Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June 2017)
Reef tank 7 years ago 20,856 views
Video taken with Samsung S8 and a orange plastic filter infront of the lens. Below the tracks in no running order from the video. All music from this link 1) Mendum - Stay With Me (Krys Talk Remix) 2) Electro Light feat. Kathryn MacLean - The Edge 3) Umpire - Gravity (feat. Liz Kretschmer) 4) Vanze x Balco x Fransis Derelle - All I Need (feat. Brenton Mattheus)
2. Maintenance schedule/Type of Salt?
10% WC weekly with redsea blue pail.
what lights do you use ?friend
10. comment for Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June 2017)
1) Mendum - Stay With Me (Krys Talk Remix)
2) Electro Light feat. Kathryn MacLean - The Edge
3) Umpire - Gravity (feat. Liz Kretschmer)
4) Vanze x Balco x Fransis Derelle - All I Need (feat. Brenton Mattheus)
20. comment for Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June 2017)
Now im back to regular WC with 2 part dosing using Seachem products.
Subbed.... :)
30. comment for Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June 2017)
Im doing 2 parts dosing method.
thats where now, you manually select the time/colour/intensity after pressing on the bubble below the graph. you will see the colours wheel, supplement colours Red and Green (only works below 70% intensity of the main light) and main light intensity and time
Be sure to slowly increase the light intensity for new corals or slowly raise the coral placement level over time. AP700 at 100% is very bright, brighter than metal halide ! Dont bleach your corals too soon ya.
So here is my AP700 program (fixture 8inches above water)
1) 900 - 1st blue / 10% - R+5, G+5
2) 1100 - 3rd blue / 50% - R+10, G+10
3) 1300 - 6th blue / 100% - nil, nil
4) 1500 - 6th blue / 100% - nil, nil
5) 1700 - 4th blue / 85% - nil, nil
6) 1900 - 3rd blue / 55% - R+10, G+10
7) 2000 - 1st blue / 15% - R+5, G+5
8) 23:59 - 1st Blue / 0% - R+5, G+5
Moonlight for 1hr only.
Happy Reefing! :)
I have sub urs too! :)
sorry to hear about your bad experience.
50. comment for Marine Gardens 5ft Reef Tank Update (8th June 2017)
yes im local and you can find me in
cheers! :)
tks for the details.. appreciate it.. guess its stability and matured of ur tank..
u based in sg? u have any journey thread ? instagram or fb? haha...
really inspired by ur tank...
No carbon dosing. Just dose brightwell Bacter 7 weekly.
fuge size is 3ft x 1ft x 1.5ft high of water
center is the Kessil AP700 which you can see the colours poping from the center sps colonies. left and right side im using those chinese box led, corals does thrive but the colours just doesnt pop and quite pastel looking. may switch back to my old kessil A360s
nope i thought u are on zeo/af/ carbon dosing ..
is it carbon dosing? nopox
i guess ur refugium volume is big.. haha..
radion leds lights?
both PO4 and NO3 zero. been dosing NO3 once a week. no chemical nutrient export, just refugium.
* amino acid from 2 little fishes every 2 days, sps colours pops after a week.
for fishes, 4 cubes of mysis shrimp every evening and pellets fish food once in morning and evening.