 15 years ago
yeah so i bought the surface skimmmer to control the back flow, 16 dollars( shipping) sucks!!, well at least now i can add my biocube skimmer. have u been gettting algaess yet? seems like ur tank hasnt been fuly cycled. im now getting rid of all my algaes. finnaly cycled.. starting to get purp algae on my walls
hen750rr - 15 years ago
oo i didnt get the surface skimmer caus ei got the tank used. so ursaying that the surface skimmer willcontrol the water level in the back filter? ur tanks nice by the way. i will post my fish tank later on
hen750rr - 15 years ago
hmm the watter level in my filter is the same as the outter side tank.
hen750rr - 15 years ago
hey i have a jbj tank tank and i recently got a ocean protein skimmer like urs. but mine keeps over flooding. i put it in the exact spot as urs/ whjats wrong with mine. does it have to break in?
Nicholas Cota
Nicholas Cota - 15 years ago
Hey excellent tank man. liking the corals a lot keep up the good work. Check out Mine sometime
TKP316 - 15 years ago
I love it when people overpack their tanks, good job!
allmc23 - 15 years ago
The tank is looking nice just to be 5 weeks old. GREAT JOB!!!! 1 ? , I was thinking of starting some corals in my 30 gal SW tank , check my tank out and recommend some corals for me when you can.

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