This's a first video 11/01/2014 Light : AI Hydra *3

LPS SALTWATER TANK REEF AQUARIUM sentiment_very_dissatisfied 65

Reef tank 10 years ago 286,961 views

This's a first video 11/01/2014 Light : AI Hydra *3

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Most popular comments

TITI lyon
TITI lyon - 7 years ago
TITI lyon
TITI lyon - 7 years ago
C plus 4k
C 900 k avec filtres sal connard
TITI lyon
TITI lyon - 7 years ago
Ca va tu t fs plaisir sur le contraste???
Abbruti dimbecile heueux
Superman84 B
Superman84 B - 7 years ago
Wow! one of the most beautiful reef tank.
culto chris
culto chris - 7 years ago
Really ?
DuleProductions - 7 years ago
Can anyone please tell me which fish is in the left up corner at 0:39 ?
April Cassell
April Cassell - 7 years ago
Twin spot wrasse I believe.You can see it better from the side at 0:58
fondoo - 7 years ago
C Ben
C Ben - 7 years ago
that looks so dope
Non Average- Reefer
Non Average- Reefer - 7 years ago
Awesome dude


GD_Sunrise - 7 years ago
The fish must think they are back in the wild like jesus
sam grat
sam grat - 7 years ago
Wahou, avec quoi éclairs-tu ton bac, le rendu des couleurs est magnifique !
Steve Gilbert
Steve Gilbert - 7 years ago
you have a lots of bacteria greedies wetsand the bacteria to have tham like that cos that reef is so!!!!! healthy pretty beautiful and right thay growing like the real Reef a post to be cos that is so right
Steve Gilbert
Steve Gilbert - 7 years ago
cos that say Reef beautiful tropicalis that damn good the really really take care of them the perfect so yours is getting really good perfect just like a reef post to be
Steve Gilbert
Steve Gilbert - 7 years ago
cos that say Reef beautiful tropicalis that damn good the really really take care of them the perfect
Steve Gilbert
Steve Gilbert - 7 years ago
love your reef Aquarium and the reef the reef is so!!!!!! beautiful pretty and perfect the colors right everything you got a nice no the bat reef in Aquarium ever soo!!!!!! perfect you got tham all healthy and way to pose to get rid of should be
NW Marine62
NW Marine62 - 7 years ago
beautiful tank. How large is your tank?
Jupiter Eye
Jupiter Eye - 7 years ago
How much did this cost??
Jose Davila
Jose Davila - 7 years ago
Wow tank looks great but please fix the color when you edit. Hurts the eyes
John Labunski
John Labunski - 7 years ago
Great tank. Can you explain your filtration system please.


mytube92369 - 7 years ago
Omg what an incredible reef,so colorful and expensive.
Tj Smith
Tj Smith - 7 years ago
video has been played with
Isbel April
Isbel April - 8 years ago
wow, this looks amazing!
Daniel García
Daniel García - 8 years ago
Can you make another video ? hopefully like a 10min video?
Arthur G
Arthur G - 8 years ago
Holy crap, look at those colors!
1royalwolf - 8 years ago
Wow. Absolutely stunning. Looks like a packet of skittles. The colours are just amazing
Maelys D'Msp
Maelys D'Msp - 8 years ago
joe somone
joe somone - 8 years ago
i wouldn't change a thing... this tanks color really grabs your eye. I bet everyone that comes over to your house just stands there looking at it for 10 min.
Kimlisha Nizna
Kimlisha Nizna - 8 years ago
Wow whats your secret this is my where iam trying to be but i keep battling this dam ick ughh
luciano ramos
luciano ramos - 8 years ago
one of the best I have seen


Socal Sean
Socal Sean - 8 years ago
COCO PEÑA - 8 years ago
Great!!! dimension of your tnak pls!!!
Nissanka Hettiarachchige
Nissanka Hettiarachchige - 8 years ago
I wanna tell you man this is the most beautiful vibrant saltwater aquarium I saw in the YouTube. .. Thanks for uploading.
anfearspuinse - 8 years ago
Wow this is really beautiful! How are the colours all so vivid? I've never seen corals like this before
Jon Wallace
Jon Wallace - 8 years ago
nothing more than ruining what is already a nice tank with over saturation.
Deredin - 8 years ago
lol right? I hate seeing stuff like this and than new hobbyists expecting their tanks to look similar. I'm ok with a little photo correction but to anyone who has ever had a reef this is beyond over saturated.
roy yakovchuk
roy yakovchuk - 8 years ago
He boosts the saturation in a video editing program.
Shin's Fish and reptiles
Shin's Fish and reptiles - 8 years ago
My go to eye candy now, to beutiful!
RM Aquatics
RM Aquatics - 8 years ago
gorgeous such a shame the intense over saturation ruins it
Chris Kociolek
Chris Kociolek - 8 years ago
I think I need to change my pants. wow
Majihira Aquarista
Majihira Aquarista - 8 years ago
I love your tank.
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
Nicest aquarium on YouTube good job
FishOfHex - 8 years ago
Very nice thanks for sharing
marcotattoo - 8 years ago
OPSBOYS - 8 years ago
please subscribe to me
easonguerreiro  Pinhi12345678ED
easonguerreiro Pinhi12345678ED - 8 years ago
easonguerreiro BAHIA @gmail com
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 8 years ago
what is up with the music???
allthewayup 618
allthewayup 618 - 8 years ago
what type of lighting is this?
Steve Schollmeier
Steve Schollmeier - 8 years ago
beautiful reef tank - very inspirational!
fabio castilho
fabio castilho - 8 years ago
very beautiful. Which the name of the corals ?
shaun eaton
shaun eaton - 8 years ago
amazing beautiful tank!
Mitsos Mux
Mitsos Mux - 8 years ago
oversaturated but beautifull
eatspaste - 8 years ago
If you are missing any glow-sticks or highlighters around the house, I think I know where you left them.
It's a great tank, I'd love to see it without gratuitous post processing . . .
Bryan Fewell
Bryan Fewell - 8 years ago
+eatspaste Agreed. The saturation is pumped up so much that I cant even really appreciate it.


musiccasserole - 9 years ago
what kind of filtration are you running?
marius sulla
marius sulla - 9 years ago
zeovit ?
Nikki Huse
Nikki Huse - 9 years ago
m n h b Cyu
Reefphreak - 9 years ago
Nice tank. A little overexposed on the video but looks great!
chao fang
chao fang - 9 years ago
whats the name of the  coral at the 0:16 sec. thanks !!
rajowana zalal
rajowana zalal - 7 years ago
It's a torch coral
ChupakabraKing - 9 years ago
Your tank is soooo beautiful !
Nick Scott
Nick Scott - 9 years ago
duuude... color.
datauk64 - 9 years ago
this  tank is most beautiful thing i evver seen
Jeremiah Belen
Jeremiah Belen - 9 years ago
Amazing!!!!! Inspired!!!
915Mang - 9 years ago
Colors are popping, Gel Filter?
Fernando Folador
Fernando Folador - 9 years ago
Hello. You have a very beautiful and colorful tank. Congrats. I would like to know. Whitvh kind of lighrs are you using in this tank?
ibi nyth
ibi nyth - 9 years ago
What size tank?
Menibor1 - 9 years ago
What kind of lights are you using...did u enhance the video in any way?
jameshutch1000 - 9 years ago
No worries they are nice
hydra lights
jameshutch1000 - 9 years ago
Beautiful tank. Could you tell me what lights you are running on this tank?
Nic Chauvin
Nic Chauvin - 9 years ago
This is a really awesome and unique tank!  I clicked on the link thinking that everything was fake, because I've never seen color like that before!
Irshk4fun - 9 years ago
Nice tank but the camera effects ruin it. Nice tank though...
Anthony H
Anthony H - 9 years ago
Despite what the others may say to put your tank down, this is the MOST AMAZING TANK that I have ever seen on YouTube. I don't care if you fiddled with the video saturation levels to bring the color up; you would have had to have something amazing to color in the first place. Your corals look wonderfully healthy and happy (especially the scolymia / recordea).
Well done!
gary roseborough
gary roseborough - 9 years ago
I really don't understand how someone could give this video a thumbs down!!!
Beautiful tank and specimens.  A complete ecosystem with amazing COLOR.
I wish I could give it 2 thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damien Brafford
Damien Brafford - 7 years ago
Because it’s not it’s true colors lol
Hector Cruz
Hector Cruz - 9 years ago
Beautiful tank I would love to see it in a blue neon lighting
guitarman10000005 - 9 years ago
Wow , amazing tank
Adit Sharma
Adit Sharma - 9 years ago
What corals do you have there (specific species)?
19ua05 GS
19ua05 GS - 9 years ago
pink anemon
Nellie Tonev
Nellie Tonev - 9 years ago
+Adit Sharma 125 is still really big, but I can see how getting all those coral and fish gets really expensive. Anyway, have fun with your aquarium.
Adit Sharma
Adit Sharma - 9 years ago
+Nellie Tonev Well, it'll be awhile. I find myself lacking any disposable income, or any income for that matter. I'll take it slow. Maybe another 6 months, but I'll send pics of progress. I wish I could go bigger and get a 240. Ah well:(
Nellie Tonev
Nellie Tonev - 9 years ago
oh then when you finish it
Nellie Tonev
Nellie Tonev - 9 years ago
Oh wow 125 gallons is a lot.
Send me a picture, I wanna see how it turns out.
Adit Sharma
Adit Sharma - 9 years ago
+Adit Sharma Of course it'll take a few months before I put anything in it, but Im still planning. This is my inspiration.
Adit Sharma
Adit Sharma - 9 years ago
Yeah, I'm getting a 125 gallon tank tomorrow, and I'm thinking of doing something like this.
Nellie Tonev
Nellie Tonev - 9 years ago
Wow you really do love coral +Adit Sharma
TheAirborne65 - 9 years ago
Some amazing colors going on!
Tim Stone
Tim Stone - 9 years ago
holy photoshop saturation
ajcanale - 9 years ago
HAH jacked up exposure/vibrance/color filter... but absolutely beautiful tank and inhabitants!!!
Nia Canady
Nia Canady - 9 years ago
It is so colorful and I wish my tank looked just like that in every way
VascoFL - 9 years ago
Extremely colorful, but doesn't look natural. Maybe less would be more? 
Michelle Seath
Michelle Seath - 9 years ago
So beautiful!! 3
kvidark - 9 years ago
Woho !!!
cancelrobert - 9 years ago
that is one nice setup
Rhian Forrest
Rhian Forrest - 9 years ago
Wow great tank, you have some very large aggressive corals, how do you combat them stinging soft corals? you have them a lot closer than I could manage in my tank.
Sergio Montes
Sergio Montes - 9 years ago
What is the curly looking corals in the right side called? the ones @ 1:15
Cherrelle - 9 years ago
Hi, do you have a forum page with the details of this tank? I remember looking at it last year but I can't find the link.
Duke Sweden
Duke Sweden - 9 years ago
It really wasn't necessary to boost color saturation that much. Those of us who know reef tanks know they' re just about that colorful naturally. Other than that, gorgeous tank.
Oleron video
Oleron video - 9 years ago
Waah !!!!!!!!c'est trop beau!!!:-)
Layla M
Layla M - 9 years ago
Joe Scrivens
Joe Scrivens - 9 years ago
I wonder what the rock scape looked like before hand
Joe Scrivens
Joe Scrivens - 9 years ago
Grady Bamill
Grady Bamill - 9 years ago
Super sweet, thank you! Would you consider placing the camera on a tripod, get a nice wide shot, and just letting the camera roll for about 10 minutes....so we can see the natural interactions in the tank. If possible, in another video, tell us about the physical aspects of your tank; the equipment, the stand, the sump, the plumbing, dosing etc. Thanks again.
Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson - 9 years ago
youngwolf YT
youngwolf YT - 9 years ago
very colorful reef tank
Andreas Chryseliou
Andreas Chryseliou - 9 years ago
Good god... It's like someone threw up after Alco-pops...
Karl Jemmott
Karl Jemmott - 9 years ago
What a beautiful tank! What lighting are you using? Those talbot damsels are amazing i had a trio
ToastedWalnut - 9 years ago
Back away from the saturation slider...
TheBMH28 - 9 years ago
Ooo dear way to over edited, ruined the video
tri morey
tri morey - 9 years ago
Wrong place for that. We don't like people with nothing to offer but a nasty comment in this hobby.
Greg Zellner
Greg Zellner - 9 years ago
Salty Steve
Salty Steve - 9 years ago
Wow awesome tank
J.K.Y. JOKE KING YOUTUBERS - 9 years ago
Very pretty tank!!!
Kevin Blainey
Kevin Blainey - 9 years ago
Mushrooms are amazing
Abs Godwin
Abs Godwin - 10 years ago
Alien world!
Abs Godwin
Abs Godwin - 10 years ago
what are the life spans of these corals? are the constantly renewing them self to live a long life?
Bryant Murden
Bryant Murden - 10 years ago
best looking tank i have ever seen


Daniel Mancini
Daniel Mancini - 10 years ago
The colors are fantastic, I need to know what kind of lights you have over that tank?
Joe Scrivens
Joe Scrivens - 10 years ago
Joe Scrivens
Joe Scrivens - 10 years ago
mesmerizing tentacles lol the colors really pop! what kind of lighting? LED?
Chris Crawford
Chris Crawford - 10 years ago
Very nice, how long did it take to get it to look like that ?
Martins Reef
Martins Reef - 10 years ago
The Tank would probably be stunning if the video wasn't so over saturated 
scimmiardo - 10 years ago
Wow! Amazing!
How many gallons?
Element Customs
Element Customs - 10 years ago
Colours are amazing
Kenshin Himura
Kenshin Himura - 10 years ago
so much red light....
ThomasVisionReef - 10 years ago
beautiful tank
ThomasVisionReef - 10 years ago
My Tank Build videos air every Thursday so we are currently on Episode 7 which I released on Thanksgiving day yesterday (Thursday).
lawson hall
lawson hall - 10 years ago
thomas whens the next tank update
Pikubird Ok
Pikubird Ok - 10 years ago
most beautiful reef ive ever seen around. congrats
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank
Benny Castillo Moreno my small fish tank - 10 years ago
Cool tank
murat kahraman
murat kahraman - 10 years ago
Simon Johnson
Simon Johnson - 10 years ago
what settings do you use on your hydras?
Simon Johnson
Simon Johnson - 10 years ago
nevermind - just read down the thread - stunning tank!!!
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith - 10 years ago
My settings that is (I only have my blues up to 62)
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith - 10 years ago
How high above your tank is your hydra? Your settings are higher than most people recommend but I am thinking my corals want more light and mine are a little less than yours.
Ty - 10 years ago
OMG so perfect :3
Puff Daddy Reef
Puff Daddy Reef - 10 years ago
Awesome tank!
Murphy Jones
Murphy Jones - 10 years ago
JM DF - 10 years ago
WOW , simple amazing . 

Nice work ! 
Will Mock
Will Mock - 10 years ago
My eyes just had orgasms
Juan Encinas
Juan Encinas - 10 years ago
Any gallons is this aquarium?
yazeed altall
yazeed altall - 10 years ago
great tank
i read that soft coral will be starving if your protein skimmer is bigger than your tank need,
is that right!
Brian Kreller
Brian Kreller - 10 years ago
Took the class,
very easy to do with the right equipment
courtney F
courtney F - 10 years ago
Wow it's so beautiful with the bright colors
สิริพร เวชประเสริฐ
สิริพร เวชประเสริฐ - 10 years ago
Chris boadi
Chris boadi - 10 years ago
do you hand feed most of your corals
Joey Pellicone
Joey Pellicone - 10 years ago
Hey! great tank!  would you please give me your hydra settings?
Joey Pellicone
Joey Pellicone - 10 years ago
Thanks so much.
lAlunz Chairoek
lAlunz Chairoek - 10 years ago
yes of course !!
this's my light setting .

- W 45
- V 85
- R 25
- G 25
- B 80
- DB 95
- UV 82
Tyler Mikos
Tyler Mikos - 10 years ago
WOW, those colors are almost unbelievable! how do you do it? Lighting isn't everything, and with those healthy colors on your montis its more than lighting to keep them looking so good. Are using amino acids or Zeovit/korallen products on your tank?
Peter Frans
Peter Frans - 10 years ago
+Paandemonium A little too overdone in the saturation settings lol
Paandemonium - 10 years ago
its called the camera settings lol
Brotbaumfenstertisch - 10 years ago
saturation ftw :D my eyes got cancer. but nice corals
neker rivera
neker rivera - 10 years ago
wooow, I'm speechless.
Anthony Warfield
Anthony Warfield - 10 years ago
It hasnt been the 11month yet
ROBBIE WILLIAMS - 10 years ago
cracking tank, u not get any issues corals stingig their close neighbours ?, i lost a stunning red tracky to a lobbo the other day that accidently fell into it
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith - 10 years ago
First off your tank is awesome. Its like finding nemo mated with superman ice cream.

Secondly, is there anyway you could post the settings you run your hydra and approx how high above the tank is? I would greatly appreciate, thank you
gabie celestaee
gabie celestaee - 10 years ago
Wow..... BEAUTIFUL!!! Subscribing this
gabie celestaee
gabie celestaee - 10 years ago
Pretty fish cries nice song too rainbow fish.... Huuu.. Cries happiness :")
Austin Davis
Austin Davis - 10 years ago
wtf is the swirly thing on the right side of your tank ive never seen it before or such a colorful tank either props 
Bennie van der Merwe
Bennie van der Merwe - 10 years ago
Wow wow you have a great talent for reefing keep on and thanks for sharing.
lAlunz Chairoek
lAlunz Chairoek - 10 years ago
This's my salt aquarium ;)
MR B - 7 years ago
Your aquarium is one of the most beatiful i ve ever seen, it is so beatiful i can't even describe it.... so colorful
Joey Butswinkas
Joey Butswinkas - 9 years ago
+Ben Riley that's a Rainbow Trachyphyllia great hardy LPS coral
Ben Riley
Ben Riley - 9 years ago
+lAlunz Chairoek whats the name of the pink and blue coral at the 0:42 sec mark???
Willy d. aquatics
Willy d. aquatics - 10 years ago
Awsome color.....what's your filtration?
KALZONE850 - 10 years ago
great work producing the vid
mrpmj00 - 10 years ago
wow. what a beautiful range of colors.
GENISIS1TWENTYONE - 10 years ago
The colors in this reef are amazing!
Reefer Madniss
Reefer Madniss - 10 years ago
That is the most colorful reef I've ever seen....congrats
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 10 years ago
Wow beautiful
What kind of lights are u using ?
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 8 years ago
lAlunz Chairoek
lAlunz Chairoek - 10 years ago
i use LED Ai Hydra x 3 
MarineCritters - 10 years ago

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