My 'Zero' Maintenance Reef Tank

Here I feature my Family reef tank which has been engineered for maximum performance and minimal maintenance.

My 'Zero' Maintenance Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 97

Reef tank 8 years ago 193,834 views

Here I feature my Family reef tank which has been engineered for maximum performance and minimal maintenance.

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Most popular comments
for My 'Zero' Maintenance Reef Tank

Seth Williams
Seth Williams - 7 years ago
Rock Shoulder
Rock Shoulder - 7 years ago
One thousandth!
Juan Ramirez
Juan Ramirez - 7 years ago
What tank is that ??
muffemod - 7 years ago
LOL asterina star nutrient export :)
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Damien Brafford
Damien Brafford - 7 years ago
Also for you people hating please do research before commenting I’ve been in this hobby for 12 years and this is a great looking tank to other tanks that are stocked full of crap
Damien Brafford
Damien Brafford - 7 years ago
Honestly if you look at how the ocean works low tide has low flow where high tide at night has a lot of flow but the ocean doesn’t actually flow like you think it really goes back and forth slowly inching towards the shore
Mr. FishAlicious 2u
Mr. FishAlicious 2u - 7 years ago
Alot of comments...mostly haters. Tank looks good bro#keepupTHEGOODwork!
Corey Orr
Corey Orr - 7 years ago
Who puts all that money into equipment for a tank that isn't at your house?!
phoenixamaranth - 7 years ago
Someone that has so many they had to start storing them at other people's houses!
D Fisher
D Fisher - 7 years ago
0 maintenance

10. comment for My 'Zero' Maintenance Reef Tank

altops - 7 years ago
So no dosing?
Reefer - 7 years ago
0 maintenance? This fuckers got to be on some good lsd to believe its "0 maintenance"
John John
John John - 7 years ago
It's a beautiful little tank but I am confused. I thought asterinas were pest starfish who eat corals. How come they don't eat yours?
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
For starters there are many different species of Asterina - the most common being mostly grey, but others have a reddish patch in their center, and others have a blueish coloration. It seems like some 'populations' are triggered to start munching on corals, usually only when the corals are unhealthy or stressed for some reason. But I've never had a problem and for the most part they are welcome in my tanks.
Awesome Hobby Hacks
Awesome Hobby Hacks - 7 years ago
So I believe the "plesiastrea" is actually a Jason Fox and Steve Tyree LE Fire Echinopora Lamellosa. That is if you are referring to the back left frag on the frag rack. Checkout my Instagram @1kylejohnson to see a video I have posted of mine and let me know if that's the same coral
Awesome Hobby Hacks
Awesome Hobby Hacks - 7 years ago
Reef Builders lol
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Yeah my super cool Plesiastrea turned into a super normal Echinopora, it's too bad because it had so much potential, and now it's just a weed.
Larry Barry
Larry Barry - 7 years ago
need some more surface agitation them fish need 02
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
You know I thought so too, and common sense would support that, but these four tiny fish fared very well in this setup.
TattooCraze InkStudio
TattooCraze InkStudio - 7 years ago
Unless that skimmer is self cleaning and that filter socks changes itself then I'm sorry to tell you it's not zero maintenance. Low maintenance is more accurate. ;)
Dante Hammons
Dante Hammons - 7 years ago
I have 180gallon help me make it no maintenance
Tom Mack
Tom Mack - 7 years ago
I am starting a 29 gallon reef tank staring tomorrow , have to make one stop at Menard's I get every thing so it time to do it and love your tank thanks for showing, wish my luck
Tom Mack
Tom Mack - 7 years ago
IAMDOCTORCHILL hey it doing ok I have one clownfish he's doing good eating well but tank getting high temp 84.1 and did get higher and no heater in it . It 70's today
Tom Mack
Tom Mack - 7 years ago
Detox7127 kool it's in 70's here I don't have heater on and my tank temp is 84.1f I have one clownfish in tank now for a week and her is doing very well eat good
InfiniteGus!!! - 7 years ago
Google Reef2Reef, subscribe and introduce your self and your set up. The R2R team will be glad to help you with any questions.
Tom Mack
Tom Mack - 7 years ago
I have extra sea salt water do I bottle it and use later, I have 5 gallons of extra RO/DI water I'll use when I need to top off tank is salinity start to get high
Tom Mack
Tom Mack - 7 years ago
It up and running started at 5:36pm 7/26/17 , I mixed sea salt for 24 hours with air stone and a power head and let it mix with Ro/DI water and it up look good wish I could send picture to you I used Carib sea coral and came with Bio magnet clarifier
ReptilianQueenn0317 - 7 years ago
Tom Mack how's it going almost a week later?
A+ Aquatics
A+ Aquatics - 7 years ago
Interesting system.
The Mighty
The Mighty - 7 years ago
It is IMPRESSIVE!!! Liked the simplicity. You inspired me to restart an empty 30 gallon tank I have in my attic

20. comment for My 'Zero' Maintenance Reef Tank

Andy Rojas
Andy Rojas - 7 years ago
I feel like it does need more flow, the duncans look sad. Turn it up slightly!
mesof - 7 years ago
Seems like a pretty complicated setup. If this is "zero maintenance" then I'm worried about those high maintenance ones, lol. I'm a pre-beginner myself.
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Alright that's IT! Lookout for an upcoming video on my nano reef tank, it's literally as simple as it can possibly be.
Joe Mama
Joe Mama - 7 years ago
That's not low maintenance or simple
Martin Malic
Martin Malic - 7 years ago
Beautiful reef tank
Ronnie Santo
Ronnie Santo - 7 years ago
seal the top and youd barely need an ATO lol
Gb J
Gb J - 7 years ago
Are you dosing any 2 part or kalk on this tank?
Reef Builders
Reef Builders - 7 years ago
Nope, nothing at all, just regular water changes and some acropower
corey simon
corey simon - 7 years ago
I don't understand how he water is oxygenated enough with so little movement.
Damien Brafford
Damien Brafford - 7 years ago
The water is still cycling through the surface area on top of the protein skimmer solve that issue it’s not all about have a lot of flow
Nicholyes - 7 years ago
i think protein skimmers use a lot of air bubbles to clean the water so those help oxygenate the way a blubber would
Richard Don
Richard Don - 7 years ago
I'm very surprised those white fucks haven't killed your coral's beautiful tank and corals
ichisuke ryu
ichisuke ryu - 7 years ago
sure it looks dope, but mannn its kind of dull looking when the wave doesnt move the corals. like theres no movement at all except the fish.
Dillon Vaughan
Dillon Vaughan - 7 years ago
Not exactly zero maintenance...

30. comment for My 'Zero' Maintenance Reef Tank

Porpoise Hork
Porpoise Hork - 7 years ago
With flow that low I am amazed you don't have PH and CO2 buildup issues. I would at least put a little 80GPH micro pump on it and dial it down to 50% with a fan tip for surface agitation. That would add shimmer ( if you like that) and keep C02 levels from spiking during the day.
urbanrat84 - 7 years ago
Absolutely stunning and I love the simplicity of the maintenance and number of gadgets used
MASS Aquariums
MASS Aquariums - 7 years ago
Simply gorgeous
Rockwood42 - 7 years ago
How long have you had the black substrate, And would you use it again?
Daniel Decourt
Daniel Decourt - 7 years ago
Nice tank! How do you add alk/cal?
Anthony Garcia
Anthony Garcia - 7 years ago
Zero maintenance ?
ItsMalek - 7 years ago
How many gallon is that tank
NanoTank - 7 years ago
Great Looking Tank!
robin knott
robin knott - 7 years ago
I wanna set up a nano tank would it be better with  out the sand and put starfish in
Electro Spot
Electro Spot - 7 years ago
@4:00 "serious lack of flow" put those ecotechs to good use! Your lps needs them!
Damien Brafford
Damien Brafford - 7 years ago
Electro Spot no it doesn’t
The Dude
The Dude - 7 years ago
with that army of starfish, they don't graze on your zoas/palys and coralline?
jim carson
jim carson - 7 years ago
You should add a Fan Tail Bleeny a good grazer and does not have to be fed.
James Sparkman
James Sparkman - 7 years ago
That's an amazing tank!
jamaal williams
jamaal williams - 8 years ago
so the low flow dosent effect the oxygen levels during the day, I may try this on my reef
Katherine Venes
Katherine Venes - 8 years ago
david boyd42
david boyd42 - 8 years ago
all that stuff is not needed bro at all waste of a ton of money
Damien Brafford
Damien Brafford - 7 years ago
david boyd42 no it’s not it keeps his hands out of the tank and keeps a steady schedule through the year
Jason Walters
Jason Walters - 8 years ago
What can u advice can u give me about my reef set up been up and running for three half years but different tank other buster out of town wrk got new 30 gallon fusion long I'll send pics I started the hobby in the early 90 but got out of it for many years
ROSIE & HOPI'S DREAM - 8 years ago
really thought you would get into the settings and parameters of each piece of equipment.
SPL - 8 years ago
What's your water change schedule?
John Giaccotto
John Giaccotto - 8 years ago
What size tank is that ?
SPL - 8 years ago
Looks like a 60 cube

50. comment for My 'Zero' Maintenance Reef Tank

Jim Whyte
Jim Whyte - 8 years ago
Awesome setup I like the calm look without flow that's a new aspect. I have a pair of harlequin shrimps that would have a heyday in that thing :-D
Th3Ghost Tig3r
Th3Ghost Tig3r - 8 years ago
Have you the skimmer?
Because I've got a cube aquarium of 7gallon and I'haven't enough space for the skimmer and in future I'm going to put in a lot of corals.
Than the skimmer is obbligatory?
Clyde Macasero
Clyde Macasero - 8 years ago
Sadly, im giving up on this hobby entirely due to occupation reasons. Have neglected my tank for 2 months. Time to let the hobby go after only 6 months.
Clyde Macasero
Clyde Macasero - 8 years ago
Nice tank setup
subasurf - 8 years ago
Not a fan of keeping tangs in such small tanks.
AussieArcade - 7 years ago
+zx45zx do you?
zx45zx - 7 years ago
do you have any clue how many tangs die from idiots in the aquarium world??
the tank of the guy from reef builders is not a bad place to end up for a tang with two clowns lol
for this one tang. like 700 idiots killed the ones they bought
Maria Edwards
Maria Edwards - 7 years ago
Beto, you may have kept tanks for 15 years and can keep a YT in a tank that size when the tang is small and for quite a few years, not disagreing at all. But there are people new to keeping tanks and they may think you can throw three of them in a tank your size without reprocussion with the way your letting on. Also saying your maintenence is near zero at your brothers house with a yellow tang is QUITE a bit misleading. Automated water changes via flipping a switch, a self cleaning skimmer, and functional refugium are a LOT more maintenance free. I notice you didn't go into detail on the maintenance side.
Maria Edwards
Maria Edwards - 7 years ago
Don't worry, he is a flowmaster!
Geoff B
Geoff B - 7 years ago
Beto I promise you, you did not see yellow tangs in the Red Sea.
Gina Wagg
Gina Wagg - 7 years ago
subasurf yeah tangs swim miles in a day and then put in such a small tank I completely agree with you
WeedMadeMeRetarded - 7 years ago
+Beto totally missed my point....certain fish in order to thrive to their fullest potential need more space. Will they live in smaller confined spaces, yes, but it doesnt make it right.
Beto - 7 years ago
I´m not a fish. But you can´t see a difference between a fish and a human I can´t talk to you anymore
WeedMadeMeRetarded - 7 years ago
Beto I'd recommend that you go lock yourself in your bathroom for the next 5-10 years and see how happy you are...
subasurf - 7 years ago
the wu-tang clan aint nothing to fuck with ;)
Scotty Mac 22
Scotty Mac 22 - 7 years ago
tang police showed up quick Lol.
subasurf - 7 years ago
You're wrong Beto. I study fish behaviour for a living. Don't under estimate the cognitive abilities of fish.
Rickyricardo - 7 years ago
I hope this guy is not cruel and moved his yellow tang in at least 90-100g tank
Jordan Stevens
Jordan Stevens - 7 years ago
Dan Oxford this is a joke right?
Dan Oxford
Dan Oxford - 7 years ago
subasurf he was fine in the tank at the dentists on nemo
Paksiw tv
Paksiw tv - 8 years ago
what type of tank is this bro?
Jason Walters
Jason Walters - 8 years ago
what is the green coral is it a leather and how many gallon and who makes that tank
Electro Spot
Electro Spot - 7 years ago
The green coral at the front of the tank I believe you are referring to is a type of Pavona. There are thousands of different types of Pavona. Hard skeleton, very different than a leather. Much more difficult care level when compared to a leather.
wcdeich4 - 8 years ago
What kind of sand is that?
Electro Spot
Electro Spot - 7 years ago
The type of sand he is using looks very similar to CaribSea Arag-Alive Indo-Pacific Black Sand.
KiwiPie - 8 years ago
wcdeich4 its bare but if you're looking for that kind of Sand CaribSea has a speckled black sand
Eyesick Aquariums
Eyesick Aquariums - 8 years ago
like the fact that its a different flow theory here. nice tank
Young Tank
Young Tank - 8 years ago
Amazing tank
Alberto Kahn Sanchez
Alberto Kahn Sanchez - 8 years ago
un acuario precioso... un 10 makina
nanoaquamania - 8 years ago
no activated carbon or gfo? awsm setup
billshreeveable - 8 years ago
Thanks for this video, found it very interesting and helpful. Actually going to be down sizing from a 90 gallon to a Deep Blue 60 cube.
Bay Area Reefs
Bay Area Reefs - 8 years ago
Are them all starfish in the tank ?
Rad Perez
Rad Perez - 8 years ago
Nice and simple....
Bryan Mohney
Bryan Mohney - 8 years ago
what size is the tank and who makes it? Is it a SCA brand?
Quarter Godwin
Quarter Godwin - 8 years ago
Great tank. Lower flow during the day, i'm going to try that with mine. Side note. Great job on your coverage of MACNA for those that didn't get to attended. I really enjoyed those videos.
MileHighReefers - 8 years ago
Very cool Jake! I'd love to see you post video of your NPS tank. I always enjoy your videos.
Cycnoches2012 - 8 years ago
the seastars on the bottom give it a really neat look. love it!
Tank looks amazing!
David Watson
David Watson - 8 years ago
Do you dose the tank?
Andrew Pfeifer
Andrew Pfeifer - 7 years ago
bahah , moron
Plasmo - 7 years ago
+Brayden Cox My guess would be that you're the one who doesn't understand English. I know it's pretty silly, but our language has a dandy little thing called a "homograph" that we can all instinctively tell the meaning of contextually.
Courtney-Jai - 7 years ago
Bayden Cox you know what dose means right, he's asking does he add chemicals
Bayden Cox
Bayden Cox - 7 years ago
do you speak english?
Arrick L
Arrick L - 8 years ago
Really nice simple display. Proof you don't have to have the highest priced equipment or $1000 bounce mushrooms to have an awesome tank.
Mighty Nano Tank
Mighty Nano Tank - 8 years ago
He has really expensive equipment lol.
Arrick L
Arrick L - 8 years ago
what I mean is it is not overdone but most of this equipment is run of the mill nothing special there is definitely more expensive equipment it's not like he has royal exclusive equipment or anything he has a nice setup with equipment anyone can get
PatrolDog - 8 years ago
Arrick L The equipment on the tank is top of the line most expensive in the industry. Not sure what you were looking at.
Rosco's Reef with Scott
Rosco's Reef with Scott - 8 years ago
Gorgeous tank Jake
stealthballer - 8 years ago
That's a super good looking tank. With the coral selection just about anyone could have a tank like that, really nice job.
Mike B
Mike B - 8 years ago
Very interesting idea of lowering the flow during the daytime to get the corals to stretch out so large.

And those green polyped toadstools at the back, man I've never seen them stretch so long like that. Great job Jake.
mtsn - 7 years ago
they're probably stretching to get some food, and it's not that easy for them with reduced flow.
Candy Man
Candy Man - 7 years ago
Mike B

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