Matt's Reef Tank | Episode 5 | Cleaning up after an Algae Explosion

It's been a while.. but i have some new Matt's Reef Tank videos. I am back in Ningbo after my accident on the road. I have come home to a tank that was over fed and had a severe lack of water changes. Watch as I try to get rid of the Hair Algae and bring everything into balance again. follow my: Website at Instagram at Twitter at Personal Facebook at JaYoe Facebook at GEAR: My Big Camera: Canon 5D mark3 WIDE ANGLE MOSTLY OUTDOOR QUICK ACCESS CAMERA: GoPro Hero4 WHEN I SHOOT OUTDOOR STABLE FOOTAGE, THIS IS THE REASON: Feiyu Tech G4S

Matt's Reef Tank | Episode 5 | Cleaning up after an Algae Explosion sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Reef tank 9 years ago 30,011 views

It's been a while.. but i have some new Matt's Reef Tank videos. I am back in Ningbo after my accident on the road. I have come home to a tank that was over fed and had a severe lack of water changes. Watch as I try to get rid of the Hair Algae and bring everything into balance again. follow my: Website at Instagram at Twitter at Personal Facebook at JaYoe Facebook at GEAR: My Big Camera: Canon 5D mark3 WIDE ANGLE MOSTLY OUTDOOR QUICK ACCESS CAMERA: GoPro Hero4 WHEN I SHOOT OUTDOOR STABLE FOOTAGE, THIS IS THE REASON: Feiyu Tech G4S

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Most popular comments
for Matt's Reef Tank | Episode 5 | Cleaning up after an Algae Explosion

Jay W
Jay W - 7 years ago
what's the coral at 2:57 please
googIereallysucks - 7 years ago
Jay W sun coral
StraitClownin909 - 7 years ago
A lot of great tips!
Robert Luebke
Robert Luebke - 7 years ago
omg! Glad your alright bro!
DigtBrain2 - 8 years ago
ouch ... these look like Bryopsis ... good luck (inc case you don't know - these kind of green algae is seldom eaten by fish, most snails, crabs, etc. - it's hard to find biological counter measures aside from counter-grow from corals - take the nutrients down and try to have all the rest taken up by the growing corals so the algae starve)
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
+DigtBrain2 I actually beat it down with persistence. Lots of manual pruning regularly kept it down until it went away
goodall1bay - 8 years ago
Canyons know the species of this type of hermit crab.
I got one of those and it was purchased as a Vietnamese yellow tip. But it's different ?
Greg's Channel
Greg's Channel - 8 years ago
Looks like bryopsis
Joyce Darimont
Joyce Darimont - 8 years ago
Can anyone tell me what the coral is at 3:00?
Joyce Darimont
Joyce Darimont - 8 years ago
the JaYoe Nation Thank you! Quite a cute little thing.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
I'm new in hobby and I'm noticing brown algae a little bit of it what's the best way to get rid of it
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
jose padilla thanks so much
jose padilla
jose padilla - 8 years ago
Y. T brown algae in new tanks is normal its most likely cycling but you can try diatom remover
Mike Tanti
Mike Tanti - 8 years ago
your green hair algae actually looks nice kinda. not like my strain
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
haha.. yea... i would rather have my purple though... ;)

10. comment for Matt's Reef Tank | Episode 5 | Cleaning up after an Algae Explosion

Doge - 8 years ago
where is the oxygenator or bubble pump?
berny's reef
berny's reef - 8 years ago
Natural reefs don't look like this, in nature you rarely see these corals together, stony corals tend to live in shallower faster moving water with more waves, soft coral tend to live in deeper calmer water, but even in the calm water you still have strong wave action. SPS requires strong flow for example.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
not calm... the flow is constant over the floor. must be to bring the waste up to the filters
Doge - 8 years ago
+the JaYoe Nation
in the ocean floor, does water move around like this or is it more calm?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
salt tanks dont need oxygen pumps... the movement of the water thru the sump and back is more than enough.
Master Mark
Master Mark - 8 years ago
out of all the algae, it had to be Byropsis.... i feel your pain
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
yea... bummer.
luciano ramos
luciano ramos - 8 years ago
Man your vids are great.Finally some good salt aquarium videos that aren't boring.Thanks,much appreciated.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
haha... thanks man.. that means a lot. please share it.
Stef Styl
Stef Styl - 8 years ago
Poor matt
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
yea.... you should see the tank today. just got back from Everest.... came home to a real disaster...:(((((
Jihua Liu
Jihua Liu - 8 years ago
hey sorry to hear your accident, BUT I even more glad to see you back near your tank , the grass growing in ur tank looks nice , I would keep them loll. hope you get better soon, I also realize this video is 7 month old,  but this is my first time watching the video so im posting what I feel , will watch your remaining videos , keep posting
TheMarkenzo007 - 8 years ago
crabs are a nuisance. What do you think will happen when there's no algae left and theres no food left for them? All the nutrients will go back into the tank when they die.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 8 years ago
+TheMarkenzo007 crabs process tons to waste from all sources. they consume vast amounts of material that in turn gets broken down into the water column for removal by the skimmer or thru water changes. I appreciate your comment, but i will stick with my crabs.
Lam Ly
Lam Ly - 9 years ago
Just wonder what type of lighting are you using on the tank?
Miguel Ayuyu
Miguel Ayuyu - 8 years ago
+the JaYoe Nation any link to buy this light to be shipped to the us?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
+Lam Ly I use ZETLIGHT 6600
Justin Whittington
Justin Whittington - 9 years ago
literally worst luck ever! Hows the tank doing now?
Elias Aguilar
Elias Aguilar - 9 years ago
hey dude im really enjoying your videos sry about your accident hope your doing better.
Omar Soto
Omar Soto - 9 years ago
which lights are these!!
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
Zetlight 6600 :)

20. comment for Matt's Reef Tank | Episode 5 | Cleaning up after an Algae Explosion

Carlos Pina
Carlos Pina - 9 years ago
dang dude hope you make a speedy recovery and the tank is still rocking
First Massage
First Massage - 9 years ago
Wow welcome back matt I thoroughly enjoyed the video. Great information. I actually started reefing back in august and was sad you didn't have any new videos uploaded at that time. Happy to see you continue the series keep it up! Hope your clavicle heals with no problems.
Claudia Campbell
Claudia Campbell - 9 years ago
Why did you not get a sea hare, to deal with the hair algae?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
I tried. Very hard to find them in china
Martin Welters
Martin Welters - 9 years ago
As I am living in China (Shenzhen) and also having a reef tank, I also find it difficult to get hermits and snails...where did you end up buying them from? Do you have an Email address for me?...thanks
Martin Welters
Martin Welters - 9 years ago
+the JaYoe Nation
You're welcome anytime. I actually knew you buy them on Toabao, I just can't find a Taobao shop which has the right ones...anyway, if you have Wechat you can ad me (if you want) "chinawithmeinit" is my ID
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
+Martin Welters i got them from taobao... they were like 35 rmb a piece! ill let you know when i get to shenzhen.. i would like to see your tank
MisterE007 - 9 years ago
What are the settings on the pump
MisterE007 - 9 years ago
I have the same pump put my wave mode is just .5 seconds back and fourth, I like you'res way more
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
+Kamusiasu settings? what do you mean? the wavemakers are alternating flow and at the lowest power...
MisterE007 - 9 years ago
what pump you use for the nice slow back and fourth motion?
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
Greg Stephens
Greg Stephens - 9 years ago
Geez. Glad your alive. Gave up my bike years a versa climber after some near misses.
Chu Eu
Chu Eu - 9 years ago
I am very happy to see you post another video. i am sorry about the accident tho
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
+kittan thanks
kevin gman
kevin gman - 9 years ago
love you videos matt, great info on reef, specially in china not many people with reef tank, sorry to hear about you accident, wish you a speedy recovery.
Soe M Paing
Soe M Paing - 9 years ago
I think you already know it is bryopsis algae which is very resistant to low nutrient level. I battle these algae with Kent Tech M and it was quite a success. Sorry to hear about the accident.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
thanks guys...yea... its just something i have to stay on top of.
Soe M Paing
Soe M Paing - 9 years ago
+the JaYoe Nation the hard thing is completely getting rid of it. Usually CUC ignore these algae. It was a pain getting rid of these algae. Whatever I do they grow back until I go Tech M method. I heard emerald crab ate these. Good luck with your battle. I am a fan of your tank videos.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
+Soe Min Paing thats good to know... i know it was Bryopsis... but i was not sure about the Kent Tech.... i just try to keep pulling.. haha

30. comment for Matt's Reef Tank | Episode 5 | Cleaning up after an Algae Explosion

Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 9 years ago
Ouch! Sorry to hear about your accident.
Reefer Nanoman
Reefer Nanoman - 9 years ago
+the JaYoe Nation That's the attitude to have! I love it when people soldier on after a challenge.
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
+jose Calderon Its ok... life is full of ups and downs...
cycling with kiwi
cycling with kiwi - 9 years ago
is your bike ok and i like your tank too jayoe
xFecto - 9 years ago
This video is kind of symbolic that you and your reef system are both healing. Great to see everything work out after the accident. Jayoe!
Syed Hasan
Syed Hasan - 9 years ago
Very sorry on your accident and all treatment you had to have. I think it was your tank which had prayed for your return and save it from total collapse.
Thomas Mackey
Thomas Mackey - 9 years ago
I know exactly what you're going through I had an algae outbreak recently and it's been a night to clean up!! Hope your tanks doing better now!!!
mitian - 9 years ago
Wow sorry to hear about your tank.., Knowing you it will look like always in no time. Now I got confused because I have been following your videos and I saw you in your new tour again with your new equipment and we talk about it. was this video taking just after the accident and you just posted this video? or did you get into another accident... any way great video, are you ever moving back to the USA.? have a nice always very nice video..
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
+mitian Yea sorry.... those videos were made just after my accident.... i only edited them together just now. Ill be back to the USA... but i am riding there on the trike.
Jerm - 9 years ago
Did you catch the crab?
Andrew Kolesnichenko
Andrew Kolesnichenko - 9 years ago
+the JaYoe Nation Looking forward for this story!)
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
+Jerm you will find out in the next video... its a long story...
william wulffleff
william wulffleff - 9 years ago
Ouch Matt Glad your in recovery. woot more tank video's get well JaYoe
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
+william wulffleff HAHA.. yea... 2 more after this one... then ill have to wrap them up again.
Dick Gibson
Dick Gibson - 9 years ago
Sorry to hear about your accident. Are there some trike videos we have missed?
Great to see you are doing well.
Dick Gibson
Dick Gibson - 9 years ago
+the JaYoe Nation Oh I get it.
I found you thru your bike review segments, so I got in at the middle and missed all the back story stuff.
I like to do all the things you do except for the mountain climbing. I dive in the ocean, so I guess you would say, I climb negative mountains.
I think I am up to date, sort of.
Carry on with vigor man, JaYoe
the JaYoe Nation
the JaYoe Nation - 9 years ago
+Dick Gibson hey dick... no... its the accident you know about... the one from November... this reef tank series i taped after the accident.

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