My 1500L (400 US Gallon) Mixed Reef Tank

This is the first video i have shot using my Canon 60D, so still very rusty, but am working on getting better. This is my 1500L Reef Tank, which has been custom built into the center of my house. Circulation is thanks to 2x Vortech MP60WES pumps running at 100% on short wave mode, and also a 10,000 LPH RLSS return pump. It is lit entirely by 15 PAR38 LED globes, which draw less than 20w each.

My 1500L (400 US Gallon) Mixed Reef Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 19

Reef tank 12 years ago 142,114 views

This is the first video i have shot using my Canon 60D, so still very rusty, but am working on getting better. This is my 1500L Reef Tank, which has been custom built into the center of my house. Circulation is thanks to 2x Vortech MP60WES pumps running at 100% on short wave mode, and also a 10,000 LPH RLSS return pump. It is lit entirely by 15 PAR38 LED globes, which draw less than 20w each.

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Most popular comments
for My 1500L (400 US Gallon) Mixed Reef Tank

Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 11 years ago
I am running 15 PAR38 full spectrum leds. The extra tank underneath is for dosing liquids. 4x50L sections, so i can make up a whole years worth. Check out my full tour video
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 11 years ago
Be sure to check out my full tour video!!!
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 11 years ago
No its a full house, so no issues.
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 11 years ago
LOL. cos someone was standing there and the fish thought they were getting fed.
Ren-Nicole Emanil
Ren-Nicole Emanil - 11 years ago
I love it..!!
gmoney1961 - 11 years ago
Wow......beautiful tank
A Ride With Sinn
A Ride With Sinn - 11 years ago
So beautiful and I am INCREDIBLY jealous! Amazing job. Seriously, I hope you're enjoying that beauty
jason montano
jason montano - 11 years ago
shechshire - 11 years ago
Is that in an apartment or a house. If it's an apartment, have you had any problems with like supporting structures on the ceiling below you or landlord?

10. comment for My 1500L (400 US Gallon) Mixed Reef Tank

elfpballer6 - 11 years ago
Great tank! why are all the fish on the left though
Pulherst - 11 years ago
Would love to see some updates!
yazeed altall
yazeed altall - 11 years ago
Thank you man
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 11 years ago
Thankyou. So glad you like it
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 11 years ago
I have two Vortech MP60s running at 100% and they push 30,000LPH each,and my return is 10,000LPH
yazeed altall
yazeed altall - 11 years ago
good job what about circulation,how many liter for hour? am planing to make almost the same size 200 60 60 but am still not sure where to drill the pipes on the bake or in the side like you! any help
love2skiutah - 12 years ago
Beautiful tank! Can you tell me the dimensions of your tank? My 400 gallon Lee mar will be installed in 30 days from now
Aaron Clark
Aaron Clark - 12 years ago
Very nice. Ive been saving for a year now to build a custom 500gallon in my basement hopefully looks as good as that
Joseph Murray
Joseph Murray - 12 years ago
Those 60s are moving that water with ease
LifeAfterCollegeVids - 12 years ago
This is my DREAM aquarium!

20. comment for My 1500L (400 US Gallon) Mixed Reef Tank

petemazaran - 12 years ago
is that a quarantine tank on the left of the sump with four sections?
MrWarriorpro - 12 years ago
man you got to make more videos of the tank i love the tank makes me want to build my own big tank lol
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 12 years ago
The tank is entirely glass, 15mm sides, 25mm base. It is 200cm x 80cm x 80cm
MrWarriorpro - 12 years ago
is that glass are acrylic? if so whats length width and hight? if glass whats the thickness?
reddevil258 - 12 years ago
its a piece of living art! What are you running for lights? and what are the containers next to your sump for?
david chudleigh
david chudleigh - 12 years ago
Fabulous (and that is from a straight guy) tank. Brilliant
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 12 years ago
It really depends on the dimensions of the tank. If it wasn't very deep, then you could get away with getting the wider angle lenses available. Feel free to send me an email with the details, and ill do what i can.
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 12 years ago
The total cost is between 12-13 thousand AUD. But that is with no livestock, just the tank, sump, stand, cabinetry, lights, pumps, skimmer, fluid reactors, live rock and sand. Took a while to save, but i used that time to do research and decide on exactly what i wanted. I looked at every tank video and journal i could find, and took notes of what i liked, and what i didn't. Needless to say, years of careful planning when into it all.
chris turner
chris turner - 12 years ago
total rough cost if you dont mind me asking????????
johnVidBozo - 12 years ago
Very cool using what you have available. It's one of the smoothest non-pro videos on Utube. Shaky camera work is one of my pet peeves. I'll have to try your technique.

30. comment for My 1500L (400 US Gallon) Mixed Reef Tank

Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 12 years ago
Wife's choice. wasn't convinced at first, but seems to grow on you, and works well.
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 12 years ago
My Next video will hopefully explain all. Stay Tuned!!!
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 12 years ago
Thanks. LOL you going to laugh, but i don't even own a tripod yet, so to get all the shots, i sat the camera on top of an overturned saucepan, which in turn was on top of a 1.2M step ladder, which was on a towel. i used the towel so i could push the whole thing around without is vibrating to much.
BigBirdErnTHC - 12 years ago
This song has me at full wood
johnVidBozo - 12 years ago
Great tank. Really nice 'dolly shot' starting at 2:45. How did you do that? If that's your camera work when 'rusty', I'm really looking forward to your work all polished up! :)
MrWarriorpro - 12 years ago
you think 3 of these bulbs would do allright on a 40 gallon breeder tank for growing sps corals give me ur advice what ya think
Betta Gene
Betta Gene - 12 years ago
i would love to see what kind of lighting is up there, nice sump system now question what are the extra tanks for on the left of the main sump may i friend you have a beautiful tank god bless
demis veulemans
demis veulemans - 12 years ago
awesome looking tank you have there, keep up the good work :)
Sam Faulkes
Sam Faulkes - 12 years ago
Very nice tank! Love these peninsula builds!
tlalok08 - 12 years ago
This is beautiful!!!! awesome keep up the great work u are doing its amazing!!!!
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 12 years ago
I will do a full tour on my next video, and once i tidy it up a bit :/ This was just a quick video i threw together to play with my camera, and show friends and family the tank they have been hearing me talk about for months.
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 12 years ago
Thankyou I currently have 8 ledtric full spectrum globes, 3 ledtric trupop globes, and 4 ecoxotic globes. I have such a different range because i was trying to decide what would give my the look i was after. I would definitely go for the ledtric globes, so am in the process of changing the ecoxotics over. Also the reason i run so many, is due to something Mr Saltwater tank said once, that he liked thing modular. So now if a globe blows, i dont need to send of my entire lighting system for repair
Nathan Bennett
Nathan Bennett - 12 years ago
Thank you very much mate, i will definitely look into the different modes on the vortechs, and am waiting and deciding on a setup with a profilux controller to make life a little easier.
Luke Bennett
Luke Bennett - 12 years ago
Awesome tank setup!!!! Very healthy fish and coral too!!!
epsyuma - 12 years ago
Very nice setup!
Paul Viles
Paul Viles - 12 years ago
Stunning! Would love to see inside the sump a little better.
EB Jaj
EB Jaj - 12 years ago
Breathtaking you did a really good job on your tank .just saw the post Mr. Saltwater Tank posted on facebook .if i may ask what kinda leds are you running on your tank ?
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV
Mr. Saltwater Tank TV - 12 years ago
check out long pulse mode on the mp60's to setup a gyre flow! You'd get more water velocity through the tank. And...your tank looks great. Very creative aquascaping

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About My 1500L (400 US Gallon) Mixed Reef Tank

The "My 1500L (400 US Gallon) Mixed Reef Tank" video is part of the reef tank, salt water category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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