Most Simple Reef Tank (75 Gallon)
Reef tank 12 years ago 120,029 views
My 75 gallon reef tank. This is a low tech setup. I just have a skimmer and a carbon reactor running, and two powerhead for water circulation. There's no refugium/sump under the tank. No dosing of calc., mag., alk., etc. Only tap water was used.
10. comment for Most Simple Reef Tank (75 Gallon)
20. comment for Most Simple Reef Tank (75 Gallon)
30. comment for Most Simple Reef Tank (75 Gallon)
Don't you need to first mix gallons of tap water then put in aquarium salt in a bin then use a pump to place into your large tank?
or once you first add the salt 2 years ago- that never leaves tank & just weekly water changes with non salt tap water is all thats needed into the future?
50. comment for Most Simple Reef Tank (75 Gallon)
so basically there's no mechanical filtration other than skimmer, and you keep water flowing so live rock and corals can do the biological filter? thats so cool yet simple...
worth two thumbs up!! :)
Having watched the video again, I would be interested to know how much carbonate your tank is losing. My 100g loses about 1 D.K.H per day. And how much T.D.S is in your tap water.
I have 14 fish in my 160g (600litre). I could easily remove the skimmer, and remove 7 fish. My tank would be just fine. There are a few tanks on the net with our a skimmer, but they never have many fish in, or they do not have any difficult to keep corals. If you think you can maintain alkalinity with a 15% weekly water change, and have as many hard corals as there are in this tank, then you clearly don't, understand the hobby. I look forward to seeing your vids, and vids of any previous tanks. I make vids using methods that work every time. When you have a tank is full of live stock, you want to reduce the risk of failure as much as possible. Good luck with your vids.
wanting to start up a 75 reef looking for some tips
I have a 500$ budget, I already have an 80 gallon tank with stand. I have heaters and 2 power heads. What are your recommendation s as far as other things I need to start a nice reef setup? Thanks in advance.
Though, I will say, I'm glad you are having success with tap water in your tank but that takes guts to do a reef with tap water. You must be fortunate enough to live somewhere with high quality tap water that doesn't introduce to much garbage to your tank. Let this be an example to everyone out there that it might be worth testing your tap water before automatically assuming that RO/DI is necessary.
Out of curiosity, do you circulate/age the water or anything of that nature before adding it to the tank? Or do you just take it straight from tap to tank?
Ole video but great looking tank. How did you convert your HOB Skimmer into a Algae Scrubber? Did you just add a bulb and let the algae just grow inside the skimmer, or did you add a grate so that the algae would grow on the grate and it's easier to harvest?
100. comment for Most Simple Reef Tank (75 Gallon)
Ocean Revive Chinese LED's (Evergrow D120 Dimmable Full Spectrum )
So many people say you need a sump, why!!. You and I are living proof you don't.