Mike's Killer Nano Reef Tank

http://ReefBuilders.com is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Elite Reef Denver: https://www.youtube.com/user/mikejrice1 Article on Mike's Nano Reef: https://reefbuilders.com/2016/10/14/lps-coral-paradise-aquarium-michael-rice/

Mike's Killer Nano Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 27

Reef tank 7 years ago 133,890 views

http://ReefBuilders.com is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Elite Reef Denver: https://www.youtube.com/user/mikejrice1 Article on Mike's Nano Reef: https://reefbuilders.com/2016/10/14/lps-coral-paradise-aquarium-michael-rice/

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Most popular comments
for Mike's Killer Nano Reef Tank

egl2004 - 7 years ago
What reggae song is that in the first part?
Colin Grant
Colin Grant - 7 years ago
What sand do you have
Chris M
Chris M - 7 years ago
Dude must just get really stoned and geek out in front of his tank.
kyle eric
kyle eric - 7 years ago
Elite reef is day my fav lfs
nano san
nano san - 7 years ago
Again... Kessil lamp
Random dude
Random dude - 7 years ago
I don't think the tank looks really healthy. The colors look kinda dull. Maybe it's the camera.
JustGrowYaOwn 420
JustGrowYaOwn 420 - 7 years ago
Spent so much on his aquarium and coral he couldnt afford a brush
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
JustGrowYaOwn 420 or a hair cut haha!
Netto's Channel
Netto's Channel - 7 years ago
Amazing reef!!!
Arturo G
Arturo G - 7 years ago
Does an LPS tank really need waterchanges that often?
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Really depends on how much you feed them but it's not just about nutrients, it's also about easily restoring the balance of minerals and trace elements

10. comment for Mike's Killer Nano Reef Tank

Demonoid Drifter
Demonoid Drifter - 7 years ago
I shop at Elite Reef;) Wish they actually sold some of these fancy corals in his/their store.. Hope Reefstock is still happening in Feb'18?
Alex Urrutia
Alex Urrutia - 7 years ago
beautiful tank, alot of wise words i will take in to account when taking care of my tank longterm. thanks for this video and the knowledge your spreading!
joeldz2 - 7 years ago
Jesus Christ! Is that a nail sticking out of his face!?

Just kidding, he seems awesome. Great video!
Michael Moreno
Michael Moreno - 7 years ago
Hope you don't mind that I'm trying to replicate your tank as much as possible lol
Brian Goldstein
Brian Goldstein - 7 years ago
Anyone know the specific type of Acan in the far back? (The orange one thats longer and more fleshy) Is it just a lord?   What a beautiful coral.
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Brian Goldstein it is a lord. That one stretches further to catch light around the others.
mein riff
mein riff - 7 years ago
wow nice
Jack Lansing
Jack Lansing - 7 years ago
Very nice tank for sure. I'm just starting out in this hobby and pretty much all the advise I find is don't let certain corals touch as they will sting each other. How are you keeping these corals so nicely compacted and seemingly no stinging going on?
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Jack Lansing many of them are the same or similar species which in some cases will prevent damage from stinging. Several I just got really lucky with and they don't seem to bother each other. Try grouping your corals starting by those you can identify down to species and then by those you identify by genus. Usually you'll find that large portions will get along and thrive together. In the end it's always a risk when corals touch. There used to be a lot more color varieties of acans in this tank, but they've shadowed out and killed the less efficient strains as they grew.
LA Reefer
LA Reefer - 7 years ago
I literally watch this at least once per week. Makes me want to start my reef over from scratch
Moto Sly
Moto Sly - 7 years ago
beautifull and special expensive corals.... bad aquascape....
ReefDudes - 7 years ago
Nice looking tank! Love all the color, you will have to go back and do an update at their new shop!

20. comment for Mike's Killer Nano Reef Tank

The Great Indian Music
The Great Indian Music - 7 years ago
Brief: I am in the process of setting up 140 gallon extra tall seahorse reef tank outer size 48x24x30 inches 15mm glass With 48x24x30 inch cabinet stand. To house sump, chiller other things. Tank and cabinet will be made inhouse. Question: Sump tank size: l36xw20xh16 vs l30xw20xh18
No of chambers?
What should be the design?
And which products to incorporate in my project like lights, inline heater, UV, skimmer, filter media, overflow box etc.
Please guide .
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
I would personally go with the longer sump dimensions. The choice of products is much harder to select for ya, it all depends on which quality manufacturers are available in your area, for this I would consider your local fish store.
LRanee - 7 years ago
Ya definitely,haha.
Ninja Mice
Ninja Mice - 7 years ago
1:17 Yeap, he's a crack head and a stoner that goes by the nickname of "Stoned Mike".
Howard Faust
Howard Faust - 7 years ago
Hey Mike. Jaw-dropping tank. What is the orange sponge like coral in front of your leptoseris? Thanks.
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Howard Faust montipora setosa
BDUB'S AQUARIUMS - 7 years ago
This is one of the sickest nano tanks on youtube! Well done~
Jon Co
Jon Co - 7 years ago
Quick question. Running any carbon, purigen? Any chemical filtration? Gfo?
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Jon Co no chemical filtration on this system.
Lehr's Lawn Care
Lehr's Lawn Care - 7 years ago
gorgeous reef!
Skip Attix
Skip Attix - 7 years ago
This tank rocks!! Very nice.
Marine Life
Marine Life - 7 years ago
How did he get his reef tank that clear
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Rocky TheGiant no mechanical filtration just years of solid running. It wasn't quite so clear until the last few years of running.
Mirosław Kmieć
Mirosław Kmieć - 7 years ago
Hi this tank is beautiful I'm impress. I've question for you could you give me advice (I just got an Kessil A160WE, gooseneck mount and Spectral Controller for my tank) and help me with a lighting schedule and write your schedule? I would be appreciate for help.
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
I would start out the schedule all blue, ramping up to an appropriate intensity for your reef tank, and then ramping back down to all blues for the evening time.

30. comment for Mike's Killer Nano Reef Tank

Charlette Jackson
Charlette Jackson - 7 years ago
I love this tank. The color is amazing......
Maca Morales
Maca Morales - 7 years ago
any reason in special why you like to keep the glass cover?, do you feed your corals? congrats its a beautifull tank.
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Maca Morales I used to have a wrasse in the tank, but now that you mention it, there's no reason for the glass cover with the current stocking and it will be coming off later today.
Usernam E
Usernam E - 7 years ago
That guy sounds super roasted.
1997LT1Camaro - 7 years ago
Is that still an acan lord near the hammer coral? (Pink one at the top right) Beautiful tank btw.

I wish I had as much success as you with my nano. I was fighting nutrients the whole time at a certain point. I am getting ready to get back into the hobby now.
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
1997LT1Camaro yep that's one of my favorite acans I've seen yet.
DIAZ REEF AQUARIUM - 7 years ago
Kool video
Antonio Smalls
Antonio Smalls - 7 years ago
I just felt like lighting one with Mike I dont know why
Joao Magno
Joao Magno - 7 years ago
Very good!
Rico Reef
Rico Reef - 7 years ago
Love them chalice colors are amazing
Reef Tank ITALY
Reef Tank ITALY - 7 years ago
great job
Ryan Simmons
Ryan Simmons - 7 years ago
I like his style. Keep it simple and affordable. No amount of tech will do any good if you don't have a clue what your doing. Bravo man. beautiful tank.
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Ryan Simmons thank you.
Chris Agsalog
Chris Agsalog - 7 years ago
Whats the red coral bottom left??
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
I usually feed meat based pellets through a long piece of rigid tubing to all the LPS in this tank.
Chris Agsalog
Chris Agsalog - 7 years ago
Thought so. These things take forever to grow and yours is huge!! Howd you get all your lords so big? What you feeding them?
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Chris Agsalog homophyllia bowerbanki formerly acanthastrea bowerbanki
tute carbini
tute carbini - 7 years ago
what Is the settings oficina the lights?
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Lowering the whites can help in some cases depending on the algae. Combine that with manual removing and nutrient control for best results.
tute carbini
tute carbini - 7 years ago
Elite Reef Denver Oh great, thank you very much. I have algae problems, I should lower the whites, right?
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
tute carbini 100% blue channel and about 30% white.
Red - 7 years ago
I have a 10g nano with a 5 gal refugium sump. my tank refuses to let me do a water changes. shocks my whole tank for about 2 weeks and then everything is happy and thriving again. pretty much gave up on it. even a 1 gal change throws the whole tank off. I've never had problems with my nitrates ... ECT. tank has been going for two years now and the last water change was over a year ago. zoa dominate tank with a golden torch, reverse superman and gsp on the back glass and overflow. looking into getting a clam next. two clowns and a Mandarin goby in the tank and a swarm of hermits. hermits spawn about once a month in my tank and then grow out in the refugium. usually trade them out for coral supplies.
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
If you have problems with your water changes, then there's definitely some issue with either your source water, or the salt mix you use - have you tried doing a water change with store-bought water?
Kevin Mo
Kevin Mo - 7 years ago
I would like to know what parameters make the chalice happy?
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Hmm they should do pretty well under those conditions. What type of lighting are you using?
Kevin Mo
Kevin Mo - 7 years ago
Elite Reef Denver nitrate is 7 ppm and phosphate is 0.05. I place them above sand bed with a rack. its not getting direct light as well.
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Kevin Mo your chemistry seems to be in line. How do your nutrients test out, and what kind of lighting levels are you keeping them under?
Kevin Mo
Kevin Mo - 7 years ago
hi Mike, my chalice is always receding. alk 8 Cal 440 and magnesiums 1400. it would be great to hear some help from you
AusReef Guy
AusReef Guy - 7 years ago
yeah .... hes a stoner for sure, love to have a few dabs with ya mate and talk tanks.
Siddharth Kumaran
Siddharth Kumaran - 7 years ago
can u put anemone in that tank ? is it suitable?
Siddharth Kumaran
Siddharth Kumaran - 7 years ago
+Elite Reef Denver thks
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Siddharth Kumaran you could, but it would sting any coral within its range. Usually better added before so much coral or in a tank with space dedicated to one.
NEMO20G - 7 years ago
This is truly stunning!! a dedicated reefer
Erik Bradley
Erik Bradley - 7 years ago
If I have never set up a coral reef tank where would I start? What brand of tank is that?
Lisa DiMercurio
Lisa DiMercurio - 7 years ago
It's actually harder to keep a smaller versus a larger tank. The innovative marine tanks are awesome. Also the Red Sea Reefer series are great.
AusReef Guy
AusReef Guy - 7 years ago
read read and then read some more, also watch lots of videos.
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Erik Bradley it's an Innovative Marine tank.
James Upton
James Upton - 7 years ago
coral colour is epic
James Upton
James Upton - 7 years ago
a black fish...why not colourful?
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
James Upton creates a negative space look in front of the coral.

50. comment for Mike's Killer Nano Reef Tank

Ethan Geda
Ethan Geda - 7 years ago
Wow!! That was nice
Jolley Reefs
Jolley Reefs - 7 years ago
Simple setup with great results! Nice LPS
RickySals - 7 years ago
LGW3 Orchids & Exotics
LGW3 Orchids & Exotics - 7 years ago
Awesome Tank Mike! I am curious about your feeding habits and what your method looks like. Crystal clear water like that is hard to balance with adequate feeding (in my previous experience). Perhaps another video??
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
LGW3 Orchids & Exotics I feed this tank exclusively coral foods including phyto, cyclops and rotifers. Usually gets a cube at least twice a day and sometimes enough phyto to turn the water green for an hour, so fairly high nutrient pass through.
Dave's Nano Tanks
Dave's Nano Tanks - 7 years ago
Now thats a nano tank!!
cougercruiser - 7 years ago
Nice tank. Colors seem a little washed out and the corals are reaching for the light.
Jesse Wang
Jesse Wang - 7 years ago
damn, really??
cougercruiser - 7 years ago
Carlos Bautista you got a lot to learn about colors
Carlos Bautista
Carlos Bautista - 7 years ago
cougercruiser lol you out of your mind man this tank is perfect stfu
Arek Gmurczyk
Arek Gmurczyk - 7 years ago
OMG <3
jorge contreras
jorge contreras - 7 years ago
what type of coral was at minute 7???
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
The best route is usually to minimize nutrients going in and maximize nutrients going out. Less food and more water change. If it's on your sand, it can also help a ton to siphon as much as you can out during water changes.
jorge contreras
jorge contreras - 7 years ago
I get hair algae that build on my substrate. How do you think i can help minimize that algae.
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
jorge contreras no problem. Yeah, I clean it every day with the magnet to avoid having to go at it with a razor periodically.
jorge contreras
jorge contreras - 7 years ago
Yes it that one, thank you. Really like your response time really liked you tank. Do you keep it that clean jst by cleaning it with that magnetic cleaner
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Montipora setosa
jorge contreras
jorge contreras - 7 years ago
Srry I looked it up and I was looking at the stony one next to that Jack o lantern 6:58.
jorge contreras
jorge contreras - 7 years ago
Okay, thank you
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
jorge contreras "Jack o Lantern" leptoseris
cicco - 7 years ago
High 5 bro!!
Jim Armitage
Jim Armitage - 7 years ago
Great inspiration for new reefers, thanks for hosting your tank, and the post.
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Jim Armitage thank you for checking it out.
holly gangle
holly gangle - 7 years ago
why must you shop all your thumbnails?
Ronnie Santo
Ronnie Santo - 7 years ago
ok that skull takes away from it lol
richard mitchell
richard mitchell - 7 years ago
What skull?
ALEX R. - 7 years ago
Ronnie Santo I couldn't even tell it was there
saintmalo - 7 years ago
kai PAXpress
kai PAXpress - 7 years ago
Awesome never been to EliteReef but I live less than 2 hours away I'll have to check them out!
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
kai PAXpress this tank moved into Elite Reef recently. Come check them both out in person!
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
Rosco's Reef with Scott
Rosco's Reef with Scott - 7 years ago
What a awesome nano with gorgeous corals. Great video Jake.
chewdoggie2 - 7 years ago
Would love to know the settings on the Kessil.
chewdoggie2 - 7 years ago
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
chewdoggie2 100% blue channel 30% white channel.
Alex Kingcole
Alex Kingcole - 7 years ago
nice scoly
G Carroll
G Carroll - 7 years ago
Great job Mike! Keeping it simple is definitely paid off!!!
Aldo the Apache
Aldo the Apache - 7 years ago
Hey question for Mike! How do you do a water change with your hammer's being up so high in the tank? when i had my hammer up that high it made it very difficult to do water changes.
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Actually have one of their systems running on a biocube at the shop. Definitely nice lights.
Aldo the Apache
Aldo the Apache - 7 years ago
I want to recommend something, if you ever get the chance look up Steve's LED's, they will custom build you lights for reasonable price that will blow you away. I have a 30 gallon setup running some older Steve's LED's SPS extreme for like $350 that have enough power to light a 50 gallon tank GORGEOUSLY. They have the best LED's in my opinion.
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Aldo the Apache the water change takes the level down to just above them.
RICHARD MILLER - 7 years ago
This looks more like a collection tank than a "reef tank"!
IFourBlunts - 7 years ago
I would like to smoke with mike...just a chill guy it seems
gamer64 - 7 years ago
IFourBlunts Who would you sniff cocaine with.
Josh doe
Josh doe - 7 years ago
Dude I came to the comments to say that guy definitely seems likes a guy I'd roll up with and watch some fish tanks with
shlomi harel
shlomi harel - 7 years ago
kai PAXpress
kai PAXpress - 7 years ago
Considering the location it isn't surprising!
no name guy
no name guy - 7 years ago
His reef is amazing!!
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
Him: 30 gallon=nano
Me: 30 gallon=med
I wonder what size is big, besides the crazy enormous 800 gallon, or does he consider those just big and not crazy big?
This guy is obviously out of my league!
kai PAXpress
kai PAXpress - 7 years ago
Think 30gallon can be considered nano or small. Somewhat on the borderline, wouldnt consider a 40g a nano.
Sam B
Sam B - 7 years ago
my first tank was a 5 and current is 10g but Im working on a 40g or I will use the 40 for a sump with a 120g
Vicky B
Vicky B - 7 years ago
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
You're totally right, if you want to get technical about sizing this is a 'mini' reef, but no one really uses that term anymore. But I'd say a 30 gallon tank with 4 to 5 gallons devoted to the AIO back filter is the qualifying limit as a 'nano' tank.
FeedThatReefAddiction - 7 years ago
Chalice heaven!!!
915Mang - 7 years ago
Nice Jake & Mike. Been watching Mikes Vids for a while
Xavier Quintanilla
Xavier Quintanilla - 7 years ago
@6:52 What is he doing to get ride of those flat worms in his tank? I believe they are of the kind that attacks soft coral.....possibly.
Xavier Quintanilla
Xavier Quintanilla - 7 years ago
Elite Reef Denver I had delt with that particular kind once at while Managing the Saltwater section in a Houston FS. There is a particular kind of nudibranch that will eat that kind or even a wrasse I believe. Could be a Six-line wrasse.
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Xavier Quintanilla they've been in there for years. Never tried to get rid of them.
Primo Primo
Primo Primo - 7 years ago
Tank is gorgeous man what type of sand is that
Elite Reef Denver
Elite Reef Denver - 7 years ago
Primo Primo don't remember anymore. Been in there for a long time.
Curt Swearingen
Curt Swearingen - 7 years ago
Hey Mike!!! Awesome tank! (Inwall75 from 3Reef, Mantisfreak).
Joe Camilli
Joe Camilli - 7 years ago
Great to see Mike recognized. Great guy from a great store!
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 7 years ago
Just beautiful..... Nice job..
Brian's Fish Tanks
Brian's Fish Tanks - 7 years ago
Awesome nano!
Non Average- Reefer
Non Average- Reefer - 7 years ago
Very nice dude #EyeCandy
reiko na6ase
reiko na6ase - 7 years ago
I am pretty sure I stopped into their shop last year when I was visiting and it honestly was the sole reason that I decided to try reefkeeping again. Awesome vid!
CUBAN REEFER - 7 years ago
Patty O'Grady
Patty O'Grady - 7 years ago
刘志刚 - 7 years ago
刘志刚 - 7 years ago
Can you put Chinese subtitles ?
Lovebetta - 7 years ago
Rob's Reef
Rob's Reef - 7 years ago
Very Nice!
NW Marine62
NW Marine62 - 7 years ago
Beautiful tank, yet simple. the colors of the corals are crazy
Lito - 7 years ago
love the simple but amazing....so nice
rob sool Aquatics
rob sool Aquatics - 7 years ago
sweeeeeet as candy
Meldium - 7 years ago
Nice Nano. And some people have argued with me that Kant Marine Reef Salt mix isnt good enough for reefs. I've never had a problem with Kent Marine Reef Salt mix for the past 3 years. Believe me I'm sticking with it.
High 5 Mike!
Nice video Jake. keep them vids coming. :)
jay kay
jay kay - 7 years ago
gord oland
gord oland - 7 years ago
Nice tank Mike.

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