Mike's Killer Nano Reef Tank
Reef tank 7 years ago 133,890 views
http://ReefBuilders.com is the source for all your reef aquarium news - the latest on exotic fish, rare corals and hot new aquarium gear. Elite Reef Denver: https://www.youtube.com/user/mikejrice1 Article on Mike's Nano Reef: https://reefbuilders.com/2016/10/14/lps-coral-paradise-aquarium-michael-rice/
10. comment for Mike's Killer Nano Reef Tank
Just kidding, he seems awesome. Great video!
20. comment for Mike's Killer Nano Reef Tank
No of chambers?
What should be the design?
And which products to incorporate in my project like lights, inline heater, UV, skimmer, filter media, overflow box etc.
Please guide .
30. comment for Mike's Killer Nano Reef Tank
I wish I had as much success as you with my nano. I was fighting nutrients the whole time at a certain point. I am getting ready to get back into the hobby now.
50. comment for Mike's Killer Nano Reef Tank
Me: 30 gallon=med
I wonder what size is big, besides the crazy enormous 800 gallon, or does he consider those just big and not crazy big?
This guy is obviously out of my league!
High 5 Mike!
Nice video Jake. keep them vids coming. :)