Marine Depot Featured Tank: Matt's Fully Loaded 300 Gallon Mixed Reef

In this episode, we take a close look at a 300 gallon mixed reef aquarium with one of the most impressive and diverse population of fish we have ever seen in a home aquarium. The owner is a self-proclaimed fish collector named Matt from Manhattan Beach, CA. We were lucky enough to visit Matt's home and film his vast collection of fish and see how he keeps the tank's bioload in check and still manages to keep a variety of healthy corals. You can check out all of the equipment, get a full list of animals and see how Matt has such great success by visiting his Featured Tank profile of our website: If you would like to have your aquarium featured on our website and in a future Marine Depot video, please contact us! We'd love to hear from you: If you are looking for links to buy some of the cool aquarium equipment Matt uses—like the EcoTech Marine Radion XR30w Pro, VorTech MP10 & MP40, Maxspect Gyre XF150, Kessil A360, Korallin BioDenitrator, Seachem Matrix, Neptune Systems Apex AquaController and AquaMaxx Media Reactor—you can find them all here: If you would like to read a written transcript of this video, head over to the Marine Depot Blog:

Marine Depot Featured Tank: Matt's Fully Loaded 300 Gallon Mixed Reef sentiment_very_dissatisfied 25

Reef tank 9 years ago 131,731 views

In this episode, we take a close look at a 300 gallon mixed reef aquarium with one of the most impressive and diverse population of fish we have ever seen in a home aquarium. The owner is a self-proclaimed fish collector named Matt from Manhattan Beach, CA. We were lucky enough to visit Matt's home and film his vast collection of fish and see how he keeps the tank's bioload in check and still manages to keep a variety of healthy corals. You can check out all of the equipment, get a full list of animals and see how Matt has such great success by visiting his Featured Tank profile of our website: If you would like to have your aquarium featured on our website and in a future Marine Depot video, please contact us! We'd love to hear from you: If you are looking for links to buy some of the cool aquarium equipment Matt uses—like the EcoTech Marine Radion XR30w Pro, VorTech MP10 & MP40, Maxspect Gyre XF150, Kessil A360, Korallin BioDenitrator, Seachem Matrix, Neptune Systems Apex AquaController and AquaMaxx Media Reactor—you can find them all here: If you would like to read a written transcript of this video, head over to the Marine Depot Blog:

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Most popular comments
for Marine Depot Featured Tank: Matt's Fully Loaded 300 Gallon Mixed Reef

Jairo Arguijo
Jairo Arguijo - 7 years ago
Do you know what type of tank is the small one with the curved front pane?
Jairo Arguijo
Jairo Arguijo - 7 years ago
Thank you! Your answer was really helpful(no sarcasm) my searching has ended and I appreciate you taking time to answer back.
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
That is a custom aquarium that is not readily available.
Rusty shackleford
Rusty shackleford - 7 years ago
Wow but how can I ever buy that ?? My wife even if we had the money would leave me . On other hand lol
Nate Kenny
Nate Kenny - 7 years ago
It's an amazing and expensive setup and props to him for keeping his tank looking so beautiful.
With that said, it's overstocked.
With at least 48 fish in there, there are well over 300 inches of fish, and that's not even taking into account that there's far less than 300 gallons of water in the main tank with all the rock. I know the inch per fish rule isn't the ultimate rule. But at least 350 inches of fish in roughly 230 gallons is pushing the stocking limits in my opinion. That's not including including any inverts either, just the actual fish. Even if you can control the bio load, I'm simply talking in the fish's terms.
Once again, truly amazing aquarium, a little overstocked.
João Leão
João Leão - 7 years ago
Enable legend in the video
Robert Rainey
Robert Rainey - 7 years ago
Beautiful, what kind of Parrotfish is that in center of screen that @ 0:58 ?
marshall poling
marshall poling - 7 years ago
What are the dimensions of the aquarium?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
You can check out all the tank details in our Blog Post linked below!
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 7 years ago
Not sure about the all the lights strewn on top, however, very formidable show piece, indeed. I can relate and appreciate-the wire mess- most of us have this with limited space! Wires suck!
Melody Dawson
Melody Dawson - 7 years ago
the guy looks like Lee Evans
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 7 years ago
A sump from hell !! Overkill!

10. comment for Marine Depot Featured Tank: Matt's Fully Loaded 300 Gallon Mixed Reef

Shantanu Mathur
Shantanu Mathur - 7 years ago
WOW!!! Matt awesome setups !!
charbokful - 7 years ago
when someones sump is better stocked than your display tank...
tyler biltjinitis
tyler biltjinitis - 7 years ago
how much does that way
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
LeeROBD - 7 years ago
i couldnt even imagine how much money he spent...
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
You can check out the full list of equipment and livestock via the blog post below!
CUBAN REEFER - 7 years ago
Love it , what display of fish and corals
Love that your background music is perfectly located in the video
Keep it up
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 7 years ago
Kevin Francis
Kevin Francis - 7 years ago
Beautiful tanks...looks really great...
tommy - 8 years ago
Fucking hell.... That is insane... I have to admire your dedication!
Lawrence - 8 years ago
love the tank!
Reef Keeper
Reef Keeper - 8 years ago
Very nice looking tank but almost $5,000 in lighting??  If it was me, I would go with 3 x 250 watt metal halide with T5 HO for about $1,000 and still had amazing results.  Just my 2 cents.
Lovebetta - 8 years ago

20. comment for Marine Depot Featured Tank: Matt's Fully Loaded 300 Gallon Mixed Reef

Man Cave Reef
Man Cave Reef - 8 years ago
Scott Colton
Scott Colton - 8 years ago
I have a similar reef. What does Matt feed his fish and how often?
Scott Colton
Scott Colton - 8 years ago
Thank you!
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
Scott Colton
Scott Colton - 8 years ago
How do you keep the crosshatch trigger pair from going after the smaller fish? I have a pair in my tank and they have started to go after all my wrasses and clowns.
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
The tank size is suitable for a pair of Trigger fish but this depends on how many other fish you have. Aggression can be worse in heavily stocked aquariums. Crosshatch Triggers are pretty mild compared to other Triggerfish based on my experience, but of course every fish is different. You can try isolating the trigger fish with an isolation chamber but most likely the Triggerfish are seeing the smaller companions as food and not friends which will definitely be an uphill battle.

-Robert @ MD
Scott Colton
Scott Colton - 8 years ago
I have a 265 Gallon tank. Does it need to be bigger? I am going to rearrange the rock work tonight and see if that helps. Any other suggestions besides feeding them a lot?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
That is tough one, it is hard to suppress this type of aggression without getting a bigger tank or isolating the problem fish. Start with keeping them well fed and ensure your smaller fish have plenty of places to hide in the rock work.
Daniel James Harris
Daniel James Harris - 8 years ago
wow man just wow!!
Daniel James Harris
Daniel James Harris - 8 years ago
Your welcome!! thanks for filming such great tanks!!
Daniel James Harris
Daniel James Harris - 8 years ago
Your welcome!! thanks for filming such great tanks!!
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
I thought the same thing walking into this living room to film the tank. Thanks for watching!

-Robert @ MD
Dwain Morgan
Dwain Morgan - 8 years ago
A dream tank! Matt obviously has some deep pockets as well.
B&W tegu
B&W tegu - 8 years ago
But over stocked dont you think??
Javi's reef
Javi's reef - 8 years ago
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
I thought the same thing. He actually employs quite a few different filtration methods to keep the nitrates in check. Take a look at the link below to check out all of his equipment!
World Reef Tank
World Reef Tank - 8 years ago
Nice work I have a Red Sea reefer 450 that is 7 months old now and am enjoying it! I have voice commands to turn on and off devices on the tank!!
Marcus Lao
Marcus Lao - 8 years ago
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
Thanks for watching!
lickswingers. com
lickswingers. com - 8 years ago
That tank is amazing although those electrics look a time bomb waiting to happen. Well done on tank it's amazing
Rush - 8 years ago
(0:36) hehe, I know that song....

Must be a stock-music favorite for all the fish-keepers, eh?

30. comment for Marine Depot Featured Tank: Matt's Fully Loaded 300 Gallon Mixed Reef

ferdinand berezkin
ferdinand berezkin - 8 years ago
Забавный говорун))))
De'Mario's Reef aquarium
De'Mario's Reef aquarium - 8 years ago
Thank you so much on assisting me with great reefing tips and advise of my setups and products associated with maintaining a healthy reef environment .
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 8 years ago
+Mario Valmon Thank you for watching our videos and we are glad to have helped!
De'Mario's Reef aquarium
De'Mario's Reef aquarium - 9 years ago
I need some advise on my phosbane reactor 150.which i decided to run hyrdro carbon 2. What should be my GPH .presently using a 100 GPH that sufficient or should i go higher with the flow.
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Mario Valmon I would stick with any one of the supplements made specifically for aquariums. A variety of homemade supplementation methods have been reported successful but personally I prefer sticking with supplements that are tested and manufactured buy a trusted aquarium company. I supplement magnesium using my calcium reactor and Brightwell Neo-Mag. For a liquid supplement, the Kent Marine and E.S.V. are both great choices.
De'Mario's Reef aquarium
De'Mario's Reef aquarium - 9 years ago
Also i seen videos on here whete reefere be mixing empson salt and hexahydrate as a magnesuim sumplement . will that actaully work and if so what is the actaull mixture in terms of spoonfulls per gallon. Or should i stick with using the kent magnesium. I have heard that mixture can cause hydrochloride to build up inside the tank which is fatal.
De'Mario's Reef aquarium
De'Mario's Reef aquarium - 9 years ago
Great will maintain the slow flow rate then as per your expertise advice . the top layer is tumbling real slow. Thanks for your swift response.
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Mario Valmon 100 GPH should suffice for carbon. If carbon tumbles too much it will break down and get released into your tank. So if it is not running inside a media bag, very slow flow is ideal.
wilsocn - 9 years ago
This is really beautiful. A true labor of love.
De'Mario's Reef aquarium
De'Mario's Reef aquarium - 9 years ago
awesome tank.I have a 20 gallon long setup with a ten gallon sump.Also have a 90 gallon reef only with fish only,with two large janitor goobies that are constantly digging up my sand and collapsing my Aquascape.what do you recommend I do.And what time of corals can I place in my 20 gallon long as a starter so I can get more knowledge and keeping corals.And what time of inverts is recommended.
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Mario Valmon As for the Sand Sifting Gobies, I would just recommend placing your rocks directly on the bottom of the tank and fill sand around the rocks. This way they wont shift as much if the Gobies burrow around them.

For beginner corals, I recommend mushrooms, leathers, and zoanthids. These soft corals are generally easy to keep and will look great in your aquarium. A good clean up crew will benefit your reef tank and I like Trochus and Nassarius Snails along with a few Hermit Crabs. Stay away from aggressive/non reef safe shrimp and crabs (Arrow Crab, Camel Shrimp, Teddy Bear Crab, Emerald Crab, Etc.) they can be a real nightmare.
RYAN F - 9 years ago
... .. the fish call the tank below the stand the champagne room..XD
Sean McCarthy
Sean McCarthy - 9 years ago
Do you have any information on the lights? I would love auto lights like this!!!
Sean McCarthy
Sean McCarthy - 9 years ago
+Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies Thanks, I will have to look into this, maybe like a car door... Automated... humm I love it either way :) 
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Sean McCarthy Yes, the light rack and lift were a custom installation by the owner. I do not have many specifics about the exact mechanics but I do remember him mentioning the use of rails commonly found on dresser drawers and cabinets along with a hydraulic lift.
Sean McCarthy
Sean McCarthy - 9 years ago
Thanks for this information. What about the hydraulics are these custom made?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Sean McCarthy At the time of the video, Matt was using the Kessil A360W lighs and the EcoTech Radion lights. I provided links below for you to check them out on our website.
Asma SHAHID - 9 years ago
how much this cost u
Loveland Fish Sales
Loveland Fish Sales - 9 years ago
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Loveland Fish Sales Thanks for watching!
Marc Libert
Marc Libert - 9 years ago
Matt, beautiful tank! What max intensity do you run your LEDs at? Do you have any shadowing problems with LEDs?
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Marc Libert Thanks for watching! We were lucky enough to film Matt's tank earlier this year and I am not sure he watches the comments on here but I will forward your question to him directly to see if he can let us know his maximum light intensity. With such a big tank I imagine he is running them well above 50% at the peak of his photoperiod.
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 9 years ago
I can tell you guys love hammers !
Aquapparel - 9 years ago
Wow! Everything looks very healthy! Well done. :-)
ScoopDogg1867 - 9 years ago
Don't you live in constant fear of tremors and earthquakes with tanks that nice, living in US, let alone a power cut. Luckily in UK we don't have to worry about quakes, although we have had a couple of small quakes in last 10 year.
Into The Reef Reef
Into The Reef Reef - 9 years ago
im so jealous...
Jeffrey Romero
Jeffrey Romero - 9 years ago
Show me the power bill.
Gabriel M.
Gabriel M. - 9 years ago
What was that peeking out of the sand at 3:03 ? Thank you :)
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+Gabriel M. That is a Garden Eel.
Prestige Reef
Prestige Reef - 9 years ago
mitian - 9 years ago
Wow this is amazing... thanks for sharing.
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
+mitian I have to agree, his tank was pretty impressive to film and document. I have never seen such a diverse population of fish inside a single aquarium. Thanks for watching!
iczerone2000 - 9 years ago
Wow! Nice tank!! And that Seahorse tank looks awesome!
Benjamin Bean
Benjamin Bean - 9 years ago
That's $4,650 just on lighting

50. comment for Marine Depot Featured Tank: Matt's Fully Loaded 300 Gallon Mixed Reef

Michael Van Oss
Michael Van Oss - 9 years ago
Wow!!! Your tanks are amazing... can't imagine the $ put into these tanks.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 9 years ago
Wow! Amazing tanks! I'm pretty happy with my nano reef tanks.
Quantum Aquatic
Quantum Aquatic - 9 years ago
I do not see how people like reef tanks
Lunarclyptic - 9 years ago
+rusty I suppose that might be part of the problem... Even being color blind though I'd imagine a reef tank would still be awesome to look at.
rusty - 9 years ago
You might be colourblind
Lunarclyptic - 9 years ago
Seriously? You must have a pretty negative outlook on life, as I can't see how anyone couldn't like a reef tank. Maybe they like them, but not the price and work that goes into it. But to simply just not like a reef tank? I'd assume that was completely impossible - what isn't there to like about the beauty of a reef tank...?
Jon Ward
Jon Ward - 9 years ago
Jen Faris
Jen Faris - 9 years ago
So beautiful
Ash - 9 years ago
my jaw just dropped just priceless system....
Hectorisking Hinojosa
Hectorisking Hinojosa - 9 years ago
That's a real REEF TANK! Very impressive systems.
Robert Parker
Robert Parker - 9 years ago
The light rack alone was impressive enough, i never thought about an outdoor filtration system. I could actually do it structure wise but it gets a little cold here in Pa. so i don't think it would last long outdoors in the winter months. Big thumbs up nice, very nice!
joe0813 - 9 years ago
Felix The Cat
Felix The Cat - 9 years ago
Nice tank  but > a lot of ozone 360mg. 
Jaime Fardonk
Jaime Fardonk - 9 years ago
WOW! Precioso. :)
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies
Marine Depot Aquarium Supplies - 9 years ago
This tank is jaw-dropping!
A Nav
A Nav - 7 years ago
kessil has great customer service they honor warranty and even sent me a silly mounting bracket for A160WE that is hard to find for free.
Really nice mixed reef!
jesse hernandez
jesse hernandez - 9 years ago
I met Dr. Matt a couple weeks ago. One of the most humble and down to earth reefers I have ever met. Great job MD in spotlighting his tanks.
Daniel Fernandes
Daniel Fernandes - 9 years ago
That tank is amazing wow
915Mang - 9 years ago
Wow, thats a cool system. Pretty inpressive filter system, thanks for sharing!
Kickingandshaving with Kojak
Kickingandshaving with Kojak - 9 years ago
what a tank 
Mark Sey
Mark Sey - 9 years ago
That 300 gallon tank is amazing! Wow

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