Matt's Reef Tank | Episode 8 | Anny's Reef Tank Special

I was looking thru my old video and I found this ½ of a Matt’s Reef Tank from February 12th, 2016, just after returning from a trip to Thailand. It was a playful video I shot with Anny and it never really went anywhere. But when I reviewed the video I thought it was funny and interesting to see Anny taking a crack at her interpretation of hosting an episode, so I thought I would throw it up. Please note, I didn’t edit this one much… cause I thought the funny bits were in the comments from Anny as we tried to shoot. Take note of the coral growth, and the soft and hard corals I have. The next episode I am editing simultaneously with this one, and takes us to a point after my trip to Nepal and Mount Everest. It’s another sad update unfortunately. I seem to have lots of these episodes focusing on returning to problems. My Matt’s Reef Tank series is going to probably merge with my JY_VLOG series. As I create daily(ish) videos about my life as a traveler, explorer, expat and new father. Ill highlight all aspects of my life, and you can catch my tank from time to time in there. If I do make anything specifically tank related, I will form another Matt’s Reef Tank, but the vlog would be another great place to look if you want realtime updates. JY_VLOG PLAYLIST: Music: Neo Soul Loop by Guitars State follow my… Website at Instagram at Twitter at Personal Facebook at JaYoe Facebook at GEAR: MY GOOD QUALITY CAMERA (THE BIG DOG): Canon 5D MkIII SEMI-DAILY CHINA VLOG #chinavlog #china #vlogging #ningbo #chinavlogger #jayoe #Jayoenation #travelvlogger #travelvlog #ningbochina

Matt's Reef Tank | Episode 8 | Anny's Reef Tank Special sentiment_very_dissatisfied 13

Reef tank 8 years ago 22,743 views

I was looking thru my old video and I found this ½ of a Matt’s Reef Tank from February 12th, 2016, just after returning from a trip to Thailand. It was a playful video I shot with Anny and it never really went anywhere. But when I reviewed the video I thought it was funny and interesting to see Anny taking a crack at her interpretation of hosting an episode, so I thought I would throw it up. Please note, I didn’t edit this one much… cause I thought the funny bits were in the comments from Anny as we tried to shoot. Take note of the coral growth, and the soft and hard corals I have. The next episode I am editing simultaneously with this one, and takes us to a point after my trip to Nepal and Mount Everest. It’s another sad update unfortunately. I seem to have lots of these episodes focusing on returning to problems. My Matt’s Reef Tank series is going to probably merge with my JY_VLOG series. As I create daily(ish) videos about my life as a traveler, explorer, expat and new father. Ill highlight all aspects of my life, and you can catch my tank from time to time in there. If I do make anything specifically tank related, I will form another Matt’s Reef Tank, but the vlog would be another great place to look if you want realtime updates. JY_VLOG PLAYLIST: Music: Neo Soul Loop by Guitars State follow my… Website at Instagram at Twitter at Personal Facebook at JaYoe Facebook at GEAR: MY GOOD QUALITY CAMERA (THE BIG DOG): Canon 5D MkIII SEMI-DAILY CHINA VLOG #chinavlog #china #vlogging #ningbo #chinavlogger #jayoe #Jayoenation #travelvlogger #travelvlog #ningbochina

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Most popular comments
for Matt's Reef Tank | Episode 8 | Anny's Reef Tank Special

A ewe
A ewe - 7 years ago
Shane Daly
Shane Daly - 7 years ago
Nice tank, but you're a POS.
munchkin42 - 8 years ago
'eel the Neil'. Brilliant
Justin Raymundo
Justin Raymundo - 8 years ago
I like the lighting can you please share how you did it? or where I can get it in Los Angeles?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
i dont know.. they are 2 x ZETLIGHT 6600.... you can search.
Rob M
Rob M - 8 years ago
Great tank! More Annie she's super sweet!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
HAHA... i try to include her as much as I can. she is busy being a new mom...
TotalNick41 - 8 years ago
How many gallons is it?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
office is 300... house is 60
Antonie Potgieter
Antonie Potgieter - 8 years ago
Awesome video, amazing tank! You can buy the Kent scrapers on Amazon with a long rod, they work very well. Attachments are felt, metal and acrylic blades.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
yea. i really like getting my arms in the tank and getting dirty... its sort of part of the process for me. the blades i have are nice and wide and do a good job.
Wei Ni
Wei Ni - 8 years ago
Anny is Funny. She got a good character. Make the show more fun.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
thanks Wei.. i think so too
RobertosLife - 8 years ago
wow you treat her like $#!+

10. comment for Matt's Reef Tank | Episode 8 | Anny's Reef Tank Special

World Reef Tank
World Reef Tank - 8 years ago
Awesome I have a Red Sea reefer 450 with voice commands check it out.
Tafseer Carabuena
Tafseer Carabuena - 8 years ago
how long have you been together
Tafseer Carabuena
Tafseer Carabuena - 8 years ago
congratulation for your baby
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
haha... 5 years now again.
9StickNate - 8 years ago
Thinking of new lights? Hmm... I enjoyed these lights. Regardless... the tank is looking great.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
i just notice such a huge difference between the house tank and the office tank. the house tank has a lot more color and growth.. and i think it has to do with the lights.
redcable101 - 8 years ago
Best to try using Flipper magnet for the glass :-)
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
the cove magnet is great.... just when the corraline algae takes hold you need to get out the scrapper.
Andrew Hales
Andrew Hales - 8 years ago
You treat that woman like a dog. She deserves so much better. I don't know who she is to you but keep in mind to be nicer to her and stop commanding her around. 16:34 You can't even talk about the tank without degrading her again.
Bruno_p - 8 years ago
the JaYoe Nation the good advice, is the one suggesting to respect that women. Not the 16 year old's
Bruno_p - 8 years ago
@tslanders no trolls here . He is right. 16:34 is a great example , you almost taste the degrading tone there. Horrible
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
yea... good advice... thanks
tslanders - 8 years ago
Matt there be trolls all over the world who only see parts or hear parts.. don't let them get you down or going...
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
Well.. thats a nice thing to say Andrew. You must have a unique relationship with your dog.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
:) thanks Rad
kimber smith
kimber smith - 8 years ago
your wife is a sweetheart great video
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
yea.. my girlfriend is a goofball for sure. :)
Franklin Devontenno
Franklin Devontenno - 8 years ago
I have always thought that Anny is a very cool person but it would be interesting to see her to a guest VLOG episode from her perspective.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
ill let her know... maybe i give her the camera one day.... the whole day.
FeedThatReefAddiction - 8 years ago
Awesome tank! I always enjoy your reef tank videos
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
Inappropriate Reefer
Inappropriate Reefer - 8 years ago
Love it! Nothing beats having a SO that is also into the hobby. Although this would make getting away with coral purchases more difficult, cannot get away by saying most corals only cost around $20...

Btw, it's also interesting to see your personal transformation before / after the Everest trip. You seem calmer and more worldly now, not sure if you noticed a difference yourself?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
HAHA... she is always the one picking what she wants. I have to convince he out of purchases sometimes... haha. No honey.. i know thats beautiful... but it will literally kill everything else in the tank. Interesting.. i have not noticed a difference. but you know... with the baby coming and my trip... i have a lot on my mind. thanks for the comment.

20. comment for Matt's Reef Tank | Episode 8 | Anny's Reef Tank Special

jayme alcay
jayme alcay - 8 years ago
I love this set up.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
lets hope i can continue its recovery
jayme alcay
jayme alcay - 8 years ago
+the JaYoe Nation even after your last tank mishap you recovered nicely
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
Chris - 8 years ago
do you have any footages of the house tank
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
sure do chris... check my VLOG
Nemanja Mijatovic
Nemanja Mijatovic - 8 years ago
I am glad that Anny showed is interest in filming and reefing, tank is not in bad condition.
Matt you're the reason I started working on my reet tank vlogs here on youtube, feel free to check my channel i am interested in your opinion of my reef tank vlogs. All best Nemanja.
Nemanja Mijatovic
Nemanja Mijatovic - 8 years ago
Yep Casey is everywhere hi is cool :o). Music is from soundcloud and
I have a suggestion to add in your vlog, maybe Anny or you can make some chinese food and share with us.
All best Nemanja.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
cool man... i subscribed... i see a lot of Casey in your VLOGs... very cool. where do you find your music?
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
I love your update. fyi hydors are known to fail.. It's great that she's helping out. my lady scared to look at the tank too
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
+the JaYoe Nation I feel your pain losing those pieces, I've been following your tank for a while and I've lost some nice coral over years after vacation. now i have the Apex and setting up the webcam option to keep people honest when I'm gone. lol. Well worth it.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
ill keep an eye on the hydors... seems like any top of system is prone to fail. Anny LOVES reefing now. I converted her.
pepenaker - 8 years ago
at last a video of your tank,i love how it looks,greetings from MEXICO CITY i upload videos about my tank but in spanish any way good luck and i cant wait for the next tank video.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
haha... yea... i will try to make some more. Hola!
Feroz Reef
Feroz Reef - 8 years ago
Tank is looking very beautiful, you have some nice corals too.
Matt I envy you your wife knows a lot about corals and fish I'm here in South Korea and unfortunately my gf she has no idea about corals or fish the only thing she knows is Nemo hehe.
Looking forward and Happy Reefing
Mat Dyer
Mat Dyer - 8 years ago
I'm very impressed! You two make a great reef duo!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
Anny didnt know anything about reefs when i met her... but she caught on quick!
Victor - 8 years ago
I enjoy the reef tank videos. This is how I found your
channel originally. I would love more videos on how you are restoring your
work/home tanks after Everest.(I am also a fan of music on your videos)
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
i have one more coming up showing after everest.... in about a hour

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