Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June 2017)

Video taken with Samsung S8 and a orange plastic filter infront of the lens. Below the tracks in no running order from the video. All music from this link 1) Mendum - Stay With Me (Krys Talk Remix) 2) Electro Light feat. Kathryn MacLean - The Edge 3) Umpire - Gravity (feat. Liz Kretschmer) 4) Vanze x Balco x Fransis Derelle - All I Need (feat. Brenton Mattheus)

Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June 2017) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Reef tank 7 years ago 20,856 views

Video taken with Samsung S8 and a orange plastic filter infront of the lens. Below the tracks in no running order from the video. All music from this link 1) Mendum - Stay With Me (Krys Talk Remix) 2) Electro Light feat. Kathryn MacLean - The Edge 3) Umpire - Gravity (feat. Liz Kretschmer) 4) Vanze x Balco x Fransis Derelle - All I Need (feat. Brenton Mattheus)

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Most popular comments
for Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June 2017)

AusReef Guy
AusReef Guy - 7 years ago
you truly deserve more attention on this channel .. your reef is truly one that stands out from the crowd it is simply stunning .. congratulations on achieving such an amazing tank .. i can see it took a lot of hard work etc .. subbed & notifications switched on cant wait to see more of your reef, simply amazing.
PsychoseZentrum - 7 years ago
Good evening, with what did you take the pictures?
PsychoseZentrum - 7 years ago
Good evening, with what did you take the pictures?
Neil Hodkinson
Neil Hodkinson - 7 years ago
Awesome video. Hat's off to you!
J Jmz
J Jmz - 7 years ago
This tank is so nice, i would drink this water in a cocktail
J Jmz
J Jmz - 7 years ago
I like that one, and that one, that one too, another one, i like all of them!!!
Robert Rainey
Robert Rainey - 7 years ago
Awesome tank. What is the song at beginning please?
Robert Rainey
Robert Rainey - 7 years ago
awesome taste in music, thanks :)
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thanx! i have now list the music on the video description.
BeachKing - 7 years ago
1. What lights/schedule are you using?
2. Maintenance schedule/Type of Salt?
11eneo - 7 years ago
center of tank AP700 and left/right sides black box leds. lighting schedule 9am to 12 midnight, only 12noon to 6pm 80% to 100% intensity at 14k to 16K spectram

10% WC weekly with redsea blue pail.
pelisraptor - 7 years ago
what lights do you use ?friend
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thank you... AP700 at center and black box led at the sides

10. comment for Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June 2017)

THE CORAL PROJECT - 7 years ago
11 eneo wonderful video, you have great taste in music as well, could you please tell me what song and artist was on the first song of the video? Thank you for sharing this video. You are doing a great job.
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thank you! :) i will list the music and link on my video description.
xM3THODx - 7 years ago
Camera saturation on high otherwise beautiful tank, yo!
Daniel James Harris
Daniel James Harris - 7 years ago
Hi, beautiful tank!! What do you dose? Where do you buy your acro from? Thanks
11eneo - 7 years ago
+Daniel James Harris thanks! The major 3 elements and trace elements. All hard corals are bought in Singapore.
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thanks for the sub! :)
Gary Montgomery
Gary Montgomery - 7 years ago
someone what's the name of this song PLEASE.
11eneo - 7 years ago
Below the tracks in no running order from the video. All music from this link

1) Mendum - Stay With Me (Krys Talk Remix)
2) Electro Light feat. Kathryn MacLean - The Edge
3) Umpire - Gravity (feat. Liz Kretschmer)
4) Vanze x Balco x Fransis Derelle - All I Need (feat. Brenton Mattheus)

Bryan Bullen
Bryan Bullen - 7 years ago
Amazing what are your settings on the blues to get this stunning pop Thanks
11eneo - 7 years ago
hi bryan, its a night shot and the blues i set is 14K to 18K temp.
Daniel H Jeffery
Daniel H Jeffery - 7 years ago

11eneo - 7 years ago
its from Australia. Im not sure of its name. My guess is either lemonade or rainbow but more to the former. Here is earlier picture of this colony (about 3 months old after purchase).
Daniel H Jeffery
Daniel H Jeffery - 7 years ago
what is this how do i get it
Fonseca Corals
Fonseca Corals - 7 years ago
Awesome tank!!
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thanks! :)
googIereallysucks - 7 years ago
I seen you said your no3 and po4 are zero. No issues with keeping them that low? What do you keep your alk at?
NEMO20G - 7 years ago
11eneo do you find this increased your colours using this??
SahinurUK - 7 years ago
11eneo which product you dose to increase nitrates? Thanks.
11eneo - 7 years ago
i also did said tat i dose NO3 once a week to keep it at 0.5ppm. I keep my dkh at 7.5 to 8
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank! Its like a black light party in there! :)
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thank you! :)

20. comment for Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June 2017)

Jeroro Mouse
Jeroro Mouse - 7 years ago
Awesome quality! May I ask what kind of dosing used? Zeovit,Triton or Aquaforest if any of these used and what other kind? Thanks
11eneo - 7 years ago
Hi Jeroro, i have used Triton and they are good. corals are very happy and colourful. But once the corals becomes bigger colonies, the dosing eventually increased and thus too high cost for me to maintain monthly of 2 sets of triton. i have no experience with zeovit or AF.
Now im back to regular WC with 2 part dosing using Seachem products.
Java02 - 7 years ago
do you get your sps locally, or from the states?
11eneo - 7 years ago
i get it locally. fortunately Singapore is near Fiji, Australia and Indonesia where corals are imported in.
Java02 - 7 years ago
TheShootsman - 7 years ago
Wow man your tank is gorgeous!!!!, I mean Ive got some good colours in my tank, but you are blinging in there!!!, ever sell any frags?, cause you'd make a killing with them beauties :), keep up the killer work, KISS method all the way, looking forward to more vids

Subbed.... :)
TheShootsman - 7 years ago
11eneo I'd buy some frags if you ever sold anymore, but I imagine you are across the world or a different country anyways:( , oh and KISS method is "KISS"- Keep It Simple Stupid, I live by this method, no crazy additives, dosing this and that, no sump, just water changes biweekly, bigger skimmer to pull a little more gunk out, good strong lighting and flow and the biggest thing two little fishes ACROPOWER, only thing I use :) or dose, but that doesn't matter what matters is your tank is stunning beyond belief, love it!!!!!!, Ive watched this vid many a times now:)
11eneo - 7 years ago
Geez...Thanks! yes, did sell frags from time to time but not in full scale. tats why some colonies (from 2 inches frags) are big now. What is KISS method?
Major League Reefer
Major League Reefer - 7 years ago
your tank is freaking amazing... I wish my tank would look like this one day.. I subscribed to your channel..
Kabin Shrestha
Kabin Shrestha - 7 years ago
awesome coral collection , are these from fantacy coral singapore
11eneo - 7 years ago
Kabin Shrestha yes those big tables were from FC 3yrs ago and latest frag is the 1inch SSC with super red tips.
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thank you. :)
Tha Bizness Reef Tank
Tha Bizness Reef Tank - 7 years ago
love the tank and colors!
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thank you. :)
weewtwet etwetwe
weewtwet etwetwe - 7 years ago
i want to buy some from u !!
11eneo - 7 years ago
Sorry dude... i cant export to you due to CITIES regulation.
weewtwet etwetwe
weewtwet etwetwe - 7 years ago
im in california, d
11eneo - 7 years ago
are you residing in SG?
Thanh Tran
Thanh Tran - 7 years ago
excellent reef display. one of the best I've seen this year. keep it up. How old is your tank?
11eneo - 7 years ago
its just basic setup. filter socks / marinepure media blocks / refugium / skimmer / frag tank / UV . total length of sump is 8 ft.
Thanh Tran
Thanh Tran - 7 years ago
Also could I ask you about your filtration setup. Eg. skimmer, reactors, refugium?
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thank you. Tank is now 1.5yrs old

30. comment for Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June 2017)

akhilennium - 7 years ago
whats the name of the acro at 4:57 ?
akhilennium - 7 years ago
11eneo subscribed
akhilennium - 7 years ago
11eneo awesome
11eneo - 7 years ago
its a Oz milliepora.
Freddy Delgado
Freddy Delgado - 7 years ago
Simply Phenomenal ! I'm speechless !!
11eneo - 7 years ago
Freddy Delgado thank you.
DC Reefer
DC Reefer - 7 years ago
Incredible one of the best SPS tanks I've seen. Are you dosing or running calcium reactor thanks for the beautiful tank
11eneo - 7 years ago
Im flattered by your compliment. :) Thank you.

Im doing 2 parts dosing method.
MAD DOGZ TV - 7 years ago
thumps up and subbed from me stunning tank..
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thank you for liking and sub. :)
Cesca's Reef
Cesca's Reef - 7 years ago
Beautiful reef. Love the top down view :)
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thanx Cesca! :)
915Mang - 7 years ago
Very Nice are you in Singapore? Top Down Shots where great
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thank you, yes im in Singapore.
Reefgrrl - 7 years ago
Thank you for this. I played with it a little last night and there are a few things I'll need to try and figure out. And yes, I've had LEDs for years now, and I've learned about the deceptive intensity of them. Thanks for reminding me of it!
11eneo - 7 years ago
once you enter the apps and linked to your light. by default there are afew standard programs by kessil. Choose a new box to create your own program.
thats where now, you manually select the time/colour/intensity after pressing on the bubble below the graph. you will see the colours wheel, supplement colours Red and Green (only works below 70% intensity of the main light) and main light intensity and time

Be sure to slowly increase the light intensity for new corals or slowly raise the coral placement level over time. AP700 at 100% is very bright, brighter than metal halide ! Dont bleach your corals too soon ya.
Reefgrrl - 7 years ago
Thank you for this information! I'm going to try it on my light tomorrow. I might not be understanding yet, how they work - is there a setting for white light, or is it all composed of various blues? I will adjust for my fixture being 14" above the water, and increase some of the values because of that. And once I have some coral in there, I'll be sure to give you a shout out in a video. Thank you again, so much.
11eneo - 7 years ago
Kessil is fast to support as always even the early days of the A360s. Thanks to Franco!
So here is my AP700 program (fixture 8inches above water)
1) 900 - 1st blue / 10% - R+5, G+5
2) 1100 - 3rd blue / 50% - R+10, G+10
3) 1300 - 6th blue / 100% - nil, nil
4) 1500 - 6th blue / 100% - nil, nil
5) 1700 - 4th blue / 85% - nil, nil
6) 1900 - 3rd blue / 55% - R+10, G+10
7) 2000 - 1st blue / 15% - R+5, G+5
8) 23:59 - 1st Blue / 0% - R+5, G+5

Moonlight for 1hr only.

Happy Reefing! :)
11eneo - 7 years ago
yeah, i got the same issue when im with the old phone. automatically connects to kessil wifi and for few hours later than i realised because my phone was dead silence from friends whatsapp. lol... but now with the new phone it seems ok . :)
Reefgrrl - 7 years ago
Aw, thank you for the sub, I appreciate it! I don't use Facebook unfortunately. ☹️ Once the issue is resolved, perhaps Youtube message would work? I've noticed one annoying thing with my ap700 - it randomly changes the network on my iPad throughout the day from my internet wifi to the Kessil wifi for the light. I've learned to check and reset it before trying to use the internet. Small issue, easily handled.
11eneo - 7 years ago
Hi Reefgrrl, many thanks for your compliments. Its not an easy journey to current condition and i hope i can maintain it. Not a problem to share the AP program, unfortunately my new S8 phone cant connect to AP, maybe there is a bug. Im waiting for kessil's reply. Meantime, can you drop me a message on my FB page and i will reply you the program (when i resolve the issue).
I have sub urs too! :)
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thanx Rad!
weewtwet etwetwe
weewtwet etwetwe - 7 years ago
can you give us a estimate the cost of livestock...... i died about over 3K :(.. i started sps now
11eneo - 7 years ago
i lost count to be honest but definitely in the thousands by now including those that have bleached. :(
weewtwet etwetwe
weewtwet etwetwe - 7 years ago
i reef too, but where did u get the the high end sps?
11eneo - 7 years ago
im not too sure if those corals are high end. mostly from reefer's frag sales and some from LFS cultured SPS
weewtwet etwetwe
weewtwet etwetwe - 7 years ago
im here just for the music,
11eneo - 7 years ago
i got the songs from this link
11eneo - 7 years ago
its just music from the net and its free for all. :)
sorry to hear about your bad experience.
weewtwet etwetwe
weewtwet etwetwe - 7 years ago
plz dont tell him, this guy stole my 3 gallon tank before!
TheJohnny220 - 7 years ago
What is the song title
11eneo - 7 years ago
Hope you like the music. :)
steve r miller
steve r miller - 7 years ago
nicee update!
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thank you
NEMO20G - 7 years ago
Epic video! Did you catch what lights were on this tank??
11eneo - 7 years ago
AP700 in the center, chinese box led left and right side. supplement E5 blue pop front and back.
NEMO20G - 7 years ago
11eneo what lights are you using on this??
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thank you
AmroAzul TV
AmroAzul TV - 7 years ago
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thank you

50. comment for Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June 2017)

Scott From Rosco's Reef
Scott From Rosco's Reef - 7 years ago
what a gorgeous reef tank. Awesome video..
Harry Bonea
Harry Bonea - 7 years ago
beautiful tank
11eneo - 7 years ago
Thanks Harry! :)
jeopardize 135
jeopardize 135 - 7 years ago
amazing colours! may i know what system are u currently running? wats ur no3 po4 method of export?
jeopardize 135
jeopardize 135 - 7 years ago
Ok thanks!!
11eneo - 7 years ago
yeah after trying few methods over the years, simplicity will ensure stability in the long run. no complications :)
yes im local and you can find me in

cheers! :)
jeopardize 135
jeopardize 135 - 7 years ago

tks for the details.. appreciate it.. guess its stability and matured of ur tank..
u based in sg? u have any journey thread ? instagram or fb? haha...
really inspired by ur tank...
11eneo - 7 years ago
oh just the usual bi-weekly WC with H2 Ocean salt (previously with FM salt), but intending to extend WC to a month now.

No carbon dosing. Just dose brightwell Bacter 7 weekly.

fuge size is 3ft x 1ft x 1.5ft high of water

center is the Kessil AP700 which you can see the colours poping from the center sps colonies. left and right side im using those chinese box led, corals does thrive but the colours just doesnt pop and quite pastel looking. may switch back to my old kessil A360s
jeopardize 135
jeopardize 135 - 7 years ago

nope i thought u are on zeo/af/ carbon dosing ..

is it carbon dosing? nopox

i guess ur refugium volume is big.. haha..

radion leds lights?
11eneo - 7 years ago
system? you mean lights, pumps, sump tank etc those stuff?

both PO4 and NO3 zero. been dosing NO3 once a week. no chemical nutrient export, just refugium.
SahinurUK - 7 years ago
Awesome. What do you feed corals and FISH and how often?
11eneo - 7 years ago
for sps, i feed reef roids from polyp lab, for lps i target feed with chopped up prawn meat. both once a week during wc.
* amino acid from 2 little fishes every 2 days, sps colours pops after a week.
for fishes, 4 cubes of mysis shrimp every evening and pellets fish food once in morning and evening.
11eneo - 7 years ago
it will be covered by bluish purple hue under blue lights. Well if taken under 7k lighting its possible but corals colors wont be vivid. :)

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